5. Honour your father and your mother (v12). 6. You shall not murder (v13). 7. You shall not commit adultery (v14). 8. You shall not steal (v15). 9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour (v15). 10. You shall not covet (v15). The words, the content, the conditions, and the commands of the covenant are known to us as “The Ten Commandments.” The terms of this covenant were obedience to all the precepts of the Law (21-23). which would result in the “Blessings,” and disobedience would result in the “Curses.” The Jews bound themselves to these conditions (Deut.28). The seal of the Abrahamic covenant was circumcision (Gen.17:10-14, 23-27). The second generation of Israelites who entered into the Promised Land were circumcised by Joshua after they had entered the land (Josh.5:1-5). In Deuteronomy which represents the full maturity of Moses ministry, he does not refer to outward male circumcision but calls on the Israelites to circumcise their hearts (Deut.10:16; 30:6 cf. Rom.2:28-29). Two points here to note: (1) when the LORD had originally commissioned Moses, He said to him that He would bring the Children of Israel back to the very mountain where the Lord originally met Moses. There is an important lesson here for leaders – you cannot lead your flock further than you have come yourself. The second point (2) relates to the words of the LORD’S covenant with Israel. The Lord says to them, “And you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy
New Life Radio – Talk No 14
7 Derrick Harrison