Arts Education Catalog Fall 2013

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FALL 2013



INFORMATION Arts Education Program The Arts Education Program operates full-time with classes scheduled Monday through Saturday, excluding holidays. Classes are offered weekdays from 10:00 am - 9:00 pm, and on Saturdays from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm. The Fall session begins Saturday, September 14, 2013, and ends Saturday, December 21 (with the exception of Music Together which begins Monday, September 9). The Arts Education Program will be closed November 11 and November 28-30. Registration is available in person at the Leona Darr Willis Box Office located at 715 Central Avenue in Tracy and online at Registration form with valid credit card number may be faxed to (209) 831-6271. Box Office hours are Monday - Thursday 10 am - 6 pm and alternate Fridays 10 am - 5 pm. The Box Office may be reached at (209) 831-6TKT (6858). You may also send a completed registration form via email to

Mission Statement

Grand Foundation

The Grand Theatre Center for the Arts is an interdisciplinary arts center owned and operated by the City of Tracy, and serving the region. The Grand Theatre Center for the Arts offers fine arts programming through a partnership between the City of Tracy and the Grand Foundation. Through the Arts Education, Exhibitions, and Presenting Programs, the Center provides professional and diverse experiences to our audiences.

The Grand Foundation (GF) is a community-based, independent not-for-profit organization, formerly known as the Arts Leadership Alliance (ALA).

Directions Parking on the street is available free of charge and nearby parking lots can accommodate buses after curb side drop-off. From the North: Heading south on I-5, Exit 205 West towards San Francisco. Exit MacArthur Blvd., head south. Right onto 11th Street. Left onto Central to 715 Central Ave. From the South: Heading north on I-5, Exit Grant Line Road, head west. Left on Holly. Proceed south on Holly until it turns into Central. Proceed south on Central to 715 Central Ave. From the Bay Area: Proceed East on 580, until it turns into 205. Exit 11th Street, head East. Right on Central to 715 Central Ave.

Photo credits: Cover photo and various inside photos provided by Richard Beebe, Bill Wood, Lauren Carter, Elizabeth Sayre, and Susan Haskett.


The original ALA was founded in 1998 to promote the cultural development of the community. Its activities on behalf of the City include developing and implementing programs which foster the broadest possible public use of the cultural arts programs at the Grand Theatre Center for the Arts. The Grand Foundation has served to advance technical support and programming of the Grand with annual underwriting contributions since opening in 2007. Foundation underwriting has supported concerts, exhibitions, classes, workshops and special events, in addition to providing art supplies, art making and technical equipment and hospitality services. This year the Grand Foundation, working collaboratively with the City, will premiere a Membership Program at the Center. We invite you to learn more about the Grand Foundation, and become a supporter of the Grand Theatre Center for the Arts!


where to look FAQ’s Registration Form Dance Drama Music Ceramics Visual Arts Workshops

4 5 6-9 10-11 12-15 16-17 18-25 26-27

Returning Instructors Suzanne Anderson – Young Rembrandts Stephanie Arganbright Richard Beebe – Tracy Camera Club Lauren Carter – Staff Mary Carr Barbara DeVol – Tracy Art League Wendy Goulart Addie Hall Jody Harcourt – Music Together Brian Hunt – Main Street Music Sunny Kim Deborah Littleton Marielle McGee – Tracy Art League Catherine Medeiros Abhilasha Natarajan – Tracy Art League Josephine O’Malley Carol Ponsaran – Tracy Art League Lynn Sampson – Music First Jennifer Taloa – Siva Polynesia Vince Walsh – Tracy Art League

New Instructors Lisa Borba - Wa Randy Crimmel - Tracy Art League Nancy Kizer - Main Street Music Aimee Shaw

Share Your Artistic Knowledge and Inspire Others in Our Community The Arts Education Program accepts applications from teaching artists who wish to offer classes at the Grand Theatre Center for the Arts, an institution that fosters life-long learning by offering tiered classes in Dance, Drama, Music, and Visual Arts. Students of all ages take advantage of year-round courses taught by accomplished teachers in specialized classrooms. The 37,000 square-foot interdisciplinary arts center houses nine classrooms for instruction in the visual and performing arts. Classes can be held in private or group

settings. Workshop, seminars, and other course formats may also be considered. The Arts Education Program relies on enthusiastic instructors who bring a commitment to quality and professionalism to the program. We are currently seeking Contract Instructors to offer classes as soon as the Winter/Spring 2014 session. For application information, contact Arts Education Coordinator, Elizabeth Sayre. By phone: (209) 831-6279 or email:


Questions & Answers Q What if I withdraw from a class? Q How do I register for a class? A To register for a class in person or by fax, complete the registration A To withdraw from a class and obtain a full refund, you must form located on page 5. Make sure to include your name, contact phone number, and the class number that corresponds to the class in which you wish to enroll. Bring the completed form to the Grand Theatre, Patron Services, located at 715 Central Avenue in Historic Downtown Tracy. Registration forms can be faxed to (209) 831-6271. Online registration is available at For your family ID and password, please call (209) 831-6858 or email All fees must be paid at the time of registration.

complete the “Class Withdrawal Form” at least five business days prior to the start of class. If you decide within the first week of class that you are not satisfied, you may withdraw and receive a prorated refund or credit. All withdrawals or transfers will be charged a nonrefundable $5 transaction fee. These fees do not apply to withdrawals made on Please allow 2-3 weeks to process a withdrawal and/or a refund.

Q What happens if the class does not meet the Q What if a class is full? A If you attempt to register for a class and find that it is full, you may

minimum student enrollment?


ask Patron Services Staff to place your or your child’s name on a waiting list. If a space does become available in the class, Patron Services Staff will contact the waiting list candidates in order of time on the list.

If a class does not meet the minimum student enrollment, staff or the instructor may cancel the class. Students will be notified of the cancellation in advance, and issued a full refund or class credit and will not be charged a transaction or refund fee.

Q What is a Resident Discount and Cost fee? A If your address has five digits or more, your home may still be

Q What if I miss a day of class? A If you miss a day of class, you will not receive a make-up session

outside of Tracy city limits. It is possible to live in one of three Tracy zip codes and still not live within the Tracy city limits. Families residing inside the city limits receive the Resident Discount. All others pay the non-resident fee. Call Patron Services if you are unsure.

or a refund for the day you missed. By registering for a class, you assume the responsibility of attending class during the times and dates scheduled. The Grand Theatre Center for the Arts will only issue a make-up day or a prorated refund for classes cancelled by staff or instructors. If a class is cancelled by the instructor, or an unforeseen circumstance prevents the class from taking place, the student will be notified.

Q Is financial assistance available? A Yes, financial assistance is available to qualified applicants. Participants may request a financial aid application from Patron Services Staff and return it with the required forms of income verification. Applications must be accompanied by a registration form.

Q Is late registration available? A If space permits, class registration will be open for up to one week after the first day of class. After the first week of instruction, registration will be closed. Students are not allowed to register half way through the class session, or for a fraction of the class.

Q Can I drop-in the day of class to sign up? A Guests may not drop-in to a class without having officially registered. In order to participate in a class, you must be enrolled. Guests may visit Patron Services at the Grand Monday through Thursday, 10 AM to 6 PM, or alternate Fridays, 10 AM to 5PM to register. Limited registration services are available on Saturdays through Arts Education staff. If a student registers the day of the class, they are advised to bring their receipt. Instructors cannot accept payments. All financial transactions and registrations take place through Patron Services at the Grand, online at, at City Hall on weekdays during business hours, or through Arts Education staff.

