The Tabernacle

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The Tabernacle 03/02/2021

Derrick Harrison 03/02/2021

The Tabernacle As Moses lay prostrate in the presence of the LORD on the holy mount of Horeb he saw the full plans of the tabernacle (Ex.25:40; 27:8; 39:32). The “tent of meeting” was to be God’s dwelling place among His people Israel 24/7. Just as the tribes of Israel dwelled in tents so also the LORD will dwell in a tent in the midst of His people, “And let them make me a sanctuary, that I may dwell in their midst” (Ex.25:8; see 29:45-46).

The Blueprint of the Tabernacle Take a compass to get your bearings, note that the only entrance is through a curtain in the perimeter wall which is at the front of the picture which faces east. See from the model the activity of the priests with the sacrificial animals. Note that no fire burns from the brazen altar, no smoke rises from the tabernacle, no priests are busy at their tasks and no people are going back and forth from the New Life Radio – Talk No 17

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entrance. The above is a model of the tabernacle for you to see, but it fails to convey to you that it was a living and functional tabernacle fulfilling a dynamic role in the spiritual life of the nation of Israel. The living symbol of the LORD’S day-time presence was the swirling cloud, rising upwards from the throne where God dwelled between the cherubim (the mercy seat), rising into heaven itself. The night-time living symbol of God’s abiding among them was the unconsumed fire of God which flamed upwards from the dwelling place of God on earth to heaven, lighting the night sky - the two symbols of wind and fire representing the awesome presence of God. There was not one single moment when the LORD was not among His people. The priests who were the servants of the LORD served Him by day and by night, thus recognizing God’s eternal presence among His people and their need to offer continual sacrifices to maintain their standing before God and their hearts cleansed, thus sacrifices were offered morning and evening and during the day. God’s presence was not latent or implied but active and intrusive, He is the living God, not only present but also speaking loudly and clearly from His location within the Holy of Holies (Lev.1:1), before He had spoken from the mount, now He speaks from inside the sanctuary (Ex.25:22).

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A Diagram of the Tabernacle (

The entrance curtain is in the perimeter fence in the centre of the east side. Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden in an easterly direction and so they must return to the Lord by retracing their footsteps and enter at the east gate where they will encounter the brazen altar of sacrifice which speaks of the sacrifice of Jesus for the sin of the world. The tabernacle was a tent with one large room with a heavy vail which separated it into 2 rooms called the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies. This oblong box structure had a timber frame and was covered with several layers of animal skins. Surrounding the tent was a perimeter wall made of linen cloth. Also in this enclosed space was the brazen altar of sacrifice and the laver where the priests washed before entering the Holy Place. Take note of the rich variety of materials used in the construction and furnishings of the tabernacle and the priestly garments, also note the multiplicity of skills required to bring it all together. Moses appointed Bezaleel to oversee the work (Ex.35:30-35; 36:1-2). The description of making the tabernacle is described (Ex.36:1-39:43). The skills required to do this were immense, requiring - carpenters, metallurgists, smelters, engravers, jewelers, seamstresses, embroiderers, dyers, apothecaries, tanners and so on. Now identify the many different materials used – precious and base metals, 12 precious jewels, silver, gold, linen, various animal skins, curtain materials, various timbers, various dyes, coloured threads and so on. What an amazing project in New Life Radio – Talk No 17

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which all skilled workers could be involved. The breathtaking beauty and the skill of the crafts-persons could only be seen from the inside and therefore it was only the priests and God himself who got to see this internal beauty of the tabernacle, to sense its atmosphere, see its living light from the seven branched candle stick and gently inhale its subtle fragrances, this truly was a holy sanctuary where God dwelled. A higher perimeter fence prevented anyone from seeing inside the compound and when the tabernacle was dismantled for transit it was carefully packed and concealed from view. The ark had never been seen nor handled by anyone except the priests assigned to pack it in the curtains and then to carry it in wraps, thus ensuring its holiness (Num.4:5-15).

