S OUT H S H O Life RE Vol.2 #1 Mar 22
SCHOOLS &Families
18 East Bay High
Lennard High
South County Career Center
Ruskin Elementary
Sumner High
Doby Elementary
Cover P h o t o by M ic h a e l J u n g
Apollo Beach Elementary
Gibsonton Elementary
Cypress Creek Elementary
Belmont Elementary
Corr Elementary
Thompson Elementary
"... exciting times ahead for our learners"
e are so fortunate to live in the Tampa Bay area, a caring and thriving community where the positive impact on the lives of children is a top priority for our residents, business executives, and civic leaders. The teachers, administrators, and support professionals in Hillsborough County Public Schools have been champions for children as they provide students with emotional support and targeted instruction during a historically unique time in education. As our district continues to see student enrollment numbers increase, particularly in the fast-growing area of Southeastern Hillsborough County, we remain laser-focused on providing families with world-class educational program options that meet the needs and the interests of their children. We are excited to open a brand-new school, Dorothy C. York Innovation Academy, in August 2022, located in the Waterset community. This beautiful campus will allow students to imagine new possibilities with a focus on robotics, technology, and innovative labs, plus art and design studios. York Innovation Academy will be the first magnet elementary school in the SouthShore area and first pre-K-8 school in Southeastern Hillsborough County. (Wilder Architecture Rendering, below). There are so many exciting opportunities ahead for our learners. Together, we will accelerate Hillsborough toward a brighter future.
Addison G. Davis Superintendent of Schools Hillsborough County Public Schools
Dorothy C. York Innovation Academy— August 2022
Ruskin Christian
Reddick Elementary
Eisenhower Middle
Wimauma Elementary
Shields Middle
LTT Academy LLT South Bay
Index of Advertisers
RCMA Community Academy
Waterset Charter
Join SouthShore Chamber of Commerce
Ana De Los Santos Artist
S C H O O L S & FA MILIES 2 0 2 2
reating this Schools & Families edition of SouthShore Life put me in touch with many teachers, administrators, support staff and others who work at our schools. It also introduced me to the many volunteers. These are individuals and organizations who work throughout the year to help the schools and their students achieve their goals. What struck me most, as I surveyed the schools you will read about in these pages, was an abundance of optimism and enthusiasm ... to overcome challenges, to set even higher goals, and to put in motion the ways and means to achieve these goals. One of the committees of our hard-working SouthShore Chamber of Commerce is the Educational Partnership Committee. Some members "adopt" a school and work with the Principal on various projects. Also, schools can submit "requests" that the Committee evaluates and, when possible, fulfills them. The request can be as small as a book, or as large as remodeling/updating the teachers' lounge. The latter is a project currently underway. (See page 9)
Furniture movers? No. SouthShore Chamber of Commerce volunteers are upgrading teacher lounges at Shields and Eisenhower Middle Schools.
Ki wa ni s i s lo o k i ng o ut fo r k i ds i n every co rner of the g lo be wi t h m o re t han 5 5 0 , 0 0 0 vo lunt eers who ser ve their co m m uni t i es t hro ug h lo cal clubs i ncludi ng t he S outhShore K i wani s. Read m o re o n page 2 9 . Reddick Elementary has a special partnership with citizens from the nearby Valencia Lakes community and Sun City Center. Says Principal Dr. Jennifer Dames, “They support us in many ways. They provide supplies, morale boosts for our teachers, as well as an on-going volunteer program of individuals who offer tutoring and other academic support." (See page 51). Apollo Beach Elementary Principal Kelly McMillan says: " In total, we have benefited from 4,550 volunteer hours from parents, grandparents, and community members. This includes incredible support, above and beyond, from our PTA which has raised funds for many different projects." (See page 39) Read about our schools. Share the link to this online magazine with someone you know who may find this information helpful. Follow up on some of the many opportunities to get involved.
Janet Verdeguer, Publisher Granny Apple Publishing LLC 6
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he SouthShore Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to the success of our teachers and students at all of the local SouthShore schools. The chamber’s Educational Partnership Committee was started over ten years ago and takes requests from teachers for their classrooms. Each month our committee comes together and reviews the requests. We are thrilled to connect their needs to our business members who love to help fulfill the requests. The committee has also taken great pride in hosting the annual Migrant Graduate Banquet each year as well as various other special projects at the schools, ~ Melanie Davis, Executive Director
w w w. S o u t h S h o re C h a m b e rof Co m m e rce. org
Each month our committee comes together and reviews teacher requests.
S C H O O L S & FA MILIES 2 0 2 2
Educational Partnership Committee
Top left: "You Did It!" Top right and above, left: Chamber Educational Partnership volunteers gather items for current projects: upgrading teacher lounges at Shields and Eisenhower Middle Schools. Center right: Freedom Boat Club hosts migrant high school graduates to a boat ride on the Bay as part of the Chamber's annual migrant banquet. Right: "Thank You Teachers" banner.
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SPURLINO FAMILY YMCA AT BIG BEND ROAD 9650 Old Big Bend Rd., Gibsonton, FL 33534 P 813.436.5890 www.tampaymca.org S C H O O L S & FA MILIES 2 0 2 2
TYPES OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS Elementary Elementary schools are the main point of delivery of primary education in the United States. An elementary school is a primary school which is the main point of delivery of primary education in the United States, for children between the ages of 5–11 and coming between pre-kindergarten and secondary education.
Middle Middle schools serve preadolescent and young adolescent students between grades 5 and 9, with most in the 6-8 year-old range.. Middle schools serve pre-adolescent and young adolescent students between grades 5 and 9, with most in the grade 6-8 range. Middle schools in the upper grade range (7-9) are sometimes referred to as junior high schools. Secondary or high schools enroll students in the upper grades, generally 9-12 with variations.
High High school is the education students receive in the final stage of secondary education. High school is the education students receive in the final stage of secondary education in the United States. In the United States this lasts from approximately 14 to 18 years old in most cases. Most comparable to secondary schools, high schools generally deliver phase three of the ISCED model of education. The International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) is the official framework used to facilitate international comparisons of education systems. It was developed in 1976 by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and was revised in 1997 and 2011.
Public schools operating under a performance contract, or a "charter." Charter schools are public schools that operate under a performance contract, or a “charter” which frees them from many regulations created for traditional public schools while holding them accountable for academic and financial results. The charter contract between the charter school governing board and the sponsor details the school’s mission, program, goals, students served, methods of assessment and ways to measure success. The legislative guiding principles behind charter schools are to meet high standards of student achievement while increasing parental choice; align responsibility with accountability; and provide parents information on reading levels and learning gains of their children. Charter schools are intended to improve student learning; increase learning opportunities with special emphasis on low performing students and reading; and measure learning outcomes. Charter schools may create innovative measurement tools; provide competition to stimulate improvement in traditional schools; expand capacity of the public school system; and mitigate the educational impact created by the development of new residential units.
Magnet Public schools with specialized courses or curricula. In the U.S. education system, magnet schools are public schools with specialized courses or curricula. "Magnet" refers to how the schools draw students from across the normal boundaries defined by authorities as school zones that feed into certain schools. Attending them is voluntary. ~ Wikipedia
Independent or private schools are privately funded and privately governed. An independent school is independent in its finances and governance. Also known as private schools, non-governmental, private funded, or non-state schools, they are not administered by local, state or national governments.
Characteristics Magnet schools have three distinguishing characteristics: Distinctive curriculum and/or instructional approach. A diverse student body that represents various neighborhood attendance zones. Represent diversity as an explicit purpose.
S C H O O L S & FA MILIES 2 0 2 2
Flip Flop Shops Kidz Club Academy
813-773-7760 1201 E SHELL POINT RD. RUSKIN, FL 33570 Lic: CHC433774
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The South Shore Fishing Academy is a fun-filled fishing academy designed for kids ages 7-12 and 13-17 that offers a half-day inshore fishing trip with local professional licensed fishing guides combined with a spectacular hands-on classroom setting of teaching basic fishing skills, boating safety, casting with live bait and artificial lures, fly fishing, cast netting for bait, chart reading, navigation, and much more.
S C H O O L S & FA MILIES 2 0 2 2
Earl J. Lennard High School is a public high school in Ruskin, Florida. The school was named in honor of Dr. Earl J. Lennard, former superintendent of Hillsborough County Public Schools. Lennard High School opened in August 2006, mainly for the purpose of relieving overcrowding at East Bay High School in Gibsonton, with an enrollment of just under 700 students. Today's student enrollment is just over 2,300. The Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) has been recently reformed and has worked progressively to rebuild itself stronger than ever. Brooklyn Calloway (AP) heads PTSA for the school, and the current president is parent Carrie Elwell. In the first quarter of 2021, 240 students earned Principal's Honor Roll, and 365 students earned High Honor Roll. first quarter of 2021, 240 students earned Principal's H
Len nard High Scho o l ( fro m left ) : St u den t t ea ch e r tra i ning, M a rc h i ng B a nd , F uture Fa r m e rs o f Am e r ic a ( F FA ).
O u r P T SA co mmi t tee h a s be e n re fo r me d an d has wo r ked p ro g ressive ly to re buil d i t s el f st ro n g er t h an eve r ."
D e nise Lawso n
Sh a ro n G i lmo re- Ba r to n
S teve n M ik ke l s o n
Honoring Teachers & Support Staff Len n ard's Teach e r of th e Ye a r is S t eve n M ikkelso n. T he Ida S . Baker Te ach er of t h e Ye a r re c ip ie n t is D e n is e Law so n, and Inst ruct i o nal Su ppo r t E m ploye e of t h e Ye a r is S h a ron G ilm o re-Bart o n.
