The Offical Publication of the Grand Chapter of Illinois
Volume XV, Issue 3
Hiram’s Words
ON PAGE 4 Rebuilding the Temple of Illinois Royal Arch Masonry
ON PAGE 8 A New Chapter in Illinois Royal Arch Masonry
ON PAGE 12 DeKalb Celebrates 6th Year of Degrees
Hiram’s Words
Volume XV, Issue 3
GRAND OFFICERS Most Excellent Grand High Priest
Excellent Grand Principal Sojourner
Sean P. McBride
Timothy J. Vice
Right Excellent Deputy Grand High Priest
Excellent Grand Master of the Third Veil
James M. Tome
William Wojtas
Right Excellent Grand King
Excellent Grand Master of the Second Veil
Jerald H. Starks
Charles R. Robertson
Right Excellent Grand Scribe
Excellent Grand Master of the First Veil
Byford “Bo” Cook
D. Scott Dayton
Right Excellent Grand Treasurer
Excellent Grand Steward
Alan M. Hubble
Edward “Ed” Steffy
Right Excellent Grand Secretary
Excellent Grand Steward
Dale L. Corrice
Travis L. Stewart
Excellent Grand Chaplain
Excellent Grand Organist
Vincent Riti
John B. “Jack” Hall
Excellent Grand Captain of the Host
Excellent Grand Webmaster
Randy Vawter
Timothy J. “Tim” Ward
Mission Statement: It shall be the goal of the Grand Chapter of Illinois, working through its subordinate chapters, to consistently and responsively enhance those lessons taught in the Symbolic Lodge; by developing and promoting programs: • That build character in our membership • That foster growth in prospects for fellowship • That provide opportunities for increasing leadership skills • That allow our lodges and chapters to make a difference in our communities
Our Vision: It is our vision to be the concordant body of choice for the brethren of the Symbolic Lodge by fulfilling our mission better than any person or fraternal organization.
Contact: Hiram’s Words is a publication of the Grand Chapter of Illinois. If you have any questions about one of our publications, please contact us at 2
Hiram’s Words
In this issue 6
Grand Chapter Schools of Instruction
A New Chapter in Illinois Royal Arch Masonry
DeKalb-Sycamore Celebrates 6th Year of Degrees
Royal Arch Charity at Work
Keystone Quest
Upcoming Chapter Days
From the Editor
Volume XV, Issue 3
Rebuilding the Temple of Illinois
10 Tuning Up Your Chapter
On The Cover
Oct 17 - Joint Illinois/Missouri Chapter Day Oct 24 - Joint Illinois/Indiana Chapter Day Dec 12 - School of Instruction - Sullivan Feb 6 - School of Instruction - Belleville Feb 27 - School of Instruction - Paxton Mar 19 - School of Instruction - Canton Apr 23 - School of Instruction - Freeport
The band got back together on Sept. 20th at the Grand York Rite Reception honoring Sean P. McBride MEGHP, Larry Raglan MIGM, and Enrique Unanue, REGC, with a special appearance by Barry Weer, MWM
The thoughts and opinions expressed in these articles are those of the individual unless stated otherwise and do not necessarily reflect those of the Grand Chapter of Illinois 3
Hiram’s Words
Volume XV, Issue 3
Rebuilding the Temple of Illinois Royal Arch Masonry by Sean P. McBride, MEGHP Illinois Royal Arch Masonry, its Chapters, and your Grand Chapter are all in a rebuilding process. For many years, we have been in a gradual decline and the time has come that we must take clear and decisive action in order to preserve Illinois Royal Arch Masonry for future generations. Your Grand officers have realized and accepted the cold truth, that like the Temple of Solomon, the Symbolic Temple of Illinois Royal Arch Masonry is in decay and has been assailed by the hands of complacency, mediocrity and the acceptance of the status quo. Like our ancient Companions who were carried away and held captive for 40 months of years in Babylon, we have become captive to those enemies which have assailed our Symbolic Temple. The time has come that we must be liberated and return to the standards of excellence we once held so proudly. The time has come that we must “Rebuild the Temple of Illinois Royal Arch Masonry”. Each of us as Illinois Royal Arch Masons must unite to preserve our Craft and our very identity as Royal Arch Masons.
the best possible support to our constituent Chapters, and that work will continue.
