53 minute read
Club Connections, Interest Groups and More
You do not have to be a Veteran to belong to the AFSG, although many of our members are Veterans. You only need to have a desire to say “Thank You” to our active and Veteran military families and wish to continue to help many of them on their journey of healing. The AFSG has been very successful raising and donating money to vetted 501c 3 Veteran support foundations. Three of these foundations are within the state of AZ – Honor Flight AZ, Soldiers Best Friend, Foundation for Service Dog Support, and one national organization, Feherty’s Troop First Foundation. We would like you to join us in our mission of supporting those who have served, do serve and continue to serve and sacrifice so much to give us our freedom. For more information check out our website – scgarmedforcessupportgroup.org “We shall never forget”
At the Art Club people are enjoying being creative. We will have classes for beginners through experienced artists. Non-members can take classes if there is room, by signing up on the Waitlist. You can also join the Art Club for $20 a year. From classes and socials, to exhibiting your artwork and gatherings by medium we’re having FUN creating! For more information on classes go online to http:// www.scgartclub.org. We’d love to have you join us at the Art Club.
We are open to all SCG Community Association Members no experience necessary! We have eight new Diamond Pool tables, which are some of the best available for professional players. Check out our calendar for Club activities. Visit our website at www.grandbilliards.org for activity schedules, photos, and more.
The Sun City Grand Bocce Club plays on the courts near the Adobe pools, and equipment is stored in the closets near the restrooms. We are currently playing Drop-In bocce on Wednesday evenings starting at 6 p.m. We hope to begin Tuesday morning drop-in again when the weather warms up a bit. Come out and try bocce on a Wednesday evening - we’ll show you how to play if you’re new at it. No fees or registration are required. For more information, contact president@scgbocce. com or our website www.scgbocce.com.
The SCG Boomers are a fun-loving, young at heart, social club open to SCG residents of any age. Our primary goal is to have a great time and meet other people living in our beautiful and active community. Our membership has a total of over 500 residents and continues to grow. There are monthly events such as Happy Hours, Ladies’ Luncheons, Men’s Breakfast, Men’s Lunch; Special events such as trips to Turf Paradise, a show at Barleen’s, a Spring Training game; and annual events such as Chili Cook-Off, Dances, and Cinco de Mayo! Girls, and guys, just wanna have fun. We’re in town all summer, so join us for our July 14th summer dance. Check out the website and sign up: membershipscgboomers@gmail.com
The Bridge Club at Grand is playing bridge all summer in the cool, Chaparral Center at the Village Center. Did your bridge friends leave for the summer? Do you scramble every week to get one table together to play? Come play club bridge with us. There are five (5) social games and two (2) ACBL sanctioned duplicate games every week. Play social bridge Monday afternoon, Tuesday afternoon, Wednesday evening, and Thursday afternoon. In the fall Marathon bridge will again open for play. ACBL Duplicate games are Sunday afternoon and Wednesday afternoon. It’s easy to join Grand Bridge and the dues are just $10 for the year. The game host can help you with the membership envelope. Check out the bridge club website at scgbridgeclub.com for more information. Contact the game leader (on the website, Social Bridge tab) you’re interested in or stop by the game and see the host to decide if it’s a fit for you. If you’re interested in learning to play bridge watch this article later this summer. We will be announcing the fall schedule for Beginning Bridge lessons and how to sign up. Hope to see you at the bridge table, soon. Diana Near, Grand Bridge Membership Chair. Scgbridgeclub.com
Canasta is played at the Chaparral Center on Monday evenings at 6:30 p.m. and Wednesday afternoons at 1:00 p.m. Tournaments are held on the first and third Monday and Wednesday of each month. We welcome new members! Two training sessions are required before joining. Training is not available in November or December. Parties are held throughout the year. Contact Joan Mattick, 623-975-1150.
July Summer Fun! In Sun City Grand for the summer? Get out of the heat! Take the month of July and learn to create your very own clay arts masterpiece in the comfort of Clay Arts well equipped studio. A majority of GCA new members (over 90%) are first timers to the clay arts experience. Come join the fun, and discover your creative talents. Express yourself thru the worlds oldest and most enduring art form…CLAY ARTS. Consider, our life experiences shape viewpoints on what is art. Share your viewpoint, you will be amazed at the results!
July 12, 19, & 26
Time 3:00pm to 6;00pm
Instructor: Ms. Connie Johnson
Cost: $45.00 To register for BASIC CLAY CLASS go to: grandclayarts.com Become a GCA member, and sign up for classes. Visit the Clay Arts studio anytime, and enjoy the selection of expressive creations offered in the GCA Gallery lobby and the Gallery window, facing the Village Center patio.
Whether you are a computer enthusiast, user of other smart devices or someone interested in learning more about them, we are the club for you! Grand Computers Club is located in the Chaparral Center. We’re open Monday through Friday from 12:30 until 3:30pm from May through September.
Membership entitles you to many benefits, including:
n Use of any of the equipment in our “Open Use Room.” Available equipment includes PCs, MACs, B&W and color copiers, a Fax machine, a flight simulator, VHS to DVD converter, Super8 or 8mm film to DVD converter and much more; n One-on-one technical help addressing your computer or devices issues, available Tuesday afternoons from 12:30pm until 2:30pm, all year long at the club or via zoom. n Ten Special Interest Groups (SIGs), each addressing a specialty with popular appeal.
SIGs that are active during the summer are:
COMPOSE YOURSELF WRITING SIG Summer meetings via Zoom 1st Tuesday 1 - 3 PM Jun-Sep Contact Gloria Young for additional information at CY@grandcomputers.org HAM RADIO SIG Mondays at 10am Topic varies via ham radio - White Tanks Repeater 147.040 Contact Gordon Bousman for additional information at hamsig@ grandcomputers.org. Dues are $20 per year. For more info, please visit our website at www.grandcomputers.org. If you have any questions, contact president@computers.org. Scan the QR Code:
DANCE CLUB NEWS The Sun City Grand Dance Club is delighted to host both lessons and dances for residents and guests. Dance information for our Ballroom, Country Western, and Rock and Swing dances can be found in the Ticketed Events section of the Grand Lifestyles. For the latest information on the Dance Club, please visit our website: www. scgdanceclub.org. DANCE CLUB LESSONS The Sun City Grand Dance Club hosts lessons and dances that promote fitness, mind-body connections, and social interactions for a myriad of ages and physical abilities. Ballroom is the place for an hour of movement and education that suits most couples. Line dance provides one or two hours of non-stop contemporary dance for the dancer without a partner. Each week of instruction includes fun and inclusion with fellow dancers. The latest information is posted on the Dance Club website: www.scgdanceclub.org. BALLROOM LESSONS From October thru April ballroom lessons with Julianne Daniells are held each Tuesday at Cimarron Center. Basic/beginner lessons are held from 4 to 5 p.m. An intermediate level class is held
from 5:15 to 6:15 p.m. The 5:15 class is for more experienced dancers. The format this year is for Julianne to create a capsule routine for each dance that can be taught in four weeks. For this reason, no one is admitted to either class during the third week. For lesson cost and information: Ballroomlessonsdir@scgdanceclub.org. Teaching this year is Julianne Daniells. Julianne and her husband, Paul, are the owners of Dancewise Dance Studios. Together they have years of national and international teaching, demonstrations, competitions and judging experience. Julianne, a certified DAVIDA dance instructor, competes in American Smooth, American Rhythm, International Standard, and International Latin. LINE DANCE LESSONS Line Dance Lessons go year-round with Brenda Thomason at Cimarron Center. See below for Line dance lessons for 2022. Saturday, continues its regular schedule: 9 a.m. to noon at Cimarron. For lesson cost and information contact Line-DanceDir@scgdanceclub.org.
