Grant Beaumont Architecture Portfolio

Page 1

1. Patchwork fishfarm Grant Beaumont - Bartlett School of Architecture (Videos can be viewed at


Material response testing



1. Background This project is designed to investigate the spacial impact of fishing processes and the ephemerality of traditions as it houses four immigrants from Kazakhstan, relocation to London. Research began investigating the Aral Sea and its impact on traditional fishing techniques as it enters states of flux. Currently the sea is in a regressed state from both natural land regressions and human intervention, meaning that all of the fishing that occurred has been halted, leaving skeletal remains of industry and large amounts of workers looking to outsource labour. Sited on the bank of regents canal in Haggerston, it makes use of the workers traditional fishing techniques to cultivate fish in the canal and bring them directly into the surrounding food markets. a. Algae rendered in Houdini Digital simulation of algae growth on submerged elements of structure that would be used as an integral part of the fish cultivation cycle.

b, c. Investigations into water runoff. Blue roofs will be used in the project in order to create areas of freshwater crucial to fish production. The water collection must me maximised and trickled down through the site into canal collection ponds. This was investigated by hand, and scanned to create a digital framework for CAD testing. Once developed, these patterns were used to test in water jet cut steel.

Haggerston - London c




d. Agar extrusion testing (see video) In order to experiment with different production conditions and techniques, areas of canal could be temporarily partitioned. One mated investigated for this was to pipe molten agar into cold canal water. On contact it immediately set, creating non impactful boundaries that could be dissolved into the canal at the end of their use when the site is reconfigured.

e. Mechanics testing (see video) Parts of the fishing deck would need to be flexible in order to accommodate numerous types of fishing technique and allow for production to scale up or down. Testing of movement was achieve at 1:50 by creating fixed weather points/rails and investigating how surfaces and walkways could orientate around these into new positions.

f. Accelerated decomposition (see video) Testing of extreme exposure on stone and cast elements. Parts of the structure were recreated at 1:50 in untreated porcelain clay to explore what elements would break down first when left in canal water.




Generating Structures a. Micro Material Study Testing algae growth in lab conditions with sample water from the canal as a form of time line testing: Over the lifespan of the project, both submerged and non submerged materials will change structure and appearance. The canal water is receptive to algae growth that could contribute to the fish raising cycle, so development was studied over four weeks on building surfaces. b. Fishing mechanisms Testing a devised fishing mechanism that would rest on the water surface emulation a traditional technique, scaled up. These fishing mechanisms would carve through the building, starting to define its mass. c. Piling Investigating the contact points of the structure at 1:50, establishing how many stilts would be required to support the two large ground plates.


d. Framework model, 1:50 Water jet cut 3mm Steel plate, cast concrete base with local aggregate. Base testing was performed on site to explore how local site material could be used with cement to form ground plates. The result was a hard but brittle concrete that did not breakdown with exposure testing. From this, floor plate supports were drilled in to test piling strategy and water jet sheet plates were added. This formed the testbed for roof and detail exploration.

Haggerston - London


Section and Perspective a. Fisherman perspective drawing, Canal facing south faรงade. Showing access routes around the outside of the building, surrounding a heated storage core once fish are collected. Intersections in the walkway make roof for permanent fishing equipment investigated earlier. b. Core section, 1:50 Showing drying spaces, fishing spaces and access points surrounding the main heated core.


Haggerston - London b


Mechanics Study a, Internal cast Further investigation into kinematics. The fishing mechanism developed was used to carve spaces to create accessible fishing points. These flowing channels were borrowed from the gill structure of a fish, explored through these internal casts. b, Internal render Using these plaster studies to create a circulation, which could then be further carved out using the required developed fishing devices, creating a form that is the bare spacial requirement of the building.



2. Oast House Grant Beaumont - Bartlett School of Architecture


Finding Forms 1. Research Situated in LAs Arts District, the oast project was designed to explore how a manufacturing process would occur in a borrowed space. Historically, the production of beers in this district occurred illegally as squatters occupied unused depos to brew. This lead to disrupted brewing processes that were often left unfinished. This project explored a fraction of the industry, drying and soaking hops, using its space tentatively.



a, Process Processes started with an exploration into how how processes will occupy the site. The main cycle that occursin the building is the passive drying of hops. As such, large drying chambers have to be created. The size requirements explored here lead to testing of materials.

b,c, Tank creation Digital simulations of hops being piled and soaked were used to design tanks to hold and store hops in the building. From these simulations zinc slumping of locally sourced zinc sheet was used to make permeable, removable containers, tested at 1:20 in the studio.


