NU:Life Issue 14

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Issue No.14 2010

FREE to a good home

The official voice of Northumbria Students’ Union

Festive Frolics Your Union, Your University, Your Magazine!!!

NORTHUMBRIA ON THE MARCH! Hot Topic - Illegal Highs! Festive Fun!



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FEATURES Christmas Bar Staff Etiquette 10 Surviving Winter Months 11 Hot topic: Legal Highs 12 - 13 Students Aren’t So Bad! 14

EDITORS WORDS Hey Guys! Welcome to the Christmas edition of nu:life. It has been a manic month since the last and boy is there lots to talk about. Northumbria did go on the March and what an experience that was. Pages 16-17 are full of the madness that happened as well as many photos of the event in our double page Spotted spread! We debate whether legal highs are appropriate or not in our Hot Topic of the month and decide that dark, cold mornings are just not cool in ‘hot or not’. There is something to spark everyone’s Christmassy imagination and if you’re still not feeling festive after that, learn how to build your own gingerbread house on page 30. But for 2010 that’s all from me for this year, I hope you all have an amazing Christmas break and a wonderful New Year. Bring on 2011!!! Merry Christmas Love Holly xxxx SE

GET INVOLVED Your Student Council 15 Northumbria On The March 16 - 17 Page of Praise 18 LIGHT RELIEF Rich’ll Fix It! 19 Spotted 20 - 21 Horoscopes 22 Lauren West Knows Best 23 Voters Writes 25


NSU NEWS Editors Words & Contents 3 Sabb Banter 4 - 5 Union News 6 Oh! What’s Occurring? 7 Christmas Activities 8 Hot or Not 9

STUDENT CULTURE Christmas Traditions 26 - 27 What’s Hot In Fashion 28 Make Your Own Gingerbread House 30 Budget Gift Guide 31 Band Review 32 Gig Goers - Leika & Marina And The Diamonds 32 - 33 Festive Flicks 34 TEAM NORTHUMBRIA Beth Makes Point 35 Brewin Tackle Sporting Challenge 36 - 37 Seconds Best 38 Hoops High For TN Northumbria 39 Contributors Christmas Activities - Alex Shaw Hot or Not - Sarah Lee Christmas Bar Staff Etiquette & Festive Flicks - Callum Gibson Surviving Winter Months & What’s Hot in Fashion - Lauren Vamplew Hot Topic: Legal Highs - Julia Bond Students Aren’t so bad! - Michael Potter Your Student Council - Vincent Kinchley Northumbria on the March - Vincent Kinchley & Kim Williams Horoscopes - Erinn Kerr Lauren West Knows Best - Lauren West Christmas Traditions - Peter Kerr Make your Own Gingerbread House - Amy Dowler Budget Gift Guide - Sarah Lee & Errin Kerr Fresher’s Experiences - Jordan Heath Team Northumbria - Simon Rushworth. Special Thanks to Richard Buckley for nu:life 03 Rich’ll Fix It and to Steven Chester for photos.

NSU NEWS Sabb Banter


BANTER This month the Sabbs have been up to lots of crazy activities. This is where you get to plunge into what they’ve really been doing when you have seen them in and out of meetings, as well as catching up with their best bits from this month, the Demo, and what they hope Santa will be putting in their stocking! To find more about what your Sabbaticals are up to, check out our Sabbatical video blogs at aboutyourunion/sabbaticals/ blogs/?view=Standard they are updated fortnightly. Want to know more about what we’re up to? Just pop up to our offices in Escape on the first floor of the Students’ Union and see us!! Or if you have a question for this page, just email it to holly.seabrook@northumbria. with ‘Sabb questions’ in the subject line.

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Vice - President Communications & Involvement

My role: I am the figurehead of the Students’ Union, representing Northumbria students to the University, the NUS and wider community. I also oversee the motley crew that is the Sabb Team. What’s your best moment of this month? By far the best moment of this month (and my entire Sabb time) has to be leading 200 plus Northumbria students on the Streets of London for the National Demo What differences have you made to the student experience this month? Aside from the national demo, I have introduced our latest Rep scheme, Halls Reps, which see students living in Halls of residences represented for the first time here at Northumbria. On top of this I have begun work towards persuading the University to introduce Electronic Submission and Feedback. Watch this space for more on that in coming editions! What did the national demo mean to you? To me the national demo was the reason I got into student politics, it was about engaging with hundreds of students who ultimately all came together as activists fighting for a common cause. It was a very proud and humbling experience for me to be involved in that, What’s Santa putting in your stocking? A nice big fat cheque to pay off my student debt would be nice. Failing that I’d settle for Fearne Cotton a.white@

My role: Communicating to all you lovely people about what the Union is up to, building the media up by working on this magazine, NU:TV and ensuring that the democracy is run fairly within the SU. What’s your best moment of this month? This month my best moment has to have been seeing the NU:TV programmes make their first appearances on the plasmas in the Union, such a massive team effort finally coming together. What differences have you made to the student experience this month? Entering the Demo video into a national competition and coming second has been a massive success and I know the people involved in it will remember it forever. If you haven’t seen it check it out on You Tube at: SOS Save our Students. What did the national demo mean to you? It was great to see such a mind blowing crowd of students all fighting for the same cause, there was such a buzz and an element of excitement, hopefully we made a difference. What’s Santa putting in your stocking? A professional camera for NU:TV would be amazing, failing that, some warm socks :D holly.seabrook@

NSU NEWS Sabb Banter




Vice - President Academic Affairs

Vice - President Activities & Development

Vice - President Welfare & Equality

My role: As VP Academic Affairs I represent students at the high level boards and committees within the University and help to lead all of the other brilliant student representative roles whether they are Course, School, PGT or PGR Reps as they work to improve your student experience at Northumbria University.

My role: I oversee all the activities that the union has on offer from societies to RAG, to Give It a Go and the Welcome Team, making sure that there is something for all students to get involved in.

My role: VP Welfare and Equality

What’s your best moment of this month? Moving into my new office with Becky Warburton! All of your Sabbatical Officers (the President and Vice-Presidents) are now found on the 1st Floor of the SU in Escape. What differences have you made to the student experience this month? The Education Policy which outlines the SU’s targets, goals and expectations for the next 3 years of academic development at Northumbria is coming on well with great student feedback coming from our Course Rep Survey, Focus Groups and GOAL day. What did the national demo mean to you? What a fantastic day doing our bit to represent Northumbria’s student’s opinions on a national scale. I hope everyone who went had a great day and enjoyed it as much as I did. What’s Santa putting in your stocking? A Satsuma. Every year without fail I get a Satsuma to munch on while I open my other pressies. a.wigley@

What’s your best moment of this month? Having our first RAG collections of the year, it was great to see so many people raising money for charity. What differences have you made to the student experience this month? Alongside the Society Reps, we allocated around £4,000 to societies so that they can provide the great activities and events for their members. What did the national demo mean to you? A great day out to campaign alongside 200 Northumbria students and thousands more from across the country. What’s Santa putting in your stocking? A chance to dance on Strictly Come Dancing, it would make my year! becky.warburton@

What’s your best moment of this month? Getting elected onto the NUS National Executive Committee as Welfare Rep was amazing, nothing compares to the buzz of an election win and I’m excited to take on the national challenge. What differences have you made to the student experience this month? I worked with the Police and University to change the approach they take to anti-social behaviour in the community, finding a solution that benefits everyone and making police more accessible to students. What did the national demo mean to you? It meant standing up to politicians who think students don’t matter and showing we care about the degrees we study and the universities we study at Northumbria did me proud! What’s Santa putting in your stocking? Some lie-in’s hopefully. After a crazy 2010 fighting cuts, increased fees, the EDL, harsh council plans, and all forms of discrimination, a small rest is due before I do it all again in 2011! pete.woodward@

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NSU NEWS Union News


10/11/10 - WE WILL MARCH

If you didn’t know already, on Wednesday the 10th of November Northumbria Students’ Union brought over 200 dedicated students down to London to campaign on funding for education.


