Page 1 – Front Page News
Page 2 – From the Grand Chef
Page 3 – Membership & Program Reports
Page 4 – Correspondants Corner
Page 5 - Americanism Directeur Report
Page 6 – Americanism & POW/MIA Activities
Page 7 – VAVS Contest
Page 8 – Around the Grand
Page 9 – Around the Grand
Page 10 – Around the Grand
Page 11 – Around the Grand Raffle
Page 12 – POW/MIA & Rituals
Page 13 – Grand Call
Page 14 – Spring Cheminot
Page 15 – Spring Cheminot
Page 16 – TAPS –David Crozier
The MARCH 1, 2023, cutoff for advanced registration and ads is almost here! Is your Voiture sending a representative or sending in an ad? Several will be making the trip along with Grand Chef Folmar and Grand Correspondant Keagle from El Paso. If it is not too far for them – are you up for the challenge? Grand Directeurs and at least 1 representative from each locale should attend.
Mike Tiberia is Locale Chef de Gare for Voiture 1031 who is hosting this year’s Spring Cheminot. The event begins on St. Patrick’s Day - Friday, March 17th with a Schnitzel Dinner at VFW Post 3892. The dinner is $10 per plate – pay as you go. Lodging and hospitality room are at the Shilo Inns Killeen. See registration forms enclosed for more information.
Flags for 1st Graders: El Paso Voiture 605 continues their exceptional work in the Flags for 1st Graders Program setting an example for others to follow. Bell County Voiture 1031 jumped into that arena and covering 10 schools and over 1,200 students! Congratulations and thank you for your hard work.
Nurses Training: Most of our Locales support the Nurses Training Program, but few report their activities! Need money? Funds are also available from Grand for Locales who would like to give a scholarship grant to more students than their budget allows. Karen Ward of V542 in San Antonio will be working on their program and the Annual Pancake Breakfast in San Antonio will start back up! Looking forward to it!
VAVS: Does your Locale support a local VA Clinic or VA Hospital. Some Locales have volunteers at their local VA Clinic or Hospital. Others visit or help with Bingo. Another idea to help was suggested as a continuing need for the VA – small personal hygiene kits! I passed the word on to Voiture 542 Locale Chef de Gare J. Sean Habina only to find out she already had 100 kits done and ready to donate in their area! These are the things we need to get photos of and hear about!
La Societe des Quarante Hommes et Huit Chevaux Grande Voiture du Texas TEXAS VOYAGEUR NEWS
2022 - Present-Roger Folmar V-605
2021 - John Rodgers V-1031
2019-2020 - Renslar Keagle V-605
*2018 - George Murphy V1031
2016-2017 - Joe McCullough V-542
2014-2015 - David Knutson V-175
2013 - Lowell Mix V-542
2012- Dan Thompson V-1055
*2010-2011-Ronnie Wheeler V-1031
2009- Milton Chatham V-312
*2008- James Fowler V-1031
*2007- Jim Shannon V-1601
*2006- Gabe Cina V-1031
2005- James Overturf V-1031
*2004- David Kjell V-1185
*2003- Howard T. Ray V-542
*2002- Chuck Donaldson V-939
2001- Jerry Brady V-1055
*2000- Darrell Gibbs V-1031
*1999- Ronnie Wheeler V-1031
*1998- Lanny Givens V-1601
1997- Robert Nagle V-1031
*1996- Norm Rader V-605
*1995- John Thompson V-1031
*1994- Don Barfield V-939
*1993- Henry Martin V-377
*1992- Hugh Brice V-163
*1991- Robert Toon V-1123
*1990- Dale Dillman V-1514
*1989- James Boone V-1077
*1988- Bud Sands V-1096
*1987- Andy Andreko V-1031
*1986- Bill Knox V-605
*1985- John Powell V-542
*1984- Charles Geisenberg V-163
*1983- L. C. Burgett V-377
*1982- Benjamin Reskey V-605
*1981- Ray Lerma V-246
*1980- Eben Smith V-542
*Denotes Deceased
From Grand Chef de Gare Roger Folmar
First, I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year and I also hope everyone had a joyous holiday season.
Now that we are in The New Year it's time to get back to work. As usual membership is of the utmost importance, because without members we don't have an organization. Presently we are 49 members short of our goal with only three locals at goal or above. Congratulations V-175 (Austin), V-266 (Copperas Cove) and V-1031 (Killeen).