Arts District - Los Angeles d Surface etching Surface testing is a key element of the project, as soaking mildly acidic hops lightly etched the zinc containers. This was to become a wayfinding and archival element of the building as parts of containers and floors could be masked to etch specific areas. Some of this was just decorative, whilst other deeper etches allowed for bending of sheet material to reconfigure facades as explored here.


Spacial Configuration a, Plan 1:50 at A0 Demonstrates the core spaces, and suggestions of technical mechanisms explored later in the portfolio. Primary spaces are reserved for hop soaking and drying, with distinct entry and exit points for produce/occupants. b, Perspective Exploded perspective drawing at A0. Allowing a glimpse into occupiable/ working hot spaces with bespoke zinc cladding carefully cut away.



Arts District - Los Angeles


Envelope Studies


a, Venting Articulation Study Once the process was understood, massing the project generated just three key spaces, two drying floors, a soaking area and a small marketplace. Working with the sheet material bending explored through the etching process, key spaces were clad in sheet material by hand at 1:50. This gave a structural framework to begin development of specific technical details and strategies. These images show the progress from hand cladding experiments, to scanning and replication key shapes in laser cut cardstock. Attached video demonstrates the process of manually converting hand cut panels into a considered, lasercut facade. b b, Digital test of floorplates As the zinc facade panelling will be used as both envelope and process (hop tanks) a system of floorplates had to be developed to hinge the zinc off. After being tested in greyboard, a digital copy was created to test configurations further.


c, Developed floorplate study After many iterations of card testing, more resistant materials were used to investigate the positioning of facade panels, tanks and floor plates. In this example, 2mm steel was cut to create a floor with a drainage channel, and allowing space for etched zinc panels to attach at 1:50. This also served to test the relationship between floors, as the drainage channel allowed hop water runoff to filter down through the building and be collected as greywater at the bottom.


Junctions and Detailing a, Facade panel attachment One detail explored in depth was the attachment of the three floor plates to each other, and to the carefully designed zinc facade. These examples show the development of two such details: 1. Floor plate ribs- As the water channel must be maintained to allow runoff, the floors are skewed at a 5 degree angle. The floor plate is split in half and secured in position with a series of ribs. Tested digitally, in card and 1:20 SLS Print. 2. Floor spacer and panel attachmentTested in the same way, a series of spacers were created to prop up the second floor and also allow numerous points of zinc panel attachment. The panels would be attached with just a few bolts, allowing for constant adaptability whilst this spacer would be part of the permanent primary structure.



Key Drawing 4.0

Assembling, placing and reading the model within Drawing 1.1

Arts District - Los Angeles

5 a

1 b


3 2







c, Simulating assembly With all of the attachments, panels and floor plates understood, and explored heavily through card models , a more definitive digital model was created at scale. By breaking down the components to the model, not architectural scale, the construction process could be understood in more depth.

enil mutaD


gir erutamrA 02

a setalP roolF


e slenaP lanretnI

Below A detail of panel attachment to floorplate. f




c d


Light and Heat a,b, Reflectivity and occupation Once the cladding, floor plates and surfaces were fully understood from a pragmatic perspective, internal investigations began to test heat, light, visibility and permeability. Shown are two images that explore the reflective qualities of the etched zinc used throughout the building. Image b shows the space lit naturally through roof and floor openings with a flat material, however when the reflectivity of the material surface is set up as zinc, the space is able to illuminate passively as shown in image a. Whilst digital simulations were heavily used, physical reflection testing was performed with small 1:20 facade panels as shown to the right. As light-fall changes throughout the day, light intensity inside the drying areas varies proportionally, acting as a passive indication of how far in the process the drying hops are.







Closed position, Internal heat trapped

c,d, Venting Articulation detail Specific drying mechanisms were explored in detail to allow the space to operate fully passively. This example is a section of the south facing facade that makes up a significant portion of the drying spaces. The wall is created with a thin double skin that acts as a solar oven during daylight hours. Heat is trapped rapidly in the cavity and is vented into the internal rooms maintaining the hops at around 45 degrees centigrade in summer months. Once the drying cycle is over, or if the space begins to overheat, a simple rotating mechanism closes off inside areas and vents the heat cavity outside, cooling the structure.