The Wednesday lesson days have been changed to:
January thru March: Mondays, noon to 3 p.m. April only: Wednesdays, noon to 3 p.m. May thru December: Wednesdays, 9 a.m. to noon. In addition to twice-weekly lessons, Line Dance also holds a Line Dance Social each month from October thru March from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. at Cimarron Center. If you can’t get enough dancing, then join Brenda Thomason as she leads dancers in a lively evening of beginners through intermediate line dancing. Everyone is welcome but no lessons are given at the social. For information contact Line-Dance-Dir@scgdanceclub.org.
No Grout Needed to lay our tiles down! Come Join the SCG Dominoes Club. We play at the Cimarron Center every Monday night in the Gila room. Doors open at 6:00pm with play starting promptly at 6:30pm. We play Mexican Train “The Grand Way”. Beginner or experienced, all SCG members are welcome. Must present CAM card. New players receive free training on the first night with two additional free training sessions if requested. Yearly dues $5. Game night fee $1, with cash payout for lowest scores on a sliding scale at end of nightly play. Email – SCGDOMINOES@GMAIL.COM or call Club President, Pat Johnson, 623-203-7713
The Drama and Comedy Club is looking forward to a return to normal in our next season This past year we did feature our first, and very successful, outdoor productions in the amphitheater, and our two virtual productions that were streamed worldwide from Broadway on Demand. There are many opportunities to participate in the Club. In fact, there are more members who are not actors, than are actors. See the ad in this magazine for a description of how you can be involved. In particular, we are putting a special focus on dancers. Whether you have danced previously, years ago, or not at all, we have the class for you. Come join us, we offer both Jazz and Tap Dance Technique Classes. So much fun, make new friends, learn something new or brush up on your steps, a great form of exercise and camaraderie and good way to beat the heat! Any questions, please call Robin Kachurak, Dance Committee Chair at 818-795-4859. You can also find everything you need to know at granddrama.com.
Call President (Rich Eggen) 248–310–7561 for additional information.
The Grand Fishing Club is dedicated to promoting both spin fishing and fly fishing. Club members take an active role not only in the promotion of fishing, but environmental sustainability as well. Many club members have years of fishing experience and have fished all over the United States, in Canada and other parts of the world. The club sponsors single day fishing trips locally to Lake Pleasant, Deadhorse Ranch State Park in Cottonwood, Bartlett Lake east of Cave Creek and the Salt River. Multiday trips include the White Mountains, Lees Ferry near Flagstaff, the San Juan River in New Mexico near Farmington, Alaska and Canada. In Grand, the club helps support the viability of Lake Nine adjacent to the 9th Hole on the Desert Springs Golf Course as a fishery for all Grand residents and their families. The Grand Fishing Club meets the first Tuesday of the month from October through April. Coupled with the various club fishing trips, members are also committed to making our community a much better place in which to live. Volunteer opportunities include Project Healing Waters in support of disabled veterans, the Boy Scouts of America Merit Badge program, the City of Surprise Adaptive Fishing program and the Phoenix VA Rehabilitation Hospital. In addition, we provide equipment and guidance to Grand residents to take their grandchildren fishing at Lake Nine. For more information, check out our website at www.scgfishing.weebly.com or to contact an administrative staff member please email infoscgfishing122@gmail.com.
The Garden Club had a very enjoyable and successful year. We thank all of our members who participated in our meetings and our outings. We take a break for the hot summer, and will resume our meetings in October. Please watch the Lifestyles magazine or the bulletin boards in October for our meeting announcement. The Garden Club meets the 3rd Thursday of the month from October thru May. Each meeting features an expert speaker addressing a topic of interest to our Low Sonoran Desert Gardeners. We typically have a field trip in March and brunch in April, and no meeting in December. Meetings are in the Cimarron Center, check in is at 8:30, and the meeting starts at 9:00. Check with the Lifestyles magazine for the current meeting topic. We pride ourselves on being a friendly group that welcomes everyone to the joy of gardening in SCG. Membership is $10.00/year; our year runs from January thru December. Membership forms are available in the Sonoran Plaza Club trays, on the Sun City Grand web site, or can be emailed to you by sending a request to the contact person. The meetings feature a hospitality table, coffee is provided by the club, and snacks are contributed by club members. Plant sharing is encouraged. Please bring a plant donation or gardening items for the plant give-away table. More info? Contact the Garden Club by sending an email to SCGGardenClub@gmail.com
Grand Glass Arts (GGA) welcomes new members! Whether you aspire to make a beautiful stainedglass window for your home, design a mosaic masterpiece, or enjoy creating a one-of-a-kind fused glass piece, GGA encourages you to explore the world of glass arts. We offer an extensive education program for new and experienced glass artists. Please visit our website at www.grandglassarts.com to view the benefits of GGA membership and look over our list of classes. Our next available classes for those without glass arts experience are in 2023. To join the waitlist for 2023 please email your name, phone#, CAM# and the months you are in Grand to newmembercontact@grandglassarts.com. If you are an experienced glass artist, please email your name, phone number, CAM#, and a brief summary of your experience to the above email address and we will be in touch. July 12, Special Event – Paint Pour on Glass Class
Par–3 golf at Sun City Grand. The co–ed 150 Golf Club plays nine holes from tees 150 yards or less from the pin Sunday afternoon. If you want to work on your short game, are new to golf or just want enjoy nine holes from a shorter distance, give us a try. We would love to have you as our guest. We are a relaxed, fun–loving group. Info: Denny Spencer 425–210–6973.
