INFORMATION Arts Education Program The Arts Education Program operates full-time with classes scheduled Monday through Saturday, excluding holidays. Classes are offered weekdays from 10 am to 9 pm, and on Saturdays from 10 am to 2 pm. The Summer session begins Monday, June 9, 2014, and ends Saturday, August 23. The Center will be closed Friday, July 4, for the Independence Day holiday, and no classes will be held on Thursday evening, July 3, or Saturday, July 5. Registration is available in person at the Leona Darr Willis Box Office located at 715 Central Avenue in Tracy and online at Registration form with valid credit card number may be faxed to (209) 831-6271. Box Office hours are Monday through Thursday, 10 am to 6 pm, and alternate Fridays 10 am to 5 pm. The Box Office may be reached at (209) 831-6TKT (6858). You may also send a completed and signed registration form via email to
Mission Statement
Grand Foundation
The Grand Theatre Center for the Arts is an interdisciplinary arts center owned and operated by the City of Tracy, and serving the region. The Grand Theatre Center for the Arts offers fine arts programming through a partnership between the City of Tracy and the Grand Foundation. Through the Arts Education, Exhibitions, and Presenting Programs, the Center provides professional and diverse experiences to our audiences.
The Grand Foundation (GF) is a community-based, independent not-for-profit organization, formerly known as the Arts Leadership Alliance (ALA).
Directions Parking on the street is available free of charge and nearby parking lots can accommodate buses after curb side drop-off. From the North: Heading south on I-5, Exit 205 West towards San Francisco. Exit MacArthur Blvd., head south. Right onto 11th Street. Left onto Central to 715 Central Ave. From the South: Heading north on I-5, Exit Grant Line Road, head west. Left on Holly. Proceed south on Holly until it turns into Central. Proceed south on Central to 715 Central Ave. From the Bay Area: Proceed East on 580, until it turns into 205. Exit 11th Street, head East. Right on Central to 715 Central Ave.
Photo credits: Cover photo and various inside photos provided by Richard Beebe, Bill Wood, Lauren Carter, Elizabeth Sayre, and Susan Haskett.
The original ALA was founded in 1998 to promote the cultural development of the community. Its activities on behalf of the City include developing and implementing programs which foster the broadest possible public use of the cultural arts programs at the Grand Theatre Center for the Arts. The Grand Foundation has served to advance technical support and programming of the Grand with annual underwriting contributions since opening in 2007. Foundation underwriting has supported concerts, exhibitions, classes, workshops and special events, in addition to providing art supplies, art making and technical equipment and hospitality services. Last year the Grand Foundation, working collaboratively with the City, premiered a Membership Program at the Center. We invite you to learn more about the Grand Foundation, and become a supporter of the Grand Theatre Center for the Arts!
where to look FAQ 4 Registration Form 5 Camps 6-7 Workshops 8-9 Dance 10-13 Drama 14-15 Music 15-19 Ceramics 20-21 Visual Arts 22-27
Returning Instructors Stephanie Arganbright Richard Beebe – Tracy Camera Club Lisa Borba-Wa Lauren Carter – Staff Wendy Goulart Jody Harcourt – Music Together Kim Hicks – Music Together Brian Hunt – Main Street Music April Kenton – Young Rembrandts Sunny Kim Ines Leontiev-Hogan – Tracy Art League Deborah Littleton Abhilasha Natarajan – Tracy Art League Carol Ponsaran – Tracy Art League Lynn Sampson – Music First Aimee Shaw Jennifer Taloa – Siva Polynesia Vince Walsh – Tracy Art League William Wilson – Staff
Share Your Artistic Knowledge and Inspire Others The Arts Education program accepts proposals from teaching artists who wish to offer classes at the Grand Theatre Center for the Arts, an institution that fosters life-long learning in Dance, Drama, Music, and the Visual Arts. Students of all ages take advantage of year-round courses taught by accomplished and experienced teachers. The 37,000 square-foot interdisciplinary arts center houses nine specialized classrooms for private or group instruction in the visual and performing arts. The Arts Education Program relies on enthusiastic instructors who are committed to quality and professionalism. We are currently seeking Contract Instructors to offer programs in Fall 2014 and subsequent sessions. For application information, contact the Arts Education Program by calling (209) 831-6276. Complete information is also available at: For more information on current instructors and collaborators, visit the AEP online at:
For updates on current happenings at the Grand, friend us on Facebook!
New Instructors Julia Nunes – Academy of Performing Arts Deborah Skinner – Academy of Performing Arts Anna Wieger
Questions & Answers Q How do I register for a class? A To register for a class in person or by fax, complete the
registration form located on page 5. Make sure to include your name, contact phone number, and the class number that corresponds to the class in which you wish to enroll. Bring the completed form to the Grand Theatre, Patron Services, located at 715 Central Avenue in Historic Downtown Tracy. Registration forms can be faxed to (209) 831-6271. Online registration is available at For your family ID and password, please call (209) 831-6858 or email All fees must be paid at the time of registration.
Q What if a class is full? A If you attempt to register for a class and find that it is full, you
may ask Patron Services Staff to place your or your child’s name on a waiting list. If a space does become available in the class, Patron Services Staff will contact the waiting list candidates in order of time on the list.
Q What is a Resident Discount and Cost fee? A If your address has five digits or more, your home may still be
Q What if I withdraw from a class? A To withdraw from a class and obtain a full refund, you must
complete the “Class Withdrawal Form” at least five business days prior to the start of class. If you decide within the first week of class that you are not satisfied, you may withdraw and receive a prorated refund or credit. All withdrawals or transfers will be charged a non-refundable $5 transaction fee. These fees do not apply to withdrawals made on Please allow 2 to 3 weeks to process a withdrawal and/or a refund.
Q What happens if the class does not meet the
minimum student enrollment?
