Best known for making exceptional sparkling wines with extensive aging potential, Gramona is a winery that places the land and identity of the fruit above all else. With 370 acres of vineyard, Gramona practices biodynamic winemaking to grow and vinify fruit reflective of their estate terroir. Likewise, the cellar is designed to maximize efficiency and conserve energy, and the wines are carefully made with minimal intervention. A winery that strives for complete harmony from vineyard to cellar, Gramona has earned a reputation for making some of the most sought after sparkling wines in the world.

CLIMATE: Mediterraneanclimatewithhot, drysummersandmoderatewinters.Average annualtemperature59°F(15°F)
ELEVATION: 3288to1,150feet (100to350m)
SOILS: Clayandcalcareousformationswith somealluvial,slatetowardMontserratMountain
CLASS: Corpinnat

VINE: 370totalacres(150ha),308acres (125ha)GPEapproved
KEY VARIETALS: Xarello,Macabeo, Parellada

ECO: Demetercertifiedbiodynamic producer Useofgeothermalandsolar energy,electricvehiclesandwater conservation

INNOVATE: Pursuingbiodynamic agriculture

The Gramona family has been working the land and making wine uninterrupted since the mid-19th century. It was at the start of the 20th century when two wine families – the Battles and the Gramonas – came together through marriage to launch the present winery. By 1945, with brothers Bartomeu and Josep at the helm, Gramona had emerged as a sparkling wine producer designed for long aging. The brothers led the winery until the end of the 20th Century, before handing over operations to the next generation.

The sixth generation of the Gramona family is taking on responsibilities alongside their parents so that the handover is smooth and gradual. Roc and Leo specialise insustainableviticulture,winemakingandmanagement. Both share the energy of youth, love of new technologiesandrespectfortradition.