Graham Oakley Undergraduate Portfolio (UCF)

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GRAHAM OAKLEY Undergraduate Portfolio 2014-2016

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The Urban Periscope : ESRI - The Urban Ubservatory Fall 2015 Bachelor | Design VII. Vicenza Study Abroad Collaboration | Partner | Isabela Guzman Instructor | Albertus Wang


Recycled Collective Art : Austin Commission of Environmental Studies Spring 2015 Bachelor | Design VI Personel Work Instructor | Kourtney Baldwin


Culinary Creatives : Orlando Culinary Complex Fall 2014 Bachelor | Design V Personel Work Instructor | Michael Lindsey


Artists Retreat : A.C.E.S River Cleaning Proposal Spring 2015 Bachelor | Design VI Personel Work Instructor | Kourtney Baldwin


Remolding the Rivers Edge : Fashion & Design Institute Fall 2015 Bachelor | Design VII. Vicenza Study Abroad Collaboration | Partner | Isabela Guzman Instructor | Albertus Wang


Remolding the Rivers Edge : Fashion & Design Institute Spring 2016 Bachelor | Design VIII Personel Work Instructor | Michael Lindsey

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1 The Urban Periscope ESRI : Urban Observatory Undergraduate Senior Year August 2015 - December 2015 Rome, Italy Partner: Isabela Guzman Critic: Albertus Wang Historically Rome is the node that helps define how we perceive and understand the world, but this perception is impaired by the density that visually pollutes our surroundings at the ground level. The issue of perceiving so much at one time inhibits your understanding of what’s in front of you. The proposed tower offers a visual accessibility and connectivity above this ground level to help understand what has been built, by transporting you to framed views above the city. The Urban Observatory Technology was created by Richard Wurman (TED) alongside Jack Dangermond (ESRI). The technology is a comparative analysis tool that compiles maps and real time data which helps discover urban issues on a larger scale. The idea of understanding the past and addressing current issues advises us on what steps to take to move forward.

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First Periphery Second Periphery

The Urban Periscope 01

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Framed Views: The tower offers six framed views as you transition through. The views are positioned and juxtaposed within the form to guide your eyes to predominant landmarks around the city. As one moves up the circulation spaces, tears within the skin give glimpses of the surrounding city, but its not until you reach these framed platforms that give you the eye opening view that is careful constructed. Its not until you reach the sky deck that you are opened up to a 360 view of Rome. Images: Photos show a daily routine of market life within Campo di Fiori. Understanding peoples interaction to the spaces gives the ideas of what can be added to their everyday lives.

The Urban Periscope 01 Graham Oakley Undergraduate 2016 Portfolio

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Spacial programmatics are organized in the importance and Precedents surrounding the central parts of Rome offer a hierarchy of the spaces. Offices are kept closest to ground great understanding as to how monumentality and organized level to relate to the human scale. As you move up the

spacial programming can offer the occupant a great

intervention you are transitioned through different ideas of architectural experience. We offer the same experience with libraries, printed libraries, technological libraries, and visual the vertical tower completing the roman square and adding libraries.

a beacon to visually ground you to a location.

Exploded Axon 1 Skin 2 Circulation 3 Viewing Spaces 4 Structures





Analytical Drawing: The drawing analyzes major landmarks and their relation to the central city of Rome. Spacial construction of each landmark is broken down and related to simple three dimensional shapes

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This Page

This Page

A Ground Plan B Office Plan C Office Plan D Library Plan E Urban Observatory F Urban Observatory G Auditorium H Sky Deck

1 Entry Foyer 2 Offices 3 Conference Room 4 Atrium 5 Library 6 Exterior Reading space 7 Courtyard 8 Urban Observatory 9 Observation Deck 10 Restrooms 11 Auditorium 12 Exterior Veiwing 13 Interior Viewing

Opposite Page A View of Campo di Fiori B Via la Corda Entrance








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This Page A North Elevation Opposite Page B Exterior Library View C Urban Observatory D View from Observation Deck E East Elevation

2 Collective Recycled Art

Austin Commission of Envionmental Studies Undergraduate Junior Year January 2015 - May 2015 Austin, Texas, US Critic: Kourtney Baldwin The city is Austin, Texas is known for its “weirdness”, but after immersing yourself into the culture and understanding the people that make up this city you’ll begin to see that theres nothing really “weird” about it. Austin has an immense art and music culture that brings a livelihood to the city. The art community have no shame in sharing their works with each other through the venues of galleries and through the medium of graffiti art. This proposal of a head quarters for the A.C.E.S. is drawn from the concept of bringing graffiti out of a negative spotlight. The building is hinged around a main concrete armature that spans the entry atrium to the top classroom levels. The wall is visible from every level, and like every graffiti artist knows is that art that is visual to everyone is the main goal. The building offers a safe, respected, and open way for artists of the city to house and showcase there works in a professional environment while giving the city of Austin a central hub to tackle the environmental issues in the community

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The city of Austin offers a collective community that shares its feelings through a series of expressive art pieces spread through across the streets. The Hope Outdoor Gallery has a spirit of unified artists that has an ever-changing and evolving feel. Artists and spectators fill this space and share its essence together. Ideas, styles, and designs are all shared amongst artists and visitors.

