Copper Post March 2023

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© 2023 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M. publication 1 The Copper Post Printed Every Month 140th Anniversary
Lodge ofArizona F. &A.M.
Grand Lodge of Arizona Opens Lodge at the George Washington Masonic Memorial.

George Washington Memorial

100th Anniversary of the laying of the Cornerstone

On February 20th, 2023 the Grand Lodge of Arizona participated in the festivities celebrating the Centennial Celebration of laying the Cornerstone for the George Washington Masonic National Memorial.

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Grand Lodge

George Washington Memorial

North American Grand Masters Conference of Grand Masters, 2023

In 1956, Grand Masters from around the United States Gathered for a photo that appeared on the cover of Life Magazine.

In February, 2023 Grand Masters from around the United States met for the 2023 Grand Masters Conference and gathered on the steps of the George Washington Masonic National Memorial to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the laying of its cornerstone.

(Photo courtesy of Dennis Berry)

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Arizona Grand Lodge

A Story of Perseverance

How the First Amputee of the Civil War changed the world!

When the Civil War broke out, 18-year-old James Hanger enlisted in the Virginia cavalry. Two days later his left leg was torn off at the knee by a cannon ball. A Federal surgeon amputated his leg just below the hip, saving his life. It was the first amputation of the Civil War—the first of over 60,000 to follow.

A few months later, after a prisoner exchange, Hanger returned to his home in Churchville, Virginia. He would later say that when he returned home, “I was the prey of despair. What could the world hold for a maimed, crippled man!”

As it turned out, the world held a lot for James Hanger. Instead of wallowing in his despair, he devoted himself to designing a prosthetic leg, leading ultimately to a revolutionary innovation that relieved the suffering and enhanced the lives of tens of thousands of amputees. James was issued patents for his new design and the company he founded, now called Hanger, Inc., is today the world’s leading manufacturer of prosthetics, valued at over $1 billion.

James Hanger overcame his adversity, turning it into an opportunity to improve himself and to make the world a better place.

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On The Level

Where Masons share stories of their masonic journey

***Recorded on April 14th, 2016***

Jack Richey remembers a night in lodge with Senator Barry Goldwater: One of the most memorable things of my career, in the line, was right after I was made Master in 1969. We had a gentleman join the lodge, and his name was Tommy Ross, Tom Ross, and he got his 3rd degree. And his father in law was Senator Barry Goldwater, and his father was also a Mason, Dr. Ross. And the night that he was raised, when he got his third degree, they were (both) in attendance. And it was the only time I have ever been in the lodge that there was not an available seat on the North Side or the South Side of the Lodge. The place was packed“

Jack Richey was initially raised as a Master Mason in 1961 in Harmony Lodge No. 57 and is a Past Master of Harmony Lodge No. 57 in 1969. He is a member of Arizona Lodge No. 2, Sun City No. 72 and regularly attends Peoria Lodge No. 31.

You can hear the this quote and a lot more conversation by listening to the full interview here:

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Brethren, Friends, and Family,

In 2022, the Masonic Charities of Arizona approved 33 grants totaling $73,000 to worthy organizations throughout Arizona. These 501c3 charitable organizations provide much needed services to their communities all over Arizona. Those services include Veteran assistance, Domestic abuse shelters, child learning disabilities, training and assistance for people with special needs, support for soldiers abroad, adult literacy programs and personal hygiene kits for the working poor and homeless.

We are able to award these grants from the income of our investment fund, lodge and personal donations and support from Grand Lodge. In order to keep up with the desire to expand our grant distribution to more organizations and communities around the State we ask for your help.

The Board of Directors of the Masonic Charities of Arizona extends our appreciation to all of you for your support.

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Arizona Masons in the Military

Thank you for your Service!

Brother Andrew Long is a member of Arizona Lodge No. 2. He served Active Duty in the Marine Corps from 2004-2008 in Field Artillery and deployed to Iraq as a provisional infantryman. He was awarded a Certificate of Commendation for outstanding service. He used his GI Bill to get a Law Degree and now runs his own legal practice in Phoenix, Arizona.

Arizona Masons in the Military highlights and honors Arizona Masons who have served in the Military. Send us a photo of you in Uniform (old or new). If you are currently serving, please tell us your current branch, rank, designation & lodge. If you are a veteran—or if you want to highlight a brother who has passed but served, please send as a photo in uniform along with the branch served, rank at exit, lodge and some notes about time in the military. Thank you for your service!