The Ladies Grand Niners (LGN) enjoy playing 9 holes of golf each Tuesday, November thru May. Our members have a wide range of skill levels and are divided into four flights. Desert Springs is our home course; however, we play all four SCG courses during the season. We are affiliated with Arizona Golf Association (AGA). Members are required to have a GHIN handicap index or establish one by playing six 9-hole rounds. We play by USGA rules of golf and expect members to have some golf experience. In addition to weekly play, we enjoy special games, tournaments, a President’s Cup Championship and social events. We sponsor fundraisers for food banks and Luke Air Force Base “Warm Heart” program. For more information about becoming a member of this friendly golf group, visit our website at is https://ladiesgrandniners.golfgenius.com
(https://ladiesgrandniners.golfgenius.com) or contact our membership chairs at membership. ladiesgrandniners@gmail.com. Our motto is “Fun, Friendship and Golf” Come join us!
The Men’s Nine Hole Golf Club is comprised of fun loving, supportive golfers of all skill levels who enjoy the game of golf. If you love the game, but 18 holes is too much, this club is for you. We offer you alternating week guaranteed shotgun starts on Mondays at 12:30 or 3:00 (your choice), and alternating week tee times from 12:00 and 2:00. Free range balls, once-a-month team games e.g. Scramble, etc. Also, periodic free golfing clinics with our resident golf pro, prize tournaments, and annual free hot dog/chili day. Come enjoy the camaraderie and friendships, that are an important part of our game playing experience. For an application please contact: Wayne Mercil , Membership Director merk5151@msn.com
If you enjoy golfing and socializing with other friendly women, then the Grand Ladies 18-Hole Golf League is a perfect fit for you. GLGA 18Hole League is affiliated with the Arizona Golf Association (AGA) and members are required to comply with USGA rules of golf. We play every Tuesday, rotating among all four SCG golf courses. GLGA is a year-round league, with a schedule of shotgun or tee times offered. You must have a current handicap or, establish a handicap within 30 days of joining the league in order to compete in weekly (Tuesday) play events. The maximum handicap allowed on each golf course is 40. In addition to our weekly play events, several major tournaments are held throughout the year, including a Member-Member, Member-Guest, League Championship. The League also supports a variety of charitable activities. Our President is Nancy Foy. To learn about GLGA, go to our website: www.glga-grandladiesgolfassociation.golfgenius. com Or, feel free to e-mail our Membership Director, Janet Tarr, at GLGAMembership@ gmail.com. A membership information bulletin is available at Granite Falls Golf Course and Sonoran Plaza just left of the library entrance.
The Sun City Grand Lady Putters Charter Club is a social group whose main purpose while putting is getting together for laughs, prizes and friendship while enjoying the outdoors. Putting takes place on the Cimarron 18 hole putting green at the Cimarron Center. We are a club that meets five (5) days a week, join us one day Monday through Friday Our group is intended for every level of putter. Be our guest putt for free and give putting a try. Our putting season begins November 1, 2021. Check-in starts at 9:00 a.m. and we begin putting at 9:30 a.m. For more information, please visit our website at https://scgladyputters.com/
HAVE ANY INTEREST IN PUTTING? Want to meet others that share this interest? If so, then plan to come over to the beautiful 18-hole putting green located just west of the Cimarron club house, right off of W. Clearview Blvd. You are invited to play a “guest” round with a Men Putters club member. PUTTING SCHEDULE The Men Putters do “their thing” weekly on Tuesday and Wednesday at 1:00 PM, on both days, starting in November. (In the summer, we go to an early morning start time in order to beat the heat.) Members feel free to pick whatever day they prefer to participate and some even putt both days. HERE IS A TYPICAL DAILY EVENT Register to play, be paired with another person, putt 18 holes, and lastly, participate in a 19th hole challenge (this is a special one-hole challenge). Other change-of-pace fun putting challenges are offered throughout the year long program. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES There are some occasional social activities when members meet to vote on new officers OR just meet for club sponsored soda and hot dogs. VOLUNTEERS Member volunteers run the club’s daily putting activities such as setting up the course, registering members and guests, etc. If you are a golfer, the club is a great way to sharpen your putting skills. If you don’t golf, or no longer golf, the club offers an opportunity to enjoy one of the best parts of the sport in a friendly, yet competitive manner. All skill levels are welcome. To equalize performance results and the receipt of monetary awards, individual handicaps are recalculated weekly. The new season starts on November 2. Rules and regulations are simple and will be explained to newcomers when you sign in. COME JOIN US. For more information, contact Jim Cottrell at jdcottrell@cox.net
The Couples Putting Club is a co-ed charter club at Sun City Grand in Surprise, AZ. We are a putting only club that plays on an 18-hole course that is setup differently each month. Our goal is to provide an opportunity for experienced golfers and novices alike to compete on the putting green and at the same time, have fun and make new friends. Above all, we want our members to enjoy themselves while utilizing our wonderful putting facilities at the Cimarron Center. For more information visit our website: https:// scgcouplesputtingclub.weebly.com
Enjoy competition and have fun. Test your golf skills and make new friends while enjoying a round of golf on our beautiful community golf courses. The SCG Men’s 18 - Hole Golf Club welcomes resident golfers to join our club and compete for bragging rights and prize money in weekly tournaments. We play our tournaments on Wednesdays under USGA Rules of Golf and use the USGA’s Golf Handicap Information Network (GHIN) for tracking handicaps. Participants are flighted based on handicap and generally play with other golfers of similar ability. Our season starts the first week of November and runs through September. Membership information/ applications can be obtained in the Granite Falls Pro Shop or by visiting our website at www.scgmgc.com. The 2022 Membership Chairman is Tom Jones. The club currently has over 400 members and we invite you to join our roster.
Grand Hikers will resume a regular schedule of hikes in October 2022, but will offer some shorter/ easier hikes from June through September. These summer hikes meet at 5:30 a.m. unless otherwise noted on the hike list, and often include an optional group breakfast following the hike. The next general membership meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 10, 2022. Plans are being made for an out-of-town hiking trip to the Big Sur area in October. The summer hike schedule is available on our website at www.scghikers.org where you can also learn more about the club, upcoming hikes, and tips for more enjoyment and safety in your hikes. For more information contact president@ scghikers.org or hikedirector@scghikers.org.
The SCG Language Club would like to increase its foreign language offerings to our residents. We currently offer Spanish, French, Italian, German, and ASL (American Sign Language). We need volunteers in any other languages, to teach our resident students. We would also like to start ZOOMING CLASSES and need volunteers to ZOOM. If you have an interest to participate, come join us at the Ocotillo Building! New classes begin the first week of October. Current German and Italian classes meet through the summer. Email president@grandlanguageclub.com.
We welcome all levels and ages to join us for a relaxed but competitive game. We have a stateof-the-art bowling green that is arguably the best green in the country and it is situated just behind the tennis courts. You absolutely have to check this out and then ask about the free introductory lessons (and free use of club bowls) we offer. See more information on suncitygrand.com or go direct to our website at www.grandlawnbowling.org for starting times, contact information, pictures and much, much more or contact David Shaw at 623584-2743.
