2019 Grand Marais Art Colony Fall – Spring Catalog

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2019 Fall – Spring Catalog September 2019 — April 2020

The Grand Marais Art Colony provides services to artists, promotes art education, and nurtures art in our community through an environment of creative excellence.

Welcome to the Art Colony CONTENTS


3 Letter from the Directors

The Art Colony welcomes students of all skill levels. Some

4 Events & Exhibitions

classes are tailored for beginners and some require experience.

7 Entry Points

Our guidelines below are intended to help you to determine

12 Youth Classes 17 Clay 18 Jewelry & Sculpture 19 Literary Arts & Photography 21 Mentor Series 23 Mixed-media 24 Painting & Drawing 28 Printmaking & Book Arts 30 Artist Services

WHO WE ARE The Grand Marais Art Colony exists to support the enduring human need for creative expression and inspiration. Those of all ability levels come from across the country to learn from renowned instructors, create art, and engage together in artistic inquiry. Here you will find a welcoming community that embraces the formative first stages,

what classes suit you best. Our 2019 theme will also be marked next to relevant classes throughout the catalog. FOUNDATIONAL For students with no experience or who want to try a medium for the first time, or who need a healthy reminder! EXPERIENCE REQUIRED For students who already have foundational knowledge in a specific medium. A class marked by this symbol will list the specific prerequisites needed to enroll. STUDIO ACCESS QUALIFIER Introduces students to the equipment and practices of a medium-specific studio to allow for eventual independent studio use. Often this is paired with additional classes, previous experience, and studio orientation or one-to-one training with our studio facilitator. HABITAT THEME Any program or class associated with the habitat theme will be noted by this symbol. Read the Letter from the Directors to learn more about the Habitat Theme.

as well as acts of creative risk-taking and self-discovery; an immersive gathering place for exchanging ideas, inspirations, and techniques, allowing your ideas to germinate and the space and time you need to be artistically present. Nestled

PRIVATE GROUP PROGRAMMING Are you an artist group, collective, or group of friends looking for a shared artistic experience? Call us today to plan your private class with an Art Colony instructor.

between the horizon line of Lake Superior and the wilderness of boreal forests and serene lakes, we invite you to journey with us.

Made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a Minnesota State Arts Board Operating Support grant, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund. Additional operating support generously provided by: Lloyd K. Johnson Foundation | Mardag Foundation | McKnight Foundation

Grand Marais Art Colony | 120 W. 3rd Ave | PO Box 626 | 218.387.2737


Photo courtesy of Cara Price

We are all big fans of Chel Anderson and Adelheid Fischer, co-authors of North Shore: A Natural History of Minnesota’s Superior Coast. It is a comprehensive guide, helping us to understand more about the place we call home. The authors survey the various forms of life that have found their way to Minnesota’s North Shore for more than twelve thousand years and each of us has our favorite, whether it be the wolf or white pine, chorus frogs or nodding trillium. From an artistic bent, the Art Colony will take up this theme of habitat in 2020. We’ve invited several artists to help us explore this unique place as well as the theme in general. Filmmaker Allen Killian-Moore will screen his work that deals with homelessness and geography, Desolation Slow, and David Andree, our January invited artist-in-resident, will look at snow drifts and shoreline spaces through a sculptural lens. We have two winter reading groups that explore various aspects of habitat, and a panel discussion with four well-known North Shore artists who will talk about crafting an artistic life in this landscape. Anderson and Fischer’s book reminds us that the natural history of this extraordinary region is still being created and that each of us—individually and collectively—are the authors of this ongoing narrative. In addition, we will have a plethora of new and time-tested offerings for both youth and adults, and we will host our third North Shore Readers and Writers Festival, November 7 — 10. We are also excited to share that we have acquired a second location! The Art Colony’s own habitat has grown over the past decade, to a point where we are outgrowing our current footprint. While the space is not in use quite yet, we look forward to expanding our innovative programming in 2020 in order to benefit our community both near and far. Visit our website news page to learn more about the acquisition. Here’s to our shared habitat, the on-going narrative, and your part in writing it. Ruth Pszwaro

Lyla Brown

Sally Berg

Artistic Director

Executive Director

Board Chair


Events & Exhibitions FALL BREAK WEEKEND


Community-wide Event October 17 – 20

Community-wide Event September 27 – October 6 Meet artists in their studios and explore the variety of unique, handcrafted works created in Cook County with over 20 stops and over 50 participating artists. At the Art Colony Stop by the Art Colony to meet with and view the artwork of our participating studio artists who make their home in our cooperative clay, glass, and print studios. See our website for a full listing of free and public demonstrations. Studio Artists Kari Carter Lynn Gallice Lissa Grover Karin Holen

Kathy Reeves Jerry Riach Natalie Sobanja Veronica Weadock

During Fall Break Weekend the Art Colony hosts miniclasses as well as more intensive sessions. We welcome art educators to consider fulfilling continuing education credits through our longer classes and families to join the fun of learning together in the studio. CLASSES AT THE ART COLONY

Create Your Own Board Game with Rose Arrowsmith DeCoux | Ages 5 to adult | See page 7 Make-a-Bowl for Empty Bowls with Joan Farnam | Ages 5 to adult | See below Moosin’ Around with Monotypes Nan Onkka | Ages 5 to adult | See page 7 Art Journaling Reinvented with Bevie LaBrie | See page 23 Spontaneous Process Painting with Bevie LaBrie | See page 24


Drawing with a Fine Blade with Sharon Giesfeldt-Van Ruiswyk | See page 18

EMPTY BOWLS FUNDRAISER Community-wide Event November 14 The Art Colony supports the community’s efforts to alleviate local hunger needs by making over 250 bowls each year for the Empty Bowls fundraiser. Help make bowls to donate to this event while learning the basics of pottery. Open to ages 5 and older; youth under 9 must be accompanied by an adult.


