Hike & Sleep - Strategic concept ENGLISH

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HIKE & SLEEP The strategic concept for a new BRAND for tourism businesses in the outdoor and slow-travel markets





Range of services

Strategic concept



The new BRAND



Brand values



Brand benefits









Service packages

4 · Strategic concept

A concept for specialists in the nature and landscape experience sector / hiking hosts in “European Hiking Villages” Now there is a professional platform especially for the different types of accommodation where particular emphasis is placed upon hiking holidays. This platform includes product development and business-profiling, as well as quality management and modern marketing - and it is maintained by highly skilled experts in hiking tourism.

The focus here is on those legendary landscapes that travellers are searching for, as well as the tales and legends that lie hidden behind them. Who is more knowledgeable in such matters than the hosts and passionate children of nature living and working in the legendary landscapes themselves?

The European Hiking Villages consortium is a unique crossEurope project. It offers a modern way of making hiking tourism commercially competitive, and addresses new target groups in the nature-oriented holiday travel segment.

With this concept we are creating a platform for those hiking businesses that would like to benefit from the myths surrounding their own landscape and that – with guaranteed quality management – wish to attract new groups of guests. This concept offers precisely the exciting experiences and the stimulation of the senses that guests are looking for.

Range of services · 5

Range of services — 3 steps from profiling to profit & success

01 Profiling by means of differentiation — Increased turnover & success from appropriate positioning

02 Product development through quality assurance / certification — Higher levels of guest satisfaction thanks to quality offers & improved experiences

03 Marketing and Communication — New Guest target groups through professional marketing

6 · Strategic concept

The strategic concept for tourism businesses with a special focus on hiking and the experience of nature From profiling to profit – why being part of “HIKE & SLEEP” is worthwhile

Rising costs for marketing and personnel, growing competition from the easier accessibility of distant holiday destinations, emergence in the market of new hotel chains and commercial pressures on pricing – all these are challenges that a private accommodation business can only counter with a unique, authentic and specialised set of offers. Consequently the future lies in profiling and specialising in nature-oriented guests. Especially in rural tourist regions, businesses need to position themselves clearly, in order to be able to survive and generate added value over the long term. A strong BRAND for the outdoor and slow-travel market, along with robust co-operation, is the basis for successful management of businesses. In an era of oversupply, guests are looking for something unique. The repositioning of your business will be part of the emergence of a new, strong BRAND, under the “European Hiking Villages” umbrella. The BRAND identity will make it easier for guests to choose their hosts and will stick in their memory.

Strategic concept · 7

With “HIKE & SLEEP” we are placing at your disposal a business and operational management tool that offers a nice and easy way of helping you to develop, position and differentiate your business.

New holiday-maker target groups with a modern lifestyle

The concept and range of offers is directed at a very specific target group/reference group, with very special requirements, which are far removed from what has generally been on offer in the accommodation area to-date. We can describe these groups as follows: » international travel experience » the “get me out of here” types (the Schöffel advertisement types) » the modern outdoor types, hiking freaks » active individualists travelling on foot » younger, budget-conscious guest target groups » digital nomads » slow-travellers seeking tranquillity, peace and time for themselves

“HIKE & SLEEP“ for all accommodation categories – from hotels to camping sites

For the new slow-travellers the “HIKE & SLEEP” BRAND can work just as well in the luxury segment as for the low-budget sector, and alike in the great outdoors or in proximity to cities. A convincing and credible price-performance ratio is the basis for the new co-operation platform. Consequently the new concept can include the following accommodation categories: » hotels (**, ***, ****) » guesthouses and small guesthouses » lodges and Holiday-On-A-Farm businesses/agro-tourism businesses » camping sites in mountain areas

8 · the new brand

The new “Hike & Sleep” brand — brand fundamentals “HIKE & SLEEP” means ...

In the international tourist market the new BRAND is positioned under the term “HIKE & SLEEP”. It is based on a strong brand foundation with clear brand benefits.

… smaller and family-run accommodation businesses in a legendary landscape, whose owners and managers are characterised by a passion for hiking and exploring nature and the countryside; they stand for slow-travelling combined with indulgence, for a hankering after peace and tranquillity, as well as for making up one’s own mind about planning foot travel and idle hours.

These accommodation businesses offer …

… a trendy living ambience in harmony with nature, with regional design, very personal expert service as well as special regional cuisine.

The “HIKE & SLEEP” establishments aim at …

… a clear positioning in relation to their own legendary landscape, and seek to address a public that is in tune with outdoor living, full of the joys of hiking and fascinated by nature, with the experience of nature and countryside as the focal point of holiday activity. The accommodation is the “base camp” from which nature can be explored and experienced in the legendary landscape.

brand values · 9

Brand values (Mission, vision, values) When trying to find new holiday destinations, the new “HIKE & SLEEP” BRAND’s main considerations are space and place. Within an already well known area (a legendary landscape), previously less familiar places are given precedence; their beauty and strengths are highlighted and the authenticity of the site is dressed up in an exciting tale. A place of dreams and yearning is created, a so-called “ultra local”, where the re-discovery of a lost identity of the original locality is celebrated. The myth of the place, its uniqueness and originality are placed at centre-stage, above and beyond the normal, everyday life of the house or hotel. The individual story is what makes all the difference; it gives top priority to the place’s uniqueness.