Q Are art materials provided in classes? A The Grand Theatre Center for the Arts does provide shared art supplies and equipment for most visual arts classes. In some cases instructors may request that students purchase specific materials outside of class. See class descriptions for more details.

Q Where is the nearest available parking? A Free parking is available on Central Avenue, 7th Street, as well as in nearby lots on 6th Street in Historic Downtown Tracy. Please observe City-posted signs to avoid parking tickets.

Q Are parents allowed to observe classes? A We encourage parents to wait outside the classroom to prevent overcrowding and distractions. Parents may relax in our lobbies or loggia while waiting. There are also windows on our classroom doors where parents can temporarily monitor their children at any time. In the event you feel you need to accompany your child in class, please call (209) 831-6858.

Q Are food or drinks allowed in the classrooms? A Food, drinks, candy and gum are not allowed in the classrooms with the exception of bottled water. Instructors will ask students to dispose of food, drinks, candy or gum if taken into the class.



DANCE Combo for Tots

Pre-School Combo I/II

Intermediate Combo

Introduce your child to tap and ballet in this fun, interactive class! Students will learn proper ballet and tap technique, coordination, and footwork combinations. The instructor will lead students through ZDUP XSV FHQWHU Ă RRU H[HUFLVHV DQG DFURVV WKH Ă RRU PRYHPHQWV 1R SULRU experience required. Class meets once a week for 6 weeks.

Pre-schoolers will be introduced to tap and ballet through playful interaction and a variety of dance-related activities. Classes will begin with basic dance steps and develop into more challenging tap and ballet techniques. Participants will develop motor VNLOOV FRRUGLQDWLRQ DQG VHOI FRQĂ€GHQFH LQ D fun learning environment. Class meets once a week for 6 weeks.

This class is a continuation of the tap and ballet curriculum of Preschool Combo I/ II. Students will be challenged in a fun learning environment by new techniques and steps, through stretching, across WKH Ă RRU FRPELQDWLRQV DQG FUHDWLYH movement. Class meets once a week for 6 weeks.

Instructor: Addie Hall Location: Dance Studio Note: Students are to bring ballet slippers, black tap shoes, and wear leotards and tights.

Instructor: Addie Hall Location: Dance Studio Note: Students are to bring ballet slippers, black tap shoes, and wear leotards and tights.

Advanced Combo

Beginning Jazz

This class will contain advanced aspects of ballet and tap to challenge participants while furthering comprehension and DSSUHFLDWLRQ RI GDQFH DV D ÀQH DUW IRUP Students will incorporate fundamental skills such as stretching, strengthening, memorization, and mastery of dance technique, evolving at a progressive and constructive pace. Class meets once a week for 6 weeks.

Beginning Jazz will start with a stretching ZDUP XS LQ WKH PLGGOH RI WKH Ă RRU DQG WKHQ ZH ZLOO JR DFURVV WKH Ă RRU ZLWK various jazz-style moves. Time permitting students will also work on a combination routine. Class meets once a week for 6 weeks.

Instructor: Addie Hall Location: Dance Studio Note: Students must complete a Combo dance class or receive instructor approval prior to enrollment in this class. Students are to bring ballet slippers, black tap shoes, and wear leotards and tights.

Instructor: Addie Hall Location: Dance Studio Note: Students should wear clothing you can move in--no jeans--and jazz shoes.

Intro to Tap


Come join this class which gives students the chance to learn the basics in tap dancing. Students will learn the skills such as time steps, stylistic patterns, and rhythmic patterns and tap combinations. This class meets once a week for 6 weeks.

Instructor: Stephanie Arganbright Location: Dance Studio Note: :HDU Ă H[LEOH FORWKLQJ \RX FDQ PRYH in and tap shoes. NO CLASS ON 11/11.


Instructor: Addie Hall Location: Dance Studio Note: Students must complete Combo dance classes or receive instructor approval prior to enrollment in this class. Students also need to bring ballet slippers, black tap shoes, and wear leotards and tights.

Hip Pop Hip Hop

No Regrets: The Basics of Performing

Have you ever wanted to learn the dance moves of your favorite music artists? Well, here’s your chance! This class will teach you the latest steps and the most recent dance styles of artists like Lady Gaga, Usher and more. In addition students will learn the basic principles of pop and hip-hop. This class meets once a week for 6 weeks. Instructor: Stephanie Arganbright Location: Dance Studio Note: :HDU Á H[LEOH FORWKLQJ \RX FDQ PRYH in, and low traction or dance shoes. NO CLASS ON 11/27.

Is your child a triple threat? Would he or she like the opportunity to become one? Look no further! No Regrets is a performance-based group that focuses on dancing and singing routines. Students without extensive vocal or dancing experience are welcome. Students learn jazz, character, hip-hop, modern, and elements of lyrical and tap dancing styles. There will be large group numbers as well as smaller ensembles.

This is a great way for your child to JDLQ VHOI FRQÀ GHQFH LQ D IXQ DQG DFWLYH setting. By the end of the season, students will have learned enough techniques to perform in a show. This class meets once a week for 6 weeks. Instructor: Stephanie Arganbright Location: Dance Studio Note: :HDU Á H[LEOH FORWKLQJ \RX can move in, and low traction or dance shoes. NO CLASS ON 11/27.

My approach to dance is to teach students a wide variety of methods, blending multiple styles to make the students more versatile performers.

Addie Hall

Stephanie Arganbright

Dance Course Times and Fees Class Name

Class #









9/17, 9/24, 10/1, 10/8, 10/15, 10/22

2:30 - 3 PM






10/29, 11/5, 11/12, 11/19, 11/26, 12/3

2:30 - 3 PM




Pre-school Combo I/II



9/17, 9/24, 10/1, 10/8, 10/15, 10/22

3 - 4 PM






10/29, 11/5, 11/12, 11/19, 11/26, 12/3

3 - 4 PM




Intermediate Combo



9/17, 9/24, 10/1, 10/8, 10/15, 10/22

4 - 5 PM






10/29, 11/5, 11/12, 11/19, 11/26, 12/3

4 - 5 PM




Advanced Combo



9/17, 9/24, 10/1, 10/8, 10/15, 10/22

5 - 6 PM






10/29, 11/5, 11/12, 11/19, 11/26, 12/3

5 - 6 PM






9/17, 9/24, 10/1, 10/8, 10/15, 10/22

6 - 7 PM

6 - 10





10/29, 11/5, 11/12, 11/19, 11/26, 12/3

6 - 7 PM

6 - 10





9/16, 9/23, 9/30, 10/7, 10/14, 10/21

6:15 - 7:15 PM

8 - 12





10/28, 11/4, 11/18, 11/25, 12/2, 12/9

6:15 - 7:15 PM

8 - 12



Hip Pop Hip Hop



9/18, 9/25, 10/2, 10/9, 10/16, 10/23

6:45 - 7:45 PM

8 - 12





10/30, 11/6, 11/13, 11/20, 12/4, 12/11

6:45 - 7:45 PM

8 - 12



No Regrets



9/18, 9/25, 10/2, 10/9, 10/16, 10/23

7:45 - 8:45 PM

8 - 12





10/30, 11/6, 11/13, 11/20, 12/4, 12/11

7:45 - 8:45 PM

8 - 12



Combo for Tots

Beginning Jazz

Intro to Tap


Polynesian Dance

Ballroom Bootcamp

This class is for beginning, intermediate, or advanced students. In this introduction to Hawaiian and Tahitian dance, students will learn basic footwork, hip motion, and traditional hand movements within a choreographed dance routine. Class meets once a week for 8 weeks.