As we all should know anyone who has not renewed their membership as of January 1, 2023, is now delinquent and has lost their membership privileges. So, if we haven't contacted these members we need to do so now. Let's find out why they haven't renewed their membership and what we can do to fix the issue so they will renew. We should also always be looking for qualified veterans to invite to join the 40&8. Remember membership is everyone's job.
The next thing is we need to be working the programs. No one expects you to do all the programs, but we need to do some. Remember if you want to do Nurse's Training you can get financial help from Grand. If you need information, contact our Grand Directeur Doug Pendleton or our Grand Correspondent Renny Keagle.
Reminder our Grand Promenade will be March 17th &18th in Killeen, hosted by V1031. Information will be in this issue of the TVN.
In closing I wish you the best and hope the rest of this year goes well for you.
We moved up a little from 70% in November but now we have passed our deadline for dues. If you have not your 2023 dues please get with your Locale Correspondant. If you are unhappy with something, please reach out to me or any of the Grand or Locale Officers. Thank you to all who are moving along with their membership. And as I always say… LET’S GET R DONE!
John Rodgers, Grand Chef de Train / Sous-Directeur MembershipLa Societe des Quarante Hommes et Huit Chevaux Grande Voiture du Texas
( As of 10 February 2023 )
Program report forms can be found on the Voiture Nationale website: www.fortyandeight.org
Link to Program Report Forms and Petite Communique: http://www.fortyandeight.org/forms-petite/
La Societe des Quarante Hommes et Huit Chevaux Grande Voiture du Texas
Correspondants Corner
(by Grand Correspondant Renslar Keagle)We begin a new year and it looks like a full one with a lot to do. Let's try to have good attendance at the Spring Cheminot - always a pleasure to visit V-1031 and Killeen. I encourage getting in an adthey help the locale on expenses. If at any time help is needed in creating an ad contact myself or Dave and we'll put one together for you.
On the Correspondant side - a reminder to make sure addresses, phone numbers and emails are updated when transmitting renewals - updates can be done on the Nationale side of the membership card when transmitted or an email to tbennet@fortyandeight.org. Regrettably we lose members so we must also do TAPS reporting - there is a Nationale form under "Membership - Notify us", or an email also to Tammy Bennet. BTW, when we lose a member either by Taps or dropped from the rolls, it does not affect your goal - goal is based on the previous years final total of transmitted renewals as of July 31st.
As National Public Relations Directeur I would be remiss if I do not mention a couple major parts of that program - P.A.L.S. and of course the new Blue Chevalier. P.A.L.S. or the Press Association of La Societe is there to help Correspondants, Chef de Gares, L'Editeurs and Publicists in public relations and communications. Dues are minimal, a 12-page monthly newsletter, a great pin and press credentials. My locale V-605 has 15 Blue Chevalier members and we have already recognized and awarded a great law officer who became Grands Law Officer of the Year and nominated for National. More inside the TVN on Blue Chevalier.
From the Spring Cheminot, we will be about 90 days from the Grand Promenade when we will hold elections. Now is the time to consider an office you may wish to hold - either elected or an appointed directeur. In my opinion, there must be a desire and motivation to consider an office. Experience and longevity within La Societe is nice but not a requirement. So at the Cheminot, ask about any position you may be thinking about and for many we can mentor, help and assist. Don't seek a white chapeau without assuming the responsibility of the position.
As Cheminot Nationale and a national officer - I encourage as many of you as possible to consider attending this year's Promenade Nationale. My locale always sends a few and we have a great time. Everyone who attends can participate and always has a lot to do and this year at one of the largest resorts in the US who is willing to welcome and cater to us. Go to the Forty and Eight website for details, costs, etc.
We always lose Voyageurs Militaire throughout the year - we have an aging membership and of course illness creeps up on us. Grand du Texas recently lost its 2022 Nationale and Grand Voyageur of the Year and a great friend to Roger and I, Dave Crozier, V-605 Chef de Gare Passe who helped us tremendously with communications and a mentor to many - he left us way too early.
Blessings and good health to all, safe travels.