Mah Jongg is a game of skill, energy, calculation, and includes a degree of luck. Excellent game to keep your brain active! Our club offers open play Tuesday afternoon from 12 PM to 4 PM and Wednesday evenings from 5:30 to 9:30 PM in the Chaparral Center, Hopi room all year long. We play a five dollar pie game. If you “go pie” you may continue to play. Our email address is scgmahjongg22@gmail.com. You can also check out our website: www.scgmahjongg.net
The Sun City Grand Music Club is composed of residents who share a love of music. It is dedicated to the performance of Vocal and Instrumental Music for the enjoyment of both our participants and the general public. Its activities give members performance opportunities as singers and instrumentalists, both singly and in groups. Members also participate in production, technical, and backstage activities for our shows and support the club through Board and committee functions. There’s a place for everyone! If you have an interest or need further information, please visit our website, www.scgrandmusicclub.com, or contact Marilyn Green at president@scgrandmusicclub. com or 618-839-6349. ACOUSTIC INSTRUMENT GROUP If you play the guitar, banjo, mandolin, bass, ukulele, fiddle, conga/bongo drums, harmonica (any non-amplified, non-horn instrument), then this is the group for you. Come and play, sing and jam in a friendly and no pressure setting. We will meet the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month, at 1:30 pm, in the Cimarron Club Room. Please contact David Durham at 970-216-8279 or sonid@ msn.com for more information. FREE
Paper Arts and Memories – This is the time to stock up on our handmade cards. Our Card Boutique will be reducing our sale days this summer to once a month. We will have our Card Boutique open on:
June 13 Aug 8th
July 11 Sept 12th
We will resume with weekly sales on Monday, October 3rd. Summer is a great time to join our Club. We have lots of space and no lines for the various tools, and we are still scheduling classes throughout the summer
PET CLUB will resume monthly meetings in October. Details to follow at a later date.
Capturing that once-in-a-lifetime memory with your camera of choice is just the first step in a photographic creativity journey. The Sun City Grand Photo Club can be your next big step toward preserving those memories. Whether a rookie or a seasoned photographer, the club offers the tools needed for your photographic journey. Membership includes free classes, special interest groups, speakers, and the camaraderie of other photographers. A digital darkroom is a plus. Join today, and you will have immediate access to those benefits and others. For more information, scan the QR code, visit https:// grandphotos.org or stroll over to the Photo Studio during open hours Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 9-noon. Check out the photo gallery on display, and see all the club has to offer. To join, click on the Membership button on the home webpage. In July, members can take advantage of an abundance of photographic opportunities and educational events including: SHOWCASE July 15-Aug. 18, Photo Studio. SCG residents can experience the best of Nature during studio open hours. Photos of flora and fauna living outdoors will be featured. The previous month’s Showcase Travel will be available for viewing through July 14. PHOTO SHOOT July 18, 9-10 a.m., virtual meeting via Zoom. Ken and Madi Peterson will facilitate the Photo Shoot depicting Summer Fun and Black and White Emotives. SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS (SIGS) Getting the Most From Digital Images, July 20, 1-3 p.m., Virtual meeting: Learn to finish the job after pressing the shutter release. Edit problem photos, and apply various editing and software tricks in delivering the vision you had in taking the photo. Obtain and share tips with other group members. Facilitated by Stan Bormann and Shel Wecker. Wildlife: July 28, 9-11 a.m., Photo Studio. Learn the ins and outs of capturing wildlife in image form, and taking unique photos of birds, mammals and creatures that venture into your daily lives.
Participants can share photographs, while explaining the equipment used, exposure settings, methods and techniques. Facilitated by Bill Stuart. Mirrorless Cameras: July 28, 1-3 p.m., Studio. Information exchange and experiences members have had with their Sony mirrorless cameras. Facilitated by Jerry Weinstein. CLASSES AND TRAVELOGUES Travelogues and most classes will resume in the fall. Membership will give you access to great classes such as the one being offered in July: Thinking Outside the Box. This class uses iPhone, iPad and iPhone apps for creative expression. DID YOU KNOW? Grand Photos has its own darkroom, which includes equipment such as a Digital Image Converter. The converter allows users to make jpeg images of photos (up to 5x7 inch), negatives and slides to save on a memory card. For more info, check back on the Grand Photo website or future issues of Lifestyles.
The Grand Pickleball Club is a great place to meet other fun-loving active residents, and get a great workout! There are 22 pickleball courts located at the Cimarron Center. The club offers introductory lessons and has ongoing group lessons, clinics and ball-machine drills all designed to help you learn pickleball skills. Check out the club website at www.grandpickleball. org. The website is updated regularly and includes information about how to join, daily activities and how to reserve a court. Any Sun City Grand resident can make court reservations at any time that is not set aside for club functions. Court reservations are displayed on the monitors located in the pavilion and in both breezeways. If you are unable to use your reservation, please delete your reservation so that other residents can use that time. Nonmarking, court shoes are recommended. For more information check website www.grandpickleball. org. Hope to see you on the courts soon!
Everyone who enjoys Pinochle is invited! All skill levels are welcome! We offer instructions for single and double deck pinochle. If you are new to the game, we’ll teach you the ropes! If you need a refresher, we’re glad to do that too. If you are a seasoned player, come in and BE OUR GUEST for a night! We’ll do a quick orientation, give you the scoop on the rules and deal you in! Please call Larry (480-376-3819) or Trudy (623- 975-4518) for orientation or instruction information.
Come join the fun for various poker games. All residents are welcome. We offer Texas Hold’em, 7 Card Stud and Omaha-High/Low, with buyin costs from $10-$30. For a small fee we have lessons to help you learn the game. Additional cash games are available. For more information on what we offer, please contact Marcia Hoagland, President, at mlhoagie@gmail.com or visit our website at http://scgpoker.org. MAY THE CHIPS BE WITH YOU!!
Have an RV and want to travel with a fun group of fellow Grand residents or you don’t have an RV but want a fun group to socialize with at our meetings with pot lucks, pizza parties and Ice cream socials well come on over to the Grand RV’ers next meeting, any SC Grand resident is welcome, you don’t need to own an RV to become a member. Our meetings are usually the 3rd Tuesday in Oct, Nov, Jan, Feb, March and April with our Christmas party in December. Previous members who sold their RVs are encouraged to rejoin for all of our great comradery! For more info call club President Mike Dawson @ 925-727-4625 or Membership Chair Sharron Navratil @ 602-430-0820
The Shalom Club is welcoming new members and we invite all Sun City Grand Residents to join us! We’re a fun–loving and energetic social club with over 300 members who enjoy a variety of social, educational and cultural activities related to Judaism, although we are not a religious group. We have an annual calendar of diverse Monthly Program Meetings and our members host many fabulous Socials throughout the year. We also enjoy our partnership and periodic socials with all the West Valley Shalom Clubs. Check out our Club at www.scgshalomclub.com for the latest on events and activities. For more information, or if you would like to join us as a guest to look us over, please contact our Membership Director, Donna Davidson, membership@scgshalomclub.com or 925-216-2129 or Debbie Harris, 623-399-3200.