New for Fall 2013 Students can elect to study any ballroom, salsa, swing, or country dance of their choice. They also have the option of learning one style of dance for the entire 4 hours or they can select two dance styles and spend 2 hours on each one. Semiprivate instruction at a group lesson prince ZLOO JHW \RX UHDG\ WR EXUQ XS WKH Ă RRU LQ no time at all!

Instructor: Jennifer Taloa Location: Dance Studio Note: Students will dance barefoot and wear a sarong or pareu for dance practice. NO CLASS ON 11/11.

Latin Grooves Have you ever wanted to go salsa dancing EXW IHOW WRR VK\ WR VHW IRRW RQ WKH Ă RRU" Cathy Medeiros will have your hips moving to pulse-pounding Latin Beats in four easy lessons. Participants can choose to study Merengue, Cha Cha, or Salsa for the four hours of instruction. This class meets once per week for 4 weeks. Instructor: Cathy Medeiros Location: Dance Studio Note: Students should bring a pair of dark socks or dance shoes. NO CLASS ON 10/15.

Instructor: Cathy Medeiros Location: Dance Studio Note: Students should bring a dark pair of socks or dance shoes for this class.

Private Ballroom Lessons Are group dance classes too fast paced and impersonal for you? Are you preparing for a special event and looking to impress your guests? Schedule four private 30-minute lessons with Cathy Medeiros and receive the personal attention you deserve. Ballroom dancing is for couples and individual registrants have the option of bringing a partner for no additional fee. Students can select the type of dance that will be covered at each meeting. Class meets once a week for 4 weeks. Instructor: Cathy Medeiros Location: Dance Studio Note: Students should bring a dark pair of socks or dance shoes for this class. NO CLASS ON 10/15.

Jennifer Taloa

Cathy Medeiros

Dance Course Times and Fees Class Name

Class # Days






9/30, 10/7, 10/14, 10/21, 10/28, 11/4, 11/18, 11/25

5:45 - 6:30 PM

4 - 10



Polynesian Dance Kids


Beg. / Intermed. Teens & Adults



9/30, 10/7, 10/14, 10/21, 10/28, 11/4, 11/18, 11/25

6:45 - 7:30 PM

11 - ADULT



Adv. Teens & Adults



9/30, 10/7, 10/14, 10/21, 10/28, 11/4, 11/18, 11/25

7:30 - 8:15 PM

11 - ADULT





9/17, 9/24

7 - 9 PM






11/5, 11/12

7 - 9 PM






12/3, 12/10

7 - 9 PM




Private Ballroom Lessons



10/1, 10/8, 10/22, 10/29

7 - 7:30PM




Latin Grooves



10/1, 10/8, 10/22, 10/29

7:30 - 8:30 PM




Ballroom Bootcamp



DRAMA Little Actor’s Theatre: Fairytales & Other Stories Get ready to use your imagination and transport yourself to the world of storybooks! In this class children will listen to classic fairytales, rhymes and stories, and learn how to role-play in a group setting. This class is a great way to introduce your child to theatre, artistic collaboration, and sharing the spotlight with others. Acting LV D JUHDW ZD\ WR EXLOG VHOI FRQÀ GHQFH self-esteem, creativity and expression for all ages. Instructor: Deborah Littleton Location: Musco Music Room Note: Students may come dressed as a character of their choice, and bring their favorite stories.

Elocution: Voice Production for Actors & Others A speaker who cannot be understood cannot fully express any spoken creative art. This six week course is ideal for students and professionals who want to speak more clearly on and off stage, make a better impression in school or business, or improve their chances of being cast in theater productions. Instructor will teach proper voice production techniques, such as breath control, for improving and perfecting diction and projection. Instructor: Mary Carr Location: Musco Music Room Note: 6WXGHQWV ZLOO EH HYDOXDWHG WKH À UVW night of class and will give a presentation the last night.


Private Auditioning Technique

Lights, Camera, Action: Acting Showcase

Students will be taught one-on-one to analyze and perform a successful monologue and commercial audition, along with how to break into the business. If the student chooses to return for subsequent sessions, the instructor will lead them through various exercises to develop listening and responding, rather than simply quoting lines without emotion. Eventually students develop a scene with the instructor using the Meisner method. Class meets once a week for 4 weeks. Appropriate for beginning through advanced acting student.

Students will learn the basics of acting through warm-ups, theatre games, improvisation, monologues, and scenes. The focus will be memorization, movement, and stage techniques. This class provides a foundation in acting, while building selfesteem, and improving public speaking skills. Some students wanting to go deeper, will be learning techniques like substitution and sense memory, or Sanford Meisner. Students DUH HQFRXUDJHG WR À QG RU ZULWH WKHLU RZQ monologues/scene-work to share with other students in the class. Class meets once a week for 10 weeks, and culminates with a recital.

Instructor: Deborah Littleton Location: Music 3 Note: Students should bring a binder, pencil, and water to class, and are encouraged to bring monologues or musical theater selections to receive instructor’s feedback. NO CLASS ON 11/30.

Instructor: Deborah Littleton Location: Musco Music Room Note: Students should bring bottled water, view-type binder, and a pencil to class. As well monologues and scenes.

Kids’ Public Speaking NEW Join this new class at the Grand Theatre! Students will learn to be more comfortable speaking in front of an audience as they learn how to use verbal skills, nonverbal skills, and strategies for marketing themselves for roles in dramatic or verbal projects such as plays, musicals, or debate teams. This class will meet once a week for 10 weeks. Instructor: Sarah McNamara Location:Visual Arts 1 Note: NO CLASS ON 10/9, 10/16, 11/27 OR 12/18.


Deborah Littleton

Mary Carr

Drama Course Times and Fees Class Name

Class #









9/21, 9/28, 10/5, 10/12

10 AM - 11 AM






10/19, 10/26, 11/2, 11/9

10 AM - 11 AM






11/16, 11/23, 12/7, 12/14

10 AM - 11 AM






9/21, 9/28, 10/5, 10/12

11 AM - 12 PM






10/19, 10/26, 11/2, 11/9

11 AM - 12 PM






11/16, 11/23, 12/7, 12/14

11 AM - 12 PM




Lights, Camera, Action: Acting Showcase - Youth



9/21, 9/28, 10/5, 10/12, 10/19, 10/26, 11/2, 11/9, 11/16, 11/23

12 PM - 1 PM

7 - 14



Lights, Camera, Action: Acting Showcase Teens & Adults



9/21, 9/28, 10/5, 10/12, 10/19, 10/26, 11/2, 11/9, 11/16, 11/23

1 PM - 2 PM

15 - ADULT



Elocution for Actors and Others



9/17, 9/24, 10/1, 10/8, 10/15, 10/22

7 - 9 PM

15 - ADULT





10/29, 11/5, 11/12, 11/19, 11/26, 12/3

7 - 9 PM

15 - ADULT



Kids’ Public Speaking



9/18, 9/25, 10/2, 10/23, 10/30, 11/6, 11/13, 11/20, 12/4, 12/11

12 - 1 PM

10 - 14



Little Actor’s Theatre: Fairytale & Other Stories

Private Auditioning Technique

Note: No Class on 11/30


MUSIC Music Together Music Together recognizes that all children are musical, and that every child needs a stimulating, supportive music environment to achieve basic competence in the wonderful human capacity of music making. Adults and children come together for 45 minutes to sing songs, experience rhythm chants, dance and move to music, play instruments, make up silly rhymes for songs and experience a wide range of rhythmic and melodic variety. This live music making takes place in a fun, playful, non-performance oriented and age-appropriate setting, with adults and teacher acting as encouraging role models. Classes are led by a registered Music Together teacher. Instructor: Jody Harcourt Location: Dance Studio Note: A non-refundable materials fee of $40 will be charged in addition to the registration fee. It includes two professionally recorded CDs, a beautifully illustrated songbook and a parent guide to help you get the most out of this internationally-acclaimed, research-based program. Sibling discount and payment plan available for Music Together; please ask Center staff. NO CLASS ON 10/18, 10/21, 10/22 OR 11/11.