The Furniture of the Tabernacle We travel from the east to the west as we proceed from the entrance gate in the perimeter wall (located on the east side) and identify each item of furniture, 1) The Brazen Altar of Sacrifice or altar of burnt offering (Ex.27:1-9; 38:1-7), where the animals were sacrificed, the altar is placed directly in front of the entrance. 2) The priest washed in the Laver/Basin (Ex.30:18, 28; 38:8), before entering the Holy Place. 3) The Table of Shewbread (Ex.25:23-30; 26:35), with 12 loaves representing the 12 tribes.

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4) The 7 Branched Golden Candlestick (Ex.25:31-40; 26:35; 37:1724), which was made of pure gold, it was supplied with pure olive oil and burned 24/7 lighting the holy place. 5) The Altar of Incense (Ex.30:1; 37:25-28), which was situated just outside the heavy Vail which separated the holy place from the Holy of Holies. The fire for this altar was taken from the brazen altar as live coals, when the ground incense touched the flames it instantly produced a vail of incense which filled the holy place continually. 6) The Ark (25:10-16; 37:1-9), (a timber box covered with gold), the Mercy Seat/lid/the propitiatory, (Ex.25:17, 21; 26:34) (made of pure gold), and the 2 Cherubim (Ex.25:18-20), were also made of pure gold, these 3 items make up one unit in the Holy of Holies where the LORD dwelled and from where He spoke, above the ark between the cherubim. Most pictures of the wings of the cherubim do not gracefully arch as in this picture. Inside the ark was the 2 tablets of the Law, a portion of manna and Aaron’s rod which budded. The staves (wooden poles covered with gold) for carrying the ark are kept in place, ready for transportation, they will be finally removed when the ark is placed in Solomon’s temple (2Chron.5:8-9).

The Day of Atonement (

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This was the one day in the year when the High-Priest came into the Holy of Holies, through the vail and sprinkled blood on the mercy-seat of the ark making atonement for Israel. This will be dealt with in our talk on Leviticus. The priests on duty in the Holy Place, entered at the opening on the east side, offered sacrifices at the brazen altar, progressed to the laver, and washed and entered the Holy Place to minister before the Lord night and day, conscious of the Lord’s holy presence just beyond the heavy vail which separated man from God. It was not until Jesus died that the vail was rent from the top to the bottom, symbolizing that through His death, He had broken down the barrier which separated man from God.

The Construction of the Tabernacle This is fully described as it had been seen by Moses in the mount, including curtains & coverings of different materials. (26:1-6). The Tent of Meeting includes both the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies, this timber construction had coverings of ram’s skin dyed red and badger’s skins draped over it (Ex.26:7-14), hence the name Tent of Meeting. This structure which contained the 2 rooms was in fact a timber frame with interlinking timber boards covered in a veneer of gold. The inside of this timber frame was lined with curtains and the timber poles of the frame fitted into the ground by means of silver sockets. The other curtain was the heavy vail which was dyed blue, purple, and scarlet (26:31-33),1 which divided the room into two. The visual impact of the rich colours (blue, purple and scarlet) of these 10 1

See the NOTE 1, at the end of the document about the discovery of scarlet dyed fabric.

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curtains with their embroidered cherubim cried out for an explanation to their spiritual significance, “Moreover thou shalt make the tabernacle with ten curtains of fine twined linen, and blue, and purple, and scarlet: with cherubim of cunning work shalt thou make them” (Ex.26:1). The only eyes to feast upon the beauties of the tabernacle from the inside were the priests, the High Priest and of course, we also get to see it from the inside because the Bible gives us access to it, we see its minute detail aided meticulous descriptions, thanks to Moses who beheld it visually when he was in the mount with the LORD.