P r i nc ip a l De ni s e S av ino
Varsi t y Cheer wo n 2nd p lace i n t he Reg i o nal Division of the U ni versal Cheerleaders Associat i o n ( U CA) and m oved on to the Nat i o nal Cheer Comp etition. Mi chael Tunst all, Student Af fai rs, i s o ur Cheer Sp onsor.
Something for Everyone We of fer o ppo r t u n itie s for l e a rn in g to p re p are st udent s fo r careers in a lmo s t an y are n a of t h e ir c h oice, from musi c t o sci ence, f ro m math t o an i m al hu s b a n d ry.
The Power of Peers Students are paired with students to provide positive aspects when interacting with people who are differently abled. These interactions create kindness and empathy while building new friendship relationships. Audria Aldridge is a CTA (Classroom Teachers Association) teacher and contact person for this program.
EARL J. lENNARD HIGH SCHOOL Denise Savino, Principal 2342 E Shell Point Rd, Ruskin (813) 641-5611 Student hours 8:40 am to 3:35 pm No Uniforms Purple & Gold "Longhorns" Notable Graduate: Diontae Johnson, NFL Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver www.hillsboroughschools.org/lennard
S C H O O L S & FA MILIES 2 0 2 2
EAST BAY HIGH One of Hillsborough County's Oldest Schools
ast Bay High School was chartered in the fall of 1957. The original location served grades 7 through 12 and is the current Eisenhower Middle School. In 1972, the current East Bay High School building was constructed and housed grades 10 through 12. In 1974, the ninth graders were transferred from the middle school. Our grade structure of 9 through 12 is still intact today. East Bay High School, located in Gibsonton, Florida is a community high school. We offer students a traditional high school experience with dual enrollment opportunities, advanced placement classes and certification opportunities. Our school has raised its graduation rate by 15 points in the last five years by implementing a system of checks and balances to ensure each student remains on track. Our academic offerings include AP Psychology, AP
Statistics, and AP Capstone. We also boast the NAF Academy of Health Science, Welding, Automotive Repair, Cosmetology, Veterinary and Culinary programs. We focus on differentiated instruction as we prepare students for life, and strive to meet each student’s needs as they prepare for success at the post-secondary level. As one of the oldest schools in Hillsborough County, we are proud to have provided so many members of the community with the opportunity to have “a great day at the Bay!
E a s t B ay P r i n ci p a l A my St eve n s - C ox
EAST BAY HIGH Amy Stevens-Cox, Principal 7710 Old Big Bend Rd (813) 671-5134 Student Hours 8:40 am to 3:35 pm No Uniforms "Aiming for Excellence" Red & Grey "Indians" http://eastbay.mysdhc.org/ https://www.hillsboroughschools. org/eastbay
1st Team All-Conference Offensive Guard—Jack Krych 1st Team All—Conference Offensive Tackle—Jay’lon Key- Johnson 2nd Team All—Conference Defensive Back—Trent Cherry and Vincent Ketchup
HIGHLIGHTS We’re dancing our way into 2022 by celebrating our 95% graduation rate! This is the result of a loving school community focused on student success!
ACADEMIC. East Bay had 443 Students who made Honor Roll for Quarter 1, 2021 • 365 students earned High Honor Roll in Quarter 1, 202 • 240 students earned Principal's Honor Roll in Quarter 1, 2021
E a s t B ay H i gh S cho o l T he s p i a n s
CHORUS. Thousands of students across Florida auditioned. East Bay has six students selected to be part of AllState Chorus.
THESPIANS. East Bay Theatre won the highest honor in the region! Out of the over 1,200 students in the region that competed, only two events are chosen to represent our region (Hillsborough, Manatee, and and surrounding areas) at the Florida State Thespian Festival on the Morsani Stage. One event is Performance and One event Technical. East Bay Theatre took both winning spots. This is an enormous honor.
VARSITY CHEER won 2nd Place in the Regional Division. They moved on to the UCA National Cheer Competition in 2022.
E a s t B ay Va r s i t y C he e rle a d e r s ( a b ove ) a n d ( b elow ) 2021 H o m e co m i n g K i n g a n d Q ue e n
S enior se nd- of f. S C H O O L S & FA MILIES 2 0 2 2
SUMNER HIGH S um n e r is the Co unty 's Newest High Sc hool
hat's new? Everything! Sumner High School opened in the fall of 2020 in the midst of a pandemic and offered a one-ofa-kind program for incoming sixth grade students to enroll in Sumner’s Academy 2027. This inaugural cohort of students has the unique experience of attending the same school site for seven consecutive years. Sumner’s state-of-the-art facilities are equipped with Newline digital interactive displays and flexible student seating to maximize student engagement in a 21st century classroom environment. Sumner’s athletics facilities feature a brandnew football stadium with artificial turf, as well as baseball and softball fields that would make the Tampa Bay Ray’s want to relocate to Riverview! Even though Sumner athletics may be the “new kids on the block”, our student athletes have been making waves across the county.
Our vision is to position students for future success in a global job market, equip them with the skills to pursue their passions, and develop their character to make a positive impact on society.
Our school motto: "Unity Through Diversity" PI LOT A I C E PRO GR A M S umne r i s Hi llsb o ro ug h Co u n t y ’ s p i lo t sc ho o l fo r the Ca m b ri d ge AI C E p rog ra m. T hi s qua l i f i e s stud e nts fo r the f ull B r i g h t F uture s F lo r i d a Ac a d e m i c Sc h o la rshi p b a se d o n the i r co m p l e t i o n of AI C E Di p lo ma re qui re m e n t s . S tud e nts must a lso ta ke a n d p a ss the a sso c i a te d te s t s fo r e a c h co urse a nd co mp l e t e 1 0 0 co mmuni ty se r vi ce ho u rs . T h e s e co urse s a re a c a d e mi c a l l y ri go ro us i n o rd e r to p rovi d e s t u d e n t s w i th the ski ll se t to b e s u cce ssf ul i n the i r p ursui t of h i g h e r e d uc a ti o n. B a se d o n th e ove rw he lmi ng succe ss of S u m n e r’ s AI C E p rog ra m, HC P S p la n s t o exp a nd AI C E co urse of fe ri n g s to 14 a d d i ti o na l hi g h s c h o o l s i n the d i str i c t fo r the 202 2 - 2 0 2 3 sc ho o l ye a r.
JULE F. SUMNER HIGH SCHOOL Robert Nelson, Principal 10650 Country Road 672 Riverview 33579 Colors: Kelly Green & Victory Blue (813) 378-8626 Student Hours 8:30 am to 3:25 pm (Mondays 8:00 am to 1:50 pm) Academy 2027 Uniforms Required Sumner High No Uniforms Before & After School Programs HOST www.hillsboroughschools.org/sumner
M A NY O P P O RT U N I T I E S EL E C T I VE P RO G R A M S AV I D, Cu li n ar y A rts , Ve te rin a ry A ss is t a n t & Lab, Fu n d ame n t a l s of A g ric u l t u re, ROTC, P ri nc i ples of E n t re p re n e u rs h ip, Crim in a l J u st i ce, Fam i ly & Co n s u m e r S c ie n ce, D rive rs Ed ucati o n , M arch i n g & Con ce rt B a n d , J a z z B a nd, Ch o r u s , O rch e s t ra , G u it a r a n d P ia n o, D ram a & Th eat er, Wei g h t Tra in in g, Te a m S p orts , Vo ll ey ball, So cce r & B a s ke t b a l l . CLU B S & O RG A N I Z AT I O N S S GA S t u den t Cou n c il , S LA M Cl u b, Ac t iv ist Clu b, Cu lt u ral A p p re c ia t ion Cl u b, B a s ke t ball Clu b, Flo r i da P u b l ic S e rv ice A ss oc ia t ion, Impact Yo u t h Cl u b, M e d ia Ad v is ory Cou nc i l, A n i me & Ma n g a Cl u b, A rt Cl u b, B a k ing / Co o ki n g C lu b, Com ic Cl u b, F is h in g Cl u b, FFA, F BL A , Key C lu b, In te rn a tion a l T h e s p ia n So cie t y, KP O P C lu b, LG BTQ Cl u b & A l l ie s , M e n of V i s i o n , Nat i o na l H on or S oc ie t y, Poe t ry C lub, Ro bo t i cs Co d in g M a ke rs S p a ce, F CCLA , So ccer Clu b, St i n gray B u d d ie s , S p e c ia l O l y m p ic s, Th u rgo o d M ars h a l l Cl u b, Trave l Cl u b, Wo m en Empower m en t Cl u b, Vol l ey b a l l Cl u b. AT HL E T I C P RO G R A MS Fa l l Spo r ts : Footb a l l , B oy s & G irl s Cross Co untr y, Vo lley ball , G ol f, B oy s & G irl s S w im mi ng, Ch eer leadi n g W in ter Spo r ts : B oy s & G irl s B a s ke tb a l l , Boys & G i r ls S o ccer, Wre s t l in g S pr in g Spo r ts : B a s e b a l l , S oft b a l l , Te n n is Boys & G i r ls Track & F ie l d , F l a g Footb a l l
O ur st udent po pulat i o n i s hi g hly di verse and represent s t he g lo bal dem og raphi c t hat resides i n o ur surro undi ng co m m uni t y. S um ner’s Student S ervi ces Team co nsi st s of a f ull-t i m e M i g rant Advo cat e, Eng li sh L ang uage L earner S pecialist, Bi li ng ual Paraprofessi o nals, S cho o l S o ci al Wor ker, S t udent S uccess Co ach and S cho o l P sychologist. S um ner celebrat es t he di versi t y of o ur st udent po pulat i o n by faci li t at i ng q uart erly U ni t y Days to eng age st udent s i n ref lect i ve t eam -bui lding act i vi t i es. S um ner of fers ri go ro us academ i c instr uct i o n t hat co nnect s co nt ent-based st andards to our st udent s’ perso nal experi ences and i nt erests. Our dai ly S t udent Advi so ry Peri o d at t he beg i nning of each scho o l day co nnect s st udent s wi t h t he same i nst ruct o r fo r all fo ur years. T hi s Advi so ry p er iod allows st udent s t o f urt her enhance t hei r sense of belo ng i ng i n a scho o l envi ro nm ent t hat i s similar t o a sm all co llege cam pus.