20° from datum


The Venting articulation Flushing overheated air from envelopes


3. Institute of Archaeology Grant Beaumont - Bartlett School of Architecture


Wayfinding Section Background The aim of the Heros pass Archaeology Institute is to help partially preserve industrial structures within a 1km radius of the site in Southern Louisiana. During the next 80 years, significant change will occur as grounds recede and water levels rise. The project works under the guise that the ordinary and industrial infrastructure of Louisiana is in itself a cultural relic and should be preserved physically The institute works in three ways: 1) It occupys the space inside three existing dry docks, providing areas for the production of compressed earth blocks, used in the creation of walls and protective levees 2) It uses local soils and aggregates excavated from around it to form Compressed Earth Panels. These panels are formed within existing dry sock spaces. 3) Students of the institute locate and study recently abandoned industrial structures, surveying them. Once surveying is complete, the panels are dried and taken to their new sites, creating barriers around the structures. The institute tests panels in numerous exposed locations around the site. These are studied and used as a learning tool.


Heros Pass - New Orleans

a, Section The 1:50 A0 section demonstrates how these spaces overlap to allow for a blend of education and production on the site, as well as ongoing material exploration.

3.2 Wayfinding Plan a, Plan Expanding to the 1:50 at A0 plan, the spaces become more distinct showing the specific occupation of the three dry docks and how pathways form through the building, into excavation space behind.


Heros Pass - New Orleans



Material Testing b, c , Micro Material Study Material testing, as a key element of the program, had to be explored at scale throughout the project. To do this, the docks were cast to scale, providing a 1:50 earth block press. 12 compressed earth blocks were created with varying quantities of riverbed silt, soil and sands. These were then tested extensively in river water for three weeks. From this, certain block ratios were taken to be tested further and used within the building.


2. Casting in situ Elements of the structure were taken directly at 1:50 to create exact scale copies of the CEB panels produced on site. This is an example of an alginate mould of the inner drydock space.

3.4 Understanding Pathways a, A0 Exploded Perspective Internal studies allowed for a more comprehensive understanding of working spaces and networks in the building. Models alongside this developed drawing were generated to understand how the human and soil/silt pathways through the spaces merge at key education points. The drawing further establishes where key details (3.5) sit in the structure and how the roof begins to connect and track water down through the site.



Technical Details


Developing considered details from program requirements b, Roof connection detail Technical intervention were developed to minimise impact on the site. As preservation of industry is key, the structure of the institute should latch onto the existing spaces without altering them. There a system of wall and roof clasps were developed that would span the drydocks, allowing for enclosed occupation, but easy removal.



c, Sluice gate A further detail explored the trapping of river silt. A gate that would collect and transfer this silt up through the building into the CEB working areas.



d, Plate clips Once CEB Plates are made, many are retained for on site testing. This detail development is a system of latches that hold panels in place. They are able to hold and release panels without damage or interference with study. TOP 1:500 Plan view of CEB clasping mechanism used to hold blocks for testing in the facility BOTTOM 1:500 Section view.



Light and Internal Studies a, Light study Conducted to establish what underground working conditions would appear during the day. This is the intersection of a casting space and an education space where panels are mounted on an outer wall (right) meaning a wide array of comfort and practical conditions had to be met. b, Exploded study Finalising circulation routes by exploding floor plates and seeing their connection to the soil collection channels and each other. b


Post Structure


0.1m End Cap and tightening pin 0.3m Bottleneck and Locking ring

Eventually, over the span of 200 years, subsidence and flooding will lead to the building being completely submerged.

1.5m Shaft

a, Soil collection bank support As soil is removed to create the CEB Panels, the area is continuously pinned to avoid further subsidence and to provide a monumental skeleton when the institute ceases to function. b,c, Custom eddies Current aerial archaeologists are able to establish what lies under soil by the patterns of vegetation observed from above(c). As the institute will be fully submerged, it attempts to do the same thing as its roof is designed to create unusual eddies on the water surface (b), revealing a structure below for future discovery.



Excavation soil wall Soil excavation



Concrete reinforced frame

0.4m End Bolt

Concrete reinforced frame

4. Testing and devices Grant Beaumont - Bartlett School of Architecture


Archaeology Survey Device

Support wings

Support wings

To 90 degrees

To 90 degrees

90° Plate B

1 a



Plate B

Plate B




Plate B



Background Over the course of the BSc, many projects were developed from hypothesis that required testing at scale before becoming a complex brief. These small scale experiments are all linked to larger spacial projects explored throughout the portfolio. Heightmapping 1. Archaeologists Heightmapping device was conducted to understand how excavations may take place in the future, when a building or space is no longer accessible. After experience using Lidar, a more bespoke surface measuring tool was developed that could be used on land or water surfaces to understand what may lie beneath. 2. The device is constructed with the use of a standard canon DSLR fitted with a macro lens (a). During use, the device would spin a 120mm x 120mm material sample below the lens at an angle to the datum. Performed in complete darkness, the material sample would only be lit from one specific angle (e) close to the ground surface. As the sample spun at 2mm/s intervals, it would be captured by the camera in 2 seocnd frames until a complete cycle occurred.



