Copper Post June 3023

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Grand Lodge ofArizona

In Honor of our fallen Soldiers….

Brothers Gathered at the Mesa Mountain View Cemetery to pay tribute to our fallen soldiers as ROTC Cadets placed a wreath in their honor.

Brothers from Arizona Masonry and the York Rite Commandery gathered at the Pioneer Memorial Cemetery in Downtown Phoenix to raise the flag in remembrance of our fallen soldiers.

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Brothers Around Town

Monthly Breakfast at the Airport w/ Pinal No. 30!

Yuma 17 hosts a breakfast for Veterans and 1st Responders.

Brothers & Community Members gathered at the Phoenix Masonic Temple in Downtown Phoenix to celebrate National Historic Preservation Month! The City of Phoenix Historic Preservation Office held a Trivia Night. Special Guest and Mayor of Phoenix, Kate Gallego was in attendance for the event!

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Brothers of the Low 12 Hiking Club gathered at the Grand Canyon for a Hike! Brother Joe Martoccia with his Truck “Big Lewie” at Bass Bro Shop on Memorial Day
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Military Degree Team

The Military Degree team performed a Fellowcraft Degree at Oasis 52. Congratulations to Brother Greg for being passed to the degree of Fellowcraft!

Scottish Rite JROTC Awards

The Valley of Phoenix Scottish Rite supports fifty-seven high school JROTC programs with he Scottish Rite of Freemasonry JROTC Award. Congratulations the scholarship winners!

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Kingman 22 Outdoor degree

Another awesome time at Kingman Lodge #22 Outdoor Degree at the Hualapai Mountain Park, held in honor of Most Worshipful Brother Jeffrey Carlton.

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Brethren, Friends, and Family,

In 2022, the Masonic Charities of Arizona approved 33 grants totaling $73,000 to worthy organizations throughout Arizona. These 501c3 charitable organizations provide much needed services to their communities all over Arizona. Those services include Veteran assistance, domestic abuse shelters, child learning disabilities, training and assistance for people with special needs, support for soldiers abroad, adult literacy programs and personal hygiene kits for the working poor and homeless.

We are able to award these grants from the income of our investment fund, lodge and personal donations and support from Grand Lodge. In order to keep up with the desire to expand our grant distribution to more organizations and communities around the State we ask for your help.

The Board of Directors of the Masonic Charities of Arizona extends our appreciation to all of you for your support.

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This month, we share an excerpt from the June 2023 Trestleboard of Scottsdale Lodge No. 43

The Power of Accountability: The Quest to “Make Good Men Better”

While we may call it by various terms, accountability forms a primary cornerstone of our fraternity's mission to "make good men better." Through our commitment to mutual support and personal growth, we as Masons strive to exemplify the importance of accountability in fostering individual improvement. This is especially the case where we discuss the first lesson of Masonry - to be good and true. Truth as a divine attribute teaches us to act without hypocrisy and deceit, and to distinguish ourselves by plain speaking and fair dealings. How can we do any of these things, unless we have first learned to do so with our individual selves? Do we as individual masons seek accountability, or perhaps we might say - do we strive for congruency between our words and deeds? Do we reach out to others regarding things that we do not understand or cannot see in ourselves? Do we work to overcome our own ignorance's by seeking out input, perspective or education? have recently been enjoying various excerpts from Carl Claudy’s book Old Tyler Talks. In one of these short stories called "On Finding Out," Claudy narrates an encounter between an old Tyler and a young Mason, who despite being esteemed within the fraternity, is revealed to have concealed some frustration at receiving corrections from his more educated brethren. As this young protagonist grapples with this hurt, he seeks advice from the old Tyler, who enlightens him about the significance of accountability. Masons, through their oaths and obligations, hold themselves and each other accountable for their actions, both within and without the lodge. This commitment to accountability