Send your photos to the Grand Lodge Editor at

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This month, we share an excerpt from the February, 2023 Trestleboard of Scottsdale Lodge No. 43


Greatness is a measurable amount of success, and the measurement varies from person to person. There is no formula to abide with, only many ways and means to avail one's self of noting how others have approached the process. Do the difficult things while they are easier, and the great things while small, remembering that all attempts and striving starts with one step. Have faith in the future, hope that you have planned your future correctly, and all future steps will lead in the best direction. At times, success leaves a disappointment because the steps to achievement are over. Great works are done, not by strength alone, but with perseverance. Never stop the effort until you get to your place of destiny. Keep to the aims, learn even more, work at it, and have the patience to realize where you have gotten. Not all things you may try will be winners. Know that without some steps back, winning is not so great. Great things are done by bringing small things together.

Shakespeare said, "Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them".

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How to use Grandview

Visit Grandview to:

• View a lodge directory

• Change your contact info

• See Grand Lodge notices

How do I login to Grandview?

• Go to the Grand Lodge web page and click “Login to Grandview” on the front page in the upper right (

• Enter your lodge number

• Enter your Member ID (lower left corner of dues card or ask the Secretary)

• Enter your Last Name (case sensitive)

• Click on “Check Membership Status”

• Enter your email address

• Enter a password (at least 8 characters)

• Confirm by entering your password again.

• Click on Submit

You are now ready to login and access your own personal record in Grandview. Please keep your email, mailing address and phone number up to date.

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Grand Lodge


Poets Corner


of a Man of Tyre

Oh the irony of such a blow!

To, in fear, crush that which could bestow, The secret I covet daily.

You may have seen me lately.

Skulking in the shadows here below,

You see a man whom not even brothers know.

The secret I desire is lost.

And mine own hand has resulted the cost.

Brother Kevin Prier is the Senior Steward at Arizona Lodge No. 2

To submit poetry for consideration, send it to

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F. & A.M. publication 11
Grand Lodge

Brothers Around Town

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F. & A.M. publication 12
The Copper Post, Arizona Grand Lodge Brothers from Oriental Lodge No. 20 host their Valentines-Sweetheart Dinner! Oriental Lodge No. 20 holds a 2023 Widows Tea w/the Queen of Hearts! Arizona No. 2 hosts a Valentines Dinner with a Peruvian Theme! Valentines Dinner at Prometheus 87! Sons of Voltaire meeting at Acacia Lodge No. 42. Brothers hear a reading of the Tao Te Ching and a Tibetan Bowl Presentation. Worshipful Master Chris Chavez of Acacia Lodge No. 42 receives his 25 year Pin from Most Worshipful Grand Master Jim Baker! Brother Michael LeVan of Glendale Lodge No. 23 receives his 50 year apron from Most Worshipful Grand Master Jim Baker! Junior Grand Warden, Right Worshipful Michael Dale, visiting the 2023 MCAS Yuma Airshow.

Brothers Around Town

Oasis Lodge No. 52 presents bikes to the Bikes for Books winners at Henry Elementary!

Congratulations to Harry Brown, the 2022 Mason of the year at Huachuca Lodge No. 53!!!! Order

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Grand Lodge
online*** Or order your
with this QC
your own Silver Coin! Numbered 1-200!
***Click here
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© 2023 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M.

Masonic License Plates

Masonic License Plates for the state of Arizona are available from

The initial cost is $25 for the specialty plate and $25 for personalization. Almost 70% ($17) of the fee goes to charities supported by Arizona Masons.

AZMVDNOW is the authorized service website for the Arizona Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Division. You can order online by clicking here

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Click here to buy online
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2023 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M.

Arizona Brotherhood

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The West Gate

Master Craftsman and Artist, brother Ivan, has been hard at work building a custom Gate to be used at Paradise Valley Silver Trowel Lodge No. 29.

George Washington Orator Contest

Paradise Valley Silver Trowel Lodge No. 29 continues with its 50 year tradition of the George Washington Oratorical Contest.

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2023 The Copper Post, Arizona Grand Lodge

Epes Randolph Centennial Celebration

On February 11th, Epes Randolph Lodge Celebrated their 100th anniversary. Masons from around the State and Representatives from Grand Lodge participated in the festivities! Congratulations to all the brothers of Epes Randolph for this monumental achievement as a lodge!

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© 2023 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F.

Scottish Rite Robert Burns Dinner

On February 19th, 2023—members of the Grand Lodge of Arizona lay a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Solider at the Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia.

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& A.M.
The Knights of St. Andrew hold the Robert Burns Night at the Phoenix Scottish Rite Temple. TOMB OF THE UNKNOWN SOLDIER

Shriner Events

Congratulations to all the brothers who went through the Ceremonial at El-Zaribah

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Shriners from Arizona at the 2023 Western Shrine Association in Las Vegas, Nevada The Grand Master at the Ladies of the Shrine High Grand Dinner!
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© 2023 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M.

