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By Kia M Brown
Above are the results of the reader poll we conducted in August 2011 on www.grandlifedaily.com. We asked readers to elaborate on the reasons why they chose their poll answers and this is what they had to say: “Women definitely fall in love faster than men? Why? It's simple. Women are innately more emotional creatures than men. The act of sexual intercourse is viewed by a majority of women as "making love", but for men it's viewed as "smashin". Men don't typically associate sex with acts of love or emotional expression. For women sex is a humbling experience, a way to let down your guard and let that other person into your emotional being. “ -Nigel, Baldwin, NY
“Men fall in love much faster than women. Men pretend like they really don’t care and although most people believe having sex equated to love – it’s not. Men are much more in tuned to what they want, while women can never make up their minds – unstable creatures!” -Terry, Baltimore, MD “Women! Women are much more emotional and clingy – period!” -Shelly, Greenville, NC
Although the poll indicates that 69% of the poll takers feel that women fall in love faster, research says something quite different. Research reveals that men fall in love faster than women. According to research, done for British writer Elizabeth Noble’s book “The Way We Were”, men fall in love faster than women. Most men say they know whether they are in love after just one date and the rest are likely to know within three. Nearly a quarter said they had believed in love at first sight and knew whether a girl was 'the one' within seconds. Women, on the other hand, are more indecisive on the issue, consulting with friends and family and waiting at least a month before making their minds up. The research of anthropologist, Dr. Helen Fisher of Rutgers University, also finds that men fall in love faster than women do. Women take longer because they have to create a “memory trail” of their mate’s behaviors. She has to remember what he promised, what he’s done for the partnership, and what he failed to do. What I’ve found to be consistent with the both research and poll takers is the women fall out of love faster and men are more likely to hold on to the love long after it has fizzled out. GLD | 28