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VITICULTURE Bodega Numanthia is composed of 200 hectares (494 acres) of vines in the villages of Toro: Morales de Toro, Valdefinjas, Venialbo, El Pego and Argujillo. Vines are between 70 and 200 years-old; the un-grafted vines are goblet-trained to protect them from long periods of drought and extended sun exposure. The lack of rainfall and irrigation force vine roots to grow up to five meters into the earth to reach water. This deprivation results in low-yields with highly-concentrated,thick-skinnedfruit.Theaverageyieldis1,600lbsperacre(1,800kgperha).

WINEMAKING Each of the 150 plots are manually-harvested between the first weeks of September and early October, after they have been individually confirmed to be at their optimal maturity. Grapes are selected with an optical sorter and then see a 4-5 day period of cold prefermentative maceration. Extended maceration on the skins after fermentation in eithernewFrenchorneutralFrenchoakbarrelscreatealushtextureonthepalate.BodegaNumanthiafocuseson“infusion ratherthanextraction”toachievethebalanceofpowerandelegance.
Numanthia is a wine crafted to reflect the diversity of the Toro terroir and is blended from 100 plots. After 18 months in Frenchoak,itisbottleagedatthewineryfor5yearsbeforerelease.TermanthiaisanexpressionoftheTintadeTorogrape fromselectparcelsoftheiroldestvines.Itspends22monthsinFrenchoak,followedby5yearsofbottleaging.
Most of Numanthia’s vines are between70and200years-old. An exceptional plot of 4.8 hectares (10 acres) located in Argujillowasplantedmorethan 120 years ago, and some select vines have been dated as far backas200years.Localfamilies have cared for these plots for generations, and work closely with the team at Bodega Numanthia.
Howistheterroirreflectedinthe winesofBodegaNumanthia?
The wines of Bodega Numanthia have a rare duality of expression that is both warm and fresh. They evoke fresh herbs such as thyme, mint and eucalyptus, as wellasredfruit,licorice,cinnamonandpepper.

The wines are all from Tinta de Toro; a strain of Tempranillo that thrives in the gravel, sand and clay soils of the region. The plant’s fight for nourishment due to soil conditions and low rainfall yields thick-skinned, highly concentrated fruit known as “the blackest of black grapes”. This fruit becomes full-bodied,fruit-forwardwinethatisalsoquiteearthy.
Numanthia, Termanthia
DO Toro
100% Tinta de Toro
18 months in French oak 225L and 400L barrels. 60% new barrels, 40% second use
Sourced from ungrafted vines that are 70+ years-old
Working hand-to-hand with local families, Bodega ermanthia
Numanthia manages its vineyards through organic practices, striving to preserve, protect and nourish the heritage of the land. The estate proudly produces wine using 100% Tinta de Toro, a variety thathasgrownheresincethe2ndCenturyB.C.

WhyisBodegaNumanthiaa GrandesPagosdeEspañawinery?
BodegaNumanthiaisfullyalignedwiththemission ofGrandesPagosdeEspaña:todefendtheunique personalityofestatewinesandtosharetheirculture anduniqueness.

DO Toro
100% Tinta de Toro

22 months in new French oak barrels; racked every four months
GoodtoKnow sourced from un-grafted, 120+ year old vines.

is a family winery located in the Valencian highlands on the El Terrerazo estate Here, vines grow in a unique microclimate equally influenced by the nearby mountains and Mediterranean sea, making Mustiguillo unlike any other estate in the South. Focused on the recovery and celebration of native varieties such as Bobal and Merseguera, the estate is proudly regionally-focused and terroir-driven. From thorough soil studies to careful organic viticulture and explorations in biodynamic farming, the winery is at the forefront of new and exciting experiments in Spanish wine.

CLIMATE: Continentalclimatewith Mediterraneaninfluence.Avg.temperature56° F(14°C),precipitation 17in.(438mm)
ELEVATION:ElTerrerazo2,690ft(820m), FincaCalvestra3,018ft(920m)
SOILS: ElTerrerazo:calcareoussoilsof dolomiticorigin,sandy-loamtexture FincaCalvestra:limestone, silty-sandytexture ofalluvialorigin,smallplotwithmarls
CLASS: DOPTerrerazo
Mustiguillo was founded on estate built in the 19th century and acquired by the Sarrión family in 1970. Yet, it's not until Toni Sarrión left his career in business administration and dedicate himself to winemaking that Mustiguillo as we know it today took shape. Mustiguillo is the pioneer and current benchmark for quality Bobal. In 2004, Quincha Corral 2001 was the first 100% Bobal wine rated by Robert Parker (95 points), while Decanter recognized Finca Terrerazo in 2014 as the best Spanish wine under 25£. In 2019, Mustiguillo celebrated the centenary of Terrerazo 1919, the first vintage produced at the estate and documented at the time by famed enologist and agricultural engineer Rafael Janini.

VINE: 264acres(107ha)across47plots


ECO: EUcertifiedorganic.Eliminationof allplasticsinwarehouseandpackaging
INNOVATE: Conductingsoilanalysis, experimentingwithbiodynamicsand sustainablepracticeslikeusingsheepand theirowncomposttofertilizevineyards
Mustiguillo practices 100% organic viticulture,withemphasisonconservingthe flora and fauna of the environment. To encourage soil health, they use natural compost of manure with pulverized pruned leaves and canes, as well as soil treatments such as tillage in alternate rows and vegetable cover crops. The cover crops are mixed (spontaneously mixed with fescue seeds, bromus and vetch) and defined according to the plot, variety, type of wine and winter rainfall. This helps encourages thevinestocompeteforresources.