Grant Murphy_Portfolio

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grant murphy, LEED GA 12223 Cardeza ave. Baton Rouge, La. 70816 m. 225.362.2816 e.


Contents 01 site design regional planning 02 03 residential design a glimpse | miscellaneous projects 04 professional work 05 shifting sands | Far Rockaway, New York

a living shoreline | oyster reef restoration

murphy residence | defining space

west hall | sculpting the landscape

a variety of projects




Far Rockaway Beach, located a one hour subway ride from downtown Manhattan, provides a unique juxtaposition to most people’s view on what New York looks like. On October 29, 2012 Rockaway’s shorelines were decimated by Superstorm Sandy. Throughout the night, hundreds of homes were destroyed, thousands of cars ruined, but most of all, people’s since of security and safety was ruined. The devastating effects of Sandy are remembered to this day. Government agencies were quick to jump into action to begin devising schemes that would protect New York City from a future event like Superstorm Sandy. While some think it necessary to provide huge engineered floodgates and massive pumping systems, I took a different approach. I approached this design with the knowledge that I was designing for one of the most dynamic ecosystems possible, with the idea that I was designing for shifting sands.

site analysis model In my model, I wanted to explore the movement of the shifting sands on the existing site. The model consists of five moveable slides which represent the dynamic shifting of the sands. The sands shift most dramatically at the shore line, therefore my most moveable slide is at the shoreline of the model. As the sand moves further up towards the boardwalk it becomes a less dynamic system. The second through fifth slide act as a gradient in moveability. Finally, as it approaches the boardwalk and sweeps underneath, it is caught and stopped by the boardwalk pylons. Therefore, after the boardwalk, the sand is a much more controlled material.

bird’s eye sand + water studies

controlling sand with boardwalk technologies

These sand studies became the basis for my design in Far Rockaway. Through these explorations I began to understand how sand can be manipulated by simple technologies. From these sand studies, I developed four resilient boardwalk typologies.

capturing storm surge with a double-dune system

Through the exploration of dune systems, I discovered the double dune system. As I began to research this idea, I learned that this was the way natural dune systems worked, but over the course of a few miles of land. I decided to use this idea, but concentrate it in the width of my site in Far Rockaway.

preliminary site design


8 7 3 2




3 1


2 4

9 10


My Design for Far Rockaway includes integrating a network of performative pathways that allows the user to experience Far Rockaway. With a network of varying pathways, someone can choose his or her own journey through the park. With sea levels rising and storm frequency increasing, coastal defense system have become imperative. The double-dune system and wave breakers, coupled with the sand island and the performative pathways, will work to dissipate the storms energy. The primary and secondary circulation pathways provide storm surge breaks and barriers, while also acting to slow down the movement of sand in order to help maintain the stability of the site.

1 2 3 4

Main Entrance Mesic Meadow Back Dune Foredune

5 6 7 8

Commercial Area Community Center

11 Explorative Pathway

Existing School Play Area for School

10 Commercial Area

9 Sand Island

boardwalk types main east to west boardwalk

-Allows for East to West transition -Has seating at a 15% slope that can be used for sunbathing or seating -Secondary Protection after the dune -Sand dune is adjacent to the lowest and highest areas of the boardwalk

boardwalk type02

-Has a solid, non-porous Base underneath -This prevents vegetation spread and allows for water to be held inbetween the secondary boardwalk and the main boardwalk in the event of a flood

boardwalk type03

-Sand is allowed to flow freely underneath the boardwalk -The pylons will allow for sand to gather

boardwalk type04

-The support of the structure is a solid sheet of cast in place concrete that is angled -The angle allows for the control of where the sand particles blow and help to keep the dunes built up

8 8


main entrance from subway stop

boardwalk_main entrance


boardwalk_main entrance at beach

main boardwalk

boardwalk_type 02

driveway for the school

secondary entrances


edgemere ave. entrance

bird’s eye

The main entrance will be at the 44th street Subway Stop. It will be the most utilized subway stop as it is right in the middle of the park. Upon approaching the entrance the park attendee would immediately notice the densely planted backdune, which provides a bit of mystery as to what the site really is. Once the patron has continued on the park will rapidly open up and become a vast expanse of vegetation.