The High-Priest’s Garments (Ex. 39:1-31)

These were truly exquisite in their beauty, the Lord describes them, “And you shalt make holy garments for Aaron your brother for glory and for beauty” (Ex.28:2) and they are also called “holy garments” (35:19; 39:1). The High-Priest wore a Robe of Blue (Exod.28:31-35) with pomegranates and bells on the hem, underneath a garment called the Ephod (Ex.28:6-14) which was like an outer tunic made of linen with gold, blue, purple, and scarlet threads woven into it. It fitted both the front and back of the body and made in two parts, which were clasped New Life Radio – Talk No 17

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together at the shoulder by two Onyx Stones set in gold, engraved with the names of the twelve tribes of Israel. This meant that every time the High Priest went into the Holy Place, he bore the names of the tribes representing these people to God. 'The Sash or Girdle' made the front and back of the ephod as one garment which was tied round the priest's waist. This was also of blue, purple, and scarlet linen intertwined with golden threads. He also wore over the ephod the Breastplate (28:15-29, 39:8-21), which was a pouch about 22-cm square made of beautifully woven material. (the same material as the ephod but doubled back to form a pouch and into this was placed the Urim (means “Lights”) and Thummim (means “perfections”) for discerning the Lord’s will' (Ex.28:30, cf. Num. 27:21, 1 Sam.28:6). On the front of the breastplate were fastened twelve precious stones in four rows of three. On each of these stones were engraved the name of one of the tribes of Israel and they were borne before the Lord continually as a memorial. Inasmuch as the twelve stones were in one breastplate, they speak of the oneness of the people of God, while their position upon Aaron's breast speaks of God's affection for His people. The names on the breastplate were always close to Aaron's heart and point to his ministry of intercession. The Mitre and Crown/Turban (28:36-38, 39:30, 31), with the brassplate upon his forehead (Ex.28:36-38; 39:30) which was engraved: “HOLINESS TO THE LORD,” - "Be holy because I, the LORD your God, am holy"' (Lev. 19:2). “By being marked, the High Priest typified the true inner holiness on the ground of which, alone, Israel could be accepted before God. He was truly the most important man on earth. The conspicuous position of the golden plate upon Aaron's forehead gave special meaning and character to all his garments and to his office. In committing himself to holiness, Aaron could be assured that he New Life Radio – Talk No 17

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qualified for divine service and was accepted by God as a mediator between God and the people of Israel.” The Priest’s Garments (Ex.28:39-43, 39:27-29), were plain in comparison to those of the High Priest. A long tunic (the embroidered coat) with sleeves of white linen, woven throughout without seam, white trousers from hip to thigh, a white linen hat or mitre wound like a turban, but cone-shaped, and a sash or girdle woven in the same material as the veil (Ex 39:29). One asks the obvious question of these Israelites who are now living in isolation from civilization – where did all these priceless gems, precious metals and furnishings come from? They were treasures from Egypt, parting presents from people they had served, given in response to the requests of the Israelites, “jewels of silver and jewels of gold and raiment” (Ex.12:35-36). Later when Moses asked the Israelites to give back their treasures for the building of the tabernacle, they freely gave with such generosity Moses had to call a halt to their giving (Ex.35:129; 36:6), - identify the various items listed and see how they were used in the tabernacle (Ex.25:3-7). Even the women’s mirrors were melted down for making of the laver in which the priests washed their feet and hands (Ex.38:8).

Spices, Perfumes, Oils and Ointment (Ex.30:22-38; 37:29)

These were an integral part of the ambiance of the tabernacle. Here we are in the priest’s pharmacy, fascinated by the various label on the bottles of spices. Three times Moses refers to “the art of the apothecary” (30:25, 35; 37:29). This skill was gained in Egypt as were all the other skills of the Egyptians and they are now employed in the New Life Radio – Talk No 17

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service of the tabernacle. Their skill is used to produce holy anointing oil for the priests, perfume, and incense. Chapter 30 is a unique and fascinating chapter in the Bible and important if you reflect on the phenomenal significance of spices in the ancient world and the spice routes. We read about the perfume, which was tempered together, pure, and holy – the perfume of God (the fragrance of His nature)! In the next verse (v36), Moses writes: “And you shall beat some of it very small and put of it before the testimony in the tabernacle of the congregation, where I will meet with you: it shall be unto you most holy.” These finely grounded spices were kept exclusively for the Day of Atonement, when the High Priest, divested of his beautiful garments wears clothing of plain white linen (Lev.16:4); having made atonement for his family and the nation of Israel he proceeds beyond the vail into the Holy of Holies. These finely grounded spices were sprinkled on the burning coals in his censor and taking light become incense, veiling the High Priest from the blinding light of God’s shekinah glory -there was no lampstand in the Holy of Holies because the LORD was the light there. The ministry of the priest related primarily to the sacrificial system and relied on the supply of animals. When we talked about the Birth narratives, we referred to the supply of sheep for the temple sacrifices in Jerusalem, supplied by Bethlehem shepherds. The completion of the building of the tabernacle is recorded (Ex.39:3243), its erection is described (40:1-33) and instructions are also given for its future dismantling (Num.4:1-15).