A If a class does not meet the minimum student enrollment, staff or the instructor may cancel the class. Students will be notified of the cancellation in advance, and issued a full refund or class credit and will not be charged a transaction or refund fee. Q What if I miss a day of class? A If you miss a day of class, you will not receive a make-up
outside of Tracy city limits. It is possible to live in one of three Tracy zip codes and still not live within the Tracy city limits. Families residing inside the city limits receive the Resident Discount. All others pay the non-resident fee. Call Patron Services if you are unsure.
session or a refund for the day you missed. By registering for a class, you assume the responsibility of attending class during the times and dates scheduled. The Grand Theatre Center for the Arts will only issue a make-up day or a prorated refund for classes cancelled by staff or instructors. If a class is cancelled by the instructor, or an unforeseen circumstance prevents the class from taking place, the student will be notified.
Q Is financial assistance available? A Yes, financial assistance is available to qualified applicants.
Q Are art materials provided in classes? A The Grand Theatre Center for the Arts does provide shared
Participants may request a financial aid application from Patron Services Staff and return it with the required forms of income verification. Applications must be accompanied by a registration form.
Q Is late registration available? A If space permits, class registration will be open for up to one
week after the first day of class. After the first week of instruction, registration will be closed. Students are not allowed to register half way through the class session, or for a fraction of the class.
Q Can I drop-in the day of class to sign up? A Guests may not drop-in to a class without having officially
registered. In order to participate in a class, you must be enrolled. Guests may visit Patron Services at the Grand Monday through Thursday, 10 am to 6 pm, or alternate Fridays, 10 am to 5 pm to register. Limited registration services are available on Saturdays through Arts Education staff. If a student registers the day of the class, they are advised to bring their receipt. Instructors cannot accept payments. All financial transactions and registrations take place through Patron Services at the Grand, online at, at City Hall on weekdays during business hours, or through Arts Education staff.
art supplies and equipment for most visual arts classes. In some cases instructors may request that students purchase specific materials outside of class. See class descriptions for more details.
Q Where is the nearest available parking? A Free parking is available on Central Avenue, 7th Street,
as well as in nearby lots on 6th Street in Historic Downtown Tracy. Please observe City-posted signs to avoid parking tickets.
Q Are parents allowed to observe classes? A We encourage parents to wait outside the classroom to prevent
overcrowding and distractions. Parents may relax in our lobbies or loggia while waiting. There are also windows on our classroom doors where parents can temporarily monitor their children at any time. In the event you feel you need to accompany your child in class, please call (209) 831-6858.
Q Are food or drinks allowed in the classrooms? A Food, drinks, candy and gum are not allowed in the classrooms with
the exception of bottled water. Instructors will ask students to dispose of food, drinks, candy or gum if taken into the class.
Special Needs Musical Theatre Dance Camp
Little Actor’s Theatre Fairytales & Other Stories Half Day Camp
Beauty & The Beast Youth Theatre Camp
A contemporary Look at the Snow Queen. A musical theatre dance camp for children with special needs. Students will be performing by using various dance mediums, song, movement, art and acting. In addition, the camp will be making their own props and costume for the performance. The camp will conclude with a performance on July 18th at 6 pm. Instructor: Deborah Skinner Location: ETK Theatre Note: Two daily snacks will be provided; students should bring their own sack lunch.
Get ready to use your imagination and transport yourself to the world of storybooks! In this class children will listen to classic fairytales, rhymes, and stories and learn how to role-play in a group setting. This class is a great way to introduce your child to theatre, artistic collaboration, and sharing the spotlight with others. Instructor: Deborah Littleton Location: Community Banks Children’s Studio Note: Students may come dressed as a character of their choice. This class is underwritten through the generous support of the Grand Foundation.
Students will transform into the magical character from the beloved fairytale, The Beauty and The Beast, in an adapted script created by the instructor. In addition to rehearsal, students will play theatre games and learn how to audition and perform in a play to gain confidence. They will enjoy role-playing in preparation for a show on the final Friday of camp, July 25th. Costumes will be minimal and suggestive, as the emphasis of the camp will be on getting the children up and performing. Instructor: Deborah Littleton Location: Studio Theatre Note: Students should dress to move, wear closed-toe shoes, and bring a binder, pencil, and water to camp.
Summer Art Camp Exploring 2D Media
Writing & Illustrating Outside-the-Box Half Day Camp
Anime Explosion Half Day Camp
Students in this art camp will have the opportunity to explore basic two dimensional (2D) art elements using various drawing and painting media, including pencil, charcoal, ink, pastel, and watercolor, as well as mixed media art forms like a collage. This art camp emphasizes experimentation with various techniques and methods. It encourages the practice of learning to create art by seeing the nature of objects in our surroundings. Instructor: Carol Ponsaran Location: Community Banks Chilren’s Studio
Imagine creatively writing a story with visual imagery and translating that into your own book. The instructor will lead your child on a creative path toward writing outside-the-box. Students will think of imaginative scenes and dramatic elements to make their book ‘pop’ and come to life! Students will walk away with a personally written and illustrated book, and inspiration to pursue new forms of creative writing and visual storytelling. Students need to bring a sketch or drawing pad, pencils, and colored pencils to class, and are encouraged to bring animation, comics, or storybooks for inspiration. Instructor: Deborah Littleton Location: Visual Arts 2
Anime is here to stay! Some think it’s just a fad, but it has been around since the early 20th century. It has evolved along with the more realistic Manga style, into a craze that has teens flocking to bookstores to buy graphic novels. Some artists are even adapting classic tales like Romeo & Juliet to the style, so get out your pens! In this camp, the instructor leads teens through drawing exercises and examples, and the teens meet other artists who are on the same page. For those considering writing, the instructor will provide tools to help get started. This half day camp is for students ages 12 - 16. Instructor: Deborah Littleton Location: Visual Arts 2
Deborah Skinner
Carol Ponsaran
Deborah Littleton
Camp Times and Fees Class Name
Class #
Special Needs Musical Theatre Dance Camp
7/14, 7/15, 7/16, 7/17, 7/18
10 AM - 2 PM
Beauty & The Beast Youth Theatre Camp
7/14, 7/15, 7/16, 7/17, 7/18, 7/21, 7/22, 7/23, 7/24, 7/25
9 AM - 3 PM
7 - 12
Little Actor’s Theatre Fairytales & Other Stories
7/28, 7/29, 7/30, 7/31, 8/1
9 AM - 12 PM
Summer Art Camp: Exploring 2D Media
6/9, 6/10, 6/11, 6/12, 6/13
9 - 11 AM
5 - 10
Writing & Illustrating Outside-the-Box Half Day Camp
8/4, 8/5, 8/6, 8/7, 8/8
9 AM - 12 PM
7 - 12
Anime Explosion Half Day Camp
8/4, 8/5, 8/6, 8/7, 8/8
1 - 4 PM
12 - 18
Note: All basic supplies are included in the cost of the camp.