About MSAP

Masonic Foundation for Children

Nearly 4,000 educators trained and 30,000 children's lives affected!

What is the Masonic Model Student Assistance Program(MSAP)?

Teachers are not experts in at-risk behavior which is why we developed the MSAP. Our training includes a highly professional and intensive three-day training workshop for Arizona educators to learn to improve their ability to; identify, intervene with, and create appropriate intervention plans for students at risk.

This workshop trains a core team of four to eight educators from a school in how to intervene early and effectively with students that display patterns of behaviors that threaten their success at school and life. MSAP involves practice sessions designed to simulate real events on subjects such as:

• Chemical dependency

• Depression & Suicide

• Conflict, Anger & Violence

• Family Dynamics & Enabling

• Life Skills Development

• Treatment & Aftercare

• Communication Skills

• Group Process & Intervention

How Can I support the Arizona Masonic Foundation for Children?

• Donate to the foundation directly

• Buy Arizona Masonic License Plates

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2021/22 Arizona Grand Lodge Officers

Grand Master

Grand Lodge F. & A.M. Arizona

Jim Baker (9)

Deputy Grand Master: George R. Rusk (20,75)

Senior Grand Warden: Junior Grand Warden:

Michael A. Dale (17) Leigh J. Creighton (4)

Senior Grand Deacon: Junior Grand Deacon: Roger C. Biede III (9) Eric D. Dupree (86)

Senior Grand Steward: Junior Grand Steward: David A. Sahady (1) James Xie (43)

Grand Secretary: Grand Treasurer:

Gregory A. Vasquez (15) Ronald W. Richards (32,41,89)

Deputy Grand Secretary: Deputy Grand Secretary: James R. Leppert (85) James W. Rowan (43)

Grand Treasurer Emeritus Grand Secretary Emeritus

Michael N. McGee (50) George H. Stabelin Sr. (15)

Grand Secretary Emeritus Wilbur E. Robertson (20)

Grand Lecturer: Grand Chaplain

John W. Welsch (7,14) Michael D. Valecourt (16,43)

Grand Orator: Grand Marshall

Antonio L. Lugo (31) Adam B. Pitman (30)

Grand Editor: Grand Bible Bearer: Robert (Bo) F. Buchanan III (2) John B. Brooks (70)

Grand Sword Bearer: Grand Pursuivant : Michael L. Fluty (5,53) Wayne S. Thatcher (42)

Grand Standard Bearer: Grand Organist: Yosef Acosta (83) Gordon Stevenson (20)

Grand Tyler: Grand Counsel: Eric Smith (9) Richard L. Brooks (85)

Grand Photographer: Allen Nichols (43,85)

2021-22 Arizona DDGM

District 1: Robert E. Weed (22) - 22,64, 68

District 2: Steve L. Bracety (1) - 1, 14, 82

District 3: Ralph Doudna (7,38) - 7, 13, 38

District 4: Paul A. Diaz (62) - 6, 62

District 5: Lon Thomas (70) – 3, 70

District 6: Tim W. Williams (17) - 17

District 7: Emertio R. Godoy (74.81) - 74, 81

District 8: Robin E Settlemeyer (60) - 41, 86

District 9: David Fierro (42) - 20, 69, 75

District 10: Adam Pitman (30) - 9, 30, 46

District 11: Gregory M. Covel (5,53) - 5,53,77

District 12: Bryon P. Howe (58) - 15, 43

District 13: Carl Erdman(4) - 52, 60

District 14: Thomas A Murray (89) - 29, 50, 89

District 15: Thomas E. Schaff (16) - 10, 16, 55

District 16: Matthew Link (72) - 31, 72, 88

District 17: Harold L. Lindamood (71) - 11, 71

District 18: Wayne Thatcher (42) - 23, 42, 85

District 19: David Morgnflash (66,86) - 49, 66

District 21: Bruce McLaughlin (52) - 4, 32, 56

District 22: Mark J. Simington (45) - 2, 58, 83

District 23: Dwayne Hoyt (87) - 35, 45, 87

District 24: Kenn Barrett (5) - 12, 19

2021-22 Arizona DDGL’s

District 1: John D. Graham (7) - (North)

District 2: William J. Enloe (85) -(W. Phx)

District 3: Geoffrey R. Cummings (87)- (E. Phx)

District 4: Ronald N. Allen (4,55,74,81) - (South)