T he academ i c i nst ruct i o n t hat m o t i vat es them to be successf ul. . . what are t hei r go als i n li fe? By i nvest i ng i n o ur k nowledge of o ur st udents, our t eachers are able t o provi de classro o m i nstr uct i o n t hat i s aut hent i c and eng ag i ng. S um ner High S cho o l i m plem ent s an O pen Access approach which allows all st udent s t he o ppo rt uni t y t o enroll in r igo ro us co urses. O ur scho o l m o t t o i s “U ni t y through Di versi t y” and t hi s appro ach i s em bedded within every aspect of o ur i nst i t ut i o n. O ur co m munity, our st udent s and o ur facult y all of fer an array of life experi ences t hat m akes S um ner o ne-of-a-kind.
Sumner High School was named for pioneer Jule F. Sumner, a local cattle rancher and businessman. S C H O O L S & FA MILIES 2 0 2 2
S e n i o r s o f S o ut h C o un t y C a r e e r C e n t e r.
n 1994, the Florida Legislature approved the construction of Adam Paine Academy, a 30 million dollar project named after a Seminole Indian who won the Medal of Honor. Adam Paine Academy was to be constructed on 359 acres near Sun City Center and was designed to house 500 to 800 serious juvenile offenders. The school was to be modeled after Pennsylvania’s reform school that has no bars but uses peer pressure
to teach troubled males responsible behavior. Community and citizen concerns bought the project to a halt in 1997. In June 15 of 1999, Governor Jeb Bush deeded the property and partially constructed buildings, intended for the Adam Paine Academy, over to the School District of Hillsborough County and the H. Lee Moffit Cancer Center. Under the agreement with the state, the School District of Hillsborough County was to assume ownership of approximately half of the 359-acre site and build a career center. Superintendent Earl Lennard and State Senator Tom Lee R-Brandon both deserve praise as they were key players in securing the rights to the property on behalf of the school system. The construction of the Career Center began in preparation for the opening of school in August of 2002. The Hillsborough County School Board named the school South County Career Center (SCCC). It is believed to have been named after the location in which the center is located, which is the southern most point of Hillsborough county. The school is designed to operate
The primary goal is to provide ALL the students with the opportunity to earn a high school diploma while learning a trade. At the same time, students prepare to enter the local workforce or post secondary technical training. on a regular school year calendar.
The Career training programs currently offered include: Automotive and Agriculture. The colors are black, gold and white and Bobcat is the mascot. The school is located on approximately 160 acres of land seven miles south of Ruskin, Florida on the east side of US Highway 41.the first quarter of 2021, 240 students earned Principal's H
"Our goal is to help students achieve success in their careers as well as in their lives."
SCCC will provide a comprehensive, collaborative environment to nurture and ensure the academic and personal success of our students.
Te e n p a r e n t S CCC g ra du at e w i t h he r chi ld . "I did i t!"
Ju ni or s pa r t i c i pat i n g i n t h e C PR C o ur s e .
outh County Career Center provides a great opportunity for our students to achieve academic success and to move forward towards a career. It is the goal of our faculty and staff to help them be successful in their
coursework, earn a High School Diploma, and either further their education or seek gainful employment. We help them achieve skills and attitudes for success in their careers as well as in their lives.
O n e o f o ur s eve n m i nds et s .
Dur in g Cl u b D ay
Aut o M e cha n i c C la s s .
Jennifer Woods, Principal 2810 John Sherman Way, Ruskin (813) 233-3335 Student Hours: Monday 8am to 1:52 pm Tues thru Fri 8am to 2:42 pm www.hillsboroughschools.org/sccc
S C H O O L S & FA MILIES 2 0 2 2
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S C H O O L S & FA MILIES 2 0 2 2
Thank You!
This is a love letter to those who welcome and care for the physically challenged students in our schools.This takes training, love,patience and,of course,a very special person. Your work is truly blessed.
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n learn a c n e r t child sic.” ... so tha e their own mu to mak
Lessons • Jam Sessions • Repairs • Accessories • Supplies • Seminars • Workshops • New, Vintage, and Gently Used Instruments 28
Kiw an is L ooks O u t fo r Ki d s E ver y w he re , I nclu d i n g S o u th S h o re Kiwanis Club of SouthShore, a non-profit volunteer group, is celebrating fifty years as the go-to community source on children’s well-being. The Club provides leadership and community service programs to all local public schools. From KKIDS fo r elementary schools to Builders Club in middle schools and Key Clubs in high school, the Kiwanis Club members participate in these student-led groups as advisors. Students plan and execute community service projects, including raising any funds needed. The leadership skills and knowledge about the local community cannot be over-
stated. Many of the students in the leadership programs become high achievers and attend four-year colleges. G iving back to the community is one of the goals of the high-schoolers we have met from Key Clubs. Terrific Kids encourages elementary and middle school students to be good citizens at school, for which they are
rewarded a certificate and bumper sticker (and maybe a treat). The newest program is Bringing Up Grades, which directs students to raise one grade each grading quarter to receive recognition. All of these programs are run with advisors from each school. Our Club is always open to anyone who has a passion for helping children be the best they can be.
Kiwa n i s C lu b o f So u t h Sh o re, a no n - pro fi t vo lu n t eer g ro u p, is celeb ra t i n g fi ft y yea rs a s the go - t o co mmu n i t y so u rce o n chil dren ’ s well- b ei n g .
S C H O O L S & FA MILIES 2 0 2 2
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just an old florida syle “take-out joint” with picnic-style seating serving deep-fried seafood and sides
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S C H O O L S & FA MILIES 2 0 2 2
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uskin Elementary School is a public PK-5 school located in Ruskin, FL. Ruskin Elementary offers classes in English, reading, language arts, math, science, foreign languages, economics, history and geography. It supports after-school programs and extended-day learning opportunities. The school is a part of Hillsborough County Public Schools, which offers career, technical and adult education programs, and also organizes science fairs. The school administers the English Language Learners program, as well as serves students with disabilities. At Ruskin Elementary we offer a Dual Language Program for our students. The program offers instruction in both English and Spanish for the areas of Reading, Writing, Science, and Math. The students that are a part of our Dual Language Cohort will become bi-literate in English and Spanish. Our first cohort of students in this program began in Kindergarten during the 2019-2020 school year. They completed Kindergarten and are now in the 1st grade Dual Language Class. Our second cohort of Kindergarten students in the program began with this current 2021-2022 school year. Each year we intend to add another grade level of the Dual Language Classes so that they can continue the path through their 5th grade year.
RUSKIN ELEMENTARY PK-5 Rebecca Salgado Principal 101 E College Ave (813) 671-5177 Student Hours 7:40 am to 1:55 pm Uniforms Mandatory Before & After School Programs After School Program https://www.hillsboroughschools. org/ruskin
Ruskin Elementary School Rockets: where positivity and academic excellence are out of this world!
e support the District’s vision of Preparing Students for Life, and are working to ensure that our students leave our school equipped with the tools they need to graduate on time.
Our District’s graduation rate goal is 90%. Ruskin Elementary School will improve instructional practice specifically relating to standards-aligned instruction. There will be evidence of standards-based instructional planning and delivery that demonstrates rigorous learning opportunities for all students in each content area and also includes appropriate scaffolds and/or extensions based on formative data.
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DOBY ELEMENTARY C ar in g. C ooperat ive . C ou ra ge ou s .
nez Doby Elementary School opened in southern Hillsborough County in the fall of 2006. It serves as a local school drawing most of its students from the surrounding neighborhoods of Covington Gardens and Waterset. Doby Elementary serves students between Pre-K and Fifth Grade. Doby also serves a special needs population with Deaf and Hard-Hearing and iPEEPs (Intensive Primary Exceptional Education Preschool Service, formerly know as EELP).
The school was named in honor of educator Inez E. Doby
DOBY ELEMENTARY PK-5 Rosanne Rush, Principal 6720 Covington Garden Dr Apollo Beach (813) 672-5392 Student Hours 7:40 am to 12:55 pm (Mon) 7:40 am to 1:55 pm (T-F) No Uniforms Before & After School Programs https://www.hillsboroughschools.org/doby
Doby Elementary is your neighborhood school nestled in the serene Waterset community of Apollo Beach.
Charting the Course for Success Doby Elementary is your neighborhood school, nestled in the serene Waterset community of Apollo Beach. Our students excel academically through rigorous STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) courses and activities. We offer a dynamic music program including Chorus, Modern Band, and World Drums. We create our community through clubs and volunteering. We embrace our active-duty families with a Military Kids Club, which helps with the struggles of deployment. Our Navigators stay active through our running clubs and Relay for Life team. Doby Navigators chart their course for success through our three C’s: Caring, Cooperating, and Courageous.