Each of us as Illinois Royal Arch Masons must unite to preserve our Craft and our very identity as Royal Arch Masons. We must labor to ensure that our Chapters provide and environment that will attract new Royal Arch Masons, and more importantly, ensure that our Chapters provide an experience that will inspire these new Royal Arch Masons to continue their membership, that we may Retain these men for decades to come. We must present quality Degree work
Your Grand Chapter and its officers are working hard to
that we can be proud of and that will truly convey the les-
assist our Chapters by providing assistance and guidance to
sons and ideas for which we stand. We must make each
help improve and move into the future. Much has been done
of our meetings an enlightening and enjoyable experi-
to streamline the operation of the Grand Chapter and provide
ence that our members will look forward to attending and
Hiram’s Words
Volume XV, Issue 3
being an active participant in. We must manage our Chapters with the care, the dignity, and the fiscal responsibility that we would manage our own households with. We must treat each other as true Companions and with the respect, kindness, and consideration that we would expect to be treated with in return. As each of these needs and goals are achieved, they will symbolize the laying of another brick, another stone, another layer of our “Second Temple”.
These goals will likely take many years to fully accomplish and will require much labor and dedication from each of us. But they are attainable, and when they have been attained, our Second Temple will be truly completed, and like our Ancient Companions, we shall all place the Keystone of this Symbolic Temple and will be dazzled by the wonder and Admiration of its beauty ad we will have completed and dedicated this “Second Temple”, and our labors of “Rebuilding the Temple of Illinois Royal Arch Masonry” shall be completed.
Excellence CAN be attained if you....
Hiram’s Words
Volume XV, Issue 3
Grand Chapter Schools of Instruction by Sean P. McBride, MEGHP The Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the State of Illinois has kicked off a full year of activities, which includes several Schools of Instruction. Schools were hosted on August 29 by DeWitt Chapter #119 in Petersburg and on September 19 by Euclid Chapter #13 in Naperville. Several Companions were present at these Schools and received quality instruction from members of the Grand Chapter’s Board of Grand Examiners. The Petersburg School
focused on the First Level requirements for ritual certification, such as Opening and Closing the Chapter, Receiving the District Deputy Grand High Priest and Receiving the Most Excellent Grand High Priest. This School was attended by over 30 Companions from several area Chapters, all of whom were anxious to learn the proper way to execute the Royal Arch work! The Naperville School focused on the Mark Master and Past Master Degrees and included a cast from Keystone Chapter #281 who are preparing to confer the Mark Master Degree at the Illinois-Indiana chapter Day on October 6
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24 in La Porte, Indiana. In addition to great ritual instruction, these Schools also feature a presentation of the newly developed “Rusty Arch Degree” which provides a refresher and explanation of the various signs and symbolism associated with each of the Capitular Degrees, as well as a Chapter Revitalization and Leadership Program. Take advantage of one of these upcoming Grand Chapter Schools of Instruction coming to a Chapter near you!
Hiram’s Words
Volume XV, Issue 3
A New Chapter in Illinois Royal Arch Masonry by Sean P. McBride, MEGHP On the evening of Saturday September 19, 2015 the Officers of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the State of Illinois were pleased to be a part of Illinois Royal Arch Masonic history, as Keystone Chapter #281 was officially dedicated as the newest Chapter of Royal Arch Masons in the State of Illinois. Several members, ladies and visitors were present at the Medinah Shrine Center in Addison, Illinois to witness this historic event. What began as a new and innovative concept over 2 years ago, became a reality. Keystone Chapter was founded upon the idea that there would be more to the Chapter than ritual, paying bills and reading minutes, but a hallmark of the Chapter would be education and an organized program with a dinner at every Stated Convocation. Though the Companions realized soon after receiving permission to operate as a Chapter Under Dispensation, there was much work involved in order to build a sustainable Chapter, they persisted and invested the time and labor needed to build the Chapter and lay a solid foundation for the future. The Grand Chapter is pleased to welcome Keystone Chapter #281 as the newest Chapter in Illinois Royal Arch Masonry.