District 5: Daniel Kilpatrick (5) - (Southeast)

District 6: Michael Kofta (17)

District 7: Carl Melton (23)

District 8: Carl Erdman (4)

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F. & A.M. publication 26
Grand Lodge

Copper Corridor

Safford No. 16 - First Tuesday -Arizona-364043271063618/


Pinal Lodge No. 30 - First Thursday


Yuma No. 17 - Second Thursday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

White Mountain No. 3 - Second Saturday

10:00am StatedMeeting

Gila Valley Lodge No. 9 - Monday on or before full moon

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Eloy Lodge No. 46 - Third Thursday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Northern Arizona

Mohave Valley No. 68 - First Wednesday

7:30pm StatedMeeting

Winslow No. 13 - Second Monday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Kingman No. 22 - Second Monday

7:30pm StatedMeeting

Northern Arizona

White River No. 62 - Second Tuesday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Sy Harrison No. 70 - Second Tuesday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Aztlan No. 1 - Second Tuesday

7:30pm StatedMeeting

Havasu No. 64 - Second Tuesday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Williams - Grand Canyon No. 38 - Second Wednesday

7:30pm StatedMeeting

Central Arizona No. 14 - Second Wednesday

7:30pm StatedMeeting

Chalcedony No. 6 - Second Thursday

7:30pm StatedMeeting

Flagstaff No. 7 - First Thursday

7:30pm StatedMeeting

© 2023 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand
F. & A.M. publication 27

Phoenix Metro

Arizona Lodge No. 2 - First Tuesday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

PVST No. 29 - First Wednesday

7:30pm StatedMeeting

Scottsdale No. 43 - First Thursday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Montezuma No. 35 - First Thursday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Wayfarer No. 50 - Second Tuesday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Phoenicia No. 58 - Second Tuesday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Phoenix Metro

Sahuaro No. 45 - Second Wednesday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

El Quixote No. 83 - Second Wednesday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Arizona Sunrise No. 88 - Third Saturday

10:00am StatedMeeting

Ascension No. 89 - Third Monday

6:30pm StatedMeeting

Pioneer No. 82 - Third Monday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Hunters Paradise No. 85 - Fourth Monday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

© 2023 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M. publication 28

East Valley (Phx)

Oriental Lodge No. 20 - First Tuesday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Camelback Daylight No. 75 - First Saturday

10:00am StatedMeeting

Prometheus Lodge No. 87 - First Wednesday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Apache Lodge No. 69 - Second Thursday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Chandler-Thunderbird No. 15 Second Tuesday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

West Valley (Phx)

Peoria No. 31 - First Tuesday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Acacia No. 42 - First Tuesday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Sun City No. 72 - Second Tuesday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Glendale No. 23 - First Thursday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

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2023 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M.

Tucson Area

Marion McDaniel No. 56 - First Monday

7:30pm StatedMeeting

Jerusalem Daylight No. 66 - Second Saturday

10:00am StatedMeeting

Adobe No. 41 - First Tuesday

6:30pm StatedMeeting

Aaron No. 49 - First Wednesday

7:30pm StatedMeeting

Tucson No. 4 - First Wednesday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Tucson Area

Oasis No. 52 - Second Tuesday

7:30pm StatedMeeting

Nelson C Bledsoe No. 74 - Second Tuesday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Epes Randolph No. 32 - Second Wednesday

7:30pm StatedMeeting

Builders No. 60 - Second Wednesday 20Masonic%20Lodge/111283838906398

7:30pm StatedMeeting

Anahuac No. 81 - Third Monday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Downtown No. 86 - Fourth Monday

7:30pm StatedMeeting

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Grand Lodge

Southern AZ

King Solomon No. 5 - First Monday 20Masonic%20Lodge%205/852903704763254/

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Huachuca Lodge No.53 - First Wednesday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Nogales No. 11 - Second Wednesday

7:30pm StatedMeeting

Willcox No. 10 - Second Thursday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Southern AZ

Perfect Ashlar No. 12 - First Thursday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Camp Stone No. 77 - Second Saturday

9:30am StatedMeeting

Green Valley No. 71 - Third Thursday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

San Pedro No. 55 - Fourth Monday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Arizona Lodge No. 2 has coins for sale! Coins are $15.00 shipped to you – just click on the link below and purchase a coin to have it directly mailed to you! Coins are heavy duty enamel filled –1 ¾” wide!

All proceeds will go into our lodge general fund.

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Post, an Arizona
A.M. publication 31
Grand Lodge

This Months Masonic Temple: Scottish Rite Cathedral in Tucson, Arizona

Arizona Freemasonry

Since 1866

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