The student population of Doby Elementary School is 831 and the school serves PK-5. At Doby Elementary School, 52% of students scored at or above the proficient level for math, and 60% scored at or above that level for reading.
The school’s minority student enrollment is 52%. The student-teacher ratio is 17:1, The student population is made up of 48% female students and 52% male students. The school enrolls 45% economically disadvantaged students. There are 50 equivalent full-time teachers and 1 full-time school counselor.
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Ac t Re s p o ns ibly. B e Tr us t wor t hy. Exhi b i t K i nd n e s s .
Opportunities and activites for students, parents and staff are held throughout the school year, including: • ABES Family Meetings (monthly with all students and staff) • Hello week in the fall • Kindness week in February • ABES Annual Giving Drive in pantry; blankets and jackets to Ruskin Elementary; food and goods for Meet Me in the Street Ministry; jackets for B.T. Washington Elementary • Buddy classes to support Social Emotional Learning
pollo Beach Elementary (ABES) opened its doors in 1982. Situated in southern Hillsborough County, ABES is approximately onequarter mile from Tampa Bay.
Current enrollment is 627 students St a r t W i t h H ello
Ha p py C ave m a n
in grades K-5. ABEA was recognized twice as a State School of Character and National School of Character (2014 and 2019). ABES has been a Star School since the 5-Star award began over 10 years ago. ABES is one of ten schools chosen to pilot the 7 Mindsets program in 2021-2022 Apollo Beach Elementary School has teams placing at the following: • Hillsborough County Math Bowl • STEM Fair • Science Olympics
DO LP H I N C H O R US AN D EN S EM BL E G ROUPS • Safety Patrols • ABES Wave Show Crew • Boosterthon Fun Run • ABES Graduate Clap Out • ABES Talent Show • Annual Fall Festival • Family Ice Skating Night • Family SkyZone Night • Welcome Back to School Dinner • Kindergarten Roundup • Tears and Cheers (First day of school Coffee for Parents) • Spirit Week • Book Character Parade • Great American Teach-In • Book Fairs • The Happy Cavemen • Girls on the Run 38
Dolphin Chorus and Ensemble groups—in addition to school concerts, they provide entertainment at Apollo Beach community events during the holidays.
A B E S C ho r us
A BE S Bu ddi e s
A B E S Fun Ru n
n addition to having the honor of being a National PTA School of Excellence, our PTA has obtained grants to all faculty since 2012. Our 2019 PTA earned the 2020 Safety Award at the Florida PTA Leadership Conference. The honor was bestowed for the school’s programs focusing on students’ physical and mental safety. In total, we have benefited from 4,550 volunteer hours from parents, grandparents, and community members. This includes incredible support, above and beyond, from our PTA which has raised funds for • Covered court to shade children
while they are playing • Sunshades over playground and picnic tables so the children can play outside without becoming overheated • Resurfaced the track • Purchased soccer goals and net • Purchased gymnastics mats for the physical education department • Purchased several pieces of equipment for the music department including a microphone with speaker • Technology: computer carts, elmos, printers, laptops, document cameras • Die Cut Machine • Books for the Media Center • Trophy Case • $5 book fair vouchers given to every student for a book
A B E S Gra d C lap
APOLLO BEACH ELEMENTARY Kelly McMillan, Principal 501 Apollo Beach BLvd Apollo Beach (813) 671-5172 Student Hours 7:40 am to 12:55 pm (Mon) 7:40 am to 1:55 pm (T-F) Colors: Blue and Yellow No Uniforms Before & After School Programs www.hillsboroughschools.org/apollobeach A BE S at Ru s k i n S C H O O L S & FA MILIES 2 0 2 2
Bel m o nt E le me n t ar y S chool Ti ger s ( B.E.S.T.)
elmont Elementary School opened its doors for students in August 2020. We have an expansive campus that resembles a high school campus, a beautiful open courtyard, and an amazing media center. The school currently has 1050+ students, pre-K through 5th grade, and is the South County hub for deaf/ hard-of-hearing students. Belmont’s mascot is the tiger, and the colors are red and black. The school prides itself on being the B.E.S.T. (Belmont Elementary School Tigers) in south county!
MILITARY KIDS CLUB A m il itary chi ld m oves an avera ge of SEVEN t i m es duri ng t hei r s c h ool - age years. By t he age of 1 8 , t hey've sai d go o dbye t o m ore s ig ni f i cant peo ple t han m os t d o i n t hei r li fet i m e. T hey l e a rn fro m an early age t hat h om e is where t he heart i s; t hat
We have an expansive campus that resembles a high school campus. BELMONT ELEMENTARY
Alan Black, Principal 14150 Gate Dancer Road Sun City Center
Belm o nt Cho rus, a vo ca l ensemble fo r 3 rd, 4 t h, and 5 th graders, m eet s o nce a week after scho o l. Mem bers expand their m usi cal k nowledge by singing so ng s f ro m a vari et y of styles and cult ures. Cho rus fosters the love of m usi c as well a s a sp ir it of t eamwo rk and po si tive p eer i nt eract i o ns.
(813) 378-8001 Student Hours 7:40 am to 1:55 pm (T-F) (Mon) 7:40 am to 12:55 pm No Uniforms https://www.hillsboroughschools. org/belmont
a go o d f ri end can be found in every co rner of t he wor ld and i n any co lo r, and t o li ve life to t he f ullest because t hey never k now when t hey m ay have t o dro p everyt hi ng and “adap t and overco m e” t o a new life to whi ch t hey’ve been “assigned". Resi li ent o r no t , t hey need extra suppo rt , especi ally i n times of t ransi t i o n o r a m i li t ary p arent’s absence. K i m berly W he eler, 5 t h g rade t eacher and militar y wi fe, alo ng wi t h o ur g uidance t eam and o t her m i li t ary-affiliat ed t eachers m eet wi th them t o creat e a safe space where t hey can m ake new f ri e nds who have li ved a si m i lar li fe. They help t hem m eet em o t i onal challenges and suppo r t them in bui ldi ng resi li ency sk i l ls they need t o t hri ve i n t hi s unique li fest yle. Club m eet i ngs are held o nce a m o nt h, we lcoming so m e 1 0 0 m i li t ary st ud ents in g rades P re-K t hro ug h 5th. The club m eet i ng s co nsi st of social em o t i o nal learni ng activities, m i li t ary li fe fo cus act i vities, and deploym ent and relocation suppo rt ef fo rt s.
In Robotics Club we explore coding through block chain coding, and then move on to py thon coding. We apply the coding techniques by coding robots that we have here at Belmont. We then move on to coding and creating our own video game characters, environments, NPCs, and stories using the Bloxels program. Video game creation shows students how language arts and writing go hand-in-hand.
BASKETBALL CLUB The Belm o n t T i ge rs B a s ke t b a l l c l u b is a n oppo rtu n i t y fo r o u r 5t h g ra d e s tu d e n ts w h o e n joy t he gam e of bas ket b a l l ; w a n t to b e p a rt of a t eam , and lear n li fe- lon g s k il l s . S t u d e n ts p a rt ic ipat e i n we ekly pract i ce w h e re t h ey work on fou n dat i o nal basket ball s ki lls t h rou g h p ra c tice d ril l s a nd t eam buildi n g exerci s e s . O u r goa l is t o t e a c h our st ude n t s h ow t o pla y b a s ke t b a l l a n d h ave fu n whi le also wo r ki n g o n b u il d in g l ife s k il l s s u c h a s co o pera t i o n , pro blem s olv in g a n d com m u n ic a t i o n.
YMCA BEFORE & AFTER CARE Belmont offers students ages 5 to 13 before-and-after school care on campus through the YMCA. Use the following link to sign up and reserve your space today. https://www.tampaymca.org/programs/children-teens/after-school-enrichment Belmont does not enroll nor handle the daycare services. Those interested must contact the YMCA directly for registration questions. Call your local center or (813) 224-9622.
ART CLUB T he Belm o nt Art Club i s ho st ed o n M o nda ys af t er scho o l. S t udent s part i ci pat e i n co mmunity art pro ject s aro und cam pus. Current ly, t hey are wo rk i ng o n a large wall m ural i n t he cafe ter ia depi ct i ng a co lo rf ul jung le landscape t ha t i ncludes t he phrase " T he advent ure beg ins here". Fo llowi ng di rect i o n f ro m o ur art t eacher, Ms. L et t era, st udent s pai nt i n t he co lo rs and will event ually add pat t erns and t ext ures t ha t they wi ll get t o desi g n. O n art club days t hat do not i nvo lve wo rk i ng o n t he m ural, t he club votes on di f ferent t o pi cs o r t echni q ues t hat t hey wish to learn m o re abo ut . T hese t o pi cs have i ncl uded f i g ure drawi ng, o ri g am i , and acryli c pai nting on canvas. S C H O O L S & FA MILIES 2 0 2 2
5 t h g rade S afet y Pat ro l st udent s wi t h Mrs. Jesson
ibsonton Elementary is a Pre-K through 5th grade school located on Gibsonton Drive. We are a neighborhood school, and a Community School serving the needs of our students, families, and the community to bring stability and opportunity. During the 2021-22 school year, Gibsonton has provided enrichment opportunities for students after school. From tutoring for all grade levels, to clubs for Art, Guitar Club, Drums, Math Clubs, STEAM, Vocabulary, Game Clubs, Yearbook, Running Club, Chess, and more. Students are given an opportunity to be leaders within the school community. Fifth grade students participate in Safety Patrol. Fourth and Fifth grade students design and create the annual yearbook. Third and Fourth grade students produce the daily morning show. Additionally, students support our Food Pantry as part of Community Service efforts. As part of our efforts to support our school community, Gibsonton was identified as a Community School in 2019. We have provided families with a variety of resources such as our Food Pantry, a weekend food program; items for hygiene, home care, and
general health; supports for clothing, shoes and other needs; along with school supplies for every student enrolled in our school. Additionally, we have dental and vision supports located at our school. Gibsonton provides Early Childhood Learning opportunities for students as young as 3 years old. Eligible students can attend one of two iPeeps classes located at Gibsonton Elementary: a Volunteer PreKindergarten class, or Head Start. Students and families are given the resources to build healthy learning habits and readiness skills.