MAKE-A-BOWL SESSIONS Sundays, October 13 & 20 | 1 & 3 pm Mondays, October 14 & 21 | 5 & 7 pm Tuition: $5 per session

PAINT-A-BOWL November 2 | 1 – 3 pm Tuition: $5

Join. Volunteer. Support. Find out more at grandmaraisartcolony.org/support

NORTH SHORE READERS AND WRITERS FESTIVAL November 7 – 10 | Art Colony Signature Event The North Shore Readers and Writers Festival is a biennial event that locates, celebrates, and fosters the literary arts and engagement with the written word. Readers, writers, and book professionals come together over four days filled with author talks, panel discussions, classes, and craft seminars. Visit our website for full event details and to register. Festival Authors and Presenters Beth Dooley Julie L’Enfant Leif Enger Allen Eskens Sally Franson Shannon Gibney Matt Goldman Nicole Helget Geoff Herbach

Lorna Landvik Mary Moore Easter David Mura Sheila O’Connor Matt Rasmussen Marcie Rendon Julie Schumacher Faith Sullivan

WINTER RESIDENCY AND EXHIBITION: ALONG SHIFTING SURFACES: SNOW DRIFTS AND SHORELINE SPACES David Andree Residency | January 1 – 13 Exhibition | January 14 – February 16 Opening Reception | January 14 | 5 – 7 pm David will work primarily on-site from January 1 – 13 in the landscape to investigate the transitory topography of snow drifts and shoreline spaces through painting and sculptural intervention. Processes include generating temporary frozen fabric sculpture and objects made to interface with undulations in the landscape to serve as subjects for perceptually driven paintings. David’s residency will culminate in a monthlong exhibition that will include paintings, drawings and photographic prints.

Festival Book Professionals Ann Regan, Minnesota Historical Society Press Chris Fischbach, Coffee House Press Emily Hamilton, University of Minnesota Press Rachel Moeller, University of Minnesota Press Nayt Rundquist, New Rivers Press Eric Lorberer, Rain Taxi Katie Dublinski, Graywolf Press Local North Shore Presenters Hazel Belvo Rose Arrowsmith DeCoux Eric Chandler Joan Crosby

Joan Drury Amy Marie Schmidt Felicia Schneiderhan Marie Zhuikov

This event is hosted in partnership with Drury Lane Bookstore and the Grand Marais Public Library.

Visit grandmaraisartcolony.org to register for classes

The North Shore Readers and Writers Festival is funded, in part, by Visit Cook County


Entry Points

A series of artist talks, demonstrations, mini-classes, and more. Free unless otherwise noted.

Artist Talk

FILM SCREENING AND DISCUSSION: DESOLATION SLOW Allen Killian-Moore September 28 | 7 pm | Event fee: $10 Desolation Slow is both a visual tone poem and social inquiry, bringing moving image art and documentary forms together in a cinematic collision. Filmed on location in Utah by moving image artist Allen Killian-Moore, the film reflects on homelessness and geography while remaining grounded in stories from the voice and figure of Joe Ortega, recounting decades of homelessness and life on the streets. The screening will be followed by a time for audience questions. Mini- class

SUMINAGASHI Penny Ortmann & Nancy Haarmeyer October 5 | 9 – 11 am OR 1 – 3 pm | Tuition: $20 Suminagashi, or “floating ink,” is the process of marbling plain paper with water and ink to transform it into a vibrant and colorful design. It originated in Japan as early as the 12th century. Create your own unique print and learn more about this art form. Mini- class

CREATE YOUR OWN BOARD GAME Rose Arrowsmith DeCoux October 17 | 1 – 4 pm | Ages 6 to adult | Tuition: $5 Why just play a board game when you can invent your own? You make the rules and set the stakes in this multigenerational class. We’ll brainstorm, build, and test drive a bunch of never-before-seen games. With a little cardboard, imagination, and a roll of the dice, the adventure begins! Students are invited to bring their old spinners, tokens, dice, or other components to mix, match, and alter. Youth 7 and under must be attended by an adult.

Drop-In Activity

MOOSIN’ AROUND WITH MONOTYPES Nan Onkka October 18 | 10 am – 12 pm Ages 5 to adult | Drop-in fee: $5 Bring the family and come explore animals of the Northwoods! This drop-in session will cover the basics of trace monotypes. Students will first make drawings inspired by Northwoods animals and then will trace the drawings onto a flat of ink to create a unique print. Students can expect to make two prints and are welcome to bring sketches or photographs of animals. One adult per every two youth is requested, particularly for younger kids. Mini- class

MINIATURE BOOK LIBRARY IN A BOX Sharon Giesfeldt-Van Ruiswyk November 16 & 23 | 9 am – 12 pm Tuition: $30 Join Sharon for a collaborative project where participants create a small edition of miniature books to share with workshop members. Students will also create a special box to house their little library in. The first session will be focused on construction of covers and the first steps of box building. The second session will include casing in texts pages and finishing the library box. Resources will be sent to students in advance to get the creative juices flowing and the class will wrap up with a potluck of sharing of books and food.

Corrie Steckelberg’s 2019 Juried Artist-in-Residence Installation Visit grandmaraisartcolony.org to register for classes


Entry Points

A series of artist talks, demonstrations, mini-classes, and more. Free unless otherwise noted.

Community Conversation

Mini- class



November 20 | 12 pm

December 10 & 14 Day 1: 5 – 7 pm | Day 2: 9 am – 4 pm Ages 14 to adult | Tuition: $35 Location and Co-host: Mueller Studio in Lutsen

Join Jill Foot-Hutton, Northern Clay Center’s Coordinator of Artist Services and Storytelling, for an information session about the various grant and fellowship opportunities available to Minnesota ceramic artists. This will be a remote video conference session. Drop-In Activity

COMMUNITY INK DAYS December 7 & February 2 | 1 – 3:30 pm Tuition: $5 Community Ink Days are all-ages events where participants create their own unique art piece while learning about the print studio and techniques. Drop in to experiment with design and learn more about the art of printmaking. Youth under 9 years old must be accompanied by an adult. Mini- class

A NIGHT OUT IN THE POTTERY STUDIO Natalie Sobanja December 7 & February 14 | 6:30 – 9:30 pm Tuition: $35 Looking for a fun and unique activity to share with your partner or good friend? Couples, singles, and mates are welcome to join us in the pottery studio to learn the ins and outs of wheel throwing and hand building. Participants will make two projects that will be glazed by the instructor and available for pick-up one week later. Dessert and wine will be provided and all supplies are included.


This two-part class introduces students to the foundry process of bronze and aluminum metal casting. Students will spend the first class carving a relief composition into bonded sand at the Art Colony and then can take the piece home to finish the carving. The second session will be held at Mueller Studio in Lutsen, where students will pour metal into their pattern to create a one-of-a-kind relief sculpture. Artists Talk

CRAFTING AN ARTIST’S LIFE Betsy Bowen, Tom Christianson, Lee Ross & Liz Sivertson December 13 | 5 pm Suggested donation: $5 Join us for what will be an entertaining and enlightening night with four local artists who have crafted a career in the arts. Learn about their inspirations, turning points, and how they see their home on the North Shore influencing their work. The conversation will be both retrospective and forward thinking and refreshments will be included.

