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BRANDING AND ADVERTISING Gretchen Grage, Audrey Chang, Shayne Bock, Kelsie Schott

of contents

project overview current marketing tactics competitive landscape persona map design objective brand guidelines ad campaign guerilla campaign commercial storyboard

project overview

project overview Teybl is a small startup company that sells unique, modern board games at a discounted price on their website, Teybl.com. The board game retailer is passionate about inspiring new ways of thinking as well as presenting the engaging experiences that it’s board games incite. The brand describes themselves as being a personable and friendly resource for people looking for meaningful social connections through unconventional means. They offer just around 50 board games on their site with competitors including Amazon, Cool Stuff Inc., local game shops, as well as movies, books, and entertainment in general.


The company also has a weekly game night at a local brewery where gamers, and non-gamers, can come to relax, play board games, and meet new people. A Teybl representative is present at the event to teach the individuals how to play their modern board games in a timely manner so that they can enjoy more playing time. The big question here is: why would someone choose Teybl.com to purchase a board game over any other site or store? And so, a team of four designers were brought together to create a media campaign with the ending goal to inform and interest people in modern board games, and more importantly, in Teybl.com.


competitive landscape

competitive landscape Teybl is a unique company that is in the same field as several other popular entertainment companies. In order to compete effectively, it needs to become its own distinct entity. Teybl’s competitors consist of online game retailers like Coolstuff Inc. and Amazon. They also have competitors outside of the board game industry including company that offers some form of entertainment to 20-30 years old. For example, books, movies, video games, etc. are all options of entertainment for people to choose from other than playing a board game. This makes Teybl’s competitors not only board game products, but the use of people’s time as well.



audience & persona map

target audience The target audience for Teybl’s games are young adults ages 20-30 who are beginning their career and earning a living in the real world. At this age, individuals are often dealing with copious amounts of stress due to figuring out their career as well as finding a way to pay their bills. Upon research, it was found that many of the people in this demographic are looking for a release from their stress in a healthy and fun way. They prefer an activity that unplugs them from their busy schedule and the digital scene while also allowing them to interact with their friends, family, and people in general.



brand persona

danny warner “ I want to unplug from life and have fun with my friends, but nothing typical. Shake it up a bit, y’know? ”




BFA Communications


Employed, not currently working in field of study.




Anaheim, CA


Friendly, curious, laid-back, likes trying new things, meeting new people.


biography Danny’s friends consider him a cool person who goes with the flow. He has a close group of friends and is very family-oriented. A perfect night for Danny is hanging out with his friends while enjoying some beer, good food, and playing video games or watching a movie. He’s not super picky about the brands he buys into, but he enjoys good design and appreciates a brand that is down to earth and personal.

He is not an avid board gamer, but has experience with classic board games like Monopoly, Life, and Apples to Apples. He currently lives with friends from college in a small apartment near the Angel’s Stadium–he’s a big fan of baseball. Danny has a younger sister with dyslexia whom he loves hanging out with and makes an effort to see a few times throughout the week.

goals • Start a business with his roommates.

interests • Fantasy Football is his favorite pastime. • Beer - obviously an avid fan, knows all about craft beer. • Gaming - mostly a video gamer (PC, console), enjoys a board game every now and then. • Film - not a cinephile but appreciates underrated movies.

frustrations • Danny wants more options for something fun to do on a Saturday night with friends besides clubbing, seeing a movie, etc. 17

current marketing tactics

Instagram Facebook Twitter Branding

current marketing Teybl’s current marketing consists of a website, Facebook page, Instagram, and Twitter account Each account carries a loose theme/persona of friendliness and approachability with a pervasive orange, black, and white color scheme. Occasionally, a board game joke, quiz, or question is posted throughout each account as a way to engage Teybl’s customer base in a creative and interactive way.


instagram Teybl’s instagram account typically posts candid photos from their Bootlegger events of in-the-moment interactions between participants and the board game they’re playing. Another common Instagram post for Teybl is a graphic with an intriguing caption that sets the viewer up to question one of their board games that in turn encourages conversation. Finally, Teybl’s Instagram has the tone and feel of a personal account, reinforcing the “down to earth” feeling that they brand themselves to.