Music Together Big Kids “Music Together Big Kids” is a 60-minute class geared to the interests and social nature of children ages 5-8 year olds. (To attend the Big Kids Family Music class, your child must be 5 years of age by the start of the semester you wish to attend.) Although this is a DROP-OFF class one parent/caregiver of each child enrolled must attend (without younger siblings) 2 full classes to provided adult support. To preserve a family atmosphere the last 10 minutes of class parents/ caregivers and siblings of ANY AGE may join in for Lullaby, Goodbye, and general announcements. The class will use the current semester Music Together song collection and additional materials. For the enrolled child game songs, folk dances, jam sessions, dramatic play, and more structured work in rhythm and tonality will be included. Formal instruments such as the guitar, various drums, and recorders will be demonstrated and explained by the teacher. Round singing and holding ostinato pitches will be encouraged. There will be individual singing opportunities for each child, if desired, in the classes. Music Together play-based philosophies with elements of fun, and informal experimentation in singing and movement will be maintained. While this will not be a dance class, it will be an excellent foundation or accompaniment to a dance class as it will instill a sense of rhythm and phrasing into the body-vital for success in dancing. Instructor: Jody Harcourt Location: Dance Studio Note: This is a drop-off class. A nonrefundable materials fee of $40 which provides 2 CDs, songbook, home play pages and solfege cards will be charged in addition to registration fee. Classes led by a registered Music Together teacher. Sibling discount and payment plan available for Music Together; please ask Center staff. NO CLASS ON 10/21 OR 11/11.


Music Together Guitar Classes for Adults Classes are opened to parents, grandparents, and caregivers of children registered in our Fall 2013 semester. If you would like to learn to play guitar using Music Together songs as the vehicle, this is the class for you! Participants will learn basic strums and chords for more than a dozen songs from the current Music Together song collection. This class is good for beginners who have never even held a guitar, as well as for those who know a little guitar or who already play some Music Together songs! All participants build technique and musicianship in an organic, relaxed way while learning new ways to explore Music Together songs with their child at home and on the road. $ QRW VR VLGH EHQHÀW RI WKH FODVV LV WKDW it’s an enjoyable night out with other parents of small children-without children! Our 1 hour classes are scheduled for 8 consecutive weeks. Instructor: Jody Harcourt Location: Musco Music Room Note: The instructor will provide the students with a guitar songbook. NO CLASS ON 10/21 OR 11/11.

Jody Harcourt

Lisa Borba-Wa

Aimee Shaw

Nancy Kizer

Brian Hunt

Sunny Kim

Wendy Goulartt

Music Course Times and Fees Class Name

Class #









9/9, 9/16, 9/23, 9/30, 10/7, 10/14, 10/28, 11/4, 11/18, 11/25

4:30 - 5:15 PM

Newborn - 5





9/10, 9/17, 9/24, 10/1, 10/8, 10/15, 10/29, 11/5, 11/12, 11/19

9:15 - 10 AM

Newborn - 5





9/10, 9/17, 9/24, 10/1, 10/8, 10/15, 10/29, 11/5, 11/12, 11/19

10:15 - 11:15 AM

Newborn - 5





9/13, 9/20, 9/27, 10/4, 10/11, 10/25, 11/1, 11/8, 11/15, 11/22

9:15 - 10 AM

Newborn - 5





9/13, 9/20, 9/27, 10/4, 10/11, 10/25, 11/1, 11/8, 11/15, 11/22

10:15 - 11:15 AM

Newborn - 5



Music Together Big Kids



9/9, 9/16, 9/23, 9/30, 10/7, 10/14, 10/28, 11/4, 11/18, 11/25

3:15 - 4:15 PM




Music Together Guitar Classes for Adults



9/23, 9/30, 10/7, 10/14, 10/28, 11/4, 11/18, 11/25

5:45 - 6:45 PM

18 - ADULT



Music Together


Piano for Preschoolers NEW

By combining two preschool piano programs the students will learn to recognize piano keys and the sounds they make as well as music written on a staff. With the use of color coded notation, FRORU VWULSV DV ZHOO DV WKH Ă€QJHU IULHQGV warm-ups, songs, and games, children will develop recognition of colors, numbers, SDWWHUQV FODVVLĂ€FDWLRQ DQG UK\WKP 7KH\ ZLOO also establish the “three c’sâ€? concentration, FRRUGLQDWLRQ DQG FRQĂ€GHQFH Instructor: Lisa Borba-Wa Location: Musco Music Room Note: Although a small keyboard or piano is not required to learn the techniques through this program, it is helpful for sound/ QRWH UHFRJQLWLRQ Ă€QJHU VWUHQJWK DQG Ă€QH motor development. Supply fee is included in the registration fee. The fee is for a small folder the instructor has created for each student with learning tools for the class.

Children’s Chorus


Experience the joy of singing in a chorus! Children will learn proper posture, breath support, expression and artistry, beginning music notation, and most importantly, the joy of singing and sharing with others. Instructor: Aimee Shaw Location: Musco Music Room Note: Class will be once a week for 12 weeks. The class will hold a concluding performance. NO CLASS ON 11/11. This class is offered at a special promotional price; see page 15.


Suzuki Violin Class


The Suzuki method emphasizes playing from a very young age. Learning to play by ear is emphasized over reading musical notation. Students will also be learning on the instrument itself and the relevance of the music to the events of the time. Instructor: Nancy Kaiser Location: Musco Music Room Note: Each student must bring a properly sized, playable violin. The instructor will refer the students to the appropriate music books. NO CLASS ON 11/11 OR 11/28.

Beginning Group Guitar Learn the basics of the guitar in a relaxed and fun group setting. Learn how to play several sing-along songs, simple chords, and fundamental techniques. No previous H[SHULHQFH UHTXLUHG 'XULQJ WKH ÀQDO ZHHN participants will learn how to play a simple song. Instructor: Brian Hunt Main Street Music, Inc Location: Musco Music Room Note: Students must bring a playable acoustic guitar, the Mel Bay Guitar Method Book I, and a pen or pencil. NO CLASS ON 11/28.

Fees for all Private Lessons Resident $130 for 4 weeks $240 for 8 weeks $360 for 12 weeks

Non-Resident $142 for 4 weeks $264 for 8 weeks $396 for 12 weeks

Private music students receive a discount for signing up for 2 or 3 consecutive months! Private music students may sign up on a month-by-month basis with the understanding that the class times may change from month to month. Alternatively, students can pay for two months of instruction in advance to secure a preferred time slot. Classes will not be held without payment. Please call the Box Office to check class availability. Online registration is available for single class enrollment. To receive the discounted rate you must enroll in person at the Grand Theatre Center for the Arts, by fax at 209.831.6271, or by phone at 209.831.6858.