On Monday the 25th of October your Students’ Union had its official Grand opening, attended by the most senior members of University staff and showcasing our brand new union. It was a great evening for all involved and a sense of completion fell over everyone here at the Students’ Union. The attendees, some who had travelled a long way to attend, were very impressed with the building which we are all lucky to have at the heart of our campus. Along with our President and The Vice Chancellor, The Chancellor of the University, Lord Stevens (for those of you that don’t know he is the guy who shakes your hand when you graduate) came along and gave an inspirational speech to end the evening’s proceedings, with the highlight being him publicly throwing his support behind our campaign for fairer funding for Higher Education. He also stated that he will do all he can in the House Of Lords to ensure university is accessible to everyone, not just the few who can pay.

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These students sat for over ten hours on a bus travelling there and back but that didn’t faze them, they were still active and energetic, fighting for future students rights to a fairer education system that doesn’t penalise you on whether you can afford your education or not. It was a fantastic day and an experience of a lifetime for all the students involved. As they say, you haven’t had a real student experience until you have been on a national demonstration.

SAVE OUR STUDENTS! Prior to the demo, the NU:TV Production Team entered a video into a national competition. The theme of the video being ‘The True Cost of Learning’. Coming a very worthy second place we are very pleased with the outcome and were praised for our creativity. With over 4000 hits on you tube it is NU:TV’s biggest video to date and has caused much debate within the NUS and NASTA! We also came second in the NUS’s national competition which is a great achievement for NU:TV and has defiantly put it on the map as a quality and creative Student Union TV station. So a massive well done to everyone at NU:TV for such an accomplishment. It looks set to be a good year. If you haven’t checked it out see it at: latestvideos/saveourstudent

Oh! WHAT’S OCCURRING? NUS Conference Elections It’s that time of year when you start to see posters popping up with funny slogans asking for your vote. But it really is a serious matter. The people that you elect will represent Northumbria as a whole at NUS’s National Conference in April 2011, voting for our views and voting for what we want NUS to do for us. So make sure your voice is heard and elect the people you trust will do right by the students here at Northumbria.

Voting days: 30th November 9am - 2nd December 5pm Just click the ‘vote now’ tab on your desktop at any campus computer.

Exam Buster Many of you will be taking exams now, and what a pain, when all you want to do is get festive and merry. Don’t worry, just take your time, prepare and leave plenty of time for revision. But remember everyone needs some social time, the brain shuts down if it can’t relax, so get a good sleep the night before and remember to eat properly, everyone knows that ‘Healthy Body = Healthy Mind = Healthy Grades’

Festive Fling Once those awful exams are over, there’s nothing better than letting your hair down and partying the day and night away at our Festive Fling. Every year the Festive Fling is a day not to be missed, with our President dressed as Santa, and Domain turning into a festive wonderland; it’s a great way to round off your first semester. So grab your flatmates, course mates, work mates, and anyone else that wants to come and get yourself down to the Welcome Desk and buy your ticket now! Each year we sell out fast and this year is set to be bigger and better then every before! Don’t miss out. Be there!

Northumbria Paintball Society New to 2010, and going from strength to strength, the society holds paintball events once a month and is open to anyone, whether competitive or recreational, experienced or not, and the cost is subsidised by NPS. There will also be a chance for the eager to take part in competitive games against other universities. The society’s first event in November has been a great success with over 30 people attending, and this is set to be followed by the December trip. Keep an eye out for the event! People who are interested please contact:

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NSU NEWS Christmas Activities


4th,5th, 6th,11th,12th of December,- He’s arriving at Dalton Park and at £4 you might be able to get a present for the family this Christmas. We all think that we’re too old for Santa now that we’re at University. It’s worth going down there to have a look, and you might even be given a tin of baked beans by Santa, something we all need when we’re out of food.


14th November- February 2011 - a perennial favourite. At just £6.25 for the whole day its one day for you and your flatmates to enjoy and to show off your impressive ice skating skills.


From 2.30pm onwards, Grey’s Monument will play host to music and carnival dancers. At 5.15pm the parade will leave the Monument and make its way up to Northumberland Street before the fireworks display and the Civic Centre (6pm). Newcastle’s ice queen is back and putting on a display for everybody in Newcastle to enjoy! Come down for a free and entertaining carnival, where you can have a few drinks with your mates, enjoy a spectacular display and as well as count down to the New Year!

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Get a few mates and go around the halls singing all your favourite carols. It may sound like a bad idea at the start, but once you get the drinks flowing you’ll be slurring your words to your favourite songs.


Starts 12pm on the 2nd of December- It sounds crazy I know but Tinsel and Bauble day is a great way to get in the festive spirit. Sew some baubles to your waist and wrap some tinsel round your neck and liven up the atmosphere round Northumbria University.


The messy way to have fun this Christmas. Line your hallway with bin bags and mix some washing up powder, washing up liquid, anything you can find in your flat and send us pictures of the carnage to with ‘chrimbo carnage’ in the subject line.

NSU NEWS Hot! or Not!


THE FENWICK’S CHRISTMAS WINDOW: Nothing says Christmas in Newcastle like the Fenwick’s Christmas window display. It instantly makes you feel Christmassy and mesmerised every time you walk past. Any ideas what it’s going to be this year? Answers on a gingerbread. WINTER WARMERS: As much as we all hate the cold weather, it’s a good excuse to drink hot chocolate, stay in bed that little bit longer and make like Joey from Friends and wear many, many layers. TIS THE SEASON TO BE JOLLY: As well as every other holiday it’s an excuse to eat too much, drink a considerable amount and get dressed up in your finest clothes. What’s not to like? Oh and throw in some presents too! EPIC MOVIE RELEASES: With Harry Potter, Tron and Narnia being released this winter, it looks like we’re going to be spending a lot of our free time in the cinema. See page 33 for our reviews!

DARK, COLD MORNINGS: Getting up for a 9am lecture was hard enough without having frost on your window and it still being night time outside. LOOMING EXAMS AND DEADLINES: Christmas isn’t all fun and games for us university students! First of all we have to have many cramming sessions and all-nighters to cope with before we can join in with the Christmas festivities. LIFE PLANNING PROSPECTS: Fellow third years, is it me or has our university life flashed before our eyes? We are now expected to plan out the rest of our lives in a matter of months before we are released into the real world. I’ll stick with planning next week for now. NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS:


As much as we promise to stick to them it’s very rare that we actually do! Can we promise to do something fun this year like ‘I promise to eat more chocolate?’ That’s something I’d gladly stick to!

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FEATURES Christmas Bar Staff Etiquette Here’s some tips on how to make the money-fordrinks transactions flow as smoothly as possible. You never know, you might even raise a smile. 1. The first one’s easy, Please and Thank-you. Unlike most things nowadays, that stuff’s still free, so dish it out.


An Englishman, an Irishman, and a Scotsman walk into a bar. The barman frowns and growls, “Irish, if you want Guinness then let me know now before I serve the rest. Scottish, if you’re going to pay in your native currency then expect me to glare at you whilst I check that it’s real. And English, it doesn’t matter if you’re with these guys or not, if you don’t stand at the bar with everyone else then I’m not going to serve you next.” Barmen are a notoriously miserable breed of people, and I should know, I’m possibly the most miserable. Directing our nasty, abrupt, crap-moodedness at you - our paying customers - is sometimes the only thing that gets us past the late hours of the night and through the early hours of the morning. In short, it’s the easiest way to deal with the fact that everyone else is having fun while we’re at work.