Renslar "Renny" Keagle, Correspondant Grand du TexasLa Societe des Quarante Hommes et Huit Chevaux Grande Voiture du Texas
2023 is officially here and the big holidays are behind us. I hope everyone is doing well and had an enjoyable and safe holiday season with family and friends. To date I have had only (2) Voitures that have submitted anything concerning Americanism to be included in the TVN. Voiture 1031 has done 10 schools at 1284 students and Voiture 605 has done 10 Schools with more than 1000 students so far under the Flags for First Graders program. Voiture 605 fulfilled Christmas gift wishes for 154 residents at the Ambrosio Guillen Texas State Veterans Home with the help of the following veteran’s organizations. American Legion Posts 58 and 36 and the DAV. Congratulations to both locales and a huge thank you to all the Voyageurs that helped in making both programs a success; keep up the good work. Almost everything we as Voyageurs Militaire do falls under Americanism. As promised earlier this year here is a quick run though of the Americanism Report with some different activities that you can count.
Americanism Speeches & Flag Activities: Did anyone this year attend a Flag Retirement? I don’t mean where you retire hundreds of flags, I mean Flag Day where just ONE flag needs to be retired. Did you fly the American Flag?
Youth Activities: Did anyone work with Boy/Girl Scouts, ROTC, assist Law Officers with programs such as D.A.R.E, work with your nearest American Legion with Oratorical & Boys/Girls State?
Community Activities: Did you get out and vote? Work at the voting polls? Work at a food bank? Clean up a city park or a memorial? Attend a Promenade or meetings in other Fraternal Organizations. There should be lots of hands up right now
Holidays & Memorials: Did any of you attend a funeral for those that have served their country? Did you participate in an installation? I truly hope that the majority of you said YES to that. Did you participate in a parade? Did anyone donate or assist in laying wreaths with Wreaths Across America? Participate in Post Everlasting at your local American Legion/VFW? Did you help put out flags at our National Cemeteries on Memorial Day?
Veterans: Did any of you visit a Veterans Home and spend time with our Veterans there? Take another Veteran to the Dr’s?
Have you heard of the “Snowball Express”? It is part of the Gary Sinise Foundation, where Gold Star families are sent to Disney for a few days. You meet those families at the airport and escort them to the gates, cheering them on. When they come back, meet them at the gate and assist them with picking up their luggage.
Have you heard of “Honor Flight”? Those Veterans that were never given a proper welcome home deserve it. Look when the next one in your area is happening and go, meet those men and women who served and welcome them home.
Both Snowball Express & Honor Flight take maybe 2 hours out of your day once a year. However, those two hours you spend mean so much to those that you are greeting when they come home. It shows that somebody somewhere cares.
Did you know that on the 1st Saturday of every month Home Depot does a kid’s workshop? It has been around for over 25 years. Kids can go and make the project for the month that is provided by Home Depot. Go help them with it. Just an hour or two a month working with kids and assisting them in learning how to use tools and read/follow instructions. Lowes has a similar program. Look into other business that have workshops for kids and help them with it.
Get with your local YMCA or Boy/Girl Scout Council and assist them. There are so many things that we as Veterans can help teach them. Each and every one of us has our own unique skill that they can learn from.
NONE of the things I’ve mentioned above take a lot of time, they just take you getting up and doing it.
If you have not already started now is the time to start compiling your numbers for the year for all locale reports so you can send them to the Grande Directeur’s NOT NATIONAL. While I cannot speak for all the other Directeur’s; I need your Americanism Report by the end of the Grande Promenade.
As always if you are in need of assistance with a program, how to report your hours or anything else; I will be at the Cheminot in March or you can send me an email at hallmd1973@outlook.com or the Sous Directeur Alison Thompson-Hall at alisonthompsonhall@outlook.com.
Michael Hall Director of Americanism, Grande du TexasLa Societe des Quarante Hommes et Huit Chevaux Grande
Voiture du Texas
V-605 at Bliss Elementary School doing a special POW/MIA event. Student Ambassadors from the school assisted in setting the table while Voyageur Renny Keagle explains what each item means. Photo Left: Voyageurs: Renny Keagle, Dale Thompson & Celia Torres along with the Student Ambassadors. Photo Right: Chef de Gare Mike overseeing a Ambassador putting the salt on the plate while students looked on.
Voiture 605 retiring American Flags. November 12th, 2022 we retired over 250 flags, not including small 4x6 inch flags. Photo Left: Chef de Gare Mike Hall with S.A.L. Jr. member Noah cutting a flag down, after the stars were removed from it. Photo Right: Directeur Of Americinasm Dale Thompson adding a flag to the flame. V-605 does on average of 3 flag retirements a year with over 1000 flags being retired between them.