WORKSHOPS NEW VISUAL ARTS: Fashion Runway Drawing Workshop
VISUAL ARTS: Superhero Cartoon Drawing Workshop
This stylish Young Rembrandts workshop is tailored for the aspiring fashionista. Join us for 5 days of runway chic, as we learn to draw the various aspects of fashion design. Step into the shoes of a fashion magazine editor, as you design and draw an eye-catching magazine cover. And let’s not forget about purses! Design the perfect purse to go along with the outfit of your dreams. Finally, draw your model stepping out onto the runway in your fashion originals. If you love to design clothes and are hip to the latest fashions, or love different ‘looks,’ this drawing workshop is for you! The workshop meets for 5 days, 2 hours per day.
Pow! Bang! Now you can learn to draw your own comic book superhero in this fun Young Rembrandts summer workshop. Each day we will complete several drawings while we explore a variety of characters. We will learn to draw the basic muscular superhero body, and adapt it to the character of our choice. We will learn to draw action and movement while we complete the scenes around our superheroes, using pencils, markers, and Sharpies™. Our collection of drawings will be impressive. This workshop meets Monday through Friday for 2 hours each day.
VISUAL ARTS: Cars of the Speedway Drawing Workshop
This summer, feel the rush and excitement of Young Rembrandts’ “Cars of the Speedway” Summer Art Workshop. Be prepared to experience the thrills of the speedway, as we illustrate a variety of racing scenes over the course of 5 days. Realistic stock cars and formula racers will be drawn during the first day of class. The second day we will draw a variety of cartoon cars. The final day of our workshop will introduce our students to pastel chalks as they create a dynamic scene of a race car in motion. No experience is necessary! Instructor: April Kenton Location: Community Banks Children’s Studio Note: Please wear an old shirt or smock the last day of class.
Instructor: April Kenton Location: Community Banks Children’s Studio
Instructor: April Kenton Location: Community Banks Children’s Studio
Matt Roades
Ellen Sachtschale
Lynn Sampson
April Kenton
William Wilson
Photo by Jim Warrington
Workshop Times and Fees Class Name
Class #
Fashion Runway Drawing Workshop
6/9, 6/10, 6/11, 6/12, 6/13
1 - 3 PM
8 - 13
Superhero Cartoon Drawing Workshop
6/16, 6/17, 6/18, 6/19, 6/20
1 - 3 PM
6 - 14
Cars of the Speedway Drawing Workshop
8/18, 8/19, 8/20, 8/21, 8/22
3 - 5 PM
8 - 13
Learn to Read Music!
6/14, 6/28, 7/12, 7/26, 8/9, 8/23
1 - 2 PM
12 - ADULT
Painting Demonstration/ Workshop
10 AM - 3 PM
16 - ADULT
Printmaking Workshop
12 - 3 PM
18 - ADULT
Soft-Slab Garden Vessels Workshop
10 AM - 4 PM
16 - ADULT
MUSIC: Learn to Read Music! Workshop Series
Are you a musician or student who has always wanted to learn to read music notation? Do you play well, but find yourself wanting to know more, or you wish you could read scores and charts? If so, this workshop is perfect for you! The instructor, an experienced classical and jazz musician, will offer a systematic introduction to the skill of reading music. The workshop will meet the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of June, July, and August. Instructor: Lynn Sampson, Music First Location: Musco Music Room Note: This class is underwritten through the generous support of the Grand Foundation.
CERAMICS: Soft-Slab Garden Vessels with Ellen Sachtschale
NEW VISUAL ARTS: Special Workshop with Artist in Residence Matt Rhoades Join Matt Rhoades, summer Artist-InResidence and featured artist in the Grand Galleries, for this dynamic workshop exploring abstract painting techniques and the creative process. All materials are included with registration fee. Painting students are encouraged to bring their choice of materials. Instructor: Matt Rhoades Location:Visual Arts 1
VISUAL ARTS: Monotype Printmaking Workshop
Join us for this opportunity to create unique prints utilizing both hand and press techniques. Participants will explore the possibilities of using traditional and non-traditional materials in the making of monotypes. All supplies are included in this workshop, but artists are free to bring textural materials or their own matrix to experiment with. Participants should wear comfortable clothing and consider wearing an apron in the printmaking studio. There are no pre-requisites for this workshop. Instructor: William Wilson Location:Visual Arts 2
Join the Arts Education e-mail list and friend the Grand Theatre Center for the Arts on FaceBook for info on the latest happenings at the Grand: performances, new classes & workshops, exhibitions in the Grand Galleries, and more!
Join us for this one-day workshop featuring an interactive demonstration with bay area artist, Ellen Sachtschale. Ellen will demonstrate the hand-building techniques she uses for constructing planter forms. Students will have the opportunity to follow along and create 2-3 projects of their own. All will be created in Ellen’s trademark organic style. This workshop is ideal for those with some experience in clay. Instructor: Ellen Sachtschale Location: Langley Ceramics Studio Note: Registration fee includes materials and firing. This class is underwritten through the generous support of the Grand Foundation.
DANCE Baby Combo
Pre-School Combo I/II
Kinder Combo
This is an introduction to creative movement, dance and music. Children will be introduced to and experience age appropriates co-ordination and dance skills as well as a variety of music. We will use creative play along with props and costume pieces. Children will also be exposed to classical technique. This class is meant for pure enjoyment and will help children develop their listening skills as well. Parents are welcome to dance with their children if necessary.
The children are introduced to a variety of dance genres, ballet, tap, jazz and creative movement. The class lays the foundation of how to participate and take a dance class successfully. From the very beginning students will be taught using traditional French as the vocabulary for the ballet portion of the class. The children will be learning the correct techniques that will both be enjoyable as well as enhance their co-ordination, learning, and listening skills. The class is meant to lay a long lasting foundation in which to build skills that will last a life time. Children will have a great time learning plies, jetes, turns and tendus while portraying their favorite princess, knight or character.