Members of Grand Chapter perform the dedication ceremony
Hiram’s Words
Volume XV, Issue 3
Hiram’s Words
Volume XV, Issue 3
Tuning up your Chapter by James Tome, REDGHP One of the smallest parts of every car on the road today is the spark plug. Though it is small – and even simple in its function – it is essential to getting a car started and running on the road. So what does a spark plug do, exactly? Simply put, it ignites the fuel mixture that produces the power that ultimately moves your car. Now apply this example to your Chapter.
Have you ever wondered what keeps that spark of passion within your Chapter? What makes it work? There is a power source to a thriving Chapter just like a spark plug. This power source keeps your Chapter moving forward. Do you know what it is?
Have you lost your source of excitement for Royal Arch Freemasonry? Are you looking for something to motivate you again? Is it possible to get back that spark you once had when you first joined the York Rite? I believe it is, if you know what to do.
If you’re car won’t start in the morning, what do you do? You take it to the mechanic, of course, who will look into the problem and try to fix it. One of the first things he’ll do is determine if all of the spark plugs are firing properly. Why? Because spark plugs are meant to work together, in groups. And when one isn’t working, it affects the efficiency of the entire vehicle. One thing he’ll do is remove each spark plug from the engine and examine it carefully. He’ll literally take each spark plug out of its normal operating environment, relieving it temporarily of its duty so that it might be repaired.
It’s the same with your Chapter. When one Companion isn’t a part of the team, it affects everyone. And having that chance to get out of the Chapter meeting room can do wonders for both the individual and the team.
Hiram’s Words
Volume XV, Issue 3
So what’s to be done? Well, maybe it’s time for that tune up. Perhaps you need to meet as a group (even a smaller one that normally meets in Chapter) and see what can be done about rekindling interest. Sometimes getting away from the typical month-to-month agenda can do wonders and bring new vitality to the group. Talk about what you once loved about Royal Arch Freemasonry. Focus on the things that you wish it could be. Forget the business aspects of the Chapter and see how your little group might work together to get back on track.
But, if your collection of spark plugs has some members that are tired, worn out and unwilling to work with the group, it might be time to see if you can replace him with someone who has fresh views and new passion. That happens all the time and is as necessary for a Chapter as the need for new spark plugs are for a car’s engine.
Companion, you can be the spark plug for your Chapter, but you cannot do it alone. There’s a reason why automobile engines have more than one spark plug – to share the load and so that no one plug gets worn out too quickly.
Give your Chapter the tune up it so desperately needs. If you don’t, it might be too late and that once shiny, well-performing vehicle will be yet one more heap by the side of the road gathering rust.