1 2 3

1 Backdune

(densely vegetated with trees and grasses)

2 Mesic Meadow 3 Foredune

(sparsely vegetated with grasses)


6’ storm surge

16’ storm surge

sand + water change


oyster leases oyster beds c.1905 CPRA proposed oyster reefs our proposed oyster reefs southwest pass case study fresh water infiltration land loss



Oyster reefs contribute to a robust and dynamic ecology in coastal Louisiana. These resilient formations provide economical coastal restoration by attenuating wave action and combating shoreline erosion. Historically, Vermilion Bay was booming with oyster beds, which provided an essential ecological and economical component. Overharvesting, increased turbidity and increased freshwater influx has caused oyster reefs to decrease in the interior of the bay. Living Shorelines explores the potential of strategically implementing a new technology by Wayfarer Corporation and the LSU Ag Center called OysterBreak throughout Vermilion Bay. By strategically placing oyster reefs throughout the region, they will fortify the shoreline and improve water quality standards for Vermilion bay. Living Shorelines, breaks up the CPRA’s (Coastal Protection and Restoration Agency) allotted footage of oyster reefs and shoreline stabilization throughout Vermilion Bay into smaller, more effective fringe reefs distributed along the coastal edges of Vermilion Bay.


water quality

0.8gL-1 0.3mg L-1 91F 5.0pH Poor

turbidity dissolved oxygen temperature pH SAV

technology tombolo (accumulated sediment)




0.4gL-1 1.0mg L-1 89F 6.5pH Fair

R20” R29”


turbidity dissolved oxygen temperature pH SAV

0.2gL-1 4.0mg L-1 88F 7.5pH Good

turbidity dissolved oxygen temperature pH SAV


wave attenuation

1 oyster

can filter 50 gallons of water per day

1 cu. Meter

of sediment gain per year


Increase of dominant species



Gulf Menhaden

Red Drum

Black Drum

Hardhead Catfish

Blue Crab

^The model was featured in the LSU College of Art and Design’s Magazine, Quad.


OysterBreak Technology

Oysterbreak technology, by Wayfarer corporation, achieves a minimalistic design, while providing the structural characteristics needed to form the reef. The product is made local in Vermilion Parish and is the obvious choice for any oyster reef restoration project. It provides a dynamic benefit that can not be provided by other technologies such as shoreline stabilization.

Monitoring Station

Monitoring stations are to be placed at each implemented barrier reef. The stations are to include the following instruments: turbidity monitor, dissolved oxygen counter, thermometer, and dissolved oxygen. These stations will provide the base data that will be interpreted to provide a real time graphic in the information center. This data will also be used to further research and data collection to further the knowledge of oyster reefs.

USGS Satellite Relay

The technology will utilize existing satellite technology provided by USGS. The satellite is to relay information at real time intervals to provide the most accurate information to the fisherman. This is an integral part of the process, without it, it is impossible for the data to be implemented in our information system.

Information System

The information system is to be placed along major roads throughout the region. This is to be part one of a two-tier information system that will portray water quality in real time to passers by. This will aid in the visualization of the bay and create an optimum scenario to attract more fishermen by elucidating which areas are the most apt for fishing. It will work by illuminating a color that directly responds to which reef has the most ideal conditions for fish at the current time

Information Center

The information center will be part two of the two tier information system. It will serve as a base for learning for groups such as politicians, students, boyscouts and tourists and will be placed at Cypremort State Park. The information center will have a real scale model that will demonstrate how the oyster barrier reef will look in the water. In addition,it will have screens that display the fishery data that the datakrete displays. It will also provide additional information that will help educate the basic knowledge of the technology



wayfarer oysterbreak technology

information/ education center

observation tower

pier with steps into the bay

marsh plant learning center plaza

information center At the Cypremort State Park, the information center will house the Oyster Break units in addition to interactive mappings which will elucidate the operation and benefits of the technology. These interventions will work together to enhance both the ecology and the economic benefactors of the region. Because people are able to visit the site and view first hand the benefits of an oyster reef, it will aid in the approval of the budget for the implementation of the remaining reefs throughout the region.

of this unit is to guide fishermen to the areas within the bay that have the most ideal conditions for catching fish. This information system will have interactive displays that not only show the best oyster reef for fishing, but will also provide a base knowledge of how oyster reefs restore land and improve water quality. It is important that the members of the community support the implementation of these reefs, if they are opposed, it could result in the harvesting of oysters from the units.