A great class to see what form of dance a child would like to learn more about. After the age of 6, a child will be ready to move on to a class that focuses on one form of dance for an hour at a time. This class will allow children to experience ballet, tap, and jazz within one hour and when the time comes they will be able to determine what form interests them.
Instructor: Deborah Skinner, APA Location: Dance Studio Note: Necessary attire: leotard and tights, ballet shoes and skirts.
Instructor: Julia Nunes, APA Location: Dance Studio Note: Necessary attire: leotard, tights, skirts (optional) for girls. T-shirts and shorts or sweats for boys. Ballet and Tap shoes for all.
Instructor: Deborah Skinner / Julia Nunes, APA Location: Dance Studio Note: Necessary attire: leotard, tights, skirts (optional) for girls. T-shirts and sweat pants for boys and ballet and tap shoes for all.
Beginning Jazz
Beginning Ballet
Ballet/Jazz Combo
The students will be exposed to strong technical jazz dance. We will be using a variety of styles of jazz: classical jazz, lyrical jazz, Broadway jazz and commercial jazz. We will be learning flexibility and strengthening exercises as well as a variety of isolation, loco-motor movement and dance step combinations.
This is a fine introduction to the very refined Cecchetti and Vaganova ballet technique. Students will be learning proper French vocabulary, proper body alignment and design. They will be learning flexibility, strength building and coordination exercises. They will be experiencing barre, center floor and loco-motor movement in a fun supportive environment.
This class is a ballet jazz comb class for the 6 - 8 year old. We begin class technical attributes of a ballet barre with stretching and end class with a lively jazz dance combination, using isolation, traveling across the floor and traditional classical jazz steps to a variety of music.
Instructor: Julia Nunes, APA Location: Dance Studio Note: Necessary attire: leotard, tights, jazz pants, or shorts, and jazz shoes.
Instructor: Julia Nunes, APA Location: Dance Studio Note: Necessary attire: leotard, tights, skirts (optional) and ballet slippers.
Instructor: Deborah Skinner, APA Location: Dance Studio Note: Necessary attire: leotard, tights, jazz pants, jazz shoes.
dance Parent/Child Dance Class for Children with Special Needs This class is for the student 5 and up. This class is designed for a special boding experience for the child with special needs and their parent. We are there to have fun. We use a variety of all dance techniques and develop dances and creative movement experiences. This class helps with balancing, strengthening, flexibility, and co-ordination. All are welcome. We can adapt to needs easily and safely. Instructor: Deborah Skinner, APA Location: Dance Studio Note: This class is underwritten through the generous support of the Grand Foundation.
Dance Course Times and Fees Class Name Baby Combo Pre-School Combo I/II Kinder Combo Beginning Jazz Beginning Ballet Ballet/Jazz Combo Parent/Child Special Needs Dance Class
Class # Days
6/10, 6/17, 6/24, 7/1, 7/8
2:30 - 3 PM
2.5 - 3
7/15, 7/22, 7/29, 8/5, 8/12
2:30 - 3 PM
2.5 - 3
6/10, 6/17, 6/24, 7/1, 7/8
3 - 4 PM
7/15, 7/22, 7/29, 8/5, 8/12
3 - 4 PM
6/10, 6/17, 6/24, 7/1, 7/8
4 - 5 PM
7/15, 7/22, 7/29, 8/5, 8/12
4 - 5 PM
6/10, 6/17, 6/24, 7/1, 7/8
5 - 6 PM
7 - 10
7/15, 7/22, 7/29, 8/5, 8/12
5 - 6 PM
7 - 10
6/10, 6/17, 6/24, 7/1, 7/8
6 - 7 PM
7 - 10
7/15, 7/22, 7/29, 8/5, 8/12
6 - 7 PM
7 - 10
6/12, 6/19, 6/26, 7/10, 7/17
5 - 6 PM
7/24, 7/31, 8/7, 8/14, 8/21
5 - 6 PM
6/12, 6/19, 6/26, 7/10, 7/17
6 - 7 PM
7/24, 7/31, 8/7, 8/14, 8/21
6 - 7 PM
Intro to Tap
Hip Pop Hip Hop
Polynesian Dance
Tap dance is fun and full of rhythm! Come join this class which gives students the chance to learn the basic skills in tap dancing. Students will learn time steps, stylistic patterns, and rhythmic patterns and tap combinations. This class meets once a week for 6 weeks.
Have you ever wanted to learn the dance moves of your favorite music artists? Well, here’s your chance! This class will teach you the latest steps and the most recent dance styles of artists like Lady Gaga, Chris Brown, Justin Bieber and more. In addition students will learn the basic principles of pop and hip-hop. This class meets once a week for 5 weeks.
This class is for beginning, intermediate, or advanced students. In this introduction to Hawaiian and Tahitian dance, students will learn basic footwork, hip motion, and traditional hand movements within a choreographed dance routine. Class meets once a week for 8 weeks.
Instructor: Stephanie Arganbright Location: Dance Studio Note: Wear flexible clothing you can move in and tap shoes.
Instructor: Stephanie Arganbright Location: Dance Studio Note: Wear flexible clothing you can move in and low traction or dance shoes.
Instructor: Jennifer Taloa Location: Dance Studio Note: Students will dance barefoot and wear a sarong or pareu for dance practice.
Dance Course Times and Fees Class Name Intro to Tap
Hip Pop Hip Hop
Class # Days
6/11, 6/18, 6/25, 7/2, 7/9
5:30 - 6:30 PM
8 - 12
7/16, 7/23, 7/30, 8/6, 8/13
5:30 - 6:30 PM
8 - 12
7/16, 7/23, 7/30, 8/6, 8/13
7:30 - 8:30 PM
13 - ADULT
6/11, 6/18, 6/25, 7/2, 7/9
6:30 - 7:30 PM
8 - 12
7/16, 7/23, 7/30, 8/6, 8/13
5:30 - 6:30 PM
8 - 12
6/11, 6/18, 6/25, 7/2, 7/9
7:30 - 8:30 PM
13 - ADULT
6/23, 6/30, 7/7, 7/14, 7/21, 7/28, 8/4, 8/11
5:45 - 6:30 PM
5 - 12
Teens & Adults Beginners/Intermediate
6/23, 6/30, 7/7, 7/14, 7/21, 7/28, 8/4, 8/11
6:30 - 7:15 PM
10 - ADULT
6/23, 6/30, 7/7, 7/14, 7/21, 7/28, 8/4, 8/11
7:30 - 8:30 PM
13 - ADULT
Polynesian Dance Kids
Stephanie Arganbright
Deborah Skinner
Julia Nunes
Jennifer Taloa
DRAMA Private Auditioning Technique For more drama classes see the Summer Camps Section on page 6.