Teybl’s Facebook account currently posts about their events as well as some of the various games they sell and other board game related posts. Also, all the photos Teybl shares on their Instagram are synced to their Facebook. Teybl receives a lot of costumer feedback on their Facebook as well. However, more review-type comments on Teybl’s Facebook would be a great asset to help garner interest and get people excited about the concept of socializing over board games.



branding The current Teybl brand consists of three colors, a logo, and a general, very minimal aesthetic. Much of the inspiration for the rebranding that the team of four designers came up with for Teybl came from it’s previous color scheme and iconography which can be seen on their current website.



twitter Teybl’s Twitter is very similar to their Instagram, with the exception that most of their events are announced over their Twitter account (events such as a night at bootlegger’s). Besides this, their Twitter account is mostly used to link potential clients to the Teybl website, Facebook, or Instagram.


design objective Teybl.com is a personable and friendly board game retailer that is passionate about inspiring new ways of bringing people together. A team of four designers were given the task to create a comprehensive media campaign for the Teybl brand that resonates with their target audience to take action. The book was assigned to consist of creative research, a target market persona, brand guidelines, an ad campaign, a guerrilla marketing campaign and a broadcast commercial storyboard. Throughout the entirety of the project, the designers kept in mind that a successful brand relies on consistency in both messaging and visual identity that is relevant, memorable and timely. The designers began by researching other companies and products that promote their brand exceptionally well, as well as figuring out who their target audience would be. The target audience was determined to be young adults, ages 20-30, that are just beginning their careers


and earning a living in the real world. The designers understood that people at this age experience copious amounts of stress and seek out a release from their busy lives that is both healthy and fun; preferably one that unplugs them from their busy schedule and the digital scene while helping them to connect with their friends, family, and people in general. The answer? Teybl.com! Teybl brings young adults together by offering a new kind of social outing in the form of face-toface interactions and stimulating games that introduce an alternative to the typical Saturday night. First, the design team decided to focus their efforts on Teybl’s “Teybl Nights,� the weekly event they currently host at Bootleggers Bar in Anaheim, CA. Here, the designers believe that if they

can get participants to have a positive experience, they’ll leave wanting to buy the game to recreate the same experience at their home. Then, those same people might have their own game night with friends where they would teach their friends how to play. Finally, the desire to learn new board games would lead to more attendance at Teybl game nights and the cycle would repeat itself. A media campaign is defined as specific activities designed to promote a product, service or business. It’s a coordinated series of steps that can include promotion of a product through different mediums (television, print, online, etc.) using a variety of different types of advertisements. The campaign doesn’t have to rely solely on advertising, and can also include demonstrations, word of mouth and other interactive techniques. Businesses operating in highly competitive markets often find themselves initiating frequent marketing campaigns and devoting significant resources to generating brand awareness and sales. Marketing campaigns can be designed with different ends in mind, including building a brand image, introducing a new product, and increasing sales of a product already on the market.

With this all being said, the design team decided it would be best to start with defining Teybl’s brand guidelines, while keeping in mind their target audience. To start, they redesigned Teybl’s logo. The original logo had Teybl in all caps under a table shape. The designers decided to move the shape of the table to the side of the word Teybl, add rounded edges to it, and change it’s font to a rounded, sans serif typeface in lowercase lettering. They felt this redesign was a bit more playful and adhered better to Teybl’s brand personality. Next, the team defined Teybl’s typeface to be Arial Rounded MT bold and light, as well as Franklin Gothic book because of their unique and outgoing character. Finally, they kept Teybl’s original color palette, black, white, and a friendly, vibrant orange, and came up with guidelines for the logo’s size and placement. Next, for creating an ad campaign, the designers came up with a magazine advertisement, a billboard, and a social media portion to promote Teybl. To start, for both their magazine ad and billboard, the designers decided to advertise Teybl’s game nights by taking photos of people playing one of Teybl’s games at a table in a bar with beers. When taking the photos, the designers made sure