The Singles Club is an active social club in Sun City Grand. We provide a caring and supportive environment with activities that offer opportunities for members to share interests, develop friendships and enhance a great quality of life. A variety of monthly events may include Theme Dinners, Poker Night, Game Night, Crazy Bocce, Trivia or other specially arranged outings. Check our website for additional information – www.scgsingles.com.
July 5 | Tuesday | 2-4 pm
SIGN-UPS Monday, July 4 is Independence Day. In celebration of this national holiday, sign-ups will be held the following day—Tuesday, July 5 outside the Grand Café.
July 6 | Wednesday | 1-3 pm
SINGLE’S CLUB BOARD MEETING will be held in the Phoenix Room in the Palm Center. If you wish to attend please call Pres. Ken Steinhart (708) 702-2593.
July 13 | Wednesday | 6-9 pm
GAME NIGHT Bring your favorite game (scrabble, mah jongg, cards & shuffler for hand & foot, or any other game). Also bring your own soft drink. Come to the Pima Room at the Chaparral (on the 2ND Wednesday each month). Check the location. Hosted by Maxine Sanborn (623) 694-6502.
June 20 | Wednesday | 10-11 am
PROSPECTIVE NEW MEMBER MEETING Get your questions answered and find out all that the Singles Club has to offer. Come to the Phoenix Room at the Palm Center. Hosted by Scott Houston (602) 881-2529
July 21 | Thursday | 6-9 pm | $15
POKER NIGHT Your reservation includes pizza and game chips. Bring your own soft drink. Prizes given. Beginners and guests of members are welcome. Meet at the Cimarron Club. Make your reservations & pay $15 by Monday, July 18. Guests add additional $5. Hosted by Jan Clark (623) 810-2236 and Rick Haskell (623) 810-5068
July 22 | Friday | 6-9 pm
BUILD YOUR OWN SUNDAE Who wants ice cream on a hot summer day? Come join us in the Gila Room to build your own Sundae with all the toppings. Entertainment will be provided by DJ Eddie. Sign up and pay by Monday, July 18. Cost is $15; guests add additional $5. Hosted by the SCG Board Members. Ken Steinhart is the contact person (708) 702-2593.
July 27 | Wednesday | 6-9 pm
GAME NIGHT Bring your favorite game (scrabble, mah jongg, deck of cards and a shuffler for hand & foot, or any other game). Also bring your own soft drink. Meet at the Cimarron Club in the Cimarron Center (on the 4th Wednesday each month). Hosted by Roger Tharp (408) 391-7337 and Pat Olszewski (814) 392-5391
Consists of Chess, Cribbage, Hand&Foot, Open Games and Stamp Collecting. For more information visit www.suncitygrand.com Chartered Clubs. CHESS Tucked away in Sun City Grand, three times a week for four hours each day, we play CHESS and forget about everything else. It’s true, while playing Chess with us, you think only of chess, an inexpensive (no membership fees), and calorieburning activity (yes, it’s true, you burn lots of calories playing Chess). There’s something more about the game, win or lose; and we’d like to share it with you. You’ll need to know the basics as we won’t be spending too much time teaching, but we are welcoming and friendly to everyone, Bobbie and Bobby Fishers, even if you aren’t Bobby Fischer. So, check us out, Mate. Just show up, with or without a board and pieces, and be ready for a rewarding escape. We usually meet at Cimarron at 11:30 on Mondays and Wednesdays, and the Sago Room at the Palm Center on Fridays. This could change, so call us first at 623-293-2884 for Paula, or 203-979-1194 for Marty. CRIBBAGE We play in the Pima Room at Chaparral Center every Tuesday from 9 to 11:30AM. We collect $4 to play which is awarded back to the winners. You are invited to play twice as our guest and if you
decide you would like to become a member, our dues are $5 per year. Please come join us. HAND AND FOOT We play every Tuesday at 1:00pm in the Pima Room at the Chaparral Center and every Friday at 6:00pm in the Agua Fria Room at the Cimarron Center. We draw cards for partners and play two games. You will need $4.00 in quarters and $4.00 in bills for the two games we play. If you have your own cards (6 decks) and shuffler, please bring them. We are currently playing “Progressive Hand & Foot”. For a copy of our rules or questions, please contact Joy Kreick at joykreick@gmail.com. Come and play, we’re a friendly group and try our best to be all inclusive no matter your skill level. STAMP COLLECTING The Stamp Collector’s Interest Group meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM in the Pima Room in the Chaparral Center. Meetings are always open to anyone interested in collecting postage stamps, whether to learn about stamp collecting, discover the worth of an existing collection, or to donate a collection to a non-profit tax-exempt foundation. Our friendly group will encourage your interest in stamps, whatever it may be. More info is available from Gene Trinks at 602339-8243 or gctrinks@cox.net
Who wouldn’t want to be a kid again? Lasting friendships are formed through a game for kids! We play all year long on the beautiful Del Webb Ballpark on Mountainview just west of Goldwater. Stop by any day and meet some great guys and gals; all of whom are there to have fun and relive their youth. There are four different seasons each year as well as different skill levels for annual and parttime residents. We have special events throughout the year. Pick up an application at the field or online at our website: Click on the Club tab for the New Member Application. SPORTS MEMORIBILIA Contact: Steve Rothschild sbaron24@aol.com
Stitchers, Fiber, Fabric & Beads
We Weave and Spin, do all types of Needlework, General Sewing, Machine Embroidery, Beading, Quilting - and donate our time to help with Community Service. We have a knitting machine, embroidery machines, sergers, looms, sewing machines and a longarm machine. Stitchers meet Monday through Saturday
Summer Hours with a Monitor and Director is 9AM–Noon.
