Back to Basics - The Emmanuel Prophecies No 1

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The Emmanuel Prophecies No 1 02/12/2020

Derrick Harrison 12/2/2020

The two Emmanuel prophecies in Isaiah (7:10-16; 9:2, 6-7) are fulfilled in the conception & birth of Jesus as in Mat.1:18-25; Lk.1:26-38; 2:1-7). The first application of the prophecy was only a partial fulfilment, the full application came 600 years later and was fulfilled in the virgin birth of Jesus, our Emmanuel. The background to Isaiah’s prophecy (Isa.7). The political turmoil involved both Israel, Judah, Syria and Assyria. Israel was in a confederacy with Syria to destroy Judah (vv1-2), which was beseiged at this time and Ahab the king of Judah refused the LORD’S word because he was in a secret agreement with Assyria against Israel. Soon Assyria would destroy both Israel and Syria. The promised child is tied into the timing of these events – Isaiah believed that both his sons were tied into contemprary events (8:18). Because Ahab refused the sign, the LORD said that He Himslf would give a sign (7:10-16). There is a parallel between Israel’s rebellion in Isaiah’s day and Israel’s rebellion at the time of Jesus’ birth. Isaiah names the virgin’s child “Immanuel” (Isa.7:10-16; 9:2, 6-7). Immanuel’s birth is promised in the first prophecy (7:14); in the second his son has been born (9:6). Isaiah’s second son is the fulfilment of the promised son. The angel names Mary’s boy child as Emmanuel, he is not yet born (Mat.1:18-25), the angel explains to Joseph the cause of Mary’s pregnancy. The conception and birth of Emmanuel – the meaning of the name Emmanuel is “God with us.” Firstly, He was conceived in the womb of New Life Radio – Talk No 8

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Mary which was explained to Mary by the angel (Lk.1:28-38). His conception was necessary for Him to dwell among us a human person. The specific reference to how this will take place is described in v35. The conception of Jesus in the womb of Mary is called the incarnation. See John’s description, Jn.1:14; and it results in human relationships (1Jn.1:1-3). A significant word used by John is “tabernacled” among us (Jn.1:14; see 1Jn.4:2); just as the tabernacle was at the centre of the camp of Israel so Jesus ia now among His own people, but like King Ahab they refused the Lord’s word, Jesus was called the WORD (Jn.1:114). There are big issues regarding the “mystery” of the incarnation - how can Jesus be both the eternal Son of God and also be human? Did He get His humanity from Mary? Was His nature sinless? Does He still have a body? (I discuss these issues at length in a document of 65 pages and I also have a shorter version which you can download from New Life Radio and the full script you can also download from my new website). The fundamental issue regarding the significance of Emmanuel is the coming of Jesus into human flesh. He is conceived in Mary’s womb resuting in His birth as a baby. The incredulity of this event is not lost by the Father who exclaims – “this is my son I have begotten Him!” (Heb.1:5). Our Emmanuel then lived among us as a man (truly human), He died and rose again and ascended and He is seated on the right hand of Father (He has retained His humanity) . How human was Jesus? Can we distinguish His humanity - He wept, He was tired, He loved with human affection and He cried with sorrowful emotions. He was angry and could be taken by surprise! New Life Radio – Talk No 8

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Look at the life of Jesus from the perspective of Him being human, 1. The influence of Mary and Joseph in His childhood and teenage years. 2. The baptism of Jesus and |His empowerment by the Holy Spirit – as a man He needed the Holy Spirit (Jn.1:29-34; Acts 2:22). Father’s affirmation. 3. The entire life of Jesus can only be understood in the context of His humanity. He slept, He touched lepers. John lay on His breast. Etc. Etc. 4. The death of Jesus shows us His true humanity – His sufferings in the Garden and on the cross. Humans die – He died and His blood poured out of His body. 5. He rose physically. They found no body in the tomb. Mary Magdalene touched Him! He invited the disciples to touch His wounds, He ate fish. 6. He ascended into the sky and they saw Him go and so He will return with the same body – He retains His humanity for ever. The glorified body of Jesus will remain the same as when He was present during the 40 days following His resurrection, His ascension, His seat at Father’s right-hand, His return and His future reign. The theology of Jesus’ humanity 

Jesus is truly God and man – fully God and fully man in one person!

His “deity” – He is eternal God and most often called the “Son” alongside the “Father” both are “co-equal.” If this was a study on “God in Himself” we would begin with the foundation teaching of the Bible New Life Radio – Talk No 8

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that God is one, He us not three God’s. Similarly, when we teach about Jesus, we begin with the fact that He also is one – there is one Lord Jesus Christ who is fully God and fully man in one Person. We use the word “mystery!” – This is not a cop-out! It is an acknowledgement that with all the facts in front of us we still; cannot fully comprehend God! We are on holy ground when we think holy thoughts about God. Significantly, key Scriptures which teach about Jesus’ divine credentials also speak about His true humanity. 

