GFNY Magazine Fall 2013

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FALL 2013




Tullio Campagnolo founds Campagnolo


Patent for the first “rod gear changer�


The Gran Sport marks the start of the modern rear derailleur era


The Super Record rear derailleur, with parts in titanium, weighs less than 200g


The EPS 11-speed electronic drivetrain is crea ted


Campagnolo celebrates 80 years of busi


The history of Campagnolo and additional details regarding the 80th Anniversary Collection can be found

80 YEARS OF TIMELESS INNOVATION 80 years ago, we started with just one goal in mind: innovation. Since then, we have maintained that focus. Ours is a journey filled with major milestones: from quick release and rod shifter to the 11 speed groupset and the EPSTM electronic drivetrain. We have registered countless patents to safeguard our core values: performance, creativity and innovation. We want to celebrate these 80 years with our fans, so to mark the occasion, we have taken the highest evolution of both the mechanical groupset and wheels and added revolutionary and cutting-edge treatments to create the unique look of the 80th ANNIVERSARY COLLECTION. This special limited edition is dedicated to enthusiasts who want to own a piece of cycling history. After all, our history has been written together with our fans.


































’m suffering up the first real climb. The race is only 45k old but my legs are already heavy. I have a hard time staying positive given that not only another 130k (85 miles) await but also over 3,000m (10,000ft) of climbing. The pace was stiff from the gun with the 150-rider- strong leading peloton averaging well above 25mph over the hilly terrain and speeds rising above 30mph on the flatter sections. The reason: the Lungo, Medio and Corto distances share the beginning of the course of Gran Fondo Straducale Urbino. While the Corto riders are half way done, our Lungo course hasn’t even really started. In 2011, Lidia and I made the trip to the historical town of Urbino in the Marche region for the first time. We’ve been received with open arms by the organizers Alessandro Gualazzi and Gabriele Braccioni and immediately adored the race, breathtaking venue and its people. Urbino is situated somewhat between Tuscany and


Romagna, two hotbeds of cycling. Hence, Gran Fondo Straducale draws riders from both these regions, which ensures a colorful, competitive peloton. This Gran Fondo is Italian at its best. If you ever want to experience the essence of Gran Fondo racing, don’t look any further. It’s especially true for those of you that are competitive and fit cyclists. Neither Tuscans nor Romagnoli are just tooling around. People there are born on the bike, which is immediately visible by their bike handling and smooth style. And they know how to race! In 2012 and 2013, GF Straducale Urbino coincided with the legendary Maratona dles Dolomiti. I like “Maratona” for its closed to traffic roads, magnificent mountain scenery, legendary mountain passes and general hoopla. What drew us back to Urbino, after sitting out 2012, was neither only the friendship we have with Alessandro and Gabriele nor the fantastic setting of GF Straducale in and around Urbino. It was also its true “Italianita”. We like to race in pure Italian pelotons because they never fail to deliver the best riding experience with the unbeatable mixture of passion and skill. Make no mistake: you should ride “Maratona” at least once in your life. But GF Straducale is a race you will come back for again and again. Back to mile 30: at the top of the climb I tuck into a group of ten. The route continues on small, curvy roads. I’m still too exhausted to enjoy the rollercoaster ride but pedal stroke by pedal stroke things are starting to come along. Meanwhile, our group swells to 30 racers with the pace becoming much more casual. Everyone starts to fuel


up for the two main challenges of the day, Monte Catria and Monte Nerone. Both climbs are among the greats in the Apennine mountains. With their 1,000m (3,500ft) of elevation gain they rival many climbs in the Alps. Monte Catria’s first three kilometers are nasty steep. I’m churning my 39/25 up the 18% and am once again in awe of pro cyclists who make these climbs look easy. Both Catria and Nerone have been a Giro playground. Higher up, the climb levels to a more manageable 8%. After a while, I find something that resembles a rhythm albeit at a much slower speed than I had wished. By now, most riders are on their own or in small groups. I use the descent to recover, floating down the car free road. Good road conditions and long straights allow speeds beyond 50mph. When I hit the valley and have to get back into pedaling, I already feel much better. There’s one rider not far behind. I wait for him to share the work, which allows us to catch two more riders with whom we tackle a 4k hill before the climb up Monte Nerone awaits. Up Nerone, it’s again about one’s own rhythms of pace, effort and feel. We all try to make the most of the rare moments when we feel good and accept the rough moments, sharing them with others should someone be near. We mumble “cazzo” but not even the numerous flies around us care. The higher we climb the more breathtaking the views become. I remind myself that we amateurs have the luxury to take in views and sacrifice seconds. But then again: beauty can be a huge motivator. So maybe enjoying views is even beneficial from a racing perspective? I hit the descent solo but pop out on the other side with – again – two other riders. Together we tackle the undulating route, including another 3k climb, as best as we can. We know but stubbornly ignore that larger groups will form behind us. With 20k

left to go, I spot the inevitable, sit up and roll on casually to get a small rest until I get caught. The two guys I was riding with were in denial and kept plugging away until the group caught them shortly thereafter. With 15k to go, we’re facing a last climb out of Urbania. It’s of the flatter sort and only 3k long. Somehow my legs are turning better and next thing you know I’m clear again of the group with some energy left in my legs. I’m joined by one of my former flight companions but I doubt we can make it. He fires me up to give it a shot with the finish still an undulating 12k away. We’re squeezing out the last ounces of energy left after 110 miles through the mountains. Our scooter escort is clearing the road ahead with a calm casualness that you only see among experienced pros. Not only cycling comes natural to Italians but so does the “servizio corsa”. Once we hit the cobbled climb to the finish along the historic muro di Urbino, we know we won our little race inside the race by what turns out to be two minutes. It was a fun way to end a tough but beautiful Gran Fondo, ensuring that we keep it real all the way to the finish. See you there next year. For more information visit or email us at


Alex Ostroy The 2014 Campagnolo Gran Fondo New York kit is designed by graphic designer and longtime cyclist Alex Ostroy ( Alex grew up painting pictures and racing bikes; when he was accepted at the Rhode Island School of Design but failed to hear from the US National Cycling Team it was pretty clear which direction his life would take. Out of stubbornness, he kept riding anyway. As an adult he found a way to unite his passions: by designing cycling jerseys. If you live in New York City, you have probably seen his work on the backs of teams like FGX, SixCycle and siggi’s. We asked him a few questions about his passion.


YOU STARTED CYCLING WHEN YOU WERE YOUNG, WHAT WERE YOUR FIRST MEMORIES OF CYCLING JERSEYS? When I was a kid my whole cycling wardrobe consisted of jerseys handed down to me by older guys who had unintentionally thrown their wool jerseys in the dryer. I started riding with a nearby club, Velo Club La Grange, when I was 13 and after a few months they gave me a team jersey, which I still own. HOW HAS THE CYCLING JERSEY EVOLVED SINCE YOU STARTED RIDING? CAN YOU GIVE US A BRIEF HISTORY OF INFLUENTIAL DESIGNS? In the ‘70s the main innovation seemed to be making a cheaper, uglier jersey for the non-professional — so wool gave way to cotton/polyester blends and embroidery changed to ironed-on felt. Molteni and Brooklyn Chewing Gum jerseys were ubiquitous. Molteni because it was the iconic Merckx jersey and Brooklyn because it was an All-American design for an Italian chewing gum called Brooklyn, and the weirdness of that is timeless. In the ‘80s the introduction of Lycra gave us Jane Fonda, Flashdance and the ability to screen color all over the jersey and bibs. Lycra was as essential to the ‘80s as Reagan and MTV. Greg LeMond had a great ‘80s jersey career: La Vie Claire, Renault and even the Z team. I try use (steal) elements of jerseys like these in my designs. At the same time it’s always exciting to bring something new into cycling design and update the tradition. Many of my favorite kits do both; wink or nod to the tradition and surprise by taking it in an unexpected direction. The ‘90s brought grunge and deconstructed design. Designers tried to stuff as many logos on their kits as the riders were pouring drugs into their bodies; both were flamboyant and unrepentant. Cipollini rode with half the Las Vegas strip on his back. The Mapei kit is the essential example, it’s wild and excessive but also a great unified design, all those 3D tiles and rainbows still look fresh. AND WHAT TRENDS ARE DOMINANT RIGHT NOW? Well, the success of Rapha and more broadly of Apple and Martha Stewart have instituted a “clean and minimal” design mandate. I suppose it was also the inevitable reaction to all of the excesses of the ‘90s and early aughts. There are many instances where a minimal design is a great solution, but it’s starting to feel like a one size fits all answer. SO YOU ARE NOT A FAN? Rapha is very handsome and well designed. But cycling is supposed to be fun time, play time for adults. It’s the only time most of us will wear colorful skin-tight bodysuits after the age of eight, so why try to look neat

and sophisticated, like you are going on a job interview? To me, the Sky team looks like stewards for some premium futuristic space-travel airline. If you are really worried about looking ridiculous you should probably try another hobby. WHAT CHALLENGES ARE UNIQUE TO DESIGNING A CYCLING KIT, AND WHAT ARE SOME COMMON MISTAKES YOU SEE? I think it’s a bit more difficult than it first appears. You have to make a design that is readable and distinctive at 25 miles per hour. Jerseys are a strangely shaped canvas too, but you have to design them in two dimensions on your computer. You don’t really know what it will look like in the round until you get it back from the printer, and often times what looked like the right size logo or design on your desktop turns out to be huge or tiny when you are finally holding it in your hand. Slapping a beautiful vintage cycling poster or a great piece of art on the front of your kit will not necessarily translate into a great jersey design, too often this tactic becomes the jersey equivalent of putting a Tintoretto Italian restaurant copy in a strip-mall to class the place up. But the tactic I see that seems to virtually guarantee a dull, forgettable design is when the designer simply tries to artfully arrange a few given logos on the jersey. It’s always a good idea to have some unifying theme or concept going in. SO WHERE DO YOU FIND INSPIRATION FOR YOUR IDEAS? As a designer I’m always looking at everything for ideas. I look at packaging design from Indian and Japanese groceries and restaurants in my neighborhood. I browse the Strand bookstore for odd books on design, photography and architecture and the galleries in Chelsea. In the back of my mind I’m always keeping a file for jersey designs too. eBay searches for vintage jerseys can yield some treasures; look past all the trendy current designs and find the ridiculous and dated because you can bet those are the ones that will look the coolest in three years. LET’S SAY BLOOMBERG LP SPONSORS A PRO TEAM FOR 2014. IT HAS US MANAGEMENT WITH ITALIAN DS AND MATERIAL SPONSORS. RIDERS ARE MOSTLY AMERICANS WITH SOME HOPEFUL COLOMBIANS AND EXPERIENCED ITALIANS ADDED. YOU ARE GIVEN THE JOB TO COME UP WITH THE KIT DESIGN. NO RULES, FEW BOUNDARIES. WHAT WOULD IT LOOK LIKE? A cross between Frank Stella paintings and Khal Drogo.





NAME OF THE CLIMB: Capanna Monte Bar LOCATION: Ticino, Switzerland START POINT: Tesserete, 514m above sea FINISH POINT: Capanna Monte Bar, 1600m above sea ELEVATION GAIN: 1086m (3,563 ft) LENGTH OF CLIMB: 10.5k AVERAGE GRADIENT: 8.5% MAXIMUM GRADIENT: 15% CURRENT BEST TIME: Sergio Paulinho (Team Saxo Tinkoff) 40:47 OPEN: usually snow free April to early November VIEWS FROM TOP: Lago di Lugano, Swiss 4000m peaks, Milan CAR TRAFFIC: first third: barely any, second third: “oh, a car!”, last third: none PRE RIDE COFFEE AND POST RIDE BEER: Bar Centro Tesserete 29


GFNY Car Lineup


f you ever had the chance to watch a pro race from the side of the road, you might have been surprised about the amount of cars and motorbikes travelling ahead of, with and after the racers. Every participant in this vehicle procession has a clear role, whether it’s clearing the road ahead, promoting the race sponsors, providing material or medical support or documenting the action that happens through the course of the race. The amount of motorized vehicles per rider reaches its pinnacle each year at the Tour de France. But not only pro races need vehicle support. Well-run Gran Fondos not only have similar logistics to a pro race, they also have to deal with a far more spread out field. While the “Head of Race” car

at a Gran Fondo might be approaching the finish, the broom wagon still trails several hours behind. Team or personal support cars are not allowed at Gran Fondos to keep the competition fair and to limit the amount of cars on the road for the safety of the cyclists. A Gran Fondo rider has to be self-supported. Nonetheless, you’ll find a large amount of “servizio corse” at a Gran Fondo to help riders with mechanical problems that can’t be fixed with a tube or mini tool. Commercial caravans may today only be a specialty of the top professional races. But large Gran Fondos are enough of a spectacle to draw fans to the streets. Some sweets or goodies thrown from a decorated truck or van help keep spectators entertained while waiting for the peloton.





rudging along the gravel driveway, doing my best to ignore the fact that my cleats are being torn up, I try only to think of the ride ahead of us; but a little shiver runs through my body. Am I dressed warmly enough for this ride? It’s September, I have a vest, and arm warmers and knee warmers on, I should be. If this were the city, chances


are I wouldn’t even need those. The difference in temperature is quite surprising to me considering we are only 2 hours out of Manhattan. I shiver again. Half a mile later, we have made it to the road. James was right; I could not have ridden that. We clip in and roll out. I am feeling quite ambitious today despite the fact it’s the end of a very long season. I’ve eagerly agreed to any of James’ route suggestions, and haven’t batted an eyelid at his warnings of the climbs we will encounter. Other than the Tour of the Catskills, this is my first

time riding in the Catskill Mountains. I thoroughly enjoyed the Tour, despite (or because of?) the infamous Devil’s Kitchen climb at the end of stage 2—the one with a max gradient of 22.9%, the one that’s consistently at 15% for a large portion of the 4km climb. There can’t be any climbs like that on todays ride…right, James? At the start of the of the inaugural Gran Fondo New York I had only been living in New York for 6 months. As is the case with everyone, I quickly became accustomed to 9W. Route 9W is a fabulous stretch of road with minor undulations, especially considering its proximity to the busiest city in the world—a place I never thought I would get to ride in! But 9W quickly got repetitive. Gran

Fondo New York was my eye opener; it showed me that there was so much more than 9W, and gave me access to some great climbs, beautiful roads, many alternative routes, options away from 9W, and also many great riders to ride with. The bonus of GFNY is the controlled traffic. But you can’t always have that bliss, can you? This road is great; it’s little rough, but rolls well

More miles tick by with us sitting in the saddle, spinning a comfortable 20mph—fast enough to enjoy the ride, but slow enough to absorb more of this lush, beautiful scenery. It’s purely spectacular.


regardless. We are heading north on Route 18. The road rises a little, it dips a little, and now it’s rising again—I guess there are some ‘flat’ roads even in the mountains. We pass quaint little houses and surprisingly adorable barns, before passing a fridge…wait, what?! A fridge, on the side of the road? Standing tall and proud, under its own little pergola…yes, a fridge. James educates me; it’s fresh milk and cheese. Just leave some money and take what you want. We roll on, but at more of a clip now as the energy of the day warms us up. I breathe deeply, not because I am working hard, but to make the most of this immaculately fresh air. More miles tick by with us sitting in the saddle, spinning a comfortable 20mph—fast enough to enjoy the ride, but slow enough to absorb more of this lush, beautiful scenery. It’s purely spectacular. James asks if I’m ready. I am ready. We sweep right through the bend and James tells me to go. I go. He described this as a punchy climb—Pink Street Hill, the punchy climb. So I go at my punchy pace. Suddenly my long season of riding is screaming at me from my legs, and I notice the first half-mile of the gradient has steadily risen with me. 6%, 8%, 12%—oh my, 14%. Back to 4% for a moment, then a kick into 17%. How long did 34

he say this punchy climb was? I find that zone, the one we all have, where the feeling of the climb itself has been buried so deep that you can hardly notice it anymore. The sweat is now beginning to bead and I’m breathing deeply; not to enjoy the crisp clean air now, but because I am working hard. Really hard. I roll down my arm warmers, unzip my jersey some and plug on. One mile. On a “flat” spot, I enjoy the ease of 8% and take in the view. The vista to my left is breathtaking and I almost don’t notice the incline kick back up again to 14%. 1.5 miles, 10 minutes of climbing…really? Was it really 10 minutes? When I spoke to other riders in the peloton during GFNY—riders from Australia, Italy, France, all over—they all exclaimed with a little disbelief, despite being in the thick of it, that the Gran Fondo New York started just 20 minutes from midtown NYC. They were amazed with the quality of climbing, the scenery, and the fact that there really was Italian style cycling so close and so accessible to New York City. I look around me. Yep, NYC’s doorstep is an amazing place. Pulling my arm warmers back up, I grip the drops, bend my knees to lightly graze the top tube, arch my back, stick my bum out, and rapidly whizz down the wondrous decent over the back of Pink Street Hill. The road is inviting and the Indian summer colored trees flashing by me seem endless, only interrupted by the odd barn or farm— wait, did I just pass a 10 foot tall horse? The road continues down, its curves wide and controllable. I am finally descending well, I am in the zone and there is no one here to bother me or go flying by with their superior descending skills. 35


N Y L K O O R B yclists who are new to racing often ask where they can race in New York City, one of the most congested and largest cities in the world. The racing scene is alive and well in Brooklyn, New York, with three separate race series – two are located in Brooklyn’s Prospect Park (a smaller version of Manhattan’s Central Park) and the third series is held at Floyd Bennett Field, New York’s first airport that ceased operations and is now a U.S. National Park.

PROSPECT PARK BICYCLE RACING Racing began in Prospect Park in the early 1960’s and was promoted by Al Toefield. Al Toefield founded the Kissena Cycling Club and was a retired New York City Police Officer. The officials at Prospect Park contacted Al to organize bicycle races to bring some “life” into the Park by encouraging local residents to become more active and for the past 40 years bicycle racing has flourished in the Park from April to September. There are two separate race series in the Park for a total of 13 races and each caters to different racing groups and skill levels. Both are sanctioned by USA Cycling, the governing body of bicycle racing in the United States. The races start at 6AM to avoid the crowds of park users and the race course is a rolling 3.4 mile loop with one hill. The first race series is called the Lucarelli & Castaldi Cup and is sponsored by the Law Firm of Lucarelli & Castaldi, a long time supporter of New York City bicycle racing. The series consists of 8 races and there are 3 separate groups or cat-

Left: Racing action on a Tuesday night at Brooklyn’s Floyd Bennett Field. 38

egories of racers competing: the Category 1-2-3 race is 44 miles, the Category 4 race is 31 miles and the Category 5 race is 17 miles. The Category system works like this: everybody starts off as a Category 5 racer. When you have completed 10 Category 5 races you can advance to the Category 4 level. To advance to the Category 3, then 2, then 1 levels you need to have earned enough points and you earn points by “placing” or by finishing in the first 10 in a race. In order to compete you are required to have a USA Cycling license even if you are in the entry-level Category 5 group. You can purchase a USA Cycling “one day” license at the race for $10 The second race series is called the R&A Cycles Series and is sponsored by R&A Cycles, Brooklyn’s premier bicycle shop. This 5 race series offers races for USAC licensed Category 1-4 Masters 40+ racers (racers over the age of 40), USAC licensed Category 1-4 Women racers (yes, a separate race for women) as well as the entry-level Category 5 category for first-time races. The Masters 40+ race is 40 miles, the Women’s race is 31 miles and the Category 5 race is 17 miles. Both series have “Tour de France” style competitions and the leaders of each are supplied full leader kits (matching jerseys, bib shorts, gloves, socks and even caps). The overall leaders of the Category 1-23, Category 4 and Masters 40+ wear yellow kits, the overall leader of the women competition wears a pink kit, the King/Queen of the Mountain leader wears the classic polka-dot kit, the best sprinter wears the green kit and we even have a competition for the best rider over the age of 45 in the Category 1-2-3 and Category 4 series and that leader wears a silver kit. The leaders are determined by points the score each race and all leader kits are supplied by Champion System custom cycling apparel. FLOYD BENNETT FIELD BICYCLE RACING Every Tuesday night from the first Tuesday in May until the last Tuesday in August for a total of 17 races), bicycle races are held at Floyd Bennett Field in southeast Brooklyn. Floyd Bennett Field was New York City’s first municipal airport and is now a National Park. Racing began at Floyd Bennett Field in 1993 and utilizes the airport runways to form a 2.3 mile loop. While the entire course is flat, it is often referred to by local cyclists as the hardest, flattest course you will ever race on. What make the race so difficult are the windy conditions due to it’s close proximity to the water. For many, racing at Floyd Bennett Field has a Belgian feel with winds that tear the race apart into small

Above: The Sprint Competition Leader (green kit) and the King of the Mountain Competition Leader (polka-dot kit) in action at the Lucarelli & Castaldi Cup in Prospect Park, Brooklyn.

“echelons” and a road surface that is rough in spots for Brooklyn’s own version of “pavé”. There are the 3 separate categories of races: USAC licensed Category 1-2-3, USAC licensed Category 3-4 and the entry level Category 5 for first-time racers. Category 3 riders who are under the age of 40 must race in the Category 1-2-3 race. There is an overall competition leader for the Category 1-2-3 and Category 3-4 races and the leader once again wears an all-yellow leader kit supplied by Champion System custom cycling apparel. There is also a separate Sprint Competition for the Category 1-2-3 and Category 3-4 races and the leaders wear the classic green kit. The Category 5 race starts at 6:30PM and is 12 miles. The Category 1-2-3 and Category 3-4 races start at 7PM and 7:02PM and are 28 and 23 miles. WHAT TO EXPECT AT BROOKLYN RACES Competition and fun! The New York City racing community is tight-knit and very friendly. The competition is intense but off the bicycle we are one big family. There is no “elite” attitudes because everybody started off the same way – as a first-time Category 5 racer. If you have ever wondered what it is like to race you are encoraged to come to one of the 30 races that take place each year in Brooklyn at eiter Prospect Park of Floyd Bennett Field. For more information contact the Kissena Cycling Race Director Charlie Issendorf at




WHAT’S YOUR ROLE AT GFNY DURING THE YEAR? Most of the work has to be done directly in the 3-4 months preceding the race but there is plenty to do in-between races with a focus on technical and organizational aspects of the event. I start planning the transportation of the race already 9 months ahead. We hire drivers and teams to set up sponsor banners, blowup arches, barricades etc. We used to rent all our bike racks for aid stations and finish line but now I build them from scratch. I plan to construct 200 racks within the next two months. That way we’re more independent. Once that’s done, I’ll focus on changing and improving our staging and podium at the finish. WHAT ARE THE KEY THINGS THAT NEED TO GET DONE ON GFNY WEEKEND? We start with route marking with chalk and put up our 300 signs from about 10 days out. Part of that is also the beautification of the course, which includes GFNY banners, arches, flags etc. On race weekend, I have to ensure that all the equipment such as tents, generators, trucks etc. will be at the right place. On time food and water delivery at each aid station is key! All these elements of the race need to be precisely planned months ahead, in particular the start and finish area. GFNY is not a location but 100 miles of route. Actually, given the importance for details, I should say 528,000 feet. HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE YOU DIRECTING TO GET ALL THIS DONE? We’re fortunate to have amazing volunteer support at GFNY. But in addition to that, I’m hiring 50 people for race


week who work almost around the clock to have everything ready for the big day. These guys have done an amazing job and I’m glad that they are coming back year after year. This way I’m able to build an experienced and dedicated team, ultimately enabling us to put on the best-run race in the US. WHAT’S THE MOST FUN PART FOR YOU AT GFNY? For me the most enjoyable part is the opening of NYC Bike Expo and race packet pickup on Friday. The expo has an amazing atmosphere. To see the cyclists in person and watch them and their families is so cool. It’s a friendly, energetic, multilingual crowd, not just anonymous people. It makes my work so fulfilling. I want to offer the riders the best experience possible, especially when they come from as far away as Europe, Asia or even New Zealand. Many of them come back each year. That really makes me so proud to be a part of GFNY. WHAT’S THE TOUGHEST PART? The moment NYC Bike Expo is closing on Saturday evening my marathon day and night work begins, ending many hours after the finish ceremony on Sunday. By then, I’m already awake for 40 hours. In 2013, the weather made the event very challenging not only for the racers but also for my crew and me. Gathering all our equipment, cleaning it, repairing it and drying it took several weeks. I feel great when everything is back in the warehouse, organized and repaired. And by then it’s already time for me to start getting ready for the next year. I plan improvements, work on new projects and all the things that can be done ahead. It really is a year round effort. I can’t wait for CGFNY 2014!

This Fall George Hincapie will lead cyclists through the picturesque roads of the Blue Ridge foothills – the same roads he used in training for races such as the Tour of Flanders, Paris-Roubaix and the Tour de France. See the spectacular red, orange and yellow of the changing autumn leaves. Climb the challenging Skyuka Mountain. Meet cycling stars of the past, present and future. Join the ride.