Private Guitar, Electric Bass, or Ukulele Lessons Private guitar, bass, or ukulele classes are designed for the novice as well as the player with fundamental skills. The student starts by learning parts of the instrument, including the order of the strings and how to properly tune them. The fret board is then examined as well as the basic hand shapes. Once the student has a grasp of the notes on the instrument and an introduction to basic music reading, instruction on chords, lines, and three of the primary scales will follow. Students will also gain an understanding of the common chords or lines found in such genres as: Latin, blues, R&B, jazz, and rock. Instructor: Brian Hunt, Main Street Music, Inc. Ages: 5 - ADULT Half-hour private lessons on THURS 3:30 - 6 PM Location: Music 4 Note: Students must bring their own instrument, pen or pencil and a notebook. Instructor will refer students to the appropriate books. NO CLASS ON 11/28.

Private Piano Lessons

Private Voice Lessons

This class allows beginning, intermediate, and advanced students to reach their fullest potential on the piano while expanding their appreciation for music. Students will work at a personal level and will advance at a pace that is comfortable yet challenging. Learn how to play piano ZLWK FRQÀ GHQFH DQG H[SUHVVLRQ XVLQJ WKH FRUUHFW WRXFK À QJHULQJ DQG LQWHUSUHWDWLRQ and bring your sheet music to life!

Learn how to sing in tune freely and easily with excellent projection. In this class students will be challenged to learn proper vocal technique and production, improve their range, develop good diction habits, DQG LQFUHDVH WKHLU VHOI FRQÀ GHQFH $GXOWV teens, and pre-teens will receive guidance LQ À QGLQJ WKH WUXH EHDXW\ DQG SRZHU behind their natural singing voice.

Instructor: Sunny Kim Ages: 4 - ADULT Half-hour private lessons on MON 3 - 6 PM Location: Musco Music Room Note: Instructor will refer students to the appropriate music books. NO CLASS ON 11/11.

Instructor: Wendy Goulart Ages: 6 - ADULT Half-hour lessons on MON 6 - 8 PM TUES 1- 8 PM SAT 10 AM - 12 PM Location: Music 2 Note: Instructor will refer students to the appropriate music books. NO CLASS 11/11 OR 11/30.

Instructor: Aimee Shaw NEW Ages: 6 - ADULT Half-hour private lessons on THURS 1 - 8 PM Location: Music Room 3 Note: Instructor will refer students to the appropriate music books. Students should bring a notebook for assignments, communication and questions to class. NO CLASS ON 11/28.

Private Drum Set Lessons Beginning through intermediate level students will explore the skills and techniques necessary to be well-rounded and accomplished drummers. Students will learn rudimentary techniques, stick control, syncopated rhythms, various time signatures, solid foundations of rock, jazz, and Latin styles, as well as double-bass, triple strokes, advanced rudiments, soloing, and tuning, and drum kit maintenance. Classes meet once a week for 30 minutes. Instructor: Wendy Goulart Ages: 6 - ADULT Half-hour lessons on MON 6 - 8 PM TUES 1- 8 PM SAT 10 AM - 12 PM Location: Music 2 Note: Instructor will refer students to the appropriate music books. Students must bring their own drum sticks. NO CLASS 11/11 OR 11/30.

Music Course Times and Fees Class Name

Class #







Piano for Preschoolers



9/18, 9/25, 10/2, 10/9, 10/16, 10/23

3:30 - 4:15PM






10/30, 11/6, 11/13, 11/20, 11/27, 12/4

3:30 - 4:15PM




Children’s Chorus



9/16, 9/23, 9/30, 10/7, 10/14, 10/21, 10/28, 11/4, 11/18, 11/25, 12/2, 12/9

4:30 - 5:30PM

8 - 11



Suzuki Violin Class



9/16, 9/19, 9/23, 9/26, 9/30, 10/3, 10/7, 10/10, 10/14, 10/17, 10/21, 10/24

3 - 4 PM






10/28, 10/30, 11/4, 11/7, 11/14, 11/18, 11/21, 11/25, 12/2, 12/5, 12/9, 12/12

3 - 4 PM






9/19, 9/26, 10/3, 10/10, 10/17, 10/24

6 - 7PM

5 - 12





10/31, 11/7, 11/14, 11/21, 12/5, 12/12

6 - 7PM

5 - 12



Beginning Group Guitar


CERAMICS Clay for Kids: Beginning Sculpture Does your child enjoy working with his or her hands? Have they ever tried working with clay before? Sign them up for one or all of these short-term, project-based classes where they will learn the basic techniques for hand-building with clay through a different project each session. Projects covered are: Pinch and Coil Pots, Ceramic Heads, Mask and Wall Plaque, and Birdhouses. This class meets twice a week for 3 weeks. Clay is provided. NO CLASS ON 11/11, 11/20, OR 11/27. Instructor: Randy Crimmel Location: Langley Ceramics Studio Note: Students should wear washable clothing and shoes.

Beginning to Intermediate Wheel Throwing - for Youth OR Adults Whether you are new to ceramics or have some experience, this class is perfect for beginning to intermediate level students interested in learning the technique of turning pottery from a wheel. Beginners will receive a basic introduction to the skills of the medium, while those with experience will learn to create more complex forms. This class meets twice a week or 3 weeks (youth) or 4 weeks (adults). Instructor: Randy Crimmel, Marielle McGee Location: Langley Ceramics Studio Note: Students should wear washable clothing and shoes. NO CLASS ON 11/11, 11/20, 11/27, OR 11/28.

Ceramics Lab Join us Monday and Wednesday nights from 7 to 9pm, and at a new time on Tuesday mornings from 10am-12pm, for opportunity to practice what you are learning in classes. Students, both beginning and advanced, are encouraged to attend lab to enhance their learning experience. Non-students are also welcome. Instruction will not be provided.You can register for several sessions in advance or pay for a drop-in. Check out our bundle deals on labs. Clay is available for purchase separately. Instructor: Lauren Carter, Staff Location: Langley Ceramics Studio Note: CERAMICS LAB BEGINS 9/16 AND ENDS ON 12/18. Registration fee includes ODE IHH DQG NLOQ ÀULQJ 12 /$% 21 OR 11/27. Drop In Price: $15 res / $18 non-res per lab Punch Card: $75 res / $83 non-res (6 labs for price of 5)

Creative Mask Making with Clay NEW

Grand Theatre Potters

This class will be creating a series of masks based on the human and animal face. Using the unique qualities of clay we will use texture and form to make our masks and then they will be decorated with stain/ JOD]H DQG ÀUHG LQ D NLOQ )LQLVKHG PDVNV ZLOO be ready to hang on the wall.

This group of artists and students LV DIÀOLDWHG ZLWK WKH *UDQG 7KHDWUH Center for the Arts. Our purpose is to unite students in the ceramic arts program and to encourage their development. Meetings and events will be shared via email and on our blog.

Instructor: Randy Crimmel Location: Langley Ceramics Studio Note: Students should wear washable clothing and shoes.

Grand Theatre Potters Lab Passes are available for purchase, and entitle holder to discounted rates on bulk purchase of lab sessions and clay.


