Hiram's Words - April 2015

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The Offical Publication of the Grand Chapter of Illinois

Volume XV, Issue 2

Hiram’s Words

ON PAGE 3 Most Excellent Grand High Priest’s Message

ON PAGE 8 The Value of the General Grand Chapter

ON PAGE 14 The Most Excellent Master Degree

Hiram’s Words

Grand Officers Most Excellent Grand High Priest William J. “Bill” Hussey Right Excellent Deputy Grand High Priest Sean P. McBride Right Excellent Grand King James M. “Jim” Tome Right Excellent Grand Scribe Jerald H. Starks Right Excellent Grand Treasurer Mark Donnell Right Excellent Grand Secretary Dale L. Corrice Excellent Assistant Grand Chaplain Patrick J. Robin Excellent Grand Captain of the Host Byford O. “Bo” Cook Excellent Grand Principal Sojourner Randy Vawter Excellent Grand Royal Arch Captain Darrell “Skip” Hamilton Grand Webmaster & Hiram Words Editor Timothy J. “Tim” Ward Contact If you have any questions about one of our publications, please email us at grandwebmaster@ram-il.org


Volume XV, Issue 2

In this issue 3

Most Excellent Grand High Priest’s Message

by Companion William J. Hussey, MEGHP


Illinois - Wisconsin Joint Chapter Day

by Companion Sean P. McBride, REDGHP


Euclid Chapter Degrees

by Companion Sean P. McBride, REDGHP


Right Excellent Grand King’s Message

by Companion James M. Tome, REGK


The Value of the General Grand Chapter of Royal

Arch Masons International by Companion James M. Tome, REGK


General Grand Chapter Conference

by Companion James M. Tome, REGK


Royal Arch Masons Charitable Foundation

by Companion Patrick J. Robin – Chairman RAMCF Fundraising Committee


Gather Your Working Tools

by Companion Sean P. McBride, REDGHP


Most Excellent Master Degree

by Companion W. B. Wojtas, EGM2V


1894 Fire in Oquawka

by Companion Tim Vice, EGM3V


From the Secretary’s Desk

by Companion Dale Corrice, REGSec


From the Editor

by Companion Tim Ward, EGWebmaster, Editor Hiram Words

Hiram’s Words

Volume XV, Issue 2

Most Excellent Grand High Priest’s Message by Companion William J. Hussey, MEGHP

Companions, I hope this newsletter finds you in good health and spirit. As you read this all of the Commandery inspections should be nearing an end and we can get back to all of the York Rite activities. I know a lot of work goes into the inspections but we must not lose focus on our Chapters. Our Grand Officers have been making visits to the Chapters around the state. Some surprise visits have been very surprising to say the least. A lot of Chapters cannot produce a copy of their bylaws. Our Grand Code states that each Chapter will have a copy of their bylaws in the East. We have a bylaw template available for your Chapter. We also want a copy of your bylaw sent or emailed to the Grand Secretary office. You can also obtain a copy of the Grand Chapters Bylaws from our website at www.ram-il.org . You must have 4 meetings a year in the building you have listed with the Grand Chapter. Any questions can be answered by the Grand Secretary office. April 18th we will be having our Rock Quarry Chapter Day in Danville Illinois. Dress is casual and bring sunscreen a hat and a lawn chair. Cost is $10 for the BBQ lunch and reservations can be made with Ryan Irby at 217-918-0247 or rwirby13@gmail.com . This was a very well attended event that you won’t want to miss. Grand Sessions is just around the corner and we want all of you to attend. There are changes being made this year so look for an announcement shortly. Fraternally, Bill


Hiram’s Words

Volume XV, Issue 2

Illinois - Wisconsin Joint Chapter Day by Companion Sean P. McBride, REDGHP

The Grand Chapters of Illinois and Wisconsin will join together for the 6th consecutive year and hold an Interstate Chapter Day at the Racine Masonic Temple in Racine, Wisconsin on Saturday May 9, 2015. This has become a highly anticipated event for Companions from each Jurisdiction and affords Companions and candidates from both States the opportunity to meet new Companions and see how different Jurisdictions present their Degree work. Get a car load of Companions together, hit the road and enjoy a fun filled day of fellowship and great degree work. The IllinoisWisconsin Chapter Day is tentatively being planned for a location in Illinois in May of 2016.