Students will be taught one-on-one to analyze and perform a successful monologue and commercial audition, along with how to break into the business. If the student chooses to return for subsequent sessions, the instructor will lead them through various exercises to develop listening and responding, rather than simply quoting lines without emotion. Eventually students develop a scene with the instructor using the Meisner method. Class meets once a week for 4 weeks. Instructor: Deborah Littleton Location: Musco Music Room Note: Students should bring a binder, pencil, and water to class, and are encouraged to bring monologues or musical theatre selections to receive instructor’s feedback.
Deborah Littleton
Drama Course Times and Fees Class Name Private Auditioning Technique
Class #
6/10, 6/17, 6/24, 7/1
6 - 7 PM
7/8, 7/15, 7/22, 7/29
6 - 7 PM
MUSIC Music Together Music Together recognizes that all children are musical, and that every child needs a stimulating, supportive music environment to achieve basic competence in the wonderful human capacity of music making. Adults and children come together for 45 minutes to sing songs, experience rhythm chants, dance and move to music, play instruments, make up silly rhymes for songs and experience a wide range of rhythmic and melodic variety. This live music making takes place in a fun, playful, non-performance oriented and age-appropriate setting, with adults and teacher acting as encouraging role models. Instructors: Registered Music Together Instructor Location: Dance Studio Note: A non-refundable materials fee of $40 will be charged in addition to the registration fee. It includes two professionally recorded CDs, a beautifully illustrated songbook and a parent guide to help you get the most out of this internationally-acclaimed, research-based program. Sibling discount and payment plan available for Music Together; please ask Center staff. NO CLASS ON 7/2.
Jody Harcourt
Kim Hicks
Music Course Times and Fees Class Name Music Together
Class #
6/18, 6/25, 7/9, 7/16, 7/23, 7/30
10:15 - 11 AM
Newborn - 5
7/10, 7/17, 7/24, 7/31, 8/7, 8/14
10:15 - 11 AM
Newborn - 5
Piano for Pre-Schoolers
Beginning Group Guitar
Recorder Jam!
By combining two pre-school piano programs, the students will learn to recognize piano keys, the sounds they make as well as music written on a staff. With the use of color coded notation, color strips, the 5 finger friends’ warm-ups, songs, and games, children will develop recognition of colors, numbers, patterns, classification, and rhythm. They will also establish the ‘three c’s’ concentration, coordination, and confidence. Level 1 introduces basic notes and simple songs, while Level 2 presents new note values, staff symbols, and rhythms with a few more complicated songs. Class meets once a week for 6 weeks.
Learn the basics of the guitar in a relaxed and fun group setting. Learn fundamental techniques, simple chords, and several sing-along songs. No previous experience required. Class meets once a week for 6 weeks.
Did your child learn to play a recorder at school, or is considering playing a woodwind instrument in band? If so, Recorder Jam is a perfect continuation and gateway! Children will play their recorders while accompanied by exciting instrumental tracks, learn about the family of recorders, and further their understanding of proper support, music notation, and musical expression.
Instructor: Lisa Borba-Wa Location: Musco Music Room Note: The class fee includes supplies that the instructor will provide.
Instructor: Brian Hunt Main Street Music, Inc Location: Musco Music Room Note: Students must bring a playable acoustic guitar, the Mel Bay Guitar Method Book I, and a pen or pencil. NO CLASS ON 6/26 & 7/3.
Instructor: Aimee Shaw Location: Musco Music Room Note: Students can bring their own recorder or the instructor will have some available for purchase for $3 at the first session.
Music Course Times and Fees Class Name
Class #
Piano for Pre-Schoolers Level 1
6/11, 6/18, 6/25, 7/2, 7/9, 7/16
3 - 3:45 PM
6/11, 6/18, 6/25, 7/2, 7/9, 7/16
3:45 - 4:15 PM
Level II Beginning Group Guitar Recorder Jam!
6/12, 6/19, 7/10, 7/17, 7/24
6 - 7 PM
5 - 13
7/31, 8/7, 8/14, 8/21
6 - 7 PM
5 - 13
6/10, 6/17, 6/24, 7/1
11 AM - 12 PM
8 - 11
Private Guitar, Electric Bass, or Ukulele Lessons Private guitar, bass, or ukulele classes are designed for the novice as well as the player with fundamental skills. The student starts by learning parts of the instrument, including the order of the strings and how to properly tune them. The fret board is then examined as well as the basic hand shapes. Once the student has a grasp of the notes on the instrument and an introduction to basic music reading, instruction on chords, lines, and three of the primary scales will follow. Students will also gain an understanding of the common chords or lines found in such genres as: Latin, blues, R&B, jazz, and rock. Instructor: Brian Hunt, Main Street Music, Inc. Ages: 5 - ADULT Half-hour private lessons on Thursdays 3:30 - 6 PM Location: Music 4 Note: Students must bring their own instrument, pen or pencil and a notebook. Instructor will refer students to the appropriate books. NO CLASS ON 6/26 & 7/3.
Private Piano Lessons
Private Voice Lessons
This class allows beginning, intermediate, and advanced students to reach their fullest potential on the piano while expanding their appreciation for music. Students will work at a personal level and will advance at a pace that is comfortable yet challenging. Learn how to play piano with confidence and expression using the correct touch, fingering, and interpretation, and bring your sheet music to life!
Learn how to sing in tune freely and easily with excellent projection. In this class students will be challenged to learn proper vocal technique and production, improve their range, develop good diction habits, and increase their self-confidence. Adults, teens, and pre-teens will receive guidance in finding the true beauty and power behind their natural singing voice.
