entrance. The above is a model of the tabernacle for you to see, but it fails to convey to you that it was a living and functional tabernacle fulfilling a dynamic role in the spiritual life of the nation of Israel. The living symbol of the LORD’S day-time presence was the swirling cloud, rising upwards from the throne where God dwelled between the cherubim (the mercy seat), rising into heaven itself. The night-time living symbol of God’s abiding among them was the unconsumed fire of God which flamed upwards from the dwelling place of God on earth to heaven, lighting the night sky - the two symbols of wind and fire representing the awesome presence of God. There was not one single moment when the LORD was not among His people. The priests who were the servants of the LORD served Him by day and by night, thus recognizing God’s eternal presence among His people and their need to offer continual sacrifices to maintain their standing before God and their hearts cleansed, thus sacrifices were offered morning and evening and during the day. God’s presence was not latent or implied but active and intrusive, He is the living God, not only present but also speaking loudly and clearly from His location within the Holy of Holies (Lev.1:1), before He had spoken from the mount, now He speaks from inside the sanctuary (Ex.25:22).
New Life Radio – Talk No 17
3 Derrick Harrison