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2. Don’t scream to be served, it’s not going to make a difference. If they’re any good at their jobs, they’ll already know that you’re there. 3. If you do scream to be served, be sure to have some idea of what you want. Expect nothing if you flag up someone’s attention only to turn around and start discussing with your pals what you should actually get. 4. Assume that everything you buy is going to cost money. There’s no shame in having money in your hand when the server has returned with your drinks. It saves rooting around in your bag/pockets for half an hour when there are a hundred other people waiting to be served. 5. Don’t order drinks one at a time. If you’ve been hoodwinked into buying a round, reel them off when asked. There’s nothing worse than doing laps up and down the bar to the same fridge to get six things that are mere shelves away from each other. 6. Free-shots. No matter which wrist-band, flyer, or printed-off email you’re in possession of, you’re always going to have to buy a drink to collect it. 7. Free-shots pt.2. If you have a wrist band, flash it once. Don’t stick your mitt in the dudes face as he’s trying to get your order - you may just win the Tabasco special. And if all of the above doesn’t work? Well, some people are just miserable. I wouldn’t worry about it, after all you’re the one having fun while that poor shmuck’s at work.

Merry Christmas... don’t get too drunk.

FEATURES Surviving Winter Months

Surviving winter months

Unless you’ve been stranded on a desert island somewhere (which would absolutely be my first choice destination right now providing it was hot) you’ll have probably realised that the weather is getting colder by the minute. Yes that’s right the great British weather has arrived. As holidays, bikinis and BBQs go away with the sun, in comes our favourite thermal socks with the cold weather. Even though that may leave you feeling a little depressed inside, never fear; there are plenty of things we can look forward to in order to brighten up the dull weather. The icy conditions are a great excuse for a new wardrobe, so if a trip to the shops in the freezing cold is too much to bear, our student loan should fund a good online shopping session - guilt free of course as woolly gloves and knitted scarves are a basic human essential. You’ve probably already found yourself on numerous occasions wrapped up in a giant blanket, watching Hollyoaks with a mug of hot chocolate, and why not? The winter brings us many cosy nights in when doing absolutely nothing is completely acceptable- although deep down you know you should really start that monster essay. Speaking of coursework, with the mad rush to get deadlines out of the way, staying in from the bitter cold is the perfect time to get that dreaded piece of work done. An ideal reward for being a good student; treating yourself to a new pair of Ugg’s- or as your bank account may tell you ‘Primark’s finest.’ That being said, film nights in with the flatmates are essential on a low budget. Movie marathons are a great alternative if you can’t face a night out in the windy conditions. Also having quality winter TV goes in our favour too - The X Factor, say no more. Now, we all know what the winter is well-known for; snow. There’s nothing better than sliding 5ft and ending up on the floor in front of the entire university to wake you up on a morning. On a brighter note, we all love snowball fights, getting wrapped up and having drunken nights in the snow. Perhaps the most famous of them all; Christmas. If festive shopping and decorating the flat with fairy lights doesn’t get rid of the winter blues, nothing will. You know you’ll end up keeping some of the presents for yourself anyway. You can always smile through the chattering of teeth with someone else’s boots on.

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FEATURES Hot Topic: Legal Highs

LEGAL HIGHS: SHOULD THEY BE BANNED??? Legal Highs, a controversial yet pertinent issue in our society today. Created out of herbal or chemical compounds to synthesise the effects of normal illegal drugs, but sometimes at far less cost. Tempting? But what are the real issues at stake? Are they safe? Should we be able to buy these drugs over the counter quite easily? Should they remain legalised? We put it to you, our students, to battle it out. Are Legal Highs just a cheap, quick alternative to drink to secure an unforgettable night out? Or are they the just path way to ‘harder’ drugs and are they really safe?

AGAINST BAN ‘EM The cheapest Legal Highs around will set you back around about £5 and simulate a similar effect to cannabis or ecstasy, depending on which one you buy. Legal Highs have a similar chemical makeup to the illegal ones and can be altered easily allowing hundred of different products to be created similar to the initial strain. They generally include herbal and plant products as well as synthetic chemical compounds and gases. Some of the synthetic strains are commonly found in plant fertilizers, the ones marked poisonous, now maybe it’s just me, but taking something marked poisonous or ‘NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION’ in big red letters seems a little bit odd. Legal highs can be easily acquired over the internet and in shops; due to this easy access can we presume they’re safe? The manufacture and sale of Legal Highs is neither regulated nor standardised, meaning that they are not tested or investigated, this presenting these questions; • • •

What strength will it be? What’s actually in it? And what is it actually doing to you?!

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The answers • The drugs can be any strength as there’s nothing to monitor how much or how little is put into each Legal High • Anything really, there are such a wide range of herbal drugs and synthetic compounds which can be mixed in almost any way to create new and ‘exciting’ drugs • The worrying fact is the production new types of legal highs is so rapid that the side effects could be anything. They could be very severe such as poisoning, fits, provoking mental issues such as schizophrenia or paranoia and in the worst cases death (if you recall the recent Mephadrone deaths of 2010 summer leading to it being banned.) I don’t know about you, but I’d rather spend £5 on buying two trebles in the Toon and that setting me up for the night (sorry, light weight) and still having change for chips! I think Legal Highs are far too new, risky and easily manipulated to the stage that you have no idea what’s going into your body or what its effect might be. I’d rather have a stonking hangover from one too many trebles than have a fit, being carted off to hospital in a straight jacket or possibly dying, just to get this elusive Legal High. Jay Bea

FEATURES Hot Topic: Legal Highs

problems and health problems that other sorts of drugs do. Is the treatment for the abuse of alcohol or cigarettes not so much a waste of NHS money as dealing with any problems connected with drugs? These stimulants are all chosen by the individual to achieve their desired affect and From my perspective Legal Highs offer the same if Legal Highs are banned should we not ban all high as the illegal products, but generally safer and other stimulants? cheaper. So why ban them? It seems ludicrous to me that they should be banned as they benefit us Perhaps to prevent concern and banning, Legal by helping to prevent people taking illegal drugs Highs should be treated with the same regard through reduced demand. as other stimulants such as alcohol or tobacco


There are lots of concerns about the side effects of Legal Highs both physically and mentally upon the individual. But, can it not be said that there are negative side effects with any medication, pill, alcohol, coffee or stimulant that we take? Even Paracetamol and Aspirin carry warnings! Seemingly harmless drugs which can have horrific consequences when abused. Legal Highs should be respected like normal stimulants or medication and taken in moderation to prevent apparent catastrophe. Generally it’s excess, the abuse of drugs or addiction that leads to serious problems associated with Legal Highs.

and should only be sold with valid ID, for over 18’s only? Or perhaps be sold in places where children or vulnerable members of society can easily avoid contact with it? An overall ban of Legal Highs is near impossible due to the easily adaptable chemical makeup of the drug. Perhaps changing the way Legal High’s are perceived in the public eye possibly through education would help promote a better attitude towards Legal Highs by avoiding excess or abuse of them. Kath Pond

That they want to ban Legal Highs can be seen to be, to an extent, hypocritical I feel. Other stimulants such as alcohol, caffeine and nicotine are readily available and all create similar social

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FEATURES Students Aren’t So Bad!


aren’t so bad! Is there more to being a student than just chundering everywhere?