Grand Theatre Potters Lab Passes Once Per Week Pass: $150 res / $165 non-res (14 labs for price of 10—once per week) Twice Per Week Pass: $300 res / $330 non-res (28 labs for price of 20—twice per week) Full-Access Ceramics Lab Pass, Fall 2013: $420 / $462 non-res (40 labs for price of 28—unlimited access to any ceramics lab session)

Ceramic Supplies

Ceramics Firings at the Grand

For the convenience of regional ceramics artists and students, the Grand provides clay and tools for purchase. For a complete list of what is available, contact the Ceramics Studio Technician.

The Grand is pleased to provide cone 6 HOHFWULF NLOQ À ULQJ VHUYLFHV WR WKH ORFDO ceramic arts community. Simply purchase clay through the Center, and then make an DSSRLQWPHQW WR EULQJ \RXU XQÀ UHG SURMHFWV to our studio. A rate sheet is available upon request from the Ceramics Studio Technician. We will provide you with a À QDOL]HG SULFH ZKHQ SLHFHV DUH UHDG\ IRU pick up. Please note this special service is contingent on our acceptance of materials WR EH À UHG ZH UHVHUYH WKH ULJKW WR reject work that includes paper, metal, or XQLGHQWLÀ HG PDWHULDOV :H ORRN IRUZDUG WR working with you!

Clay Rates: $10 for new bag 25 lbs $8 for new bag 25 lbs* $5 for recycled bag 25 lbs $3 for recycled bag 25 lbs* *lab pass discount

Randy Crimmel

Lauren Carter

Marielle McGee

Ceramic Course Times and Fees Class Name

Class #







Clay forKids : Pinch & Coil Pots



9/16, 9/18, 9/23, 9/25, 9/30, 10/2

4 - 5 PM

7 - 12



Ceramic Heads



10/7, 10/9, 10/14, 10/16, 10/21, 10/23

4 - 5 PM

7 - 12



Mask & Wall Plaque



10/28, 10/30, 11/4, 11/6, 11/13, 11/18

4 - 5 PM

7 - 12






11/25, 12/2, 12/4, 12/9, 12/11, 12/16

4 - 5 PM

7 - 12





9/16, 9/18, 9/23, 9/25, 9/30, 10/2

5:15 - 6:30 PM

9 - 15





10/7, 10/9, 10/14, 10/16, 10/21, 10/23

5:15 - 6:30 PM

9 - 15





10/28, 10/30, 11/4, 11/6, 11/13, 11/18

5:15 - 6:30 PM

9 - 15





11/25, 12/2, 12/4, 12/9, 12/11, 12/16

5:15 - 6:30 PM

9 - 15





9/17, 9/19, 9/24, 9/26, 10/1, 10/3, 10/8, 10/10

6 - 8 PM

16 - ADULT





10/15, 10/17, 10/22, 10/24, 10/29, 10/31, 11/5, 11/7

6 - 8 PM

16 - ADULT





11/12, 11/14, 11/19, 11/21, 11/26, 12/3, 12/5, 12/10

6 - 8 PM

16 - ADULT





9/28, 10/5, 10/12, 10/19, 10/26, 11/2, 11/9, 11/16

10 - 11:30 AM

14 - ADULT





Begins 9/16 & Ends 12/18

7 - 9 PM

15 - ADULT



10 AM - 12 PM

15 - ADULT



Beg/Inter. Wheel Throwing for Youth/Teens: Bowls & Cups Bowls & Cups (Continuing students - plates)

Bowls & Cups (Continuing students plates/jars)

Bowls & Cups (Continuing students plates/jars)

Beginning to Intermediate Wheel Throwing for Adults

Creative Mask Making with Clay Ceramics Lab

TUES Begins 9/17 & Ends 12/17 *Each session has a unique class number, available at time of registration. Students may purchase a 6-lab punch card or semester lab pass for significant discounts. Note: Students should wear washable clothing and shoes.


VISUAL ARTS Pre-School Drawing for Creativity and Imagination Young Rembrandts classes will improve a child’s creativity, imagination, art vocabulary, and attention to detail. In this step-by-step class, children will learn fundamentals of drawing along with a variety of tools and techniques they will need to become skillful artists. Lessons will include portraiture, still life, and perspective drawing. Students will leave every class with completed drawings. New lessons are presented in each session. No prior art class experience necessary. Class meets once a week for 4 weeks. All materials are supplied by Young Rembrandts. Instructor: Suzanne Anderson, Young Rembrandts Staff Location: Community Banks Children’s Studio

Elementary Drawing: Expression Through Drawing All children can and should learn to draw. Our elementary-age curriculum develops basic through advanced drawing skills, art technique, and vocabulary in a positive and nurturing environment that brings out the best in each child. We believe that drawing is the foundational skill required for future artistic success. Children are taught everything they need to know to express their creativity through two-dimensional art. At the end of each class students will leave with completed drawings. New lessons are presented in each session. No prior art class experience necessary. Class meets once a week for 4 weeks. All materials are supplied by Young Rembrandts.

Humor + Art = Cartoon Drawing Learning how to draw can be fun, especially when we create silly characters, funny expressions, and drawing sequences that tell a joke! This delightful program combines Young Rembrandts’ innovative, step-by-step drawing method with a light-hearted subject matter that engages children’s sense of humor and imagination. New lessons are presented in each session. No prior art class experience necessary. Class meets once a week for 4 weeks. All materials are supplied by Young Rembrandts. Instructor: Suzanne Anderson, Young Rembrandts Staff Location: Community Banks Children’s Studio

Instructor: Suzanne Anderson, Young Rembrandts Staff Location: Community Banks Children’s Studio

Toddler & Me Art

Art Discovery

Art Foundations

Toddlers and their parents are invited to H[SORUH WRJHWKHU IRU WKH WRGGOHU¡V Ă€UVW art-making experiences. With interactive, hands-on activities, toddlers will explore their imaginations through the worlds of painting, drawing, sculpture, and collage. This class meets once a week for 6 weeks.

This art survey class will introduce early elementary age students to a variety of different media over 6 weeks. Learn about clay, charcoal, watercolor, wood assemblage, soft pastels, acrylic painting, mixed media sculpture, ink drawing, and printmaking in this fun survey class!

Instructor: Carol Ponsaran Location: Community Banks Children’s Studio Note: Parents participate in this class with children. Supplies are included in class fee. NO CLASS ON 11/30.

Instructor: Carol Ponsaran Location: Community Banks Children’s Studio Note: NO CLASS ON 11/30.

This class provides young artists, ages ZLWK D IRXQGDWLRQ RI ÀQH DUW concepts, skills, and techniques upon which to build their creative thinking and problem-solving skills, with an emphasis on visual observation and personal artistic expression. Students learn about shading, form, proportion, color theory, and other art elements to create original works of art. Projects include drawings, paintings, and print-making. This class meets once a week for 6 weeks.


Instructor: Carol Ponsaran Location: Community Banks Children’s Studio Note: NO CLASS ON 11/30.