Edward Wines, the New York-based wine importer and wholesaler, and Bloomberg L.P., the New Yorkheadquartered financial data and media company, are at the spear tip of a growing trend that recognizes the benefits to business from a corporate culture that encourages employees to regularly go cycling together and/or with clients. These internal team-building and client-relationship benefits are enhanced when company teams of employees and/or clients train for and conquer challenging events, such as the Campagnolo Gran Fondo New York. Management, employees and clients from T. Edward Wines will be teammates when they tackle the 2014 Campagnolo Gran Fondo New York next May 18. The Bloomberg team at the 2014 event will have about 30 employees from several company locations throughout New York City and New Jersey. Dozens of other teams will also participate in the Campagnolo Gran Fondo New York, either to compete against each other in the event’s special team division or simply to finish one of the most difficult one-day cycling events in the world. T. EDWARD WINES Karen Ulrich, director of information and communications at T. Edward Wines, says the company’s cycling culture is “fun as well as good business” because it “brings good health, fitness, morale and teamwork” and it also “helps the relationships between our staff and accounts.” “Cycling is very much part of our lifestyle,” says Karen. “Setting goals and completing what you begin and staying fit as well as supporting worthwhile events. That’s what it’s all about.” The cycling culture at T. Edward Wines got a dramatic kickstart in 2009 when Tom Byrnes, company owner, and Peter Cassell, director of operations, announced the company would



provide bicycles for employees who would commit to train for 60 days then fly to France and ride up Mont Ventoux. Mont Ventoux, the famous Giant of Provence, is considered one of the most difficult climbs tackled by the Tour de France. Since the Mont Ventoux adventure, a contingent of company executives and employees has ridden a number of cycling events that are closer to home, including the New York City Bike MS, and the 2011, 2012 and 2013 editions of the Gran Fondo New York. In fact, the 2013 Campagnolo Gran Fondo New York turned out to be as epic an adventure for the T. Edward Wines team as anything the 2013 Tour de France threw at its professional teams. “We had six members of our team of employees, friends and clients who completed the 100-mile granfondo in horrible conditions,” says Karen. “I really hadn’t trained enough so I was planning on turning around part way, but when we got the first food stop, the other guys said they were going on on. I wasn’t going to be only one to turn around, so I continued too. The conditions were hardly optimal, but it’s great to finish what you start, whether it is a difficult gran fondo or some other project.” T. Edward Wines became a sponsor of the Gran Fondo New York in 2012 after its team enjoyed riding the 2011 event. That sponsorship continued in 2013 and will continue in 2014, says Karen. The company has also sponsored other cycling-related events, including the I Challenge Myself project, a non-profit organization founded in 2005 to design physical fitness challenges (including a one-day 100-mile bike tour) for students in high-poverty high schools in the Bronx and Washington Heights. These challenges allow the students to experience personal and group success, to strengthen their bodies, and to develop a greater sense of confidence in their fitness skills and in their


ability to persevere. BLOOMBERG Bloomberg’s team at the 2014 Campagnolo Gran Fondo New York will increase to about 30 members from the 20 that participated in the 2013, says Travis Farrell, a Bloomberg software developer located in Manhatten who has volunteered to organize the company’s team at the 2014 event. The team will include Bloomberg employees from several offices in the New York and New Jersey region. “Our approach is pretty casual on an event-by-event basis and is supported by the company because cycling together definitely encourages employee morale and team-building,” says Travis. “You get to know people from different areas of the company and you learn what’s going on in their part of the company.” Team members from different offices train in small local groups then come together at events. Some are former competitive riders, others are currently competitive triathletes, and still others are just riding for fun and fitness. The team’s resolve was tested in 2013 by the cold and rainy conditions at the Campagnolo Gran Fondo New York, says Travis. “Yeah, the weather was really something. Some of our team didn’t finish, but a lot did. It was cold, but we had fun and for sure we’ll be back in 2014.” TEAMS AND GRAN FONDOS The Campagnolo Gran Fondo New York is not the only granfondo event to provide the focus for a corporate business/cycling culture. At the RBC Gran Fondo Banff in August, held inside Canada’s Banff National Park in the Province of Alberta, the entry fees of more than 20% of the 1,500 riders were paid by their companies. They included Canadian divisions of International Business Machines Corp. (IBM) and NetApp, Inc., the multinational computer storage and data management company. “I think the company has recognized that cycling is the new golf, although I know that might be an overused phrase,” says Benny Cifelli, the Net App divisional manager who organized the team’s expedition to Banff. “And I think it is a great way to connect with our clients. A lot of management of our clients are into cycling.” Net App’s Banff weekend included deluxe lodgings, good food, and the lively comradery that was inevitable in a group of endorphin- infused cyclists.  GFNY’S UNIQUE POTENTIAL Other granfondo events also encourage team participation. However, the Campagnolo Gran Fondo New York recognizes its unique potential to add hundreds of business teams to the thousands of individual cyclists who ride the event each year because it is held on the doorstep of the headquarters

of Corporate America’s leading companies with the skyline of the world’s most exciting city as its backdrop. Lidia Fluhme, co-director of the Campagnolo Gran Fondo New York, believes companies can create meaningful connections between their employees and with their clients by participating together in the event. “The event is a personal challenge that offers many bonding opportunities, such as going on training rides together in the months before the event, exchanging race prep ideas, getting together for a short pre-race group ride in the days leading up to the event, going for a pre- race or post-race dinner, and reliving war stories from the event long after it took place,” says Lidia. “All participants of Campagnolo Gran Fondo New York have a different story of what led up to them getting to the start line and how they got to the finish line, but they all have one thing in common: They all covered the full distance along the same course on the same day to have earned their place on the results list.” While some teammates may start off by attempting to stay together during the ride, usually they recognize early in the event the difficulty of staying together in a group of 5,000 other cyclists. “Making a group of people of varying speeds ride together as part of a long distance cycling event is doomed to create an unhappy experience, for the faster-paced cyclists who have to wait for slower teammates and for the slower riders who are forced to ride faster than they can comfortably handle,” says Lidia. THE WORLD’S MOST INTERNATIONAL CYCLING EVENT “It is much better for each rider to ride at his or her own pace, creating his or her own experiences and memories. The beauty of Campagnolo Gran Fondo New York is that it’s the world’s most international cycling event and it’s staggering how many different people from different parts of the world and different walks of life you can meet, who happen to be cycling right aside you. Take advantage of that,” advises Lidia. “People like to hear stories of other people’s activities, but the bond is the strongest when both people in a conversation went through the same experience, even if they didn’t go through it side by side. Each person can share sympathy of how steep Colle Formaggio was or how never-ending Montagna dell’Orso felt or how happy they were to see the ‘5 km To Go’ sign because they experienced it as well.” “The conversation would be one-sided if one person was telling his or her story to the other, but it becomes a mutual dialogue of respect and enjoyment when both have gone through it. In this way, a company can create very meaningful connections for their internal teams who work in different locations, as well as deepen the relationships that employees have with their clients,” says Lidia.

Terry McDonald is Editor of, a new website for road cyclists that covers mass participation events such as granfondos and centuries.


� Campagnolo Gran Fondo New York 2013 Results

May 19, 2013

INDIVIDUAL RESULTS 1. Stefano Nicoletti, 4:24:26, 1/MOA, Modena, IT 2. Bruce Bird, 4:29:15, 2/MOA, Toronto, CA 3. Anthony Fatuzzo, 4:33:49, 3/MOA, Fair Lawn, US 4. Jean-Francois Laroche, 4:35:54, 1/M18, Montreal, CA 5. Jean Carlo Coloca, 4:35:54, 2/M18, Sao Paulo, BR 6. Mario Oscar Rubin, 4:35:55, 1/M50, Buenos Aires, AR 7. Scott Moninger, 4:35:56, 1/M45, St Louis, US 8. Gabriel Corredor Arango, 4:40:17, 1/M40, Bogota, CO 9. Erik Post, 4:41:46, 3/M18, New York, US 10. Svenn Mikalsen, 4:41:49, 4/M18, Ridgewood, US 11. Chad Butts, 4:41:59, 5/M18, New York, US 12. Pierre-Olivier Boily, 4:45:53, 6/M18, Sherbrooke, CA 13. Gorgi Popstefanov, 4:45:57, 7/M18, Garfield, US 14. Dillon Clapp, 4:46:01, 8/M18, Oxnard, US 15. James Spender, 4:46:06, 9/M18, London, GB 16. Marco Innocentini, 4:46:08, 10/M18, Rimini, IT 17. Paolo Botti, 4:46:08, 3/M40, Modena, IT 18. Andrew McGee, 4:46:10, 2/M40, New York, US 19. Simone Soldi, 4:46:55, 11/M18, Pistoia, IT 20. Marc-Andre Genest, 4:52:01, 12/M18, Montreal, CA 21. Christopher Beattie, 4:52:10, 4/M40, Ballymoney, GB 22. Davide Catalano, 4:52:39, 13/M18, Foggia, IT 23. Jaime Murra, 4:52:46, 2/M45, Key Biscayne, US 24. Hayden Judd, 4:53:11, 14/M18, New York, US 25. Trent Donat, 4:53:34, 3/M45, St Louis, US 26. Michele Marullo, 4:54:27, 2/M50, Pescara, IT 27. Rene Munoz, 4:54:38, 15/M18, Miami, US 28. Enrico Biganzoli, 4:54:40, 16/M18, MacHerio, IT 29. John Jenkin, 4:54:40, 5/M40, London, GB 30. Chris Dietrich, 4:54:41, 3/M50, Charlotte, US 31. Mauricio Sanchez, 4:54:47, 17/M18, New York, US 32. Charles-Andre Bilodeau, 4:54:54, 18/M18, Verdun, CA 33. Rodrigo Vilches, 4:55:09, 6/M40, Santiago, CL 34. Roberto Colciago, 4:55:20, 7/M40, Carate Brianza, IT 35. Will Schneider, 4:55:29, 4/M45, New York, US 36. Eric Johnson, 4:58:00, 5/M45, Stittsville, CA 37. Alex Ostroy, 4:58:06, 6/M45, New York, US 38. Michael Rapp, 4:58:08, 7/M45, Ottawa, CA 39. Philly Williams, 4:58:09, 19/M18, New York, US 40. Jovica Ivetic, 4:58:09, 20/M18, Brooklyn, US 41. Armand Wilhelm, 4:58:11, 21/M18, New York, US 42. Denis Finnin, 4:58:21, 1/M60, Weehawken, US 43. Cristian Mina, 4:58:30, 22/M18, Rimini, IT 44. Camila Cortes Severino, 4:59:15, 1/FOA, Bogota, CO 45. Scott Elliott, 5:00:22, 23/M18, Mississauga, CA 46. Timothy Smith, 5:01:59, 8/M40, Roslindale, US 47. Nial Kelly, 5:02:39, 4/M50, Riverside, US 48. Greg Hruby, 5:04:34, 24/M18, New York, US 49. Luca Giannini, 5:05:43, 8/M45, Riccione, IT 50. Vincenzo Lupoli, 5:05:54, 9/M45, Genzano Di Roma, IT 51. Douglas Crane, 5:06:09, 1/M55, Norwalk, US 52. Wade Wegner, 5:06:10, 9/M40, Westwood, US 53. Reuben Kline, 5:06:27, 10/M40, Frederick, US 54. Jason Miller, 5:06:29, 11/M40, St Ouen, JE 55. Gabe Faraone, 5:08:31, 10/M45, Toronto, CA 56. David Gray, 5:10:09, 11/M45, St Louis, US 57. Alexander Todoran, 5:10:37, 25/M18, Stockholm, SE 44

58. Barry Petzold, 5:11:00, 26/M18, Saugus, US 59. Noah Gellner, 5:11:29, 12/M40, New York, US 60. David Moore, 5:11:30, 5/M50, Charlotte, US 61. Garrett Barnett, 5:11:37, 27/M18, Tahlequah, US 62. Tim Inall, 5:11:47, 12/M45, Ridgefield, US 63. Mauro Testani, 5:11:54, 28/M18, Albano Laziale, IT 64. Richard Bowen, 5:12:07, 29/M18, Clermont, US 65. Matthias Burster, 5:12:08, 6/M50, Gernsbach, DE 66. Miguel Sosa, 5:12:17, 30/M18, Flushing, US 67. Matthew Neugebauer, 5:14:02, 31/M18, Wilmington, US 68. Danny Muehlschlegel, 5:14:14, 32/M18, Waban, US 69. Sebastian Moll, 5:14:15, 13/M45, New York, US 70. Michel St-Onge, 5:14:19, 7/M50, Boisbriand, CA 71. Paulo Fernando Menezes Aguiar, 5:14:21, 14/M45, Rio de Janeiro, BR 72. Cristian Pernazza, 5:14:30, 13/M40, Orte, IT 73. Terry Halpin, 5:15:03, 15/M45, Middletown, US 74. Conrad Scharf, 5:15:18, 8/M50, Croton On Hudson, US 75. Henrique Leme Pinto Lima, 5:15:28, 33/M18, Sao Paulo, BR 76. Percy Zahl, 5:16:01, 14/M40, Rocky Point, US 77. Christian Olsson, 5:16:03, 15/M40, Saltsjo-Duvnas, SE 78. Ben Delaney, 5:16:06, 34/M18, Boulder, US 79. Francois Desmeules, 5:16:24, 35/M18, Montreal, CA 80. Peter Weernink, 5:16:42, 9/M50, Geneva, CH 81. Roberto Vergara Amaya., 5:16:47, 36/M18, Quito, EC 82. Joe Correia, 5:16:49, 16/M45, Toronto, CA 83. Pierre Tessier, 5:17:10, 17/M45, Verdun, CA 84. Kevin Rasmussen, 5:17:27, 16/M40, Philadelphia, US 85. Henry Peacock, 5:17:58, 37/M18, London, GB 86. Luigi Sernacchioli, 5:17:59, 2/M55, Bassano Romano, IT 87. David Raymond, 5:18:04, 3/M55, Fairfield, US 88. Christopher Drinkwater, 5:18:13, 38/M18, New York, US 89. Shane Winn, 5:18:20, 17/M40, Pleasantville, US 90. Robert Weitzner, 5:18:22, 10/M50, New York, US 91. Guillaume Lemay-Tougas, 5:18:34, 39/M18, Saint-Hubert, CA 92. Colin Izzard, 5:18:35, 40/M18, Brevard, US 93. Ben Kaley, 5:18:42, 41/M18, Hanwell, CA 94. George Suter, 5:18:45, 11/M50, New York, US 95. Vincent Galgano, 5:18:48, 42/M18, Dobbs Ferry, US 96. Dean Brizel, 5:18:54, 12/M50, New York, US 97. George Rhein, 5:19:00, 4/M55, Warwick, US 98. Alessandro Simeone, 5:19:19, 18/M40, Bellinzona, CH 99. David Frehner, 5:19:23, 43/M18, Esplugas De Llobre, ES 100. Jim Martin, 5:19:24, 44/M18, New York, US 101. Greg Baxter, 5:19:24, 18/M45, New York, US 102. Jason Chai-Onn, 5:19:36, 45/M18, Aurora, CA 103. Gustavo Barbedo, 5:19:37, 19/M40, Rio de Janeiro, BR 104. Sergio Scherz, 5:19:56, 13/M50, Capital Federal, AR 105. Juan Aracena, 5:20:09, 19/M45, Dumont, US 106. Gabriel Teyssedou, 5:20:35, 46/M18, New York, US 107. Carlo D’Andrea, 5:20:40, 2/M60, Foggia, IT 108. Harry Zernike, 5:20:48, 20/M45, New York, US 109. Susan Jones, 5:21:01, 2/FOA, Westmount, CA 110. Robert Girard, 5:21:29, 5/M55, Mt-Royal, CA 111. Peter Brandt, 5:21:45, 47/M18, Stockholm, SE 112. Jason Keighery, 5:22:12, 20/M40, New York, US 113. Luis Andre Azevedo, 5:22:22, 48/M18, Sao Paulo, BR 114. Laurent Gras, 5:22:26, 21/M45, New York, US 115. Stuart Copelovitch, 5:22:41, 14/M50, Montreal, CA 116. Jon Barovick, 5:22:44, 15/M50, New York, US

117. Ronald Malone, 5:22:58, 22/M45, Longbeach, US 118. Eric Ethier, 5:23:24, 49/M18, Chambly, CA 119. Fabio Marani, 5:23:47, 50/M18, Modena, IT 120. Chris Becker, 5:24:10, 23/M45, New York, US 121. Greg Platt, 5:24:36, 21/M40, Orlando, US 122. Alexander Michas, 5:24:37, 51/M18, New York, US 123. Mike Hyman, 5:24:43, 22/M40, Norwalk, US 124. S bastien Roy, 5:24:49, 23/M40, Beaupr, CA 125. John Crook, 5:25:34, 6/M55, Lancaster, US 126. Arnaldo Varella, 5:25:43, 7/M55, Rio de Janeiro, BR 127. David Hendrycks, 5:25:44, 16/M50, Ottawa, CA 128. Neil Sinclair, 5:25:52, 24/M40, Vancouver, CA 129. Paul Ballew, 5:26:17, 17/M50, Brooklyn, US 130. Joshua Riddle, 5:26:33, 52/M18, Creazzo, IT 131. Kate Veronneau, 5:26:35, 3/FOA, Topton, US 132. Michael Ehrie III, 5:26:46, 53/M18, New York, US 133. Antonio Marcelo Alves Jorge, 5:26:55, 25/M40, Rio de Janeiro, BR 134. Per Gustafsson, 5:27:15, 26/M40, Nacka, SE 135. Thaddeus Yablonsky, 5:27:25, 24/M45, South Orange, US 136. Michael Boesiger, 5:27:52, 27/M40, Guensberg, CH 137. Simon Phuah, 5:28:07, 28/M40, Jersey City, US 138. Rovilson Angelucci Filho, 5:28:25, 29/M40, Sao Paulo, BR 139. Leonardo Chao, 5:28:30, 25/M45, New Milford, US 140. Gary Chapman, 5:28:46, 26/M45, Pequannock, US 141. Ricardo Tamaoki, 5:28:57, 30/M40, Sao Paulo, BR 142. Rob Gill, 5:29:05, 54/M18, New York, US 143. Pierangelo Panero, 5:29:12, 18/M50, Savigliano, IT 144. Nelson Cardenas, 5:29:24, 31/M40, Union City, US 145. Filippo Di Dio Parlapoco, 5:29:33, 32/M40, Senna Comasco, IT 146. Luis Rivera, 5:29:39, 55/M18, New York, US 147. Carlo Russo, 5:29:53, 3/M60, Princeton, US 148. Paul Brickel, 5:30:16, 27/M45, New York, US 149. Mauro Merli, 5:30:30, 28/M45, Azzano Decimo, IT 150. Todd Schwartz, 5:30:31, 29/M45, Meadowbrook, US 151. John Barbarite, 5:30:44, 1/M65, Monticello, US 152. Kevin Hsieh, 5:30:59, 56/M18, New York, US 153. Oscar Bengtsson, 5:31:11, 33/M40, Saltsjo-Boo, SE 154. Juan Martinez, 5:31:36, 19/M50, Bogota, CO 155. Matt Kerr, 5:31:38, 34/M40, Ipswich, GB 156. Paul-Jurgen Engelhart, 5:31:40, 57/M18, Bregenz, AT 157. Stephen Gangbar, 5:31:41, 20/M50, Toronto, CA 158. Chris Frost, 5:32:24, 21/M50, New York, US 159. David Houghton, 5:32:25, 22/M50, Toronto, CA 160. Fredrik Enetjaern, 5:32:59, 35/M40, Nacka, SE 161. Andy Bonsall, 5:33:06, 58/M18, New York, US 162. Robert Beck, 5:33:08, 59/M18, New York, US 163. Stephen Finkelstein, 5:33:50, 36/M40, New York, US 164. Chris Dudko, 5:33:56, 37/M40, New York, US 165. Peter Sisti, 5:33:59, 8/M55, Oradell, US 166. Marc Tamburrino, 5:34:00, 60/M18, Montreal, CA 167. Daniel Quance, 5:34:11, 9/M55, Montreal, CA 168. Tim Kremer, 5:34:39, 30/M45, Sai Kung, HK 169. Marcus Dahllof, 5:34:40, 61/M18, New York, US 170. Aaron Katin, 5:34:41, 31/M45, New York, US 171. Kevin Long, 5:34:52, 62/M18, Queensbury, US 172. David Guzman, 5:34:54, 63/M18, New York, US 173. Matt Bruhn, 5:34:54, 38/M40, Pittsburgh, US 174. Tomas Martinez, 5:34:58, 64/M18, New York, US 175. Osvaldo Martinez, 5:34:59, 65/M18, New York, US 176. Martin Skotnicki, 5:35:21, 66/M18, New York, US 177. Joseph Grgic, 5:35:27, 67/M18, New York, US 178. David Muccioli, 5:35:39, 68/M18, Astoria, US 179. Martin Radzicki, 5:35:42, 69/M18, Pennington, US

180. Sean Metz, 5:35:49, 70/M18, Bellmore, US 181. David Boots, 5:35:53, 71/M18, Toronto, CA 182. Sebastien Delorme, 5:35:55, 39/M40, Montreal, CA 183. Eduardo Nieuwenhuyzen, 5:35:55, 72/M18, St Louis, US 184. Bryan Davis, 5:35:59, 32/M45, San Francisco, US 185. Sean McTearnen, 5:36:01, 73/M18, New York, US 186. Jesus Giraldez, 5:36:04, 74/M18, Puerto Ordaz, VE 187. Marc Cote, 5:36:06, 10/M55, Montreal, CA 188. Rudi Cavataio, 5:36:11, 33/M45, St Louis, US 189. Stefano Rosselli, 5:36:11, 23/M50, Dicomano, IT 190. Felipe Freire, 5:36:18, 75/M18, New York, US 191. Vassil Ivanov, 5:36:21, 76/M18, New York, US 192. Roberto Delgado Munoz, 5:36:35, 77/M18, Caguas, PR 193. Lars Ocklind, 5:37:17, 24/M50, Stersund, SE 194. Jan Dieleman, 5:37:42, 40/M40, Bellaire, US 195. Thomas Batista, 5:37:44, 41/M40, Freehold, US 196. Jeremie Thivierge-Lortie, 5:37:52, 78/M18, Montreal, CA 197. Giuseppe Sirello, 5:37:52, 25/M50, Savona, IT 198. Ryan Watts, 5:37:55, 79/M18, Wheelersburg, US 199. Adam Wall, 5:38:49, 80/M18, New York, US 200. David Burnett, 5:38:59, 81/M18, New York, US 201. Per-Olof Kruger, 5:39:20, 42/M40, Bromma, SE 202. Michael Bar, 5:39:29, 43/M40, New York, US 203. Elliot Scott, 5:39:52, 11/M55, Yonkers, US 204. Charles Wilson, 5:40:15, 82/M18, New York, US 205. Roberto Coro, 5:40:43, 44/M40, Weybridge, GB 206. John Culhane, 5:40:57, 26/M50, Milton, CA 207. Simon Lenartsson, 5:40:58, 83/M18, Stockholm, SE 208. Livio Gazzini, 5:41:08, 45/M40, Caracas, VE 209. Gianni Massai, 5:41:32, 27/M50, Bagno A Ripoli, IT 210. Silvano Caccioppo, 5:41:59, 46/M40, Latina, IT 211. John McDermott, 5:42:14, 34/M45, Hastings On Hudson, US 212. Henrik Illerstrom, 5:42:38, 47/M40, Stockholm, SE 213. Thomas Andrews, 5:42:48, 48/M40, Dobbs Ferry, US 214. Michael Parkes, 5:42:57, 84/M18, New York, US 215. Nelson Gutierrez, 5:42:57, 49/M40, Fair Lawn, US 216. Stefan Neuding, 5:43:00, 50/M40, Sao Paulo, BR 217. Valentin Rodriguez, 5:43:04, 85/M18, New York, US 218. Tom Nye, 5:43:11, 35/M45, Ho Ho Kus, US 219. Jason Oneill, 5:43:14, 86/M18, West Islip, US 220. Jocelyn Lafond, 5:43:18, 36/M45, Montreal, CA 45

221. Chris Huffman, 5:43:28, 4/M60, West Palm Beach, US 222. Francisco J Barrios, 5:43:30, 28/M50, Mexico City, MX 223. Keith Neu, 5:43:49, 37/M45, Ventura, US 224. William Kruse, 5:43:52, 87/M18, Arlington, US 225. Fernando Ferreira, 5:43:52, 51/M40, Sao Paulo, BR 226. James Terrani, 5:44:11, 88/M18, New York City, US 227. Chang Yeon Cho, 5:44:11, 89/M18, Astoria, US 228. Claudio Ortiz, 5:44:16, 52/M40, Lima, PE 229. Dhimiter Tumbe, 5:44:18, 90/M18, Astoria, US 230. Pablo Bachelet, 5:44:20, 29/M50, Vienna, US 231. Sean Mohan, 5:44:32, 53/M40, Moultonboro, US 232. Daniel Gonzalez, 5:44:48, 38/M45, Santiago, CL 233. Rafael Beltran, 5:44:50, 91/M18, Bogot, CO 234. David Doherty, 5:44:57, 92/M18, Hoboken, US 235. Trevor Lwin, 5:45:04, 54/M40, Toronto, CA 236. Rolf Berglund, 5:45:11, 30/M50, Luxembourg, LU 237. Jim Englert, 5:45:17, 93/M18, Hoboken, US 238. Megan Searfoss, 5:45:23, 1/F45, Ridgefield, US 239. Michael Bryzek, 5:45:26, 94/M18, West New York, US 240. Natascha Piciga, 5:45:31, 1/F18, Toronto, CA 241. Jeff Celentano, 5:45:38, 55/M40, Piermont, US 242. Rickard Lundberg, 5:45:39, 56/M40, Lidingo, SE 243. Ype De Jong, 5:45:42, 57/M40, Brooklyn, US 244. Mathias Schlotterbeck, 5:45:56, 58/M40, Reutlingen, DE 245. Georges Roy, 5:46:09, 12/M55, Baie D’urfe, CA 246. Kevin Haniffy, 5:46:10, 59/M40, New York, US 247. Jose Gusmao, 5:46:11, 13/M55, Sao Paulo, BR 248. Chaim Mandelbaum, 5:46:21, 39/M45, Teaneck, US 249. Aqsa Siddiqui, 5:46:42, 95/M18, Ridgewood, US 250. Erik Englund, 5:46:44, 96/M18, Stockholm, SE 251. Josh Reeves, 5:46:46, 97/M18, Covington, US 252. Adam Breault, 5:46:53, 98/M18, Moultonboro, US 253. Alessandro Bellucci, 5:47:11, 5/M60, Manhasset, US 254. Daniel Roig, 5:47:16, 40/M45, Miami, US 255. Paul Buijs, 5:47:26, 99/M18, New York, US 256. Nicolas Legorreta, 5:47:26, 100/M18, Mexico City, MX 257. Sebastien Stoffel, 5:47:42, 101/M18, Bayonne, US 258. Rob Nella, 5:47:51, 60/M40, Mississauga, CA 259. Jose Monge, 5:47:52, 102/M18, New York, US 260. David Varley, 5:48:06, 41/M45, Cellarhead, GB 261. Leonard Espinesa Diaz, 5:48:12, 103/M18, Englewood, US 262. Luis A Rodriguez, 5:48:15, 104/M18, New Haven, US 263. Christopher Trapp, 5:48:30, 105/M18, Marstons Mills, US 264. David Hirschwerk, 5:48:40, 61/M40, Port Washington, US 46

265. Leandro Germosen, 5:48:44, 42/M45, New York, US 266. Brett Bowe, 5:48:59, 31/M50, Toronto, CA 267. Harry Bajakian, 5:49:09, 62/M40, Wyckoff, US 268. Cesar Ranieri, 5:49:14, 106/M18, Sao Paulo, BR 269. Gregory Agran, 5:49:52, 43/M45, New York, US 270. Marco Pier Mazzucchelli, 5:50:11, 63/M40, Milano, IT 271. Neal Rogers, 5:50:15, 64/M40, Boulder, US 272. Gustavo Ferraro, 5:50:22, 32/M50, Greenwich, US 273. Gino Monopoli, 5:50:34, 107/M18, Toronto, CA 274. Josh Qualls, 5:51:21, 108/M18, Raceland, US 275. Marc Winniford, 5:51:21, 109/M18, New York, US 276. Mark Burgmans, 5:51:31, 110/M18, Netherlands, NL 277. Clifton Ing, 5:51:35, 111/M18, Toronto, CA 278. John Hupalo, 5:51:44, 33/M50, Weston, US 279. Elias Cagiannos, 5:51:52, 65/M40, Madison, US 280. Fredrik B cklund, 5:52:04, 112/M18, Odensbacken, SE 281. David Wenger, 5:52:11, 113/M18, Brooklyn, US 282. Gary Wright, 5:52:14, 44/M45, Burlington, CA 283. Karsten T schner, 5:52:33, 114/M18, Frankfurt Am Main, DE 284. Mats Karlsson, 5:52:43, 34/M50, Vallentuna, SE 285. Paul Alizio, 5:52:43, 115/M18, New York, US 286. Rickard Wessberg, 5:52:51, 116/M18, Solna, SE 287. Maurizio Toto’, 5:52:56, 35/M50, Porto S. Elpidio, IT 288. Doug Terris, 5:53:10, 6/M60, Bohemia, US 289. Mark Jakubowski, 5:53:10, 117/M18, Ronkonkoma, US 290. Douglas Maher, 5:53:11, 118/M18, New York, US 291. Jorge Marcelo Zambon, 5:53:25, 36/M50, Buenos Aires, AR 292. Brian Hamilton, 5:53:26, 66/M40, New York, US 293. Timothy Gwynne, 5:53:26, 67/M40, Fort Lauderdale, US 294. William Duong, 5:53:36, 119/M18, Brooklyn, US 295. Christopher Cross, 5:53:48, 37/M50, New York, US 296. Rafael Droguett, 5:53:52, 68/M40, Santiago, CL 297. Seth Richter, 5:54:09, 69/M40, North Brunswick, US 298. Ricard Miedel, 5:54:10, 38/M50, Saltsjo-Duvnas, SE 299. Carlo Tonet, 5:54:36, 70/M40, Feltre, IT 300. Maxime St-Louis, 5:54:39, 120/M18, Montreal, CA 301. Olivier Plouffe, 5:54:40, 121/M18, Montreal, CA 302. Jeremy Zeidner, 5:55:06, 71/M40, Stony Brook, US 303. Matthew Han, 5:55:19, 122/M18, Berkeley Heights, US 304. Jules Benson, 5:55:35, 123/M18, Philadelphia, US 305. Sebastien Dufort, 5:55:38, 124/M18, Brossard, CA 306. Christian Malo, 5:55:38, 125/M18, La Prairie, CA 307. Stephane Labrecque, 5:55:39, 126/M18, Otterburn Park, CA 308. Richard Padilla, 5:56:02, 127/M18, Oakville, CA 309. Jonathan Iwaszczuk, 5:56:03, 72/M40, Hewitt, US 310. Fabrice Albert, 5:56:03, 128/M18, New York, US 311. Youngjun Lee, 5:56:05, 129/M18, New York, US 312. Dean Hachely, 5:56:21, 45/M45, Clearemont, CA 313. Colin Mandy, 5:56:31, 130/M18, Cheadle, GB 314. Angel Luis Ibanez, 5:56:38, 131/M18, Sao Paulo, BR 315. Aaron Saddler, 5:56:55, 132/M18, Cold Spring, US 316. Cristiano Sereni, 5:56:57, 73/M40, Paris, FR 317. Ian Gvozdek, 5:57:27, 74/M40, Toronto, CA 318. Neil Isola, 5:57:29, 46/M45, Merrick, US 319. Robinson Sudan, 5:57:33, 133/M18, New Orleans, US 320. Jose Hernandez, 5:57:34, 75/M40, Whitestone, US 321. Matias Fernandez, 5:58:11, 134/M18, New York, US 322. Alexander Amprazis, 5:58:21, 135/M18, Hovas, SE 323. Albert Luk, 5:58:38, 136/M18, Toronto, CA 324. Richard Sberalti, 5:58:45, 137/M18, Brooklyn, US 325. Jorge Ilikzky, 5:58:46, 39/M50, Houston, US 326. Jeffrey Pitegoff, 5:58:49, 47/M45, Las Vegas, US 327. Ryan Kielty, 5:58:53, 138/M18, New York, US 328. Nancy Stutman, 5:58:54, 1/F50, Upper Saddle River, US

