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Lessons about Leadership

Two points here to note: (1) when the LORD had originally commissioned Moses, He said to him that He would bring the Children of Israel back to the very mountain where the Lord originally met Moses. There is an important lesson here for leaders – you cannot lead your flock further than you have come yourself. The second point (2) relates to the words of the LORD’S covenant with Israel. The Lord says to them, “And you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.” These words of the Sinaitic Covenant are reaffirmed in the book of Revelation, “To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood, and has made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen” (Rev.1:5-6) If we are to look at leadership from a New Covenant perspective, or from the perspective of the Kingdom of God we must state clearly that each brother and sister in the body of Christ is a priest and a king in relationship to God. In other words, human concepts of leadership do not apply in the Kingdom of God – they are unnecessary and unrecognized. Each child of God has a priestly ministry unto the Lord and each child of God has a ministry of authority in the Lord. As a priest I serve the LORD in His sanctuary and as a king I serve men and women by ministering authoritatively in the name of my King. The key lesson for the 12 trainee apostles who were sent forth by Jesus was to preach and to minister deliverance and healing in the authority of Jesus Christ. It was HE who was healing and delivering men and women through them. (I am not undermining the oversight of shepherds in the flock of God, what I am opposing is when worldly models of leadership are imposed on the body of Christ).


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