The Feasts of the Lord (Ex.34:18-26)

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These complete the picture of worship and sacrifice in the nation of Israel, Moses also includes the keeping of the Sabbath day under this heading (v21). King David added a further dimension to the ministry of the Tabernacle by introducing the singing of Psalms and later King Solomon linked prayer with the temple. John says that Jesus “tabernacled” among His ancient people, which became possible through Christ becoming a real human person, “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt (tabernacled) among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father) full of grace and truth” (Jn.1:14). God became present and tangible in the Person of Jesus Christ, His Son. No longer does the invisible God need to employ images, pictures, or visions to alert and show us that He is among them – no, He has come among us in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ! The coming of Jesus to dwell on earth anticipates His coming to indwell His loved ones. The incarnation made it possible for God to dwell among us and now He is among us as the community of God, the body of Christ.

The Presence of God associated with the Tabernacle The same presence of God which suddenly came into the newly built tabernacle of Moses (Ex.40:34), also came as suddenly into the newly built temple of Solomon much later (2Chron.7:1). These 2 definite comings of God to fill His house clearly anticipate the coming of Jesus to fill His house of flesh, His humanity, thus enabling Him to tabernacle among men. He has also come to fill His house, which is His church. Jesus describes His invisible presence among His people when He said: “For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them” (Mat.18:20). New Life Radio – Talk No 17

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Jesus is in the house, - His house, which we call the church. This picture of the tabernacle focuses our attention on the presence of Jesus as the focal point of the church; His presence permeated the community which camped around the tabernacle. The first time God came to dwell in the tent that Moses had built for Him he wrote, “the glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle” (Ex.40:34) and the second time God came to dwell among His people was the occasion when Solomon dedicated the temple he had built for the LORD by prayer, “Now when Solomon had made an end of praying, the fire came down from heaven, and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices; and the glory of the Lord filled the house” (2Chron.7:1). The third sudden coming of God to His temple was not the restored temple of Solomon, nor Herod’s temple, but the sudden coming of God on the Day of Pentecost to fill His house with glory. Malachi, at the conclusion of the OT, describes the sudden coming of John Baptist, “Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way

before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the Lord of hosts” (Mal.3:1).

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I recall the sudden coming of Jesus to His house of clay, “And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men” (Lk.2:12-14). At the moment of Jesus’ birth, we observe a corresponding action of the angel host who suddenly break out in united praise to God. “And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance” (Acts 2:1-4). I have talked elsewhere about the alacrity of the Holy Spirit to do Father’s will, His precise timing as in times of His outpouring when the Holy Spirit will suddenly come in several places simultaneously. I think of the repeated occasions when gatherings of people are simultaneously baptized in the Holy Spirit as happened with the 120 disciples at Pentecost and other occasions in Acts. The coming of God to His House is described as the glory of the LORD. Thus, we see the glory which accompanies His descent and is synonymous with His holy presence among His people - His presence is felt, and His glory is seen. Moses described how the glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle; God had come to dwell among his people. Israel New Life Radio – Talk No 17

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had been called by God to be a people who gathered unto the LORD as He dwelled among them (His presence). His actual location in the Holy of Holies was the mercy seat (the lid of the ark) between the cherubim, “You who dwell between the cherubim, shine forth!” (Ps.80:1b). His shining forth speaks of His glory which is associated with His coming. Note the glory of God in relationship to Moses.