329. Tom Kalkof, 5:59:02, 76/M40, Berlin, DE 330. Fredrik Tjernstrom, 5:59:05, 48/M45, Bronx, US 331. Sylvain Lapierre, 5:59:05, 40/M50, Montreal, CA 332. Michael Lawn, 5:59:16, 77/M40, New York, US 333. Brett Parker, 5:59:19, 139/M18, New York, US 334. Richard Forzani, 5:59:24, 14/M55, Weston, US 335. Eric Guindon, 5:59:35, 78/M40, New York, US 336. Paul Fischlin, 5:59:35, 41/M50, Hampstead, CA 337. Gordon Ley, 5:59:39, 42/M50, Cobourg, CA 338. Johannes Olind, 5:59:48, 140/M18, West Point, US 339. Brian Firstbrook, 5:59:57, 43/M50, Ridgefield, US 340. Sergio Persano Benasso, 6:00:18, 7/M60, Genova, IT 341. Michael Willett, 6:00:20, 141/M18, Suffern, US 342. Sebastian Grove, 6:00:57, 79/M40, New York, US 343. Michael Mackenzie, 6:01:01, 49/M45, New York, US 344. Patrizio Bicego, 6:01:03, 44/M50, Cecina, IT 345. Joseph Schmidt, 6:01:13, 45/M50, Philadelphia, US 346. Eric Perkins, 6:01:15, 15/M55, Oradell, US 347. James Marsh, 6:01:24, 50/M45, Somers, US 348. Remi Parenteau, 6:01:24, 51/M45, Boucherville, CA 349. Michael Milewski, 6:01:40, 142/M18, Milford, US 350. William Semanczuk, 6:01:41, 80/M40, North Haledon, US 351. Kenneth Trueman, 6:01:46, 81/M40, Pittsburgh, US 352. Benjamin Bourse, 6:02:27, 82/M40, Sao Paulo, BR 353. Marcos Dumas, 6:02:28, 52/M45, Singapore, SG 354. Magnus Karlsson, 6:02:42, 83/M40, Upplands V sby, SE 355. Lorena Montgaillard, 6:02:46, 2/F18, Buenos Aires, AR 356. Stefan Trocha, 6:03:00, 84/M40, Hamburg, DE 357. Timothy Franjola, 6:03:12, 143/M18, Brooklyn, US 358. Marc Sgaraglino, 6:03:12, 85/M40, New York, US 359. Gilles Langis, 6:03:13, 53/M45, Ottawa, CA 360. Michael Sleightholme, 6:03:16, 86/M40, Summit, US 361. Jorge Cristoffanini, 6:03:19, 144/M18, Old Greenwich, US 362. Gabor Buza, 6:03:20, 145/M18, Brooklyn, US 363. Stephan Schlegel, 6:03:29, 87/M40, Berlin, DE 364. Tom Guimond, 6:03:29, 46/M50, New York, US 365. Alex Gonzalez, 6:03:52, 146/M18, Hackensack, US 366. Ali Mehdi, 6:03:57, 88/M40, New York, US 367. Andy Levite, 6:03:57, 89/M40, New York, US 368. Alan Huber, 6:04:00, 147/M18, Mexico City, US 369. Alan Hunt, 6:04:39, 54/M45, Kirkland, CA 370. Luc Gris, 6:04:44, 16/M55, Saint-Bruno, CA 371. Scott Hennessy, 6:05:45, 2/M65, Salinas, US 372. Rafael Toro, 6:05:56, 148/M18, San Juan, PR 373. Jeremy Sie, 6:06:15, 149/M18, New York, US 374. Kenley Gonzalez, 6:06:43, 150/M18, Bridgeport, US 375. Lauro Wollner, 6:06:45, 47/M50, Rio de Janeiro, BR 376. Roman Labutin, 6:06:53, 90/M40, Fort Lee, US 377. Chase Bender, 6:06:57, 151/M18, New York, US 378. Rick Delaney, 6:07:01, 55/M45, Cork, IE 379. Todd Sinclair, 6:07:11, 48/M50, Stony Point, US 380. Ari Baum, 6:07:14, 152/M18, Brooklyn, US 381. Luis Ulloa, 6:07:20, 56/M45, Corona, US 382. Jorge Hayler, 6:07:27, 91/M40, Greenwich, US 383. James Grant, 6:07:32, 57/M45, Jersey City, US 384. Kenneth Gilmer, 6:08:02, 153/M18, Brooklyn, US 385. Colin Gray, 6:08:05, 92/M40, North Vancouver, CA 386. Jorge Fanti, 6:08:11, 58/M45, Martinez, AR 387. Carlos Reyes, 6:08:23, 93/M40, Santiago, CL 388. Nicolas Sovza, 6:08:36, 154/M18, Rio de Janeiro, BR 389. Robert Madsen, 6:08:42, 59/M45, New York, US 390. Ross Stvens, 6:08:59, 94/M40, New York, US 391. Blair Elefant, 6:09:06, 3/F18, New York, US 392. Ben Aldrich, 6:09:14, 155/M18, Kalamazoo, US

393. Simon Brunndahl, 6:09:24, 95/M40, Malm, SE 394. Raul Leonardo, 6:09:31, 49/M50, North Brunswick, US 395. Michael Tan, 6:09:32, 156/M18, New York, US 396. Simon Parke, 6:09:36, 96/M40, Exeter, GB 397. Patrick Gilmour, 6:09:37, 97/M40, Brooklyn, US 398. Buz Barstow, 6:09:48, 157/M18, Cambridge, US 399. Jason Lazarus, 6:10:26, 98/M40, Orlando, US 400. Rahmin Pavlovic, 6:10:45, 158/M18, Brooklyn, US 401. Odd Mjaland, 6:10:45, 17/M55, Kristiansand, NO 402. Joseph Papa, 6:10:48, 159/M18, Toronto, CA 403. Patrick Gallagher, 6:10:51, 8/M60, New York, US 404. Joris Esch, 6:10:53, 160/M18, New York, US 405. Neil Cameron, 6:11:01, 99/M40, Milford, US 406. Randi Friedman, 6:11:11, 1/F55, South Windsor, US 407. Fabio Cianfanelli, 6:11:13, 100/M40, Ariccia, IT 408. Christopher Farber, 6:11:15, 161/M18, New York, US 409. Luis F Martinez, 6:11:20, 162/M18, Queens, US 410. Chad Westby, 6:11:35, 101/M40, Leesburg, US 411. Greg Wuest, 6:11:35, 9/M60, Hauppauge, US 412. Insuk Diovisalvo, 6:12:02, 1/F40, Hillsborough, US 413. Michael Dolan, 6:12:15, 163/M18, London, GB 414. Hajo Thiele, 6:12:22, 10/M60, Larchmont, US 415. Michael Scher, 6:12:34, 60/M45, Toronto, CA 416. Dave Schupmann, 6:13:00, 50/M50, Ridgefield, US 417. David Englert, 6:13:01, 61/M45, Ridgefield, US 418. Richard Gref, 6:13:16, 62/M45, St. Bruno De Monta, CA 419. Bruno Perugini, 6:13:47, 18/M55, Avellino, IT 420. Kevin Murrett, 6:13:47, 19/M55, Snyder, US 421. Margaret Wood, 6:14:01, 2/F50, Christchurch, NZ 422. Guillaume Bouvet, 6:14:02, 164/M18, New York, US 423. Richard Foulkes, 6:14:10, 102/M40, Amherst, US 424. Jason Radford, 6:14:14, 103/M40, New York, US 425. Pedro Dejesus, 6:14:24, 165/M18, Yonkers, US 426. Michael Park, 6:14:24, 166/M18, Norfolk, US 427. Roberto Mendoza, 6:14:32, 167/M18, New York, US 428. Raphael Cameron, 6:14:44, 168/M18, Stockholm, SE 429. Francois Audy, 6:14:50, 20/M55, St-Augustin, CA 430. Alex Moulle-Berteaux, 6:14:50, 104/M40, Brooklyn, US 431. Don Wilkinson, 6:15:10, 63/M45, New York, US 432. Carlos Dugarte, 6:15:12, 105/M40, Miami, US 433. Aurora Escotet, 6:15:14, 2/F45, Palmdale, US 434. Christoph Grueneis, 6:15:41, 106/M40, Park Ridge, US 435. Darek Michalec, 6:16:28, 51/M50, Calgary, CA 436. Erik Glover, 6:16:38, 169/M18, New York, US 437. Peter Edholm, 6:16:47, 64/M45, Lidingo, SE 438. Philippe Schinck, 6:16:47, 170/M18, Candiac, CA 439. Noah Greenhill, 6:16:49, 107/M40, New York, US 440. Matthew Kubal, 6:17:27, 108/M40, Annapolis, US 441. Regis Dupont, 6:17:28, 171/M18, New York, US 442. Sergio Leon, 6:17:38, 52/M50, Arlington, US 443. Johan Dillen, 6:17:39, 172/M18, Kruishoutem, BE 444. Armand Daccache, 6:17:47, 109/M40, Newtown, US 445. Jean-Philippe Gauthier, 6:17:53, 110/M40, Montreal, CA 446. Arend Steunenberg, 6:17:55, 53/M50, Chevy Chase, US 447. Karl Fournier, 6:17:56, 65/M45, Boucherville, CA 448. Bruno Baril, 6:17:57, 54/M50, St-Lambert, CA 449. Alfredo Farina, 6:17:57, 66/M45, Latina, IT 450. Sam Martini, 6:18:02, 173/M18, New York, US 451. Jesse Dungan, 6:18:07, 174/M18, New York, US 452. David Morgan, 6:18:09, 55/M50, Saunderstown, US 453. Michel Oberson, 6:18:15, 111/M40, Lugano, CH 454. Alessio Danilo Matasci, 6:18:19, 175/M18, Camorino, CH 455. Carlos Alamo, 6:18:30, 112/M40, Miami, US 456. Diana Almeida, 6:18:34, 3/F50, Chihuahua, MX 47

457. Alex Acevedo, 6:18:35, 113/M40, Mayaguez, PR 458. Scott Brown, 6:18:37, 176/M18, Christchurch, NZ 459. Yancey Puerta, 6:18:39, 177/M18, Woodridge, US 460. Enrico Manzini, 6:18:40, 114/M40, Villafontana Di Op, IT 461. Pietro Caucchioli, 6:18:41, 178/M18, Villafontana Di Op, IT 462. Juan Ramon Fernandez Rionda, 6:18:41, 67/M45, Mexico City, MX 463. Claudio Francisco Sanchez Castillo, 6:18:46, 56/M50, Heredia, CR 464. Diane Leo, 6:19:08, 3/F45, Patchogue, US 465. Phillip Dundas, 6:19:28, 115/M40, Brooklyn, US 466. Sylvio Couto, 6:19:37, 68/M45, Rio de Janeiro, BR 467. Matthew Mahan, 6:19:43, 179/M18, Pennington, US 468. Obie Ingram, 6:19:48, 116/M40, Locust Grove, US 469. Phil Connors, 6:19:49, 180/M18, Ozone Park, US 470. Eric Selle, 6:19:56, 117/M40, Hartsdale, US 471. Cheryl Dingman, 6:20:00, 4/F18, Tuckahoe, US 472. Paula Fanti, 6:20:04, 2/F40, Buenos Aires, AR 473. Piergiorgio Leoni, 6:20:04, 57/M50, Vicenza, IT 474. John Podesta, 6:20:20, 58/M50, New York, US 475. Jorge Saieh, 6:20:21, 118/M40, New York, US 476. Malik Graves-Pryor, 6:20:27, 181/M18, Brooklyn, US 477. Adam Eaton, 6:20:39, 119/M40, St. Louis, US 478. Ralph Doyle, 6:20:44, 182/M18, Astoria, US 479. Michael J Johnson, 6:20:50, 59/M50, Honesdale, US 480. Rick Parisi, 6:20:52, 21/M55, Old Greenwich, US 481. Gale Yanofsky, 6:20:52, 4/F50, Montreal, CA 482. Bernardo Aragon, 6:20:54, 183/M18, Mexico City, MX 483. Prem Mohan, 6:21:02, 184/M18, London, GB 484. William McGovern, 6:21:05, 120/M40, Forked River, US 485. Michael Painter, 6:21:06, 60/M50, Princeton Jct, US 486. Juan Galarza, 6:21:15, 69/M45, Marietta, US 487. Luis Elortondo, 6:21:16, 61/M50, Canton, US 488. Chad Hayes, 6:21:27, 121/M40, Flowery Branch, US 489. Vincent Beggs, 6:21:29, 70/M45, Alexandria, US 490. Lucrecia Vinhaes, 6:21:38, 5/F50, Rio de Janeiro, BR 491. Tim Mulligan, 6:21:48, 71/M45, Princeton Junction, US 492. Jessica Percasky, 6:21:54, 5/F18, Christchurch, NZ 493. Alistair Rogers, 6:21:56, 122/M40, Rocky Point, US 494. Ruben Almaraz Bautista, 6:21:58, 185/M18, New York, US 495. Robert Jones, 6:22:10, 72/M45, New Milford, US 496. Bento Guida, 6:22:11, 186/M18, Sao Paulo, BR 497. Bruno Lazard, 6:22:17, 187/M18, New York, US 498. David Williams, 6:22:41, 123/M40, London, GB 499. Christopher Yerkes, 6:22:51, 73/M45, Brooklyn, US 500. Peter Miko, 6:22:52, 11/M60, Warren, US 501. Dennis Sartori, 6:23:07, 22/M55, Richmond Hill, CA 502. Matthew Epstein, 6:23:13, 74/M45, Hoboken, US 503. Jj Raoult, 6:23:14, 23/M55, Hoboken, US 504. Caitlin Borgmann, 6:23:30, 4/F45, Montclair, US 505. Colin Corcoran, 6:23:32, 188/M18, New York, US 506. Pierangelo Rossetto, 6:23:37, 62/M50, Ivrea, IT 507. Gregory Brown, 6:23:39, 75/M45, West New York, US 508. Michiel Bove, 6:23:40, 124/M40, Chicago, US 509. Giovanni Di Muro, 6:23:53, 12/M60, Alassio, IT 510. Massimo Refolo, 6:24:09, 63/M50, Pavone, IT 511. Eric Bulson, 6:24:29, 125/M40, New York, US 512. Erick Schampaert, 6:24:29, 76/M45, Ville Mont-Royal, CA 513. Dmitry Tkachenko, 6:24:38, 77/M45, Khabarovsk, RU 514. Lorenzo Jimenez, 6:24:40, 126/M40, Woodside, US 515. Lindsay Jordan, 6:25:23, 64/M50, Princeton, US 516. Dariusz Kocan, 6:25:27, 189/M18, Toronto, CA 517. John Hagelgans, 6:25:30, 65/M50, New York, US 518. Philippe May, 6:25:40, 127/M40, Versegeres, CH 519. Edgar Salinas, 6:25:44, 190/M18, New York, US 520. Scott Edwardson, 6:25:51, 128/M40, Ridgefield, US 48

521. Tony Hillsdon, 6:26:00, 24/M55, Cardiff, GB 522. Matthew Mroz, 6:26:01, 129/M40, Bronville, US 523. Carlos R Guilger, 6:26:25, 130/M40, Sao Paulo, BR 524. Matthew Friedman, 6:26:30, 25/M55, South Windsor, US 525. Haris Misut, 6:26:39, 191/M18, Woodside, US 526. Abhishek Jha, 6:26:53, 192/M18, Brooklyn, US 527. Jesus Brenno Elias Batista, 6:26:53, 193/M18, Campo Grande, BR 528. Viirgil Popescu, 6:26:55, 78/M45, Pointe-Claire, CA 529. Denis Fragias, 6:26:56, 66/M50, Ddo, CA 530. Keith Mosley, 6:27:10, 67/M50, Oakville, CA 531. Stefan Kruus, 6:27:18, 79/M45, Mariefred, SE 532. Ben Campbell, 6:27:21, 80/M45, Maplewood, US 533. Tony Blank, 6:27:24, 26/M55, Coral Gables, US 534. Rodrigo Souza, 6:27:27, 194/M18, Sao Paulo, BR 535. Daniel Pinheiro, 6:27:28, 195/M18, Sao Paulo, BR 536. Thomas Ramseier, 6:27:31, 81/M45, Bern, CH 537. Jeffrey Rich, 6:27:31, 68/M50, Dallas, US 538. James Kramer, 6:27:32, 69/M50, Miami, US 539. Brad West, 6:27:34, 70/M50, Cobourg, CA 540. Geronimo Leonardi, 6:27:38, 196/M18, Miami, US 541. Rita Pitter, 6:27:39, 6/F18, Munich, DE 542. Felipe Robayo, 6:27:42, 82/M45, New York, US 543. Marcelo Weisselberger, 6:27:43, 131/M40, Santiago, CL 544. Jose Luis Castillo, 6:28:15, 197/M18, Astoria, US 545. Louis Bourassa, 6:28:23, 27/M55, Ile Des Soeurs, Ve, CA 546. Roland Wagner, 6:28:28, 83/M45, Klosterneuburg, AT 547. Robert Quan, 6:28:30, 84/M45, Hicksville, US 548. Michael Bonafide, 6:28:32, 198/M18, Arlington, US 549. Benkei O’Sullivan, 6:28:33, 199/M18, Brooklyn, US 550. James Viceconte, 6:28:36, 71/M50, Riverside, US 551. Scott Cone, 6:29:01, 72/M50, Severna Park, US 552. Edward Fishman, 6:29:18, 132/M40, New York, US 553. Glenn Kelly, 6:29:27, 85/M45, Mont-Royal, CA 554. Michel Savoie, 6:29:30, 73/M50, Ile Perrot, CA 555. Jeff Ball, 6:29:41, 74/M50, Huntington, US 556. J David Shabat, 6:29:48, 133/M40, Toccoa, US 557. Ivan Germosen, 6:29:49, 86/M45, New York, US 558. Juan Buenaventura, 6:29:52, 134/M40, Brooklyn, US 559. Carey Wood, 6:29:54, 75/M50, Christchurch, NZ 560. Justin Kaplan, 6:29:55, 200/M18, Brooklyn, US 561. Roland Svensson, 6:29:58, 28/M55, Lidingo, SE 562. Aage Andreas Seljegard, 6:30:04, 135/M40, Mamaroneck, US 563. Alejandro Cristiani, 6:30:09, 136/M40, San Salvador, SV 564. Robert Glazier, 6:30:21, 87/M45, Huntington, US 565. Leonardo Jallad, 6:30:22, 201/M18, Campo Grande, BR 566. Bob Claude, 6:30:30, 76/M50, Oviedo, US 567. Conor Murphy, 6:30:33, 88/M45, New York, US 568. Carlos Ponce, 6:30:33, 137/M40, New York, US 569. Gabriel Del Valle, 6:30:40, 138/M40, Mexico City, MX 570. David Posner Posner, 6:30:42, 139/M40, Greenwich, US 571. Sheila Hall, 6:30:50, 5/F45, Rockville, US 572. Juan Alban, 6:30:51, 140/M40, Key Biscayne, US 573. Arpad Hevizi, 6:30:51, 141/M40, Key Biscayne, US 574. Brian Shipman, 6:30:54, 142/M40, Greenwich, US 575. Daniel Bergstrom, 6:30:59, 143/M40, Hyltebruk, SE 576. Neil Campbell, 6:31:00, 144/M40, Lake Country, CA 577. Sean Sheely, 6:31:04, 89/M45, Dobbs Ferry, US 578. Keith Sherling, 6:31:09, 145/M40, Ridgefield, US 579. Mark MacDonald, 6:31:10, 77/M50, London, CA 580. Antonio Borzillo, 6:31:12, 78/M50, Orte, IT 581. Imanol Legorreta, 6:31:12, 79/M50, Mexico City, MX 582. Kai Nuechter, 6:31:14, 146/M40, Neuhof, DE 583. Vincent Guerin-Simard, 6:31:15, 202/M18, Montreal, CA 584. Juliana Tobon, 6:31:18, 3/F40, Bogota, CO

585. Ola Svensson, 6:31:19, 90/M45, Hyltebruk, SE 586. Dennis Fong, 6:31:21, 203/M18, Toronto, CA 587. Melker Norlund, 6:31:27, 80/M50, Sollentuna, SE 588. Joao Lucas Da Silva, 6:31:29, 81/M50, Sao Paulo, BR 589. Kacper Walicki, 6:31:31, 204/M18, Brooklyn, US 590. Ira Abrams, 6:31:34, 82/M50, Garrett Park, US 591. Bill Smith, 6:31:35, 91/M45, Vinemont, US 592. Jim Dolson, 6:31:37, 83/M50, Toronto, CA 593. Chris Dolson, 6:31:37, 147/M40, Markham, CA 594. Richard Porcella, 6:31:52, 205/M18, Cedarhurst, US 595. Carl Martin Bengtsson, 6:31:55, 206/M18, Summit, US 596. Michael Fuller, 6:31:55, 29/M55, Hastings On Hudson, US 597. Ricardo Tasca, 6:32:08, 207/M18, New York, US 598. Fred Helgesen, 6:32:10, 30/M55, Orebro, SE 599. Allan Warner, 6:32:24, 92/M45, Windsor, US 600. Scott Mollett, 6:32:46, 208/M18, New York, US 601. Luis Arcentales, 6:32:52, 209/M18, New York, US 602. Angel O. Garcia, 6:32:58, 84/M50, Vega Baja, PR 603. Samuel Murray, 6:33:02, 93/M45, New York, US 604. Giuseppe De Muri, 6:33:07, 13/M60, Vicenza, IT 605. Keith Miller, 6:33:11, 14/M60, Medfield, US 606. Sam Fouad, 6:33:13, 85/M50, New Canaan, US

607. Yves Dubois, 6:33:24, 31/M55, Verdun, CA 608. Jean-Francois Le Siege, 6:33:26, 86/M50, Wendake, CA 609. Frank Lucia, 6:33:38, 210/M18, Thorold, CA 610. James Morrison, 6:33:50, 87/M50, Ashland, US 611. Xavier Melendez, 6:33:53, 148/M40, New York, US 612. Kevin Brown, 6:34:02, 149/M40, New York, US 613. David Wheeler, 6:34:02, 32/M55, South Easton, US 614. Patrick Lahaie, 6:34:03, 211/M18, Mont-Royal, CA 615. Armando Martins, 6:34:11, 94/M45, Sao Paulo, BR 616. Jonathan Ellner, 6:34:15, 150/M40, Old Greenwich, US 617. Stephan Hedbabny, 6:34:17, 95/M45, Cos Cob, US 618. Mark Haley, 6:34:22, 151/M40, Rocky River, US 619. Philippe Bernard, 6:34:26, 96/M45, Mamaroneck, US 620. Bill Fairey, 6:34:35, 97/M45, Los Altos, US 621. Rob Allan, 6:34:36, 212/M18, Etobicoke, CA 622. Stefan Rewa, 6:34:39, 213/M18, Toronto, CA 623. Greg Pardy, 6:34:41, 98/M45, Toronto, CA 624. John Catalano, 6:34:44, 33/M55, Sandringham, AU 625. John Bardoel, 6:34:45, 34/M55, St Kilda West, AU 626. Sam Bordereau, 6:34:57, 152/M40, New York, US 627. Stephen Tallon, 6:35:03, 88/M50, London, CA 628. Andrew Ahkao, 6:35:15, 99/M45, Dumont, US 629. Edward Alt, 6:35:16, 153/M40, Ridge, US 630. Alberto Mecarini, 6:35:17, 15/M60, Viterbo, IT 631. Joseph Stark, 6:35:18, 89/M50, Goshen, US 632. Stephane Detobel, 6:35:48, 100/M45, New Rochelle, US 633. Philippe Nieuwjaer, 6:35:51, 101/M45, New Rochelle, US 634. Rob Davies, 6:35:54, 102/M45, Avon, US 635. Vincent Della Valle, 6:35:55, 90/M50, Greenwich, US 636. Levi Reyes, 6:35:57, 154/M40, Jackson Heights, US 637. Richard Eichberger, 6:35:59, 91/M50, Scott Depot, US 638. Nathan Carlson, 6:36:00, 214/M18, Tolland, US 639. Thomas Biaggi, 6:36:01, 35/M55, Irvington, US 640. Kevan Scott, 6:36:16, 103/M45, New York, US 641. Martin Brunk, 6:36:39, 92/M50, Fairfield, US 642. Brian Berry, 6:36:44, 215/M18, St. James, US 643. Stuart Sackin, 6:36:44, 16/M60, Merrick, US 644. Aleksey Kokush, 6:36:45, 216/M18, Brooklyn, US 645. Roger Wisen, 6:36:49, 104/M45, Stockholm, SE 646. Saranyophin Ketchattrariyakul, 6:36:51, 93/M50, New York, US 647. Daniel Golden, 6:36:54, 217/M18, New Providence, US 648. Andrew Cloutman, 6:37:02, 218/M18, Irvington, US 649. Tig Gilliam, 6:37:03, 105/M45, Old Tappan, US 650. Luis Fernando La Selva, 6:37:06, 219/M18, Sao Paulo, BR 651. Alamy Candido, 6:37:08, 220/M18, Sao Paulo, BR 652. Alberto Casagrande, 6:37:14, 36/M55, Orte, IT 653. Luca Pattumelli, 6:37:16, 155/M40, Orte, IT 654. Roberto Cisternas, 6:37:29, 37/M55, Santiago, CL 655. Brian Kelly, 6:37:32, 106/M45, Pleasantville, US 656. Jonathan Kelly, 6:37:34, 156/M40, Scarsdale, US 657. Silva Amilton, 6:37:35, 157/M40, New York, US 658. Humberto Fallas, 6:37:35, 158/M40, McDonough, US 659. Matthew Marseglia, 6:37:40, 107/M45, Glastonbury, US 660. Alfredo Pierantoni, 6:37:41, 221/M18, Caracas, VE 661. Anthony Hulton, 6:37:45, 222/M18, London, GB 662. Christopher Keey, 6:37:46, 159/M40, London, GB 663. Phillip Towzell, 6:37:48, 108/M45, New York, US 664. Nicolas Rohatyn, 6:37:49, 94/M50, New York, US 665. Manrique Ortiz, 6:37:50, 95/M50, San Jose, CR 666. Robert Goulder, 6:38:03, 109/M45, Arlington, US 667. Sean McGlinchey, 6:38:05, 110/M45, Sydney, AU 668. Alexander Palencia, 6:38:06, 160/M40, Miami, US 669. Martin Gee, 6:38:07, 111/M45, Sydney, AU 670. Vincenzo Siravo, 6:38:27, 223/M18, Warminster, US 49