La Societe
des Quarante Hommes et Huit Chevaux Grande Voiture du Texas
La Societe des Quarante Hommes et Huit Chevaux Grande Voiture du Texas
Killeen Independent School District
12/12/2022 By: Todd Martin, Killeen ISD PR
A Veterans’ organization rooted in World War I is working on informing the public about the U.S. flag with a focus on children. The local chapter of the non-profit group, 40/8 began its “Flags for First Graders” project Monday, handing out small American flags to the school’s first graders.
Actually, first-grade teachers received packets containing the miniature flags, along with instructions for flag care and etiquette and coloring pages. The group is scheduled to deliver flags to 10 Killeen ISD elementary schools. Group Commander Jim Sweeney said they would be happy to schedule more stops.
At Timber Ridge Elementary School, Sweeney and other members of the 40/8 explained the history of the flag and traditions associated with caring for and displaying the flag. Rotating between asking questions and explaining history and tradition, Sweeney and Sandy Kousman described the flag. Those 50 stars, they said, represent the 50 states that make up the United States. Each star represents a specific state. Texas’ star is three down on the right side. The stripes – 13 red and 13 white – represent the original colonies. Since Betsy Ross stitched together the first American flag in 1776, it has gone by different names, including “Stars and Stripes,” “Old Glory” and the “Star-Spangled Banner,” the presenters explained. That last name is also the name of the National Anthem, penned by Frances Scott Key on board a ship during the War of 1812. There have been 27 official varieties of the US flag. (Continued on page 9)
La Societe des Quarante Hommes et Huit Chevaux Grande Voiture du Texas
(Continued from page 8)
The flag’s birthday is June 14, less than a month before the nation’s birth, celebrated July 4, Independence Day. The American flag should always fly at the top when accompanied by other flags. It should never be flown upside down and should never touch the ground or water. Worn, tattered flags should be retired in an official ceremony by burning. Veterans’ organizations conduct those ceremonies periodically. The presenters showed students how a properly folded flag looks, forming a triangle like the hat that George Washington wore. Sweeney and Kousman invited students to take their small flags to parades and to wave them proudly and look for the 40/8 and other Veterans’ groups. The 40/8 (the 40 and 8) refers to the World War Iera French rail transports that could carry either 40 military personnel or eight horses. Flag distributions are scheduled during this week before the Christmas holiday and during January after classes resume.
La Societe des Quarante Hommes et Huit Chevaux Grande Voiture du Texas
Members of the 40 and 8 chapter from Copperas Cove teamed up with volunteers from Home Depot in Killeen last week to build a new deck and wheelchair ramp, and a new loading dock at the Cove House Emergency Shelter complex on Halstead Avenue. Four Home Depot employees were up and at ‘em early last Friday with $940 worth of donated lumber to remove and replace weathered plywood and two-by-fours on the front of the Cove House office building, and also to expand the loading dock around back.
Cove House executive director Brian Hawkins said he is “very grateful” for improvements done to the facility that includes a free clinic and four houses that can accommodate six men, six women, and two families.
“I think it’s amazing,” Hawkins said. “We had a crew come in and re-do this deck about three years ago, and time and weather has done what time and weather does to wood, so we’re very grateful they’re coming in to help us. The back deck is going to give us an easier way to unload trucks. Right now, we don’t have a good way to back directly up to the dock. We have to back up next to it, which means a lot of hand-loading and off-loading, so we’re very excited about it.”
The local 40 and 8, a veteran’s organization originally founded as an arm of the American Legion in 1920 by American World War I vets returning from France, routinely donates and delivers cleaning supplies to Cove House, and when members of the group noticed the deteriorating condition of the wood deck, they decided to help with a new one. David Harris, 40 and 8 senior vice commander, said he contacted Home Depot and the company quickly agreed to donate both materials and labor for the project. The 40 and 8 joined in by picking up the tab for a barbecue lunch provided for half-price by Monty’s Steaks Brew and Barbecue.