The Location of the 12 tribes and the Tabernacle The 12 tribes were given designated locations around the Tent of Meeting where they pitched their tents. This was to be their unique testimony to the nations; they were to be a people of the LORD’S presence. They were also to be to the nations a people of the LORD’S law, living righteously and exercising justice according to God’s holy Law – demonstrating before the nations God’s righteousness and justice. God brought the children of Israel out of Egypt; brought them to Sinai where He entered into covenant relationship with them, gave them His Laws, and then instructed them to build the tabernacle. The concluding chapter of Exodus records the fact that Moses finished the work and that immediately it was crowned by the descent of God to occupy the Holy of Holies. The descent of the invisible God and the close proximity of His presence was no doubt sensed by each of the tribes who camped around the tabernacle.2 The living symbols of the cloud 2

The cloud rising upwards from the tabernacle and the tents of the 12 tribes pitched around the LORD’S tent in the centre.

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and the pillar of fire bore witness to His constant presence. Moses alone had encountered the presence of the LORD in the mountain, but now His presence was felt by all the encamped tribes. Apart from His presence the tabernacle was only a tent sitting on the sand of the desert floor.

Discussion The priests who ministered in the tabernacle had a ministry to God and to the children of Israel. They ministered to God in the Holy place by day and by night (Ps.134:1-2). The Holy Place was separated from the Holy of Holies by a thick curtain called the Vail. The ministering priests were constantly aware of the LORD who was there present just beyond the vail. A good deal of their work was to administer the system of sacrifices and offerings that was part of Israel’s religion. Thus, they would be in constant demand and in continual contact with people. This three-fold ministry: to God, to Israel and to the Nations represents the ministry of the church: firstly, to God, and then to the people of God, and finally unto the world. The glory of the LORD’S presence is at the heart of the church; and when we speak of glory, we mean the Shekinah presence of the Triune God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In the A.V. version of the Bible, Jehovah is translated as LORD and takes us back to the revelation of God to Moses. This name is not a title, but LORD is His name, and the declaration of that name is embodied in the SHEMA, “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one!” (Deut.6:4). At the burning bush Moses was confronted by God - the great “I AM,” who told him to remove his shoes because He was standing in God’s New Life Radio – Talk No 17

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presence and standing on holy ground (Ex.3:5). God spoke to him about the past, and his revelation to Abraham 500 years before. In v.16 He says, “I am the God of your fathers.” When God turned Moses’ rod into a serpent it was a sign that God would accomplish His purpose which was, “That they may believe that the LORD God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has appeared to you” (Ex.4:5). This new revelation of God’s name as LORD was given as the foundation for their faith as the people of God. The LORD is one God, speaking of the unity of God. We call this faith in one LORD, monotheism. This revelation of God’s name was also given to Israel because the LORD was about to demonstrate the power of that Name in confrontation with the gods of Egypt. At the end of his life, on the plain of Moab, Moses spoke about the LORD, and spoke again of His continuing presence with them (Deut.31:2-8). The LORD, whose Hebrew name is Jehovah or Yahweh, is the eternal God who is not only present among His people but who is faithful in His covenant promises and who is active on their behalf. We see the Lord seated on the throne (the ark) and dwelling between the two cherubim in the secret place most holy, “Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel, You that leads Joseph like a flock; You that dwell between the cherubim, shine forth” (Ps.80:1; 99:1). The same LORD who sits between the cherubim is actively engaged in the salvation of His people, providing atonement for them through His appointed priests who administer prescribed sacrifices and offerings. The “glory” is the tangible felt presence of the invisible LORD. This presence of God that invades our worship, that inspires our prayers, and our preaching is the power of God that has a convicting effect on New Life Radio – Talk No 17