The Grand Chapter is planning additional Interstate Chapter Days later this year. A joint-event has been scheduled with the Grand Chapter of Missouri to be held on Saturday October 17 at the Freedom Masonic Temple in St. Louis, Missouri. Following the initial Illinois-Missouri event that was held in Granite City, Illinois in 2013, this is sure to be a successful and much anticipated follow up!

For the 3rd Consecutive Year, we will hold a joint-event with the Grand Chapter of Indiana, which will be held on Saturday October 24 in South Bend, Indiana. Over the course of the past few years, we have established a very good relationship with our Companions from the Hoosier State and both of our Grand Chapters are pleased and excited to be able to continue with this event.

Additional details on the Missouri and Indiana events will be forthcoming.


Hiram’s Words

Volume XV, Issue 2

Euclid Chapter Degrees by Companion Sean P. McBride, REDGHP

On the evening of February 10, 2015, the Companions of Euclid Chapter, along with Companions from several other area Chapters presented the Most Excellent Master and Holy Royal Arch Degrees for a total of 8 candidates from several area Chapters. The newly Exalted Companions experienced some great Degree work that was presented by many talented and dedicated Companions.


Hiram’s Words

Volume XV, Issue 2

Right Excellent Grand King’s Message by Companion James M. Tome, REGK What has your Grand Chapter been up to lately? Plenty!

Have you seen a Grand Chapter officer recently, Companion? It’s very likely you have. We’ve been keeping

track of who has been visiting our Chapters and it seems by the time summer comes around, over 70% of our Chapters will have seen a visit by a Grand Officer this year. That’s pretty amazing! Some Chapters, we’re finding, are doing wonderfully. Unique programs like Table Chapter Dinners, the Royal Arch Masons degree, dinner meetings with educational speakers and plenty of degree work have been the hallmark of some of our most successful Chapters. It’s no surprise that these Chapters are the ones bringing in members, enjoying high meeting attendance and generally prospering and even growing quickly.

Still others, unfortunately, are in trouble. We’ve had Chapters who haven’t done degree work in years.

Some who see only a handful of attendees at their meetings. Chapters who open “concurrently” with a Council or Commandery or both (BTW, there’s no precedence, ritual or allowance for this concurrent opening in ANY of the three Bodies’ Grand bylaws – and we bet no accommodation in the local bylaws). We even found one Chapter that has been “meeting” at a local McDonald’s!

Well, over the past year – and certainly looking forward – your Grand Chapter is changing to help failing

Chapters and supporting those that are growing. You’re going to be seeing some new programs in the coming years:


Hiram’s Words

Volume XV, Issue 2

• A completely new DDGHP Program that focuses less on Official Visits and more on helping local Chapters get back on track with leadership, planning, education and ritual improvement • A new program to help failing Chapters in every aspect – communication, finances, ritual, membership, attendance and much more! • Better education resources to help those monthly meetings become something that new – and older – Companions will want to attend • Assistance with regaining – and maintaining – tax exempt status, programs to review and update bylaws, help with communication to your members and more. • Membership development and leadership training • Recognition of outstanding contributions and efforts • A new mentoring program • Programs to help train your Companions with degree ritual and opening and closing proficiency

I could go on and on (really!). There’s so much in the planning stages that you’ll be amazed at what is

going to change in the coming years. We’re building off of the successes of recent years and designing programs and initiatives that will make Capitular Freemasonry one of the best “flavors” of our Craft in Illinois!

And with your Grand Chapter, we’re working together as a team better than ever before. Our Grand

Session in July will be packed with interesting facts, figures and initiatives (and very little in the way of the protracted introductions of dignitaries that everyone hates!). If there was one Grand Session to attend, Companion, it would be this one.