Instructor: Sunny Kim Ages: 4 - ADULT Half-hour private lessons on Mondays 3 - 6 PM Location: Music 3 Instructor: Aimee Shaw Ages: 5 - ADULT Half-hour private lessons on Thursday 1 - 7 PM Location: Music 4 Note: Instructor will refer students to the appropriate music books. NO CLASS ON 7/3.
Instructor: Wendy Goulart Ages: 6 - ADULT Half-hour private lessons on Mondays 6 - 8 PM Tuesdays 1 - 8 PM Saturdays 10 AM - 12 PM Location: Music 2 Note: Instructor will refer students to the appropriate music books. Instructor: Aimee Shaw Ages: 5 - ADULT Half-hour private lessons on Mondays 1 - 5 PM Location: Music Room 3 Note: Instructor will refer students to the appropriate music books.
music Private Drum Set Lessons Beginning through intermediate level students will explore the skills and techniques necessary to be well-rounded and accomplished drummers. Students will learn rudimentary techniques, stick control, syncopated rhythms, various time signatures, solid foundations of rock, jazz, and Latin styles, as well as double-bass, triple strokes, advanced rudiments, soloing, and tuning, and drum kit maintenance. Classes meet once a week for 30 minutes. Instructor: Wendy Goulart Ages: 6 - ADULT Half-hour private lessons on Mondays 6 - 8 PM Tuesdays 1 - 8 PM Saturdays 10 AM - 12 PM Location: Music 2/3 Note: Instructor will refer students to the appropriate music books. Students must bring their own drum sticks. NO CLASS ON 7/5.
Private Lessons: Fees Resident $130 for 4 weeks $240 for 8 weeks $360 for 12 weeks
Non-Resident $142 for 4 weeks $264 for 8 weeks $396 for 12 weeks
Private music students receive a discount for signing up for 2 or 3 consecutive months! Private music students may sign up on a month-by-month basis with the understanding that the class times may change from month to month. Alternatively, students can pay for two months of instruction in advance to secure a preferred time slot. Classes will not be held without payment. Please call the Box Office to check class availability. Online registration is available for single class enrollment. To receive the discounted rate you must enroll in person at the Grand Theatre Center for the Arts, by fax at (209) 831-6271, or by phone at (209) 831-6858.
Sunny Kim
Lisa Borba-Wa
Brian Hunt
Aimee Shaw
Jody Harcourt
Wendy Goulart
Private Flute Lessons Are you a beginning flute player or a current player and want to upgrade your skills? Private flute lessons can help you further your reading ability, fine-tune your embouchure, and enhance your articulation and expression. Work in a relaxed atmosphere with a professionally trained flute teacher. Start from your current level and move forward, whether a baseline beginner or a lifetime player. Instructor: Aimee Shaw Ages: 9 - ADULT Half-hour private lessons on Mondays 6 - 9 PM Location: Music Room 3 Note: Instructor will refer students to the appropriate music books.
CERAMICS Clay for Kids: Beginning Sculpture New Projects Does your child enjoy working with his or her hands? Sign them up for any one or all of these short-term, project-based classes where they will learn basic techniques for hand-building with clay through a different project each session. Projects covered in Summer 2014 will be: 4th of July Covered Pie Dish, Castle Pencil Holder, and Miniature Animals. These classes meet twice a week in sessions of 3 weeks. Instructor: Anna Wieger Location: Langley Ceramics Studio Note: Clay is provided.
Clay for Teens: Hand Building
Any teen who loves to build will enjoy these project-based classes. Whether you want to keep what you make or give it as a gift, you will certainly have fun making it! Class topics this summer include: Bold Teapots, Individualized Book Ends, and Personal Dinner Sets. Classes meet twice a week for 3 weeks. Instructor: Anna Wieger Location: Langley Ceramics Studio Note: Clay is provided. This class is underwritten through the generous support of the Grand Foundation.
Beginning to Intermediate Wheel Throwing - for Kids & Younger Teens Whether you are new to ceramics or have some experience, this class is perfect for beginning to intermediate level students interested in learning the technique of turning pottery from a wheel. Beginners will receive a basic introduction to the skills of the medium, while those with experience will learn to create more complex forms. This class meets twice a week for 3 weeks. Instructor: Anna Wieger Location: Langley Ceramics Studio Note: Clay is provided.
Wheel Thrown Pottery for Adults and Older Teens Have you always wanted to create your own mug or design the perfect vase? Perhaps you are simply looking to create something new. Then this is the class for you! Beginning students will learn basic skills to create simple forms while more advanced students will receive instruction in throwing lidded and altered forms. Class can be taken multiple times. Class meets twice a week for 3 weeks. Instructor: Anna Wieger Location: Langley Ceramics Studio Note: Clay is provided.
