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TAKE CARE TALK με τους Συνεργάτες
Our Project: “WE LEAD IN A CRISIS, WE RESPOND AND TOGETHER WE CONTINUE OUR JOURNEY “Our Motto “Team :Stay in Touch Stay Safe – Stay Positive”
Dear Associates,
Following our information and e- training sessions, we had 1 Take Care Talk with Associates for March on Tuesday 23/03/2021.
With positive spirit, you responded to our call, with our main message being optimism and the wish that we will be ALL together soon.
Based always on the theme of our previous meetings
Team Stay Safe, Stay in Touch, Stay Positive
Gradually, as we mentioned, we will have more discussions, 2 in April, 3 in May....
Stay in Touch, Safe & Positive!
Αγαπητοί Συνεργάτες,
Σε συνέχεια των ενημερωτικών και εκπαιδευτικών τηλε-διασκέψεων μας, και ύστερα από το Stay Positive Talk μας στις 23/03/2021, ακολούθησε η επικοινωνία μας μέσω Zoom την Τρίτη 06/04/2021, με την προσέγγιση της ΕΠΩΝΥΜΙΑΣ ΜΑΣ .....και το ΜΗΝΥΜΑ της συνάντησής μας να είναι
Σας ευχαριστούμε Διεύθυνση Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού
Dear Associates,
Following our information and e-training sessions and also our Stay Positive Talk on 23/03/2021, we continued our communication with you, with our Take Care Talk on Tuesday 06/04/2021, with a branded approach.....with the key MESSAGE for this gathering being
We focused on our Service Culture philosophy and the tools which help us support our exceptional Guest service.
Our next session, Stay Safe Talk, will take place on 20/04/2021.
Until then, we welcome Spring and stay in Touch, Safe & Positive!
Thank you Human Resources Department