You’re going to see some greatly-needed bylaw changes coming up that I encourage you to look into,

discuss at your Chapter and voice your opinion about. Yes, there will be a per capita increase proposal, but we’ve got the facts, figures and – most importantly – a fantastic plan to justify why we need this budgetary shot in the arm. We’ll be talking about the continued successes of our Grand Chapter’s Fundraising Committee and the Royal Arch Masons Charitable Foundation. We also have a wonderful group of Companions who will be running for two elected Grand Chapter Officer positions. And we have some fantastic break-out sessions after the main meeting.

It’s a great time to be a Royal Arch Mason in Illinois! The next few years are going to bring some

wonderful changes based off of the successes of the past couple of years. I for one can’t wait!


Hiram’s Words

Volume XV, Issue 2

The Value of the General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons International by Companion James M. Tome, REGK

The value of the General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons International As many of you may know, we voted overwhelmingly at last July’s Grand Sessions to maintain Illinois’ Grand Chapter’s membership in the General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons International. There has been a lot of talk in our state recently about the General Grand: Why are we in this organization? What do they do? What do we get for our per capita (currently, $1 per member per year)? What exactly are the benefits of the General Grand Chapter?

Those are all good questions and up until lately, many of us in your Grand Chapter did not have all of the answers. But I have just returned from the General Grand Chapter’s annual, regional conference and I can tell you that we’ve learned a lot! Some of the major benefits of being members of the General Grand Chapter include:

Champion and spread American Capitular Freemasonry The General Grand Chapter is the only Body capable of chartering Grand Chapters that adhere and follow American Capitular Freemasonry. It gives us something in common with hundreds of thousands of other Freemasons.


Hiram’s Words

Volume XV, Issue 2

Annual educational conference and leadership seminar While your Grand Chapter directs attendees to this annual event, it is open to any of our members seeking a professionally-designed and ran program that provides top-notch leadership training. For your Grand Chapter officers who attend, they get exposure to great ideas, conversations and relationships that we bring back to our Grand Chapter and local Chapters.

Committees and tasks The General Grand Chapter is devoted to supporting member Grand Chapters. In addition to many others, they have a committee focusing on the needs of younger Royal Arch Masons. They are also forming a committee which will look at the problem of member retention – a situation all of our Chapters are facing. They are actively addressing some of the problems all of our Chapters are facing.

Rituals and ceremonies Did you know that there was a ceremony to recognize Royal Arch Masons who had fifty years of service and membership? How about a fun, educational program for our wives and female partners? The General Grand Chapter has these available to its member Chapters.

Educational resources From books on leadership to programs to revitalize Chapters, the General Grand Chapter has untold resources available to members at reasonable costs. There’s also a lot of great resources available for free online at ramint.org/downloads. We’ve all been asking for ideas, programs and guidance on improving our skills and running our Chapters. Here they are.


Hiram’s Words

Volume XV, Issue 2

General Grand Chapter Conference by Companion James M. Tome, REGK Grand Chapter Officers, Emerging Leaders attend General Grand Chapter Conference In mid-February, officers from your Grand Chapter, including MEGHP Bill Hussey, REDGHP Sean McBride, REGK Jim Tome, EGPS Randy Vawter, REGS Dale Corrice and EGM1V Stuart Eberle, attended the General Grand Chapter’s annual East -Central Region Conference. Companions Hussey, McBride, Tome and Corrice attended the General Grand Leadership meeting, exchanging ideas for membership growth and retention, leadership development and Masonic education and experience with Grand Officers from our neighboring states. Companions Vawter and Eberle, along with DDGHP Scott Dayton, attended the Emerging Leaders Program, a multiyear program to teach leadership skills and to help develop Companions into tomorrow’s leaders. The annual conference is yet one more benefit of your Grand Chapter’s membership in the General Grand Chapter. It benefits existing Grand Officers with exposure to the ideas, problems/solutions and experiences of other state’s Grand Chapters. The Emerging Leaders Program, open to all Illinois’ Companions with the recommendation and sponsorship of the Grand Chapter, is an exceptional education program that is made available free of cost (travel, accommodations and meals are the responsibilities of all attendees).