Pre-registration is required for Mini-classes. Goodwill donations are welcome for free events.

Community Conversation

THE 100DAYPROJECT December 18 | 12 pm Enliven your creative process this winter by committing to 100 days of artistic pursuit. Or, start earlier and travel the creative path from Solstice to Equinox! Past participants will share about their experiences and you will have an opportunity to sign up for the endeavor, receiving group and virtual supports along the way.

Community Conversation

HANGING AND DISPLAYING YOUR WORK Joseph Nease & Neil Sherman January 15 | 12 pm You’ve finished your work now, how do you hang and display it? Joseph Nease, owner of the Joseph Nease Gallery in Duluth, and Neil Sherman, Sivertson Gallery framer and winner of the 2019 Grand Marais Arts Festival Best Booth award, will be on hand to give tips and pointers that could apply to hanging or displaying both two and three-dimensional work in a home, gallery, or in an arts festival booth.

Mini- class OPENING RECEPTION: SNOW DRIFTS AND SHORELINES KRAFT-TEX FOR BOOKBINDING Karen Smaby David Andree January 13 | 5 – 7 pm Join us for opening night! David’s two-week residency will culminate in a month-long exhibition that will include paintings, drawings, and photographic prints.

January 25 | 1 – 4 pm Tuition: $20

Experiment with Kraft-Tex, a tough, cloth-like paper that over time softens and feels like leather. It can be washed, cut and sewn like fabric, embossed stamped, folded, and printed on. Students will use their experiments to create a cover with inside folder compartments and a pamphletstitch sewn book.

WINTER READING GROUPS January 30, February 6 & 20 Tuition: $10 suggested donation

Morning Reading Groups 10 am – 12 pm

Evening Reading Groups 6 – 8 pm

Participants will check out or purchase their book and then meet on the first date to get to know one another and discuss an overview of their book. The second session will be used to continue the conversation, and the third will serve as a wrap up for all attendees.

Dancing with the Gods by Kent Nerburn, led by Lin Salisbury

Landscape and Memory by Simon Shama, led by John Books

The New Earthwork edited by Twylene Moyer & Glenn Harper, led by Ruth Pszwaro

Dæmon Voices: On Stories & Storytelling by Philip Pullman, led by Rose Arrowsmith DeCoux

Visit grandmaraisartcolony.org to register for classes


Entry Points

A series of artist talks, demonstrations, mini-classes, and more. Free unless otherwise noted.

Author Reading

Mini- class



January 31 | 9 am – 12 pm Tuition: $20

Join us for an evening with Peter Geye, author of the awardwining novels, Safe from the Sea, The Lighthouse Road, and Wintering, winner of the Minnesota Book Award. Peter will read from his new novel, Northernmost, due to come out February 2020 (Penguin Random House).

Using a darning needle, cord, and sticks as a support, students will hinge together matboard panels to create a movable accordion, ready to display artwork or photographs. Panels can be of varying size, and be connected as a panorama, or with extensions that create more protected places.

February 14 | 5 pm

Community Conversation

THE ARTS AT THE STATE CAPITAL Sheila Smith February 19 | 12 pm

Mini- class

LUMINARY CANDLE HOLDERS Karin Holen February 7 | 7 – 9 pm Tuition: $35 Invite the Danish concept of coziness (Hygge) into your home this winter with your own clay luminary candle holder. Learn basic hand-building techniques to form luminaries and carve shapes and holes that will reveal light and cast interesting shadows. Students will decorate with colorful underglazes and luminaries will be glazed, fired, and available for pick-up one week later. Dessert and cozy beverages will be provided and all supplies are included.


Join us for a legislative update from Sheila Smith, Executive Director for the Minnesota Citizens for the Arts and Chair of Creative Minnesota. Learn about what is going on in arts policy in Minnesota and how you can get involved. This will be a remote video conference session. Artist Talk

SCIENCE-CENTRIC ART Adam Swanson February 27 | 7 pm Adam will present his work and share about his recent threeweek residency aboard the R/V Falkor with the Schmidt Ocean Institute. He will also relate his previous artistic experience aboard the R/V Blue Heron and subsequent series of science-centric paintings based on research happening in the Lake Superior Water Basin.

Pre-registration is required for Mini-classes. Goodwill donations are welcome for free events.

Artist Talk

Mini- class

EXPERIMENTAL MOLD-MAKING Galilee Peaches | 2020 Juried Artist-in-Residence


March 21 | 1 pm

May 2 | 9 am – 12 pm Tuition: $20

Galilee Peaches uses a variety of mold-making techniques to create art-objects. She will present the methods from her art practice and her time at the Art Colony. Artist Talk

TRADITIONAL AND CONTEMPORARY PRINTMAKING PRACTICES Grace Sippy | 2020 Juried Artist-in-Residence March 21 | 2:15 pm

Students will have a variety of papers to choose from to craft a compact 6 x 8-inch journal with lightweight covers, perfect for notetaking or travel. The wrap-around cover with two inside pockets is folded from one long piece of paper and padding can be used to soften the feel of the book. The text is a simple two-signature binding.

Grace will discuss the work she has completed over the past five years which combines drawing, photography, and both traditional and contemporary printmaking practices. Additionally, she will share her process of combining digital inkjet prints with traditional intaglio. Mini- class

JAPANESE STAB BOUND BOOKS Sharon Giesfeldt-Van Ruiswyk March 28 | 1 – 4 pm Tuition: $20 Craft three small Japanese style stab bound books using traditional chiyogami papers and decorative stitching along one side. Students will have the opportunity to create and incorporate haiku and brush paintings in at least one of the books created.

Visit grandmaraisartcolony.org to register for classes


Youth Classes

See class descriptions for the specified age ranges.

WATERCOLOR David Hahn & John Franz


September 23 – October 14 | Mondays, 3:45 – 4:45 pm Ages 6 – 8 | Tuition: $25 Paint the beauty of the North Shore and learn to make watercolors come alive on paper. John and David will cover the basics of watercolor technique, including preparing the paper, using different kinds of brush strokes, and color theory.

BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Rose Arrowsmith Decoux September 30 – October 14 | Mondays, 3:45 – 5:15 pm Ages 9 – 12 | Tuition: $45 Writers, gamers, film makers, and comic book artists all have one thing in common: they build worlds. You, too, can invent your very own Hogwarts, Narnia, or Gotham. We’ll use sketches, theatre games, writing, and guided imagery to create maps, character portraits, myths, laws, and more. Whether you come with an idea in mind or not, by the end of the class you’ll know your world inside and out and have a plan for where to go next.