10 · brand benefits

Brand benefits for the guest Locations in unique rural landscapes, with access to places of dreams and yearning:

“HIKE & SLEEP” businesses give guests access to unique and varied natural landscapes across Europe, and to their tales and legends of hidden treasures and secret places. They are located right at the centre of things and, with their distinctive ambience and welcoming facilities as meeting places, they are the just the place for nature lovers. Here you will experience some of those mesmerising moments that suddenly remind you of your childhood and of long-forgotten adventure in the great outdoors.

Close to real people – authentic stories:

The hosts have knowledge of the ultimate secrets of their legendary landscapes, and pass on the very best tips to their new explorers. They are the “local heroes”; they know where to find the best and most beautiful spots for exploration, enjoyment, and taking time out. They embody the myths of the landscape and they will recount the stories of the people, their fates and their skilfulness in handicrafts and in the art of preparing regional delicacies.

Small is beautiful, value-for-money & personalised: The accommodation businesses offer great service even for small budgets, because the hosts ensure personalised service at the very best price. The excellent price-performance ratio is certainly one of the strengths of the “HIKE & SLEEP” BRAND.

Positioning · 11

Positioning: discovering legendary landscapes on foot Selection of businesses and quality assurance

→ Special features: » Local food (regional specialities and produce from the region); food from artisan producers and of regional provenance/slow food; food from the immediate environs;

Business criteria

» Room style: a mix of AUTHENTIC (original, genuine, forthright, relaxed, simple, regional) and ECO-DESIGN (natural, genuine, refreshing, reduced, harmonious, comprehensive)

» Beautiful location in a legendary landscape » Expert, personalised holiday advice » Comfortable living space and appropriate facilities » Perfect service in relation to hiking

» For digital nomads: online, free W-Lan

For accommodation establishments in different categories there are also different quality criteria. These are published and made clear to guests as guarantees and assurances.

→ Hiking Business Classification in accordance with the European Hiking Quality Seal for Accommodation - (EHQ) (graded in accommodation categories)

The “HIKE & SLEEP“ BRAND stands for discovering nature and landscape experiences on foot, for budget-concious nature-lovers and individualists

12 · marketing


We will transform your business into a place of dreams and yearning!

In the digital age, marketing and communication require a comprehensive package because the analogue and digital worlds can no longer be kept apart. Customers want to be addressed from all directions, and here story-telling and good content are the cornerstones of modern marketing communication. The “first moment of truth” occurs on the Internet and this is then boosted by evaluations and in comparison portals. Social media and Apps, photo platforms and mouth-to-mouth advertising result in communication marketing, which is increasingly based on dialogues. Transparent information and genuine response to needs of potential guests – in real time – take us down the path from sending materials to that of listening to people.

marketing · 13

Digital marketing Consequently marketing primarily focuses on the use of the Internet and digital media. → The “HIKE & SLEEP” BRAND’s own website, with its integration into subordinate portals » Europas Wanderdoerfer.com » Österreichs Wanderdörfer.at » Wanderhotels.com → Individual websites for accommodation, with standardised contents and tools → Social Media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, ... → Google campaigns (adwords, …) → Online campaigns with story-telling character

Analogue marketing In the analogue area, standard marketing takes place through marketing partnerships with tourist organisations, media and business co-operations. → Experiencing Myths Map (e.g. “111 Must-See Places“) » Direct marketing » Supplements/inserts in a selection of media → Direct contacts at trade-fairs and in accommodation businesses » e.g. Outdoormesse Düsseldorf → Press work and public relations (offline and online) » own press office, digital and analogue → co-operation agreements with the Outdoor Sector and Equipment Partners

A detailed marketing concept with additional services, to be prepared according to available budget.

14 · service packages

This is what we can do for you — the starter packages:

Service package Basic

Experienced hiking-tourism experts from the whole of Austria who have been working in product development and innovative marketing for more than 25 years have given their endorsement to this new marketing concept: → Eckart Mandler, founder of the European Hiking Hotels, Irschen

 Product development, positioning  Quality seal EHQ  Web presentation  Facebook entry  General marketing measures

€ 3.900,- *

Service package Medium

Service package Premium

 Product development, positioning  Quality seal EHQ  Web presentation  Facebook entry  Printed advertising material presentation  General marketing measures

 Product development, positioning  Quality seal EHQ  Web presentation  Facebook entry  Printed advertising material presentation  General marketing measures  Marketing at trade-fairs and with Outdoor Partners

€ 4.900,- *

€ 5.900,- *

→ Sieghard Preis, founder of Austrian Hiking Villages, Villach → Ing. Andreas Kranzmayr, Managing Director of AMW GmbH, Klagenfurt → Jonathan Mandler, Graphic & Design, Graz → Ulrich Andres, software expert, Graz

* Certified businesses will get a bonus of € 500 on the above-mentioned service packages. Package price valid for the first year; annual basic fee for marketing: € 3,900; additional services can be booked separately on request; Contractual commitment period: minimum 3 years; all prices stated without VAT;

A project of AWM GmbH, in co-operation with European Hiking Villages Photos: F.Gerdl, H. Raffalt, G. KÜstl, Shutterstock Graphics: jonathanmandler ¡ graphic & webdesign Concept and text: E. Mandler Translated into English by Christine Wildpanner-Krois, BA(Hons), MLitt.

HIKE & SLEEP Many people yearn for a place where they can linger awhile, far from the hectic pace of everyday life, and where they can delight in the beauty of a legendary landscape on foot. We are all about showing those places to the slow-travellers - and your establishment will be the starting place from which they discover their home along the way. Do join us!

Alpines Wandermanagement GmbH — Unterwollanigerstraße 53 9500 Villach · Austria — www.alpines-wandermanagement.at office@alpines-wandermanagement.at

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