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Grand Lodge

This month, we share an excerpt from the June 2023 Trestleboard of Scottsdale Lodge No. 43 Accountability (cont’d) ensures that members uphold the highest moral self-reflection. Experienced Masons often take on the responsibility of guiding and mentoring younger members, in both formal and informal companionships. Whether they bear a title or not, whether they realize it or not, they are constantly imparting wisdom, and encouraging personal growth, by precept and example. Through these interactions (even when they are sometimes difficult and challenging), Masonry strives to foster an environment of trust, where we as members can openly discuss various struggles of manhood and life, seek guidance from other men who have alternate perspectives and often greater experience, and most importantly to be held accountable for our actions and our inactions. This dynamic reinforces the fraternity's commitment to helping good men improve themselves.

Beyond the benefit of external accountability, our fraternity also teaches us to recognize the importance of self-responsibility. In the renowned tale "The Richest Man in Babylon," George S. Clason emphasizes the principle of seeking knowledge and self-improvement, of ones own accord. Similarly, we are asked frequently if we are making this advancement of our own free will and accord. Masonry understands that personal growth requires a proactive approach. No one else, but we ourselves, can read our minds or analyze our experiences to determine a scarcity of understanding or a lack of education in a given area. Masonry can encourage the cultivation and promote a thirst for knowledge, but only we can continuously seek opportunities for self-improvement. Only we can say, “I don’t know or understand what the Appropriate thing is, in this circumstance —please enlighten me, Brother.” Furthermore, only we can say “thank you for that correction, I did not understand that before, …..

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This month, we share an excerpt from the June 2023 Scottsdale Lodge No. 43 Accountability (cont’d)

I appreciate the value that I must represent, for you to make the time to give me better direction.” By taking ownership of our own development, just as we seized ownership in our desire to become affiliated with this great institution, we as Masons, demonstrate our commitment to becoming better individuals. If we stop and truly consider the fact, we in fact rely on one another, as brothers, specifically as a community of accountability; wherein we are strengthened and empowered for selfimprovement, individually and collectively. Very few places, institutions or persons, in this western world offer a constructive beneficent environment where men can be held accountable from a perspective of Love and support. Through our rituals, ceremonies, and shared experiences, we have an opportunity to reinforce our commitment to the principles of brotherhood and personal development in a manner that is quite unique in this world and has been proven effective for countless generations. Within the lodge, we are taught to aid, support, and protect each other, to challenge one another in our capacity to fulfill and achieve, and to hold each other accountable for our actions. While it may at times be difficult to see, this collective accountability strengthens the bond among us and creates an environment conducive to growth and improvement. The accountability we practice as Masons, extends beyond the confines of the lodge. As individuals, we embrace our various respective roles; as responsible citizens, we uphold the domestic and public virtues and invite and remind one another to be exemplary in these efforts. We understand that our actions reflect not only on ourselves but also each one of our Brothers, not to mention the broader body of Masonry at large. This awareness encourages each of us to reflect the true nature of our principles and concerns by our own examples, demonstrating integrity, compassion, and accountability in all aspects of life.

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Poets Corner

I am the Rock

I am the rock made of unknown stone I have lay’n about with no particular home I may be rough, yet show little signs of disrepair

I seek the hands of a mason’s loving care

With the compass, the plumb and yes the square, I seek the light of the craft’s ancient fare.

Using the tools of the mason’s craft, Rough though I may be, A smooth ashlar I strive to see, The stone that few o’er the ages have dared to be, A member of that greatest of fraternities, And a home I will have found, One small pillar of that tradition so profound, A rock of the temple made better by the light of every degree, A freemason, a brother,

In Friendship, Morality, and Brotherly Love shall I be!

Brother Francis Fritz is member of Glendale Lodge No. 23

To submit poetry for consideration, send it to

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How to use Grandview

Visit Grandview to:

• View a lodge directory

• Change your contact info

• See Grand Lodge notices

How do I login to Grandview?