Hiram’s Words
Volume XV, Issue 3
DeKalb-Sycamore Celebrates 6th Year of Degrees by James Tome, REDGHP On October 3rd, DeKalb Chapter No. 52, DeKalb Council No. 80 and Sycamore Commandery No. 15 came together to host a York Rite Day in DeKalb. The event started early – the parking began filling up at 7:30am – and lasted late into the afternoon (the last Companion left at 6pm). In a blockbuster of a day, 16 new Companions joined the York Rite and experienced Chapter and Council degrees and Commandery Orders. In a first, the Chapter and Council degrees were conferred in chronological order: the morning began with the Select Master (9th) Degree, followed by the Royal Master (8th) and Most Excellent Master (6th) degrees, then a break for lunch and the Holy Royal Arch (7th) Degree afterward. The fullform Orders of Red Cross were also conferred. Doing the work were the Blackhawk No. 88 and Illinois No. 15 York Rite Colleges, the Grand Council and Grand Chapter and ritual experts – old as well as new! – from the Chicagoland and northern Illinois area. Over 50 Companions were in attendance and 16 new Companions were welcomed into the York Rite. Coming up, a repeat of the day’s degree format is scheduled for December 19th in Champaign and January 16, 2016 in Belleville. Also coming up are the Illinois-Missouri Chapter Day in St. Louis on Saturday, October 17th and Illinois-Indiana Chapter Day in La Porte, Indiana on Saturday, October 24th. Indeed, Royal Arch Freemasonry is alive and growing in Illinois! Do your part and help to communicate the hidden mysteries and wonders of our Rite to your Brothers. 12
Hiram’s Words
Volume XV, Issue 3
Hiram’s Words
Volume XV, Issue 3
Royal Arch Charity at Work by Patrick J. Robin – Chairman RAMCF Fundraising Committee This year at our Grand Sessions we were able to present a check for $10,000.00 to Marcfirst. It was a great thing to witness. The gratitude they expressed when they received the check reminded everyone in the room why we do what we do. This would not have been possible without the help of all of you, your family, and friends! Thank you for all your generosity both financially and by helping to spread the word. We cannot raise funds if we do not raise awareness!
This year all the proceeds that we raise will be given to Marcfirst once again. If you are not familiar with Marcfirst I invite you to please check them out at www. I believe they speak for themselves much better than I ever could. It would be great if we could give them even more money this year. In order to do that we will need your help!
We will be doing another state wide 50/50 raffle. The raffle keeps growing year after year. This year we were able to give away 7 prizes. Tickets to the raffle and more information will be coming out shortly. We will also be doing a state wide Life Membership raffle as well as holding mini-events throughout the state.
Have you ever wanted to be a member of the Society of Zerubbabel? What is that you ask? How can I join? What do they do? How can I identify the members of the Society? Those are all great questions and will be answered in the upcoming months. Have you ever wanted to eat a steak cooked to your specifications by the Most Excellent Grand High Priest assisted by his officers and Past Most Excellent Grand High Priests with all the proceeds of the meal going to YOUR Charity? Well now you have that opportunity. On January 30th that is exactly what will be taking place at the Little Nugget Steakhouse in Danville. Save the date and be on the lookout for more details!
Not only will the Fundraising Committee be holding events throughout the State but local Chapters have started doing that as well. Please like us on Face Book or visit our website to learn more about our upcoming events! If your Chapter will be holding an event where 100% of the proceeds will be going to the RAMCF we will be more than happy with helping you promote it. If you have any questions I can be reached at I look forward to hearing from all of you! 14
Hiram’s Words
Volume XV, Issue 3
Hiram’s Words
Volume XV, Issue 3
Under Dispensation Why Are We Creating New Chapters?
by D. Scott Dayton, EGM1V In conversations I’ve had with Companions around Illinois a common question seems to pop up pretty often lately: why are is the Grand Chapter creating new Chapters around the state when there are so many established Chapters out there that are struggling to survive? It’s a fair question that I’d like to share some thoughts about.
A Chapter functioning “Under Dispensation” (UD) means that they are a brand new Chapter that has received approval from the Grand Chapter to temporarily function as a regular Chapter while its members are working to fulfill all of the requirements necessary to obtain a charter. These requirements are extensive, and the process obtaining a new Charter is a time consuming one demanding a real commitment from the Companions who wish to undertake it. Keystone Chapter #281 in Addison, IL received its charter from the Grand Chapter this past July after operating Under Dispensation for well over a year. Adoration Chapter UD in Homer, IL recently received permission to operate Under Dispensation.
But why start these new chapters when there are plenty of Chapters within driving distance of Keystone and Adoration who would love to have 20+ new members committed to making a Chapter work? Or put in another way: should we be spending our time and energy on reinvigorating the old, or should we be spending our time on energy on creating something completely new?
This “old versus new” conflict is not a question that’s unique to Royal Arch Freemasonry in Illinois. It is a struggle you can see being playing out in many institutions in our communities. Many Christian churches, the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), and Boy/Girl Scouts are just a few organizations that are trying to maintain their tradition and heritage while trying to find ways to be appealing to new generations of potential members.