Contact the Art Colony about available scholarships.

October 11 | 9 – 10:30 am Ages 5 – 7 | Tuition: $25 Do you want to run fast? Fly? Roar? Discover how animal traits and symbolism have influenced mask making around the world and create a colorful clay mask of your favorite animal using supplied templates for eyes, ears, snouts, beaks or use your own imagination and creativity. Students will learn basic hand-building techniques to add attachments and decorate with textures and colorful underglazes. Masks will be glazed, fired, and available for pick-up within two weeks.

Join. Volunteer. Support. Find out more at grandmaraisartcolony.org/support

EXQUISITE IMAGINATION Nan Onkka October 11 | 9 am – 12 pm Ages 8 – 12 | Tuition: $25 This surrealist-inspired painting class will utilize randomly generated words and ideas to guide your artwork. Students will learn about the surrealists and then will create a large painting to take home. Make sure you bring your most imaginative self! CREATE YOUR OWN BOARD GAME | Oct 17 | See pg 7


MY SKETCHBOOK: MAKING ART A PRACTICE David Hahn & John Franz For ages 9 – 11 October 28 – November 18 | Mondays, 3:45 – 4:45 pm Tuition: $30 For ages 6 – 8 April 20 – May 11 | Mondays, 3:45 – 4:45 pm Tuition: $30 Sketching and doodling provide the basis for much creative exploration and are easy entry points for young artists. Students will fill their sketchbooks while learning the basics of drawing as David and John teach a variety of techniques, including perspective, negative space, and shading.



November 25 – December 16 | Mondays, 3:45 – 5:45 pm Ages 9 – 12 | Tuition: $45

October 23 – November 20 Wednesdays, 3:45 – 5:45 pm Ages 10 – 14 Tuition: $70 | Supply fee: $15 | Students who have taken two or more wheel-throwing classes can apply to this next level class, and advance their foundational skills. Natalie will build on students’ prior knowledge with new techniques and finished work will be glazed and fired.

Each student will create a two-color print of their own design and participate in a group block print to practice cutting techniques. Sharon will teach registration, reduction techniques, and how to use the Vandercook Proof Press. CAST METAL SAND MOLDS | December 10 & 14 | See page 8

MUSIC, MOVEMENT, AND ART Kelly Fairchild December 14 | 9 – 10:30 am Ages 5 – 7 | Tuition: $15 Come express your innate creativity! Students will start by exploring playful movements to music. Using their emotive responses to the music, they will then carry their inspiration into painting onto large and small surfaces. The large surface painting will be a group painting and students will take home their small paintings.


= Studio Access Qualifier


= Foundational Class


= Some Experience Required


Youth Classes

See class descriptions for the specified age ranges. Contact the Art Colony about available scholarships.

WRITERS’ WORKSHOP Rose Arrowsmith DeCoux


January 7 – 28 | Tuesdays, 3:45 – 5:15 pm Ages 9 – 12 | Tuition: $45

February 14 | 10 am – 12 pm | Ages 8 – 12 | Tuition: $30

Calling all daydreamers, bookworms, and word nerds! This class will fuel your creativity and give you tools for writing great short stories. You’ll try out warm-up techniques, brainstorm new ideas, write messy first drafts, and edit your stories so they shine.

AURORA BOREALIS TILES Karin Holen January 20 | 9 – 10:30 am Ages 5 – 7 | Tuition: $25 Students will create a colorful cosmic tile using images of the Aurora Northern Lights as inspiration. Templates of trees and common critters will also be provided or students can use their imaginations to build their own unique silhouette of a Northern Minnesota landscape. Tiles can be used as trivets or wall hangings and will be glazed, fired, and available for pick-up within two weeks.

OUT OF THIS WORLD Nan Onkka February 3 – 24 | Mondays, 3:45 – 5:15 pm Ages 8 – 12 | Tuition: $40 Join Nan to travel to uncharted territories! Our creativity will be put to the test each week as we explore a new aspect of otherworldly places, including dreamscapes and outer space through drawing and painting. Students will be introduced to the work of artists such as Joan Miro, Kiki Smith, and Yayoi Kusama and learn strategies to create depth of space, including atmospheric and linear perspective.


Enjoy making your very own clay luminary candle holder. Karin will teach basic hand-building techniques to form luminaries and carve shapes and holes that will reveal light and cast interesting shadows. Students will decorate with colorful underglazes and luminaries will be glazed, fired, and available for pick-up within two weeks.

CROSS OUT POETRY Rose Arrowsmith Decoux February 14 | 1 – 4 pm | Ages 8 – 12 | Tuition: $45 Have you ever wished you had a fairy godmother to give you ideas? Come up with your own with nothing more than a classic fairytale, markers, scissors, and glue. Rose will give guidance for how to cut up, cross out, and add color to create original poems. STAR BOOK WITH POP-UP PAGES | February 15 | See page 29

PAINT YOUR PET Nan Onkka February 17 | 9 am – 12 pm | Ages 5 – 8 | Tuition: $25 Do you love an animal? Whether it is your pet or not, you will have fun creating an animal portrait. Everyone is asked to bring a printed image of a special animal in their life to class and Nan will guide students in completing a watercolor portrait to take home. Students will learn basic watercolor techniques, how to create an engaging composition, and how to incorporate the elements of color and texture into their animal portrait.

Join. Volunteer. Support. Find out more at grandmaraisartcolony.org/support



March 23 – 27 | 9 am – 12 pm Ages 7 – 10 | Tuition: $80 for Cook County Youth; $100 for non-Cook County Youth

March 23 – 27 | 1 – 4 pm Ages 11 – 14 | Tuition: $80 for Cook County Youth; $100 for non-Cook County Youth

Dive into the pop art movement of the midtwentieth century. Students will be inspired by pop artists such as Claes Oldenburg, Roy Lichtenstein, and Corita Kent. Throughout the week each student will explore composition, color, and contrast in order to create multiple artworks that incorporate pop culture, text, and portraits.

Expand your art and engineering skills as you create a variety of moving and zany sculptures that will be sure to take on a life of their own! Students will learn to make simple circuits by creating motorized “Doodlebots,” which will then be used to create original two-dimensional drawings. Students will also create levers and artistic mobiles as well as explore gears, cams, and other mechanical linkages to moving sculptures with the simple twist of a crank.