The theology of His conception (Isa. Emmanuel prophecies; the birth narratives; Isa.7:14; Mat.1:20, 23; Lk.1:35; Jn.1:14; Phil.2:5-11; Heb.1:5; 5:5; 1Tim.3:16; The theology of His life, He lived a human life before Hs family and neighbours (Lk.4:22), He lived a sinless life (Rom.8:3; Heb.2:14; 4:15), conquered temptation and the devil, He fulfilled the law completely – He did all these things as a man and therefore was a spotless sacrifice and He did not need to die. Where Adam failed, He succeeded (Rom.5:14-21). Jesus is the second Adam. He was made like His brethren, He worked as a carpenter. Remember Jesus spoke of Himself always as the Son of Man. The theology of His ministry, - did Jesus work miracles by the anointing of the Holy Spirit or through His almighty power as the eternal Son? Consider His baptism in the Spirit in the context of His manhood. (Jn.4:29; Acts 2.2; 13:38; Rom.5:1521; 1Cor.15:21-22; Heb.10:12). The theology of the cross and Jesus’ humanity (Isa.53:2; Rom.5:15; 1Tim.2:5; Heb.10:12). It seems that the Bible emphasises the importance of Jesus’ humanity and the cross. Certainly, the events of the cross tested Him in His vulnerable

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humanity. Consider the trauma He faced, the suffering, the blood. Dying on the cross – does that not prove His humanness? Isaiah depicts His human sufferings as no other writer but he also refers to his spiritual sufferings, “His soul was made an offering for sin” – and Isaiah has understood the theology of sin and salvation. The apostle John balances the two – Jesus is God (Jn.1-14), Jesus is human (Jn.1:14). In this verse we have a clear definition of His incarnation followed directly by a reference to His presence among His disciples – He revealed to them through His humanity the glory of God. This is a key truth. Jesus reveals the nature of God through His human nature/humanity. See also 1 Jn.1:11-3; and 1 Jn.4:1-2. The writer to the Hebrews gives a further example of how a NT writer balances the two – His deity and His humanity. In ch.1 we have repeated statements that Jesus is God which he does by taking OT Scriptures and putting them into God’s mouth. Read Angels are associated with Jesus’ birth. We have Father’s exclamation – “I have begotten a Son!” Etc. In ch.2 the Writer sees Jesus’ humanity impacted by His sufferings, 2:9-10; 14, 16-17 speak powerfully about the necessity of His begetting (see also 5:5). Reference to Jesus’ humanity and His prayer in Gethsemane (5:7-9). The writer speaks of Jesus’ present High-Priestly ministry of prayer for us, which is based on His human empathy with us because He also suffered like us, (4:15; 7:24). Jesus’ initial call (ch.10.5, 7, 9) and the body prepared for Him (Incarnation).

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The theology of the resurrection, examine the resurrection narratives and note how Jesus affirms His humanity to his disciples following His physical resurrection. Mary Magdalene touched Him, the 2 going to Emmaus walked with Him, He ate fish, He showed them His hands and feet. This resurrection body was glorified indicating the transformation of our bodies when Jesus comes again – it is our physical body which will be glorified, (1Cor.15). at death Jesus was separated from His body which did not corrupt. When He rose, He was re-united with His body. When we die our body goes to corruption but when Jesus returns our spirit will be united with our resurrected body. The theology of His ascension & exaltation, (Mk.16:19; Lk.24:51; Acts 1:9, 11; 2:33). Jesus is at Father’s right-hand with His body glorified. He retains His same humanity, but it is now glorified as in Jesus’ transfiguration. The theology of His return, (Matt.24:30; Acts 1:9, 11) The name Emmanuel anticipates the second advent of Christ, when He returns, He will dwell among us forever, so shall we ever be with the LORD. (Rev.21:1-4).

The Holy Spirit Indwells the christian as God’s second Emmanuel. Jesus, said, “He shall be with you and in you” (Jn.14:17). Just as Jesus dwelled in a human body and Father revealed Himself through Him so the Holy Spirit lives in our body, manifesting the life of God through our humanity and making God accessible to others through us.

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We were created as humans, “in the image of God” so that He could tabernacle among men through Him manifesting His divine life through our human personalities. There are 2 longer documents that I refer to in my talk which can be accessed by following the following link 2020 – Emmanuel – my full writings on this subject Emmanuel – main document – a shortened version of the above document

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