Tradition or Change There are a lot of passionate opinions on both sides of this question. Those favoring tradition above all (let’s call them Traditionalists) genuinely believe they are fighting to preserve core values and heritage of an institution.
Hiram’s Words
Volume XV, Issue 3
Maintaining traditions is usually done with good intentions. Clearly someone believes there is something valuable in a tradition if they want to spend the time and effort to maintain it and pass it down. And like a lot of Masons one of the things that appealed to me when I was thinking about joining our fraternity was the deep tradition and the history of Freemasonry.
But true tradition is not just something that has been around a long time. Lots of things are old that aren’t a tradition. Authentic tradition is organic, it is living. It is truths and values that hold up over time, that connect the past with the present, and the present with the future. An example that illustrates this point: passing down a broken black & white TV from grandfather to father to son probably isn’t a tradition in any meaningful sense; but passing down a wedding ring probably is. The broken black & white TV is just an old object that doesn’t function or provide any shared experience or shared value; the wedding ring, however, is a tangible symbol and reminder of a shared experience of marriage, that points to marriages that have bound those generations of family together. The passing down of that wedding ring to succeeding generations would, in my opinion, be considered an authentic tradition, while the broken TV is… well… just a broken TV.
Those advocating change above all (let’s call them Changers) genuinely believe in order to keep an institution relevant in a constantly changing culture that we need to continually change to keep pace with that culture. They can give a nod of thanks and respect to what came before, but if it doesn’t make sense any more then then we need to replace with something that might work better.
Changers tend to look more to the future than to the past. And why not? If the choice is between the survival of the organization or continuing to do things in ways that aren’t working any more, then Changers will choose survival of the institution very time. Not out of lack of respect for tradition but out of love for it. They genuinely what to keep the organization alive and (even better) growing.
Tradition and Change Tradition and change at first glance seem to be complete polar opposites, right? Keep the old or replace it with something new. But where do Traditionalist and Changers share common ground? Can we find some ways they overlap? One aspect that they share is that they are both seeking to maintain something of value: traditionalists want to maintain the shared experience of Masonic brotherhood as they’ve known it, and pass that experience on to the next generation of members. Changers want find ways to change Masonry in order to maintain the relevance of the fraternity in a constantly changing culture. Both are trying to find ways for the fraternity to thrive so it can be passed from this generation to the next. 17
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Another commonality both share at times is arrogance. Traditionalists want to maintain “the way we’ve always done it” at any cost, even if “the way we’ve always done it” clearly doesn’t work anymore. How many times have we all sat in a Chapter meeting and watched the same kind of effort – degree work, fund raisers, etc. - come up short time after time… but we still keep doing it same way next time. Alternatively Changers can be prone to blindly casting aside what still has value in favor of something new just because it is new. “New is better” isn’t always better; sometimes its just different.
Moving forward Save old chapters or create new ones? I wish there was a clear cut answer to this question. Tradition is necessary for preserving the heritage, history and identify of Royal Arch Masonry. Change is necessary for keeping Royal Arch Masonry appealing to new generations of candidates.
I think the (not so) simple answer to the question is: both.
The Grand Chapter of Illinois is committed to encouraging new ideas, new ways of doing things, new approaches to Royal Arch Masonry. If a group of companions has new ideas for running a Chapter in a new way and wants a “clean slate” to try those new ideas then it makes sense to let them try it.
The Grand Chapter is also committed to maintaining our traditions, the value of our heritage and history, and providing any and all assistance it can to helping our struggling Chapters return to a path of health and growth.
Hiram’s Words
Volume XV, Issue 3
Keystone Quest Warren Chapter No. 30 earns 2015 Keystone Quest State Championship
by Companion Paul Scheeler, PHP Three Omnific Champions squared off on July 17 at the Grand Convocation in Normal in the third round of the 2015 Keystone Quest, with Warren Chapter No. 30 of Monmouth posting a perfect 27-point score in the fastest time of 2:24.