COMMUNITY BUILDING Gibsonton Community School seeks the input of our school stakeholders: students, parents and family members, school employees, and community members, to enrich life in Gibsonton. Through our efforts with a 2019 Listening Project Gibsonton Elementary has supported community building efforts such as increased street lights, additional sidewalks, development of sewer systems in the community, and family resources. Monthly, Gibsonton presents employment support with partners ECHO; works with Children's Board to bring health resources, and partners with community members
Above: Peer learni ng i n Act i o n. R i g ht : S tudent helps i n scho o l pant ry.
L ef t : S t udent s wo rk o n co llabo rat i ve art p roject. Above: P re-K Bulldog s celebrat e new bo oks.
to bring enrichment opportunities to our students. One example is Codey Rocky, a coding experience provided by Florida Education Fund, or Mosaic's Coastal Education Center, where students learn about our local resources and habitats. Additionally, every classroom offers virtual monthly field trips in partnership with Microsoft to bring opportunities to students.
Hillsborough County Public School, and search HOST, or go to www. hillsboroughcounty.org/en/locations/ gardenville-park-and-recreationcenter for after school and summer information. Adult education for GED and ESOL will be on campus starting in the fall. Family and communities members in the Gibsonton and Riverview area are invited to attend.
GIBSONTON ELEMENTARY PK-5 Cindy Guy, Principal 7723 Gibsonton Drive (813) 671-5100 Student Hours 7:40 am to 1:55 pm No Uniforms Before & After School Programs https://www.hillsboroughschools.org/ gibsonton
HARDWORKING STAFF Gibsonton staff work hard to enrich the education of students every day. Many teachers hold Lunch Bunch, an intervention group for students in Reading and Math. Fifth grade students receive additional science practice during Friday Trivia lunch in a head-to-head team grade-level competition. Students and families are supported with daily after-school opportunities through HOST or Gardenville Rec. For additional information go to the
4 th a nd 5 t h g raders learn how t o prog ram a ro bo t . R ig h t : 4 t h g raders enjoy af t er-scho o l act i vi t y: Gui t ar Club.
S C H O O L S & FA MILIES 2 0 2 2
Positive Respectful Individuals Demonstrating Excellence
homas P. Corr Elementary School opened in 2004. It has been said that "every journey begins with one step." Thomas P. Corr took some of the first steps towards making South Hillsborough County the place we call home today, a place for families, a safe harbor, a friendly community with a small town atmosphere.
After many years, his vision for a better and brighter future is finally Thomas P. Corr becoming a reality and will be enjoyed by generations to come. Thomas P. Corr Elementary School will stand for years honoring the spirit of a true pioneer.
Thomas Corr was one of the developers of Apollo Beach. Corr Elementary has a long reputation of being family-centered, with its curriculum nights infused throughout the community. It is an AVID school with grades 3-5 participating in the AVID curriculum. It welcomes all populations of students and
Tampa Bay Lightning Street Team
To provide an environment in which families, staff, and community actively work together with the students to help all of them realize and reach their full potential. is actively involved in the community with its participation in Relay for Life, the annual fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. To date, Corr has raised over $25,000.00 for this worthy cause. The student population of Corr Elementary School is 681. The school's minority student enrollment is 80%. The studentteacher ratio is 13:1, which is above average among area schools.
"The most important thing in life that I can give you is a good education." ~ Thomas P. Corr to his children, April 3, 2005
Mrs. McRae, 3rd grade VE teacher, on Literacy Night.
Mrs. Kristi-Lyn Ricketts, principal, and Dr. Bradley Fuller, assistant principal.
CORR ELEMENTARY, PK-5 Kristi-Lyn Ricketts Principal 13020 Kings Lake Dr (813) 672-5349 Breakfast: 7:10 am to 7:40 Student Hours 7:40 am to 1:55 pm No Uniforms Before & After School Programs www.hillsbooughschools.org/corr
HIGHLIGHTS • Advance Via Individual Determination (AVID) School • Determination (AVID) school • Member of National Elementary Honor Society Participant in the Tampa Bay • Lightning Street Team Outreach Program • Diverse population with 18 different languages represented • Pre-K classrooms • ACCESS classrooms • Title 1 School.
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ypress Creek Elementary School is a public school located in Ruskin. It has 934 students in grades Pre-K to 5 with a studentteacher ratio of 16 to 1. According to state test scores, 52% of students are proficient in math and 45% in reading.
Cypress Creek Elementary School is located at 4040 19th Avenue NE in Ruskin. Student hours are 7:40 am to 1:55 pm. Both before and after programs are available.
HOME OF THE MANATEES CYPRESS CREEK ELEMENTARY Pre-K to 5 Roy Moral Principal 4040 19th Ave NE, Ruskin (813) 671-5167 Student Hours 7:40 am to 1:55 pm Before & After School Programs
Gracie Macias (3rd grader) attended the Regional Braille Challenge and won 2nd place in the Apprentice category. Way to go Gracie!
We earned school supplies for supporting the Bucs with "Raise the flags" and Bucs Foundation.
Fifth grade students help serve family breakfast.
Above and Below: Captain Fear and the Swashbucklers visited Cypress Creek ES on Thursday, February 11. We were one of the lucky schools to earn school supplies for supporting the Bucs with #RaisetheFlags and @ BucsFoundation. Even our preschoolers showed their Buccaneer spirit (photo at left).
Above: Awesome weather for our color fun run March 2. Over 400 students had a great time running around getting dirty. The school raised over $18,000!!! Below: Some students celebrating their gains in I-Ready scores with a fun student event.
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hompson Elementary is home to the Trailblazers! We proudly serve PreK-5th Grade students in the south county region of Hillsborough County. Since opening our doors in 2014, Thompson has grown each year into a wonderful school where learning is collaborative, and technology-driven. We pride ourselves on a collaborative approach to learning.
In addition to all the academic work at Thompson, we also make time to grow the entire child through our PBIS system and community events. PBIS stands for Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports. This means that we focus on the positive, and reward students for exemplifying traits of a good community citizen. Our efforts to enhance the community extends to events, such as the PTA Carnival, Family Academic Nights, and Student Celebrations.
Teachers plan for lessons together with our resource/coach team to ensure quality lessons for all students. Then, students are encouraged to work together as they grapple with challenging tasks. In addition to the rigorous plans, our students are able to use a plethora of on- line learning platforms with ease thanks to our one-to-one device status. Thompson was the first energy-efficient complex in the district. Above, Thompson staff welcoming new students to the new school in 2014.
Teachers plan for lessons together with our highly qualified resource/coach team to ensure quality lessons for all students.
Top Row, left to right: Black History Brain Bowl. It's snowing at Thompson. Mrs. Astacio serves ice cream. Far left, center. Click for Video. Fun Run for a Covered Court. Bottom, left: Black Light party!
THOMPSON ELEMENTARY Milady Astacio, Principal 2020 E Shell Point Rd (813) 938-1203 Student Hours 7:40 am to 1:55 pm Uniforms Mandatory Before School Program After School Program www.hillsboroughschools.com/ thompson S C H O O L S & FA MILIES 2 0 2 2
K in d ne s s . St ude n t Excellence . S er v i ce . ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE
oris Ross Reddick Elementary School opened its doors to students on August 18, 2008. The school was named after a beloved educator and member of the Hillsborough County School Board from 1992 to 2004. Mrs. Reddick was the first Black woman elected to the Hillsborough County School Board
$25K che ck fro m Wo men o f Co lo r G olf to G ir ls o n t h e G reen Tee.
and served three consecutive terms for a total of 12 years. This is the first principalship for Dr. Jennifer Dames. Since her appointment in March 2021, she has guided Reddick Elementary into many dynamic programs, including Dual Language, Golf, and Weather Station, and a renewed laser-sharp focus on academic excellence. The school celebrates a reception every March 11 to celebrate Doris Reddick's birthday and to honor her. The students and faculty wear pink, Mrs. Reddick's favorite color. One student from each grade is awarded a "Rays of Excellence" Award, and many outstanding teachers are also honored at the reception.
"We have reframed our academic focus here at Reddick, for teachers to have a laser-sharp focus on instruction and academics," says Dr. Dames. "Our statistics are definitely moving up as a result. All of our students participate in the 'I-Ready' diagnostic program. When comparing our scores to those from last year, we see scores with a jump as high as a 20 percent improvement."
DUAL LANGUAGE PROGRAM In this program, students learn English and Spanish simultaneously, achieving native fluency. This program is for kindergarten through third grade. A two-person teaching team achieves fantastic results using a 50/50 immersion program whereby students receive one week of instruction in English, followed by one week of instruction in Spanish. "By the time they are through with the program, they do speak both English and Spanish fluently," said Principal Dames.
Karen Rivera, a first grade dual language teacher, was a district finalist in this year 's prestigious Ida S. Baker Awards Program. Reading Coach Sydney Benton was a semifinalist in ?, and Gladys Espinoza was a semi-finalist in the Support Staff Professional of the Year category.