Plate B


Plate B 2

Cable manager For Camera Mini USB

Bend line

Plate A Lens Heigh Grooves Adjustable up to 100mm

LED Support

50mm, Bend to 90 Degrees.


Plate B

LED Support

50mm, Bend to 90 Degrees.

Rotational plate

Steel Legs

with reference nub.

attach as per lettering

d b d a b

Leg Holder

As labled to match legs


LED Support

50mm, Bend to 90 Degrees.


Testing and devices Electronic installation

LED Support

With the chassis complete, begin setting up the electronic components for rotation, lighting and imagery.

50mm, Bent to 90 Degrees.

LED Strip

Adhere to Support with glue or adhesive back.

Cable Hole

Run Red and black power cables through.

e c


Bend line

Stepper Motor

5v, 5 pin- 2 M3 Serews 4 M3 Screws


b,c, Result From this a large image could be stitched together (as shown) of all of the readable material information, with voids representing areas that no data was collected from. Over time, it develops a map of what can and cant be seen from eye line during an archaeological reconnaissance. d, Fabrication 4. The device was constructed from water jet cut 2mm sheet steel, M2 bolts and an Arduino only, designed to be flat packed and assembled on site, as demonstrated with site testing in New Orleans.


Drawing Surface a, Rolling drawing surface 1:1 Drawing surface. A group project over two months as a response to a number of drawing tools developed over first year. The surface was constructed to have three useable sides, providing vertical and flat paper runs, that would gradually rotate to reveal fresh canvas.


Positions The surface, once a continuous roll of paper was loaded was able to be flipped between positions by hand by two users. See brass frame testing video for details.

Testing and devices


a Impossible Cinematic test a, b, Cut scenes (See Video) LA investigation establishing how cut scenes in cinema are not possible to make in real life, in real time. This project focused on a character in the film Midnight Run descending a fire escape, in which numerous cuts and camera angles made his journey impossible to replicate. A series of wax hinges were developed, that took his form at the top of the fire escape and bent them down to match the next frame, creating impossible geometry. The intention of this was to investigate how the built environment is altered impossibly once time and physical constraints are removed The final rig consisted of three iterations of the charter, taken at three moments over a 40 second scene. Each piece of wax interlocked with the next in a way that when pressure was applied, they would move in a specific, controlled direction. Thread was then run through each piece and attached to an Arduino that applied tension to the thread in accordance with the timestamps in the scene, pulling the wax form from the starting to the end position of the character, achieving a motion that would be impossible in reality.


Step 3

b P9 F1 M

P1 F1 B

P10 F1 M

P3 F1 B P5 F1 B

P1 1

P6 F1 B

Fragment 1


P20 F2 M

P21 F2 M

Fragment 2 P14 F2 B

P22 F2 M

P25 F3 M P27 F3 B

P30 F3 T

Fragment 3

P31 F3 T

c P32 F3 T

P28 F3 B P41 F4 M

P49 F4 T

P36 F4 B

P50 F4 T

P37 F4 B P42 F4 M

P52 F5 B

P61 F5 T

Fragment 5 P62 F5 T

c,d, Tracking and mapping As the forms for the test rig were pulled directly from the film character, it was important to carefully track how each point moved over time.

Fragment 4

To do this, each fragment of character was manually rebuilt in 3D, turned into a surface with Greyboard, given a notation as documented on this page (i.e Part 3, Frame 1, Bottom or P3F1B) and recorded digitally. As the fragments moved, it was then possible to understand which bits of character had to make impossible cinematic jumps i.e how far an arm would have to travel in space in a given time.


Translating to Drawing a Converting 3D to surface Testing to establish how a three dimensional process could be documented in 2D. This involved recording a movement borrowed from the fire escape scene explored in ‘devices and testing’ and exploring how its motion could be captured in a drawing. The test involved playing with line weight and hierarchy through focus: a the laser was set to draw the movement with a fixed focal distance, with the height of the surface changing to represent scene visibility, making the etch line vary in sharpness. Unseen elements drawn over risen parts of the surface were out of focus and unclear whilst known moments were sharp and legible.

b, Outcome The test was overwhelmingly successful as areas of sharpness and dullness are both present, creating hierarchy and understanding of a complex 3D movement reduced to a still, flat drawing.