LaHarpe Chapter No. 111 of LaHarpe finished a close second with a score of 27 and time of 2:58. Henry Godeke Chapter No. 38 took third place, also with a score of 27 in 3:41. The third round is a “lightning round” featuring nine different questions for each chapter with three points per correctly answered question.
Questions were based on entries in the Encyclopedia of Freemasonry and Its Kindred Sciences by Albert G. Mackey. This was the last year that the competition will be using Mackey’s. Questions for the 2015-2016 competition will be drafted by the new Coordinator, Companion Bill Wojtas, Excellent Grand Master of the 3rd Veil, and member of Evanston Chapter No. 144 and La Fayette Chapter No. 2.
First round packets for 2015-2016 will be mailed to secretaries based on their mailing address on file with the Grand Secretary. Postmark deadline for returning completed materials is December 31, 2015. Chapters participating in the first round qualify for one of the requirements in the Arch of Excellence program.
Grand High Priest Sean McBride said: “The Keystone Quest is one of our most popular programs and all chapters should participate—as Warren Chapter proved, even smaller chapters can compete and take home the state championship trophy.”
Results, rules and instructions are posted to the Keystone Quest page of the Grand Chapter website. For more information or to obtain replacement materials for a lost or undelivered first round packet, contact the new Keystone Quest Chairman Bill Wojtas at:
Hiram’s Words
Volume XV, Issue 3
Upcoming Chapter Days
Hiram’s Words
Volume XV, Issue 3
Hiram’s Words
Volume XV, Issue 3
From the Editor by Companion Tim Ward; EGW, Editor Hiram Words And so another Capitular year begins. It is hard to believe that I have been working on this publication for almost three years. So much has changed over those years, both in Masonry and in the world, and yet some things remain constant. I can still call upon my friends and brothers for advice or just to chat. It does not matter if I spoke with them last week or years ago, they are always ready to stop what they doing and make time for a Brother. To me, that is what this Fraternity is all about, the fact that we are willing to go out of our way for a Brother, even if we do not know them directly. When I started my new job in September, I happened to notice a car in the parking lot with a square and compass decal on the back window. Obviously I wanted to find out who the car belonged to and say hi. After a week of trying to catch them getting in or out of the car, I decided the most expediant method would be a note under the windshield explaining that I saw the decal and wanted to introduce myself. Later that day, one of the guys in the office sought me out (I left plenty of contact information in the note), took my by the grip of a Master Mason and greated me heartily. He not only invited me to attend lodge with him whenever I felt like it, but invited me to dinner at his house. Companions, the best way to preserve the Craft is to practice its tenets every day. You never know who you might run into.
As for Hiram’s Words, we will continue to grow and look for new opportunities to communicate news and education to the Companions out there. We are looking into options for possibly bringing back physical publications down the road, looking for new and exciting Masonic authors to contribute, and as always, we are looking for the Companions to let us know what is going on around the State.
As always Companions, your feedback is not only appreciated, but necessary so we can continue to
improve this publication. What do you like about it, what don’t you like? What would you like to see more of? Please send all feedback as well as contributions to:
Hiram’s Words
Volume XV, Issue 3
Application for Perpetual Life Membership in the General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons International Please print or type Name _____________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________ City _______________________________________________ State ____________
ZIP _________________________
Phone _____________________________________________ E-mail _____________________________________________ I am a member in good and regular standing of ________________________________________________ Lodge No. _______________, located in the city of _____________________________________________, in the Grand Jurisdiction of ____________________________ and a member in good standing of ______________________________________________ Royal Arch Chapter No. _____________ located in the city of ________________________________________________ in the Grand Jurisdiction of _____________________________. The sum of US$25.00 submitted this __________ day of ___________________________ , 20______. I understand that, should I forfeit my membership in my lodge or chapter for any reason, that the fees for Perpetual Life Membership are not returnable.
Signed ____________________________________________ Mail to: General Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons Intl PO Box 128 Greenfield IN 46140-0128