1 minute read

The Tabernacle - Application

The tents of the 12 tribes were erected around the tabernacle to affirm the centrality of God in the camp. The whole camp could be dismantled for transit purposes and relocated according to the direction of the cloud by day and the fire by night. When the temple was built by Solomon, the poles which were used to transport the ark on the shoulders of the priests were removed finally and placed beside the ark, signifying that the ark had come to its final resting place in the House of the LORD which was built to house the furniture of the tabernacle (only the ark remained). Moses laid down legislation (Deuteronomy), whereby the house of the LORD was central to Israel and offerings had be made here as opposed to various localities where people lived (idolatry thrived on every hilltop in Israel). Thus, the central location emphasised the truth of God at the centre, thus affirming His theocratic rule and headship over the nation. Jesus translated the truth of God at the centre of his people when He said, “For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them” (Mat.18:20). The church is God’s theocratic community where He is Head and where He reigns. The shepherds of God’s flock function under His headship and authority.


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