4 minute read

From the desk of the Editor


Like any other organization, Granges are not immune to challenges - from aging or declining membership to financial strains to creating new ideas and programs that engage the public.

When faced with obstacles, it’s easy for members to fall into a mindset of negativity, often expressing sentiments like “we can’t do that” or “that will never work.” However, these phrases are not just expressions of doubt; they can become self-fulfilling prophecies that hinder progress and deter the public from supporting events or joining the Grange.

To ensure a thriving future, let’s work to consciously shift our mindsets from negative to positive, to foster an environment where expecting positive outcomes becomes the norm.

The power of a self-fulfilling prophecy lies in its ability to shape reality based on our expectations. When Grange members frequently voice doubts or resist new ideas, they inadvertently reinforce a culture of stagnation. For example, when someone says, “We can’t do that,” it often stops a discussion in its tracks, halting any potential exploration of innovative solutions. Similarly, declaring “That will never work” can discourage others from attempting new initiatives, quashing creativity before it has a chance to flourish.

These attitudes can especially be discouraging for new members who come in with hopeful enthusiasm, but quickly back off when they are faced with resistance or negative pushback.

Negative phrases are more than just words; they reflect underlying beliefs that can shape the behaviors and attitudes of the entire organization. Suppose a Grange or a segment of members continually expect failure or difficulty. Those expectations can manifest as inaction, poor morale, and a reluctance to embrace change. Over time, this negativity can become a self-fulfilling prophecy, where the expectation of failure leads to decisions (or lack thereof) that actually cause failure.

We can all work harder to actively reframe challenges as opportunities to break this cycle of negativity. This requires a conscious effort to replace negative phrases with positive, solution-oriented thinking. Instead of saying, “We can’t do that,” members might ask, “How can we make this work?” or “Let’s give it a try!” This shift in language encourages problem-solving and opens the door to creative solutions. Similarly, replacing “That will never work” with “What can we do to improve this idea?” invites collaboration and innovation. The process of reframing is not about ignoring the difficulties that Granges face, but about changing the perspective from which those difficulties are approached. For example, declining membership is a challenge, but it can also be an opportunity to reimagine how the Grange engages with the community. New initiatives focused on youth involvement, modern agriculture, fresh approaches to homesteading practices, or digital outreach could revitalize interest and participation.

Expecting positive outcomes is a powerful tool that can transform a Grange from a place of doubt to a hub of possibility. When members approach challenges with optimism, they are more likely to take proactive steps, experiment with new ideas, and support one another in the face of adversity. This positive mindset can become contagious, leading to a cultural shift within the organization where hope, innovation, and perseverance become the norm.

A key aspect of fostering positive expectations is celebrating successes, no matter how small. When a new idea works - whether it’s a booming fundraiser, a wellattended public event, or a successful advocacy campaign - it’s imperative to acknowledge and celebrate these victories. Doing so reinforces the belief that positive outcomes are not only possible but achievable. Over time, this builds a collective confidence to propel the Grange forward.

Shifting from negative to positive mindsets is not always easy, especially in the face of real challenges. However, it is a critical step for any Grange that wants to remain relevant and vibrant. By actively working to replace phrases like “We can’t do that” and “That will never work” with more constructive, hopeful language, Grange members can begin to cultivate an environment where positive outcomes are expected and pursued.

The future of any Grange - and, by extension, the communities it serves - depends largely on the mindset of its members.

A Grange that expects failure is likely to experience it, but a Grange that expects success is far more likely to achieve it. By embracing a positive outlook, viewing challenges as opportunities, and fostering a culture of hope and innovation, Granges can turn the tide on negativity and ensure a prosperous future for generations to come.

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