30 Black And White Furniture Color Scheme for Bedroom Black and White color contrast is one of the best combinations when it comes to interior or fashion design. The combination of black in white color is always been a trend in bedroom design. It is also a versatile combination as it works well with other colors may it be bright or mute or neutral. As well as for your bedroom furniture color, you can use these colors as your bedroom color scheme that can give the classic impression and make you comfortable when you are in the bedroom. You can always create the mood that you like your room to have using this lovely contrast. Believe or not, best colors used in your bedroom design can effects your mood too. Black and white furniture can be an alternative in design your classic bedroom. It will be a pleasure one to give you more inspiration for a black and white bedroom design. You have to know how to tricky to design your classic bedroom with black and white as a theme. You have to decide whether to go on full white with black as an accent or otherwise. There are some ideas in design the classic bedroom with black and white furniture color scheme. The black on black stripes wallpaper is dramatic furniture used in your bedroom walls design. Put the wallpaper behind your headboard design and put it in one side of wall while the other bedroom walls are in different colors. Black on black wallpaper can give the impressive view in your bedroom design. Combine the wallpaper with different color in the other wall side of bedroom. You can paint the other wall with bright color. Don’t apply wallpaper too much in your bedroom because it can make your bedroom looks narrow and has not any longer space. Of course it will make you feel uncomfortable. It also draws your eyes upward which are great for bedrooms with high ceilings design. The black furniture color scheme can also be applied in your headboard design. You can put the black leather headboard design fully. Combine it with the white furry bed covers can make the good combination between them. The black bed and painting on the wall in cream color can be a highlight in your bedroom design. Create a romantic space with your black and white theme by adding soft fabrics like faux fur bedding and area rug to soften the effect of strong black lines. Black and white furniture color scheme ideas can help you to create more sophisticated and elegant design that you have envisioned. Choose the colors combination creatively that adjustable with your bedroom design and also choose the right decoration and furniture to go with your theme and get ready for the amazing result.