671. Bradley Foster, 6:38:33, 161/M40, Rye, US 672. Piotr Walder, 6:38:36, 224/M18, Ridgewood, US 673. Michael Walder, 6:38:38, 225/M18, Brooklyn, US 674. Andr Bilodeau, 6:38:46, 17/M60, Foster, CA 675. Igal Michael Amir, 6:38:53, 112/M45, Cote St. Luc, CA 676. Patrick Marsh, 6:39:14, 113/M45, Greenwich, US 677. Stefan Engstrom, 6:39:17, 96/M50, Stockholm, SE 678. Pasquale Guastamacchia, 6:39:17, 162/M40, Roma, IT 679. Edi Radacher, 6:39:18, 226/M18, Fuschl Am See, AT 680. Rolf Blom, 6:39:18, 38/M55, Stockholm, SE 681. Andres Martin, 6:39:26, 114/M45, New Haven, US 682. Robert Downey, 6:39:41, 227/M18, Dublin, IE 683. Robert Creighton, 6:39:54, 228/M18, New York, US 684. Anthony Gallo, 6:39:59, 163/M40, Fair Lawn, US 685. Eric Villaruz, 6:40:01, 115/M45, Jamaica, US 686. Stephen King, 6:40:01, 97/M50, Largs, AU 687. Jeffrey McGuane, 6:40:01, 164/M40, Ridgefield, US 688. Erik Bullen, 6:40:05, 165/M40, Hull, US 689. Bryn Mulligan, 6:40:07, 116/M45, Princeton Junction, US 690. Scott Herbert, 6:40:11, 229/M18, Great Neck, US 691. Christopher Swan, 6:40:12, 98/M50, Little Neck, US 692. Jacques Tremblay, 6:40:44, 99/M50, Quebec, CA 693. Stephane Sarian, 6:40:46, 100/M50, Stoneham, CA 694. Gabriela Obregon, 6:40:58, 6/F45, Buenos Aires, AR 695. Timothy Ford, 6:41:02, 39/M55, Leonia, US 696. Michael Dozier, 6:41:06, 117/M45, McDonough, US 697. Maria Isabel Soares, 6:41:16, 6/F50, Rio de Janeiro, BR 698. Filomena Di Gennaro-Porter, 6:41:19, 4/F40, Oakville, CA 699. Zachary Rea, 6:41:37, 230/M18, Brooklyn, US 700. Loris Mogentale, 6:41:52, 101/M50, Mississauga, CA 701. Ruben Dario Hurtado, 6:41:57, 118/M45, Fort Lee, US 702. Gotham Makker, 6:41:58, 166/M40, New York, US 703. Randy Shuken, 6:42:06, 102/M50, Westport, US 704. Craig Pellet, 6:42:13, 231/M18, Medford, US 705. Justin Irvin, 6:42:23, 232/M18, Chambersburg, US 706. Valerio Marcelli, 6:42:30, 103/M50, Riccione, IT 707. Edevar Sottili Sottili, 6:42:33, 167/M40, Nova Alvorada Do S, BR 708. Richard Frychel, 6:42:36, 233/M18, Washington, US 709. Danielle Santos, 6:42:38, 5/F40, Rio de Janeiro, BR 710. Nigel Cox, 6:42:45, 119/M45, New York, US 711. Petter Askergren, 6:42:48, 234/M18, Bromma, SE 712. Andreas Danielsson, 6:42:48, 168/M40, Bromma, SE 713. Michaela Frostad Askergren, 6:42:49, 7/F18, Bromma, SE 714. Soren Rose, 6:43:20, 169/M40, New York, US 715. Johannes Hoogeveen, 6:43:23, 120/M45, Bethesda, US 716. Michael Ford, 6:43:24, 121/M45, Avon, US 717. Rafael A Rodriguez, 6:43:32, 122/M45, Trumbull, US 718. Paul Casamassina, 6:43:35, 40/M55, Plainview, US 719. Peder Nielsen, 6:43:37, 170/M40, New York, US 720. Olivier Delay, 6:43:38, 171/M40, Larchmont, US 721. David Watts, 6:43:39, 123/M45, Orlando, US 722. Jeffrey Manjarres, 6:43:51, 235/M18, Howard Beach, US 723. Guy Roy, 6:43:52, 172/M40, Montreal, CA 724. Stephane Gosselin, 6:43:55, 124/M45, Montreal, CA 725. Philip Colet, 6:43:57, 104/M50, Ddo, CA 726. Skip White, 6:43:58, 173/M40, Bethesda, US 727. Michael Hier, 6:44:01, 125/M45, Hampstead, CA 728. George Musorrafiti, 6:44:07, 105/M50, Little Neck, US 729. Cassiano Botelho, 6:44:07, 236/M18, Sao Paulo, BR 730. Brian Watson, 6:44:19, 126/M45, Chappaqua, US 731. William Logan, 6:44:24, 3/M65, Hastings-On-Hudson, US 732. Filippo Meoli, 6:44:36, 237/M18, Pisa, IT 733. Sebastian Donadio, 6:44:36, 174/M40, Ciudad Autonoma De, AR 734. Gian Piero Meoli, 6:44:38, 18/M60, Pisa, IT 50

735. Sergio Magalhaes, 6:44:42, 238/M18, Sao Paulo, BR 736. Eliana Nishikawa, 6:44:42, 7/F45, Sao Paulo, BR 737. Joseph Coleman, 6:44:43, 175/M40, New York, US 738. Lauriano Palagi, 6:44:44, 106/M50, Capezzano Pianore, IT 739. Tamara Vilela, 6:44:44, 8/F45, Sao Paulo, BR 740. Luis Felipe Magon, 6:44:50, 239/M18, Rio de Janeiro, BR 741. Lawrence Atinsky, 6:44:50, 176/M40, New York, US 742. Eliana Guiao, 6:44:51, 8/F18, Sao Paulo, BR 743. Dubarrington Gray, 6:44:59, 177/M40, Toronto, CA 744. Alexandre Birman, 6:45:00, 240/M18, New York, US 745. Michael Kim, 6:45:02, 241/M18, Brooklyn, US 746. Adrian Arroyo, 6:45:03, 242/M18, Santa Agueda Apart, PR 747. Riccardo Trojano, 6:45:08, 127/M45, Roma, IT 748. Stanislao German, 6:45:11, 128/M45, Ridgewood, US 749. Richard Shaver, 6:45:14, 19/M60, New York, US 750. Enrique Pascual, 6:45:15, 129/M45, Sant Just Desvern, ES 751. Charles Yoo, 6:45:17, 243/M18, Brooklyn, US 752. Jill Parsons, 6:45:18, 9/F18, Norwalk, US 753. Timothy Anderson, 6:45:35, 178/M40, New York, US 754. Karl Wehden, 6:45:38, 244/M18, Seattle, US 755. Daniel Prefontaine, 6:45:40, 41/M55, Beloeil, CA 756. Moises Zebede, 6:45:45, 245/M18, Buzzards Bay, US 757. Rodrigo Mardones, 6:45:49, 179/M40, Santiago, CL 758. Jules Foisy Lapointe, 6:45:51, 246/M18, Montreal, CA 759. William Stevens, 6:45:52, 107/M50, Scottsdale, US 760. Ronald Matysik, 6:46:03, 180/M40, Lodi, US 761. Nicolas Scioli, 6:46:10, 247/M18, Tigre, AR 762. Francesco Gigante, 6:46:17, 108/M50, Jersey City, US 763. Jeffrey Hornstein, 6:46:23, 130/M45, New York, US 764. George Beane, 6:46:27, 4/M65, New York, US 765. Pierre Wilkie, 6:46:38, 109/M50, Westmount, CA 766. Ivan Lee Holt, 6:46:48, 181/M40, New Rochelle, US 767. Angel Tobar, 6:46:49, 110/M50, Bronx, US 768. Carlos Vasquez, 6:46:52, 248/M18, Corona, US 769. Vincent Cafiero, 6:46:54, 42/M55, St Petersburg, US 770. Simon Dubuc, 6:46:55, 131/M45, Saint-Bruno-De-Mon, CA 771. Maurizio Del Vecchio, 6:46:58, 111/M50, Roma, IT 772. Wilfrid Poisnel, 6:47:05, 182/M40, New Rochelle, US 773. Claudio Carnevali, 6:47:22, 112/M50, Roma, IT 774. Flavia Gregoris, 6:47:26, 9/F45, Buenos Aires, AR 775. Marcio Anorio Chiminazzo, 6:47:33, 132/M45, Rio de Janeiro, BR 776. Anders Brismo, 6:47:41, 113/M50, Bromma, SE 777. Martijn Nagtegaal, 6:47:42, 183/M40, Bethesda, US 778. Maurizio Mittica, 6:47:44, 249/M18, Toronto, CA 779. Jonathan Litt, 6:47:48, 133/M45, Greenwich, US 780. Jennifer Schipper, 6:47:54, 6/F40, Wantage, US 781. Paolo Felli, 6:47:55, 114/M50, Roma, IT 782. John Owens, 6:47:55, 115/M50, Tenafly, US 783. James Lee, 6:47:56, 184/M40, Des Moines, US 784. Joe Soileau, 6:48:03, 43/M55, New York, US 785. James Dodge, 6:48:05, 134/M45, Flemington, US 786. David Graybeal, 6:48:07, 20/M60, Scarsdale, US 787. Neil Carragher, 6:48:22, 135/M45, New York, US 788. Alexander Graybeal, 6:48:26, 250/M18, Scarsdale, US 789. Gianfranco D’Annessa, 6:48:26, 44/M55, Viterbo, IT 790. Mousa Khouri, 6:48:27, 251/M18, Stamford, US 791. Terry Jackson, 6:48:30, 185/M40, Stockbridge, US 792. Ettore Biagioni, 6:48:31, 45/M55, Bronxville, US 793. Paulo Kakinoff, 6:48:33, 252/M18, Sao Paulo, BR 794. Dennis Trunfio, 6:48:38, 186/M40, New York, US 795. Ken Ingram, 6:48:49, 116/M50, North Vancouver, CA 796. Brian Cristiano, 6:48:51, 253/M18, New York, US 797. David Stacey, 6:48:52, 136/M45, Methuen, US 798. John Paul, 6:48:57, 137/M45, Irvington, US

799. Scott Lomax, 6:49:16, 254/M18, New York, US 800. Wade Stevens, 6:49:19, 187/M40, New York, US 801. Jonathan Ragals, 6:49:24, 138/M45, Bedford, US 802. Benoit Gariepy, 6:49:26, 117/M50, Laval, CA 803. Christian Ramirez, 6:49:31, 255/M18, Burlington, US 804. Brett Malone, 6:49:35, 139/M45, Ridegfield, US 805. Alyson Turner, 6:49:36, 7/F50, Westmount, CA 806. Richard Falkenrath, 6:49:47, 188/M40, Bronx, US 807. Rick Sproule, 6:49:51, 21/M60, Westmount, CA 808. Alvin Bermudez, 6:49:59, 256/M18, Hainesport, US 809. Greg Lao, 6:50:00, 118/M50, White Plains, US 810. Marc-Olivier Forget, 6:50:02, 257/M18, Montreal, CA 811. Yoshie Yabu, 6:50:04, 10/F45, New York, US 812. Carmin Di Fiore, 6:50:09, 119/M50, Richmond Hill, CA 813. Michael Baldinger, 6:50:15, 140/M45, Kilchberg, CH 814. Jose M Costa-Lafarga, 6:50:16, 22/M60, Valencia, ES 815. David Watkins, 6:50:16, 141/M45, New York, US 816. Jonathan Davis, 6:50:19, 120/M50, Port Washington, US 817. Stephen C Fahy, 6:50:27, 189/M40, Cedar Grove, US 818. Rene Villaruz, 6:50:27, 190/M40, Jamaica, US 819. David Filosa, 6:50:29, 121/M50, New York, US 820. David Juneau, 6:50:35, 122/M50, Weston, US 821. Humberto Rivera, 6:50:36, 142/M45, Brewster, US 822. Kevin Smyth, 6:50:36, 123/M50, Old Tappan, US 823. Robert Isley, 6:50:38, 23/M60, Brewster, US 824. Louis Corriveau, 6:50:45, 124/M50, Quebec, CA 825. Tracy Montoya, 6:50:45, 143/M45, Waterford, US 826. Normand Lessard, 6:50:46, 24/M60, St-Augustin De Des, CA 827. Erwin Hitgano, 6:50:58, 258/M18, Jamaica, US 828. Timothy Carr, 6:50:59, 125/M50, Manhasset, US 829. Bruce Armenante, 6:51:08, 46/M55, Oradell, US 830. Robert Leighton, 6:51:10, 25/M60, Great Neck, US 831. Philip Miller, 6:51:10, 126/M50, New York, US 832. Ryan Lewis, 6:51:15, 259/M18, New Fairfeild, US 833. David Thompson, 6:51:25, 260/M18, Rockville Centre, US 834. Joseph Garbowski, 6:51:27, 261/M18, New Fairfield, US 835. Lester Deleon, 6:51:27, 262/M18, Westbury, US

836. Jose Lopez, 6:51:29, 127/M50, Mineola, US 837. Knowl Johnson, 6:51:30, 191/M40, New York, US 838. Andrei Uyehara, 6:51:51, 144/M45, Martinez, US 839. Francesco Caparelli, 6:51:53, 263/M18, Rye Brook, US 840. Laurent Abbatiello, 6:51:56, 192/M40, Montreal, CA 841. Jansen Colberg, 6:52:13, 193/M40, Cabo Rojo, PR 842. Grant Rogers, 6:52:14, 128/M50, Larchmont, US 843. Alejandro Cruz Arroyo, 6:52:18, 264/M18, Curridabat, CR 844. Ed Maring, 6:52:33, 47/M55, Kalamazoo, US 845. Geoffrey Stait, 6:52:37, 26/M60, Houston, US 846. Tim Mueller, 6:52:39, 129/M50, Rye, US 847. Camila Lanusse, 6:52:42, 10/F18, Quito, EC 848. Lee Richardson, 6:52:44, 27/M60, Irvington, US 849. David Smith, 6:52:44, 265/M18, New York, US 850. Benjamin Tritt, 6:52:50, 194/M40, New York, US 851. Jonatan Schumacher, 6:52:51, 266/M18, New York, US 852. Phil Penman, 6:53:00, 267/M18, New York, US 853. Sergio Morales, 6:53:01, 195/M40, Punta Santiago, PR 854. Dylan Lowe, 6:53:04, 268/M18, New York, US 855. Murray Sklar, 6:53:05, 130/M50, Dollard Des Ormeau, CA 856. Emil Bjork, 6:53:11, 269/M18, Stockholm, SE 857. Adam Zoia, 6:53:15, 196/M40, New York, US 858. Kevin Hopper, 6:53:26, 145/M45, Ivybridge, GB 859. Ryan Bustos, 6:53:31, 270/M18, Fresh Meadows, US 860. Erik Marshall, 6:53:46, 271/M18, New York City, US 861. Gianni Dollorenzo, 6:53:57, 131/M50, Sesto Fiorentino, IT 862. Peter Davidsson, 6:54:00, 272/M18, New York, US 863. Eirinn Boots, 6:54:07, 11/F18, Toronto, CA 864. Kent Kristofersson, 6:54:26, 146/M45, Stersund, SE 865. Alex Privitera, 6:54:28, 147/M45, Bethesda, US 866. Ulf Sundberg, 6:54:40, 273/M18, New York, US 867. Ed Coatman, 6:54:43, 132/M50, Pelham, US 868. Bas Benjamin Van Zelm, 6:54:58, 274/M18, New York, US 869. Daniel Robles, 6:55:07, 48/M55, Staten Island, US 870. Chris Pareja, 6:55:09, 275/M18, Bangor, US 871. Ronald Gangemi, 6:55:26, 49/M55, Mashpee, US 872. Jeff Holmes, 6:55:31, 276/M18, Chicago, US 51

873. Yanick Proulx, 6:55:34, 197/M40, Otterburn Park, CA 874. Jennifer Poirier, 6:55:37, 12/F18, New York, US 875. Thomas Niccum, 6:55:44, 50/M55, Eden Prairie, US 876. Dan Fougere, 6:55:54, 198/M40, Larchmont, US 877. Daniel Scrafford, 6:56:00, 51/M55, Clifton, US 878. David Beverly, 6:56:00, 277/M18, Charlotte, US 879. Travis Farrell, 6:56:05, 278/M18, New York, US 880. Gavin Gilbert, 6:56:06, 148/M45, Darien, US 881. Ben Collins, 6:56:08, 279/M18, Washington, US 882. Darren Seltzer, 6:56:11, 280/M18, Orlando, US 883. Henrik Lofmark, 6:56:11, 199/M40, Stockholm, SE 884. Brandon Leung, 6:56:11, 281/M18, Flushing, US 885. Hernane Alves, 6:56:13, 282/M18, Newark, US 886. Leonardo Rosa, 6:56:14, 283/M18, Campo Grande, BR 887. Ana Isabel Sosa Zornoza, 6:56:16, 13/F18, Berlin, DE 888. Valentino Leone, 6:56:19, 133/M50, Latina, IT 889. Rudolf Enderes, 6:56:19, 134/M50, Bergisch Gladbach, DE 890. Lianne Dusek, 6:56:23, 14/F18, Winthrop, US 891. John Cisler, 6:56:23, 135/M50, Lansing, US 892. Janice Kierstead, 6:56:29, 8/F50, New York, US 893. Goetz Grossmann, 6:56:29, 136/M50, New York, US 894. Gregg Horhota, 6:56:30, 52/M55, Worcester, US 895. Gregory Joseph, 6:56:34, 284/M18, New York, US 896. Steve Riley, 6:56:42, 149/M45, Mystic, US 897. Richard Brusselback, 6:56:45, 200/M40, Upper Saddle River, US 898. Todd Ackerman, 6:56:51, 150/M45, Ridgefield, US 899. Arang Varadhachary, 6:56:52, 201/M40, New York, US 900. Andrew Oliver, 6:56:53, 202/M40, Virginia Beach, US 901. David Torrelio, 6:56:54, 285/M18, Jacksonville, US 902. Justin Thomas, 6:56:59, 286/M18, Center Barnstead, US 903. Jack Shamosh, 6:57:00, 203/M40, Brooklyn, US 904. Richard L. Oeser, 6:57:10, 137/M50, New York, US 905. Gerald Wiviott, 6:57:15, 1/M70, Montreal, CA 906. Paul Maloney, 6:57:16, 151/M45, Los Gatos, US 907. Volker Neumann, 6:57:19, 204/M40, White Plains, US 908. Joey Cabello, 6:57:20, 205/M40, Dobbs Ferry, US 909. Richard Miller, 6:57:24, 28/M60, New York, US 910. Ryan Ballam, 6:57:25, 287/M18, Concord, US 911. Aaron Torrelio, 6:57:27, 288/M18, Port Chester, US 912. Diane McNally, 6:57:31, 1/F60, Ridgewood, US 913. David Morgan, 6:57:42, 152/M45, Collinsville, US 914. Anthony Totera, 6:57:45, 289/M18, Toronto, CA 915. Chris Brouder, 6:57:49, 206/M40, Weehawken, US 916. Justin Mast, 6:57:49, 290/M18, Honey Brook, US 917. Phillip Marsland, 6:57:52, 138/M50, Toronto, CA 918. Chris Thorpe, 6:57:55, 207/M40, New York, US 919. Thomas O’Steen, 6:57:55, 139/M50, Carlisle, US 920. Thomas Mueller, 6:57:58, 208/M40, New York, US 921. Sergio Resendes, 6:58:01, 209/M40, Fall River, US 922. Gabriele Bonoli, 6:58:02, 210/M40, Gravesano, CH 923. Scott Nelson, 6:58:03, 291/M18, Columbus, US 924. Marco Wiles, 6:58:04, 53/M55, Houston, US 925. Robert Reeves, 6:58:13, 54/M55, Colorado Springs, US 926. James Brady, 6:58:21, 292/M18, Belle Harbor, US 927. Walter Gabellini, 6:58:23, 55/M55, Pesaro, IT 928. Milton E Irizarry, 6:58:28, 293/M18, San Juan, PR 929. Marco Bartolini, 6:58:30, 153/M45, Pesaro, IT 930. Chung H Lee, 6:58:30, 140/M50, Tenafly, US 931. Juan Boada Soler, 6:58:39, 141/M50, Barcelona, ES 932. Johnny Ortiz, 6:58:44, 211/M40, Guaynabo, PR 933. Scott Rausenberger, 6:58:49, 294/M18, Newburgh, US 934. Roman Obmachkin, 6:58:53, 295/M18, Brooklyn, US 935. Richard Rouhe, 6:58:55, 154/M45, New York, US 936. Thomas Backteman, 6:58:55, 155/M45, Stockholm, SE 52

937. Johannes Holtmaat, 6:58:56, 212/M40, Scarsdale, US 938. Kevin Brubaker, 6:58:56, 213/M40, Brooklyn, US 939. David Brand, 6:59:00, 296/M18, Stamford, US 940. Wenyi Yuan, 6:59:06, 297/M18, Richmond Hill, CA 941. Dan Schmalz, 6:59:06, 156/M45, Ridgewood, US 942. Angus Warner, 6:59:07, 157/M45, Toronto, CA 943. Andy Shen, 6:59:07, 158/M45, New York, US 944. Ximena De La Macorra, 6:59:08, 11/F45, Mexico City, MX 945. Peter Johns, 6:59:10, 56/M55, Osterville, US 946. Gilbert Morales, 6:59:25, 214/M40, Long Island City, US 947. Kamron Hinatsu, 6:59:30, 57/M55, New York, US 948. Adam Chea, 6:59:38, 298/M18, Flushing, US 949. Dan Zook, 6:59:38, 299/M18, New York, US 950. Gavin Chow, 6:59:38, 300/M18, New York, US 951. Jack Miroslaw, 6:59:43, 215/M40, Brooklyn, US 952. Michael Sheehan, 6:59:47, 159/M45, Wayne, US 953. James Hugger, 6:59:56, 58/M55, Hicksville, US 954. Jeffrey Schackner, 6:59:58, 160/M45, New York, US 955. Gerard Friscia, 7:00:00, 301/M18, Stamford, US 956. Mario Kranjac, 7:00:01, 161/M45, Englewood Cliffs, US 957. Richard Reyle, 7:00:02, 162/M45, New York, US 958. Graziano Marinozzi, 7:00:08, 29/M60, Tolentino, IT 959. Richard Romano, 7:00:17, 163/M45, Long Island City, US 960. Michael Miller, 7:00:20, 142/M50, Columbus, US 961. James Nicholson, 7:00:22, 302/M18, Washington, US 962. David Nicholson, 7:00:23, 303/M18, Washington, US 963. Marc Weinhouse, 7:00:26, 216/M40, Brooklyn, US 964. David Krzemienski, 7:00:26, 304/M18, Irvington, US 965. Stephen Korn, 7:00:28, 217/M40, Tarrytown, US 966. Christopher Lebonitte, 7:00:36, 305/M18, New York, US 967. Marten Elensky, 7:00:39, 306/M18, Mariefred, SE 968. Johan Wohrne, 7:00:49, 218/M40, Mariefred, SE 969. Troy Doll, 7:00:57, 219/M40, Mountainside, US 970. Athos Rassias, 7:01:01, 143/M50, Hanover, US 971. Martin Kruus, 7:01:09, 220/M40, Mariefred, SE 972. Mark Robinson, 7:01:09, 164/M45, Englewood, US 973. Oleksa Rewa, 7:01:10, 307/M18, Toronto, CA 974. Susanna Panzini, 7:01:11, 12/F45, New York, US 975. Diego Saldarriaga, 7:01:17, 308/M18, Queens Village, US 976. Paulo Santos, 7:01:21, 221/M40, Berkley, US 977. Steven Iannuzzi, 7:01:24, 309/M18, Howard Beach, US 978. Jarrad Warner, 7:01:31, 310/M18, Penacook, US

979. Raymond Carlson, 7:01:34, 59/M55, Hamilton, US 980. Christopher Hare, 7:01:35, 144/M50, Farmington, US 981. Alan Buckley, 7:01:36, 311/M18, Fairfield, US 982. Declan Hartnett, 7:01:36, 145/M50, Limerick, IE 983. Alicia MacLeod, 7:01:38, 15/F18, Concord, US 984. Frits Van Paasschen, 7:01:46, 146/M50, Greenwich, US 985. Scott Coughlin, 7:01:47, 222/M40, Stamford, US 986. Borja Osorio, 7:01:52, 312/M18, New York, US 987. Mark Bregman, 7:02:01, 60/M55, Los Gatos, US 988. Michael Ruderman, 7:02:13, 2/M70, Princeton Junction, US 989. Edwin Acevedo, 7:02:22, 313/M18, Isabela, PR 990. Omar Tejada, 7:02:40, 314/M18, New York, US 991. Albert Chua, 7:02:43, 147/M50, Fair Lawn, US 992. Henrik Norrman, 7:02:49, 165/M45, Eker, SE 993. Kelly Johnson, 7:02:50, 166/M45, Dallas, US 994. Brian Wie, 7:03:01, 315/M18, Arlington, US 995. Matthew Stohler, 7:03:02, 316/M18, Arlington, US 996. Simon Whyte, 7:03:05, 223/M40, Vancouver, CA 997. Antonio Nievas, 7:03:06, 317/M18, Rye, US 998. Per-Erik Barneman, 7:03:09, 148/M50, Ekero, SE 999. Alan MacIntosh, 7:03:14, 149/M50, Montreal, CA 1000. Marcin Mrowka, 7:03:27, 224/M40, New York, US 1001. Marc Lewinstein, 7:03:28, 318/M18, New York, US 1002. David Merle, 7:03:31, 167/M45, Gardiner, US 1003. Eric Anderson, 7:03:42, 150/M50, Milton, US 1004. Vincent Lemay, 7:03:59, 319/M18, Montreal, CA 1005. David Smith, 7:04:03, 225/M40, North Yarmouth, US 1006. Ted Mattsson, 7:04:08, 151/M50, Eker, SE 1007. Jan Eidewing, 7:04:11, 152/M50, Taby, SE 1008. Alfred Kondos, 7:04:18, 320/M18, Ridgefield, US 1009. Brian Clark, 7:04:28, 153/M50, Stamford, US 1010. Jochen Luetke, 7:04:38, 226/M40, Arlington, US 1011. Richard Rapoport, 7:04:42, 61/M55, Montreal, CA 1012. Israel Santiago Negron, 7:04:42, 168/M45, Cidra, PR 1013. Per Egnell, 7:04:46, 154/M50, Ekero, SE 1014. Lawrence White, 7:04:47, 155/M50, Rincon, PR 1015. Cristiane Bergqvist, 7:04:47, 7/F40, Rio de Janeiro, BR 1016. Robert Nilsson, 7:04:49, 156/M50, Stockholm, SE 1017. Mariana Castro, 7:04:53, 9/F50, Rio de Janeiro, BR 1018. Marcelo Campos, 7:04:54, 169/M45, Rio de Janeiro, BR 1019. Alberto Pittigliani Junior, 7:04:54, 157/M50, Rio de Janeiro, BR 1020. Mariana Carvalho, 7:04:54, 10/F50, Rio de Janeiro, BR 1021. Edgar Guimaraes, 7:04:56, 321/M18, Rio de Janeiro, BR 1022. Jorge Sun, 7:05:01, 227/M40, Maplewood, US 1023. Michael Garcia, 7:05:04, 170/M45, Englewood Cliffs, US 1024. David McGowan, 7:05:04, 62/M55, Maplewood, US 1025. Jean-Guy Vincent, 7:05:05, 63/M55, Boucherville, CA 1026. Thomas Ryan, 7:05:10, 64/M55, Sugar Loaf, US 1027. Jack Lonker, 7:05:13, 228/M40, White Plains, US 1028. Benjamin Voss, 7:05:17, 322/M18, Astoria, US 1029. Rafael Fernandez, 7:05:18, 323/M18, Guaynabo, PR 1030. Patrick Cleary, 7:05:23, 158/M50, Northport, US 1031. Glenn McMillan, 7:05:24, 30/M60, New York, US 1032. Joseph Stashkevetch, 7:05:24, 65/M55, New York, US 1033. Theo Spilka, 7:05:24, 159/M50, Old Tappan, US 1034. Marc Giguere, 7:05:31, 229/M40, Saint-Lambert, CA 1035. Carl Franqueza, 7:05:32, 66/M55, Feeding Hills, US 1036. Michael Pratl, 7:05:33, 67/M55, Richmond Heights, US 1037. Ray McFall, 7:05:37, 171/M45, Glastonbury, US 1038. John Donovan, 7:05:51, 172/M45, New York, US 1039. Erika Cramer, 7:05:54, 13/F45, Armonk, US 1040. Beatrix Ueberheide, 7:05:56, 8/F40, New York, US 1041. Ernest Wurzbach, 7:06:00, 173/M45, New York, US 1042. Carlos Benito Berretta, 7:06:03, 160/M50, Sao Paulo, BR