• Go to the Grand Lodge web page and click “Login to Grandview” on the front page in the upper right (

• Enter your lodge number

• Enter your Member ID (lower left corner of dues card or ask the Secretary)

• Enter your Last Name (case sensitive)

• Click on “Check Membership Status”

• Enter your email address

• Enter a password (at least 8 characters)

• Confirm by entering your password again.

• Click on Submit

You are now ready to login and access your own personal record in Grandview. Please keep your email, mailing address and phone number up to date.

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On The Level

Where Masons share stories of their masonic journey

***Recorded on May 30th, 2019***

Robert Johnson—The Truth in Freemasonry

“I have a general love of history and philosophy and an interest in the underlying dogma of world religions…...Personally, I identify as a deist so I believe in a Supreme Being, but I don't necessarily believe any particular revealed religion…..Because of that, I’ve been exposed to world religions and I study world religions….take a step back and look at them objectively, subjectively….and I see this idea of truth in there somewhere. And I think Freemasonry, as a system of Moral instruction as it stands, we teach that truth, and I think it’s buried in our ritual ...What feeds me really is the search for more truth and knowledge...Masonry teaches this one lesson which is really interesting because these 10 other religions also teach the same thing and what’s even more interesting is that Freemasonry is not a religion but yet fortifies all of these different systems. And if it fortifies these things, with this similar vein throughout, then we get a lot closer to calling something an Absolute Truth than something that’s maybe Prima Facie.”

Brother Robert Johnson was raised Waukegan Lodge No. 78 in Illinois. You can hear this quote and a lot more conversation by listening to the full interview here: -of-whence-came-you-and-midnight-freemasons?in=on-the-level-297954005/ sets/on-the-level

Robert is the author of the “Whence Came you Podcast”, a contributing member of the Masonic Roundtable and a regular contributor to the Midnight Freemasons.

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Setting ourselves up for Success

The other day I was reminded to play chess, not checkers. I heard and used that saying myself, so it came as a shock to hear them used back at me! Was I not following my own advice? Did I fail to pick up on whatever opportunity arose from my activities?

Freemasonry teaches the subtlety of self-realization by way of self-improvement. In a perfect world I would stop there and just meditate on that above sentence for a couple of weeks. Unfortunately, who has time to meditate just on that? Right? I challenge myself and all who read this to change perception and make this a priority. Self-realization comes by way of self-improvement. Success in the future comes by way of developing ourselves now.

Proper planning, the discipline of defining goals, and maintaining a personal ritual remain very powerful tools in our personal toolkit. If ritual itself is so important to Freemasons, why do we take it for granted? There isn’t a question of whether or not there will be ritual, the more accurate question becomes which ritual should we open and close lodge with tonight? Readers might recognize that some jurisdictions have optional passages of ritual that aren’t required all the time. We plan ahead for that opening and closing of the lodge, we plan ahead to prepare ourselves mentally to enter a sacred space, and we plan ahead to actively participate even if we sit on the sidelines.

Proper planning might sound like a lofty goal for someone who tends toward spontaneity, and for some this is a challenge. I like to use the analogy of the NFL draft in such instances. If we boil it down to simple terms, we find three pros and three cons to any draftee or in this case any situation. We write down three pros and write down three cons, then we walk away for a while. Maybe we move on to another task to return to this planning or decision at a later time. We find that writing down the pros and cons gives us a chance at an enhanced perspective, and often the decision becomes obvious.

(continued on next page)

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Image courtesy of Alan Light via

Setting up for Success (cont’d)

My version of the NFL draft doesn’t begin to cover the depth of management training, short and long term planning, leadership development, and other such teachings, yet it serves me well for decisions that might have an emotional attachment. I may want to choose one path, but the perspective of writing down the top three pros and cons for that decision gives me clarity toward which path is best at that time. This simple mind game of writing down the pros and cons sets me up for later success in making the optimal choice while giving me perspective and time to consider my options. It allows me to play chess, not checkers, in taking time to visualize my future moves.