that people’s interactions with one another was the most prominent detail, the board game was secondary, and the beers were a tertiary element. Next, the tagline “Unplug. Unwind.” is used in the ad which relates back to the design team’s strategy statement which was to introduce people to an alternative Saturday night as an unplug and stress relief. For the magazine ad, the designers chose the magazine Mental Floss to place it in, a magazine targeted for men and women aged 20-40 with the aim to “serve up something that piques one’s interest, entertains one’s eyeballs, and tells a person something they might not have known” (mentalfloss.com). The magazine is 8 3/8” x 10 7/8” and has established itself as a favorite stop for those who love knowledge, facts, trivia and brain food. The designers believed this would be the perfect place to have her Teybl advertisement as the demographics, as well as their brand persona, for both the company and magazine go hand in hand. Following, their media book contains two billboards that are designed to be quickly comprehended with the overall message that Teybl’s games are a fun activity that bring people together in a unique way. Finally, the social media portion of the


campaign includes a post that utilizes Instagram, twitter and Facebook. The idea behind the social media portion is that it shows a post with a picture of one of Teybl’s board games with a blurb saying “Board Game of the Week is… Are You A Werewolf?! Present this post to the bartender at Bootlegger’s Brewery tonight to receive the special “Full Moon” drink at 15% off.” The plan is that each week on the day of Teybl game night, Teybl would pick a new board game from their website to make the “game of the week” that would have a drink at the bar named after it for a discounted price. The person would have to show the bartender the ad to get the discount. Finally, for their Guerrilla campaign the team of designers went above and beyond to create an entire “Teybl-Takeover” experience. This event is somewhat like what Teybl does already with their Bootleggers night, however this would be an entire experience. First, as shown in the media book, Teybl would add a banner under the sit-down bar name hosting the event saying “Teybl takeover” with stickers of some of their icons on the windows. The event would take place in cities all across the country with several Teybl representatives at each one. People would hear about “Teybl

Takeover” nights from the team’s magazine advertisement in Mental Floss (mentioned in the small text in the bottom left of the document), as well as from the billboard by visiting Teybl.com. Next, on the inside at the bar would be a new menu for the night including several specialty drinks named after some of Teybl’s board games, somewhat like the social media campaign. Also, Teybl would have their own pint glasses with their logo on them as a souvenir to go with each drink bought. Then, aside from the bar, those choosing to be seated would notice a sticker at the center of their table saying “stack phones here” and the “unplug. unwind.” tagline in the middle of it relating to the ads of the campaign. The sticker would be placed on the table in this way so that people would put their phones down and focus on the people they’re with, adding to the whole Teybl takeover experience. Finally, each table’s waiter for the night would come to greet them with a platter of board games for them to chose from, resonating with their chosen target audience to take action.

persona, brand guidelines, an ad campaign, a guerrilla campaign and a broadcast commercial storyboard that each promote Teybl’s efforts to inspire new ways of bringing people together. Throughout the process, the designers realized the importance of staying within their brand guidelines and to keep their chosen target audience in mind. In all, the team created a successful media campaign that suggests a fun night out with friends and is perfect for the board game retailer, Teybl.com.

Overall, the design team’s branding and advertising book for Teybl consists of creative research, a target market and


brand guidelines

logo color palette typefaces photography

teybl logo Teybl’s redesigned logo is warm and friendly with a modern edge. It features an approachable design with a color palette and shape that positively stands out to people. The logo is comprised of two parts: the icon and wordmark. The typeface of the wordmark is a modified version of Arial Rounded MT. Shown on the left are 2 corporate lockups. The table icon can stand alone for more graphic designs. The icon paired with the wordmark is more desired to inform the audience of the new startup and used when paired with a business partner or sponsor’s logo. The components have been carefully proportioned and must not be altered or redrawn in any way.



clear space 1x 1x 1x

1x 1x 1x

1x 1x


1x Clear Space is the breathing room for our logo. It prevents the logo from getting crowded by images, text or other graphics. The clear space should always be 1 inch on all sides of the logo. The amount of clear space can be increased whenever possible. The more space given, the greater the impact.


color variations and usage There are five variations of the logo. The color versions are preferred and should be used against a white, black, or orange background, with the logo in its respective reverse colors. The solid black and white logos should only be used for black-ink printing, such as newspaper advertising.

two colors Symbol = C0, M74, Y100, K0 Wordmark = C0, M0, Y0, K100

single color

black & white

Symbol = C0, M74, Y100, K0 Wordmark = C0, M74, Y100, K0

Symbol = C0, M0, Y0, K100 Wordmark = C0, M0, Y0, K100


incorrect use: The Teybl brand is important to maintain in all marketing materials. If used incorrectly, it could potentially send a message that conflicts with the intended brand image. Altering the brand logo or emblem in any way affects the power of the logo and alters its intended message.

what not to do: • • • •

Don’t stretch, distort or alter the icon or wordmark.