1043. Gabriel Dorosz, 7:06:11, 230/M40, Brooklyn, US 1044. Michael Manning, 7:06:12, 161/M50, Oradell, US 1045. William Yu, 7:06:13, 324/M18, Brooklyn, US 1046. Andre Moisan, 7:06:21, 68/M55, Montreal, CA 1047. Mark Hunsch, 7:06:27, 162/M50, Glen Ridge, US 1048. Giovanni Rambaldini, 7:06:29, 174/M45, Pierrefonds, CA 1049. Norbert Galligan, 7:06:29, 163/M50, Rye, US 1050. Daniel Rogers, 7:06:33, 164/M50, Blue Point, US 1051. Fulvio Pagnozzi, 7:07:15, 31/M60, Bronx, US 1052. Steven Huntington, 7:07:15, 174/M45, Lexington, US 1053. Alfredo Zebede, 7:07:18, 325/M18, Portsmouth, US 1054. Simon Barker, 7:07:21, 165/M50, Billingshurst, GB 1055. Chris Merry, 7:07:23, 166/M50, Vancouver, CA 1056. Carmen Morano, 7:07:24, 32/M60, New York, US 1057. Nigel Faulkner, 7:07:24, 176/M45, Rumson, US 1058. Andrew Dunkley, 7:07:24, 177/M45, Bromont, CA 1059. Ari Shell, 7:07:30, 231/M40, West Hartford, US 1060. Robert Langweil, 7:07:30, 232/M40, West Hartford, US 1061. Michael Bottone, 7:07:34, 178/M45, Medford, US 1062. Victor Omar Garcia, 7:07:43, 326/M18, Mexico City, MX 1063. Josh McBride, 7:07:52, 327/M18, North Bergen, US 1064. Shane Swift, 7:07:54, 179/M45, Baie D’urfe, CA 1065. Robert Anderson, 7:08:09, 69/M55, Brooklyn, US 1066. Claude Lord, 7:08:18, 167/M50, Quebec, CA 1067. Bernard Loignon, 7:08:19, 70/M55, Quebec, CA 1068. John Schultz, 7:08:20, 328/M18, Kingsten, US 1069. Nicholas Frenette, 7:08:21, 180/M45, Outremont, CA 1070. Lloyd Wang, 7:08:34, 329/M18, Guttenberg, US 1071. Frederic Lynn, 7:08:36, 330/M18, Westmount, CA 1072. Kris Drankiewicz, 7:08:37, 331/M18, New York, US 1073. Paul Monczka, 7:08:42, 71/M55, Toronto, CA 1074. Nick Bradbrook, 7:08:44, 168/M50, Toronto, CA 1075. Celso Luchiari, 7:08:45, 33/M60, Americana, BR 1076. Brian Malone, 7:08:46, 169/M50, East York, CA 1077. Timothy Obrien, 7:08:46, 72/M55, Waverly, US 1078. Ramon Neme Sastre, 7:08:48, 170/M50, Mexico City, MX 1079. Sara Yancovitz, 7:09:09, 16/F18, Bronx, US 1080. Michael Cronan, 7:09:10, 73/M55, Levittown, US 1081. Marcos Zorrilla, 7:09:11, 332/M18, Bronx, US 1082. Jose Figueroa, 7:09:16, 233/M40, Aibonito, PR 1083. Geoff Green, 7:09:21, 333/M18, New York, US 1084. Charles White, 7:09:34, 34/M60, Warwick, US 1085. Kevin Connolly, 7:09:41, 74/M55, Middletown, US 1086. Lawrence Lam, 7:09:54, 334/M18, Flushing, US 1087. Mark Landry, 7:09:57, 181/M45, Boston, US 1088. Jean Francois Daneau, 7:10:02, 171/M50, Varennes, CA 1089. Dany Desrochers, 7:10:03, 182/M45, Saint-Hugues, CA 1090. Antonio Hernandez, 7:10:04, 234/M40, Coral Gables, US 1091. Stephen Darke, 7:10:05, 235/M40, Larchmont, US 1092. Gavin Poole, 7:10:30, 236/M40, Huntington, US 1093. Mario De Paolis, 7:11:08, 35/M60, Orte Scalo, IT 1094. Shane Anthony Lue, 7:11:09, 183/M45, Toronto, CA 1095. Richard Mertl, 7:11:14, 75/M55, Hampstead, CA 1096. Luis Pena, 7:11:16, 172/M50, Bronx, US 1097. Michael Dabney, 7:11:17, 335/M18, New York, US 1098. Ignacio Odriozola, 7:11:21, 184/M45, Mexico City, MX 1099. Ben Clifford, 7:11:22, 237/M40, Hastings-On-Hudson, US 1100. David Lee, 7:11:46, 336/M18, Sunnyside, US 1101. Steven Johnson, 7:11:46, 173/M50, Ancram, US 1102. Renato Ejnisman, 7:11:54, 238/M40, Sao Paulo, BR 1103. Carlos Rivera, 7:12:00, 337/M18, New York, US 1104. Simon Newell, 7:12:01, 174/M50, Ottawa, CA 1105. Meeae Johnsson, 7:12:02, 17/F18, Hoboken, US 1106. Johannes Dienemann, 7:12:02, 338/M18, Dallas, US 53

1107. Giuseppe Virruso, 7:12:06, 339/M18, Munich, DE 1108. John Carey, 7:12:06, 36/M60, Goshen, US 1109. Arnaldo Ortiz, 7:12:08, 185/M45, Mayaguez, PR 1110. Vince Flores, 7:12:11, 37/M60, Columbia, US 1111. Gordon Fraser, 7:12:12, 5/M65, Glasgow, GB 1112. Christopher Henry, 7:12:18, 340/M18, New York, US 1113. Barbagallo Salvatore, 7:12:21, 341/M18, Belpasso, IT 1114. Simon Gauthier, 7:12:35, 175/M50, Rosemere, CA 1115. Marc-Andre Roy, 7:12:36, 186/M45, Montreal, CA 1116. Marise Fortier, 7:12:41, 9/F40, Montreal, CA 1117. Jared Skolnick, 7:12:43, 239/M40, New York, US 1118. Daniel Marfany, 7:12:49, 342/M18, London, GB 1119. Steve Prentice, 7:12:49, 240/M40, Peterborough, GB 1120. Alexander Felicier, 7:12:51, 343/M18, Bronx, US 1121. Philipp Muller, 7:12:57, 344/M18, New York, US 1122. Nicholas Petras, 7:13:01, 187/M45, Manhasset, US 1123. Matthias Liden, 7:13:05, 345/M18, Taby, SE 1124. Matthew Lecher, 7:13:08, 188/M45, Redding, US 1125. Derek Daly, 7:13:14, 176/M50, Sharon, US 1126. Roberto Felix, 7:13:24, 241/M40, New York, US 1127. Jason Lee, 7:13:31, 242/M40, Mississauga, CA 1128. Charles Fairley, 7:13:32, 243/M40, Collingwood, CA 1129. Cesar Isabel, 7:13:39, 346/M18, New York, US 1130. R Monte Burgess, 7:13:43, 244/M40, Woodbridge, US 1131. Thomas Robbins, 7:13:51, 189/M45, Weston, US 1132. Todd Tohid, 7:14:00, 347/M18, Brooklyn, US 1133. Greg Lesko, 7:14:01, 190/M45, Oakland, US 1134. Robert Votruba, 7:14:06, 245/M40, Garden City, US 1135. Hugo Haverroth Hilgert, 7:14:14, 246/M40, Campo Grande, BR 1136. Frank Howard, 7:14:17, 177/M50, Corona, US 1137. Eugene Cho, 7:14:18, 247/M40, Tenafly, US 1138. Steven Skoler, 7:14:21, 178/M50, New York, US 1139. Alberto Lopez-Silvero, 7:14:22, 179/M50, Summit, US 1140. Richard Kaplin, 7:14:34, 76/M55, Westmount, CA 1141. Ronald Restivo, 7:14:38, 248/M40, Port Washington, US 1142. Thomas Zywiak, 7:14:47, 77/M55, Suffield, US 1143. Matthew Zywiak, 7:14:50, 348/M18, Rockfall, US 1144. Andrew Maker, 7:14:51, 349/M18, Yarmouth Port, US 1145. Harrison Glassman, 7:14:53, 350/M18, Larchmont, US 1146. Marco Fazari, 7:15:08, 191/M45, Maple, CA 1147. Giovanni Tassone, 7:15:08, 192/M45, Toronto, CA 1148. Peter Nigro, 7:15:09, 249/M40, West Hartford, US 54

1149. Scott Healer, 7:15:11, 193/M45, West Hartford, US 1150. Camila Szwarcberg, 7:15:16, 18/F18, Mexico City, MX 1151. John Holmes, 7:15:20, 180/M50, Weston, US 1152. John Egan, 7:15:25, 181/M50, Boston, US 1153. Stefano Speroni, 7:15:38, 250/M40, Abbiategrasso, IT 1154. Jarno Sala, 7:15:39, 351/M18, Milano, IT 1155. Eugenio Aringhieri, 7:15:40, 182/M50, Casalmaiocco, IT 1156. Allie Price, 7:15:49, 19/F18, New York, US 1157. David Sanossian, 7:15:50, 183/M50, Garden City, US 1158. Georg Gandenberger, 7:16:08, 194/M45, Hong Kong, HK 1159. Jefferson Calixto, 7:16:09, 251/M40, Rio de Janeiro, BR 1160. Fernando Paiva, 7:16:12, 252/M40, Brasilia, BR 1161. Brian Collins, 7:16:12, 184/M50, Weston, US 1162. Peter Hahm, 7:16:13, 352/M18, Fort Lee, US 1163. Mike Maderos, 7:16:17, 195/M45, San Ramon, US 1164. Patrick Salois, 7:16:19, 353/M18, Mont-Royal, CA 1165. Stephane Roy, 7:16:21, 354/M18, Montreal, CA 1166. Alexandre Maymone, 7:16:23, 355/M18, Boston, US 1167. Eduardo Franca, 7:16:23, 185/M50, Sao Paulo, BR 1168. Robert Nelson, 7:16:23, 38/M60, Rockville, US 1169. Brendan Johnston, 7:16:29, 186/M50, Fairfield, US 1170. Avi Lerner, 7:16:42, 356/M18, Great Neck, US 1171. Frank Smith, 7:16:43, 196/M45, Long Island City, US 1172. Jay Hansen, 7:16:48, 39/M60, Orange, US 1173. James Smith, 7:16:50, 253/M40, Fall River, US 1174. Drew Gragg, 7:16:53, 78/M55, Ottawa, CA 1175. Todd Manas, 7:16:56, 187/M50, Bay Shore, US 1176. John Welsh, 7:16:58, 188/M50, Washington, US 1177. Dan Levine, 7:17:08, 6/M65, North Potomac, US 1178. Jay Whalen, 7:17:08, 357/M18, Brooklyn, US 1179. Andrew Tarnell, 7:17:09, 79/M55, Westwood, US 1180. Peter Shaw, 7:17:09, 80/M55, Wayland, US 1181. Mark Manley, 7:17:15, 189/M50, Huntington Station, US 1182. David Gauvin, 7:17:15, 358/M18, Quebec, CA 1183. Simon Drolet, 7:17:16, 359/M18, Montreal, CA 1184. Heike Kirtzman, 7:17:24, 14/F45, New York, US 1185. Mark Essak, 7:17:26, 190/M50, Cobourg, CA 1186. Jonathan Doherty, 7:17:26, 197/M45, New York, US 1187. Mikael Edvardsson, 7:17:29, 81/M55, Goteborg, SE 1188. Luis Antonio Ramos, 7:17:33, 191/M50, Bronx, US 1189. Sam May, 7:17:34, 254/M40, Marina Del Rey, US 1190. Vasilios Antoniadis, 7:17:34, 198/M45, Oradell, US 1191. John Merritt Ii, 7:17:46, 199/M45, Haymarket, US 1192. Allan Benchetrit, 7:17:49, 200/M45, Hampstead, CA 1193. Bram Gordon, 7:17:51, 192/M50, Westmount, CA 1194. Souk Thammavongsa, 7:17:59, 360/M18, Montreal, CA 1195. Solomon Rosenzweig, 7:18:13, 361/M18, Brooklyn, US 1196. Eric Williams, 7:18:21, 255/M40, Prospect, US 1197. Nathaniel Klein, 7:18:22, 362/M18, New York, US 1198. Jorge Negrin, 7:18:23, 201/M45, Union City, US 1199. Mark Herrling, 7:18:24, 202/M45, Arlington, US 1200. Emmanuel Mercier, 7:18:32, 203/M45, Montreal, CA 1201. Jean Bastien, 7:18:32, 193/M50, St-Sauveur, CA 1202. Elizabeth Chandler, 7:18:41, 11/F50, New York, US 1203. Charles Lowrey, 7:18:41, 82/M55, New York, US 1204. Miguel Angel Alvarez, 7:18:46, 363/M18, Elmhurst, US 1205. Cameron Smith, 7:18:51, 364/M18, New York, US 1206. Raymond Tseng, 7:18:56, 365/M18, Flushing, US 1207. Michael Cozza, 7:19:04, 366/M18, Philadelphia, US 1208. Brent Sullivan, 7:19:09, 256/M40, Alexandria, US 1209. Mark Josepher, 7:19:14, 257/M40, Syosset, US 1210. Hocksoon Goh, 7:19:17, 83/M55, Deer Park, US 1211. Wilfredo Rivera, 7:19:17, 258/M40, New York, US 1212. Paul Mason, 7:19:17, 204/M45, Rye, US

1213. Ana Lila Denton, 7:19:18, 15/F45, Rio de Janeiro, BR 1214. Marie Paulsson, 7:19:49, 20/F18, Stockholm, SE 1215. Louis-Philippe Boucher, 7:19:51, 367/M18, Terrebonne, CA 1216. Roberto Ruiz, 7:19:52, 205/M45, Ponte Vedra Beach, US 1217. David Howard, 7:20:14, 206/M45, Oceanport, US 1218. Massimo Rizzo, 7:20:21, 207/M45, Miami Beach, US 1219. Christopher Berga, 7:20:22, 259/M40, South Miami, US 1220. Sami Toutounji, 7:20:23, 208/M45, Paris, FR 1221. Franklin Rosado, 7:20:23, 260/M40, Ridgewood, US 1222. Anthony Gurdak, 7:20:39, 368/M18, Cliffside Park, US 1223. John Greene, 7:20:46, 84/M55, Northport, US 1224. Susan Mroz, 7:20:48, 10/F40, Bronxville, US 1225. Lupe Macias, 7:20:49, 369/M18, Scottsdale, US 1226. Richard Harle, 7:20:56, 209/M45, Stony Point, US 1227. Staffan Gustafsson, 7:21:02, 210/M45, Kersberga, SE 1228. Jeffrey Boon, 7:21:08, 370/M18, Houghton, US 1229. Nury Turkel, 7:21:09, 261/M40, Washington, US 1230. Thomas Droumenq, 7:21:18, 371/M18, New York, US 1231. Alena Lovi-Borgmann, 7:21:18, 21/F18, Montclair, US 1232. Frank Gurdak, 7:21:19, 372/M18, Cliffside Park, US 1233. Kip Frost, 7:21:21, 211/M45, Lewis Center, US 1234. Scott Szilagyi, 7:21:35, 85/M55, Ridgefield, US 1235. John Sweeney, 7:21:39, 373/M18, Brooklyn, US 1236. Dale Cornette, 7:21:53, 374/M18, Washingon, US 1237. Eric Baum, 7:22:02, 194/M50, Brooklyn, US 1238. Daniel Beaman, 7:22:02, 375/M18, Alexandria, US 1239. Nicolas Gil, 7:22:06, 376/M18, New Haven, US 1240. James Sokso, 7:22:12, 377/M18, Fillmore, US 1241. Al Stavropulos, 7:22:12, 195/M50, Bergenfield, US 1242. Brian Rivera, 7:22:13, 378/M18, Ashburn, US 1243. George Ferrer, 7:22:14, 196/M50, Bronx, US 1244. Howard Srebnick, 7:22:16, 212/M45, Miami, US 1245. Renato Castilho, 7:22:28, 262/M40, Great Neck, US 1246. Ken Wk Lo Lo, 7:22:30, 379/M18, New York, US 1247. Mike McClinchie, 7:22:31, 263/M40, Westerville, US 1248. Jeffrey Goodmann, 7:22:35, 197/M50, West Des Moines, US 1249. Vitali Vashkevich, 7:22:37, 380/M18, New York, US 1250. Barry Gragg, 7:22:37, 198/M50, New York, US 1251. Javier Cabrera, 7:22:43, 381/M18, Carolina, PR 1252. Carla Wollner, 7:22:47, 12/F50, Rio de Janeiro, BR 1253. Jonathan Blinken, 7:22:57, 199/M50, Englewood, US 1254. Elias Monterroso, 7:23:08, 382/M18, Arlington, US 1255. Franko Kokot, 7:23:09, 264/M40, Bayside, US 1256. James Stepanek, 7:23:18, 7/M65, Branford, US 1257. David O’Driscoll, 7:23:18, 383/M18, New York, US 1258. Holden Lee, 7:23:23, 384/M18, New York, US 1259. Christopher Muller, 7:23:28, 213/M45, Ramsey, US 1260. R. Bruce McLean, 7:23:34, 8/M65, Washington, US 1261. Robert Dumas, 7:23:41, 86/M55, Verdun, CA 1262. Jean-Francois Pouliot, 7:23:44, 200/M50, St-Lambert, CA 1263. Manuela Ansaldo, 7:23:44, 22/F18, Roma, IT 1264. Fabio Leandro, 7:23:46, 385/M18, Campo Grande, BR 1265. Jonathan Elkas, 7:23:50, 214/M45, Mount Royal, CA 1266. Manh Pham, 7:23:57, 386/M18, Reston, US 1267. Kyle Rhoderick, 7:24:01, 265/M40, Montrose, US 1268. Jorge Tamayo, 7:24:11, 215/M45, Mayaguez, PR 1269. Enrique Figueroa, 7:24:11, 201/M50, Mayaguez, PR 1270. Jorge Mastroizzi, 7:24:14, 266/M40, Miami, US 1271. David Niewood, 7:24:18, 216/M45, Englewood, US 1272. Rodrigo Sallum, 7:24:21, 387/M18, Sao Paulo, BR 1273. Chiemi Muroi, 7:24:26, 11/F40, Sunnyside, US 1274. Pierre Allaire, 7:24:30, 217/M45, Beloeil, CA 1275. Benoit Girard, 7:24:32, 267/M40, Saint-Lambert, CA 1276. Drew Porter, 7:24:32, 218/M45, Cooperstown, US

1277. Evan Seigerman, 7:24:44, 388/M18, New York, US 1278. Al Francisco, 7:24:50, 219/M45, Colonia, US 1279. Anthony Mann, 7:24:53, 202/M50, Greenwich, US 1280. Steve Bartels, 7:24:54, 203/M50, Riverside, US 1281. Timothy Gianfreda, 7:24:56, 204/M50, Ramsey, US 1282. Guillermo Nenadich, 7:25:00, 389/M18, Trujillo Alto, PR 1283. David Spitzer, 7:25:01, 268/M40, Englewood, US 1284. Yvan Lapointe, 7:25:03, 205/M50, Montreal, CA 1285. Nicholas Bevilacqua, 7:25:04, 390/M18, Haworth, US 1286. Alan Gould, 7:25:07, 87/M55, Greenwich, US 1287. Armin Linge, 7:25:10, 220/M45, Sprockhoevel, DE 1288. Richard Rodriguez, 7:25:27, 391/M18, Philadelphia, US 1289. Maria Mercedes Piaggio, 7:25:32, 2/F60, Caba, AR 1290. Charles Ryan, 7:25:34, 221/M45, Tierra Verde, US 1291. Elizabeth Tobin, 7:25:43, 13/F50, Old Greenwich, US 1292. Jim Fidacaro Fidacaro, 7:25:44, 222/M45, Mountain Lakes, US 1293. Mauricio Fernandes, 7:25:51, 88/M55, Rio de Janeiro, BR 1294. Javier Santiago, 7:25:52, 206/M50, Yonkers, US 1295. Ty Fernandez, 7:26:04, 269/M40, Glastonbury, US 1296. Chad Beck, 7:26:12, 392/M18, Brooklyn, US 1297. William Cox, 7:26:14, 270/M40, Brooklyn, US 1298. Scott Diamond, 7:26:18, 223/M45, Port Washington, US 1299. Lex Galang, 7:26:19, 271/M40, Leonia, US 1300. Edwin Buenaventura, 7:26:23, 393/M18, Nanuet, US 1301. Mitchell Ancona, 7:26:31, 224/M45, Redding, US 1302. Michele Omelia, 7:26:35, 16/F45, Bayville, US 1303. Juan Luis Sommers, 7:26:45, 207/M50, Santiago, CL 1304. Denis Olivares, 7:26:50, 40/M60, Woodside, US 1305. Adam Goodman, 7:27:02, 394/M18, Fairfield, US 1306. Althea Grace Pineda, 7:27:11, 2/F55, New York, US 1307. Shawn Rudden, 7:27:15, 272/M40, Caldwell, US 1308. Martin Mickus, 7:27:18, 273/M40, New York, US 1309. Danniel Tung, 7:27:19, 395/M18, Sao Paulo, BR 1310. Jeff Singer, 7:27:25, 225/M45, New York, US 1311. Marc Arsenault, 7:27:33, 226/M45, Boucherville, CA 1312. Normand Blain, 7:27:41, 208/M50, Boucherville, CA 1313. Denzil Rankine, 7:27:46, 209/M50, New York, US 1314. Tom Mattey, 7:27:56, 274/M40, Princeton Jct, US 1315. Jakob Eriksson, 7:28:08, 396/M18, Malm, SE 1316. Bob Carreau, 7:28:14, 89/M55, Toronto, CA 1317. Aaron Steeghs, 7:28:16, 397/M18, Toronto, CA 1318. Matt Carreau, 7:28:16, 398/M18, Dieppe, CA 1319. Rob Carreau, 7:28:18, 399/M18, Truro, CA 1320. Brian Stewart, 7:28:21, 400/M18, St Catharines, CA 1321. Normand Chartrand, 7:28:27, 210/M50, St-Lambert, CA 1322. Matthew Schecter, 7:28:36, 227/M45, Riverside, US 1323. Scott Leventhal, 7:28:44, 228/M45, New Haven, US 1324. James Doyle, 7:29:00, 401/M18, Neptune, US 1325. Devin Govindasamy, 7:29:00, 229/M45, Toronto, CA 1326. Maria Rocca, 7:29:14, 23/F18, Sao Paulo, BR 1327. Farzine Hachemian, 7:29:23, 230/M45, Stamford, US 1328. Valerio Faccenda, 7:29:30, 211/M50, Loreto, IT 1329. Christopher Wenzel, 7:29:35, 275/M40, Marblehead, US 1330. Ryan Munro, 7:29:39, 402/M18, New York, US 1331. Oscar Martinez, 7:29:41, 231/M45, Buenos Aires, AR 1332. Thomas Wing, 7:29:51, 41/M60, Torrington, US 1333. Orland Delgado, 7:29:54, 276/M40, New York, US 1334. Christopher Hanc, 7:29:59, 232/M45, Rockville Centre, US 1335. Regina Chiu, 7:30:04, 17/F45, New York, US 1336. Jason Valdina, 7:30:12, 277/M40, New York, US 1337. Walter Navoni, 7:30:13, 90/M55, Milano, IT 1338. Joseph Quaglia, 7:30:15, 403/M18, New York, US 1339. Keith Schlanger, 7:30:37, 212/M50, Upper Saddle River, US 1340. Tim Lord, 7:30:40, 233/M45, New York, US 55

1341. Gilbert Chalem, 7:30:42, 234/M45, Aventura, US 1342. Carlos Orraca, 7:30:45, 213/M50, Manati, PR 1343. Anush Ricci, 7:30:50, 24/F18, Rego Park, US 1344. Manuel De Miranda, 7:31:12, 235/M45, New York, US 1345. Edwin Lam, 7:31:20, 404/M18, Little Neck, US 1346. Paul Hoffmann, 7:31:24, 9/M65, Delmar, US 1347. Christopher McLean, 7:31:29, 405/M18, Washington, US 1348. Kenny Niernberg, 7:31:40, 406/M18, Philadelphia, US 1349. Emmet Malmstrom, 7:31:47, 278/M40, Brooklyn, US 1350. Carlo Bello, 7:31:48, 279/M40, New York, US 1351. Andrew Hetherington, 7:31:51, 280/M40, New York, US 1352. Christopher Wu, 7:31:55, 407/M18, Brooklyn, US 1353. Daniel Green, 7:31:55, 214/M50, New York, US 1354. Andrew Schaefer, 7:32:01, 91/M55, Hume, US 1355. Robert Carrizzo, 7:32:02, 215/M50, Haworth, US 1356. Glynis Webster, 7:32:13, 12/F40, North Vancouver, CA 1357. Leonard Ribok, 7:32:19, 408/M18, Medford, US 1358. Denise Margulies, 7:32:19, 18/F45, New York, US 1359. Joshua Port, 7:32:20, 216/M50, Altoona, US 1360. Frank Solda, 7:32:21, 217/M50, Toronto, CA 1361. Rob Robitaille, 7:32:30, 409/M18, Brooklyn, US 1362. Bernard Leclerc, 7:32:34, 218/M50, Quebec, CA 1363. Lis Lopez, 7:32:37, 13/F40, Carolina, PR 1364. Simon Marchand-Fortier, 7:32:41, 281/M40, Quebec, CA 1365. Pedro Negron, 7:32:41, 42/M60, New York, US 1366. Pierre Grenier, 7:32:42, 92/M55, Quebec, CA 1367. Paulo Barreto, 7:32:46, 219/M50, Sao Paulo, BR 1368. Juan Munoz, 7:32:55, 282/M40, Mayaguez, PR 1369. Pasquale Ruffolo, 7:32:56, 236/M45, Montreal, CA 1370. John Koblinsky, 7:33:03, 410/M18, New York, US 1371. Peter Laugels, 7:33:05, 411/M18, Bromma, SE 1372. Matheus Hovers, 7:33:14, 412/M18, Rye, US 1373. Karen Ulrich, 7:33:19, 19/F45, New York, US 1374. Michael Stevick, 7:33:21, 413/M18, Hoboken, US 1375. Michael Cohen, 7:33:26, 220/M50, Hollidaysburg, US 1376. Charles Lupardo, 7:33:39, 414/M18, Staten Island, US 1377. Dirk Renee, 7:33:41, 283/M40, Amsterdam, NL 1378. Joel Lupatkin, 7:33:41, 93/M55, New York, US 1379. Bernardo Palomera, 7:33:43, 415/M18, New York, US 1380. Jeff May-Melin, 7:33:55, 237/M45, Saskatoon, CA 1381. Edwin Adams, 7:33:55, 221/M50, New York, US 1382. Vincent Edwards, 7:33:58, 222/M50, Fort Lee, US 1383. Michael Pillari, 7:34:05, 284/M40, Interlaken, US 1384. Philip Sauma, 7:34:29, 416/M18, Tenafly, US 1385. Jeffrey Miller, 7:34:37, 238/M45, Washington, US 1386. Robert Hanna, 7:34:37, 417/M18, Franklin Lakes, US 1387. John Lovi, 7:34:39, 223/M50, Montclair, US 1388. Ernesto Borges Neto, 7:34:52, 285/M40, Campo Grande, BR 1389. Hector Ramirez, 7:34:52, 239/M45, Oakland Gardens, US 1390. Russell Fulling, 7:34:53, 224/M50, Northbrook, US 1391. Dennis Fulling, 7:34:53, 240/M45, Roxbury, US 1392. Ernie Hershey, 7:34:57, 418/M18, Brooklyn, US 1393. Claudio Gemmiti, 7:34:58, 225/M50, Toronto, CA 1394. Daniel Holgersson, 7:35:07, 419/M18, Malm, SE 1395. David Buscaglia, 7:35:19, 226/M50, Davis, US 1396. Nicholas Taylor, 7:35:22, 420/M18, Neptune, US 1397. Andrew Willins, 7:35:28, 421/M18, Tortola, VG 1398. Sylvia Mueller, 7:35:32, 14/F50, Brooklyn, US 1399. Andrew McCoy, 7:35:42, 422/M18, Des Moines, US 1400. Hall Hitzig, 7:35:54, 43/M60, Renick, US 1401. Linda Meadows, 7:35:55, 20/F45, Frankford, US 1402. Mickey Hovers, 7:35:55, 286/M40, Amsterdam, NL 1403. Thomas Chester, 7:35:56, 241/M45, Selden, US 1404. Mauro Fiorentini, 7:36:05, 94/M55, Firenze, IT 56