Visual Arts Course Times and Fees Class Name Pre-School Drawing

Class #









9/18, 9/25, 10/2, 10/9

3 - 3:45 PM

3.5 - 5





11/13, 11/20, 11/27, 12/4

3 - 3:45 PM

3.5 - 5



Elementary Drawing



9/18, 9/25, 10/2, 10/9

4 - 5 PM

6 - 13





10/16, 10/23, 10/30, 11/6

4 - 5 PM

6 - 13



Cartoon Drawing



10/16, 10/23, 10/30, 11/6

3 - 4 PM

6 - 13





11/13, 11/20, 11/27, 12/4

3 - 4 PM

6 - 13





9/14, 9/21, 9/28, 10/5, 10/12, 10/19

10 - 11 AM

1.5 - 3





10/26, 11/2, 11/9, 11/16, 11/23, 12/7

10 - 11 AM

1.5 - 3





9/14, 9/21, 9/28, 10/5, 10/12, 10/19

11 AM - 12 PM






10/26, 11/2, 11/9, 11/16, 11/23, 12/7

11 AM - 12 PM






9/14, 9/21, 9/28, 10/5, 10/12, 10/19

12 - 1 PM

8 - 12





10/26, 11/2, 11/9, 11/16, 11/23, 12/7

12 - 1 PM

8 - 12



Toddler & Me Art

Art Discovery

Art Foundations

Note: For all studio classes, students should wear comfortable clothes appropriate for messy activities. *Tracy Art League Club members receive a 10% discount off class fees.



A to Z Alphabet Art

Creative Corner

Students will learn and travel through the alphabet from A to Z. Each session is a thematic, multisensory approach covering a letter from the alphabet, starting with the vowels. Children will listen to a story from the Alpha Tales series, learn phonics, create a related letter art project, sing songs, and write according to the acclaimed ZanerBloser standards. Once the alphabet is completed, the class will restart. Class meets once a week for 10 weeks.

Go on a tour of U.S. states without leaving Tracy! Students study a different state in each session through a thematic and multisensory approach. Creative Corner is an exciting, fast-paced art as well as a cooking class. Children will OHDUQ WR DSSUHFLDWH ÀQH DUWV E\ VWXG\LQJ a famous artist’s style and then making their own masterpieces. Students will learn life skills in kitchen safety, language arts skills through reading and following recipes. Students will also touch on mathematics and science by using time and measurements. Social Studies will be explored through utilizing an atlas, playing cultural games, and sampling foods from across the U.S. Communication skills are practiced when students present their artwork to each other. Please let instructor know immediately upon enrollment of any food allergies. Class meets once a week for 10 weeks.

Instructor: Sarah McNamara Location: Community Banks Children’s Studio Note: NO CLASS ON 10/9, 10/16, 11/27 OR 12/18.


Dino Discovery Art Students will cover a different dino each week starting with A’s. Each session is a thematic, multisensory approach. Children will listen to a story from the Children’s World Dinosaur series, learn geography, create a related art project and conduct a hands-on science experiment. Once the A to Z Dino series is completed the class will restart. Class meets once a week for 10 weeks. Instructor: Sarah McNamara Location: Community Banks Children’s Studio Note: NO CLASS ON 10/11, 10/18, 11/29 OR 12/20.


Instructor: Sarah McNamara Location: Community Banks Children’s Studio Note: NO CLASS ON 10/11, 10/18, 11/29 OR 12/20.

Creative Writing & Illustrating for Adults Many adults have stories burning a hole in their pockets that they just have to get out on paper. Come join the journey in brainstorming and planning a short story, FKLOGUHQ¡V VWRU\ \RXU Ă€ UVW QRYHO RU HYHQ D screenplay. Students will learn to outline stories, develop characters, and create storyboards. Come join a fellowship of new and ‘used’ (experienced) authors. Students will be inspired by each other’s creativity. For those who want to illustrate as well as write, the instructor will demonstrate while others work on writing. In this class, we will also discuss publishing, self-publishing, online e-book publishing, and copyrighting. Instructor: Deborah Littleton Location: Visual Arts 2 Note: Students may bring a laptop, iPad, or notebook, sketchbook, and drawing materials to class. Students may also bring photos, books, or artwork for inspiration.

Visual Arts Course Times and Fees Class Name

Class #







A to Z Alphabet Art



9/18, 9/25, 10/2, 10/23, 10/30, 11/6, 11/13, 11/20, 12/4, 12/11

10:30 - 11 AM




Dino Discovery Art



9/20, 9/27, 10/4, 10/25, 11/1, 11/8, 11/15, 11/22, 12/6, 12/13

10:30 - 11 AM




Creative Corner



9/20, 9/27, 10/4, 10/25, 11/1, 11/8, 11/15, 11/22, 12/6, 12/13

12:30 - 2 PM

5 - 12



Creative Writing & Illustrating for Adults



12/7, 12/14

12 - 2 PM

18 - ADULT



Note: For all of the above classes. No flip-flops or gum are permitted in the class.


Introduction to Oil & Acrylic Painting

Intermediate Oil & Acrylic Painting

Explore this exciting introductory class in oil and acrylic painting with local artist Vince Walsh. Over 6 weeks, students will follow a step-by-step guide to painting that covers such techniques as brush stroke, color theory, scale, and composition. Even the most tentative amateur will GHYHORS FRQĂ€GHQFH DQG VNLOOV 6KDUHG painting materials will be provided in class, and students may bring their own painting supplies. Registration includes lab fee for materials and studio use.

This class is intended for students who have taken Introduction to Oil & Acrylic Painting or who feel they have a basic understanding of painting. Students will explore color, value, and shapes while focusing on still life and landscape. Shared painting materials will be provided in class, and students may bring their own painting supplies. Registration includes lab fee for materials and studio use. Class meets once a week for 6 weeks, and class time has been extended to three hours.

Instructor: Vince Walsh Location:Visual Arts 1 Note: Students should bring an apron or clothes to paint in. NO CLASS ON 11/4 OR 11/11.

Instructor: Vince Walsh Location:Visual Arts 1 Note: Students must have completed Introduction to Oil & Acrylic Painting to take this class. NO CLASS ON 11/30.


Beginning & Intermediate Acrylic Painting Learn to mix and apply the colors and textures of nature with easy-tohandle acrylic paint. Join local artist and instructor Barbara DeVol in a close look at still life, portrait, and landscape painting. Students will develop their masterpieces in layers from a simple sketch to a detailed painting. Class meets once a week for 5 weeks. Instructor: Barbara DeVol Location:Visual Arts 1 Note: Please bring a canvas board ¾ [ ¾ RU ODUJHU IRU \RXU ÀUVW SDLQWLQJ Registration fee includes lab and supply fee.

Beginning Digital Photography

Intermediate Digital Photography

This class will explore the creative controls on the modern digital camera. Through both classroom instruction and LQ WKH Ă€ HOG H[SORUDWLRQ RI WKH *UDQG students will learn the basics of working with an adjustable camera, including f-stops, shutter speeds, “ISOâ€? speed, lens, focus, and focal length. Class meets once a week for 4 weeks.

This class picks up where Beginning Digital Photography leaves off. Students will go far beyond the basic pointing and shooting of D GLJLWDO FDPHUD VLQJOH OHQV UHà H[ ´G6/5 ¾ models preferred). Through classroom discussions and working with the camera in various locations around the Grand, students will explore more complex and sophisticated digital photography techniques.

Instructor: Richard Beebe Location: Visual Arts 1 OR Visual Arts 2 Note: Students will need to bring their own cameras with adjustable controls (no cell phone cameras, please!), the camera PDQXDO DQG À OP UROOV RU PHGLD FDUGV 12 CLASS ON 11/30.

Instructor: Richard Beebe Location: Visual Arts 1 OR Visual Arts 2 Note: Past enrollment in a photography class offered at the Grand (beginning or intermediate) or equivalent is required. NO CLASS ON 11/28.