Longer term planning becomes a game of fill in the blanks after we define a timeline or similar parameter. I know that when a project gets a green light to proceed, that I need a plan in place to make it successful. I know I need a goal, and maybe I can subdivide that goal. If the Junior Deacon wants to have a competition Lodge Bowling League for example, the current Worshipful Master would be wise to schedule a few social nights at the local bowling alley. The current Senior Warden would be wise to plan to set into motion regular bowling practice sessions during his term as Worshipful Master. Now the Junior Warden implements his plans based on the success set up by the senior officers. The Junior Warden’s dream of a competition bowling league has a much better chance of success when the plan is created and executed than just springing it on the Brethren after the Junior Warden advances to the Master’s chair in the East.

The above is a simplistic example. If your lodge wants to be successful in an event, having people show up and stand around is useless. Having people show up over time to implement an incremental plan leading into a longer-term goal suddenly sounds more productive. Well, it does to me anyway.

The original article by Bro. Randy Sanders can be read here at the Midnight Freemasons

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Image courtesy of GF Lewis at the English Wikipedia

Breaking Bread Together!

Big thank you to everyone who came out for the Scottsdale Lodge No. 43 Fellowship Breakfast! Join us every third Saturday for breakfast at the Scottsdale Masonic Lodge!

Thanks to all the Brethren, Family and Friends who came out for the 40th Anniversary BBQ for Camp Stone Lodge No. 77! It was also an opportunity to celebrate our gracious host, Bro. Johnny, and his lovely Lady's anniversary. We also took time to remember all our fallen for Memorial Day. It was a fun filled day and great night. Lastly, congratulations to the eight winners of the Lodge raffle. Some lucky folks.

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And the award goes to…..

Worshipful Master Shawn Hunter of Scottsdale 43 presents the Chili Cookoff Award to WB Steve for being the 2023 Chili Cookoff Champion!

Look who won the Sysco Foods Truck rodeo in Arizona this past May!

Our very own Junior Grand Deacon

Eric Dupree Sr!

Congratulations Brother!

At our April Stated Communication, it was my great pleasure to name WB Andy Anderson and WB Kenn Barrett as Honorary Brothers of Camp Stone Lodge No. 77. Both of these men and Masons have been mentors of mine for many years. Their dedication to the Craft and support of our Lodge is unparalleled. Well deserved my Brothers.

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Masonic Youth Groups

May 6th was a big day for Arizona Rainbow; Homecoming of Grand Worthy Advisor Sadelle and Supreme Worthy Associate Advisor and Supreme Inspector Mrs. York, Constitution Casa Grande Assembly #58 and Installation of Officers. Did we mention that Arizona is currently #3 in membership growth for the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls?!?

Congratulations to Senior DeMolay member C.J. Ligouri who was made a Master Mason in Wayfarers Lodge No. 50. It was a special day for C.J. as his Dad Steve Ligouri sat in the East and Grand Master Jim Baker was also in attendance!

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To Register for the 2023 Arizona DeMolay Convention Visit convention-2023
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St. John the Baptist

From The Grand Lodge of Ohio

June 24th is St. John the Baptist Day, a day meant to celebrate the life and death of St. John the Baptist. Revered as one of Freemasonry’s Patron Saints, John the Baptist has deep ties to the early beginnings of Freemasonry and has influenced our fraternity for generations.

On June 24th, 1717 the Grand Lodge of England was officially formed to celebrate the Feast of St. John the Baptist, and soon, John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist were acknowledged as the Patron Saints of Freemasonry. June 24th is also used as a day for many Lodge’s to install their new Worshipful Master or Grand Master. While in the early days many Scottish Freemasons favored St. John the Evangelist, the Freemasons residing in England tended to favor St. John the Baptist – a pattern later appearing in speculative lodges too. It is known that a group of stonemasons and carpenters in Europe were known as the “Fraternity of Saint John the Baptist.” This Patron Saint is highly revered in Freemasonry & has roots in our beginnings.