1405. Francisco Siercke, 7:36:06, 287/M40, Virginia Beach, US 1406. Curt Hurst, 7:36:13, 95/M55, Morristown, US 1407. Ben Sanderson, 7:36:15, 288/M40, London, GB 1408. Simon Turton, 7:36:19, 242/M45, London, GB 1409. James Hanson, 7:36:19, 96/M55, Bernardsville, US 1410. Nelson Diaz, 7:36:21, 227/M50, Haverstraw, US 1411. Robert Schmitt, 7:36:28, 44/M60, Little Neck, US 1412. Rob Koshar, 7:36:44, 97/M55, Greenwich, US 1413. Robert Schmitt, 7:36:59, 243/M45, Long Valley, US 1414. Patrick Augustin, 7:37:01, 423/M18, Washington, US 1415. Walter Alvarado, 7:37:07, 289/M40, Stamford, US 1416. Stefan Ytterborn, 7:37:13, 228/M50, Saltsjobaden, SE 1417. Ove Wedsjo, 7:37:14, 229/M50, Saltsjobaden, SE 1418. James Michaud, 7:37:27, 98/M55, Glastonbury, US 1419. Paul Girard, 7:37:31, 244/M45, Mahwah, US 1420. Glenn Pagan, 7:37:35, 99/M55, New York, US 1421. Mark Ohrstrom, 7:37:41, 230/M50, The Plains, US 1422. Kenneth Garrett, 7:37:44, 45/M60, Broad Run, US 1423. Edwin Torres, 7:37:53, 231/M50, Springhill, US 1424. Kenneth Schwartz, 7:37:55, 245/M45, Brooklyn, US 1425. Ulf Stenberg, 7:37:56, 232/M50, Goteborg, SE 1426. Russell Martin, 7:38:00, 290/M40, New York, US 1427. Giovanny Ortega *, 7:38:13, 246/M45, Panama, PA 1428. Maximilian Weiner, 7:38:22, 291/M40, New York, US 1429. Fidel Ramirez, 7:38:24, 247/M45, Mayaguez, PR 1430. Carlos Medina, 7:38:25, 100/M55, Fort Lee, US 1431. Eric Silver, 7:38:29, 46/M60, Needham, US 1432. Herman Rich, 7:38:33, 233/M50, Weston, US 1433. Fernando Aguad, 7:38:35, 234/M50, New York, US 1434. Patrick Phillips, 7:38:51, 292/M40, Brooklyn, US 1435. Lizette Monheim, 7:38:55, 21/F45, Old Greenwich, US 1436. Andreas Delhusen, 7:39:03, 235/M50, Lund, SE 1437. Rodrigo Possari, 7:39:04, 424/M18, Campo Grande, BR 1438. Marie-Jo Malenfant, 7:39:08, 15/F50, Prevost, CA 1439. Svein Helgesen, 7:39:09, 236/M50, Lund, SE 1440. Robert Patenaude, 7:39:09, 101/M55, Mt Saint Hilaire, CA 1441. Sven Schneider, 7:39:17, 293/M40, Fussen, DE 1442. William Davis, 7:39:26, 248/M45, Reston, US 1443. Luc Roy, 7:39:30, 47/M60, Verdun, CA 1444. Stephen Condon, 7:39:36, 425/M18, New York, US 1445. Scott Campbell, 7:39:44, 294/M40, Miramichi, CA 1446. Benjamin Balsam, 7:39:56, 426/M18, New York, US

1447. Tim Hassall, 7:40:04, 10/M65, New York, US 1448. Steven Bramson, 7:40:22, 237/M50, Montreal, CA 1449. Paul Heffernan, 7:40:25, 238/M50, Sayville, US 1450. Joe Bottiglieri, 7:40:26, 239/M50, Rockville, US 1451. Kevin Maselka, 7:40:26, 240/M50, Brookeville, US 1452. Frank Choroco, 7:40:29, 427/M18, Richmond Hill, US 1453. Susan Stickle, 7:40:41, 3/F55, Bound Brook, US 1454. Barry Schaevitz, 7:40:41, 241/M50, Bedford, US 1455. Carlos Berrocal, 7:40:42, 295/M40, Panama, PA 1456. Jon Sisti, 7:40:47, 242/M50, Hoboken, US 1457. Adelaida Galarza, 7:41:01, 22/F45, Marietta, US 1458. Victor Nicolau, 7:41:02, 428/M18, Sao Paulo, BR 1459. Patrick McCullough, 7:41:02, 249/M45, Summit, US 1460. Leore Abramson, 7:41:03, 296/M40, Brooklyn, US 1461. Byron Maldonado, 7:41:03, 297/M40, Sterling, US 1462. Charles Houssa, 7:41:04, 298/M40, Chester Springs, US 1463. Alfredo Gutierrez, 7:41:12, 243/M50, Wakefield, US 1464. David Miller, 7:41:19, 429/M18, Miramichi, CA 1465. Robin Rootkin, 7:41:24, 430/M18, Cliffside Park, US 1466. David Spindler, 7:41:25, 431/M18, New York, US 1467. Federico Kaune, 7:41:32, 250/M45, Scarsdale, US 1468. Matthew Zisman, 7:41:39, 299/M40, Bethesda, US 1469. Ellen Davis, 7:41:47, 23/F45, Mahwah, US 1470. Jose E. Medina, 7:41:50, 251/M45, Bellerose, US 1471. Bill Bergamo, 7:41:56, 244/M50, Glastonbury, US 1472. Sonny Rapozo, 7:42:05, 102/M55, East Falmouth, US 1473. Charles Trottier, 7:42:13, 245/M50, Vaudreuil-Sur-Le-L, CA 1474. St phane Trottier, 7:42:13, 432/M18, Vaudreuil-Sur-Le-L, CA 1475. Ramon Davila, 7:42:22, 246/M50, Hormigueros, PR 1476. Vince Castaldo, 7:42:22, 247/M50, Jacobstown, US 1477. Peter Tynell, 7:42:27, 433/M18, Meggen, CH 1478. William Lobos, 7:42:28, 103/M55, Santiago, CL 1479. Stephen Brown, 7:42:31, 434/M18, New York, US 1480. Raphael Shorser, 7:42:40, 435/M18, New York, US 1481. Josue A Rodriguez Robles, 7:42:40, 300/M40, Carolina, PR 1482. Franklin Isacson, 7:42:43, 436/M18, New York, US 1483. Marie-Eve Daunais, 7:42:44, 25/F18, Montreal, CA 1484. Leandro Rocha, 7:43:05, 437/M18, Curitiba, BR 1485. John Bader, 7:43:14, 252/M45, New York, US 1486. Greg Emmanuel, 7:43:19, 301/M40, Brooklyn, US 1487. Esteban Rodriguez, 7:43:23, 438/M18, Mexico City, MX 1488. Michael Arguelles, 7:43:31, 302/M40, Elmont, US 1489. Gene Piccoli, 7:43:31, 104/M55, Montreal, CA 1490. Kenneth Nehlsen, 7:43:33, 248/M50, Mahopac, US 1491. David Fernekes, 7:43:45, 105/M55, Poughkeepsie, US 1492. Suzy Clair, 7:43:46, 24/F45, Fredericksburg, US 1493. Lori Cassia-Decker, 7:43:46, 16/F50, Pleasant Valley, US 1494. Werner Mueller, 7:43:50, 106/M55, Warwick, US 1495. Adam Rosenbaum, 7:43:54, 253/M45, Falmouth, US 1496. Simon Costley, 7:43:55, 439/M18, Jersey City, US 1497. Chip Stone, 7:44:07, 11/M65, Montpelier, US 1498. Kenia Molina, 7:44:11, 26/F18, New York, US 1499. Nadim Victor Risk, 7:44:14, 440/M18, Verdun, CA 1500. Robert Schmon, 7:44:26, 48/M60, New York, US 1501. Trevor Madigan, 7:44:33, 441/M18, New York, US 1502. Leonardo Ortega, 7:44:35, 442/M18, Mayaguez, PR 1503. Robert Mitchell, 7:44:46, 107/M55, Ithaca, US 1504. Geir Bentzen, 7:44:50, 249/M50, Katy, US 1505. Mehmet Genc, 7:44:55, 254/M45, New York, US 1506. Jesse Fink, 7:44:58, 108/M55, Wilton, US 1507. Gregg Bentley, 7:45:07, 250/M50, Stratford, CA 1508. Mathijs Rotteveel, 7:45:24, 303/M40, Rye, US 1509. Marc Andre Desjardins, 7:45:27, 443/M18, Boucherville, CA 1510. William Logan, 7:45:29, 251/M50, Overland Park, US

1511. Trish Page, 7:45:29, 14/F40, Vancouver, CA 1512. Gerben Van Der Marel, 7:45:30, 304/M40, Briooklyn, US 1513. Simon Asselin, 7:45:43, 255/M45, Prevost, CA 1514. Jocelyn Lambert, 7:45:53, 252/M50, Boisbriand, CA 1515. Jaime Villaruz, 7:45:54, 256/M45, Kew Gardnes, US 1516. Jerry Marcus, 7:45:57, 49/M60, Stamford, US 1517. Jan Kraemer, 7:46:00, 444/M18, Guaynabo, PR 1518. Felipe Freitas, 7:46:09, 445/M18, New York, US 1519. Eileen Booth, 7:46:17, 27/F18, Kings Park, US 1520. Craig Bavinton, 7:46:25, 257/M45, Sao Paulo, BR 1521. Joseph Leahy, 7:46:27, 305/M40, Sao Paulo, BR 1522. George Magnotta, 7:46:30, 253/M50, Lutherville, US 1523. Eric Magnuson, 7:46:36, 306/M40, Fairhaven, US 1524. Anthony Moura, 7:46:37, 446/M18, Fall River, US 1525. Jose Garry De Sagun, 7:46:39, 447/M18, Jamaica, US 1526. Carlos Alberto Nunes Pontes, 7:46:40, 258/M45, Campo Grande, BR 1527. Sally Chui, 7:46:41, 28/F18, Toronto, CA 1528. John Cechini, 7:46:49, 259/M45, Glastonbury, US 1529. Karsten Moser, 7:46:49, 260/M45, Wuppertal, DE 1530. Lance Williams, 7:46:52, 261/M45, Bernardsville, US 1531. Peter Canavan, 7:46:52, 262/M45, Bernardsville, US 1532. Mario Dominguez-Hernandez, 7:47:01, 448/M18, Ann Arbor, US 1533. Joe Smith, 7:47:04, 109/M55, Riverside, US 1534. Mathieu Drolet, 7:47:05, 449/M18, Montreal, CA 1535. Jean-Luc Garon, 7:47:19, 254/M50, Blainville, CA 1536. Juan Rodriguez, 7:47:20, 255/M50, Trumbull, US 1537. Jim Rindgen, 7:47:25, 263/M45, North Brunswick, US 1538. Dan Kenigsberg, 7:47:30, 450/M18, New York, US 1539. Patrick Kennedy, 7:47:51, 451/M18, New York, US 1540. Roger-Pierre Girard, 7:47:52, 264/M45, Laval, CA 1541. Alain Ruel, 7:48:00, 256/M50, Blainville, CA 1542. Milly Wade-West, 7:48:01, 29/F18, Shelton, US 1543. Jonathan Gottlieb, 7:48:03, 257/M50, Huntington, US 1544. Daniel Normandeau, 7:48:04, 258/M50, Blainville, CA 1545. Daniel Huard, 7:48:16, 110/M55, Mont Royal, CA 1546. Les Hiscoe, 7:48:19, 265/M45, New York, US 1547. Paul Imm, 7:48:20, 452/M18, Belle Mead, US 1548. Rick Ord, 7:48:20, 266/M45, New York, US 1549. Jennifer Holmes, 7:48:41, 30/F18, New York, US 1550. Guillermo Masoni, 7:48:43, 111/M55, San Isidro, AR 1551. Benjamin Gardner, 7:48:49, 453/M18, Washington, US 1552. Sael Noriega, 7:49:00, 267/M45, San German, PR 1553. Don Winter, 7:49:03, 268/M45, New York, US 1554. Abbey Courchaine, 7:49:09, 31/F18, Fall River, US 1555. Andreas Selling, 7:49:12, 112/M55, Marl, DE 1556. Michael McLaughlin, 7:49:14, 259/M50, East Moriches, US 1557. Conor Logan, 7:49:18, 454/M18, Overland Park, US 1558. Dennis Showalter, 7:49:19, 269/M45, Fairfax, US 1559. Muhib Chughtai, 7:49:22, 455/M18, Winnipeg, CA 1560. Rod Camp, 7:49:25, 113/M55, Rhinebeck, US 1561. Don Fouts, 7:49:25, 114/M55, Davis, US 1562. Marc Lavine, 7:49:35, 307/M40, New York, US 1563. Linda Moinet, 7:49:36, 17/F50, Los Angeles, US 1564. Jean Leclerc, 7:49:36, 115/M55, Ville Mont-Royal, CA 1565. Tim Robson, 7:49:54, 15/F40, Warwickshire, GB 1566. Karl Matsch, 7:50:06, 12/M65, Falun, SE 1567. Martin Zammert, 7:50:09, 456/M18, Boston, US 1568. Heidi Broecking, 7:50:18, 25/F45, Nyack, US 1569. Anahi Palatini, 7:50:43, 4/F55, Boulogne, AR 1570. Robert Osuch, 7:51:00, 308/M40, Parlin, US 1571. Timothy Lee, 7:51:08, 309/M40, Melville, US 1572. Vincent Cintron, 7:51:12, 310/M40, Fort Lee, US 1573. Mike Gavino, 7:51:14, 311/M40, Fords, US 1574. Jeff Freder, 7:51:22, 116/M55, Westmount, CA 57

1575. Andrew Dumas, 7:51:22, 457/M18, New York, US 1576. Rafal Gawlowski, 7:51:23, 312/M40, New York, US 1577. Tina B Smith, 7:51:23, 26/F45, Massapequa, US 1578. Oscar Alvarez, 7:51:30, 458/M18, Rhinebeck, US 1579. Brahm Rosenberg, 7:51:35, 50/M60, Hampstead, CA 1580. Craig Blitz, 7:51:57, 260/M50, New York, US 1581. Alessandro Medeiros, 7:52:06, 313/M40, Cliffside Park, US 1582. Robert Boissinot, 7:52:11, 270/M45, St-Augustin-De-Des, CA 1583. Patrick Diaks, 7:52:18, 261/M50, Dix Hills, US 1584. Jan Hilberath, 7:52:20, 459/M18, Newton, US 1585. Efrain Vazquez, 7:52:20, 262/M50, Manhattan, US 1586. Noriel Castro, 7:52:20, 314/M40, Leonia, US 1587. Cesar Gomez, 7:52:23, 460/M18, Guaynabo, PR 1588. Cheryl Polansky, 7:52:24, 5/F55, Westmount, CA 1589. Russ Hoefer, 7:52:36, 117/M55, Northbrook, US 1590. Jocely Almeida, 7:52:40, 315/M40, Little Ferry, US 1591. Martin Goetz, 7:52:41, 461/M18, Merrick, US 1592. Jose A Rodriguez, 7:52:44, 118/M55, New Haven, US 1593. William Drori, 7:52:48, 119/M55, Hampstead, CA 1594. Jaroslaw Hawrylewicz, 7:52:58, 462/M18, New York, US 1595. Brett Macune, 7:52:59, 463/M18, West New York, US 1596. Angel Ocasio Carrion, 7:53:01, 316/M40, Vega Baja, PR 1597. Fernando Quintero, 7:53:06, 464/M18, Toa Alta, PR 1598. George Stern, 7:53:08, 51/M60, Hampstead, CA 1599. Samuel Hancock, 7:53:11, 465/M18, Hoboken, US 1600. Oscar Heredia, 7:53:13, 317/M40, Englewood, US 1601. Ricardo Mora, 7:53:20, 271/M45, New York, US 1602. Martin Beaulieu, 7:53:31, 120/M55, Laterriere, CA 1603. Niclas Svensson, 7:53:39, 466/M18, Stockholm, SE 1604. Mats Thuresson, 7:53:39, 272/M45, Skogas, SE 1605. Ola Bergstrom, 7:53:40, 27/F45, Stockholm, SE 1606. Frederic Gautier, 7:53:50, 467/M18, New York, US 1607. Renee Veronica Magarinos, 7:53:57, 28/F45, Sao Paulo, BR 1608. Travis Andersen, 7:53:59, 318/M40, Tuckahoe, US 1609. Eloisa Dumas, 7:53:59, 29/F45, Singapore, SG 1610. Sheldon Pickholz, 7:54:01, 263/M50, Englewood, US 1611. Dennis Rivere, 7:54:10, 273/M45, Congers, US 1612. Michael Sainato, 7:54:13, 264/M50, New York, US 1613. Jeffrey Jagid, 7:54:17, 319/M40, Demarest, US 1614. Jeffrey Goldsmith, 7:54:17, 320/M40, Tenafly, US 1615. Edward Ma, 7:54:28, 468/M18, New York, US 1616. Zangrilli Giovanna, 7:54:33, 16/F40, Bologna, IT 1617. Joseph Black, 7:54:34, 3/M70, Saint Louis, US 1618. Giorgi Giovanni, 7:54:35, 121/M55, Bologna, IT 1619. Jose Vazquez, 7:54:41, 274/M45, San Juan, PR 1620. Angel Vicioso, 7:54:47, 321/M40, Bridgeport, US 1621. Jason Goldsmith, 7:54:52, 322/M40, Indianapolis, US 1622. Hung Tran, 7:54:55, 469/M18, Flushing, US 1623. Denise Ribeiro, 7:55:00, 30/F45, Sao Paulo, BR 1624. John Rozzo, 7:55:14, 265/M50, Wading River, US 1625. Marijn Van Houtum, 7:55:21, 470/M18, Rotterdam, NL 1626. Richard Voorman, 7:55:23, 52/M60, Kalamazoo, US 1627. Magnus Eriksson, 7:55:24, 266/M50, Woodland Park, US 1628. Wynnfred Aguinaldo, 7:55:25, 471/M18, Nanuet, US 1629. William Scime, 7:55:32, 122/M55, Plainview, US 1630. Carolyn Okabe, 7:55:33, 17/F40, New York, US 1631. Brian Ralph, 7:55:48, 472/M18, Brooklyn, US 1632. Carlos Vila, 7:55:52, 275/M45, Guaynabo, PR 1633. Justin Prugh, 7:55:56, 473/M18, Somerville, US 1634. Jose Naharro, 7:56:01, 53/M60, Baltimore, US 1635. Yaakov Nadler, 7:56:04, 474/M18, Teaneck, US 1636. Chris Williams, 7:56:07, 323/M40, Plano, US 1637. Zoran Anicic, 7:56:16, 276/M45, Kew Gardens, US 1638. Jonathan Halvorson, 7:56:16, 475/M18, New York, US 58

1639. Axel Flores, 7:56:18, 277/M45, Yauco, PR 1640. Frank Dengel, 7:56:39, 278/M45, Ahrenviolfeld, DE 1641. Jim Marrone, 7:56:44, 123/M55, Bronxville, US 1642. Ryan Bowker, 7:56:44, 124/M55, New York, US 1643. Luz Dumas, 7:56:47, 31/F45, Sao Paulo, BR 1644. Elliot Daniel, 7:56:47, 476/M18, Brooklyn, US 1645. James Marrone, 7:56:50, 477/M18, Bronxville, US 1646. David Hundenborn, 7:56:52, 478/M18, Berlin, DE 1647. Matthias Lill, 7:56:53, 479/M18, Berlin, DE 1648. Isaac Schweky, 7:56:54, 480/M18, Brooklyn, US 1649. Charlie Dill, 7:57:02, 279/M45, Stamford, US 1650. Lawrence Katz, 7:57:09, 267/M50, Great Neck, US 1651. Richard O’Malley, 7:57:18, 268/M50, Montvale, US 1652. Jason Harvey, 7:57:20, 324/M40, Fresh Meadows, US 1653. Thomas Patterson, 7:57:24, 280/M45, Farmingdale, US 1654. Frank Cestaro, 7:57:25, 481/M18, Oceanside, US 1655. Matthew Rollins, 7:57:26, 125/M55, Millbrook, US 1656. John Leahy, 7:57:36, 269/M50, Limerick, IE 1657. Joseph Gangemi, 7:57:39, 126/M55, Staten Island, US 1658. Ester Barbuto, 7:57:40, 32/F18, Norfolk, US 1659. Felipe Whitaker, 7:57:49, 325/M40, Sao Paulo, BR 1660. Goutham Buchi, 7:57:51, 482/M18, New York, US 1661. Jonathan Olefson, 7:57:53, 483/M18, Closter, US 1662. Chauncey O’Neill, 7:57:57, 326/M40, Long Island City, US 1663. Dominique Desjardins, 7:57:59, 327/M40, Ste-Marthe-Sur-Le-, CA 1664. Frederic Vachon, 7:58:01, 328/M40, Laval, CA 1665. John Schutte, 7:58:12, 127/M55, Lafayette, US 1666. Michael Schutte, 7:58:17, 54/M60, Missoula, US 1667. Michael Geller, 7:58:22, 281/M45, New York, US 1668. Javier Saralegui, 7:58:25, 270/M50, New York, US 1669. Omar Torres, 7:58:39, 484/M18, Brooklyn, US 1670. Russell Fleet, 7:58:42, 485/M18, Atlanta, US 1671. Ned Schwartz, 7:59:11, 486/M18, San Francisco, US 1672. Jowel Velarde, 7:59:29, 487/M18, Nanuet, US 1673. Caroline Samson, 7:59:32, 18/F40, Verdun, CA 1674. Carlos Rodriguez, 7:59:34, 488/M18, San Juan, PR 1675. Mark Brzozowski, 7:59:45, 271/M50, Staten Island, US 1676. Cris Coconcea, 7:59:53, 272/M50, Belmont, US 1677. Sam Brasel, 7:59:57, 128/M55, Seabrook, US 1678. Jocelyn Lippe, 8:00:06, 329/M40, Saint-Jerome, CA 1679. Fred Balboni, 8:00:07, 273/M50, New York, US 1680. Stephane Rozier, 8:00:52, 282/M45, Laval, CA 1681. Charles Yeager, 8:00:53, 274/M50, Temple, US 1682. Peter Kagan, 8:01:00, 283/M45, Montclair, US 1683. David Widerberg, 8:01:18, 489/M18, Bach Sz, CH 1684. Jacqueline Roman, 8:01:31, 19/F40, San Juan, PR 1685. Thomas Hathaway, 8:01:40, 129/M55, Norwell, US 1686. Chuck Roberson, 8:01:52, 275/M50, New Providence, US 1687. Steve Gorski, 8:01:53, 284/M45, Arlington, US 1688. Rino Ruzich, 8:01:56, 330/M40, Montreal, CA 1689. Paulo Renoldi, 8:01:58, 331/M40, Sao Paulo, BR 1690. Andrew Jessup, 8:02:05, 285/M45, Wyckoff, US 1691. Bradley Orner, 8:02:20, 276/M50, Scituate, US 1692. John Connors, 8:02:39, 130/M55, Portland, US 1693. Diane Gariepy, 8:02:45, 6/F55, Verdun, CA 1694. Charles Dore, 8:02:57, 332/M40, Rye, US 1695. Andreas Prandelli, 8:02:59, 277/M50, Forked River, US 1696. Gregory Smith, 8:03:06, 490/M18, Washington, US 1697. Malcolm Creighton, 8:03:06, 131/M55, Carlisle, US 1698. Max Brandt, 8:03:27, 333/M40, Torsh lla, SE 1699. John Vermeulen, 8:03:44, 334/M40, Wilton, US 1700. Daniela Del Percio, 8:03:45, 33/F18, Flushing, US 1701. Olga Casabona, 8:03:50, 34/F18, Brooklyn, US 1702. Gherardo Pasquinucci, 8:04:16, 132/M55, Vignale Monferrato, IT

1703. Joe Gudino, 8:04:32, 286/M45, Manhasset, US 1704. Christopher Oneill, 8:04:35, 491/M18, Southbury, US 1705. George Luis Cumella, 8:04:35, 335/M40, Flushing, US 1706. Fred Moura, 8:04:35, 492/M18, New York, US 1707. William Godfrey, 8:04:53, 278/M50, Ottawa, CA 1708. Paul Hackett, 8:05:03, 279/M50, Franklin Lakes, US 1709. Seth Rossinow, 8:05:25, 287/M45, Towaco, US 1710. Paul Neureiter, 8:05:27, 280/M50, Arlington, US 1711. Ralph Carter, 8:05:28, 281/M50, Arlington, US 1712. Matt Wong, 8:05:31, 493/M18, New York, US 1713. Bruno Tordini, 8:05:40, 288/M45, Doral, US 1714. Fabio Luzzi, 8:05:54, 336/M40, Jersey City, US 1715. Byron Mathis, 8:05:56, 337/M40, Armonk, US 1716. Kevin Kidder, 8:05:56, 494/M18, Middle Village, US 1717. Erik Waters, 8:06:03, 495/M18, Somerville, US 1718. Richard Henry, 8:06:07, 338/M40, Brooklyn, US 1719. Mike Halminen, 8:06:36, 339/M40, Toronto, CA 1720. Scott Milstein, 8:06:51, 496/M18, Brooklyn, US 1721. Charlie Williams, 8:06:57, 282/M50, Falls Church, US 1722. Kelsey Swinford, 8:07:11, 35/F18, Horseheads, US 1723. Kevin Marra, 8:07:24, 497/M18, Miami, US 1724. Cyril Gillman, 8:07:25, 340/M40, Houston, US 1725. Patricia Ouimet, 8:07:33, 18/F50, Millbrook, US 1726. Peter Milza, 8:07:49, 341/M40, Hampton, US 1727. Steve Hovey, 8:07:49, 133/M55, Annandale, US 1728. Kevin Folkins, 8:08:08, 498/M18, Nottingham, US 1729. Tyler McLaughlin, 8:08:10, 499/M18, Rochester, US 1730. Rich Miles, 8:08:14, 342/M40, Schwenksville, US 1731. Francisco Canedo, 8:08:15, 500/M18, San Fernando Huixq, MX 1732. Kenny Harding, 8:08:27, 343/M40, Rochester, US 1733. Michael Higgins, 8:08:37, 289/M45, New York, US 1734. Jamie Janos, 8:08:45, 134/M55, Cleveland, US 1735. Kevin Platz, 8:08:51, 283/M50, Hopewell Jct, US 1736. Frank Oerthle, 8:08:52, 290/M45, Locarno, CH 1737. Campbell Andersen, 8:08:57, 291/M45, Scarsdale, US 1738. Jim McMeeken, 8:09:15, 284/M50, Dumfries, GB 1739. Rene Escobar, 8:09:17, 501/M18, Mexico City, MX 1740. Pedro Rivas, 8:09:18, 502/M18, New York, US 1741. Alejandro Triulzi, 8:09:21, 503/M18, Mexico City, MX 1742. Claudio Garcia, 8:09:24, 292/M45, New York, US 1743. Joe Wilchak, 8:09:33, 285/M50, Phillipsburg, US