We’ve all been made to do that ice-breaker where we have to draw a picture of a typical student - and it’s always the same, an unwashed, drunk layabout that will occasionally rock up to uni if it is not too much of a major inconvenience for them. I intend to review some of society’s prejudices and hope to hope to melt the ice on this prehistoric stereotype. Urban Dictionary defines being as student as: “Usually a young person between 18 and 21 who is supposed to attend university at some point or another.” Student life for many might entail being bone idle, eating kebabs, stealing traffic cones and getting “totally wrecked!” As much as I hate the stereotype, I’m an honest person and at least all of these events occurred within my first few days of Fresher’s week. But that’s Freshers for you, after we blew off the initial steam after arriving at Northumbria, I’m sure very few of us have been a public menace since... Our students clearly care about the University as a whole and the amount of uni hoodies seen on an average trip is testament to the pride of Northumbria, as well as a useful investment to avoid excessive heating bills, as students are notoriously cheap. If we all saw uni simply as a 3 year party, would students really feel the need to get involved in academic issues such as anonymous marking or 24 hour library services, which are now achievements on behalf of brilliant student campaigns in the past. Let’s not forget about the National Demo! There’s a huge difference in having “Poly Pride” and behaving like an absolute dick although this is often not fully understood such as last year when Councillor Ron Armstrong attempted to reduce the amount of student accommodation available in Jesmond, linking students to anti-social behaviour.

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This all kicked off last year causing outrage to the student community upon Armstrong’s suggestion to relocate students to more socially deprived areas and rightfully so the students were completely within their rights to be outraged as snobbery was trying to dictate where we live. Walking around Newcastle, it’s clear to see that it is one of the biggest student cities in the UK, and as you work your way out of the City Centre, it is clear that this has been capitalised upon with growing amount of bars and student shops, making students a key demographic within the area, boosting trade and the economy. The fact that high street shops offer such great discounts for the student market is clearly because we are a main audience for them. Thank you, student finance. From the students that I’ve been lucky enough to meet at Northumbria, I’d say we’re a friendly helpful bunch and hardly the motley crew that society and the media make us out to be...

Walking around Newcastle, it’s clear to see that it is one of the biggest student cities in the UK,

GET INVOLVED Your Student Council

YOUR STUDENT COUNCIL For a while now, Student Council has been one of the Union’s better kept secrets. For those unaware, the Student Council is the main way for us, as students, to have our say in how the Students’ Union operates. There are 30 members of Student Council who act as representatives for the various interest groups within the student community; these include the Sabbatical Officers, School Representatives, International Student Representatives, a Black and Ethnic Minority Students Representative, the Chair of the Coach Lane Forum, an Environmental Representative and five Lay Student Councillors amongst many others. For a comprehensive list of every representative and details on how to contact them, do not hesitate to visit: aboutyourunion/council/who/?view=Standard The Council meets once every month, with its first meeting having been held on the 20th October. If you have any concerns or ideas about how things could be improved around the Students’ Union these meetings are your chance to voice them. Any student can propose an idea and affect real change within the Union; all you require are the signatures of 50 fellow Northumbria Students! Student Council is an amazing platform, one from which YOU can mould the Students’ Union and make it act how YOU would like it to on any issue of concern.

Some past examples of major policy changes enacted by students through Council include the “No Platform” policy against right wing political groups demonstrating on campus as well as the ban on military recruitment on campus, proving it is possible to make massive changes to the Union and how it’s run. If you wish to get involved or simply observe proceedings the future dates for Council are as follows: November 17th 2010 December 15th 2010 February 2nd 2011 March 2nd 2011 April 6th 2011 May 4th 2011

5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm

Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage

2 2 2 2 2 2

For more information, you can visit the Students Union’s webpage about Student Council at: http://mynsu.northumbria. Alternatively, do not hesitate to drop us an email at: Hope to see you there!

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GET INVOLVED Northumbria On The March


on the March 10/11/10 or: How I Learned to Stop Burning Things and Take Politics Seriously. Friends, Students, Countrymen, lend me your ears; the National Demonstration has passed but it must be made clear that our cause still remains! We, as students nationwide, should all be proud of ourselves and what we stood for on the 10th. However, we, as students of Northumbria, have even more reason to be proud ourselves. Not only was an unbelievable amount of effort put in throughout the weeks leading up to the march, but we used our heads on the day and made sure all that effort was not wasted by engaging in any of the puerile behaviour that has almost managed to overshadow and taint the message we as a demographic have worked so hard to convey.

We vehemently disagree with the idea that any student should be made to pay up to £9,000 for a year’s tuition...

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On that note, let us remind ourselves, what it is we’re standing for. We vehemently disagree with the idea that any student should be made to pay up to £9,000 for a year’s tuition, add to this that funding for Universities is to be cut by 80% (with some schools losing up to 97% of their funding)why would anyone agree to pay more for less? These are the issues we care about, it’s not about Party Politics, we’d push this cause if it was brought about under a Labour, a Liberal or even a Monster Raving Loony government, because education is a right, it’s not because we’re being opportunistic and it’s not because we don’t like the colour blue. In my opinion, anyone who argues otherwise only further serves to undermine the weight of the issue, an issue that means a great deal to a large amount of people. Clarifications aside, there is still a great deal that can be done and with enough time to do it in. The policy changes have not been voted on yet and that is why we ALL need to work now, as hard as we can, to make sure every MP understands that we are taking the issue seriously. We’re their ticket back in to the hot seat come 2015 and if they’re not willing to help us, we’ll put the cross next to the name of someone else who is. Because that’s how democracy works - no fire extinguisher required.

GET INVOLVED Northumbria On The March

‘You’ve never been a student until you’ve been on a demo,’ states Adam White

As you may be aware, our peaceful demonstration is receiving some bad publicity after a small minority took to the Conservative HQ and things turned rather ugly. I must add that none of our lovely bunch was involved with this, and our experience proved to be much more pleasant, even though it began at 3am (grim!) Countless students appeared outside of the Students’ Union, pyjamas on and pillows in hand. Some were still wiping sleep from their eyes and others were finishing off a can - either way, spirits were high and we were ready to go! I wont bore you with the ‘I spys’ and the ‘I have nevers’ of the coach trip, and instead pretend that the journey wasn’t at all painfully long! Arriving in London, the streets were already showing signs of unity. Brightly coloured shirts displaying the unmistakable ‘Demolition 2010’ rushed past us proudly holding up their banners; everybody seemed enthused and determined. As we walked towards the sea of demonstrators, a wave of energy both hit us and greeted us; we had entered an atmosphere which can only be described as electric! It didn’t take long before we joined in with the songs, some we already knew, others we picked up along the way, the distinctive ‘when I say cut back, you say...’ began, to which Northumbria fiercely replied ‘fight back!’ We were joined by a peculiar looking guy wearing just a red rag to cover his manhood,

he was being dragged along (voluntarily) on a plank of wood - I’m guessing it was some overt metaphor for students being impoverished! To our right, a huge vulture floated high above the crowd, hungry for the carcass of the soon to be slaughtered inclusive education. Placard after banner popped up; my favourite simply read ‘angry sign’, (genius I think) and with these we marched together with the likes of the world renowned Italia Conti, Liverpool and Edinburgh. Practically every university in the country had somebody there to represent them and in the middle of it, there was the Poly, layering the streets of London, every bit as important and as inspired to be the voice which speaks out for the future and shows the entire country that education is a right, NOT A PRIVILEGE.

‘when I say cut back, you say...’ began, to which Northumbria fiercely replied ‘fight back!’

Brightly coloured shirts displaying the unmistakable ‘Demolition 2010’ rushed past us proudly holding up their banners;

nu:life 17


LYDIA BURNSIDE-HUGHES Lydia is a Volunteer Northumbria (VN) Ambassador for Volunteering with Older People, she is Project Leader for the Tea Dance project (which offers older people in the local community fantastic opportunities to socialise (and dance!) with other people of a similar age and our lovely student


volunteers) and she also volunteers for as many other projects as she can - On Sat (the 30th) she helped fellow VN Ambassador Stacy Hoare with the CSV Make a Difference Day mural in Newcastle City Centre. Lydia is a wonderful volunteer - she’s very dedicated to her own projects, but also always finds time help other Project Leaders and Ambassadors whenever she can! Also, a Massive shout out for Kristi Lennon and Adam Carruthers who have both won Regional V Awards for their amazing Volunteer Northumbria Projects!