Visual Arts Course Times and Fees Class Name

Class #







Introduction to Oil & Acrylic Painting*



9/16, 9/23, 9/30, 10/7, 10/14, 10/21

6 - 8 PM

12 - ADULT





11/18, 11/25, 12/2, 12/9, 12/16

6 - 8 PM

12 - ADULT



Intermediate Oil & Acrylic Painting*



9/14, 9/21, 9/28, 10/5, 10/12, 10/19

10 AM - 1 PM

12 - ADULT





11/9, 11/16, 11/23, 12/7, 12/14, 12/21

10 AM - 1 PM

12 - ADULT



Beginning & Intermediate Acrylic Painting*



9/17, 9/24, 10/1, 10/8, 10/15, 10/22

9 - 11 AM

16 - ADULT





11/5, 11/12, 11/19, 11/26, 12/3, 12/10

9 - 11 AM

16 - ADULT



Beginning Digital Photography*



9/19, 9/26, 10/3, 10/10

6 - 8 PM

15 - ADULT





11/9, 11/16, 11/23, 12/7

12 - 2 PM

15 - ADULT





10/5, 10/12, 10/19, 10/26

12 - 2 PM

15 - ADULT





11/7, 11/14, 11/21, 12/5

6 - 8 PM

15 - ADULT



Intermediate Digital Photography*

*Tracy Art League members and Tracy Photography Club members receive a 10% discount off class fees for painting and photography classes respectively. **This section is a 5 week course with an adjusted fee. Note: For all studio classes, students should wear comfortable clothes appropriate for messy activities.ctivities.



W Cute Critters: Introduction to Fused Glass Young and older artists will have the opportunity to design their own colorful characters using fusible glass and their creative talents. Each student will make several decorative characters and become familiar with working safely with the medium. Instructor: Abhilasha Natarajan Location: Langley Ceramics Studio Note: Registration fee includes lab fee.


Jewelry Making with Fused Glass

Glass Supplies Now Available!

Each participant will have a chance to make beautiful eye catching pendants and earrings. We will use metal coated and fusible glass to create one of a kind designs suitable for wearing or as gifts.

Glass supplies are available for purchase through Arts Education Staff and/or the Grand Theatre Patron Services. For more information, consult Arts Education Staff.

Instructor: Abhilasha Natarajan Location: Langley Ceramics Studio Note: Registration fee includes lab fee.

Saturday Fused Glass Lab Fused glass students can work independently on projects of their choosing. Instructor will be present, but no formal teachings will be given. NO GLASS IS PROVIDED with this class. Larger glass pieces may be purchased on site through Arts Education staff or the Grand Theatre Patron Services. Tools will be available for use. Students may drop in to individual sessions, or they may purchase a 6-lab punch card or semester pass, as follows: Drop In Price: $15 res / $18 non-res per lab Punch Card: $75 res / $83 non-res (6 labs for price of 5) Glass Artisans of Tracy Lab Passes* Once/Week Pass*: $150 res / $165 non-res (14 labs for price of 10 - once per week)

Suzanne Anderson

Carol Ponsaran

Sarah McNamara

Deborah Littleton

Vince Walsh

Instructor: Abhilasha Natarajan Location: Langley Ceramics Studio Note: LAB BEGINS 9/14 AND ENDS 12/21. NO LAB ON 11/30. Registration fee LQFOXGHV VXSSO\ IHH DQG NLOQ À ULQJV Glass Lab Passes are available for purchase and entitle the holder to a discount on weekly glass labs.

Barbara DeVol

Richard Beebe

Abhilasha Natarajan

Visual Arts Course Times and Fees Class Name Cute Critters: Introduction to Fused Glass*

Jewelry Making with Fused Glass*

Saturday Fused Glass Lab* (Drop-In)

Class #









10/1, 10/8, 10/15, 10/22

4 - 5 PM

8 - 14





10/3, 10/10, 10/17, 10/24

4 - 5 PM

15 - ADULT





11/5, 11/12

4 - 5 PM

8 - 14





11/7, 11/14

4 - 5 PM

15 - ADULT





9/14 - 12/21

12 - 2 PM

11 - ADULT





WORKSHOPS DRAMA: Auditioning Skills Workshop

VISUAL ARTS: Gourd Basket With Pine Needle Weaving


Students will work on an audition and cold reading skills to be able to audition for VFKRRO SOD\V FRPPXQLW\ WKHDWUH RU ÀOP and television. They will learn how to get an edge on the competition and to calm their stage fright response. It helps with presentation skills. Students can feel free to bring a prepared comedic, dramatic, classical monologue(s) or a musical theatre audition piece for class feedback.Vocalists can bring CD accompaniment.

Ms. Sanchez is a standout gourd artist of the region. Her work is inspired by the patterns, colors and adornments found in Native American Art. In this hands-on introductory workshop, participants will not only learn the process and techniques of this medium, but will create a bowl with pine needle trim. Supplies provided. Suitable for Teens & Adults.

Come make fused glass cabochons and learn how to use seed beads with peyote stitch to weave a beaded frame enclosing the jewel. Seed bead weaving is a heritage we learned from many cultures including Czechoslovakian, Japanese, Native American, Mexican, African, and East Indian.

Instructor: Pat Sanchez Location:Visual Arts 1

VISUAL ARTS: NEW Cabochon Bead Weaving

Instructor: Abhilasha Natarajan and Karen Bruns Location: Langley Ceramics Studio

Instructor: Deborah Littleton Location: Musco Music Room Note: 6WXGHQWV DUH HQFRXUDJHG WR ÀQG their own audition materials outside class. ARTISTS TEACHING ARTISTS: PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOPS @ THE GRAND

NEW MUSIC: A Child’s Introduction to Classical Music This interactive program for young children is a fast-paced introduction to the symphonic orchestra, one section at a time. Each child will have a chance to touch, play and hold the instruments being demonstrated. Afterwards, the artists will present a short recital. This workshopconcert is an excellent gateway to the fascinating world of classical music. September 7: Brass Section November 23: String Section Instructor: Lynn Sampson Location: Studio Theatre


The Grand Theatre Center for the Arts periodically presents special workshops in GDQFH GUDPD PXVLF RU YLVXDO DUWV WDXJKW E\ DUWLVWV IRU WKH EHQHĂ€W RI ZRUNLQJ DUWLVWV and students of the arts. Interested in offering a special workshop or short series of workshops? Contact Arts Education Coordinator Elizabeth Sayre at 209.831.6279 or


Deborah Littleton

Pat Sanchez

Abhilasha Natarajan

Karen Bruns

Lynn Sampson

Workshop Times and Fees Class Name

Class #







Auditioning Skills Workshop




10 AM -12 PM

7 - 14






12 - 2 PM

15 - ADULT



A Child’s Introduction to Classical Music




1 - 2 PM

5 - 12






1 - 2 PM

5 - 12



Gourd Basket with Pine Needle Weaving*




12 - 4 PM

16 - ADULT



Cabochon Beadweaving



9/14, 9/21

10 AM - 12PM

14 - ADULT



Note: For all studio classes, students should wear comfortable clothes appropriate for messy activities. *Tracy Art League Members can receive a 10% discount off class fees.


City of Tracy Grand Theatre Center for the Arts 715 Central Avenue Tracy, CA 95376


To view or download the Arts Education Catalog at any time,visit A limited number of printed catalogs are available at the Grand each semester.

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