WHEEL THROWING Natalie Sobanja April 1 – 29 | Wednesdays, 3:45 – 5:45 pm Ages 10 – 14 | Tuition: $70 | Supply fee: $15 Students will learn the foundations of wheel throwing from centering to throwing the basic cylinder and bowl forms. There will be ample time and materials for students to practice their skills so that by the final weeks they will be able to attach a handle to a mug and glaze their final pieces.

Visit grandmaraisartcolony.org to register for classes


Clay BEGINNING CLAY Natalie Sobanja

A NIGHT OUT IN THE POTTERY STUDIO | December 7 & 14 | See page 8

October 9 – December 4 Wednesdays, 6 – 8 pm | Except Nov. 27 Tuition: $170 | Supply fee: $40 | Are you new to pottery or do you need a refresher to get restarted? Join us for this foundational pottery overview. Students will throw basic forms, including cylinder and bowl forms. Those who can move beyond the basic forms will be encouraged to try altered forms and more advanced wheel techniques. Natalie will demonstrate how to decorate pots using a wide variety of surface techniques, and some hand-building will be included per students’ requests. MAKE-A-BOWL SESSIONS | Oct 13, 14, 20 & 21 | See pg 4

ATTACHMENTS Joan Farnam October 22 – December 10 Tuesdays, 6 – 8 pm Tuition: $170 | Supply fee: $40 | Join Joan in the clay studio to explore a variety of attachments, including covered casserole dishes, clay bakers, tea pots, lidded jars, and altered forms. We’ll even make a mug or two. And everything will be ready in time to pass on as holiday gifts, if you can let go of your attachment to them that is. Prerequisite: foundational knowledge of pottery techniques and wheel throwing.


= Studio Access Qualifier


SURFACE DESIGN FOR WHEEL-THROWN CERAMICS Maggie Anderson January 14 – March 3 | Tuesdays, 5 – 7 pm Tuition: $170 | Supply fee: $40 | Students will create wheel-thrown objects with the intention to embellish the work with marks of impression, removal, and addition. Carving, stamping, altering, slip decoration, chattering, and under-glazing techniques will be demonstrated. Prerequisite: open to students who have taken Beginning Clay or have foundational wheel-throwing experience.

POTTERY: NEXT STEPS Natalie Sobanja February 5 – April 1 | Wednesdays, 6 – 8 pm | Except March 25 Tuition: $170 | Supply fee: $40 | This session is for students who have taken at least one beginning clay class and are looking to go the next step, while still needing to work on some foundational skills. Natalie will include instruction on surface design, firing schedules, glazing techniques, and hand-building per students’ requests. Prerequisite: foundational knowledge of pottery techniques and wheel throwing. LUMINARY CANDLE HOLDERS | February 7 | See page 10

= Foundational Class


= Some Experience Required


Jewelry & Sculpture DRAWING WITH A FINE BLADE Sharon Giesfeldt-Van Ruiswyk October 19 | 9 am – 12 pm Tuition: $30 | Supply fee: $10 Master the art of “drawing” with a jewelry saw blade and create your own finely detailed cutouts and charms. Students will learn proper saw frame handling, how to choose the right blade, patina methods, and how to finish their pieces with sanding and filing techniques. CAST METAL SAND MOLDS | December 10 & 14 | Ages 14 to adult | See page 8

WELDING FABRICATION: RECLAIMED METAL SCULPTURE Greg Mueller May 1 – 3 Tuition: $255 | Supply fee: $25 Location and Co-host: Mueller Studio in Lutsen This three-day intensive provides students with the opportunity to learn the basic technology of cutting and welding steel and integrating reclaimed and found metal elements into a completed sculpture. Student work can take the form of abstraction, functional objects, or other subject matter based on personal interests.


Visit grandmaraisartcolony.org to register for classes

Literary Arts & Photography PHOTOGRAPHY: NEXT STEPS Curtis Juliber October 12 – 13 Day 1: 9 am – 4 pm; Day 2: 9 am – 12 pm Tuition: $135 | This class is designed for students who have learned the basics of DSLR photography and want to go the next step. Students will first review their camera’s shooting modes, white balance options, exposure compensation, and other photography basics. From there Curtis will give guidance about shooting panoramas, HDR photographs, birds in flight, and provide an overview of techniques for expanding depth of field when photographing small objects up close. Prerequisite: foundational photographic knowledge, including role of aperture and shutter priority; or the completion of Curtis’s Photography for Beginners class.

November 7 – 10 | See page 5


THE WRITE TIME Cilla Walford February 15 Tuition: $85 All are invited to explore the written word in a supportive group. Cilla will introduce students to a variety of writing prompts and ways to draw upon personal reflection. Students will practice the discipline of writing, gain confidence in their individual voice, and define personal


November 2 | 9 am – 12 pm Tuition: $40

March 31, April 7 & 14 | Tuesdays, 10 am – 12 pm Tuition: $40

If you cross country ski, snowmobile, sail, walk, forage, drive a skidder, hang sheet rock, plant gardens, or run sled dogs, then you have unique and personal stories about the land you live on. The land and water unify people and musician and poet, Ben Weaver, will help participants use music, writing, and stories to consider possibilities for the future of their sense of place. At the conclusion of the workshop participants will have the option to share their stories through Climate Generation’s Eyewitness Project, a Will Steger Legacy.

= Studio Access Qualifier

goals to continue beyond the class.





This three-part session will provide you with good chunks of time to write and practice your poetic craft in a small group. Ruth will provide a short exercise during each session which students will explore in great depth during the class time. Exercises will assist students in building out their poetry tool kit and include elements such as developing internal logic, and exploring sound, line, and poetic prose.

= Foundational Class


= Some Experience Required


Lee Ross, local print studio artist

Mentor Series DEEP DIVE Krista Kelley Walsh


October 2 – 6 Tuition: $475 | In the glow of fall colors take a deep dive into your work. Find or reconnect to your core concerns that will endure through the seasonal changes and enter the winter cycle with a renewed commitment and connection to your art practice. Class time is reserved for individual work and private consultations with the instructor. An hour each day is set aside for group interaction with specific topic discussions and supportive feedback. Open to practicing artists working in all media. Prerequisite: foundational knowledge of chosen medium, and a developed art practice and body of work.