1744. Mark Kelly, 8:09:43, 504/M18, Bronx, US 1745. Richard Gold, 8:09:53, 505/M18, Terrebonne, CA 1746. Jason Wyse, 8:09:54, 506/M18, Augusta, US 1747. Jay Tendler, 8:09:57, 135/M55, West Orange, US 1748. Miguel F Beltre, 8:10:05, 136/M55, Sebring, US 1749. Damian Philen Eduardos, 8:10:13, 507/M18, Cleveland Hts, US 1750. Peter Hoefele, 8:10:20, 286/M50, Annandale, US 1751. Daniel Witterman, 8:10:41, 293/M45, Hoboken, US 1752. David Raff, 8:11:10, 287/M50, Florham Park, US 1753. Victor Nieves, 8:11:17, 294/M45, Hillsborough, US 1754. Chung Shin, 8:11:21, 295/M45, Weston, US 1755. David Aboodi, 8:11:22, 296/M45, Tenafly, US 1756. Michael Taormina, 8:11:25, 508/M18, Hillsdale, US 1757. Clemente Mena, 8:11:37, 55/M60, Old Bridge, US 1758. Claudio Valente, 8:11:45, 56/M60, Northport, US 1759. Bryan Astheimer, 8:11:52, 509/M18, Philadelphia, US 1760. Andres Estay, 8:11:59, 297/M45, Harrison, US 1761. Geoffrey Harris, 8:12:03, 288/M50, Morristown, US 1762. Francis Langlois, 8:12:13, 510/M18, Montreal, CA 1763. Stefan Tornberg, 8:12:44, 137/M55, Lund, SE 1764. Efrain Lemus, 8:12:48, 511/M18, Charlotte, US 1765. Melissa Theoret, 8:12:57, 36/F18, Montreal, CA 1766. Daniel Heuberger, 8:13:14, 289/M50, New York, US 1767. Alvin Graham Jr., 8:13:39, 298/M45, Seattle, US 1768. John Eley, 8:13:41, 290/M50, New York, US 1769. Mark Schwartz, 8:13:43, 138/M55, Summit, US 1770. Juan Cruz, 8:13:45, 512/M18, Yonkers, US 1771. Martin Maggio, 8:13:59, 513/M18, Sao Paulo, BR 1772. Ignacio Villa, 8:14:09, 514/M18, Indianapolis, US 1773. Antonio Munari, 8:14:15, 515/M18, San Nazario, IT 1774. Mauro Migliorini, 8:14:16, 344/M40, Asolo, IT 1775. Oscar Gil Vollmer, 8:14:16, 516/M18, New York, US 1776. Carlos Rivero, 8:14:16, 517/M18, New York, US 1777. David Slade, 8:14:28, 291/M50, Cibolo, US 1778. Guillaume Gnech, 8:14:34, 518/M18, New York, US 1779. James Zumot, 8:14:34, 519/M18, New York, US 1780. Sal Marotta, 8:14:42, 292/M50, Emond, US 1781. Tina Iammatteo, 8:14:49, 19/F50, Montreal, CA 1782. Nicholas Pecoraro, 8:14:50, 520/M18, Merrick, US 1783. Eladio Martin, 8:14:51, 345/M40, Brooklyn, US 1784. Howard Schulman, 8:14:57, 139/M55, Commack, US 1785. Dominador Adlao, 8:14:58, 346/M40, Avenel, US 1786. Ashley Halsey, 8:15:11, 57/M60, Annapolis, US 1787. Meg Maier, 8:15:11, 20/F50, Severna Park, US 1788. Oliver Haggiag, 8:15:15, 521/M18, Montreal, CA 1789. Amy Harloff, 8:15:20, 32/F45, New York, US 1790. Gabriele Baldini, 8:15:36, 522/M18, Montreal, CA 1791. Jeffrey Bart, 8:15:37, 523/M18, New York, US 1792. Brannon McGrotha, 8:15:56, 524/M18, New York, US 1793. Jeremy Lowenstein, 8:15:58, 525/M18, New York, US 1794. Francesco Carpisassi, 8:16:01, 347/M40, Orte, IT 1795. Ferrero Carlaccini, 8:16:08, 140/M55, Orte, IT 1796. Stephanie Tang, 8:16:16, 37/F18, New York, US 1797. Ryan Hixenbaugh, 8:16:21, 299/M45, New York, US 1798. Randall Hixenbaugh, 8:16:22, 348/M40, New York, US 1799. Luis Paz-Galindo, 8:16:33, 349/M40, Scarsdale, US 1800. Michael Gorman, 8:16:39, 350/M40, Jersey City, US 1801. David Shereck, 8:16:49, 293/M50, North Woodmere, US 1802. Jairo Melo, 8:16:53, 526/M18, Ridgefield, US 1803. Matthew Jones, 8:16:58, 527/M18, Fairfax Station, US 1804. Ramon Perez, 8:17:01, 351/M40, Sabana Grande, PR 1805. Maurice Brear, 8:17:28, 141/M55, Rancho Santa Fe, US 1806. Robert Masterson, 8:17:37, 352/M40, Pittsburgh, US 1807. Yvonne Vogt, 8:17:39, 38/F18, Greenwich, US 59

1808. Marie Claude Boily, 8:17:48, 20/F40, Sainte-Marthe-Sur-, CA 1809. Kin Hui, 8:17:49, 528/M18, Brooklyn, US 1810. Kenneth Dost, 8:17:52, 529/M18, Elmont, US 1811. Bernard Hanssens, 8:18:08, 142/M55, Gatineau, CA 1812. Alvar Lee, 8:18:12, 353/M40, Port Chester, US 1813. Steven Hong, 8:18:19, 530/M18, Brooklyn, US 1814. Barry Shopnick, 8:18:19, 143/M55, Wayland, US 1815. Adam Happel, 8:18:20, 531/M18, New York, US 1816. David Garner, 8:18:30, 532/M18, New York, US 1817. Jeffrey Levitt, 8:18:31, 533/M18, Fairfield, US 1818. Alberto Arenas, 8:18:45, 534/M18, Mexico City, MX 1819. Ryder Reynolds, 8:18:45, 354/M40, Brooklyn, US 1820. Paul Verciglio, 8:18:46, 355/M40, New York, US 1821. Patrick Mauro, 8:18:53, 535/M18, New York, US 1822. Ralph Schatzmair, 8:19:12, 294/M50, Toronto, CA 1823. Nicholas Domino, 8:19:15, 536/M18, New Canaan, US 1824. Roger Panaguiton, 8:19:19, 356/M40, Wallingford, US 1825. Eric Lehrer, 8:19:36, 537/M18, New Haven, US 1826. Dennis Bahr, 8:19:41, 144/M55, Dumont, US 1827. Gary Noel Galang, 8:19:49, 300/M45, Pittsburgh, US 1828. Anna Kong, 8:19:52, 39/F18, Brooklyn, US 1829. Daniel Gardener, 8:19:53, 538/M18, Jersey City, US 1830. Christopher Mullen, 8:19:59, 357/M40, New York, US 1831. Rob Garland, 8:20:12, 358/M40, New York, US 1832. Dustin Campbell, 8:20:13, 539/M18, Somerville, US 1833. William Brett, 8:20:15, 540/M18, Denver, US 1834. Ernesto Rivas, 8:20:19, 541/M18, Mexico City, MX 1835. Ramon Rivas, 8:20:22, 542/M18, Mexico City, MX 1836. Michael Coven, 8:20:31, 359/M40, New York, US 1837. Laurent Boisclair, 8:20:31, 543/M18, La Tuque, CA 1838. Michael Reiser, 8:20:34, 295/M50, Fort Lauderdale, US 1839. Mauro Fredducci, 8:20:47, 58/M60, Sesto Fiorentino, IT 1840. Rolando Lopez, 8:20:50, 145/M55, Miami, US 1841. Jose O. Gonzalez, 8:20:57, 296/M50, Yauco, PR 1842. Steve Widder, 8:21:10, 4/M70, Okemos, US 1843. Anthony Domino, 8:21:35, 297/M50, New Canaan, US 1844. Joe Lamphier, 8:21:36, 146/M55, Tampa, US 1845. Francis Faustino, 8:21:46, 360/M40, Great Neck, US 1846. Timothy Chin, 8:21:46, 301/M45, Huntington, US 60

1847. Mike Ditore, 8:21:48, 544/M18, Manhasset, US 1848. Steve Boer, 8:21:56, 545/M18, Brooklyn, US 1849. David Campbell, 8:22:02, 147/M55, Danbury, US 1850. Morris Pitt, 8:22:14, 302/M45, Stratford, US 1851. Andres Rodriguez, 8:22:25, 546/M18, Mexico City, MX 1852. Lucas Margolies, 8:22:27, 361/M40, Bryn Mawr, US 1853. John Blakeman, 8:22:39, 303/M45, Toronto, CA 1854. Jackie Tenney, 8:22:40, 148/M55, Lees Summit, US 1855. Klaus Albertin, 8:23:00, 304/M45, Apex, US 1856. David O’Flanagan, 8:23:01, 547/M18, Jersey City, US 1857. Brian Kuritzky, 8:23:08, 548/M18, New York, US 1858. Marc Albertin, 8:23:20, 305/M45, New York, US 1859. Atilano Bullos, 8:23:33, 549/M18, New York, US 1860. Jorge Perez, 8:23:36, 362/M40, Valhalla, US 1861. Thomas Lefebvre, 8:23:38, 550/M18, New York, US 1862. Bertrand Faucher, 8:23:38, 551/M18, New York, US 1863. Jose Perez, 8:23:39, 306/M45, Valhalla, US 1864. Gunnar Kruus, 8:23:46, 363/M40, Stockholm, SE 1865. Jack Senich, 8:23:51, 307/M45, Woodbury, US 1866. Stephen Ball, 8:23:54, 298/M50, Woodbury, US 1867. Frank Lee, 8:23:56, 364/M40, Fort Lee, US 1868. Ramon Thompson, 8:24:10, 552/M18, Brooklyn, US 1869. Glenn Kuffel, 8:24:16, 299/M50, Alexandria, US 1870. Jean-Baptiste Parvaix, 8:24:23, 553/M18, New York, US 1871. Santiago Rubiera, 8:24:33, 308/M45, New York, US 1872. John Sheahan, 8:24:40, 365/M40, New York, US 1873. Scott Moroff, 8:24:44, 149/M55, New York, US 1874. William Gates, 8:24:52, 150/M55, New York, US 1875. Laura Braun, 8:24:53, 33/F45, San Isidro, AR 1876. Eduardo Castro, 8:24:58, 554/M18, New York, US 1877. Stephanie Carroll, 8:25:06, 34/F45, New York, US 1878. Maggie Converse, 8:25:06, 40/F18, New York, US 1879. Maxim Almenas, 8:25:09, 309/M45, Fort Lee, US 1880. Matthias Resch, 8:25:11, 555/M18, Hoboken, US 1881. Bob Leonhardt, 8:25:20, 310/M45, Wellesley, US 1882. Karena M Frenzel, 8:25:38, 41/F18, Pine Plains, US 1883. Ralph Leonard, 8:25:50, 5/M70, Simsbury, US 1884. Ida Piperisova, 8:25:55, 42/F18, Port Washington, US 1885. Michael Fox, 8:26:01, 556/M18, Deer Park, US

1886. Tripp Doherty, 8:26:08, 311/M45, Port Washington, US 1887. Brad Abbott, 8:26:19, 151/M55, Toronto, CA 1888. Timothy Yager, 8:26:30, 300/M50, New York, US 1889. John Galea, 8:26:44, 557/M18, Oakland Gardens, US 1890. Joseph Billesbach, 8:27:01, 558/M18, New York, US 1891. Jose Cardona, 8:27:22, 312/M45, San Juan, PR 1892. Ramon Relos, 8:27:27, 301/M50, Kew Garden Hills, US 1893. Thomas Quinn, 8:27:29, 366/M40, Morris Plains, US 1894. Wilkie Catron, 8:27:56, 559/M18, New York, US 1895. James Gilbert, 8:27:59, 302/M50, Hackensack, US 1896. Anthony Diesen, 8:28:24, 313/M45, Brooklyn, US 1897. Gerard Scheer, 8:28:25, 303/M50, Bronx, US 1898. Jim Iza, 8:28:30, 367/M40, Haledon, US 1899. Emily Wright, 8:29:06, 43/F18, New York, US 1900. Demetrio Perez, 8:29:06, 560/M18, Coral Gables, US 1901. Markus Steiner, 8:29:12, 314/M45, Lugano, CH 1902. William Sullivan, 8:29:14, 152/M55, Valley Cottage, US 1903. Angel Franco, 8:29:47, 304/M50, Gurabo, PR 1904. Jeffrey Kohn, 8:29:53, 368/M40, Takoma Park, US 1905. Peter Ryan, 8:30:01, 561/M18, Chicago, US 1906. Erica Oberle, 8:30:05, 44/F18, East Haven, US 1907. Roman Helms, 8:30:05, 369/M40, Henrico, US 1908. Carlos Rodr guez de la Rosa, 8:30:15, 370/M40, Coatzacoalcos, MX 1909. Kenneth Ifill, 8:30:16, 562/M18, Englewood, US 1910. Ignacio Aguerrevere, 8:30:23, 371/M40, Portage, US 1911. Fabian Michelangeli, 8:30:26, 372/M40, New York, US 1912. Craig Johns, 8:30:34, 59/M60, Nanuet, US 1913. Stanley Pierre-Louis, 8:30:53, 373/M40, Brooklyn, US 1914. Leeor Cohen, 8:31:29, 374/M40, New York, US 1915. Abundio Abarientos, 8:31:33, 60/M60, Milford, US 1916. David Reich, 8:31:41, 305/M50, Burlington, US 1917. Natalia Padilla, 8:31:42, 45/F18, Caracas, VE 1918. Howard Kalichman, 8:31:49, 61/M60, Montreal, CA 1919. Daniel Fratkin, 8:31:51, 306/M50, Litchfield, US 1920. Herman Bonilla, 8:32:18, 153/M55, Pleasanton, US 1921. Joseph Furneri, 8:32:44, 375/M40, Ridgefield, US 1922. Gabriele Fani, 8:32:54, 307/M50, Firenze, IT 1923. Jose L Andujar, 8:33:04, 376/M40, Mayaguez, PR 1924. Irving Chan, 8:33:10, 563/M18, Flushing, US 1925. Jayon Kim, 8:33:16, 564/M18, Jackson Heights, US 1926. Matt Szela, 8:33:43, 154/M55, Hillsborough, US 1927. Yevgen Ryazanov, 8:33:52, 565/M18, West Windsor, US 1928. Silvia Carballido, 8:33:56, 21/F50, La Lucila, AR 1929. Eric Humphries, 8:34:31, 315/M45, Moodus, US 1930. Nathan Ortiz, 8:34:32, 377/M40, New Britain, US 1931. Grant Johnson, 8:34:36, 316/M45, Brooklyn, US 1932. Daniela Reginatto Sottili, 8:34:38, 46/F18, Nova Alvorada Do S, BR 1933. Creed McPherson, 8:34:47, 308/M50, Temecula, US 1934. Mary Diaz, 8:34:49, 21/F40, Temecula, US 1935. George Niotta, 8:34:50, 309/M50, Temecula, US 1936. Edward Rios, 8:34:51, 310/M50, Temecula, US 1937. Rebecca Ajavananda, 8:34:56, 35/F45, New York, US 1938. Sally Strauss, 8:34:57, 22/F50, New York, US 1939. Roni Selig, 8:34:57, 23/F50, New York, US 1940. Ivan Reyes, 8:35:04, 155/M55, Mayaguez, PR 1941. David Moffly, 8:35:08, 311/M50, New York, US 1942. Bill Ginty, 8:35:15, 378/M40, Brunswick, US 1943. John Ginty, 8:35:17, 6/M70, Brunswick, US 1944. Christine Caron, 8:35:24, 36/F45, Saint-Bruno-De-Mon, CA 1945. Khai Hoang, 8:35:26, 566/M18, Brooklyn, US 1946. Brian McMahon, 8:35:28, 317/M45, Ossining, US 1947. Kurt Vogt, 8:35:35, 312/M50, Greenwich, US 1948. Julius Quito, 8:36:31, 567/M18, Astoria, US 1949. Christopher Mellevold, 8:36:35, 313/M50, Brooklyn, US

1950. Hardy Johnson, 8:36:40, 318/M45, New York, US 1951. Akiko Ando, 8:36:49, 47/F18, New York, US 1952. Francis Diano, 8:37:28, 568/M18, New York, US 1953. German Ospina, 8:37:34, 569/M18, Lynbrook, US 1954. Andrew Simms, 8:37:40, 570/M18, Montreal, CA 1955. Jiri Stejskal, 8:37:47, 314/M50, Wyncote, US 1956. Gabriel Roitman, 8:37:54, 379/M40, New York, US 1957. Keith McDade, 8:38:02, 571/M18, Higganum, US 1958. Chris Glor, 8:38:13, 62/M60, Tenafly, US 1959. Mim Gilbert, 8:38:27, 48/F18, New York, US 1960. Matthew Payne, 8:38:27, 572/M18, New York, US 1961. Lesley Kroupa, 8:38:37, 49/F18, New York, US 1962. Christopher Kearns, 8:38:38, 319/M45, New York, US 1963. Cherilee Garofano, 8:38:40, 22/F40, Toronto, CA 1964. Krista Marshall, 8:38:44, 24/F50, Toronto, CA 1965. Philip Lee, 8:38:48, 320/M45, Bronx, US 1966. Raymond Cho, 8:38:53, 573/M18, New York, US 1967. Mariana Lagarrigue, 8:39:14, 25/F50, Martinez, AR 1968. Adam Wegner, 8:39:46, 321/M45, Bethesda, US 1969. Jan Krizan, 8:39:55, 322/M45, Toronto, CA 1970. Thomas Goforth, 8:40:08, 323/M45, New York, US 1971. Andrew Borsanyi, 8:40:33, 324/M45, New York, US 1972. Joseph Dweck, 8:40:36, 325/M45, Brooklyn, US 1973. Carl Savard, 8:40:36, 326/M45, Mont-St-Hilaire, CA 1974. Pierre Beauregard, 8:40:41, 315/M50, St-Hyacinthe, CA 1975. Sylvain Trudeau, 8:40:42, 316/M50, Mont-St-Hilaire, CA 1976. Gabriel Morier, 8:40:45, 317/M50, Saint-Hyacinthe, CA 1977. Denis Desrosiers, 8:40:58, 156/M55, Bromont, CA 1978. Marten Dyborn, 8:41:00, 327/M45, Culver City, US 1979. Andr Brodeur, 8:41:05, 318/M50, St-Hyacinthe, CA 1980. Ricardo Dellape, 8:41:09, 63/M60, Sao Paulo, BR 1981. Joseph Tilli, 8:41:11, 574/M18, Hawthorne, US 1982. Jude Grigor, 8:41:14, 37/F45, New York, US 1983. Stefan Wilf, 8:41:35, 157/M55, Carleton Place, CA 1984. Martin Girard, 8:41:45, 328/M45, McMasterville, CA 1985. Paul Poteat, 8:42:02, 575/M18, West Islip, US 1986. Alex Cohen, 8:42:03, 576/M18, Toms River, US 1987. Michael Marvin, 8:42:23, 319/M50, Annapolis, US 1988. Lillian Vargas, 8:42:35, 26/F50, Lajas, PR 1989. Jacqueline Dowd, 8:43:09, 23/F40, Ridgefield, US 1990. Stacia McAllister, 8:43:11, 27/F50, Ridgefield, US 1991. Jeffrey McAllister, 8:43:11, 158/M55, Ridgefield, US 1992. Enrico Petrini, 8:43:24, 159/M55, Viterbo, IT 1993. Adam Levy, 8:43:26, 329/M45, Jericho, US 1994. David Newman, 8:43:29, 330/M45, Jericho, US 1995. Steve Garten, 8:43:31, 331/M45, Jericho, US 1996. Gudbjort Gylfadottir, 8:44:00, 50/F18, New York, US 1997. Kristina McQuilkin, 8:44:18, 28/F50, Ridgefield, US 1998. Anthony Falconeri, 8:44:30, 577/M18, Bernardsville, US 1999. David Raymond, 8:44:38, 578/M18, Greenfield, US 2000. Vlad Georgescu, 8:44:40, 579/M18, Somerville, US 2001. Lise Beauregard, 8:44:40, 3/F60, Candiac, CA 2002. Richard Lozada, 8:44:52, 332/M45, Bronx, US 2003. Melanie Rokes, 8:45:19, 51/F18, South Boston, US 2004. Richard Sherman, 8:45:25, 64/M60, Los Angeles, US 2005. Alberto Ramos, 8:45:34, 580/M18, Bayamon, PR 2006. Sarah Bouissou, 8:45:43, 38/F45, Ridgefield, US 2007. Ursula Laplante, 8:45:59, 39/F45, Mont-St-Hilaire, CA 2008. Eli Yedid, 8:46:34, 380/M40, New York, US 2009. Edmund Fong, 8:47:07, 333/M45, Dartmouth, CA 2010. Vincent Cacioppo, 8:47:09, 65/M60, Tappan, US 2011. Shaun Krady, 8:47:31, 581/M18, Ocean, US 2012. Claude Vlandis, 8:47:47, 320/M50, Pompano Beach, US 2013. Vincent Lawler, 8:48:11, 334/M45, New York, US 61

2014. Adrian Coats, 8:48:39, 582/M18, Bronx, US 2015. Eric Cheng, 8:48:40, 583/M18, Bayside Hills, US 2016. Lars-Ove Wallin, 8:48:43, 13/M65, Sodertalje, SE 2017. Thomas Sjoman, 8:48:44, 14/M65, Arsta, SE 2018. Paul Martin, 8:48:45, 321/M50, Ballwin, US 2019. Malcolm Dawe, 8:48:46, 66/M60, Parkland, US 2020. Francis Hellwig, 8:48:47, 322/M50, New York, US 2021. David Cramer, 8:49:12, 323/M50, Carversville, US 2022. Jeff Grunberg, 8:49:13, 584/M18, New York, US 2023. Kimberly Tully, 8:49:13, 40/F45, Wilton, US 2024. Wen Huang, 8:49:17, 585/M18, New York, US 2025. Anyi Hsueh, 8:49:21, 52/F18, Brooklyn, US 2026. Bridget Woods, 8:49:37, 53/F18, North Vancouver, CA 2027. Katherine Dorais, 8:49:38, 29/F50, Verdun, CA 2028. Lise St-Arnaud, 8:49:38, 7/F55, Verdun (ids), CA 2029. Christian Lata Armijos, 8:49:49, 586/M18, Woodside, US 2030. Dennis Canales, 8:50:09, 587/M18, Ridgewood, US 2031. Jeffrey Lee, 8:50:11, 588/M18, Flushing, US 2032. Tom Kearney, 8:50:12, 160/M55, San Francisco, US 2033. Mehdi Alloula, 8:50:25, 381/M40, New York, US 2034. Karin Franceries, 8:50:27, 54/F18, New York, US 2035. Erick Dollete, 8:50:32, 382/M40, Spotswood, US 2036. Amaury Dauge, 8:50:53, 589/M18, New York, US 2037. Oscar Estevez, 8:50:53, 590/M18, Astoria, US 2038. Norman Balassiano, 8:50:53, 335/M45, Brooklyn, US 2039. Hilde Sijbring, 8:51:02, 55/F18, Amsterdam, NL 2040. Victoria Gallagher, 8:51:15, 24/F40, Forest Hills, US 2041. Ann Breeswine, 8:51:16, 30/F50, Nyack, US 62

2042. Eric Tecson, 8:51:17, 591/M18, Somerset, US 2043. Scott Guerrier, 8:51:35, 383/M40, New York, US 2044. Rich Rosado, 8:51:36, 324/M50, Bergenfield, US 2045. Steven Mount, 8:51:37, 325/M50, New York, US 2046. Tom Mount, 8:51:52, 384/M40, Bethel, US 2047. Michael Arato, 8:52:05, 161/M55, Stony Brook, US 2048. Martin Rohn, 8:52:50, 15/M65, Stratford, CA 2049. Daniel Furquim, 8:52:54, 385/M40, New York, US 2050. Adolpho Mello, 8:52:58, 16/M65, New York, US 2051. Brian Stolar, 8:53:06, 162/M55, Livingston, US 2052. Giovani Marles, 8:53:07, 326/M50, Hicksville, US 2053. Job Van Den Berg, 8:53:12, 386/M40, Bethesda, US 2054. E Scott Yerger, 8:53:14, 387/M40, Lafayette, US 2055. Russell Gioiella, 8:53:25, 163/M55, New York, US 2056. Thaddeus Radell, 8:53:25, 164/M55, Jackson Heights, US 2057. Anton Pavlov, 8:53:40, 592/M18, Brooklyn, US 2058. Kyle Ramos, 8:53:43, 593/M18, Bethel, US 2059. James Salerno, 8:53:46, 336/M45, Gates Mills, US 2060. David Huston, 8:54:22, 67/M60, Ramsey, US 2061. Mark Malek, 8:54:27, 337/M45, Morganville, US 2062. Carl Ravinsky, 8:54:28, 68/M60, Westmount, CA 2063. Sydney Gomez, 8:55:01, 388/M40, Franklin Park, US 2064. Max Assoulin, 8:55:12, 594/M18, New York, US 2065. Brian Smith, 8:55:24, 389/M40, Leominster, US 2066. Sean Savage, 8:55:31, 595/M18, Waltham, US 2067. Alvaro Gutierrez, 8:55:51, 17/M65, Aventura, US 2068. Jonathan Krohn, 8:55:59, 327/M50, Old Field, US 2069. David Ma, 8:56:03, 596/M18, New York, US

2070. Paul Silverstein, 8:56:08, 69/M60, Fayetteville, US 2071. Fitzroy Best, 8:56:20, 390/M40, Brooklyn, US 2072. Steven Van Praagh, 8:56:27, 391/M40, Oradell, US 2073. Scott Montgomery, 8:56:31, 338/M45, Oradell, US 2074. Jairo H. Correa, 8:56:34, 328/M50, Long Beach, US 2075. Gino Brousseau, 8:56:42, 339/M45, Quebec, CA 2076. Marc Fortier, 8:56:43, 392/M40, Quebec, CA 2077. Alfredo Gomez, 8:56:45, 329/M50, Long Beach, US 2078. Anders Iversen, 8:56:45, 340/M45, Larchmont, US 2079. Jack Shaab, 8:57:15, 597/M18, Oakhurst, US 2080. Vedat Gashi, 8:57:44, 598/M18, Bronxville, US 2081. Jeremy Brown, 8:57:45, 599/M18, Washington, US 2082. Janel Romello, 8:57:51, 56/F18, Holmdel, US 2083. Michael Romello, 8:57:51, 600/M18, Holmdel, US 2084. Mark Nijman, 8:57:55, 601/M18, Amsterdam, NL 2085. Robert Williams, 8:58:16, 70/M60, New York, US 2086. Tomasz Adach, 8:58:27, 602/M18, Garfield, US 2087. Carolina Stubbe, 8:58:40, 41/F45, Dorado, PR 2088. Seth Zaremba, 8:59:30, 393/M40, Novelty, US 2089. Daniel Bluestein, 8:59:36, 603/M18, New York, US 2090. Bengt Schultz, 8:59:36, 71/M60, Englewood, US 2091. Tony Reeve, 9:00:09, 165/M55, Edenbridge, GB 2092. John Mills, 9:00:26, 18/M65, Airdrie, CA