Life and Death of St. John the Baptist

Living early in the 1st century AD, St. John the Baptist has been a major religious figure in Christianity from the beginning and is regarded as a prophet in other religions too. As described in the New Testament, aside from being Jesus’ cousin, he is seen as foreshadowing Christ’s arrival. Many historians and students of religion believe that John baptized Jesus, and similar accounts of this baptism are found in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. A majority of Jesus’ early followers also may have been originally followers of St. John the Baptist. This Patron Saint was most well-known for his values of strict devotion and zeal for a strong moral character and ascetic life. His death around the time of 28-36 AD was due to his refusal to renounce his following of Jesus.

The Summer Solstice

In countries around the world, June 24th is also known as the summer solstice, this time dedicated to St. John takes place about mid-way through the year. The summer solstice is most well-known for being the longest day of the year, the day where the sun graces us for the longest period of time. It seems quite in line with Masonic values that one of our Patron Saints is recognized on the day where Masons seemingly have the most time to “seek light.”

Many celebrations on this day include large feasts, formal events, and regalia. While it may not have as much significance in the United States as it once did, many individuals host summer celebrations on this day and honor this Patron Saint. We invite you and your Lodge to take advantage of the day and host a Lodge-wide celebration to honor St. John the Baptist.

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Feast of St. John the Baptist

St. John the Baptist day, the 24th of June 1717 was a day our brothers “resolved to cement themselves under a new Grand Master and to revive the communications and annual festivals of the Society”. “To revive” suggests that some tradition was lost or faded, and needed to be reborn.

This June 24th, brothers from the Phoenix and Tucson areas will be holding a time honored tradition of meeting as brothers close to the summer solstice and celebrating the genesis of our modern craft. This celebration has been long forgotten and the brothers of this state will restore this day to what our brothers 306 years ago had intended.

These two gatherings are meant for all brothers and whether or not you are able to attend, it is hoped that you will celebrate this Masonic holiday by your own method, knowing that around the world brothers will be observing the same celebration!

Phoenix Feast Register at:

Tucson Feast—Register at:

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Bikes for Books!

Yuma Lodge No. 1 Thanks RW Mike Dale, WB Mike Kofta, WM Ben Hinderer, Bro. DJ Arps, and Bro. Brad Hamner for taking time out of your schedule to pass out Bikes in Dateland Elementary for Bikes for Books program. You brothers sure made some kids day.

Arizona Lodge No. 2 delivered Bikes to Capitol Elementary School in Phoenix as part of the Bikes for Books program. Thank you Past Master Matthew Harris and brother Mike Mathews!

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Bikes for Books!

Phoenicia Lodge No. 58 and Riders of the Third Degree teamed up to present Bikes and Working Tools to Kids at Campo Bello Elementary School and Sunset Canyon Elementary School.

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Yuma 17 Awards Night

Congrats to all these brothers on their years dedicated to the craft: Bro Perry Schuman 65 years; Bro Carl Greenwell 65 years; Bro Patrick Ferguson 60 years; Bro Jay Milstead 50 years; Bro Gary Stigall 50 years; Bro John Adams 50 years, also 50 years in Scottish Rite; RW Mike Dale 25 years; WB Quaid Smith 25 years; WB Tim Williams 25 years; WB Bob Dennis 25 years; Bro Russell Pool Sr. 25 years; Bro Grant Veile 25 years; Bro Ira Hearen Jr. 25 years; Bro Herbert Towensend 25 years; Bro Robert Sant 25 years; and Bro Fernando Balderrama 25 years.

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Longevity Awards

Most Worshipful Jim Baker and Worshipful Brother Jim Baker, Arizona No. 2, present a 65 year Longevity Award to Worshipful Brother Jim Rolle. WBro. Jim is a member of Arizona No. 2, White Mountain Lodge No. 3 and Sun City Lodge No. 72

White Mountain Lodge No. 3 presenting a 65 year longevity pin and proclamation to Brother Bobby Earl Cooper at his home outside of Show Low AZ. Presented by Brothers Stephen England and Frank McCown.