April 6 – 10 Tuition: $995 | This printmaking mentorship is designed to assist experienced artists with an intensive, directed study, while propelling work forward and challenging artists to take new risks. Jeff will give guidance to aesthetic and conceptual ideas in each artists’ work as well as address technical printmaking processes. Because the mentorship group will be intentionally small, artists will have the opportunity to give direction to the week. Participation in the printmaking mentorship is competitive and decided through a juried process. Artists are asked to submit a portfolio of work. See the class listing online for full details.

February 10 – 14 Tuition: $545 | Supply fee: $5 | This class is designed for intermediate to advanced writers of fiction and narrative nonfiction. It will focus equally on writing exercises, workshop and revision, and one-onone consultation with the instructor. Students should already have manuscripts in-process, especially projects focused on nature, the environment, adventure, or wilderness. Peter will provide guidance on how to consider many elements of craft and form. Students should also be able to snowshoe and have a general appreciation of the Minnesota winter. Prerequisite: Students must have work in progress and a grasp of their literary voice. See supply list for additional recreational fees.


= Studio Access Qualifier


= Foundational Class


= Some Experience Required


Mixed-media ART JOURNALING RE-INVENTED Bevie LaBrie October 17 Tuition: $85 | Optional supply fee: $10 Rehab an old book by transforming it into a personal piece of art. Supported by instructor prompts, students will: build foundation pages; create permissions to self and write a creative manifesto; play and experiment with new materials, techniques and textures; and develop a visual language to honor and express aspects of life through an art journal practice. Through play and experimentation, this class is a perfect warm-up for Bevie’s subsequent Spontaneous Process Painting workshop (see page 24).

COMPELLING DESIGN: CREATING COMPOSITION THAT CAPTIVATES Tonja Sell Co-hosted by Northwoods Fiber Guild October 26 & 27 Tuition: $105 for first day or $210 for both days Good design can transform your art. Work in the medium of your choice and learn to create captivating compositions by exploring visual elements, the building blocks of design. Tonja will help students look at their work in light of line, shape, tone, color, pattern, texture and form. Students will also explore qualities of space and depth, harmony and contrast, movement and rhythm and their range of possible emotions and subjects, while walking through a variety of design exercises. Open to all media.

Dana De Ano, 2019 Juried Artist-in-Residence Visit grandmaraisartcolony.org to register for classes




September 14 – 15 Tuition: $210

October 11 – 12, 13 Tuition: $180 for two days or $265 for all three

Painting a landscape en plein air is an immersive experience. It is as inspiring as it is challenging. Join Joshua as he outlines how to bring a scene to life by developing a composition that serves the subject, and how to endure to completion with a deep and protracted focus. Joshua will outline his process and equipment, and demonstrate technique. Students will have ample time to paint and will start three to four studies throughout the course of the weekend.

A painter’s use of color is a critical component of their artistic voice. Through quick exercises and discussions, Karen will facilitate a study of various aspects of color theory and how to personalize them. Lessons will apply to all subject matter, styles, genres, and painting media. Topics covered include value, color wheel – general, color wheel – analogous, edges and passages to outline or to color block, perceptual effects, and local color in contrast to actual color.

BEGINNING WATERCOLOR Margie Helstrom October 1 – 15 | Tuesdays, 1 – 4 pm Tuition: $95 | Students will be taught the essentials of foundational watercolor painting, including the basics of watercolor paper, brush selection, and paint techniques. Margie will teach exercises on both wet and dry paper, and a variety of methods for achieving exciting textures will be demonstrated.

SPONTANEOUS PROCESS PAINTING Bevie LaBrie October 18 – 19 Tuition: $180 Supported by writing prompts and instructor guidance, students will discover how creating mixed-media work on one surface reflects their life experience, wisdom, desire, joy, resistance, and their own visual voice. Themes such as mindfulness, acceptance, trust in self, and painting as journey rather than as destination will be woven throughout. The class environment is void of pressure which helps to free mental and emotional blocks and unleash strength, personality, intuition, and creativity.

MENTOR SERIES: DEEP DIVE | Oct 2 — 6 | See page 21



= Studio Access Qualifier


= Foundational Class


= Some Experience Required

FIGURE IN THE LANDSCAPE: MAKING A MARK: LIFE DRAWING November 13 – December 18 WATERCOLOR Wednesdays, 5:30 – 8 pm | Except November 27 Tara Sweeney October 22 – 25 Tuition: $345 Whether you are new to watercolor or a seasoned painter, expand your watercolor landscape toolbox with figures—things that move in the natural world are not limited to humans. Bring photo references and practice the process of planning dynamic compositions, simplified values, vibrant color, and intentional lost and found edges. Learn ways to paint simplified and lively figures. Explore a three-layer, four-value approach to value studies and color with a limited palette, and build confidence and control through daily exercises, instructor demonstrations, individualized feedback, and lots of practice.

ABSTRACTIONS FROM NATURAL ELEMENTS Paula Gustafson October 28 – November 11 Mondays, 9 am – 12 pm Tuition: $95

Tuition: $20 per session (drop-in) | $70 for full series Life drawing is for artists what jogging is for athletes— essential practice. Students can choose to draw in a highly detailed representational manner or to create loose and expressive sketches. As models work through a variety of postures, artists have the opportunity to study muscle detail, facial expressions, and overall form in a way that is not possible with a two-dimensional image. This session is open to all media and skill levels. Students younger than 18 must be accompanied by or have the permission of a parent or guardian. No formal instruction included.

DRAWING: THE EXPERIENCE OF SEEING Lynn Speaker November 18 – December 9 | Mondays, 5 – 7 pm Tuition: $95 | This introductory class is for the novice or those who would like to dust off rusty skills. Students will begin with simple exercises that will explore the experience of seeing. The class will experiment with a variety of media and processes to open up the possibilities of observation and expression in drawing. Examples of drawing work by a variety of artists will be presented for discussion and students will be asked to practice their drawing between class sessions.

Use the natural world as your inspiration to create a large-scale abstract painting. Before the class begins students will find a detail in nature that can be blown-up and used as the initial compositional source. Other ideas and images will also be provided by the instructor and the class will discuss color, using a restricted or limited palette, design elements, brushwork, and texture. Open to artists working in oil and acrylic.