Ceramics Lab Come in Monday nights from 6 - 9 pm, and/or Tuesday mornings from 10 am - 1 pm, for the opportunity to practice what you are learning in class. Students, both beginning and advanced, are encouraged to attend lab to enhance their learning experience. Non-students are also welcome. Instruction will not be provided.You can register for several sessions in advance or pay for a drop-in. Check out our bundle deals on labs. Clay is available for purchase separately. Instructor: Lauren Carter, Staff Location: Langley Ceramics Studio Note: CERAMICS LAB BEGINS 6/9 AND ENDS 8/19. Registration fee includes lab fee and kiln firing. Drop-In Price: $15 res / $18 non-res per lab Punch Card: $75 res / $83 non-res (6 labs for price of 5)
ceramics Ceramic Supplies For the convenience of regional ceramics artists and students, the Grand provides clay for purchase. For a complete list of what is available contact the Ceramics Studio Technician. Clay Rates: $10 for new bag 25 lbs $8 for new bag 25 lbs* $5 for recycled bag 25 lbs $3 for recycled bag 25 lbs* *lab pass discount Anna Weiger
Lauren Carter
Ceramic Course Times and Fees Class Name
Class #
Clay for Kids: Covered Pie Dish
6/10, 6/12, 6/17, 6/19 6/24, 6/26
3:45 - 5 PM
7 - 12
Castle Pencil Holders
7/1, 7/3, 7/8, 7/10, 7/15, 7/17
3:45 - 5 PM
7 - 12
Miniature Animals
7/22, 7/24, 7/29, 7/31, 8/5, 8/7
3:45 - 5 PM
7 - 12
6/10, 6/12, 6/17, 6/19, 6/24, 6/26
2:15 - 3:30 PM
13 - 17
Book Ends
7/1, 7/3, 7/8, 7/10, 7/15, 7/17
2:15 - 3:30 PM
13 - 17
Dinner Sets
7/22, 7/24, 7/29, 7/31, 8/5, 8/7
2:15 - 3:30 PM
13 - 17
6/10, 6/12, 6/17, 6/19, 6/24, 6/26
5:30 - 6:45 PM
9 - 14
7/1, 7/3, 7/8, 7/10, 7/15, 7/17
5:30 - 6:45 PM
9 - 14
Clay for Teens: Hand Building Bold Tea Pots
Wheel Thrown Pottery for Kids & Younger Teens
Wheel Thrown Pottery for Adults & Older Teens
Ceramics Lab
7/22, 7/24, 7/29, 7/31, 8/5, 8/7
5:30 - 6:45 PM
9 - 14
6/10, 6/12, 6/17, 6/19, 6/24, 6/26
7 - 9 PM
15 - ADULT
7/1, 7/3, 7/8, 7/10, 7/15, 7/17
7 - 9 PM
15 - ADULT
7/22, 7/24, 7/29, 7/31, 8/5, 8/7
7 - 9 PM
15 - ADULT
7 - 9 PM Lab begins on 6/9 and end 8/19 15 - ADULT TUES 10 AM - 12 PM *Each session has a unique class number, available at time of registration. Students may purchase a 6-lab/workshop punch card or semester lab/workshop passes for significant discounts. Note: Students should wear washable clothing and shoes for all Ceramics classes and labs. *
VISUAL ARTS Pre-School Drawing for Creativity and Imagination
Elementary Drawing: Expression Through Drawing
Young Rembrandts classes will improve a child’s creativity, imagination, art vocabulary, and attention to detail. In this step-by-step class, children will learn fundamentals of drawing along with a variety of tools and techniques they will need to become skillful artists. Lessons will include portraiture, still life, and perspective drawing. Students will leave every class with completed drawings. New lessons are presented in each session. No prior art class experience necessary. Class meets once a week for 4 weeks.
All children can and should learn to draw. Our elementary-age curriculum develops basic through advanced drawing skills, art technique, and vocabulary in a positive and nurturing environment that brings out the best in each child. We believe that drawing is the foundational skill required for future artistic success. Children are taught everything they need to know to express their creativity through two-dimensional art. At the end of each class students will leave with completed drawings. New lessons are presented in each session. No prior art class experience necessary. Class meets once a week for 4 weeks.
Instructor: April Kenton, Young Rembrandts Staff Location: Community Banks Children’s Studio Note: All materials are supplied by Young Rembrandts.
Instructor: April Kenton, Young Rembrandts Staff Location: Community Banks Children’s Studio Note: All materials are supplied by Young Rembrandts.
Humor + Art = Cartoon Drawing Learning how to draw can be fun, especially when we create silly characters, funny expressions, and drawing sequences that tell a joke! This delightful program combines Young Rembrandts’ innovative, step-by-step drawing method with a light-hearted subject matter that engages children’s sense of humor and imagination. New lessons are presented in each session. No prior art class experience necessary. Class meets once a week for 4 weeks. Instructor: April Kenton, Young Rembrandts Staff Location: Community Banks Children’s Studio Note: All materials are supplied by Young Rembrandts. NO CLASS ON 7/5.
visual arts Art Discovery This class will introduce young artists, ages 4 - 7, to the many different art media and art-making processes. Students will discover how to explore their imaginations with paint, charcoal, watercolor, sculpture, print-making, and more. This class begins the foundation for your child’s skills in creativity, observation, and problem-solving through art projects that encourage students to use their own imaginations. Students will create their own original works of art. Instructor: Carol Ponsaran Location: Community Banks Children’s Studio
Visual Arts Course Times and Fees Class Name Pre-School Drawing Elementary Drawing Cartoon Drawing Art Discovery*
Class #
Ages Resident
6/25, 7/2, 7/9, 7/16
1 - 1:45 PM
3.5 - 5
7/23, 7/30, 8/6, 8/13
1 - 1:45 PM
3.5 - 5
6/25, 7/2, 7/9, 7/16
2 - 3 PM
6 - 14
Non-Resident $53
8/2, 8/9, 8/16, 8/23
12:30 - 1:30 PM
6 - 14
7/23, 7/30, 8/6, 8/13
2 - 3 PM
6 - 14
6/28, 7/12, 7/19, 7/26
12:30 - 1:30 PM
6 - 14
6/9, 6/11, 6/13, 6/16, 6/18, 6/20, 6/23, 6/25, 6/27
5:30 - 6:30 PM
5 - 10
*Tracy Art League members may receive a 10% discount off class fees. Note: For all studio classes, students should wear comfortable clothes appropriate for messy activities. The cost of basic supplies is included in the class fee.
Introduction to Oil & Acrylic Painting Explore this exciting introductory class in oil and acrylic painting with local artist Vince Walsh. Students will follow a stepby-step guide to painting that covers such techniques as brush stroke, color theory, scale, and composition. Even the most tentative amateur will develop confidence and skills. Shared painting materials will be provided in class, and students may bring their own painting supplies. Registration includes lab fee for materials and studio use. Class meets once a week for 7 weeks. Instructor:Vince Walsh Location:Visual Arts 1 Note: Students should bring an apron or clothes to paint in.
Relief Printmaking for Adults
Intermediate Oil & Acrylic Painting
Drawing for Teens & Adults
This class is intended for students who have taken Introduction to Oil & Acrylic Painting, or who feel they have a basic understanding of painting. Students will explore color, value, and shapes while focusing on still life and landscape. Shared painting materials will be provided in class, and students may bring their own painting supplies. Registration includes lab fee for materials and studio use.