In addition to the information center at Cypremort State Park, there will also be a unit placed at the boat launch just off of Highway 319. The purpose

^ Information Center; the center will house the OysterBreak units where people can see and touch how large they are and understand the process of coastal restoration through oyster reef


^ Information Center; the data collected from the buoy will be displayed in the center and fisherman/ scientists can base their trips for the day on the water quality conditions at each reef

The ships that go through the southwest pass produce large waves that crash on the shoreline, continually eroding the already fragile land

With the implementation of an oyster reef, the waves offset from the boats are attenuated and protects the shoreline from eroding

As the waves crash over the oyster reef, the sediment is allowed to settle and build up the land that was previously eroding prior to the installation of the reef





For this design, I was tasked to pick any site and redesign it, the only parameters of the project were that the site had to include three separate spaces. I chose to redesign my backyard because of the scale. Throughout various studios I have been able to design many large scale projects that ranged from 1-80+ acres, choosing my backyard allowed me too focus on a small scale project in which I could work at a level of detail that was not possible before. From past experiences, I know that 3 main spaces are needed in this style of backyard. The first is an open gathering space that can be used to host larger volumes of people at parties. The second is a shaded space that can also hold a larger volume of people when the summer heat is to strong to be out in the open. The third space is an open, but intimate space that can be used for grilling and other activities. This design utilizes plant material as a strong guiding factor throughout the site. I use the plant material palette to aid in the framing of space and viewsheds. In order to truly understand how these plant materials would shape the site, I made a model that explored the site. This model allowed me to see what the site would look like after 4-6 years of growth. Through the use of the model, I was able to decide which materials helped to achieve my goal of defining space.



5- Sasanqua Camellia

5- Little Gem Magnolia

325- Liriope

11-Pink Muhly grass

Dragon’s Head Bamboo


1 Oriental Magnolia

Japanese Maple

75 Mondo Grass

1 Sago Palm

Brown Hardwood Mulch

8 Boxwood

39 Dragon’s Head Bamboo

25 Pink Muhly Grass

Bermuda Grass

3-Natchex Crape Myrtle 2-Sprial Juniper 4-Boxwood

150 Monkey Grass







The following four projects represent various skill sets not shown in the previous projects. They are representative works of my capacity to understand urban planning, materiality, construction documents, landforms, and site grading. The first project, Suburb Gracie| A complete Community, presented a unique opportunity to redesign largely vacant land next to the heart of downtown Baton Rouge. The second project, Site Furniture | A Closer Look, was my first attempt at bringing a design from conceptual design to construction documents. The third project, West Hall | Landforms, utilized 3d scanners that allowed us to sculpt, scan and draft the landscape in a way that was not possible without the technology. The fourth project, Ozark Mountains | Grading Plan, is a representative work of a successful grading plan.


Suburb Gracie | Complete Community urban planning

Building Types

94 low density 130 medium density 160 high density 100 elysian 484 total units

Vehicular Circulation

The vehicular circulation in the site is almost entirely what was existing before. The grid system works in Suburb Gracie and I did not think it was necessary to add the cost of the site by entirely remaking the street system. I think it helps to carry over the feel of the surrounding areas and makes it more of a cohesive area.

Pedestrian Circulation

The pedestrian circulation primarily follows the streets of the site. Every sidewalk is lined by trees, which helps to create a more intimate feeling as well as providing shade for the site. In addition, there is also a pedestrian greenway that is exclusively for pedestrians. It runs east to west and helps to provide internal linkage throughout the site. The final pedestrian pathway is the jogging trails in the forested area. green corridor open lawn/mall area pedestrian trail system tree lined sidewalks




5 6 3

4 2 1





8 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Existing Offices Urban Garden Existing Housing Capitol Viewing Lawn Continuing Education Mall Existing School

8 Proposed Grocery Store 9 Greenway

10 Jewish Cemetery 11 St. Joseph Cemetery 12 Recreational Center 13 Retention Pond 14 Jogging Path

Site Furniture | A Closer Look

construction documents; conceptual design to CD


West Hall | Landforms site grading

Partner: Maria Munoz

physical model

digital model

digitally sliced model

final grading plan


Ozark Mountains | Grading Excercise complete grading plan



05 Professional Experience | Reich Associates


Through my current internship, I have had the opportunity to partake in all sides of the design process, ranging from conceptual design to construction documents. Taking this internship has proven to be one of the most rewarding experiences within the last five years at school. I found that school can never fully prepare you for every real-world situation, which, in my opinion, makes an internship a necessity before any entry-level position. The next few pages are filled with representative works from my internship at Reich Associates. However, what can not be shown on paper is the wealth of knowledge gained on office procedures, proffesional conduct, and landscape architecture standards.


Unitarian Church | Baton Rouge, LA rainwater detention planting design



Response to RFQ | Lafourche, LA rendering techniques


Sister Dulce Foundation | Baton Rouge, LA rendering techniques


Various Construction Details detailed design



Morey Park | Patterson, LA small site design


Conceptual Neighborhood Branding creating a sense of place



Grant Murphy, LEED GA m. 225-362-2817

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