5. Part 1 Work and Video Grant Beaumont - Bartlett School of Architecture


RM.06 Store


RM.00 Entrance


e. Elevations Showing contact of the existing structure and new extension.

RM.07 Accessible Chaniging Room

RM.02 Reception



RM.16 Male WC Cleaner's Cupboard

RM.15 Female WC

RM.14 Accessible WC


DR-05 RM.01 Lobby FFL. +1.16m

FFL. +1.16m



(1.09) RM.08 DR-08 Mixed WC



ST.01 Stair

RM.04 Kitchen 1250

RM.12 Changing Room 2







0 RM.05 Cafè








RM.13 Official's Changing Room

RM.10 Plant Room





RM.09 DR-07 Mixed WC









RM.11 Changing Room 1







a. Ground floor plan Showing the existing building being preserved and the new extension adhering to the west elevation.

c,d. Greyboard Model 1:25 internals Showing investigation of roof baton system




EXD-06 RM.03 Fitness Suite / Flexible Space


b. Greyboard Model 1:25 WIP model investigating how the cafe space will meet the main structure, with removable elements such as the staircase to refine and develop.






1. Adams and Sutherland London The first project that I was heavily involved with in industry since returning to London. The centre is an extension of the current West Ham training facility and community outreach centre. The existing structure is being maintained, with the A+S Extension wrapping around the west elevation to provide cafe space, indoor training space, and start-up business incubation spaces. The project has just entered the technical design phase.





West Ham Community centre Development




(0.87) 0.67






Adams + Sutherland - London c

First Floor Terrace

e Perforated Cladding.

Top of Parapet +7.76m Roof FFL. +7.55m

3D metal signage fixed to Top of Canopy

First Floor Terrace FFL. +4.11m


Standard Cladding.

Top of Canopy +3.79m


Ground Floor FFL. +1.16m


Allow for new fencing to entrance area, including new pedestrian gate


Existing security hut surrounded by new self supporting structure with metal cladding as per extension

8 no. new sheffield stands

Proposed Elevation - East Scale: 1:50

3D metal signage fixed to top of canopy

Existing security hut surrounded by new self supporting structure with metal cladding as per extension

New gutter to edge of existing roof. To drain into new lower level roof.

New bench

8no. new sheffield stands


Allow for new fencing to entrance area, including new pedestrian gate.

Lighting to underside of entrance canopy

Proposed Elevation - North Scale: 1:50








Client: West Ham Unite

1. Do not scale from this drawing. 2. All dimensions in mm unless noted otherwise. 3. All dimensions to be checked on site and discrepancies to be notified to A&S in writing. 4. This drawing should be read in conjunction with information from all other design consultants and contractors. 5. Copyright Adams & Sutherland Ltd. 6. If in doubt, ask.



West Ham Found Drawing Title:

Drawn: 0 0.5

BH 1


Scale 1:50 @ A1 and 1


Detail Investigation



a. Planting plan Extensive ecological work was also conducted to enhance the surrounding area, conducted in partnership with JCLA. During this time I was able to learn and investigate specific environmental actions that would contribute to the development. b,c. Model detailing The 1:25 model was used as a base to investigate specific intersections such as the perforated cladding system designed to diffuse light up the facade of the structure.




Video and fabrication (Bartlett Years 1-3) Background Whilst many questions and briefs were explored through three dimensional model work and hand drafting, many tests required the inclusion of specific fabrication and video recording to introduce a time factor. Some of these require further explanation, outlined here, the videos can be found at

1. De-constructing the Etch. 21s In a short process, this drawing was then reverse engineered to rebuild the original scene, without the movement but including areas that were unseen in the footage, showing the fixed built environment as learned though the process.

2. Data Moshing (2 Videos, 14s and 5s) A technical study to explore missing information. Catalysed by the institute of archaeology hight-mapping tool project, this video was a test of legibility when key information is removed. As in archaeology, interpolation must be used to fill in missing spaces, key P Frames (movement frames) were removed from a section of self shot video, leaving the media player to understand and attempt to replay the footage. The result is a visual record of filling in the blanks.

3. Digital masking. 30s Testing the ability to hide information from building users from particular vistas, used in the LA Hop project, Y3. Architectural elements from the building were digitally recreated and allowed to move in real time creating masking screens, controlling viewpoints and changing the understanding of the space.

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