This course is a study of drawing for effective understanding at the beginning level. The course concentrates on some historical understanding of traditional drawing styles and their modern variations. Techniques of drawing are practiced with attention to the basic range of materials and usage. We will cover the formal elements of design and composition to include line, space (positive/negative), form, and value. La maestra habla español y todas personas que hablan español son bienvenidas. Class meets once a week for 11 weeks.
Instructor:Vince Walsh Location:Visual Arts 1 Note: Students must have completed Introduction to Oil & Acrylic Painting to take this class. NO CLASS ON 7/5 & 8/2.
Instructor: Inés Leontiev-Hogan Location:Visual Arts 1 Note: La maestra habla español y todas personas que hablan español son bienvenidas. The registration fee for the class covers the cost of basic supplies.
This course is a study of relief printmaking for effective understanding at the introductory level. This course concentrates on linoleum and Safety Kit relief printmaking with some historical understanding of traditional printmaking styles and their modern variations. Techniques of carving in linoleum and SafetyKit are practiced with attention to the basic range of materials and safe usage of tools. We will cover the formal elements of design and composition to include how to incorporate line, space (positive/ negative), texture, form, color, and value into our designs. Instructor: Inés Leontiev-Hogan Location:Visual Arts 2 Note: The registration fee for the class covers the cost of basic supplies. This class is underwritten through the generous support of the Grand Foundation.
visual arts
Visual Arts Course Times and Fees Class Name
Class # Days
Introduction to Oil & Acrylic Painting*
6/30, 7/7, 7/14, 7/21, 7/28, 8/4, 8/11, 8/18
6 - 8 PM
12 - ADULT
Intermediate Oil & Acrylic Painting*
6/28, 7/12, 7/19, 7/26, 8/9, 8/16, 8/23
10 AM - 1 PM
12 - ADULT
Relief Printmaking for Adults
6/11, 6/18, 6/25, 7/2, 7/9, 7/16, 7/23, 7/30
7 - 9 PM
18 - ADULT
Drawing for Teens & Adults
6/10, 6/17, 6/24, 7/1, 7/8, 7/15, 7/22, 7/29, 8/5, 8/12, 8/19
7 - 9 PM
14 - ADULT
*Tracy Art League and Tracy Camera Club members may receive a 10% discount off class fees; only one discount may be taken at a time. Note: For all studio classes, students should wear comfortable clothes appropriate for messy activities. ies.
Beginning Digital Photography
Intermediate Digital Photography
Fused Glass Jewelry Beginners
This class will explore the creative controls on the modern digital camera. Through both classroom instruction and in-the-field exploration of the Grand, students will learn the basics of working with an adjustable camera, including f-stops, shutter speeds, “ISO” speed, lens, focus, and focal length. Class meets once a week for 4 weeks.
This class picks up where Beginning Digital Photography leaves off. Students will go far beyond the basic pointing and shooting of a digital camera (single-lens reflex, “dSLR,” models preferred). Through classroom discussions and working with the camera in various locations around the Grand, students will explore more complex and sophisticated digital photography techniques.
This course was designed for beginners in mind. If you’ve been curious, this is a great place to begin.You will learn multiple techniques to try using fusible glass.You will be given tools to work with and taught the basic skills for cutting and designing glass pendants and earrings.
Instructor: Richard Beebe Location:Visual Arts 1 Note: Students will need to bring their own cameras with adjustable controls (no cell phone cameras, please!), the camera manual, and film rolls or media cards. NO CLASS ON 7/3.
Instructor: Richard Beebe Location:Visual Arts 1 Note: Past enrollment in a photography class offered at the Grand (beginning or intermediate) or equivalent is required.
Instructor: Abhilasha Natarajan Location: Langley Ceramics Studio
visual arts Saturday Fused Glass Lab Fused glass students can work independently alongside other artists in the glass studio. Students should be prepared with their own ideas and projects in mind to work on during this time. The instructor will be present, but no formal teachings will be given. SCRAP glass will be available during lab time only. Tools will be available to use freely and glass materials are available for sale. Students may drop-in to individual sessions, or they may purchase a 6-lab punch card or semester pass, as follows:
Glass Supplies Now Available!
Drop-In Price: $15 res / $18 non-res per lab Punch Card: $50 res / $55 non-res (6 labs for price of 5)
Glass supplies are available for purchase through Arts Education Staff and/or Grand Theatre Patron Services. For more information consult Arts Education Staff.
Glass Artisans of Tracy Lab Passes* Once/Week Pass*: $100 res / $110 non-res (10 labs for the price of 6) Instructor: Abhilasha Natarajan Location: Langley Ceramics Studio Note: LAB BEGINS 6/14 AND ENDS 8/23. Registration fee includes supply fee and kiln firings. NO CLASS ON 7/26.
Abhilasha Natarajan
Richard Beebe
Carol Ponsaran
Glass Artisans’ punch cards and semester lab passes are available for purchase (see above) and entitle the holder to significant discounts on weekly glass labs.
April Kenton
Vince Walsh
InĂŠs Leontiev-Hogan
Visual Arts Course Times and Fees Class Name Beginning Digital Photography* Intermediate Digital Photography* Fused Glass Jewelry for Beginners* Saturday Fused Glass Lab* (Drop-In)
Class # Days
6/19, 6/26, 7/10, 7/17
6 - 8 PM
15 - ADULT
7/19, 7/26, 8/2, 8/9
12 - 2 PM
15 - ADULT
7/24, 7/31, 8/7, 8/14
6 - 8 PM
15 - ADULT
9 AM - 12 PM
10 - ADULT
9 AM - 12 PM
10 - ADULT
Lab begins on 6/14 and ends on 8/23
12 - 2 PM
11 - ADULT
*Tracy Art League and Tracy Camera Club members may receive a 10% discount off class fees; only one discount may be taken at a time. **Each session has a unique class number available at time of registration. Students may also purchase a 6-lab punch card or a semester pass at significant discounts. Ask Arts Education staff for details. Note: For health and safety reasons glass classes and labs are not suitable for those with learning difficulties, or visual or breathing impairments. For all studio classes, students should wear comfortable clothes appropriate for messy activities. ities.
City of Tracy Grand Theatre Center for the Arts 715 Central Avenue Tracy, CA 95376
To view or download the Arts Education Catalog at any time, visit A limited number of printed catalogs are available at the Grand each semester.