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Großvenediger & Großglockner

Großvenediger, 3.657 m – The world-old Majesty

Mount Großvenediger is Austria’s fourth-highest mountain, and probably the bestknown one next to Großglockner and Wildspitze. Mount Großvenediger can be climbed by everyone if they are being accompanied by a mountain guide, have mastered a few tours to mountain huts and acclimatised themselves. Climbing this mountain is an unforgettable adventure amidst the splendid glaciers of the Hohe Tauern.


Großglockner, 3.798 m – Welcome to the King

Austria’s highest mountain - mentioned as “Glocknerer” in a printed atlas in 1561 - is still an attraction in the entire region and, with more than 5000 summit ascents per year, a popular destination for mountaineers. Around 30 routes (with variations) lead to the Großglockner summit. More than 90% of all ascents take place in the summer months via the normal ascent with the hotspots: Bahnhof, Glocknerleitl, Kleinglockner, Glocknerscharte and Großglockner summit. An ascent try up to the Großglockner peak is strongly recommended accompaning with a certified mountain guide!

Ascent- and route options to the summit of the Großglockner and Großvenediger as well as information on booking mountain guides are available from the local mountain guides‘ information offices. Berg- und Skiführerverein Kals am Großglockner

Tel. +43 664 4161289, info@bergfuehrer-kals.at, www.bergfuehrer-kals.at

Venediger-Bergführer Hoch Tirol

Tel. +43 699 10696544, Tel. +43 680 1452075, venediger-bergfuehrer@aon.at, www.venediger-bergfuehrer.at


9981 Kals a.G., Ködnitz 18 Telefon +43 664 41 61 289 info@bergfuehrer-kals.at www.bergfuehrer-kals.at Sorgfältige und gediegene Ausbildung und langjährige Erfahrung garantieren unvergessliche Bergerlebnisse. Wir sind der ideale Ansprechpartner in unseren heimischen Bergen mit umfangreichen Tourenangebot. Gerne erstellen wir Ihnen ein individuelles Angebot!

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