Hiram’s Words

Volume XV, Issue 2

Royal Arch Masons Charitable Foundation by Companion Patrick J. Robin – Chairman RAMCF Fundraising Committee Due to extremely low ticket sales the Dinner and Raffles that were to be held on April 25th have been cancelled. All monies have been refunded.

Where does all the money that we raise go to? All the proceeds that we raise will be given to our chosen recipient for this year which is Marcfirst. A great deal of time went into deciding who our recipient would be this year. Marcfirst really stood out among all the others we looked at. I invite you to please check them out at www. Marcfirst.org. I believe they speak for themselves much better than I ever could.

There are plenty of ways that you can help out. You can donate to the RAMCF via the Red Envelope Campaign that we sent out to all Illinois Companions a few months ago. Along with the Red Envelope we sent out our State Wide Raffle tickets. I am very happy to report that we have more than doubled last year already and we will be giving away at least 6 $500.00 prizes at Grand Session. I say at least because you still have time to send in your tickets. Every Companion received tickets as did every Chapter and ever DDEGHP. If you have already sold or bought all the ones sent to you let your Companions, Chapter and DDEGHP know and they may have extras. If they do not please reach out to the Grand Secretary and he will make sure you are taken care of.

Last year for the first time since the RAMCF has been in existence we were able to donate $15,000.00 to our Charity! I would love to be able to donate $20,000.00 this year but I cannot do it without your help!

Not only will the Fundraising Committee be holding events throughout the State but local Chapters have started doing that as well. Please like us on Face Book or visit our website www.RAMCF.org to learn more about our upcoming events!

If your Chapter will be holding an event where 100% of the proceeds will be going to the RAMCF we will be more than happy with helping you promote it. If you have any questions I can be reached at Patrick@randrcorp.com. I look forward to hearing from all of you!


Hiram’s Words

Volume XV, Issue 2

Gather Your Working Tools by Companion Sean P. McBride, REDGHP

Craftsmen, Assemble!!! The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the State of Illinois is pleased to announce

the “2nd Annual Grand Royal Arch Quarry Day” will be held on Saturday April 18, 2015 at Sand Valley, near Danville, Illinois. Royal Arch Masons from across Illinois and Sister Jurisdictions will assemble for a great day of fellowship, fun and fraternalism in this unique and beautiful setting.

Last year’s inaugural event was attended by roughly 70 Royal Arch Masons and over 30 new candidates for

Chapters from all areas of the State. This year’s event is sure to be an even bigger success!!

Coffee and donuts will be served at 8:00am and the Craftsmen will resume their labors in the Quarry as the Mark

Master Degree kicks off at 9:00am, followed by the Past Master and Most Excellent Master Degrees. A feast of smoked beef brisket, pulled pork barbeque and sides fit for King Solomon will be served at High Twelve, after which the Grand Chapter officers will confer the Holy Royal Arch Degree.

Spread the word in your Chapters and get a car load of Companions together and join us in the Quarry as we write

the next “Chapter” in this historic period in Illinois Royal Arch Masonry!

What a great opportunity for a worthy and well qualified Master Mason to experience the rewards of becoming a

Royal Arch Mason in such a unique and impressive manner! Please register your candidates and make your required lunch reservations with Companions Ryan W. Irby, EGST at rwirby13@gmail.com or (217) 918-0247 by Monday April 13th. Lunch is $10.00 per person.

This will be a day that will not soon be forgotten! Hope to see you there!

Above is a photo of the cast and candidates from the 1st Annual Quarry Day in 2014 12

Hiram’s Words

Volume XV, Issue 2


Hiram’s Words

Volume XV, Issue 2

Most Excellent Master Degree by Companion W. B. Wojtas, EGM2V

As the lesson of the Mark Master Degree is ties to that of the Blue Lodge Fellowcraft Degree, the Most Excellent Master Degree is tied to the Master Mason Degree. The Master Mason degree touches on the concepts of death, resurrection and immortality of the soul in its allegories. The sixth degree’s symbolism represents the man preparing himself to take on that journey.