Each day is dedicated to one of the fiber arts Special Interest Groups. Come by the Palm Center, Grand Stichers Room, see what we create, and find out how easy it is to get certified on one of our machines or looms. MONDAYS: SEWING AND MACHINE EMBROIDERY Sewing: Already know how to sew? Great! Come join our classes where qualified instructors take you every step of the way. Want to learn? We can teach you the basics! Machine Embroidery: Classes will teach you the basics and many of our experienced members are willing to help with any questions you may have. TUESDAYS: NEEDLEWORK
Special Projects for Community Service include:
Knitted Knockers are special handmade breast prostheses for women who have undergone mastectomies or other procedures to the breast. Our volunteer knitters and crocheters provide free Knitted Knockers to any woman who wants them. We have all sizes and can provide special ones for swimming. Eve’s Place supports victims of domestic, sexual, and teen dating abuse. Our volunteer knitters and crocheters provide hats and other warm clothing items to support Eve’s Place advocacy to the Arizona’s Navajo Nation. WEDNESDAYS: QUILTING
Third Wednesdays are dedicated to Caring
Quilts: Quilts given to those undergoing Breast Cancer Surgery at Del Webb Hospital Other Wednesdays are dedicated to special
projects, or just come with your own projects. THURSDAYS: COMMUNITY SERVICE
Dedicated to making projects that benefit Organizations in Arizona and mostly the West
Valley: Early Head Start, Eve’s Place, Family Promise, Food Bank, Hospice of the Valley, Luke Air Force Base, Blue Star Mothers, No Kill Animal Shelters Dell Webb Hospital, and Phoenix Children’s Hospital. FRIDAYS: BEADING If you know what TILA, Swarovski, and Czech Glass are, you know something about beading. If you’d like to learn more - or if you know a lot and want to teach - Beading will welcome you with open arms. SATURDAYS: WEAVING AND SPINNING Shawls, purses, table runners and more are woven by members. You’re welcome to practice an oldworld art with us - and we’ll provide the training! More information is available on our website grandstitchers.org. Connie Bollard–President 2022 president@grandstitchers.org
SCG Table Tennis Club prides itself on its friendly welcoming “personality” for all levels of table tennis play. Our sport combines healthy fun, low impact aerobic exercise that’s gentle on the joints, and excellent eye hand coordination practice. We play year-round in Cimarron’s air-conditioned clubhouse. While we are passionate about our love for this sport, we don’t take ourselves too seriously, and every day’s play is peppered with lots of goodnatured laughs. We offer weekly robot training for serving and volley practice, with notification by club email of the current robot schedule. In 2022, the club also offers basic skills training classes offered by several of our volunteer, advanced players. Soooo… Don your athletic shoes and drop by. Any of our members would be happy to assist you in getting started. We even have extra paddles if you don’t have your own yet! Our growing club roster has over 100 members, and we look forward to welcoming YOU. First three club visits are complimentary. Just sign in, with your email and phone #, and tell us you’re new! Yearly membership just $15. Interested? For our current schedule, more information… or to just let us know you’ll be joining us, please contact our Club President, Dick Bertrand at Dick@Bertrandonline.com or 925698-2155. Gila Room at Cimarron Center: Current 2022 scheduled hours: M, Th, F, mornings after 9a; Wed, Sat, Sun afternoons after 1p.
STILL WORKING? NO PROBLEM! The Sun City Grand Tennis Club is for you! We’ll connect you with other players for early mornings or evening play this summer. Sun City Grand Tennis Club is a fun filled member activity and social club open to all Sun City Grand residents. All playing levels are welcome. Come join us! Your $15 annual membership fee allows you to play in “Club Tennis,” which means you can use the two ball machines to improve your game and get club news/updates/important information sent directly to your email. Your membership also allows you to attend the many fun social events that go on throughout the year like the Fall kick-off party, open house, men’s pizza party & socials, Halloween party, Christmas & Holiday party, Valentines Day party, women’s luncheons, the end of the year party, and lots more! Check out our website to find out how to get involved in women’s doubles, men’s doubles, mixed doubles, and the numerous tennis clinics that go on through the year. And, look for a ton of new late afternoon and evening programing this fall including Cardio Tennis, Live Ball, and Mixed Dbles & Dinner. https://suncitygrandtennisclub. wildapricot.org/ SCG Tennis Club: Small enough to not get lost; big enough to meet lots of new friends
The Woodshop, situated near the Ballpark, is open daily from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and on Thursday evenings 6-9 p.m. (always subject to a volunteer Monitor being on duty). The shop is equipped with all the machines and hand-tools necessary to construct furniture and cabinetry. For more information visit our website: http://www. grandwoodcrafters.com
Email: grandalaskans@gmail.com. Find us on Facebook at “Grand Alaskans” Interest Group Description: The Grand Alaskans welcome all Alaskans living in Sun City Grand. If you enjoy getting together with fellow Alaskans for special events, entertainment, tours, or social hours, this is the group for you. We hold several events October through April.
Contact(s) for Interest Group: Marty Grady, 623556-9497, martygrady@hotmail.com Meeting Information: We meet the first Friday of each month at Ben Avery at 8:30 a.m. Interest Group Description: We are a group of averaged skilled trap shooters that meet at Ben Avery to shoot trap and socialize about our past sporting activities. Besides trap shooting, the members discuss other activities that foster a network of things to do, places to go, and help to provide others.
Xi Delta Sigma Chapter is a member of the Beta Sigma Phi Sun Cities Coalition of Beta Sigma Phi International. The Coalition consists of chapters in Sun City, Sun City West, Sun City Grand, Surprise and the surrounding area. Inactive members, Leave of absence, Members-at-large or transferring members who wish to affiliate with one of these local chapters are invited to contact through text or email a member of the coalition. Contact Karen Montoya at smithmontoya10901@ gmail.com or Roberta Chargin at robertachargin@ gmail.com Please list your name, degree, status or any pertinent information. Include your phone number, address and email information. If you have an interested friend, then include their information with their permission, a coalition or chapter officer will make contact with you. Chapters hold meetings at various times during the month as well as socials. We, as a coalition, are not a part of the BSP Phoenix City Council but valid members of Beta Sigma Phi International. Membership is by invitation.
Interest Group Description: Grand Mixers – fun mixed league (guys and gals) Contact(s) for Interest Group: Sally Such, President, 623-975-1377
Interest Group Website: scgcdn.weebly.com Interest Group Description: We are a group of Canadians from coast to coast who winter in SCG from as little as a few weeks to up to 6 months. Some own homes and some rent. We meet from Oct to April for coffee, lunches or dinners. In addition, we play everything from bocce / golf / billiards /bowling etc. We discuss common border crossing experiences and try to keep up to date on changes for Visitors Visas on proposed changes. We also discuss problem solving in the desert, from plumbers to landscapers. For more information see our calendar of events on our website. Come on out to one of our fun filled events and who knows you might meet a neighbor, an old co-worker or even a long lost relative from Canada! Interest Group email: scgcanadianfriends@gmail. com
Residents of Sun City Grand who have a special car (old or new) are welcome to join our group and show their car at our meetings, shows and parades in Sun City Grand. Our annual car show will be in the spring of each year in the parking lot behind the Chaparral center. For more information contact SCGcarenthusiasts@ gmail.co.
Interest Group Website: www.grand4wheelers.org Interest Group Description: The Grand 4-Wheelers are SCG residents who are interested in taking rides off-road into the beautiful areas of Arizona not accessible by standard vehicle. The roads we travel range from “easy” to “moderate” to “difficult.” The rides are for all types of four wheel drive vehicles (No ATV’s that’s another group). Our rides will allow you to see remote areas of Arizona in the safe environment of a group activity. We provide an environment to learn the off-road capabilities of our vehicles, off-road driving techniques, the use of GPS devices & maps, and available recovery tools. Please refer to our website to see a calendar of future rides, as well as photos and narratives of our previous rides.