A wonderful night at Central Arizona Lodge No. 14 where we were able to recognize Brother Peter William Belanus for his 50 years of affiliation with the Lodge! Behold how truly beautiful it is for brothers to dwell together in unity!

A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to Brother David N. for his 50th year anniversary of being a MASTER MASON!

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Shriners Parade!

Shriners from around the State of Arizona gathered for a parade in honor of Imperial Chief Rabban James “Ed” Stolze Jr. , a member of El-Zaribah Shriners and Hunters Paradise No. 85.

Sir Ed Stolze will be installed as the next Imperial Potentate in July at the Shriners Imperial Session in Charlotte, North Carolina.

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Biking Across America

The Winslow Shriners & Winslow Masonic Lodge

F&AM #13 hosted a wonderful group of men doing an incredible fundraiser for the Shrine Hospitals. They are biking across America! From California to New York. Potentate James Hoover & First Lady Kay Hoover drove up to meet them & share a meal. Follow their adventures.

Widows Sons Meet on the Road!

Widows Sons from multiple chapters in Arizona came together today to greet and ride with brothers from Oklahoma Widows Sons G.O.A.T. chapter!

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Feed my Starving Children!

37 Volunteers from the Arizona No. 2 family gathered at the Feed My Starving Children facility on Alma School in Mesa to box food for hungry children around the world. A total of 70 volunteers packed 119 boxes totaling 25,704 meals !

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Masonic License Plates

Masonic License Plates for the state of Arizona are available from

The initial cost is $25 for the specialty plate and $25 for personalization. Almost 70% ($17) of the fee goes to charities supported by Arizona Masons.

AZMVDNOW is the authorized service website for the Arizona Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Division. You can order online by clicking here

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Click here to buy online

Unveiling The G

After years of Hard Work and dedication, Worshipful Brother Harley Goodson and Ascension Lodge No. 89 unveiled the newly designed and lit G at the Phoenix Masonic Temple. This is the first time in history that the blue room at the Phoenix Masonic Temple has a lit G.

Copper Post, June 2023
2023 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M. Every detail of the G was planned for in detailed CAD drawings produced by WBro. Harley Goodson and Liquid Metal Concepts.

Unveiling The G

The original G was incorporated into the center of the newly designed G that has yellow and blue neon and gold leafed rays coming out from a wood Frame that was stained to match the furniture.

Brother Harley applied Gold Leaf by hand to each of the 48 rays extending out from the wood frame of the G.

A plaque remembering all those who contributed to bringing the new G to life!

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Arizona Brotherhood

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About MSAP

Masonic Foundation for Children

Nearly 4,000 educators trained and 30,000 children's lives affected!

What is the Masonic Model Student Assistance Program(MSAP)?

Teachers are not experts in at-risk behavior which is why we developed the MSAP. Our training includes a highly professional and intensive three-day training workshop for Arizona educators to learn to improve their ability to; identify, intervene with, and create appropriate intervention plans for students at risk.

This workshop trains a core team of four to eight educators from a school in how to intervene early and effectively with students that display patterns of behaviors that threaten their success at school and life. MSAP involves practice sessions designed to simulate real events on subjects such as:

• Chemical dependency

• Depression & Suicide

• Conflict, Anger & Violence

• Family Dynamics & Enabling

• Life Skills Development

• Treatment & Aftercare

• Communication Skills

• Group Process & Intervention

How Can I support the Arizona Masonic Foundation for Children?