THE 200+ STUDENTS THAT SPENT 12 HOURS ON A COACH! A huge thank you and well done goes to every single student that attended the demo in London on the 10th November,


it was amazing to

Beth is the PGR School Rep for Life

see such a massive

Sciences, has taken the lead in

group of us all united

setting up a mentoring scheme for new research students in her School. Thanks to her tenacity, new arrivals gain a helping hand in overcoming initial research nerves and locating the photocopier, while experienced students benefit from the volunteering experience.

18 nu:life

and fighting for the same outcome. It will be remembered in years to come as one of the best days for us as Northumbria students. Giving up that length of time to sit on a bus to then walk in the freezing cold for an hour then get back on the bus is amazing dedication and for that you are all thanked, let’s hope now that we made a difference!

LIGHT RELIEF Rich’ll Fix It!

te!or ll! I x g a

i s Lairx um F l lem F

’lProb h can h ic ic Ric

RAcadelml, Our a Sm

Dear Rich,

Dear Rich,

One of my close friends on my course has

I’ve been focusing on an essay for one

confided in me that she’s been suffering from

module and have fallen behind with my

panic attacks. She’s quite a strong character

work for another - we have to do surveys

and doesn’t really want to tell any of our

and interviews with people to gather

lecturers in case they think she’s too weak

original data. If I just make up some of the

to handle university. I’m worried for her

references and questionnaire results, is there

studies and I think her situation should be

any way my lecturers will find out? It’s not

recognised - if she does badly, will she get a

actual plagiarism so it won’t come up on

chance to repeat?




Dear Mohammad,

Dear Gavin,

I’m sorry to hear about your friend’s situation,

Making things up is still Academic Misconduct

but you’re right - her situation should be taken

- in the Assessment Regulations, it’s called

into account in assessments. Unfortunately, it

Falsification. So yes, it’s not Plagiarism, but

won’t be, unless she tells the University what’s

Falsification is just as serious. The markers

happening. She needs to submit a PEC (Personal

won’t check every bit of data, but they’ve seen

Extenuating Circumstances) form along with

every trick in the book and will investigate if they

relevant evidence by the due date (published by

suspect foul play. Making up references? The

your School - look out for posters and/or an e-mail

markers are subject experts, so if they see texts

from the School to all students before assignments

name-checked that they’ve never heard of, they’ll

are due, or check with the School Office). If she

get suspicious. If you’re caught out, you’ll get a

doesn’t, she could appeal after results, but only if

formal written warning and a flat mark of 0 (or

she can provide a ‘good and valid reason’ for not

at best, a capped Pass mark). We can represent

submitting a PEC at the time - not an easy thing to

you if you’re called in to explain your work, but

prove. The best thing you can do for her is make

we can’t guarantee to get you off. If you’re

her get her PEC in on time!

struggling, speak to your Guidance Tutor - but


don’t cut corners. The penalties are just too great. Rich.

If you’ve got a problem that Rich can fix, just email him at with ‘rich’ll fix it‘ in the subject line and he’ll get back to you personally.

nu:life 19


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(Nov23-Dec21) Take a moment to rethink the issues that you’re having at the minute, the likelihood is that the problem you’re having is just as much your fault as the person you’re blaming. Try to talk it out because the whole thing has happened because of a break down in communications. As far as your love life goes Sagittarius, you’re in for a good year, if you are single a reconnection with an ex is temporary but hot!

TAURUS (Apr21-May21) Oh dear, we all know that Taurus hasn’t been having a great time of late, mainly because you’ve been making sure we know. But things are going to change very soon for you Taurus and you’ll be playing agony aunt for others. GEMINI (May22-June22) A recent confession has left your life a bit upside down, but you did the right thing. It’s time for everyone else to realise that too. Make sure everyone knows that you’ve moved on and they will have to as well. CANCER (June23-July23) You need to join the rest of your friends and family in the world of grownups Cancer and confront issues that you would otherwise ignore. The stars show good times coming your way as long as you do this.

CAPRICORN (Dec22-Jan21) Capricorns hate to be made a fool of, and right now it seems that someone is trying to do that to you. Do whatever you can to go over their head and sort this situation out.

LEO (July24-Aug23) Luck with cash shows you could be making a tidy sum this month Leo, if there was ever a time to invest or if you were looking for a sign, this is it!!

AQUARIUS (Jan 21-feb19) Generous Aquarians can expect to reap the benefits of their kindness over Christmas. Enjoy it, you deserve it!

VIRGO (Aug24-Sep23) Your love life has been on the tip of everyone’s tongue this month Virgo. Just be wary, not everyone wishes you well and it’s up to you to know who!

PISCES (Feb20-Mar20) If you are still spending your time worrying about that person (you know who I mean!) remember that you’ve done all you can and that they will have to realise it’s time to change by themselves. ARIES (Mar21-Apr20) Your mood has been somewhat unpredictable lately and others have noticed it, how couldn’t they have?? Try to help others understand that it isn’t their fault that you have been acting this way. 22 nu:life

LIBRA (Sep24-Oct23) You are thinking about giving up Libra, that is the last thing you should be considering, you have done so well up to this point and the end is near. Try to stop lingering in the past and concentrate on the life changes you are making now. SCORPIO Oct24-Nov22) love issues can always rear their ugly head again, but the main thing to remember is that you have to try a different strategy if you want your relationship to survive. Break your bad habits and this year is your year for love!

LIGHT RELIEF Lauren West Knows Best

LaurenWest knows best Lauren answers your love, lust and stress problems.

Dear Lauren, I am a final year student and this year we have been given lots of group assignments. Most of my groups are working out fine although one of the groups is a complete nightmare! There are a few people who just are not pulling their weight and I am getting so worried that it will affect my overall marks! Please help I am worried sick about failing. Jules Hi Jules, I totally understand where you are coming from. Many times in a group work situation at least one team member will feel like this. The best thing to do is remain professional and dignified, because arguing will disrupt the group even more. If they simply won’t cooperate you should ensure you are all allocated individual tasks, to demonstrate YOUR ability, as most group assignments you have to specify who did what. This way you should achieve the mark you deserve. Try not to worry! Lauren x

Dear Lauren, This will probably sound ridiculous but I genuinely think I have a problem with drinking. Every time I go out I end up so drunk, make foolish decisions, lose my friends and my handbag and usually end up with some form of painful injury or wound. I have even been taken in an ambulance on two occasions. I really love Northumbria but at this rate I will be leaving with barely any memories, just scars, shame and debt. Please help! Drunken fool Hi Fool, Coming to university it can be hard to know your limits, with student bars and clubs being so cheap it’s easy to overdo it, however, you sound it’s really getting you down. Your nights out should be fun, they shouldn’t make you feel this way. Maybe you look at what you are drinking, avoid spirits and shots. You could also try getting water between drinks, to avoid you being thirsty. A good trick also is only bringing a certain amount of money and leave your card at home! That will definitely help you set your limits and avoid scary mysterious bank transactions! Lauren xx If you’ve got a problem that Lauren can help with just email su.problems@northumbria. with ‘Lauren West’ in the subject line and see your problem here soon.

nu:life 23

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VOTERS Writes Whether you dig Dan Brown, big up the Brontës or get rowdy over Rowling, stories have to start somewhere and here’s yours. Let the Writers’ Society do the writing, while you give us the plot: just vote for what you think should happen next. The month’s instalment is brought to you by Peter Michael Kerr. The winning option for last month was “Sleep is for the weak and tired! Get to class, girl!” It was a testament to just how tired I was that I slung back my mouth wash like it was a shot and it was only when it was halfway down my throat that I realised what I had done. Want a tip? If there is one thing that is going to give you a clear cut instant clarity is having your stomach assaulted by something with more letters in it than your own name. I quickly checked the label on the side of the bottle. Why did I have to buy the cheap stuff, the last thing I needed at this hour was a German reading test. Ah, there it is: “DO NOT INGEST. If you do..”