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the consciences of troubled souls, resulting in their repentance and salvation. We need this in our churches. The holy presence of God brings the worshipping soul into intimacy and abandonment, and brings prayer anointing and releases the gifts of the Spirit. The holy invisible presence of the Lamb is, nevertheless, tangibly felt and sensed by the people of God as the LORD dwells among His people. His children gather unto Him only. This is the church and has nothing to do with a physical building as such or a human priest. Each child of God is a priest unto God and requires no intermediary to stand between him and God. Until God comes and fills the church with His glory, we will not live righteous and holy lives and we will not be the people of God demanding and insisting on social justice, for the marginalized, exploited, and vulnerable people in our society. The nations will not listen to us if we are not genuine in our confession of Jesus Christ and our lifestyle is not truly kingdom living. We cannot separate our calling to be a people who dwell in the Presence of God and a people called to live as a testimony to God’s presence in the world. The presence of God must never be separated in our minds from the works of God which accompany His presence. The presence of Jesus in the temple was accompanied by teaching, deliverances, and healings. The invisible presence of God was felt/sensed by Jacob in his dream; the same invisible presence of God was there originally in the Garden of Eden and later Mount Sinai; later it came to rest in the tabernacle, demonstrated in the living symbols of the cloud and the fire. It was felt by the Israelites as they moved about the camp. It was there, much closer to them now as they came within the perimeter of the tabernacle wall to bring their sacrifices to the altar of sacrifice.

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Reading through the books of Samuel to Chronicles you may have noticed that the chosen phrase for what we usually refer to as the temple is: “the house of the Lord.” I much prefer the word “house” to the word “temple” and it is consistent with Jesus’ describing the temple as “My Father’s house.” It also leads us back to the first reference in Genesis where young Jacob wakes from sleep and says: “Surely the LORD is in this place, and I knew it not… this is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven” (Gen.32:16-17). Jacob, is conscious of God’s presence there at Bethel, but now that same presence is located in the tabernacle. The ministry of the tabernacle required priests and required sacrifices and thus the place was a hive of activity around the brazen altar with people coming and going and sacrifices being offered by competent priests. The brazen altar would have been constantly burning and smoking and filling the air with its aroma of burning flesh. Normally we do not associate the tabernacle with actions, noises, and smells. It is only when the Levitical priests have thoroughly washed themselves at the laver that they enter the holy place where the smell of burning carcasses is replaced with sweet incense rising from the altar of incense filling the house with its fragrance. The natural light from the outside world is exchanged for the light shining from the sevenbranched candle stick from the cups of pure olive oil which burn there continually. The third item of furniture in the holy place is the table of shewbread containing 12 loaves of unleavened, representing the 12 tribes of Israel. These loaves where replaced every week for fresh loaves and eaten by the priests.

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Alongside the ministry of the serving/sacrificing priests; we have not accounted for the ongoing ministry of judges who inform/interpret and apply the law to individual cases which are brought to them by men and women in the camp. Having pronounced judgement, many of those people would have been required to bring sacrifices to atone for their sins, hence much of the activity at the brazen altar would have been men and women bringing animals to be sacrificed alongside the regular daily offerings. Before we engage in any form of typology, we need to know from Scripture exactly what it was that engaged the priests in the service of the sanctuary. Surely, much of this information is totally irrelevant to Christians today who live in a world apart from the Old Testament? We must ask ourselves how other Biblical writers3 used the tabernacle and the high priesthood to bring lessons to the church (particularly the book of Hebrews).4 I think it is amazing that the apostles of the early church chose not to incorporate any of its teaching and practices into the New Testament church.


High-priesthood, Heb.3:1; 4:14-16; 5:1-14; 7:1-8:6;9:6-28; 10. Tabernacle, Heb.9:1-5. 4 See my pamphlet entitled, “The Letter to the Hebrews, “the Offeror and the offering”.

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NOTE 1, while writing this document on the tabernacle I received today 30/01/2021 the following item from “BBC WORLD NEWS” - Fri 29 Jan 2021 by Press Association Researchers discover royal purple fabric from biblical times. Scientists have discovered rare evidence of fabric dyed with royal purple dating from the time of King David and King Solomon. While examining coloured textiles from Timna Valley - an ancient copper production district in southern Israel - researchers were surprised to find remnants of woven fabric, a tassel and fibres of wool dyed with royal purple. Radiocarbon dating confirmed the samples date from approximately 1000 BC, corresponding to the biblical monarchies of David and Solomon in Jerusalem. The dye is produced from species of mollusc found in the Mediterranean, more than 180 miles from Timna. It is mentioned in the Bible and appears in various Jewish and Christian contexts, and researchers say this is the first time that purple-dyed Iron Age textiles have been found in Israel, or indeed throughout the Southern Levant (for full article go to BBC website).

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