Graham Oakley Undergraduate 2016 Portfolio

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1 Community Outreach Entrance 2 Foyer | Atrium 3 Gallery Space 4 Conference Room 5 Office 6 Auditorium 7 Artists area 8 Office 9 Classroom Space 10 Storage 11 Restrooms A Ground Level B Open Gallery C Office/Administration Floor D Auditorium Level E Educational Level F 6th Street Section G Congress Ave. Section

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Collective Recycled Art 02

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3 Culinary Creatives Orlando Culinary Complex

Undergraduate Junior Year August 2014 - December 2014 Orlando, Florida Critic: Michael Lindsey This culinary complex offers a learning facility centralized around the surrounding tourism and local economic activities in central Florida. Orlando is known for its booming tourism industry dating back to the 1960’s. With this influx of tourists and local Floridians, a standard of living is now expected of the area. This culinary complex teaches the methods and techniques of cooking that can be used in fine dining restaurants to local mom and pop start up kitchens using fresh and local ingredients. This project is located on a seven acre lot on the west side of downtown Orlando near an area of town desperately in need of a community interaction. This project allows for a free-range garden to be utilized by the residents of downtown Orlando. The North portion of the seven acre lot has space for mulitple gardens to be populated.

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Culinary Creatives 03 Graham Oakley Undergraduate 2016 Portfolio

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Initial Analysis: The city of Orlando continues to grow as tourist travel and choose to extend their stays in the area. The central part of downtown Orlando is built from the centerline of Interstate 4 the moving east and west. I-4 is your point of origin and starting point of analysis. The idea to build around the central location adds to the ease of accessibility to the surrounding areas.

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Culinary Creatives 03

Opposite Page: 1 Freshman Test Kitchen 2 Restrooms 3 Offices 4 Classrooms 5 Senior Test Kitchen 6 Kitchen 7 Dining Room 8 Expo Kitchen 9 Courtyard

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Assemblage: Four main components make up any intervention. 1. The core of the building is the backbone on which each of the programmatic elements locks itself into place. 2. The circulation are the connection points to vertical movement and horizontal movement through the core. 3. The pods extrude, intersect, and nest directly into the main core. 4. The exterior skeleton structure lifts the spaces from the ground level creating public gathering space. Photos: The photos communicate the material quality and courtyard organization.








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4 Artists Retreat

A.C.E.S River Cleaning Undergraduate Junior Year January 2015 - May 2015 Austin, Texas, US Critic: Kourtney Baldwin Rivers and bodies of water were always places that sparked colonization and areas of peaceful space to work and relax. The Austin Commission of Environmental Studies proposes a project that cleans up Onion Creek, a river running through McKinney State Falls park. The project would tie together the creative artists from the surrounding area and activate a natural and man made cleansing system for the river and the minds of the occupants. An artist’s retreat is comprised of multiple two-story artist work spaces that situate in and onto the rivers edge, allowing the artists to feel one with the river. The structures are constructed with fins that filter and collect trash debris that flows downriver. The trash and debris could be used as artist materials. If not the trash is removed from the park and recycled at near by recycling centers.

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Opposite Page: The photos document the debris that is collected at the bottom of the falls. Much of this debris and trash is taken down river and deposited at the river’s banks. The site of the diffferent intervations can begin to accumluate and filter the water from the debris traveling down river. The materiality of the building can act as a filtration system for the park.




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This Page: Renders: The imagery shows a simplistic design of wooden boards and palletes that can be collected from the river or brought in to bring a more rapid construction. The open floor plans give the cerative freedoms to the user. A solid textured concrete armature is the only part of the buildings that will remain. One the wood has moved on to a new part of its life the river will begin to eat away at the concrete, making it one with the park. Opposite Page: Diagrams: Initial diagrams find the relationship language of the natural river bends with the cutlural art community. Where can similarities and a symbiotic relation begin to form. Photos: A series of two photos speaks of the degredation of the materiality through time. The wood gathered from the site would be used to construct the temporary artist retreats, and with time the currents of the river would dwindle away the natural material back down river.

5 Remolding the Rivers Edge Jewelry | Fashion Design Institute Undergraduate Senior Year August 2015 - December 2015 Vicenza, Italy Partner: Isabela Guzman Critic: Albertus Wang The proposed project is derived from the halcyonic gold and lucrative jewelry market that has shaped Vicenza into the gem that we see today. The dual programs of jewelry and fashion design will be the home to 2000 students and the temporal reaction to the influx of students and trade will continue to respond to the historic narrative that endures. The lifetime of a gem is a two sided coin, the production side and the glamorous exhibition side. The program separates itself into two categories, the production masses, where the work will be produced, and the exhibition mass, where the final products are showcased. The labor masses intersect, shear, and affect the exhibition mass, not only shaping this main mass but shaping and curating the public spaces, entrances, and water adjacencies.

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Parks Surrounding parks offer residents of Vicenza a place to relax and free themselves from the bustle of market life.