LIGHT RELIEF Voters Writes

The queue was not very long but it gave me a couple of moments to collect my thoughts. Ok. Go to this lecture. Meet Sammy for lunch. Do assignment. Drinks. Sleep. Repeat. My stomach took that moment to give a disconcerting rumble which I hope will now be cured as the cute guy behind the counter had just finished making up my order. As I bit down on the last good thing coming my way for at least an hour my teeth stopped halfway through as they hit something with a snarling crunch.

What has our heroine found: (A) A finger (B) A magic coin (C) A pill that will trigger in her the start of the zombie uprising To vote, just email su.writers@unn. with ‘VOTE A’, ‘VOTE B’ or ‘VOTE C’ by 1st December 2010. Find out more about the Writers’ Society by visiting

Oh, awesome. A price sticker. I know how much I paid for the thing! This was not going to get me anywhere but late. I headed out the door and started walking towards uni. I wound my way around the roadworks and realised that I had got there quick enough to pick up a sandwich before I went in. nu:life 25

STUDENT CULTURE Christmas Traditions

Christmas traditions around the world Santa Claus (Sinterklass, Father Christmas, Kris Kringle, Saint Nicolas) From just about everywhere. Big jolly fat man in a red suit who lives at the North Pole? Think again. Saint Nicolas of Myra was a fourth century Christian bishop. Nicolas famously gave three impoverished daughters of a Christian man substantial dowries so that they would not have to turn to prostitution. The Santa ‘myth’ was then mixed somewhat with early Germanic folk lore and took on many aspects of the god Odin. During the German holiday Yule Odin would ride his horse Sleipnir on a great hunting party in the sky. To help feed Sleipnir children would leave carrots and straw and in return Odin would leave the children gifts and sweets as a reward. In England these mixed to become Father Christmas who rather than be the great gift giver he had traditionally been he became a representation of all that was good and cheerful about the holiday. It obviously had nothing to do with the people barely being able to feed themselves never mind getting gifts. As the Victorian age made people more affluent Santa shed a couple of pounds, got himself some green robes and become a party animal.

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He was a representation of excess. This is your A Christmas Carol Father Christmas. The spirit of the feast who did not mind sharing some. It was not until the 1823 poem “The night before Christmas” that the Santa we all know and love was really defined. It was essentially an amalgamation of every mythical being attributed with qualities of the rotund man. It is sometimes thought that Coca-cola ‘created’ Santa Claus but it was simply excellent marketing on their behalf. They and several other companies perpetrated the image we now we hold of him and because we all are suckers for a good advert it had remained that way until present day.

Zwarte Piet (Black Peter) from the Netherlands and Flanders This tradition told that Santa Claus pulled a chained devil around with him as he carried out his rounds on Christmas Eve. Today Zwarte Piet is actually a much loved character who is portrayed as a mischievous spirit who throws sweets behind Santa for the children they visit. However not wanting to completely

STUDENT CULTURE Christmas Traditions



Czech Republic

lose the slightly evil vibe of the character if a child has been naughty rather than a lump of coal in their stocking Zwarte Piet will kidnap them away to Spain never to be heard of again and while it a tradition rapidly going into decline some representations of the character have him carrying a whip used to punish anyone who had been naughty that year. In his home countries that character has been redeveloped to be more welcoming to tourists. Some found the tradition of dressing in ‘blackface’ somewhat offensive so now the character is shown to have a face of multiple colours and is celebrated as a sign of inclusion and diversity.

Befana (Saint Befana, La Vecchia, La Strega) from Italy Befana is an old’ hag who gives children sweets from the hamper she carries around with her attached to the broom she sails through the sky with. Yet again this unlikely character is much loved by the populace, she will even sweep up after herself as not to leave soot after she leaves the children’s presents.



In Sweden presents come with funny rhymes attached to the outside hinting at the contents inside. I suppose it stops you shaking it and smashing the wine glasses your aunty Maud has bought you for the twelfth year in a row. In Japan Christmas for single people is like Valentine ’s Day here in England. It is seen as a time to tell that special someone you like them. For those without anyone cards of friendship are exchanged. In the Czech Republic a cherry branch is brought inside and cared for over the Christmas period. If it blooms on Christmas Day it is seen as a sign of good luck and that the winter will be a short one. In Argentina while the traditional meal is still served on Christmas week children have to wait until the 6th to receive their presents from the three wise men, leaving their shoes out or the magi to fill with sweets. In Venezuela children get presents twice. Once on the 25th when they wake up and then again on the night of the 5th where they fashion a crib out of straw so that the wise men will leave gifts.

In the Ukraine Christmas Eve celebrations do not start until the children of a household spot the first star in the eastern sky.

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STUDENT CULTURE What’s Hot In Fashion

Fashion “We are shaped and fashioned by what we love”- if that be the case, it definitely explains our obsession with Gossip Girl and 90210.

And even though as you read this your probably sat in a woolly hat, legwarmers and ten layers of clothing, we all love fashion and following the latest styles. So fresh from the catwalk, here is a list of what’s in fashion this winter and what will keep you on trend as the days get chillier.


Camel colours are going to be huge this season. Accessories will look gorgeous in this shade, giving bags, scarves and belts a sophisticated twist.

Military jackets

We love the quirky vibe of this look which means that yes; everyone should have a military piece hanging in their wardrobe. It will look great teamed up with camel-coloured tapered trousers.

Chunky knits

It’s about that time where unfortunately we can no longer get away with just a thin cardigan outside. However, with chunky knits being seen on the cat walk this season we can layer up on the thermals in style. We love chunky knitted scarves, hats and cardigans. Wear them with biker boots for an edgy twist on your outfit.


Were rocking the leather trend this season, which is perfect to protect against us against the icy conditions outside. Leather look leggings are our favourites; they’ll be great for special nights out whether it be hitting the town or heading for a meal. Keep them looking subtle by toning them down with plain block colours.

28 nu:life


Lace is back this winter, giving that subtle bad girl look to your outfit. Be daring and try out a sexy lace dress or even black lace tights. Either way, it’s perfect in adding an interesting twist to your look.

Elbow length gloves

This vintage look is taking on a modern twist, so suede and soft leather are the essentials in this nippy weather. For a chic and quirky look wear them with cocktail dresses. Alternatively, dress them with a long mac for a smart edge- also keeping our fingers safe from severe frost bite. So forget suffering in the freezing cold with your summer clothes on, winter is the perfect excuse to get a new wardrobe and wrap up in the clothing your student loan has just so kindly bought for you.

STUDENT CULTURE Make Your Own Gingerbread House

Gingerbread House Make your Own

Making-Gingerbread-Houses for Dummies: Christmas is fast approaching and the one perfect gift for you and your flatmates that won’t leave you out of pocket is a good old homemade gingerbread house. Not only is it fun to make, it helps you bond with your new BFFs but it’s also cheaper than a night out. Get your oven mitts at the ready!

You will need: • • • • • •

250g of unsalted butter 200g of brown sugar 7tbsp of golden syrup 600g of plain sugar 2 tsp of bicarbonate of soda 4 tsp ground ginger

Equipment: • • • • • •

Oven and oven tray Scales Baking Paper Spatula Mixing Bowl Wooden Spoon

Step 1: Heat oven to 200C/fan 180C/gas 6. Melt the butter, sugar and syrup in a pan. Mix the flour, bicarbonate of soda and ground ginger into a large bowl, then stir in the butter mixture to make stiff dough. If it won’t quite come together, add a tiny bit of water.