In our current degree, we are taught that the Temple which we have just built, represents our present life. The foreign country into which, after its completion a Mason is expected to travel, is that undiscovered country from whose bourn no traveler returns. The wages he is to receive are the rewards of a well spent life and a knowledge of divine truth which the Grand Architect of the Universe will bestow upon all who faithfully perform their task.

This alludes to the idea that we need to perfect our craft, “… who faithfully perform their task”. We need to prepare ourselves for that journey to immortality by performing the good works leading to a life well spent. …that if we have erected the temple of our inner life by square, plumb line and rule, its foundations shall never fail and its fabrics shall never crumble nor decay. Then let us, my Brother, take care that we so labor in the erection of our temple here, that when we shall leave this for that far distant country, whence we shall never return, we may there receive the wages of faithful craftsmen.

How we as Most Excellent Masters prepare ourselves for that journey is found in the history of the degree and the charge. From a historical standpoint, the Most Excellent Master Degree was an honor which was established by King Solomon to bestow upon craftsmen who have distinguished themselves and have proven themselves to be masters of their profession. It was an order of merit bestowed upon those craftsmen who were worthy of praise due to their merits.

When the temple was completed, we are taught that King Solomon received and acknowledged the most distinguished craftsmen by bestowing the honor of Most Excellent Master. With that honor came the privilege of the ability to travel to foreign countries to seek employment. They were also charged with bringing light and truth to those who are yet uninformed. 14

Hiram’s Words

Volume XV, Issue 2

The historical charge of the degree admonishes us to be completely familiar with the preceding degrees so that we have the ability to dispense that truth. If you are not, you are expected to apply “double diligence” in making that so. We are charged with making ourselves intimately familiar with the lectures of all the preceding degrees so that we ourselves are true experts in our craft and able to dispense light and truth to our brethren who are yet uninformed.

We must strive to perfect our craft so that we may dispense that light. So that we live our lives in accordance with the teachings of all our degrees thus performing the good works necessary for a life well spent to become worthy of our wages. We are obligated to live in the light so that we dispense that light by example and that we help those who have imperfections by providing good counsel, discretely.

This is how we prepare ourselves for that journey we call life to eventually meet our own mortality, so that when we take on that next stage, we may receive our wages in a glorious immortality.


Hiram’s Words

Volume XV, Issue 2

1894 Fire in Oquawka by Companion Tim Vice, EGM3V

From an article dated 1 August 1894: At approximently 11:30 P.M.the cry of fire and sirens sounding, bells ringing brought many of the citizens of the town of Oquawka out to witness a blaze in the Stanley Building. Many of the citizens were hard at work in all sorts of dress maning buckets and pumps to save the building. It was a lively operation indeed for the small town fire department. The fire was on the floor and in the cellar near the center of the store room. Fortunately there was an unlimited supply of water and many hands to carry it, and when the hose of the little tank and pump on wheels, which was owned by the city, had been properly placed it did not take long to put out the fire. By that time, a hole about 8 foot square had been burned in the floor and the plaster , wood work, and glass of the room had been badly damaged by the heat and the smoke. The Masons use the 3rd. floor and the house being full of smoke and steam, they made no effort to save anything but the Charter.. Another Charter could of been secured,but it would not be the old one, which they valued highly.. Alex Moir and Lou Hanna bought it down , and many people wondered why they climbed tp the 3rd. story of that building to bring down a picture. The original Charter of Oquawka Lodge 123, dated October 3 ,1853, is still in Oquawka Lodge today.. A new Charter was issued in October of 2003 to commemorate 150 years of Oquawka Lodge. It sits in the North East corner of the Lodge as a permanent resting place and has looked over the Masons of the Oquawka area all its time. Sometimes its takes great acts taking presidence over ourselves to secure things that may last longer than ourselves.