Through a foundation started by Doris Reddick's daughter, Ms. Clemmie Perry, students at Reddick are learning the game of golf. Each semester students who participate in this six-week program are celebrated during a "graduation" ceremony.
In a new program started in the 20212022 school year, Students in science classes learn to collect weather data in real time, using real instruments. They make a report and compare their findings with weather reports on weather stations and on the news.
Reddick Elementary has a special partnership with citizens from the nearby Valencia Lakes community and Sun City Center. “They support us in many ways. They provide supplies, morale boosts for our teachers, as well as an on-going volunteer program of individuals who offer tutoring and other academic support." Founded by Karen Corbin and Keith Singletary, the group originated over two years ago as an Adopt-A-School Program by the South Shore Chamber of Commerce. It is now aptly named the “Reddick Rays of Sunshine” after the school’s stingray mascot.
BLACK HISTORY CLUB Another first this year was formation of Reddick's first Black History Club. The club met weekly to learn about accomplishments of African Americans and represented the school at the Sixth Annual Black History Brain Bowll in February.
A bove : D r.D a mes welco mes D o ri s Re d d ic k o n M a rc h 1 1 . Below: St u den t s sa y pledge o f a l l e gi a nce .
Reddick celebrates Doris Reddick's birthday each year on March 11.
MEET THE PRINCIPAL Dr. Dames, a 20-year educator, was born in Richmond, VA. She has a BS in Chemistry and a Masters in Teaching from the Univeristy of Virginia, and a Doctorate in Science and Education from UCF. • Past Program Manager of STEM Engagement with Phanell Williams' Foundation, From One Hand to Another. 240 students earned Principal's Honor Roll in Quarter 1, 2021 • Member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority• Member of Jack & Jill of America
REDDICK ELEMENTARY Pre-K to 5th Dr. Jennifer Dames, Principal 325 West Lake Dr Wimauma (813) 634-0809 Student Hours 7:40 am to 1:55 pm No Uniforms Before & After School Programs www.hillsboroughschools.org/reddick
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WIMAUMA ELEMENTARY Ismael Lebron-Bravo, Principal 5709 Hickman St, Wimauma
(813) 671-5159 Student Hours 7:40 am to 1:55 pm Uniforms Mandatory Wimauma "Wildcats" Before & After School Programs www.hillsboroughschools.org/ wimauma
Our Vision: Wimauma will be among the top-performing schools in Hillsborough County.
imauma Elementary School was built in 1926. It once served grades K through 12, but now houses grades Pre-K through 5. Our school is surrounded by large oak trees, both inside and outside the campus grounds. It is a neighborhood elementary school which serves a racially diverse student body. Since Wimauma is a farming community, its residents include seasonal migrant workers, so student population does fluctuate somewhat throughout the year. We are a Title 1 and Renaissance School. In 1902, Captain C.H. Davis helped build a railroad between Turkey Creek and Bradenton. That same year he founded the small rural town of Wimauma (pronounced "why-mama"), a midway point between the two areas.. The town’s name is taken from the first letters of his three daughters' names, Wilma (Willie), Maude and Mary. The community is located in Southeastern Hillsborough County, East of Sun City Center and South of Balm. State Road 674 bisects Wimauma, and is dotted with taquerias, groceries, and familyowned businesses. Lake Wimauma and the nearby Little Manatee River State Park are landmarks. "Wimauma Elementary utilizes the best educational practices to guide instruction and provide an environment that enables students to reach their highest potential and become life-long learners. A neighborhood school built in 1926, we serve Pre-K through grade 5. Our school is surrounded by large oak trees, both inside and outside the campus, and serves a racially diverse student body."
A school-wide celebration was held on Tuesday 2/22/2022 with "Tutus, Ties, and Tube Socks."
Wimauma will use the best educational practices to guide instruction and provide an environment that will enable students to reach their highest potential and to become life-long learners
K-5 teachers continue "learning about Phonics" training.
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CMA Wimauma Community Academy opened in 2000 to serve the migrant and low-income farmworker families in the Wimauma, Ruskin, and Balm areas. We are a K-8 Char ter school with an enrollment of 345 scholars. We are a duallanguage program, with scholars learning in both languages, preparing them to be successful bilingual, bi-literate and bicultural members of society. At RCMA, we make the dreams of children in migrant farm working and low-income families our focus. That means making sure anything that impacts their learning is taken care of. From early childhood education to health care assistance to supplying WiFi hot spots and tablets for homework, we take a holistic approach that cares for the entire child—including a helping hand for their parents. Many of our staff first became a part of the RCMA family as children, and now they are serving the family that served them. Helping other children and families leverage their strengths and reach their goals has become their life’s work. The programs we offer for staff help provide the framework for making the transition from alumni to a passionate staff member. 54
ISABEL GARCIA Paying it Forward Isabel Garcia grew up traveling from harvest to harvest with her family. There were oranges in Florida, peaches in Maryland and tobacco in North Carolina. Isabel began working in produce packing houses in her early teens.
"RCMA is always changing, but one thing stays the same: We do everything we can to help families." Then, school changed her life. During Isabel’s senior year at Hardee Senior High School, she joined Redlands Christian Migrant Association as an after-school teacher. She never left. In 2012, the daughter of migrant farmworkers ascended to the second highest job among RCMA’s 1,700 employees – Associate Executive Director, responsible for the nonprofit organization’s 68 childcare centers and most of its ancillary programs.
Is a be l a nd s tud e nts d oi ng the ma th c ha nt.
In addition to our success in academics and other areas, we also excel in Sports, and compete in the Central Florida Charter Athletic League. We boast five soccer championship trophies as well as three in ball hockey, with our most recent championship occurring in January 2022.
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Ya r ive t h e G u zm a n Ch a rco a l
Da n i e la S a nd ova l Cha rcoa l
B ri a na La gos , Cha rcoa l
Ya ni ra S a nta na , A rt Te a c he r
Fre d d i Go nza lez, Oil
Ya n ira S ata n ai s our amazing
Art teacher in Middle School and all scholars take her class. They create some wonderful work and some have been featured in art shows. One scholar even sold a piece in a silent auction and was commissioned by the buyer to create another piece. They work with a variety of mediums. Shown are a few photos of their work. B ri a na La go s , Ma rke r
E st e b a n Lo p ez, M a r ke r
Ja c x i ri B a rri os a nd A lex i s Nava , Red Ink
RCMA WIMAUMA COMMUNITY ACADEMY K-8 Mark Haggett, Principal 18240 US HWY 301 S Wimauma (813) 672-5159 Student Hours 7:30 - 3:05 Uniforms Yes Before & After Programs https://rcma.org/center/
Aaron Palacios' Achieves Perfect Score on FSA Math Test
ast year, Aaron Palacios, a 3rd grader, achieved a perfect score on the FSA (Florida Standard Assessments) Math Test and received a letter from the Governor. He is on target to skip 5th grade Math next year and take 6th grade Math along with potentially five other 4th graders. Aaron is a quiet and determined young man
who has set high expectations for himself and is always eager to learn new things. Aaron also completed 7th grade ALEKS. ALEKS is a learning and assessment system that provides comprehensive course coverage. With incredible success in the Elementary grades, our Middle School scholars will continue on this path.
L e a de rs h ip Ac a d e m y
• 94% of last year’s 4th graders achieved a level 3 or higher on the FSA Math (Florida Standards Assessment).
• This is our fi rst year with 6th grade Algebra scholars (six of them total) in hopes they will end Middle School with 3 years of high school Math).
FULFILL OURS. A a ro n Pa la c i os a nd Pri nc i pa l Ma rk H a g ge tt
RCMA Wimauma Community Academy is a free, dual language, public charter school located on a campus in Hillsborough County, Florida. Operating since 2000, Wimauma Community Academy serves students in kindergarten through 8th grade. The Wimauma Community Academy is part of the Redlands Christian Migrant Association (RCMA) and Hillsborough County Public Schools.
• Out of our 44 8th grade scholars, we have almost one third (13 scholars) taking Geometry (29.5%), and 19 taking Algebra (43%). • This year, we also have 17 very talented 5th graders taking 6th grade Math. We hope to see them be the second cohort of 6th graders taking Algebra next year.
“We provide high quality education to children in the early years when it counts the most. That's our inspiration.” S C H O O L S & FA MILIES 2 0 2 2
ince 2000, Enterprising Latinas has been dedicated to creating pathways of opportunities for women in Tampa Bay. We do this by assisting women in learning trades, getting better jobs, opening their own businesses, and working with a coach to support their personal and familial goals.
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S C H O O L S & FA MILIES 2 0 2 2
isenhower Middle is a diverse, community school, with a deep history in the area. In 1957, East Bay High School was built on the current site of Eisenhower Middle School to serve grades 7 through 12. In 1972, a new high school was built on the adjacent property for the 10th through 12th grades. Our site was renamed Eisenhower Jr. High School and later Eisenhower Middle School in honor of General Dwight D. Eisenhower, 34th President of the United States. Eisenhower currently serves students and their families in the Apollo Beach, Riverview and Gibsonton areas. At Eisenhower, we’re "Building 5-Star Generals, One Star at a Time." Through the five Stars, we instill in our Generals Accountability, Integrity, Respect, Relationship Building, and Self-discipline. We strive to meet the academic expectations of our students and help ensure they all achieve learning gains while they are with us.
Account ab ilit y. Int eg r it y. Re s pect . Relat ionship Buildin g. S elf -Discipline
Creative teach ing, recogn i z i n g s tud en t a ch i evem e nt s and m o re are hal l m ar ks of e d u c at i o n at E i s e nhowe r Mi d d le.