• • • • •

Don’t add drop shadows or special effects.

Don’t scale logo components individually. Don’t change logo colors. Don’t reposition logo components. Don’t add outlines or other graphic elements. Don’t use the Teybl icon to create new logos. Don’t use the Teybl icon as a bullet point. Don’t create new logos of any kind.

• Don’t place logo over illustrations, patterns, or busy backgrounds.


Don’t use the teybl icon as a bullet point Don’t use the teybl icon as a bullet point Don’t use the teybl icon as a bullet point

Don’t use the teybl icon as a bullet point Don’t use the teybl icon as a bullet point


color palette When it comes to defining the Teybl brand, color is quintessential. Teybl’s primary colors are orange, white and black. The orange plays to the brand’s friendly and personal vibe that is grounded with the reliability of the monochromatic scheme of black, grays and white. These colors are used on all print pieces, social media, and on the company’s website.

*These colors may be used for type.



C0, M74, Y100, K0 R255, G103, B0 #ff6700



C0, M0, Y0, K100 R0, G0, B0 #000000

C0, M0, Y0, K0 R255, G255, B255 #ffffff


typefaces The typeface should draw readers’ attention and lead them to the most important information, while maintaining a sense of clarity, legibility, and order. Teybl’s primary typeface is the Arial Rounded MT Family, their secondary is ITC Franklin Gothic Family. • Titles and Headers Arial Rounded MT Bold

*this typeface is used in only lowercase

• Small Subheads (use sparingly) Arial Rounded MT Light • Body Text ITC Franklin Gothic Book


Arial Rounded MT Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMN OPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmn opqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

ITC Franklin Gothic Book ABCDEFGHIJKLMN OPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmno pqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

Arial Rounded MT Regular ABCDEFGHIJKLMN OPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmn opqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

ITC Franklin Gothic Book Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMN OPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmno pqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

Arial Rounded MT Light ABCDEFGHIJKLMN OPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmn opqrstuvwxyz 1234567890


photography When possible, Teybl’s imagery should always show people in real environments with warm and inviting colors. Images for Teybl should be engaging, capturing genuine connections between people and real moments. Images of two or more individuals should show natural interaction; they should be shown engaging with each other or with a board game. Teybl’s photography should be candid, energetic, and friendly. When possible, use warm (almost orange) lighting. If needed, a warm filter can be added but in moderation. When situation and lighting permits, a shallow depth of field is preferred. Location shots, whether indoors or outdoors, should use simple compositions, and the surrounding environment should be completely free of distractions.



advertising campaign

magazine ad billboard social media

magazine ad The designers decided to advertise Teybl’s game nights by taking a photo of people playing one of Teybl’s games at a table in a bar with beers. The designers took photos for their magazine ad that show people’s positive interactions with one another as they play a board game. This was the most prominent detail of the image, the board game was secondary, and the beers were a tertiary element. The tagline “Unplug. Unwind.” is used which relates back to the design team’s strategy statement which was to introduce people to an alternative Saturday night as an unplug from technology and stress. The unplug more specifically relates to turning off one’s cell phone, TV, etc. and enjoying the company of all the people around you.