Home Depot’s team leader for the construction project was Terrence Tobler, who was joined by Jaimee Weghorst, Terrell Rice, and Brandi Phillips. All said, they were happy to volunteer their time Friday to help out. “Home Depot has been doing this for years,” said Tobler, who spent six years in the U.S. Army, mostly stationed at Fort Hood. “This is part of our community outreach. We’re happy to be here and ready to get it done. We want to let people know we’re here for them, and doing all we can to support them, especially veterans.”
La Societe des Quarante Hommes et Huit Chevaux Grande Voiture
du Texas
Several 40 and 8 members were on hand as the project got underway, and some joined in an impromptu bucket brigade to help unload lumber from the back of a pickup, but when it came to the heavy lifting, that was left mostly to the youngsters wearing bright orange Home Depot T-shirts. “I don’t know how much labor they’re gonna get out of us old retired Army guys,” said Don Taylor, who serves as 40 and 8 treasurer. “We’ve been working this (project) about a year. We also deliver school supplies to Fairview/(Miss) Jewell and (Hettie) Halstead (elementary schools). We just gave $1,500 to youth sports. We’ve got about 30 members and we do what we can.”
The 40 and 8, which meets locally at VFW Post 8577 in Copperas Cove, became an independent and separately incorporated veteran’s organization in 1960. It is designed “to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States, to promote the well-being of veterans, their widows, widowers and orphans, and to actively participate in selected charitable endeavors.” Membership is by invitation only and open to honorably discharged veterans and honorably serving members of the U.S. military.
The group’s name derives from the small railroad cars that were used to transport troops during World War I. Capacity of the train cars was 40 soldiers or eight horses.
Bell County Voiture 1031 Raffle
Only 500 tickets / $10 each or three for $20 (need not be present to win)
1st Prize: Ruger LC9 pistol / 9mm / Pre-owned / Like New
2nd Prize: Vizio 50” V-Series 4K Smart TV
3rd Prize: $100 Gift Card for Walmart
4th Prize: $100 Gift Card for HEB
La Societe des 40 Hommes et 8 Chevaux / Bell County Voiture 1031
Drawing set for the Spring Cheminot in March 2023 or when all tickets sold
Must be 21 or older to enter and pass background check.
Donation go to 40&8 monument at the Central Texas Veterans Cemetery GET EM WHILE THEY LAST!
La Societe des Quarante Hommes et Huit Chevaux Grande Voiture du Texas
Monsieur’s and Madame’s 31 January 2023
What a fast start to our new year. January has come and gone so quickly. Our Programs have progressed nicely due to all of your support Pease continue to promote everything we stand for. Continue to support out Programs and finish this year in great fashion Merchandise sales have been slowly progressing, even though the weather has been most difficult. Continue with everything you have been doing in the past because it support everything we work for in the 40 et 8. For those Grandes / Voitures who have not received their 2023 POW/MIA Pin, you may order them through me in any quantity desired.
1. Raising our POW/MIA Survivor Scholarship Fund Awareness
2. Merchandise Sales
3. Consolidated Reports
4. POW/MIA Pin Design
Steve Bradley, National Directeur Ritual
233 Park Street, Antigo, WI 54409 715-216-0776
For La Societe, Steve Slegers
Grand Directeurs Ritual, February 1, 2023
February is the month to make plans for the 40 et 8 Birthday Celebration. Our Birthday is March 15, your Celebration can be whenever it works for your Voiture.
Please keep reminding your Locale Directeurs Ritual about this special 40 et 8 event. The Ritual for the Celebration for the Birthday of La Societe encourages you to have a program leaflet, color guard, a Chef de Cuisine (who will need a cake cutter) along with a Chef de Gar, Conducteur, Aumonier, guest speaker and a cake.
Also, the oldest Voyageur and the youngest Voyageur present are part of the ceremony. You may want to coach them to improve their comfort level.
Make this a special event! Invite other veterans and use this event as a recruiting tool. A guest speaker can be a long time Voyageur from your Voiture or a Grande or National Officer. Ask the speaker to prepare the talk and include some local 40 et 8 history and to keep his or her talk to about five minutes.
If you have invited any dignitaries, you may want to introduce them at the very beginning of the program and list them in your program leaflet.
Remember this Birthday Celebration can include a dinner with guests or a gathering after a Promenade. It is up to you. Whatever you do, read over the Ritual and have a Blue Ritual & Manual of Ceremonies for all participants. Be sure to take pictures of your event and send them with proper captions to the Forty et Eighter magazine L’editeur Thomas Orval at wigrandvoiture@spectrum.net
A well-prepared program will bring you success!