HIGHLIGHTS Our goals are reached through a variety of paths. Our Scholar Prep offerings include extensive high school credit courses to challenge students in Culinary Arts, Computer Science, Robotics, Math courses in Algebra and Geometry, Science, and Spanish 1 and 2. Our AVID college readiness courses offer 6-8 graders the opportunity to learn strategies and skills that will prepare them to be high school and college ready.
Meet Our Principal Robert Stingone Robert Stingone, has worked in the Hillsborough school system since 2001, He has spent most of h is c a re e r a t D owd e l l M id dle S cho o l, wo rk i ng as a gu i d an ce co u n s e l or a n d th e n a ss is ta n t p ri nci pal. H e m oved i n 2017 t o Sh i elds M id d l e a l s o a s a n a ss is t a nt pri nci pal, and becam e pri n ci pal at E i s e n h owe r M id d l e in 2 0 1 9 .
More Than 20 Teams and Clubs
Classmates connect through our many teams and clubs. Club days are held approximately once a month and offer over 20 opportunities for students to join and participate in. Our music programs allow students to participate with our neighboring high school, East Bay. Our Chorus program has built an especially strong pathway to East Bay. Our dedicated staff creates a family-oriented sense of culture and community, starting with our sixth grade structure, which helps students feel at home in their new learning environment. Students receive monthly lessons in and mindset for their social-emotional development. Eisenhower is also proud to serve our Military families with a Military Families counselor. Students in military families have weekly visits for support and activities.
" We t ake g reat pride in our m i ssi o n t o prepare our student s t o be pro ductive and i nfo rm ed m em bers of society by bui ldi ng relat ionship s that fo st er S elf-Di sci p line, I ntegr it y, and Acco unt ab ility through a cult ure of Respect." ~ Ro bert S t i ngo n e, Pr incip al
EISENHOWER MIDDLE K-8 Robert Stingone, Principal 7620 Old Big Bend Rd Colors: Burgundy and Black (813) 671-5121 Student Hours 9;25 am to 4:20 pm Uniforms Mandatory Before & After School Programs www.hillsboroughschools.org/ eisenhower
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SHIELDS MIDDLE Scholarship, Honesty, Inclusiveness, Empathy, Leadership, Dependability & Service Mindedness
hields Middle School opened in 2004, with approximately 1,000 students. Today S hi e l ds h a s 1 ,76 0 students in grades 6 -8 with a s t u d e n t- t e a c h e r r a t i o o f 19 t o 1 . Shields will be adding a Cambridge Academy for the 202223 school year. "We will also be moving from a traditional school schedule to a block schedule," says Principal Deanna Fisher. "This creative scheduling idea will allow for more 'in-class' instructional time for students, by minimizing student transitions. It will also provide teachers with more common
SHIELDS MIDDLE SCHOOL Deanna Fisher, Principal 15732 Beth Shields Way Ruskin, FL 33573 (813) 672-5338 Student Hours 9:25 am to 4:30 pm Uniforms Mandatory Before & After School Programs hillsboroughschools.org/shields
planning time to develop engaging cross-curricular lessons." Approximately 80 percent of our families qualify for free and reduced-price lunches. With that in mind, our faculty works with our community partners to collect essential donations for our families: food, clothing, home
Benigno Lopez is Ida S. Baker Diversity Educator of the Year
goods, toys, etc. We open our school one Saturday each month for our families to "shop" free of charge for the items they need. We call this our "Shields Care Store."
Shields Middle School teacher Benigno Lopez was named 2022 Ida S. Baker Diversity Educator of the Year at the awards ceremony held at the Tampa's Straz Performing Arts Center in January. Lopez received the award, named for Ida S. Baker, the first African American to serve as deputy superintendent in th e Florida Department of Education, from Hillsborough County Public Schools (HCPS) Superintendent Addison Davis. Former student Keila Rose, on hand to share her thoughts about Lopez, said:
“ M r. Lopez is the k ind of teach e r they make m ovie s ab out."
ach month Shields partners with the SouthShore Kiwanis to recognize students who demonstrate our "Shields Way" character traits: Scholarship, Honesty, Inclusiveness, Empathy, Leadership, Dependability, and Service-Mindedness.
We are also partnering with the SouthShore Chamber of Commerce and Wellspring Community Church to create a game room on campus. The room will be an inviting space filled with arcade-style games. Students who exhibit the "Shields Way" character traits will be given passes from their teachers to visit the game room during their lunch period. Teachers can also schedule times to bring their entire class to the game room.
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S cholar s . L eader s . At hlet e s . Model Cit i z ens .
ports Leadership Arts Management of Apollo integrates sports related themes into a rigorous standards-based curricular program to create an environment that engages students in the learning process by leveraging their love of sports and making learning meaningful and relevant. This unique curriculum gives students opportunities to engage in both predictable and unpredictable real world situations. Students will be empowered to create positive relationships with peers, with parents, with teachers, and with community mentors.
SLAM is a tuition-free public charter school, accredited by Advanced under the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement (SACS-CASI) Division.
SLAM provides students with unique access to career mentors, athletes as role models, and executive internships through educational partnerships with local and national sports franchises. By fostering these and other long-term relationships,
SLAM is accredited by Cognia under the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement (SACS-CASI) Divis.
Our vision is to position students for future success in a global job market, equip them with the skills to pursue their passions, and develop their character to make a positive impact on society.
students at SLAM benefit from real world learning experiences within all facets of the sports industry. "We are most proud of the culture and positive learning environment we have created at SLAM Apollo. We pride ourselves in communication and call ourselves a SLAMily," says Founding Principal Meredith Williamson.
SLAM! APOLLO CHARTER K-8 Meredith Williamson Principal 5150 N US Hwy 41 Apollo Beach 813-773-4560 Student Hours 8:00 am to 2:50 pm (Mondays 8:00 am to 1:50 pm) Uniforms Yes Before & After Programs hillsboroughschools.org/slam
SUCCESS DESPITE MANY ROADBLOCKS The school opened in August 2019. The first year was challenging, says Founding Principal Meredith Williamson. "We dealt with construction and being new to the county. Then COVID hit in March 2020 and we spent our 4th Quarter online. Our teachers pivoted and zoomed with students each day until the last day of school. "We started our second year in August 2020 with students both in class and online (zoomed into classroom), and continued to welcome back kids in masks. We increased our enrollment to 667 students. "We started our third year in August 2021 with a new building for our Middle School wing and yet again increased our enrollment to 920 students. We have had a great turnout of incoming applications for the upcoming school year, our fourth year, and our community has been extremely welcoming and supportive!"
Engaging students in the learning process by leveraging their love of sports and making their learning meaningful and relevant. HIGHLIGHTS SLAM SPORTS: Volleyball, Street Hockey, Flag Football, Soccer, Basketball and Cheerleading SLAM CLUBS: Broadcasting Club, STEAM Club, Yearbook Club, and Creative Writing Club
LAM Apollo Beach opened as a K-8 in August 2019 with 535 students in one building. The third year began in August 2021 with a new Middle School wing, increasing enrollment to 920. After the first year, several parents were excited about SLAM's mission and vision and asked the Board to look into adding a High School.
SLAM ELECTIVES: SLAM Middle School electives include Sports Marketing and Sports Broadcasting. High School students will pick a track for one of the three elective interests: Sports Marketing, Broadcasting, or Medicine. We have a new state-of-the-art broadcasting lab in our 2nd phase for our students to start producing film and highlights and daily news. BEFORE AND AFTER CARE: We have an in-house before and after care program that allows our families to drop their students as early as 6 am and pick up as late as 6 pm.
SLAM is currently locking in property locally to build a future High School. Students who are currently 9th graders are being nested at SLAM Apollo and will be among the first students to have the opportunity to attend the new High School.
S C H O O L S & FA MILIES 2 0 2 2
LLT Academy South Bay K-8 Lesley Logan, Principal
CEO, LLT Academy Inc. 1090 30th St. NE, Ruskin (813) 234-0940 Student Hours 8am - 3:09 pm Mondays 8am - 2 pm ClubThree09 is our activity-based before & after care program Uniforms Yes
WHO WE ARE LLT Academy South Bay is an independent, public K-8 charter school. The South Bay campus opened in August of 2020 in response to many in the Tampa area wanting to experience the LLT culture. For the 2022-2023 school year, the South Bay campus will have over 800 students enrolled in Kindergarten through 8th grade. The mission of LLT Academy South Bay is to empower a community of life-long learners to lead the way in Literacy, Leadership, and Technology. LLT South Bay is a multi-award-winning high performing, charter replication of our Tampa campus established in 2005.
G i rls Cro ss Countrty
COMPETITIVE SPORTS Our LLT Owls can participate in competitive sports beginning in 3rd grade and continuing through the 8th grade. We have teams in cross country, soccer, street hockey, volleyball, flag football, basketball, and cheer leading.
Stu de nt Le d
S tud e nt A rt O wls
Stu den t Recog n i t i o n
Our mission is to empower a community of life-long learners to lead the way in Literacy, Leadership, and Technology.
South Bay students have an opportunity to take classes in robotics, coding, art, music, physical education, yearbook, and TV production. LLT has a gifted program where students get a hands-on, project-based learning experience with a bay grass nursery, hydroponic garden and butterfly garden. South Bay is nearly 1:1 with chromebooks, the new type of computer that is faster and easier.