Interest Group Description: We are a social group that plans monthly events at restaurants in our area. Just $10.00 per member per year to join. Guests are welcome! Contact for Interest Group: Toni Helgeson, membership, 623-544-5988 www.fundiners.weebly.com Meeting Information: We send a notice to all of our members throughout the year advising them of our planned activities, either a lunch, dinner, or a happy hour, and we request that they sign up for the event! There is always a gala event for Christmas! Lunches and dinners will be prepaid but you will be on your own for cocktails and of course for any Happy Hours! You may attend as many or as few events as you like. You are able to bring guests, unless we have limited seating! Always check our website, www. fundiners.weebly.com, for forthcoming events and pictures of our past ones! We welcome volunteers to help find new places and to help coordinate events at their favorite restaurants. The annual dues are $10 per person each year. You may call Gerri at 623-374-7917 or Toni at 623544-5988 for more information.
The Grand Connection Social Group welcomes all who have an interest in the African-American experience and want to learn more about their traditions and heritage". At this time due to the Corona Pandemic there are no activities planned. For additional information regarding the Interest Group Contact: Steve Doolittle 623-533-3455 or Laura Garrett-Williams 623 215 7884.
Contact(s) for Interest Group: Mark Hamilton, President, 971-801-5496 or mhamipdx@gmail.com Interest Group Website: www.granddems.org Meeting Information: Fourth Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in Cimarron Center. Beverages and snacks at 6:00 p.m. No meetings in July and August. Interest Group Description: We are a group that supports a Democratic presence in the community. We encourage those interested in national, state, county or local politics who are newly arrived members of the community or those who have been here awhile to come and listen to our scheduled interesting speakers. Besides our monthly meetings, we have monthly breakfasts and dinners.
Our own masters swim team right here in Grand! We believe in staying fit and building friendships while having fun. Our workouts are fresh, full of variety and will help you get and stay in shape. While you should be able to swim freestyle for at least 10 lengths, you don’t need to know the other strokes to join us at practice. If you are willing to learn, we are there to provide coaching and camaraderie. Our practices have organized sets that are geared from beginner-level swimmers to advanced swimmers and competitors. We focus on technique to improve your strokes, your stamina, your speed and your endurance. For more information contact swimnut@me.com
Most/many of you have played horseshoes at picnics, family reunions, etc. With your renting or owning a home in our community, you have the opportunity to play this fun game, whenever you want, for free. The horseshoe pits (5 of them) are always open. You can even play under the lights!! Additionally, there is a horseshoe group/league that plays every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday each week. Generally, at 8 am. This time is adjusted during the year for warmer/cooler temps in summer/winter. We also have league play with 5 other retirement communities in late winter through early spring. We will provide horseshoes for you to use as well as assistance on "pitching" horseshoes if you might need/want. We can also assist in helping you order your own horseshoes when you find out how much fun the game really is. Open to all ladies and men. The horseshoe pits are located just right of the Dell Web softball diamond and storage building on Mountain View Blvd. For more information call Tom Conzemius at 218556-2404 or Dave Johnson at 623-308-6036.
Contact(s) for Interest Group: scg.lgbt@yahoo.com Interest Group Website: scglgbt.com Interest Group Social Media: https://www. facebook.com/scglgbt Meeting Information: Meet formally 4 times a year and informally in-between. Interest Group Description: The SCG LGBTQ Interest Group invites residents to join us for a
variety of social activities including dining out, theater, concerts, sporting events, etc. We are about making new friends, socializing and supporting one another. Residents and allies who are looking to connect with other like-minded members of our community are welcome to join.
Contact(s) for Interest Group: Phyllis Borchardt, 623-521-0790, grandmn2016@yahoo.com Interest Group Description: Born in the North Star State/fall in love with L'toile du nord while living there? Currently a part time resident of Minnesota and/or live full time in Sun City Grand? Our Minnesota Interest Group welcomes your participation in our social events, nature walk/ potluck events, putting contests, wine tastings, casino parties, theater/dinner parties. Whether you call Sun City Grand your full time or part time residence we would be pleased to have your input regarding offerings that you would find of interest and welcome your participation..
Contact: Julia Schoen TheNYStateGroup@gmail. com or 805-325-1807 Time Square, Jones Beach, The Catskills, Niagara Falls…We remember it all! Join folks from The Empire State sharing memories and creating new ones. We are a newly formed group working to build new friendships in the community, using our connection to NY as a starting point. We will meet four times a year, with additional events planned (dinner cruises, game nights, happy hours, etc). We invite you to get in on the bottom floor and joint this group of vibrant ex-NYers (spouses and significant others also welcome). Notification of events will be sent via email to individuals who sign up for the group. Events will also be included in the Grand Lifestyles publication and will be posted on the community bulletin boards at Cimarron Center and Sonoran Plaza. UPCOMING EVENTS
July 12 | 6:30 pm | Apache Room DJ BINGO
Join us as we welcome DJ Curtis to play Grand’s popular game, combining great music and a fun game. Sing and dance along to favorites from the 50s, 60s, and 70s while scanning your bingo card for a match. No musical skills required-all songs are identified for you. Will you be the lucky winner? $15 per person Only a few places left! Sign up by July 8th by contacting Julia @ thenystategroup@gmail.com or call 805-325-1807.
August 24 | Thursday “Beat The Heat” at the Odysea Aquarium
Plan to spend at least 3 hrs. touring the site and seeing all the attractions. Lunch at either Johnny Rockets Restaurant or the Aquarium Café will be available. We will receive a group discount for 10 or more people. The discounted cost will be $33.95 per person. The price does not include lunch. Further information will be sent to you as soon as we receive it from the Aquarium Group Leader. Contact Julia @805-325-1807 or email thenystategroup@gmail. com. GUESTS WELCOME! THE MORE, THE MERRIER.