Step 2:

Cut out the template (go to the BBC website: recipes/4900/simple-gingerbread-house, scroll down and click on the link to download your template). Put a sheet of baking paper on your work surface and roll about one quarter of the dough to the thickness of two £1 coins. Cut out one of the sections, then slide the gingerbread, still on its baking paper, onto a baking sheet. Repeat with remaining dough, re-rolling the trimmings, until you have two side walls, a front and back wall and two roof panels. If there’s any spare just eat it because it’s gorgeous or you could just make gingerbread trees or animals.

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Step 3: Bake all the sections for 12 minutes or until firm and just a little darker at the edges. Leave to cool for a few minutes to firm up, and then trim around the templates again to give clean, sharp edges. Leave to cool completely. Step 4: Make your icing sugar; mix the icing sugar with water. Make sure that the mixture is thick so that the walls will stay up. Put your gingerbread house up using the icing as cement. Then decorate to your heart’s content. Admittedly my partner in crime and I (both domestically challenged) were unable to actually build our gingerbread house. The main reason behind this was due to the fact that we didn’t read all the instructions. So as one gingerbread house maker to another:

READ THE INSTRUCTIONS! I swear it really helps, we didn’t have all the required equipment like scales but with a few educated guesses we made gorgeous gingerbread. Or there is the alternative method where you buy readymade gingerbread house pieces and you just assemble and decorate, IKEA and John Lewis both have alternate gingerbread house making kits or prices from £4-£15. Just remember that regardless of whether you get your gingerbread house up or not it’ll be a tell-your-grandchildren -about-the-time-you-tried-to-build-a-gingerbreadhouse-with-your-crazy-flatmates story.

budget You begin to panic, mind boggled and heart racing, you realise that it is that time of year again; Christmas time. Christmas shopping is hard enough for most people but with the added stress of a slowly diminishing bank balance and exam and assignment deadlines growing closer it can be a challenge. However, because I can relate to your pain, I’ve researched and created an almighty guide to Christmas shopping on a student budget. It’s the thought that counts so you don’t always have to buy the most expensive and extravagant presents. A simple gift will suffice nicely and I’m sure most family members know about your financial position. Visit quirky shops for one off finds or head to the Newcastle Christmas market when it comes around to find something simply unique for any family member or friend. I’m guessing you’ve made loads of new friends at university and then of course you also have your friends back home. Where’s the money to buy them all gifts? Do not worry; you don’t have to splurge on every single friend. Simply organise a secret Santa for both sets of friends and you have instantly narrowed down several presents to two! Another way of saving money is by getting creative! I’m sure your Grandparents would appreciate a simple photo frame with a photo of yourself in it or hunt down some photos of them when they were younger and put a smile on their face. Of course this works with any family member, friend and significant other. And finally if none of these ideas take your fancy, only shop in places that accept your NUS card and save some money. Also look out for promotional codes and discounts online that can lead to a mega saving.


Here’s a few cheap ideas from us to get you started:


“THE ICE QUEEN” Classic Moomin striped hot water bottle. Warm her up with this gorgeous soft hot water bottle, perfect for cuddling after christmas dinner. £12

“THE DREAMER” Alice in Wonderland personalised classic. The makers will replace ‘Alice’ in the book with your favourite girl’s name so she really feels part of the story after, all it is all about her! £19.95


“THE ACTION MAN” 3 film DVD - Children Of Men, 2012, Terminator Salvation. Give hours of entertainment this Christmas with this fantastic triple film DVD guaranteed to put a smile on his face. £11.99

“THE ANTI SOCIAL ONE” Blue overhead headphones. Your little brother will love these as an excuse for having ‘selective hearing’ perfect for the anti social member of the family. They come in pink too if a sister would appreciate some peace and quiet! £19.99

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STUDENT CULTURE Gig Goers - Leika & Marina And The Diamonds

Citing influences such as The Clash, The Beatles, The Who right through to modern classics such as Kings of Leon this band certainly has the material to rival that of their heroes. Their debut album which is available on iTunes now is crammed full of instant indie classics, stadium rock anthems and radio friendly vibes. If you do only one thing this week then make sure you check out Leika, I guarantee you won’t be disappointed.

LEIKA The saviours of the music scene? Whatever happened to the classic guitar band dominating the charts from years gone by? Bored of the same X Factor rejects, Gaga and Bieber (who let’s face it should all be exiled to the Moon) and looking for some new inspiration from the indie music scene? Then listen up because London’s best offering since the Libertines, Leika has it all. The classic two guitars, bass and drum combo with the added saxophone twist make this band stand out among their rivals on the Camden circuit with their youthful looks and years of experience, charm, charisma and catchy tunes this band is one to check out as the winter months draw in.

This unashamedly talented bunch of musicians fresh from conquering the legendary venues of London and egged on by radio and record company interest are taking to the road with national bookings in the coming months. Here at Northumbria, ever at the forefront of new music we have Leika booked to play your very own SU early in the New Year so keep your eyes peeled for them hitting town soon. Who said new music was dead? R.I.P Queen, The Beatles and The Rolling Stones and welcome Leika.

Favourite Tracks: Love Love Love, Silly Cow, Fake Mission to Mars

Sounds Like: Arctic Monkeys early sound, Milburn, The Rakes, The Young Knives, The Strokes, The Clash

Get The Album: Space on Tuesday on iTunes now! SEE THEM LIVE @ NORTHUMBRIA’S GOT TALENT 18.02.11

32 nu:life

STUDENT CULTURE Gig Goers - Leika & Marina And The Diamonds

‘I’m really happy to have you all as my supporters... Most of my fans seem to be inquisitive people who question things and that as a performer makes me feel so important, so thank you!’ The gorgeous girl from Wales must be applauded for her creativeness, not only is she a strong singer but she also holds an artistic quality shown by background videos and multiple costume changes. The dazzling finale of smash hit ‘Hollywood’, with an explosion of red, white and blue paper falling over the crowd, made a stunning spectacle. Marina and her band entertained a huge crowd at Northumbria’s newly revamped Students’ Union, returning to the place where her mother and father met as students themselves. Having toured debut album ‘The Family Jewels’ since its release back in February this year, Marina and the Diamonds were very engaging and seemed genuinely pleased for the huge turnout of fans, regularly thanking them for being so supportive.

Marina and the Diamonds have certainly made a name for themselves. With a strong set of songs from only one album and a profound stage presence, success for many years to come is something to be expected. I wonder if Marina has been somewhat over shadowed by recent American artists such as Katy Perry and Lady Gaga, but then, by her own admission, Marina doesn’t want to be compared to them. The Burger Queen Tour is proof enough that she has ‘relished’ the opportunity to stand alone as a unique British artist who is quickly taking over the world all by herself.

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Holidays are coming, holidays are coming, holidays are... And so the season of goodwill to all men is upon us. The season of giving. The season of taking. The season of getting drunk with your family as you watch the oldies get hopped up on Sherry and fall into the tree. More importantly, it’s the season of the Christmas flick.

Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows pt. 1 (12) 19/11/2010 Firstly, I know this came out in November, but chances are its still going to be on at your local talking picture house as you read this, so I figured why not? After all, in recent years wizards, trolls, orcs and magic have become as much a part of Christmas as trees, presents, wise-men and awesome Coke adverts. This is the one we’ve been waiting for; the beginning of the end of Harry’s saga. Much was made of the decision to split the final book into two movies, but I’m pleased they have. And with David Yates back on board at the helm, giving a mature, naturalistic slant to the Boy Who Lived, a young cast who have flourished in their roles and an old cast who’ve revelled in theirs, and more expensive effects than you could shake a Michael Bay at, you’ll be pleased they have too. Why did Snape kill Dumbledore? Will Harry beat the Dark Lord? And why does Harmoine fancy Ron? Go and find out, you’ll be pleased you did. G-Stars 4

Love Actually DVD/Blu-ray (15) With nine interwoven plot-lines, a huge cast of characters, and a Martine McCutcheon this film should have failed. It didn’t. It shouldn’t be loved across the world as one of the sweetest rom-coms of the last twenty years. It is. It should be played at least once every couple of weeks on my DVD player. It is a film that not only makes you believe in love, but makes you fall in love with Christmas all over again it is a must watch at any time of year. In December though? Well, it’d be rude, neigh foolish, not too. G-Stars 4 5/5

Die Hard DVD/Blu-ray (18) The Greatest Film Of All Time. No ifs, no but’s. It’s funny, exciting, and just a big old ball of awesome wrapped in a thick layer of awesomeness. Plus, its set at Christmas, so take the chance to take of your socks and shoes, pull on a grubby vest, and root for John McClane as he goes about rescuing his wife and a skyscraper full of hostages. Not Ellis though, he was a shmuck. And don’t forget, “Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...” G-Stars 6 (I know it’s out of 5, but c’mon)

34 nu:life

I realise that all three of these films have Alan Rickman in, and though it’s by sheer chance, it is in fact a good thing. After all, you can never have too much Rickman. Merry Christmas everybody.

TN Beth Makes Point

BETH MAKES POINT Team Northumbria fencing favourite Beth Davidson made a successful move from swordswoman to tactician as England took on the world - and won!

“As team manager I was unable to compete and therefore I couldn’t defend my own title,” explained Davidson. “But I was very proud to manage a team which brought home six gold medals. “We came away with the Wilkinson Sword as the best fencing nation overall - we topped the medals table which was a huge achievement. Beth second left The 2010 Commonwealth Fencing Championship took centre stage in Melbourne, Australia - as the main event got underway in India. And England enjoyed one of their best ever campaigns as they beat the hosts in the overall competition and bagged 16 medals in total.

“we topped the medals table which was a huge achievement.”

“To beat Australia and open up one of the biggest winning margins ever was another huge positive.” Davidson was joined Down Under by TN’s Helen Dack who represented Guernsey at the Commonwealth Championship. And now the swashbuckling duo are back on Tyneside their target is to reinforce the reputation of fencing as one of the region’s fastest growing sports. Simon Rushworth

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TN Brewin Tackle Sporting Challenge




The Newcastle arm of the investment management and financial planning experts is the new sponsor of Team Northumbria - overseen by former Newcastle Falcons director of rugby Steve Bates. And the partnership strengthens Brewin Dolphin’s determination to develop young talent and promote the company’s name through a longterm commitment to the community it serves. “We are delighted to announce the launch of our new partnership with Team Northumbria Rugby Club and look forward to a long and successful

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relationship,” said John Duns, Newcastle-based divisional director for Business Development and Marketing. “The core values of rugby union fit well with the business culture of Brewin Dolphin. It’s a sport that encourages players of all ages, abilities, shapes and sizes! There’s a real team ethic and a place for everybody. “And it’s a sport in which fair play and respect are still seen as key to its success on and off the field.”

TN Brewin Tackle Sporting Challenge

Brewin Dolphin already back Durham County Cricket Club and the firm is looking to make an even greater impact on its local community through sport in the future. Based in the heart of Newcastle’s city centre since 1903 - previously as Wise Speke - one of the UK’s largest private client investment managers is keen to forge an even closer relationship with Northumbria University. And Duns added: “A significant number of our staff studied at the university and we look forward to offering more career opportunities to high quality graduates in the coming years. “Working with Northumbria’s national league rugby club is a great way to involve our own staff and clients in one of the North East’s sporting success stories.” Team Northumbria have won three successive promotions on their way to clinching a place in the prestigious North One East league.

Former Falcons chief Bates and new head coach Nick Gandy guided Team Northumbria to fourth place in North One East on the back of a thrilling home victory against Morpeth - on the day Duns and Brewin’s Newcastle Head of Office Charles May finalised the sponsorship deal.

“We are looking forward to working closely with Charles, John and Brewin Dolphin’s Newcastle office in the future” “This is an exciting partnership for the University and gives us a further opportunity to develop rugby in the region,” added Mark Richard, Assistant Director of Sport for Northumbria University. “We are looking forward to working closely with Charles, John and Brewin Dolphin’s Newcastle office in the future and a number of mutually beneficial ideas are being discussed.”

And the open club, which plays at Bullocksteads, adjacent to the Falcons’ Kingston Park base, offers emerging students the chance to line up alongside experienced national league players.

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TN Seconds Best


Northumbria seconds have made a strong start

“Players who weren’t playing [against Teesside] came to support the team and we’ve got a good ethic going.

BUCS competition this season, winning key games with style and scoring for fun.

Home games are played at Bullocksteads, which is extremely windy, so Stromsoy’s style of playing to

Colin Stomsoy’s side managed16 goals in all

feet and hitting the target man up-front is a great

competitions heading into the traditionally busy

adaptation to suit the conditions.

November period with goalkeeper and captain James Roberts conceding just the once.

Top goal-scorer Nathan O’Neil has been a shining light for the team finding the net four times.

They won the first two games in the league convincingly, which they followed up with a

The seconds have been playing in an unfamiliar

resounding 9-0 victory in the first round of the

4-3-3 formation this season, and with his height

Northern Conference Cup.

and guile, O’Neil has been reaping the rewards by playing in the middle of the front three.

A thumping 6-1 win over local rivals Newcastle away at Cochrane Park and a 1-0 victory against a

On his side’s bright start Stromsoy added:

hard-working Sheffield Hallam side at home

“Everybody will be looking at us and we’re setting

has shown that they are quickly coming together

the pace.”

as a team. Stromsoy, who also coaches junior football in This was in evidence in the recent cup game.

North Tyneside, spent the summer working on his latest FA coaching badges.

They ran riot against Teesside’s fifth team, and, though they were playing a team a few levels

And his tactical approach has already won the

below them, they still had to go out and do the

admiration of Whitley Bay boss Ian Chandler with

job, and this has delighted the manager.

the manager of the STL Northern League side a fan of the Kent-born coach’s style.

He said: “Robbo’s doing a great job as captain. “They’re staying together as a unit.

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Mike Lightfoot

TN Hoops High For TN Northumbria



A 53-point return from 42 percent shooting is a

club were crushed

cause for some concern but once again star US

70-53 by Barking

import Ta’yani Clark offered optimism for the

Abbey Leopards


last month to slump to a fourth

The prolific Northumbria University Sports Scholar

successive loss.

helped herself to 16 points and proved a constant thorn in the Leopards’ side.

And it didn’t get any easier for last

But Hayes has already insisted TN cannot rely on

season’s Final

their most productive player week in, week out.

Fours stars when

And Barking exploited that over-reliance on

unbeaten league

Clark by closing down the US import at every

leaders UWIC

opportunity and switching the focus to the paint.

Archers turned up

TN started brightly and took a six-point lead into

on Tyneside.

the second quarter.

“I don’t think we are under pressure going into the next few matches though I’m really disappointed with the opening results,” said Hayes. “Poor movement was the problem and it was costing us wins. “But we can definitely move forward based on our good team ethic. More practice and better performances will help us get back to last season’s best.” Leopards bagged their second league win of the

But Barking upped the ante and outscored their hosts 20-8 over the next 10 minutes to turn a feisty fixture on its head. “We were always going to get more of a head start and we did it,” added Hayes. Clark, like her coach, remains confident TN can haul themselves off bottom spot and added: “We can do better. We only need more practice and hard work.” Yige Yang

season with room to spare as TN returned to Sport Central in search of home comforts only to collapse on their own floor.

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