Good Day! Volume 6, Issue 1 (June 2022)

Page 5


I’ve been doing a lot of reading

for the last two years, but hopefully by

and scanning of the organizational

now your Grange is back to in-person


meetings, fulfilling those desires for





subbasement of the Grange building,


and I am continually amazed at the

Another founding principle of the

numbers of Granges and thousands

Grange was legislative work. Farmers

of members who flocked to join us,

joined together to fight the railroad

even 100 years ago - before the

monopoly because there is power in

age of advertising, internet, or even

numbers. The same is true today. Our

telephone. Word of mouth and some

lobbying and influence in the nation’s

charismatic leaders were effective tools

Capitol is still strong and an important

to grow our Order in the 1800s and

part of the Grange organization.

early 1900s. As a child on the farm, I remember

While not everyone is as interested in




Nights, legislative banquets, and open forums on current topics of interest.

what a big event the twice-monthly

regulation as I am, it certainly affects

The U.S. seems to be filled with

Grange meeting was for our family.

everyone in their daily lives. It is a great

Grange, church, family gatherings and

benefit to belong to an organization

dissatisfaction about our government

the annual milk producers banquet

like the Grange that can look out for

were our only social activities. Imagine

your best interests, even if you’re not

what it was like in those early days of

always paying attention or connected

the Grange when farmers were really

to what our leaders are doing.

isolated on their farms and didn’t even have those social outlets!

The Grange gives you opportunities to stay informed and up-to-date on

leaders and their actions or lack of actions on things we care about. Instead of griping and complaining, why not get involved in something that can make positive change? Next time you’re caught up in a conversation about problems, suggest

What was it that attracted so many

issues that are important to you - the

people to join us? I believe it’s the

monthly View from the Hill email,

same primary reason that attracts

annual Legislative Fly-in, email alerts

people today - social interaction. The

when an important issue comes

isolation of rural life didn’t end with the

up, even training our youth to be

in your local precinct, can have

advent of telephone and television;

influencers and advocates through the

great influence on what happens in

it’s still present today as we’ve seen

annual DC Experience.

the Capitol. National Grange has a

that the complainer do something about the issue by joining the Grange. A group of people, especially voters

through the pandemic. In every survey

Some State Granges have an active

legislative department that can teach

of Grangers I’ve seen, the number one

legislative program also, keeping you

you how to be an effective citizen

reason they join or stay in the Grange

updated on statewide government

influencer. Start by signing up for

is friendship and fellowship. Zoom

activity. Many Community or Pomona

legislative updates on our website

meetings have partially filled this need

Granges hold Meet the Candidates

N & V



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