Hiram’s Words

Volume XV, Issue 2


Hiram’s Words

Volume XV, Issue 2

From the Secretary’s Desk by Companion Dale Corrice, REGSec Bylaws: From time to time, things can get lost. Unfortunately Chapter Bylaws are no exception. Bylaws normally consist of meeting time, date, fees, etc., things unique to the chapter. In order to assist you and to provide for ‘off site storage’ , all Chapters have been requested to send a copy of their bylaws to the Grand Secretary. For those who cannot find them, a Bylaw template is available on the Grand Chapter website on the Forms page.

Code Changes: Any member/Chapter wishing to propose code changes to the Grand Chapter Bylaws should note that code changes are due May 1 to be considered this convocation.

This constitution may be altered or amended in the following manner only: The proposed alteration or amendment must be made in writing at an annual convocation: if seconded by a majority of the votes, it shall be entered upon the minutes and lie over until the next annual convocation, at which time the Grand High Priest shall put the question upon its adoption, either in the same or amended form, and if concurred in by a vote of two-thirds of the members present, it shall thenceforth be of full force and effect as a part of this constitution. If a proposed amendment to this Constitution or the By-Laws relating to this Grand Chapter receives unanimous consent of seconds, it can be voted on at that annual convocation. (1998)

Nominations for the Grand Chapter Line: If you have anyone who you will be recommending for elected office, please notify the Grand Secretary ASAP so that the elected officers can discuss with them what is involved to be an elected officer.


Hiram’s Words

Volume XV, Issue 2

From the Editor by Companion Tim Ward, EGWebmaster, Editor Hiram Words

I know that I sound like a broken record, but we need your help to continue to grow our publication and help reach the Companions both within and without the state. We continue to addto our mailing list and are up to about 400 Companions. Unfortunately that is a less than 10% of the Illinois Companions and we need to improve that number. We are still pushing to add more articles from established Masonic authors in the State, more fun (but educational) items, as well as provide you, the reader, with a chance to have your voice heard in a “Letters to the Editor” section. We are very serious in putting this section into the magazine but we need to hear from you. There are a lot of people reading this publication with a huge variety of ages and experiences and we would love to hear from you. One of the most important things we can do as a species is to perpetuate and pass on knowledge and we get that from sharing what we know, what we have seen, and what we think. So PLEASE feel free to drop a line with questions, comments, suggestions, or complaints. If you don’t want your name on it, it WILL be anonymous. Once again, I am asking you to spread the word to your Companions and urge them to sign up for notices when new editions of the magazine become availabe. They can sign up from the Hiram’s Words page on the Grand Chapter website at: http://ram-il.org/news-and-events/hirams-words-magazine or just drop me a line at: GrandWebmaster@RAM-IL.org. Please reset assured that email addresses will not be given out nor used for anything but communications from the Grand Chapter.

As always Companions, your feedback is not only appreciated, but necessary so we can continue to

improve the publication. What do you like about it, what don’t you like? What would you like to see more of? Please send all feedback as well as contributions to: GrandWebmaster@RAM-IL.org


Hiram’s Words

Volume XV, Issue 2

Application for Perpetual Life Membership in the General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons International Please print or type Name _____________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________ City _______________________________________________ State ____________

ZIP _________________________

Phone _____________________________________________ E-mail _____________________________________________ I am a member in good and regular standing of ________________________________________________ Lodge No. _______________, located in the city of _____________________________________________, in the Grand Jurisdiction of ____________________________ and a member in good standing of ______________________________________________ Royal Arch Chapter No. _____________ located in the city of ________________________________________________ in the Grand Jurisdiction of _____________________________. The sum of US $25.00 submitted this __________ day of ___________________________ , 20______. I understand that, should I forfeit my membership in my lodge or chapter for any reason, that the fees for Perpetual Life Membership are not returnable.

Signed ____________________________________________ Mail to: General Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons Intl PO Box 128 Greenfield IN 46140-0128


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