This ad appears in the magazine, Mental Floss. Mental Floss is a magazine targeted for men and women aged 20-40 with the aim to “serve up something that piques one’s interest, entertains one’s eyeballs, and tells a person something they might not have known” (mentalfloss.com). The magazine is 8 3/8” x 10 7/8” and has established itself as a favorite stop for those who love knowledge, facts, trivia and brain food. The designers believed this would be the perfect place to have their Teybl advertisement as the demographics, as well as their brand persona, for both the company and magazine go hand in hand.



billboard Teybl’s billboards are very simple and are designed to be comprehended quickly. Teybl’s first billboard contains the same image and message as the magazine ad on the previous page. The second billboard contains the icons of a group of friends, a plus sign, a board game, an equal sign, and a smiley face with “Teybl.com” in the lower right hand corner. The billboard’s design is very simple and is meant to be comprehended quickly as: friends and board games equal a happy you, see more at teybl.com.


social media Teybl is active on the social media scene with accounts on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to reach their target audience. Utilizing these platforms, the social media campaign interacts with their audience by taking action and giving incentive for people to choose Teybl. For the campaign, on Teybl’s Instagram, Teybl will upload a weekly post called “Board Game of the Week” where every week a new modern board game is introduced the day of Teybl’s weekly game night with a special promotion attached, see pg. 54. In order to be a part of the promotion, one must follow Teybl on Instagram.


board game of the week

Attend Teybl game night at Bootleggers Brewery and learn and play the game of the week.

Every week a new modern board game is introduced the day of the Teybl’s weekly game night.

Like the post, attend the game night, present the post to the bar, and receive a specialty drink at 15% off.


guerilla campaign

teybl takeover

teybl takeover This guerrilla campaign uses the unique premise of Teybl and implements it in a real world setting. At “Teybl Takeover,” bars across the country are selected to be taken over. This event is somewhat like what Teybl currently does with their Bootleggers night, however Teybl Takeover differs in that it’s an entire experience with added extras.




bar For their Guerilla campaign, the team of designers went above and beyond to create an entire “Teybl Takeover” experience. The Teybl Takeover event will take place in major cities all across the country and feature a Teybl representatives at each one. Representatives are present to assist in helping people learn and play the board games in a timely manner. Next, inside at the bar is a new menu for the night including several specialty drinks named after some of Teybl’s board games. Finally, Teybl has their own pint glasses, with their logo on it, that are included as a gift to individuals with each purchase of one of the specialty drinks.


extras Menu, waiter, and Teybl sticker. Aside from drinks at the bar, those choosing to be seated at a table notice a sticker at it’s center reading “stack phones here” and the “unplug. unwind.” tagline in the middle of the sticker relating to the ads of Teybl’s advertising campaign. The sticker is placed on the table in this way so that individuals put their phones down


and focus on the people they’re with, adding to the whole Teybl takeover experience. Finally, each table’s waiter for the night comes to greet them with a platter of board games for them to chose from, playing on the idea that the board game would be the appetizer for their meal.


commercial storyboard


#BYOBG Lastly, for the part of creating a commercial storyboard, the team came up with the slogan “BYOBG” (bring your own board game) to create their story line around. The storyboard shows several seemingly unrelated people in various situations getting texts on their phone that says,


“BYOBG tonight!” The commercial culminates in a house party in which all of the various people get together to play board games. The commercial encourages customers to seek out social situations and use board games in gatherings instead of being absorbed in phones or TV.

Person in a house preparing for a party looks at his clock and brings out his phone.

Close up on phone as he texts: Text tone rings. “BYOBG Tonight!” Background music playing.

Zoom out of the phone and its a different person at the gym. He smiles. Background music playing.

We zoom back in on his and he forwards the text to another person. Text tone rings.

Zoom out and its a different person at work in his office. He smiles. Background music playing.

Text tone rings. Close up of his phone as he forwards the text again. Background music playing.

Zoom out. Another person putting her phone away as she walk up to the house for the party. Background music stops.

Zoom out farther and we see other people arriving the house.

Watching from behind the host’s shoulder as people enter the house, each one has a box in their hands.

A wide shot of the party. Everyone is standing around not doing much and waiting.

A shot of the host bringing something out from behind his back, smiling.

A board game is thrown on the table. Party music starts.


(bring your own board game)

Other people start to bring out their own board games. Party music playing.

People join in on the game, everyone is playing a board game. Cheering sounds. Party music.

#BYOBG comes up followed by subhead (bring your own board game) animated type in. Then followed by the Teybl logo on the bottom of the screen.


18340 Yorba Linda Blvd | Suite 107 #165 | Yorba Linda, CA 92886 Email: team@teybl.com | Website: teybl.com © 2015 Teybl, Inc. · Hand-crafted with <3 in Orange County, CA

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