• Donate to the foundation directly

• Buy Arizona Masonic License Plates

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2022/23 Arizona Grand Lodge Officers

Grand Master

Grand Lodge F. & A.M. Arizona

Jim Baker (9)

Deputy Grand Master: George R. Rusk (20,75)

Senior Grand Warden: Junior Grand Warden:

Michael A. Dale (17) Leigh J. Creighton (4)

Senior Grand Deacon: Junior Grand Deacon: Roger C. Biede III (9) Eric D. Dupree (86)

Senior Grand Steward: Junior Grand Steward: David A. Sahady (1) James Xie (43)

Grand Secretary: Grand Treasurer:

Gregory A. Vasquez (15) Ronald W. Richards (32,41,89)

Deputy Grand Secretary: Deputy Grand Secretary: James R. Leppert (85) James W. Rowan (43)

Grand Treasurer Emeritus Grand Secretary Emeritus

Michael N. McGee (50) George H. Stabelin Sr. (15)

Grand Secretary Emeritus Wilbur E. Robertson (20)

Grand Lecturer: Grand Chaplain

John W. Welsch (7,14) Michael D. Valecourt (16,43)

Grand Orator: Grand Marshall

Antonio L. Lugo (31) Adam B. Pitman (30)

Grand Editor: Grand Bible Bearer: Robert (Bo) F. Buchanan III (2) John B. Brooks (70)

Grand Sword Bearer: Grand Pursuivant : Michael L. Fluty (5,53) Wayne S. Thatcher (42)

Grand Standard Bearer: Grand Organist: Yosef Acosta (83) Gordon Stevenson (20)

Grand Tyler: Grand Counsel: Eric Smith (9) Richard L. Brooks (85)

Grand Photographer: Allen Nichols (43,85)

2022-23 Arizona DDGM’s

District 1: Robert E. Weed (22) - 22,64, 68

District 2: Steve L. Bracety (1) - 1, 14, 82

District 3: Ralph Doudna (7,38) - 7, 13, 38

District 4: Paul A. Diaz (62) - 6, 62

District 5: John B. Brooks (70) – 3, 70

District 6: Tim W. Williams (17) - 17

District 7: Emertio R. Godoy (74.81) - 74, 81

District 8: Robin E Settlemeyer (60) - 41, 86

District 9: David Fierro (42) - 20, 69, 75

District 10: Adam Pitman (30) - 9, 30, 46

District 11: Gregory M. Covel (5,53) - 5,53,77

District 12: Bryon P. Howe (58) - 15, 43

District 13: Carl Erdman(4) - 52, 60

District 14: Thomas A Murray (89) - 29, 50, 89

District 15: Thomas E. Schaff (16) - 10, 16, 55

District 16: Matthew Link (72) - 31, 72, 88

District 17: Harold L. Lindamood (71) - 11, 71

District 18: Wayne Thatcher (42) - 23, 42, 85

District 19: David Morgnflash (66,86) - 49, 66

District 21: Bruce McLaughlin (52) - 4, 32, 56

District 22: Mark J. Simington (45) - 2, 58, 83

District 23: Dwayne Hoyt (87) - 35, 45, 87

District 24: Kenn Barrett (5) - 12, 19

2022-23 Arizona DDGL’s

District 1: John D. Graham (7) - (North)

District 2: William J. Enloe (85) -(W. Phx)

District 3: Geoffrey R. Cummings (87)- (E. Phx)

District 4: Ronald N. Allen (4,55,74,81) - (South)

District 5: Daniel Kilpatrick (5) - (Southeast)

District 6: Michael Kofta (17)

District 7: Carl Melton (23)

District 8: Carl Erdman (4)

© 2023 The Copper Post, an Arizona
F. & A.M. publication 41
Grand Lodge

Copper Corridor

Safford No. 16 - First Tuesday -Arizona-364043271063618/


Pinal Lodge No. 30 - First Thursday


Yuma No. 17 - Second Thursday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

White Mountain No. 3 - Second Saturday

10:00am StatedMeeting

Gila Valley Lodge No. 9 - Monday on or before full moon

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Eloy Lodge No. 46 - Third Thursday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Northern Arizona