In Service to La Societe, Steve Bradley
La Societe des Quarante Hommes et Huit Chevaux Grande Voiture du Texas
Grand Chef de Gare
Roger Folmar
Phone: 915-269-7775
Email: rfolmar@elp.rr.com
Grand Correspondant
Renslar “Renny” Keagle
Phone: 915-346-6099
Email: rennykeagle@gmail.com
February 12, 2023
To: Grand Officers Grand Directeurs
Grand Committeemen Voiture Officers
Interested Voyageurs
By order of the Grand Chef de Gare, Grande Voiture du Texas, the Spring Grande Cheminot will be held Saturday, March 18, 2023, in Killeen, Texas
The Spring Cheminot is hosted by Bell County Voiture Locale 1031.
Hotel Accommodations are located at: Shilo Inns
3701 S W Young Drive
Killeen, Texas
Phone: 855-516-1090
Committee meetings: TBA
The 2023 Spring Cheminot starts at 1:00 pm at VFW Post 3892, 201 VFW Drive, Harker Heights, Texas 76548. Grand Officers and Grand Directeurs are advised to, as appropriate; provide a written copy of their report to the Grand Correspondant NLT March 1, 2023.
There will be a Schnitzel Dinner at VFW Post 3892 on Friday, March 17th starting at 6:00 pm. Cost is $10 per plate. Pay at the door.
Hotel Information and Registration Forms are on the Grand Website at www.texasboxcar.org and in the Texas Voyageur News (TVN) which can also be found at the Grande Voiture du Texas Face Book Page.
La Societe des Quarante Hommes et Huit Chevaux Grande
Voiture du Texas
MARCH 17-18-19, 2023
Please fill in the following information to register for Spring Cheminot.
Name: Title or Highest Office held: Voiture or Cabane#:
Name: Title or Highest Office held: Voiture or Cabane#:
Number Registration X $25.00 = $
Advance registration is $25 per person
Advance registration must be received by March 1, 2023. Late Registration fee is $30 per person
Program BookAds
Full page Ad - $30 Half page Ad - $20 Business Card -$10 In addition to a hard copy, please send ads via Email to: Jimsweeney4@yahoo.com
All programads must be received by March1,2023
SEND REGISTRATION AND PROGRAM ADS TO: Jim Sweeney 3231 Colorado Dr Copperas Cove, TX 76522
(Make Checks Payable to Voiture 1031)
La Societe des Quarante Hommes et Huit Chevaux Grande Voiture du Texas
David Barnes CrozierApril 27, 1957 – January 7, 2023
David served in the United States Air Force from May of 1976 through his retirement in May of 1996. Achieving the rank of Technical Sergeant, David served as a Public Affairs specialist at the beginning of his career and later served as a manager in the Air Force Club system. David’s awards include the Air Medal, Air Force Commendation Medal, and Meritorious Service Medal.
After his retirement from active duty, Dave began a new career at the United States Army Sergeants Major Academy (USASMA), now the NCO Leadership Center of Excellence, that span 18+ years. He began in 2003 as an Editor/Writer for the NCO Journal monthly publication and would later ascend to the position of Director, Command Communications which was his current duty position at the time of his passing. David’s active duty and Department of the Army Civilian careers spanned more than 38 years of combined service to our Nation.
Dave’s family has requested that attendants to his funeral service wear red, white, and blue, rather than black, to honor his services to the United States. Dave first joined the legion when he was in Maryland and when he came to El Paso he got involved at Post 58. He became commander in 2006 and served for 6 years. At the District levels he was Zone Commander for 4 years, Vice Commander 2 years and 16th District Commander 4 years. Presently served as 4th Division Commander. At the Department level he served on the Training Committee. Dave was also a member of the Sons of the American Legion where he served as Commander 1 year and also a member of the 40&8. He was Chef de Gare (Commander) 1 year. Dave was selected the Voiture of the year last year for the local, state and National 40&8.
La Grande Voiture du Texas
8714 Marble Dr, El Paso, TX 79904
ADDRESSEE: Please notify sender of name/address correction
Grand Chef de Gare – Roger Folmar
Grand Commissaire Intendant – Renny Keagle
Grand Correspondant – Renny Keagle
Grand Publiciste – Dave Knutson