Residential Vicenza’s real estate forms itself from the main corridor of the city then expanding north of Corso Palladio.

34 35 Public Squares Public meeting squares are not just a weekend get-together space; the squares are home to daily trading and retail business.

Retail Surrounding retail locations offer great spaces for potential students to bring their fashion and designs to the people of Vicenza

Graham Oakley Undergraduate 2016 Portfolio Remolding the Rivers Edge 05



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B. C. D.

G. H. I.



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Form organization is pulled from the site shape. Allowing Via Carmini to shape the exposition space gives opportunity for the dorms, fashion studios, and design studios to interject and give definition to public spaces and water adjacencies.

Remolding the Rivers Edge 05 Graham Oakley Undergraduate 2016 Portfolio

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The North entry site and dormitory entrance offer an easy transition from the Vicenza city fabric into a free-flowing intervention. The raised floor plate create a circulatory space that transitions occupants into Piazza di Golleria.

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Remolding the Rivers Edge 05

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VIA Exhibition 2015 Graham Oakley Undergraduate 2016 Portfolio

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For the first time in 20 years, the Vicenza Institute of Architecture was able to present their work in front of the city of Vicenza. Refocusing on the rivers of Vicenza and using architecture to re-purpose the rivers edge has given the students and citizens of a Vicenza a way to interact face to face. Vicenza 3.0 was a unique exhibition that showcased VIA’s work for 3 days to the city with a round table discussion. The discussion brought to light the real life issues that the Vicentine people have with public space and the river connections, issues of abandonment and loitering.

Vicenza 3.0: Refocusing the Rivers On View: 17/11/2015 – 19/11/2015 Vicenza 3.0: Refocusing the Rivers extends the conversation on the raise of water-levels that was put forward by Florida 3.0: Reinventing Our Future exhibition in Miami by the School of Architecture, University of Florida. The issues raised by the Vicenza Institute of Architectue’s Vicenza 3.0 design investigations, exhibition and discussion recount the importance to refocus on Vicenza’s rivers’ potential. The exploration regards three moments: Vicenza 1.0 – From Roman, Medieval and Renaissance times, Vicenza relied on its rivers, Bacchiglione and Retrone, for its livelihood and transportation means. Vicenza 2.0 – In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries following industrialization and the development of modern transportation, rivers became superfluous in their former uses, and resulted in the means to dispose impure water. As a source of hazards, the population precluded them from direct contacts. Vicenza 3.0 – In our environmentally conscious contemporaneity, Vicenza’s rivers were revisited in an effort to reintroduce healthy environments, enjoyable contacts with nature, new sustainable transportation options, and the reuse of underutilized sites. In the design proposals, the opportunities offered by beautiful available sites were explored to develop meaningful programs providing innovative civic and educational venues, accessible natural settings, and sustainable and generative buildings.

Exhibition Opening Tuesday November 17th @ 18:00 Round-Table Discussion Wednesday November 18th @ 18:00 Exhibition open to the public until November 19th

Palazzo Cordellina, Contrà Riale 12, Vicenza, Italy Curator Prof.

Arch. Sotirios Papadopoulos

Academic Curators

Prof. Arch Martha Kohen Prof. Arch Albertus Wang


Franca Stocco, VIA Director

Assistant Curators

Graham Oakley; Jesse Mantohac Zhizhou Wang

Vicenza Institute of Architecture


• Comune di Vicenza, Promoter and Main Sponsor • Vicenza Institute of Architecture, the University of Florida, VIA, UF • The Graduate School of Architecture; College of Design, Construction and Planning; The University of Florida, G|SoA, UF • The Consortium for Hydro-generated Urbanism, CHU Special Thanks to

Mayor Achille Variati Deputy Mayor Jacopo Bulgarini

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Program Voice Violin Percussions/Didgeridoo Dance Video Mapping Online Communication Photographic Service

Franca Grimaldi LaxMan Martin Florio Pozza Thierry Parmentier Zebra Mapping Davide Dal Maso Alexander Isaac Photography

Student Participants Graduate Students: Di Hu Melissa Jones Jesse Mantohac Jessica Philips Zhizhou Wang Xuancheng Zhu Timothy Beecken Amanda Byars Robert Riggio

Undergraduate Students: Gibson Bastar Andrew Bawtinhimer Sierra Eades Kirsten Evans Philip Goodbread Isabela Guzman James Jackson Keshen Liu Shannon Mallon Eduardo Meneses Kaitlen Miers Graham Oakley Brittany Perez Junjie Zhao


University of Central Florida Bachelors of Design in Architecture | 2014.8 - 2016.7 Valencia College Associates in Arts in Architecture | 2012.8 - 2014.7 Associates in Sciences in Drafting and Design Technologies | 2009.8 - 2012.5 WORK EXPERIENCE

Disney’s Architeture and Facilities Engineering Orlando, Florida | 2015.6 - 2015.8 | 2016.1 - 2016.12 Accomb Ostendorf and Associates Orlando, Florida | 2014.6 - 2015.5 SOFTWARE


GRAHAM OAKLEY +1.407.446.5301

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