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From Your Mayor As the end of another year approaches, we reflect on the many accomplishments and initiatives of 2008, acknowledging with appreciation the contributions of our staff, volunteers and citizens.
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: What’s Insidee
g in Grande Cach Pg.2 - Recyclin Notes Pg.3 - Tourism ograms Pg.4 - FCSS Pr unities to Livable Comm Pg.5 - 10 Keys iness Seminars Pg.6 - Small Bus Loans e Beautification re -F st re te In Pg.7 rams & Events Pg.8 - Rec. Prog ce Lift orks has New Fa Pg.11 - Public W Classes Pg.12 - Fitness e lture & Heritag Pg.13 - Rec. Cu ism e to New Urban Pg. 14 - Welcom e Uses About Mixing th l al ’s It 5 .1 Pg
To those of you who have served on and contributed to the work of the Town, through membership on boards and committees, or who have taken advantage of public meetings to provide input, we sincerely thank you. Our community becomes stronger as citizens become engaged and involved, and decision-making more accurately reflects the needs and wishes of residents. 2009 will be another exciting year for Grande Cache, as we look forward to our 40th anniversary celebrations and all the planning that will entail. We will want to look our best as we welcome back former residents and friends, and will rely on support and involvement from all sectors of the community. Working together, we will accomplish wonderful things. On behalf of Council and staff, I extend very best wishes to all for a joyous holiday season and success and happiness in the New Year.
Monthly Tax Installments The Town of Grande Cache is once again offering monthly tax installments for 2009. Two (2) options are available: Postdated Cheques or Preauthorized Debit Please call the Town Office PRIOR to January 1, 2009 should you wish to participate in the monthly tax program. If you are already participating in the monthly tax program and wish to withdraw or change your payment option please advise the Town Office PRIOR to January 1, 2009, or your payments will continue under the same option as 2008.