Ro boti c s
S c i e nce
A LEADER IN 'LEADER IN ME' LLT South Bay is proud to be a Leader in Me School. Leader in Me is a whole-school improvement process based on the idea that everyone can be a leader. This evidence-based approach empowers students with the leadership and life skills they need to thrive in the 21st century. We focus on developing the whole child by: Teaching LEADERSHIP to every student; Creating a CULTURE of student empowerment, and Aligning systems to drive results in ACADEMICS.
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Waterset Charter is committed to creating a learning environment that challenges all students to be critical thinkers, lifelong learners, and proactive leaders who aspire to the values of inquiry, innovation, and respect.
Fre d d y Ri c ha rd s , 1 s t Gra d e S tud e nt
" We know tha t c hild re n enjoy greater s ucce ss w he n the a du lts they a d m ire most ta ke a n inte rest in their e d u c ation ."
aterset Charter is a tuition-free public charter chool, governed by the Florida Charter Educational Foundation, and educating students in grades K-8. The school is open to K-8 school-aged students who reside in Florida.
Waterset Charter is a school built on Inquiry, Innovation, and Impact! Inquiry means our school is not a place where students come to answer old questions and learn what's already known. Our passionately curious scholars boldly ask new questions and collaborate to create new solutions ... and more compelling questions. Innovation is reflected in the unique methodologies and environments built by our learning experience designers. From Project-Based Learning to Genius hours, personalized learning comes alive at Waterset. Our school-wide mission is to create a positive impact on our community, state, and the world. We are a Leader in Me school that believe every person has genius in them that will make the world a better place. Come see why we say Leadership Lives Here!
B ra d ley Wa rre n, Pri nc i pal
Awa rd - w i n n i n g Ch e e r Te a m
M id d l e S c h o o l B i o l o g y La b
Dr. Cha d Mc B a ne wi th Ki nd e rg a rten Students
WATERSET SPORTS: Cheer, Flag Football, Soccer, Basketball, Volleyball, and Street Hockey WATERSET CLUBS/ SPECIALS: Lego Club, Art Club, Yearbook, Crochet, Cookie Decorating, Chess, Student Government, National Junior Honors Society, Chorus, Show Choir, Guitar, Band, Spanish, and Running ACCELERATED HONORS COURSES: Students at Waterset have the opportunity to challenge themselves by earning High School credits in Algebra, Biology, and Geometry. Success in these courses will prepare students for advanced placement in High School and dual enrollment in college. Students in these Honors Courses will expand their knowledge base by asking high-level questions, defining relevant problems, creating new models, and performing insightful investigations. They will evaluate new information by analyzing and interpreting data, and then communicate their findings. We also offer Industry Certification in Social Media Technology where students will unleash their creativity, think critically, and collaborate while exploring texts and real-world data.
WATERSET CHARTER SCHOOL K-8 Bradley Warren Principal 6540 Knowledge Lane Apollo Beach (813) 602-0622 Student Hours 8:00 am to 3:15 pm Uniforms Mandatory
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RUSKIN CHRISTIAN A Minis t r y o f Fi r s t Bapt is t Chur ch
ur vision is to provide an exceptional school experience with academic excellence which fosters Christian character and a biblical world view, complimenting the family and the church. Our students will grow in the knowledge of God through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, in order to serve our community, nation and world.
develop a positive attitude towards learning. Each day's activities provide numerous opportunities for children to see Christian values modeled and the gospel message presented. The ABEKA Curr iculum is the primary curriculum used in our preschool classrooms.
ELEMENTARY K5 TO 6TH GRADE Students develop a love for learning and are challenged to work to their learning potential and to discover their individual capabilities. Students gain knowledge and an understandi ng of how things fit together in God's
PRESCHOOL 24 MONTHS - VPK Our Preschool Program provides social and learning experiences for children ages two through four. This gentle and nurturing environment encourages creativity and curiosity from each child as they are guided to
THE RCS ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT Our goal is to glorify Christ in every aspect of our athletic endeavors. Participation in the sports activity that best suits your child's capabilities can develop leadership skills, boost self-confidence, teach the importance of teamwork and sportsmanship, and help student athletes deal with both success and failure. RCS participates in soccer, volleyball, basketball, and cross country. The Junior Varsity G irls Basketball Team has won the FCC State Championship four out of the last five years. The Varsity Boys Basketball Team were state runners-up in 2020-2021, and the Ju72
nior Varsity G irls Vo lleyball Team were state run ners-up this year (2021). RCS participates in the Florida Christian Conference and the FCAPPS Sports Association.
plan. The academic program centers around language arts with an emphasis on phonics and reading, language, math skills, science, social studies and Bible. Art, music, computer, library, and physical education serve to enrich the basic curriculum. SECONDARY 7T H AND 8TH GRADES Middle school students have distinct developmental needs. The middle school experience is filled with physical, emotional, academic, and spiritual changes. Our goal is to provide an environment and instructional program that are both academically rigorous and developmentally appropriate to meet the needs of the adolescent learner. The academic program includes Bible, language arts (gram mar, vocabulary, composition and literature), science, math and history. Students also participate in various activities outside the academic area. HIGH SCHOOL 9T H THROUGH 12TH GRADES This college prep academic program offers many opportunities for students to explore various levels of mathematics, language arts, sciences, social studies, and foreign language. Bible principles are integrated into every facet of the program. Our goal is to provide a curriculum and instructional program that is academically advanced and integrated with a Christian worldview to meet the needs and character development of the high school student. Extra-curricular activities are also available.
Le ft Pa ge : S c i e nce La b Di ss e c ti o n; B oy s B a s ketb all. A bove : S pi ri t We e k; Dra ma . B e low: JVB B 2 0 2 2 S tate Cham p s
RUSKIN CHRISTIAN SCHOOL RCS, a ministry of First Baptist Church, exists to teach biblical values in a Christ-centered environment and to assist the home and church in their endeavor to “Train up a child in the way he should go…” (Proverbs 22:6) by providing each student with the opportunity for academic achievement, spiritual growth, and social development. CLICK TO VIEW WELCOME VIDEO
• Florida Association of Christian Colleges and Schools • Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools • COGNIA (formerly AdvancED and Southern Association of Colleges and Schools)
820 W College Ave Ruskin 33570 Mascot: Warriors Colors: Royal Blue & Gold (813) 645-6441 Located at: First Baptist Church of Ruskin
w w w.r us k in c h r is t ian s c h o o l.n e t
S C H O O L S & FA MILIES 2 0 2 2
outhShore includes Gibsonton, South Riverview, Apollo Beach, Ruskin, Sun City Center and Wimauma. These six communities offer the perfect environment for living and running a business: natural beauty, recreation, and rapid population growth. SouthShore Chamber's vision is to preserve our historic heritage while meeting the changing business needs of our community. Our purpose is to be an advocate for local businesses, connect members to form a strong network of local businesses, promote our members and improve our community.
INDEX OF ADVERTISERS AAA Sun City Center 24 Action Management Accounting 33, 60 Alex H. Landscapint 59 AlignRight Realty South Shore 14, 33 Ana De Los Santos 76 Camp Osprey 11 Creative Artistic Decor 59 Creative World School 8 Custom Cakes by Carmen 58 De Stijl Gallery 27 Devina y Koqueta by Nivia 58
Many new businesses appreciate celebrating their opening with a ribbon-cutting ceremony. We offer assistance in planning Grand Openings, Open Houses, Anniversaries, or any type of celebration. There are regular Wednesday Wake-up Coffees and Monthly
Drew's RV 5
Your Chamber of Commerce Membership includes benefits and opportunities to help jump-start your business. Through our many networking events you will be immediately connected with our growing membership. We have members in almost every business, government and charitable category. If you are new to the community or starting a new business or for any reason, we will schedule an individual consultation for you with one of the SBDC Hillsborough County Small Business Development Center counselors. Consultations are on Wednesdays by appointment only. We connect our members with customers through thousands of business referrals each year. We always promote members first!
Flip Flop Shops 14
What is your passion? Education. Military Affairs. Homeless Outreach. Economic Development. Marketing and Communications. The SouthShore Chamber of Commerce invites you to connect with like-minded businesses and organizations in the rapidly growing communities of SouthShore. The topics mentioned above represent our “Working Committees” through which our members fulfill their passions while helping their community. Each committee carries forth our partnership with member businesses, with the goal of helping them thrive while building a better community. JOIN TODAY!
Eli's Cafe 60 Enterprising Latinas 58 Firehouse Cultural Center 27 Florida Floors 7 Freedom to Walk 28 Gannon University 25 Girls of the World 26 Granny Apple Publishing 75 In-Moon Handmade Products 59 Jubilee Gymnastics 24 Kidz Club Academy 14 Kiwanis Club of SouthShore 61 LLT Academy South Bay 31 Next Stage 60 Primerica 26 Pearson Capital 31 Sabrosito 58 Safrito Joba 59 Saint Anne's Catholic Church 30 SouthShore's BEST FEST 32 SouthShore Bounce 30, 60
For more information about Chamber programs and services call (813) 645-1366 WEBSITE: www.southshorechamberofcommerce.org FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/southshorechamberofcommerce.org
South Shore Kids Fishing Academy 15 SouthShore Taxes & More 26 Spurlino YMCA 11 The Fish House 30 The Vibe Music Store 28 Wellspring Church 29
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GRANNY APPLE PUBLISHING LLC Janet Verdeguer (954) 732-1188 SouthShoreAdLady@gmail.com RESERVE BY APRIL 20 FOR BEST AD POSITIONS
O i l o n Ca nv a s. For infor m a tion conta c t Mark Haggett | Principal | RCMA Wimauma | (813) 672-5159 76