2 minute read
Native Varieties
Mustiguillo focuses on expressing origin by working with native grapes like Bobal and Merseguera, believing that these grapesbesttransmitagenuinesenseofplace.BeforetheeffortsofMustiguillo,thesevarietieswerelargelyunderratedand seenasmoresuitableforbulkproduction.
Low Yields
BobalandMersegueraarenaturallyvigorous,productivevarieties.ToniSarriónemployedmanytechniquestoloweryields; bunchthinning,covercropsanddryfarmingwereamongkeyoptionstosuccessfullycultivatehigh-qualitygrapes.
Low Intervention
Mustiguillo believes low intervention winemaking is the key to crafting the terroir-driven wines that will best express the character of their pagos. Parcels are fermented separately, exclusively with native yeasts and free-run must. Avoiding over extraction, gentle racking by gravity and use of neutral vessels like old oak or concrete for maturation will preserve the eleganceandMediterraneanflavors.

Howistheterroirreflectedinthe winesofMustiguillo?
The terroir of Mustiguillo is perhaps best understood through their Bobal wines. The fruit of Finca Terrerazo is marked by the extreme climate, high elevation and its old vines, giving it a distinctive Mediterranean character, intensecolorandbalancedacidity.

Old-vine Bobal is planted among groves of pine, oak, and olive, as well as rosemary, fennel, and thyme that tingethefruit.
The expression of the limestone soil is noticeable in a slight chalky sensation on the palate, a savoriness and a verticalnose,resultinginalong,elegantwine.

Their pagos El Terrerazo and Finca Calvestra, are a viticultural benchmark for Bobal and Merseguera. Toni Sarrión has worked to study all aspects of each individual plot individually, with a persistent curiosity tounderstandtheestate’sterroir.

WhyisMustiguilloaGrandesPagosde Españawinery?
Committed to respecting the origin and typicity of their wines, Mustiguillo joined GPE to promote visibility of their unique terroir. Mustiguillo has found a home with the other GPE wineries, where all work to learn more about their land, vines and the surroundingenvironment.


Quincha Corral, Finca Terrerazo, Finca Calvestra Margas, Finca Calvestra, La Garnacha, Mestizaje Blanco, Mestizaje
DOP El Terrerazo
100% Bobal
Maceration, fermentation and 18 months aging in 35
HL and 50 HL French oak vats. Only free-run wine is aged
Fruit from two single plots, one planted in 1945 and the other in 1970
Vino de España
100% Merseguera

6 hours cold maceration. Fermentation and aging in 225 and 500 L acacia barrels with native yeast. 11 months aging on fine lees
Vineyard altitude 3,018 ft (920 m). Merseguera is grafted on old, dry-farmed Bobal vines
As one of the only houses in Spain producing single-vineyard sherry and with a pedigree stretching back to the 13th century, Valdespino’s reputation for ethereal sherry is well-earned. Cultivating the famed Macharnudo vineyard – a high altitude plot of pure Albariza soil – Valdespino’s sherry is deeply expressive of place and history. Now a part of the esteemed Grupo Estévez (Marqués del Real Tesoro and La Guita), Valdespino is rightly known as the high water mark for sherry production.

CLIMATE: Warm southern climate with Atlantic influence. Average annual temperature 68°F (18°C)
ELEVATION:443 feet(135m)
SOILS: Albariza–calciumcarbonate,clayand silicaandsubsoilchalklayer
VINE: 407 acres (165 ha) in total, 49 acres (20 ha) are GPE approved


ECO: 20 acres (8 ha) certified organic vineyard
CLASS: DOJerez-Xérès-Sherry
Valdespino is one of the oldest wineries in Jerez, whose origin reaches back to the 13th century. For his service in the Reconquest of Jerez de la Frontera, Don Alfonso Valdespino was granted lands and estates where he began cultivating vines. The estate as we know it today was incorporated in 1875. In the 19th and 20th century, Valdespino earned international acclaim, becoming official purveyors of Spanish and Swedish royal families. In 1999, Valdespino was acquired by the Estévez family, owners of the La Guita and Marqués del Real Tesoro wineries.
INNOVATE: The only winery in Jerez still making single vineyard and barrel fermented wines