Visit grandmaraisartcolony.org to register for classes


Printmaking & Book Arts OPEN STUDIO SERIES


November 19 – January 28 | Tuesdays, 9 am – 12 pm Except December 24, December 31, or January 7 Tuition: $15 per session or $100 for the full series Come together with other painters, drawers, and mixed media artists to re-energize and ignite your practice. Each session will start with a half-hour demonstration followed by time spent on individual works-in-progress in your medium of choice. Bring your own supplies and materials; no formal instruction will be provided and all levels are welcome. Painting Landscapes from Photos Paula Gustafson | November 19

Atmospheric Progression with Color and Value Neil Sherman | December 17

Drawing with Charcoal Paula Gustafson | November 26

Creating Unique Original Collage Papers: Part I Max Linehan | January 14

Painting White Flowers: Masking and Washes Cilla Walford | December 3 Transparency of Color and Glazing Kathy Weinberg | December 10

Creating Unique Original Collage Papers: Part II Max Linehan | January 21 Oil Painting over an Acrylic Underpainting Sandi Pillsbury Gredzens January 28

January 18 – 19, 20 | Tuition: $180 for two days or $265 for three How a painter chooses to apply paint is one of the most defining characteristics of their artwork. Through guided play and experimentation with various techniques of paint application, students will learn to mark make thoughtfully and with confidence. Lessons will apply to all subject matter, styles, genres, and painting media. A variety of paint applications will be explored, such as utilizing painting knives, rags, long sticks, fingers, wet into wet, glazes, scale of marks, gestures, stippling, dabbing, and pointillism, among others. KEY:

= Studio Access Qualifier


Oil is a fantastic medium to use when first learning to paint. It is much easier to rework than acrylic or watercolor and since it stays wet longer it allows for more time to blend colors and create textural layers. This six-week course will touch on all the basic aspects of painting with oils. Students will learn about the different types of painting materials, including paints, brushes, and canvas. Simple exercises of paint and color mixing will allow students to become comfortable with the materials and create small painting studies from life.

CONCEPTUAL SELF PORTRAIT Nan Onkka February 8 – 9 Tuition: $170 | Supply fee: $5



January 22 – March 4 Wednesdays, 5:30 – 7:30 pm | Except Feb. 12 Tuition: $145 |

Have you ever wanted to create an artwork that reflects your unique identity? This class will challenge you to dive deep into what it means to be you. We will step away from the traditional self-portrait and into the world of conceptual self-portraits, in which we explore places, memories, relationships, dreams, experiences, and more. After looking at artist examples and developing sketches, each student will create one final artwork. Students are encouraged to work in the drawing or painting material of their choice.

= Foundational Class


= Some Experience Required

PAINTING SUNLIGHT Catherine Hearding


February 21 – 23 Tuition: $290

April 1 – 3 Tuition: $285

Successfully painting sunlight is something most artists aspire to at some point. But how is this accomplished? Watercolor is particularly suited to this task and Catherine will help you to answer that question. Using concepts of value, intensity, and color temperature, students will learn to create the strong contrast that suggests sunlight. By focusing on the region’s landscape, students will study how light affects color and find color solutions for their paintings, how to create single point illumination, and how to paint convincing shadows.

Work in the versatile medium of soft pastel and explore pastel brands, papers, and techniques. We’ll discuss painting fundamentals, choosing a subject, and design and composition. Students will paint still life models indoors and learn how these lessons apply to all subject matter. Class time will include demonstrations, personal instruction, and group critique.

ACRYLIC PAINTING: THE LAND WE LOVE Adam Swanson February 28 – March 1 Tuition: $195 | Supply fee: $20 Whether it is the place we live, our ancestral grounds, or the potential of a future space, human connection with the land is deep. Painting about the land is a way to explore our thoughts, hopes, and dreams. Students will begin by working on a guided painting from a photo. Adam will cover color theory basics, acrylic painting techniques, provide gesso demonstrations, and more. Students will bring photos of their own beloved spaces and interpret these through expressive paintings.

ADVANCING IN PASTEL Lisa Stauffer April 4 – 5 Tuition: $190 | Students will enjoy this further exploration into pastel, continuing with the still life or beginning a new project, working from favorite photographs or earlier paintings. Lisa will outline the pitfalls and possibilities that come when working from photographs as well as provide guided feedback in response to students’ work. Prerequisite: Foundational pastel experience or previous class with Lisa, including Still Life in Pastel.

COLOR THEORY FOR OIL PAINTERS Paula Gustafson April 18 – 19 Tuition: $170 Do you find that your palette colors turn to mud and you don’t understand why? If you are a beginner or would like a refresher in color theory and the act of mixing color, this class is for you. Become comfortable and ultimately proficient enough to mix colors naturally. Paula will teach students to explore the color wheel and how to achieve successful harmony, value, hue, complement, and intensity. Students will create a final painting incorporating two complementary colors and white.

Visit grandmaraisartcolony.org to register for classes


Printmaking & Book Arts PRINT: TOWELS AND CARDS Jeanne McGee


September 21 Tuition: $95 | Supply fee: $28

November 23 – 24 Tuition: $170 | Supply fee: $48 |

Students will learn the basics of design, carving, and printing stamps. Jeanne will guide students to sketch a design, transfer it to a rubber stamp, carve it, and create hand-printed cards and tea towels.

HOLIDAY CARDS Nan Onkka November 12 – December 3 Tuesdays, 6:30 – 9 pm Tuition: $110 | Supply fee: $38 Tis the season! In this beginner-friendly class, students will create an edition of holiday cards and, as time allows, custom gift bags and tags. The cards will be created from a 4 x 5.5-inch relief print and printed onto 5 x 7-inch cards. Students will learn the process of designing, carving, and printing the cards, as well as how to continue the printing process at home.

BUILDING THE TRAVEL JOURNAL: ART, CRAFT, AND POETRY Nancy Haarmeyer, Tom McCann & Karen Smaby November 16 Tuition: $75 | Supply fee: $33 Students will learn journal construction techniques by making a 7 x 9-inch hard-bound travel journal that allows users to remove and replace pages. Along with making the journal, students will also explore the practices of Sumi-e mark making and suminigashi paper marbling. The products made during this component will be used to decorate and create the journal covers and end papers. Last but not least, students will explore Haiku to engage in the process of creating journal entries.



= Studio Access Qualifier


Pay homage to the changing seasons by creating a multi-color woodblock print! This foundational course will cover the basics of woodblock printing. Students will learn to introduce multiple colors within a design, including reduction, stencils, and gradients. Each student will create an edition of 6 x 8-inch prints inspired by the natural world and Nan will demonstrate the use of barens and Takach etching press.

PHOTOPOLYMER ETCHING BASICS Lynn Speaker February 8 – 9 Tuition: $190 | Supply fee: $44 | Learn the fundamentals of photopolymer printmaking, a non-toxic alternative to traditional intaglio processes. Students can use opaque black photographs, drawings, and paintings on transparent film to transfer onto plates that are then developed in water and printed in the same method as a traditional etching. Participants will prepare images to expose, develop, and print using soy-based Akua Intaglio inks.