Contact(s) for Interest Group: Dorothy (Rzeszutek) Higdon, 218-821-3033, odette46@cox.net Meeting Information: Meetings are scheduled periodically during the year to correspond with new matters of significance and availability of speakers, at which time an e-mail is sent to all members. Notification is also sent regarding any known Polish-American activity in the Phoenix area. Interest Group Description: Sharing of Traditions, Customs, Travel, Delicacies, and History. Socializing while receiving cultural enlightenment concerning holidays and also cuisine with regards to Catholic, Jewish and non-denominational citizens. Enjoy the long-established foods of Poland through planned luncheons and tours of Polish-American restaurants, bakeries and delis in the Phoenix area. Translation is also available through Maya Zubriski, mariazubriski@gmail.com, 623-546-6960
If you enjoy large scale (G Scale) outdoor model trains, the Grand Central Railroad Interest Group is the place for you. From operating trains, painting buildings, decorating and landscaping, track maintenance, electrical service and repair, to public relations and more…. there is literally something for everyone. While most members own and operate their own trains, it is not a requirement to join the group. Our primary function is operating and maintaining the Model Railroad Park for the enjoyment of our members, residents and visitors, young and old alike. The Railroad Park is located near the tennis courts behind the Chaparral Center. Trains run on a regular schedule as posted at the Railroad Park and on our website (GrandCentralRailroad.info). Please stop by during operating hours and introduce yourself. We will be happy to show you around and tell you more about what we do. For additional information or to make special requests, please contact chairman@ GrandCentralRailroad.info
We continued in June to feature Candidates running for various offices throughout our LD 29 District, as well as for Statewide and Federal offices. These included Shiry Sapir, Candidate for Superintendent of Public Instruction, and Kim Owens, Candidate for the Arizona Corporation Commission in addition to Candidates mentioned below. In May we heard from Scott Blake and Mitchell Friedlander, Candidates for Constable. Through June we have had three of the four major candidates seeking to take Mark Kelly’s U.S. Senate seat: Jim Lamon, Blake Masters and General “Mick” McGuire. We have hosted Kari Lake, Karrin Taylor Robson and Matt Salmon, who are all running for Governor of Arizona. And we had both Shawna Bolick and Mark Finchem speak to us in their bids to take over as Secretary of State here in Arizona. Over the past few months we’ve also been able to host all of the Republican Candidates for Arizona Attorney General: Lacy Cooper, Rodney Glassman, Andrew Gould, Dawn Grove, Abraham Hamadeh and Tiffany Shedd. We have also hosted Janae Shamp and Joanne Osborne, both running for the Arizona Senate; and Steve Montenegro, Trey Terry and Austin Smith, running for the House of Representatives from LD29; and the two candidates running for County Attorney here in Maricopa County: Gina Godbehere and Rachael Mitchell. We plan to continue throughout the summer and into the midterm elections, meeting on the third Saturday morning each month at Church on the Green, 19051 R H Johnson Blvd in Sun City West. Doors open at 8:30, coffee and pastries at 9:00 a.m. The meetings start at 9:30 a.m. Conservatives and guests from Sun City Grand, Sun City West and surrounding areas are welcome. Please see our new website at grandrepublicans.com for information about upcoming meetings, the latest news and other helpful links. Click on the ABOUT tab and read about our Vision, our Mission and our Values. We believe the more informed our members are, the more likely they are to vote. Our mission is to bring a variety of information sources to our members so they become an Informed Electorate. If these values make sense to you, remember that we encourage all conservative-minded people from whatever party to attend our monthly meetings during this primary season to hear the candidates present their positions and their reasons for running. You will also have the opportunity to ask questions of the candidates during the Q&A sessions following the presentations.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TO KEEP THE GRAND’S ENTERTAINMENT “BEST IN CLASS” The Sun City Grand Music Club and Drama and Comedy Club justifiably receive accolades for the many fine musical, dramatic and comedy shows that they bring to our stages each year. But it’s true for any live entertainment venue – the shows are only as good as the sound and lighting teams make them. We are currently looking for residents who want to practice their existing skills or learn new ones for the upcoming season starting in the Fall 2021. And the best part is absolutely no prior experience or knowledge is required. We will train anyone who is interested in learning the lighting and sound systems. With the many performances we are planning well into 2022, and the different roles each require, there will be much need for more trained technical people. This is a great way to learn some new skills and become a member of the Grand’s entertainment team. If you have ever wanted to be a part of Live Theater, this is your opportunity. Now that we are returning to a full schedule of performances, the need is even greater for more people to join our lighting and sound teams. For more information, contact Larry Dirksen – 623-363-5040 (Sound); or Bob Nix – 623-214-8280 (Lighting)
The SCG state of Mindfulness Interest Group is a mindfulness community, practicing together, bringing peace, compassion, and gratitude to our selves and those around us. Group meditation can help develop a real connection with people while tapping into the same silence and source of peace, all at the same time. The SCG State of Mindfulness Interest Group is focused on science and evidence based tools and resources. We are not based in any religion or spiritual beliefs; however, we do believe in religious harmony and all are welcome. MINDFUL MONDAYS 8 monthly Drop/in meditation opportunities OctMay. First Monday of each month GROUP MEETINGS Group meetings are facilitated group discussions that begin with a topic introduction and end with a meditation. Group to meet at least 3 times per year. MINDFULNESS AND MEDITATION, AN INTRODUCTION Information to follow regarding an introduction/ refresher course. For those interested in enhancing wellbeing and resilience join us! For more information check out our website-SCGstateofmind.com or email us at SCGstateofmind@gmail.com
Contact(s) for Interest Group: Susan Brinkley, 206-276-2080, susanbrinkley7@gmail.com Meeting Information: Notification of events are sent via email to individuals who sign up on the roster. Events will be included in the Grand Lifestyles publication and will be posted on the community bulletin boards at the Cimarron Center and Sonoran Plaza. Interest Group Description: The Washington State Group provides opportunities for interested Washingtonians to get acquainted and enjoy common interests. Events have included socials, golf tournaments, hiking, and attendance at Spring Training Mariner games. Volunteering is critical to keeping this interest group vibrant. Ideas for future events are always welcome.
Interest Group Description: The group conducts tastings on wines and grapes from countries of the world. There is an introductory educational preview of the topic, followed by the wine tasting done in an informal atmosphere. Light foods and finger desserts are available. Members have the opportunity to learn about wine and find new varietals to enjoy. They also meet and befriend fellow wine enthusiasts. Meeting Information: We meet on the second Tuesday of each month except July and August at 7:00PM at the home of a host member. Annual dues are $10 per person and the tasing fee is $15 per person. We also have an annual Wine dinner, catered by Chefs Tell All (the original owners of Amuse Bouche) and held at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Surprise. Contact for the Wine Interest Group: Judy Helderman, 623-322-9425, jhelderm@yahoo
If you would like to learn more about the Wisconsin Interest Group, visit us at www.wigazinfo.weebly. com. Click on the ‘Contact Us’ tab and send us a note. We can also be reached at wigmessage@gmail. com. Our monthly breakfasts continue the first Monday of each month. Planning for the Fall and Winter continue. Requests have made to Grand for rooms, dates and times. As in past years, we will have more than two dozen activities. Many new and return of favorites. We’ll start the Fall with a fish fry at Michael’s on September 26. Culver’s will host our second event on October 26. Our Annual Meeting is November 10. Two additional activities to close out the year. Watch for details on the web site. Wherever your travels take you this Summer, stay well and safe.
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