2093. Paul Gallagher, 9:00:30, 72/M60, Hauppauge, US 2094. Francois Grenier, 9:00:41, 330/M50, Quebec, CA 2095. Jean-Pierre Gagnon, 9:00:45, 341/M45, St-Joachim, CA 2096. Fred Banny, 9:00:58, 342/M45, North Amityville, US 2097. Stephen Dodd, 9:01:08, 604/M18, Mentor, US 2098. Daniel Izon, 9:01:14, 73/M60, Montvale, US 2099. Mark Adley, 9:01:39, 331/M50, New York, US 2100. Lauren Wolf, 9:01:49, 57/F18, New York, US 2101. Wayne Zuckerman, 9:02:15, 166/M55, Livingston, US 2102. Michael Margulis, 9:02:32, 167/M55, Port Washington, US 2103. Ricardo Fernandez, 9:02:40, 343/M45, Mexico City, MX 2104. Arianna Casal, 9:03:13, 42/F45, San Juan, PR 2105. Matt Beckemeyer, 9:04:35, 605/M18, New York, US 2106. Courtney Fairclough, 9:04:35, 58/F18, New York, US 2107. Oliver Fuerst, 9:04:40, 606/M18, Brooklyn, US 2108. Reinhold Beutler, 9:04:42, 394/M40, New York, US 2109. Alessandro Saracino Fendi, 9:04:44, 332/M50, New York, US 2110. Jeffrey Evans, 9:04:50, 344/M45, Houston, US 2111. Megan Sands, 9:04:51, 59/F18, New York, US 2112. Martin Kaberg, 9:04:56, 395/M40, Stockholm, SE 2113. Ivan Garcia, 9:05:03, 607/M18, Scotch Plains, US 2114. Ramon Honoridez, 9:05:27, 168/M55, New City, US 2115. John Purcell, 9:05:31, 169/M55, New York, US 2116. Derry Blatt, 9:05:46, 43/F45, Weston, US 2117. Jason Ramos, 9:06:39, 345/M45, Haddonfield, US 2118. Richard Pook, 9:07:01, 608/M18, New York, US 2119. Jubal Dais, 9:07:05, 609/M18, Plainview, US 2120. John-Paul Quattrone, 9:08:09, 610/M18, New York, US 2121. Edmond Walsh, 9:08:12, 333/M50, Thiells, US 2122. Christopher Jacobs, 9:08:24, 346/M45, New York, US 2123. Danilo Cruz, 9:08:40, 334/M50, West Hempstead, US 2124. Jose Mateo, 9:08:42, 347/M45, New York, US 2125. Marianela Chow, 9:09:15, 60/F18, Rego Park, US 2126. Tomasz Jakubowski, 9:09:17, 611/M18, Rego Park, US 2127. Carlos Preston, 9:09:26, 335/M50, Toa Baja, PR 2128. Michael Giannas, 9:09:54, 612/M18, Flushing, US 2129. Jim MacMillan, 9:10:02, 396/M40, Morris Plains, US 2130. Henry Chan, 9:10:15, 613/M18, Jackson Heights, US 2131. David Anteby, 9:10:49, 170/M55, New York, US 2132. Nicholas Gaeta, 9:11:03, 397/M40, New York, US 2133. Ryan Tarantino, 9:11:57, 614/M18, Hoboken, US 2134. Atam Ozkayan, 9:12:17, 348/M45, Olney, US 2135. Sean Carter, 9:12:24, 398/M40, Isham, GB 2136. Sang Lee, 9:12:28, 349/M45, Wayne, US 2137. Madelyn Rockwell, 9:12:31, 31/F50, Mahwah, US 2138. Robert Soler, 9:13:25, 615/M18, Oyster Bay, US 2139. Marvin Meyers, 9:13:26, 74/M60, Montreal, CA 2140. Anthony Lopez-Isa, 9:13:30, 616/M18, Rockville, US 2141. Alain Maca, 9:13:32, 75/M60, Oyster Bay, US 2142. Jose Cobian-Lugo, 9:13:39, 399/M40, Cabo Rojo, PR 2143. Bernard Ferguson, 9:14:18, 171/M55, Groton, US 2144. Melissa Andreev, 9:14:38, 61/F18, Hoboken, US 2145. Carlos Cabrera, 9:14:47, 336/M50, Weehawken, US 2146. Michael Lerner, 9:14:50, 337/M50, Bethesda, US 2147. Zoraida Delgado, 9:14:58, 32/F50, Vega Baja, PR 2148. Jeroen Meijer, 9:15:01, 350/M45, Kensington, US 2149. Myra Juan, 9:15:02, 44/F45, Vega Baja, PR 2150. Andres Colon, 9:15:05, 351/M45, Vega Baja, PR 2151. Konstantine Dariotis, 9:16:26, 352/M45, Westmount, CA 2152. Daniel Pyo, 9:16:50, 353/M45, Morristown, US 2153. Henryk Michnowicz, 9:16:58, 354/M45, Southington, US 2154. Walter Bostwick, 9:17:21, 172/M55, St. Thomas, VI 2155. Timothy Freeman, 9:17:29, 355/M45, The Woodlands, US 2156. Terryl Brown, 9:17:40, 33/F50, New York, US 63

2157. Demond Harrison, 9:17:52, 617/M18, Albrightsville, US 2158. Claudio Alberto Gabriel Guimares, 9:18:22, 356/M45, Sao Luis, BR 2159. Andres Cruz, 9:18:32, 618/M18, South Richmond Hil, US 2160. Reynaldo Lopez, 9:18:42, 400/M40, Bayamon, PR 2161. Sara Foland, 9:19:08, 8/F55, Craig, US 2162. Edward Chadd, 9:19:22, 619/M18, Westerville, US 2163. Harry Yue, 9:19:49, 620/M18, Egg Harbor Twp, US 2164. Federico Hapin, 9:22:15, 357/M45, Canton, US 2165. Robert Maloney, 9:22:55, 401/M40, London, GB 2166. Michael Chimelis, 9:22:59, 358/M45, Caguas, PR 2167. Adilson Fonseca, 9:24:10, 402/M40, Stamford, US 2168. Michael Jones, 9:24:26, 173/M55, Long Valley, US 2169. Janette Melendez, 9:24:29, 62/F18, Aguadilla, PR 2170. Dan Wick, 9:25:11, 359/M45, Havertown, US 2171. Alvaro Gutierrez, 9:26:19, 621/M18, New York, US 2172. Anthony Bausa, 9:26:25, 622/M18, Rahway, US 2173. Mark Leff, 9:26:35, 174/M55, Massapequa, US 2174. Brian Bolic, 9:26:36, 623/M18, Bronx, US 2175. Jeremy Tarife, 9:27:48, 624/M18, Belleville, US 2176. Sime Colak, 9:28:06, 625/M18, Gothenburg, SE 2177. Ofir Marwani, 9:28:34, 403/M40, Ijamsville, US 2178. Richard Segal, 9:28:56, 360/M45, Chappaqua, US 2179. Abel Cowan, 9:29:05, 404/M40, Panama, PA 2180. Nicole Hildebrandt, 9:30:13, 63/F18, New York, US 2181. Jake Kirsch, 9:30:28, 626/M18, New York, US 2182. Donna Le Blancq, 9:30:30, 64/F18, St Ouen, JE 2183. David Sheehan, 9:30:50, 338/M50, Pelham, US 2184. Kevin Cheyne, 9:31:47, 339/M50, Millbrook, CA


2185. Dan Davies, 9:32:08, 175/M55, Millbrook, CA 2186. Luis Cerezo, 9:32:44, 361/M45, Union, US 2187. Jerzy Romanowski, 9:32:50, 362/M45, Washington, US 2188. Robert Mocny, 9:32:50, 176/M55, Washington, US 2189. Frieda Vizel, 9:32:58, 65/F18, Spring Valley, US 2190. Dan Ledger, 9:33:20, 405/M40, Penzance, GB 2191. John Brehon, 9:34:22, 363/M45, New Haven, US 2192. Basilio Aponte, 9:34:32, 76/M60, Canovanas, PR 2193. Daniel Ferguson, 9:34:58, 177/M55, Slippery Rock, US 2194. Steven Kunis, 9:35:43, 19/M65, New City, US 2195. Amer Ayoub, 9:36:09, 627/M18, Brooklyn, US 2196. Michael Llanes, 9:36:39, 178/M55, Pomona, US 2197. Robert James Idea, 9:36:59, 628/M18, Bergenfield, US 2198. Anne Bardoel, 9:37:09, 34/F50, St Kilda West, AU 2199. Luis Perez Rivera, 9:37:17, 20/M65, Cabo Rojo, PR 2200. Bjorn Ohlsson, 9:37:41, 364/M45, Stockholm, SE 2201. Ruel Ponce, 9:37:57, 406/M40, Dumont, US 2202. Jordan Toder, 9:39:01, 179/M55, New City, US 2203. Mayur Srivastava, 9:39:34, 629/M18, Secaucus, US 2204. Clement Krug, 9:39:37, 365/M45, New City, US 2205. Ismael Rodriguez, 9:39:55, 366/M45, Bronx, US 2206. Boonkwang Chaiyaphan, 9:41:03, 340/M50, Elmhurst, US 2207. Thomas Cook, 9:41:32, 407/M40, Seaford, US 2208. John Rikkerink, 9:41:49, 367/M45, St Catharines, CA 2209. Farshad Elmi, 9:41:50, 408/M40, Poughkeepsie, US 2210. Dominador Virata 2, 9:42:30, 341/M50, Jersey City, US 2211. Pat Woods, 9:44:50, 66/F18, North Vancouver, CA 2212. Yvette Scott, 9:44:52, 25/F40, North Vancouver, CA 2213. Helen Torralba, 9:47:50, 67/F18, Edison, US

2214. Marc Ehrhardt, 9:51:52, 409/M40, New Orleans, US 2215. Pedro Feliu, 9:52:08, 368/M45, Sao Paulo, BR 2216. Albert Hasson, 9:54:01, 630/M18, Brooklyn, US 2217. Alvin Espiritu, 9:54:24, 180/M55, Virginia, US 2218. Marc Zingarini, 9:56:31, 181/M55, Philadelhia, US 2219. Vikrant Manwatkar, 10:00:07, 631/M18, West New York, US 2220. Clayton Solomon, 10:05:46, 632/M18, Miami, US 2221. Daniel Portnov, 10:05:52, 633/M18, Hoboken, US 2222. Attila Geczi, 10:05:55, 410/M40, Lyndhurst, US 2223. John O’Sullivan, 10:06:30, 342/M50, Coral Gables, US 2224. Denise Willoughby, 10:06:55, 68/F18, Milford, US 2225. Aidan Lyons, 10:13:55, 411/M40, Bay Shore, US 2226. Conor Hartnett, 10:13:56, 369/M45, Babylon, US HIM & HER UNDER 90 (PLACE, TEAM, COMBINED TIME, HIM, HER, CITY, COUNTRY) 1. Rabinovich and Giaime, 11:08:48, Vladimir Rabinovich, Alison Giaime, Brooklyn, US 2. Debandi and Olivares, 11:45:45, Anibal DebandI, Alicia Olivares, Santiago, CL 3. Smith and Vasilevski, 11:47:41, Ben Smith, Andrea Vasilevski, Morristown, US 4. Nicolardi and Miller, 12:48:36, Peter Nicolardi, Oksana Miller, New York, US 5. Abici 1, 13:07:04, Niolas Maturana, Pia Sanhueza, Santiago, CL 6. Sturmvogel Muelheim/Team Amtico, 13:14:01, Andreas Goertz, Andrea Goertz, Muelheim, DE 7. GRUPO SUPERTRAT, 13:33:34, Claudio Leitao, Andrea Leitao, Americana, BR 8. Team Danna, 13:47:53, Santiago Danna, Valentina Danna, New York, US 9. Team Sombeck, 14:16:40, Philipp Sombeck, Nina Sombeck, Hamburg, DE 10. Lafrance and Mathieu, 14:43:56, Pascal Lafrance, Annie Mathieu, St-Jean-Sur-Richel, CA 11. Team Lee, 14:51:02, Richard Lee, Carolyn Lee, Larchmont, US 12. Weber and LeBlanc, 14:53:06, Christopher Weber, Michaela Leblanc, South Salem, US 13. Mango Cycling, 15:41:59, Raul Velazquez, Limaris Nieves, Gurabo, PR 14. Saksik and Steele, 15:42:45, Jeremy Saksik, Alexandra Steele, Brighton, US 15. Gonzalez and Sherpa, 16:47:04, Adrian Gonzalez, Maya Sherpa, Bronx, US 16. Devoto and Blanco Murray, 17:21:31, Enzo Devoto, Veronica Blanco Murray, Sao Paulo, BR 17. Team Haughey, 17:24:54, Will Haughey, Rachel Haughey, Rowayton, US 18. Wen and Lee, 18:11:36, Danny Wen, Karen Lee, New York, US HIM & HER 90 AND OVER (PLACE, TEAM, COMBINED TIME, HIM, HER, CITY, COUNTRY) 1. Alothon Team, 12:59:23, Hector Lagos, Lilian Vogt, Mexico, MX 2. Rolon and Vazquez, 13:30:59, Steven Rolon, Maria Del Pilar Vazquez, San Juan, PR 3. Team Ouellette. 13:47:53, Robert Ouellette, Nathalie Ouellette, Mont-Royal, CA 4. Campi and Schildge, 13:57:39, Greg Campi, Polli Schildge, Interlaken , US 5. Wingrove Riders, 14:00:28, Jonathan Lamarre, Sabrina Piombo, Rockwood, CA 6. Sutherland and Borja, 14:03:12, Richard Sutherland, Lorena Borja , Santiago, CL 7. POWERWATTS MTL, 14:23:02, Jean Cloutier, Eileen Bridges , Mont-Royal, CA 8. Lindström and Lindström, 14:25:15, Christer Lindström, Helena Lindström, Bromma, SE 9. Mascarenas and Ampudia, 14:33:04, Guillermo Mascarenas, Eileen Ampudia, Mexico, MX 10. Wienckowski and Schwartz, 14:34:16, Steven Wienckowski, Karen Schwartz, Wading River, US 11. Farnsworth and Jochym, 14:36:37, Geoffrey Farnsworth, Gabrielle Jochym, Montreal, CA 12. Gagne and Amyot, 14:59:25, Michel Gagne. Francine Amyot,

St-Romuald, CA 13. Thiboutot and Chartrand, 15:18:52, Denis Thiboutot, Josée Chartrand, Quebec, CA 14. Ghanem and Lafond, 15:27:30, Michel Ghanem , Nathalie Lafond , Blainville, CA 15. Team Mansfield, 15:35:06, William Mansfield, Joanne Mansfield, New York City, US 16. FMCT, 15:51:04, Colin Moore, Judy Kuban, Brampton, CA 17. Team Ordman, 16:22:56, Rob Ordman, Beth Ordman, Calgary, CA 18. Cote and Berube, 16:29:13, Andre Cote, Lynda Berube, Levis, CA 19. Trilopez, 16:53:58, Carlos Guedes, Jeane Abreu, Sao Paulo, BR 20. Gras and Tseng, 17:26:44, Berend Gras , Melanie Tseng, Den Haag , NL 21. Scherl and Pekow, 18:21:26, Alan Scherl, Rhonda Pekow, New City, US 22. Comparte La Carretera, 20:23:20, Luis Edgardo Sierra, Carmen Noemi Marrero, Bayamon, PR TEAM RESULTS 1. Michelob Ultra Big Shark, 8:14:55: Scott Moninger (4:35:17), Trent Donat (4:53:34), David Gray (5:10:09), Eduardo Nieuwenhuyzen (5:35:55) 2. Foundation, 20:47:04: Mauricio Sanchez (4:54:47), Noah Gellner (5:11:29), Robert Weitzner (5:18:22), Laurent Gras (5:22:26) 3. CRCA/siggi’s/nyvelocity, 21:11:57: Philly Williams (4:58:09), Jovica Ivetic (4:58:09), Armand Wilhelm (4:58:11), Regis Dupont (6:17:28) 4. Fondo Mondo Crue A, 21:56:37: Scott Elliott (5:00:22), Jason Chai-Onn (5:19:36), Trevor Lwin (5:45:04), Clifton Ing (5:51:35) 5. Hastings Velo A, 22:02:10: Shane Winn (5:18:20), Vincent Galgano (5:18:48), John McDermott (5:42:14), Thomas Andrews (5:42:48) 6. BH/Comedy Central A, 22:43:33: Erik Post (4:41:12), Marcus Dahllof (5:34:40), Aaron Katin (5:34:41), Phil Penman (6:53:00) 7. Mtl French Crew, 22:43:35: Francois Desmeules (5:16:24), Jeremie ThiviergeLortie (5:37:52), Maxime St-Louis (5:54:39), Olivier Plouffe (5:54:40) 8. RIDGEFIELD BICYCLE SPORT CLUB A, 23:37:45: Tim Inall (5:11:47), Brian First brook (5:59:57), Dave Schupmann (6:13:00), David Englert (6:13:01) 9. PAMPA RIDERS ARGENTINA A, 23:44:51: Mario Oscar Rubin (4:35:38), Jorge Fanti (6:08:11), Paula Fanti (6:20:04), Gabriela Obregon (6:40:58) 10. Cuatro Mx, 23:49:24: Francisco J Barrios (5:43:30), Daniel Roig (5:47:16), Nicolás Legorreta (5:47:26), Imanol Legorreta (6:31:12) 11. Brewery Brothers, 23:53:27: David Houghton (5:32:25), Brett Bowe (5:48:59), Ian Gvozdek (5:57:27), Rob Allan (6:34:36) 12. CRCA, 24:10:27: Kevin Hsieh (5:30:59), Robert Beck (5:33:08), Alex MoulleBerteaux (6:14:50), Knowl Johnson (6:51:30) 13. Gåshaga Boys CK, 24:47:08: Rickard Lundberg (5:45:39), Raphael Cameron (6:14:44), Peter Edholm (6:16:47), Roland Svensson (6:29:58) 14. Anheuser-Busch InBev A, 24:56:11: Paul Schaeffler (4:22:02), John Podesta (6:20:20), John Hagelgans (6:25:30), Les Hiscoe (7:48:19) 15. DLF ORTE A, 24:58:13: Cristian Pernazza (5:14:30), Antonio Borzillo (6:31:12), Alberto Mecarini (6:35:17), Alberto Casagrande (6:37:14) 16. POWERWATTS MTL A, 25:25:09: Luc Grisé (6:04:44), Richard Gref (6:13:16), Louis Bourassa (6:28:23), André Bilodeau (6:38:46) 17. MPR - BRAZIL, 25:35:04: Rovilson Angelucci Filho (5:28:25), Luis Fernando La Selva (6:37:06), Eliana Nishikawa (6:44:42), Eliana Guiao (6:44:51) 18. Fondo Mondo Crue B, 25:39:32: Richard Padilla (5:56:02), Albert Luk (5:58:38), Dennis Fong (6:31:21), Jason Lee (7:13:31) 19. CORPBANCA, 25:58:04: Matias Fernandez (5:58:11), Sebastian Grove (6:00:57), Jorge Saieh (6:20:21), Fernando Aguad (7:38:35) 20. BTCNJ A, 26:08:59: William Semanczuk (6:01:41), Yancey Puerta (6:18:39), Bruce Armenante (6:51:08), Diane McNally (6:57:31) 21. cycle technique, 26:27:11: Paul Fischlin (5:59:35), Igal Michael Amir (6:38:53), Michael Hier (6:44:01), Richard Rapoport (7:04:42) 22. Brooklyn Tri Club, 26:38:45: Rahmin Pavlovic (6:10:45), Aleksey Kokush (6:36:45), Michael Kim (6:45:02), William Yu (7:06:13) 23. Club Cycliste Cycle Pop, 26:42:34: Marc-Andre Genest (4:51:49), Marc-Olivier 65

Forget (6:50:02), Souk Thammavongsa (7:17:59), Marie-Eve Daunais (7:42:44) 24. RIDGEFIELD BICYCLE SPORT CLUB B, 26:43:26: Scott Edwardson (6:25:51), Keith Sherling (6:31:09), Brett Malone (6:49:35), Todd Ackerman (6:56:51) 25. NYC Bikers, 26:44:56: Brett Parker (5:59:19), George Musorrafiti (6:44:07), Charles Yoo (6:45:17), Peter Hahm (7:16:13) 26. MPBC Racing, 26:48:45: Robert Quan (6:28:30), Stuart Sackin (6:36:44), Paul Casamassina (6:43:35), James Hugger (6:59:56) 27. Hastings Velo B, 26:53:23: Sean Sheely (6:31:04), Michael Fuller (6:31:55), William Logan (6:44:24), Ernest Wurzbach (7:06:00) 28. Irvington Cyclists, 27:06:13: Thomas Biaggi (6:36:01), Andrew Cloutman (6:37:02), Lee Richardson (6:52:44), David Krzemienski (7:00:26) 29. Team Stockholm A, 27:24:57: Stefan Kruus (6:27:18), Henrik Lofmark (6:56:11), Mårten Elensky (7:00:39), Johan Wohrne (7:00:49) 30. Renegades, 27:28:29: Scott Herbert (6:40:11), Christopher Swan (6:40:12), Robert Leighton (6:51:10), Todd Manas (7:16:56) 31. NYCC, 27:29:52: Youngjun Lee (5:56:05), Yoshie Yabu (6:50:04), Cesar Isabel (7:13:39), Regina Chiu (7:30:04) 32. Mango Cycling A, 27:32:12: Alex Acevedo (6:18:35), Jansen Colberg (6:52:13), Jose Figueroa (7:09:16), Arnaldo Ortiz (7:12:08) 33. Rendez Vous A, 27:33:34: Maria Isabel Soares (6:41:16), Danielle Santos (6:42:38), Cristiane Bergqvist (7:04:47), Mariana Castro (7:04:53) 34. ASD MAC ITALIA, 27:45:59: Maurizio Del Vecchio (6:46:58), Claudio Carnevali (6:47:22), Paolo Felli (6:47:55), Manuela Ansaldo (7:23:44) 35. BH/Comedy Central B, 27:50:13: Dylan Lowe (6:53:04), Kevin Brubaker (6:58:56), Dan Schmalz (6:59:06), Andy Shen (6:59:07) 36. Canadian Cycling Team A, 28:03:44: Pierre Wilkie (6:46:38), Alan MacIntosh (7:03:14), Marc Giguère (7:05:31), Nicholas Frenette (7:08:21) 37. SwedAMrundan A, 28:12:56: Henrik Norrman (7:02:49), Kelly Johnson (7:02:50), Per-Erik Barneman (7:03:09), Ted Mattsson (7:04:08) 38. SwedAMrundan B, 28:18:24: Jan Eidewing (7:04:11), Jochen Luetke (7:04:38), Per Egnell (7:04:46), Robert Nilsson (7:04:49) 39. Rendez Vous B, 28:19:38: Marcelo Campos (7:04:54), Alberto Pittigliani Junior (7:04:54), Mariana Carvalho (7:04:54), Edgar Guimaraes (7:04:56) 40. Hoboken Iron Works, 28:23:24: Francesco Gigante (6:46:17), Chris Pareja (6:55:09), Anthony Gurdak (7:20:39), Frank Gurdak (7:21:19) 41. Alothon Team A, 28:37:20: Alamy Candido (6:37:08), Ettore Biagioni (6:48:31), Paulo Barreto (7:32:46), Lizette Monheim (7:38:55) 42. Team MTTB, 28:37:52: Brandon Leung (6:56:11), Lawrence Lam (7:09:54), Alexander Felicier (7:12:51), Raymond Tseng (7:18:56) 43. CT Hill Eaters, 29:01:18: Ray McFall (7:05:37), Thomas Zywiak (7:14:47), Matthew Zywiak (7:14:50), Ty Fernandez (7:26:04) 44. Zensah, 29:12:56: Ronald Restivo (7:14:38), Jon Weber (7:15:40), Christopher Berga (7:20:22), Howard Srebnick (7:22:16) 45. Mary Carroll’s, 29:14:02: Alan Buckley (7:01:36), Declan Hartnett (7:01:36), Derek Daly (7:13:14), John Leahy (7:57:36) 46. PAMPA RIDERS ARGENTINA B, 29:31:22: Flavia Gregoris (6:47:26), Maria Mercedes Piaggio (7:25:32), Oscar Martinez (7:29:41), Guillermo Masoni (7:48:43) 47. POWERWATTS MTL B, 29:45:27: Laurent Abbatiello (6:51:56), Jonathan Elkas (7:23:50), Nadim Victor Risk (7:44:14), Marc Andre Desjardins (7:45:27) 48. Guadalupanos A, 29:48:23: Gabriel Del Valle (6:30:40), Ximena De La Macorra (6:59:08), Rene Escobar (8:09:17), Pedro Rivas (8:09:18) 49. Team Matt, 29:53:11: Aaron Steeghs (7:28:16), Matt Carreau (7:28:16), Rob Carreau (7:28:18), Brian Stewart (7:28:21) 50. Mango Cycling B, 29:59:41: Jorge Tamayo (7:24:11), Enrique Figueroa (7:24:11), Juan Munoz (7:32:55), Fidel Ramirez (7:38:24) 51. Canadian Cycling Team B, 30:11:15: Simon Gauthier (7:12:35), Normand Chartrand (7:28:27), Stéphane Trottier (7:42:13), Alain Ruel (7:48:00) 52. mtbNYCstyle, 30:17:31: Levi Reyes (6:35:57), Erwin Hitgano (6:50:58), Michael Arguelles (7:43:31), Jubal Dais (9:07:05) 53. Vuelta Puerto Rico, 30:55:55: Roberto Ruiz (7:19:52), Jan Kraemer (7:46:00), Cesar Gomez (7:52:23), Ester Barbuto (7:57:40) 66

54. Training Wheels Off, 31:33:23: Holden Lee (7:23:23), Michael Stevick (7:33:21), Steven Hong (8:18:19), Adam Happel (8:18:20) 55. Fondonuts, 31:41:31: Franko Kokot (7:23:09), Dan Kenigsberg (7:47:30), Oliver Haggiag (8:15:15), Jeffrey Bart (8:15:37) 56. Team Stockholm B, 31:50:53: Martin Kruus (7:01:09), Staffan Gustafsson (7:21:02), Gunnar Kruus (8:23:46), Martin Kåberg (9:04:56) 57. Team SBH A, 32:05:13: Jack Shamosh (6:57:00), Leore Abramson (7:41:03), Joseph Dweck (8:40:36), Eli Yedid (8:46:34) 58. DLF ORTE B, 32:26:41: Mario De Paolis (7:11:08), Francesco Carpisassi (8:16:01), Ferrero Carlaccini (8:16:08), Enrico Petrini (8:43:24) 59. Soles Tainos, 32:31:50: Carlos Orraca (7:30:45), Angel Ocasio Carrion (7:53:01), Fernando Quintero (7:53:06), Zoraida Delgado (9:14:58) 60. Alothon Team B, 32:46:48: Jim Marrone (7:56:44), James Marrone (7:56:50), Yvonne Vogt (8:17:39), Kurt Vogt (8:35:35) 61. BTCNJ B, 32:52:32: Lex Galang (7:26:19), Keith Schlanger (7:30:37), David Huston (8:54:22), Daniel Izon (9:01:14) 62. Coming Attcha, 32:58:23: Erik Waters (8:06:03), Bryan Astheimer (8:11:52), Dustin Campbell (8:20:13), William Brett (8:20:15) 63. Gran Fon-Bro, 33:18:25: Brian Ralph (7:55:48), Justin Prugh (7:55:56), Alex Cohen (8:42:03), David Raymond (8:44:38) 64. KNC Multisport, 33:19:07: Glynis Webster (7:32:13), Jocelyn Lippe (8:00:06), Rino Ruzich (8:01:56), Yvette Scott (9:44:52) 65. Anheuser-Busch InBev B, 33:30:27: Rick Ord (7:48:20), Fred Moura (8:04:35), Paul Martin (8:48:45), Francis Hellwig (8:48:47) 66. Mango Cycling C, 33:32:54: Axel Flores (7:56:18), Jose O. Gonzalez (8:20:57), Jose L Andujar (8:33:04), Lillian Vargas (8:42:35) 67. RIDGEFIELD BICYCLE SPORT CLUB C, 34:42:15: Joseph Furneri (8:32:44), Jacqueline Dowd (8:43:09), Stacia McAllister (8:43:11), Jeffrey McAllister (8:43:11) 68. Rusty Wheelers, 34:55:05: Jacqueline Roman (8:01:31), Jose Cardona (8:27:22), Arianna Casal (9:03:13), Michael Chimelis (9:22:59) 69. Team SBH B, 35:30:51: Shaun Krady (8:47:31), Norman Balassiano (8:50:53), Max Assoulin (8:55:12), Jack Shaab (8:57:15)

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