Page T*verrty
March, 1983
Mr. Bauer has been involved with cattle all his life, firstly as a dealer and fattener, and more
latterly as a stud breeder.
ln the 5O's and 6O's he was a familiar figure around Central Queensland buying store catile for Bauer and Humphreys, and fat catfle for Amagraze.
His first Brahmans were bought in the early
fifties from the late Alex McKenzie and also from
Mr. W. R. (Ron) Bauer Snr. has been elected as
a Life Member of the Association.
the McCartney Brothers of Princhester. Mr. Bauer formed the Grampians Brahman Stud and joined the Association in 1961, his stud number being 45. He was a member of the Council from 1968 to 1973, a period which saw the most rapid growth of the Brahman breed. He has been an active promoter of Brahman cattle since joining the Association, being especially prominent in the Show ring, with tedms travelling to Sydney and Melbourne Royal Shows on a number of occasions in the early ZO's and even as far as Adelaide. Grampians cattle have been shown in Brisbane every year since 1965, with the exception of 1980, and have met with considerable success.
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September, 1 985
ln the SO's and 6O's he was a familiar figure around Central Queensland buying store cattle for
Bauer and Humphreys, and fat cattle for
His first Brahmans were bought in the early
fifties from the late Alex lv]cKenzie and also from the McCartney Brothers of Princhester. Mr. Bauer formed the Grampians Brahman Stud and joined the Association in .1961, his stud number being 45. He was a member of the Council from 1968 to 1973 and was elected a life member of the Association in 1983. He was an active promoter of Brahman cattle being especially prominent in the showring, with teams travelling to Sydney and Melbourne Royal Shows on a number of occasions in the early 70's and even as far as Adelaide. Grampians cattle have been shown in Brisbane
Brahman breeders throughout Australia were saddened by the death on 26th August of Mr. W.R. (Ron) Bauer of Boonah at the age of 70
Mr. Bauer has been involved with catfle all his life, firstly as a dealer and fattener, and more lately as a stud breeder.
every year since 1965, with the exception of 1980 and 1985 and have met with considerable SUCCESS.
Mr. Bauer is survived by two sons Ron and Graham, a daughter Mrs. Beverley Bowles and ten
grandchildren to whom we extend our deepest sympathy. Mr. Bauer was preceded by his wife in