Mohave Valley No. 68 - First Wednesday

7:30pm StatedMeeting

Winslow No. 13 - Second Monday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Kingman No. 22 - Second Monday

7:30pm StatedMeeting

Northern Arizona

White River No. 62 - Second Tuesday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Sy Harrison No. 70 - Second Tuesday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Aztlan No. 1 - Second Tuesday

7:30pm StatedMeeting

Havasu No. 64 - Second Tuesday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Williams - Grand Canyon No. 38 - Second Wednesday

7:30pm StatedMeeting

Central Arizona No. 14 - Second Wednesday

7:30pm StatedMeeting

Chalcedony No. 6 - Second Thursday

7:30pm StatedMeeting

Flagstaff No. 7 - First Thursday

7:30pm StatedMeeting

© 2023 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M. publication 42

Phoenix Metro

Arizona Lodge No. 2 - First Tuesday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

PVST No. 29 - First Wednesday

7:30pm StatedMeeting

Scottsdale No. 43 - First Thursday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Montezuma No. 35 - First Thursday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Wayfarer No. 50 - Second Tuesday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Phoenicia No. 58 - Second Tuesday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Phoenix Metro

Sahuaro No. 45 - Second Wednesday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

El Quixote No. 83 - Second Wednesday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Arizona Sunrise No. 88 - Third Saturday

10:00am StatedMeeting

Ascension No. 89 - Third Monday

6:30pm StatedMeeting

Pioneer No. 82 - Third Monday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Hunters Paradise No. 85 - Fourth Monday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

© 2023 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M. publication 43

East Valley (Phx)

Oriental Lodge No. 20 - First Tuesday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Camelback Daylight No. 75 - First Saturday

10:00am StatedMeeting

Prometheus Lodge No. 87 - First Wednesday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Apache Lodge No. 69 - Second Thursday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Chandler-Thunderbird No. 15 Second Tuesday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

West Valley (Phx)

Peoria No. 31 - First Tuesday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Acacia No. 42 - First Tuesday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Sun City No. 72 - Second Thursday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Glendale No. 23 - First Thursday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

© 2023 The
Post, an Arizona
A.M. publication 44
Grand Lodge

Tucson Area

Marion McDaniel No. 56 - First Monday

7:30pm StatedMeeting

Jerusalem Daylight No. 66 - Second Saturday

10:00am StatedMeeting

Adobe No. 41 - First Tuesday

6:30pm StatedMeeting

Aaron No. 49 - First Wednesday

7:30pm StatedMeeting

Tucson No. 4 - First Wednesday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Tucson Area

Oasis No. 52 - Second Tuesday

7:30pm StatedMeeting

Nelson C Bledsoe No. 74 - Second Tuesday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Epes Randolph No. 32 - Second Wednesday

7:30pm StatedMeeting

Builders No. 60 - Second Wednesday 20Masonic%20Lodge/111283838906398

7:30pm StatedMeeting

Anahuac No. 81 - Third Monday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Downtown No. 86 - Fourth Monday

7:30pm StatedMeeting

© 2023 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M. publication 45

Southern AZ

King Solomon No. 5 - First Monday 20Masonic%20Lodge%205/852903704763254/

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Huachuca Lodge No.53 - First Wednesday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Nogales No. 11 - Second Wednesday

7:30pm StatedMeeting

Willcox No. 10 - Second Thursday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Southern AZ

Perfect Ashlar No. 12 - First Thursday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Camp Stone No. 77 - Second Saturday

9:30am StatedMeeting

Green Valley No. 71 - Third Thursday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

San Pedro No. 55 - Fourth Monday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Arizona Lodge No. 2 has coins for sale! Coins are $15.00 shipped to you – just click on the link below and purchase a coin to have it directly mailed to you! Coins are heavy duty enamel filled –1 ¾” wide!

All proceeds will go into our lodge general fund.

© 2023 The Copper Post, an Arizona
F. & A.M. publication 46
Grand Lodge

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