= Foundational Class


= Some Experience Required

STAR BOOK WITH POP-UP PAGES Sharon Giesfeldt-Van Ruiswyk February 15 Tuition: $30 | Ages 9 to adult Create a three-dimensional book with a rainbow of pages each with your own unique choice of kirigami or pop up images. Students will create book covers and then Sharon will demonstrate how to cut and finish the pop ups. All pages will be bound into the cover to finish the piece.

MENTORSHIP IN PRINTMAKING | April 6 – 10 | See page 21

WOODBLOCK PRINTMAKING Nick Wroblewski Co-hosted with North House Folk School April 23 – 26 | Day 1: 5 – 7 pm; Day 2 – 4: 9 am – 5 pm Tuition: $400 | Supply fee: $60 | Students will investigate the methods of woodblock printmaking. Techniques covered include: transfer, carving, reduction, and multi-block methods; simplifying the world of layers; reverse imagery; registration; and printing. Also included are guided discussions on imagery, abstraction, and conceptual intent. Students will begin their work at the North House and then move on to work in the Art Colony’s printmaking studio.

PRINTMAKING & BOOK ARTS MINI CLASSES Suminigashi Penny Ortmann & Nancy Haarmeyer October 5 | See page 7

Kraft-Tex for Bookbinding Karen Smaby January 25 | See page 9

Moosin’ Around with Monotypes Nan Onkka October 18 | Ages 5 to adult | See page 7

Laced Together Accordion Books Karen Smaby January 31 | See page 10

Miniature Book Library in a Box Sharon Giesfeldt-Van Ruiswyk November 16 & 23 | See page 7

Japanese Stab Bound Books Sharon Giesfeldt-Van Ruiswyk March 28 | See page 11

Community Ink Days December 7 & February 2 | See page 8

Paper-Covered Journals Karen Smaby May 2 | See page 11

Visit grandmaraisartcolony.org to register for classes


Artist Services The Art Colony is proud to support artists at all points in their journey. Artist Services connect artists with resources in order to help grow their practice and advance their profession. Become a member to enjoy benefits.



November 19 & January 24 | 6 – 8:30 pm Member Benefit

December 10 | 9 am – 4:15 pm February 11 | 11 am – 6:15 pm April 28 | 9 am – 4:15 pm Tuition: $55 | Member Benefit

Critical Response allows artists to ask questions about their work in a nonjudgmental setting and nurtures the development of artistic works through a facilitated dialogue between artists, peers, and audiences. Simple snacks both provided and welcome! Note that Critical Response sessions can also be scheduled on an individual basis. Please contact the Art Colony for information or to schedule a session.

SCHEDULE-A-NEED November 22, January 16 & February 7 9 am – 3 pm | 45 minute sessions Member Benefit Are you applying for a grant or residency? Do you need to write an artist statement? Benefits to members include being able to meet with Art Colony staff and trained instructors to work through specific and individual projects. Sign up for a session to cover your questions and get to the next level. Participants are asked to communicate needs in advance and if possible, share relevant documents with support staff prior to the meeting.


February 1 | 9 am – 4:15 pm February 22 | 11 am – 6:15 pm

Have professional photos taken of your artwork for your portfolio, gallery submissions, or grant or festival applications. One-hour slots are available on a consecutivelyscheduled basis. Artists will receive a digital compilation of their images within one week.

PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE CONFERENCE: FOR THE LOVE OF IT! March 6 – 8 In partnership with Arrowhead Regional Arts Council With all of the other demands and expectations surrounding the life of an artist, we invite you to reframe your work and renew your artistic passions, while also gaining more in-depth, pragmatic skills to make your work sustainable. Join us for a weekend filled with resources, tools, and opportunities to learn more about how to keep doing what you love! Sessions will include career planning, challenging unhelpful mindsets, and assessing the avenues for sharing your work, along with the opportunity to schedule a one-toone meeting with any of the presenters. The complete event schedule and registration will be finalized and open mid-fall. Conference Presenters: Keynote: Andrew Simonet, Artists U Pat Campanaro, Small Business Development Center Drew Digby, Arrowhead Regional Arts Council Kathleen Durbin, C&C Coaching Paul LaJeunesse, College of St. Scholastica Greg Mueller Lynn Speaker Visit grandmaraisartcolony.org to register for classes

RESIDENCIES AT THE ART COLONY The Art Colony provides artists with independent work space in professional studios amidst the backdrop of a stunning landscape. An environment of creative freedom supports the process and development of new works, allowing for a combination of aesthetic inquiry, creative risk-taking, experimentation, and artistic development.

2021 JURIED RESIDENCY TIMELINE Applications Open: April 3, 2020 Application Deadline: May 15, 2020 Notifications: June 5, 2020 Residency Dates: March 8 – 21, 2021 2020 Juried Artists-in-Residence

INDEPENDENT ARTISTS-IN-RESIDENCE AND STUDIO ACCESS Select dates are available for independent residencies and cooperative studio access on a weekly and monthly basis for Art Colony members. Experience our professional studios (clay, glass, printmaking, and painting/multi-discipline) and find uninterrupted space and time to focus, rejuvenate, and be inspired. Call for availability and cost.

MENTOR CLASSES Like residencies, mentor classes give experienced artists space and focused time to work on independent projects with the addition of guided mentorship and group dialogue. Each mentoring artist offers a unique philosophical approach and teaching style. See page 21 for a listing of our current mentor classes.

Grace Sippy March 9 – 22 | Printmaking Studio

Galilee Peaches March 9 – 22 | Founders Hall 2020 Invited Artists-in-Residence

David Andree January 1 – 13 | Founders Hall

Andrew Simonet February 24 – March 5 | Founders Hall

Join. Volunteer. Support. Find out more at grandmaraisartcolony.org/support


“I was able to have extended and uninterrupted time to paint, away from other distractions, and learn from an instructor whose work I greatly admire and who is willing to share their expertise with us.” — Mentor Series student

120 W. 3rd Ave | PO Box 626 grandmaraisartcolony.org | 218.387.2737 info@grandmaraisartcolony.org

MEMBERSHIP MATTERS Our members are artists, and they are also art appreciators. Members are businesses, community members, individual philanthropists, and families. They are curious contributors, engaged participants, both beginners and established artists. They are you! Give us a call or visit our website to learn more about Art Colony membership and benefits.

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