Higher Education Student Handbook

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CONTENTS 03 Welcome to Grantham College

19 Useful Numbers

A Welcome from The Chief Executive and the Acting Principal, the staff and the governors of the College

A list of contact numbers and email addresses you might find useful.

04 College Calendar

Private Property, Insurance, College Property, Alcohol/illegal Drugs, Entry to Examinations, Health & Safety, Attendance, Gambling, Litter, Mobile Phones, Fax Facility.

College Term Dates (Further Education/Higher Education) 05 Settling In Settling In, Confidentiality, What to do if... 06 Advice & Guidance IAGE, Paying for your course, Higher Education Loans, Attendance, ID Cards, APL, Learning & Study Support, Problems with IT, Careers & Higher Education Advice, Counselling, Mental Health & Wellbeing Service, Student Health Advice, Faiths & Beliefs, Pastoral Support, Functional Skills & ESOL, Student Union & StAR Forum 12 Communicating with College How to get in contact with us via College Email, the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) & Telephone 14 Facilities & Services Learning Resources, e-Learning Centre (ELC) & Library, Using the Library, Art Shop, Cycle Store, Posting Letters, Hair & Beauty Salon, PowerSport 17 Refectory & Retail Services Refectory, Nixx, The Apple Tree Restaurant, Little Gems, Smoking & Eating Policy 18 Practical Advice Parking, Health & Safety, Mobile Phones, Confidentiality, Smoking & Eating Policy and Accomodation information.


20 Things to Remember

22 Rights & Responsibilities Substance Misuse Guidelines, Introduction, Definitions, Action, Main Entrance, Confidentiality 24 Student Harrassment/ Anti-bullying guidelines Definition, Introduction, The Guidelines, Student Involvement, Charter Summary, Equality & Diversity, 27 Guidelines & Procedures Entry to Examinations, Customer Views, Data Protection, Student Disciplinary Code Summary, Entry to examinations and Customer Views. 27 Student Academic Appeals Procedure Student Academic Appeals Procedure 30 Awards & Marketing At the end of each year we celebrate the success of our students

DEAR STUDENT, Welcome to Grantham College from The Chief Executive and the Acting Principal, the staff and the governors of the College. We should like to take this opportunity to thank you for choosing Grantham College to undertake your studies during 2015/16. Whether you are a new student, or a returning student, we hope this academic year is a successful year for you – your success is our success, and we want to do everything we can to help you achieve that success. We hope you find Grantham College is a safe and supportive environment that tries its best to put students at the heart of what we do. We are proud of our college, and proud of you. Nevertheless, we can always improve and we welcome your contributions and comments as to how we can do that. In return, we ask you to work hard and to be committed to your studies. We also want you to have fun and to involve yourself in the life of the college – such opportunities include being an active member of the Students’ Union, or participation in sports and recreational activities. We also hope you will get involved in the life of the college and our community through voluntary work, charity fund-raising or paid employment. It’s a competitive world out there, so take the chance to improve your skills and experience and to make your CV stand out from that of others. If there is something we do not currently offer in terms of these opportunities please let us know – we may not always be able to say yes but at least we can explain why.


“Inspire, Empower, Achieve”

Most of all, we want you to enjoy your time at Grantham College and to maximise your potential. Our college values are based on respect for one another, honesty and equality of opportunity for all, so please help us to uphold these. Hopefully we will meet you at your induction, however, we are both accessible throughout your time with us. You can email us via “Buzz the Boss” on the VLE or pop up to our offices on the first floor of the main building. We also conduct frequent “Principal’s Surgeries” around the college where you can tell us what’s going well and maybe what isn’t. We wish you a successful year at Grantham College, and look forward to celebrating your successes with you.

Linda Houtby Chief Executive

Paul Deane Acting Principal



COLLEGE CALENDAR 2015/16 First Year Inductions Friday, 4 September 2015 AUTUMN TERM (13 Weeks 4 Days)

SPRING TERM (10 Weeks 3 Days)

SUMMER TERM (11 Weeks 3 Days)

07.09.15 – 17.12.15

05.01.16 – 24.03.16

11.04.16 – 07.07.16




26.10.15 – 30.10.15

15.02.16 – 19.02.16

30.05.16 – 03.06.16




25.12.15 – Christmas Day 26.12.15 – Boxing Day 28.12.15 – Bank Holiday 01.01.16 – New Years Day

25.03.16 – Good Friday 28.03.16 – Easter Monday

02.05.16 – May Day 30.05.16 – Bank Holiday

AUTUMN TERM (12 Weeks)

SPRING TERM (10 Weeks)


28.09.15 – 18.12.15

11.01.16 – 18.03.16

11.04.16 – 03.06.16



SETTLING IN Many students find the first few weeks of their course challenging. If you have any concerns about your course please talk to your tutor or Course Leader who will be able to help you. If you feel that you have chosen the wrong course to meet your long term career aspirations then please talk to your tutor who will be able to arrange an interview with Carol Dyer, the College’s Careers Advisor. If, when you have spoken to your tutor or Course Leader, you decide to withdraw from the course you must notify the College of your decision in writing; it is not sufficient to just tell your tutor of your intentions. If you or your employer are paying for the course and you feel that you may be entitled to a refund then you must make this request in writing. The Refund policy is available on the VLE under Student Policies Please note that this does not apply retrospectively: you cannot stop attending your course and not inform the College, and later claim a refund. Any student starting a course should be enrolled. If your name is not on the register that means you have not been enrolled and need to do so as soon as possible.

Confidentiality Whilst Grantham College respects the need for student confidentiality it must be understood that absolute confidentiality cannot always be guaranteed. What to do if… You are ill… • Telephone your tutor or course leader by 8.30am or as soon as possible for courses starting later and let them know; you can leave a message • Remember you will need to make up missed work. You are going to miss a lesson… • Tell your tutor and course leader in advance. • Organise to catch up on missed work. • Only absences as shown in the Student Guide to attendance may be authorised. You have an accident in College… • Report it to your tutor and course leader if you are in class or to Reception. • Fill in an accident form. The fire alarm sounds… • Leave the building by the nearest safe exit. • Assemble at the nearest assembly point. • Do not re-enter the building until told you may do so.



ADVICE & GUIDANCE The Information, Advice, Guidance & Enrolment Team Based in the main reception area is a team of experienced and qualified members of staff who are there to help by providing a range of services, information and advice. Appointments can be made at the Information, Advice, Guidance & Enrolment (IAGE) desk. The team’s telephone number is 01476 400200. During term-time the IAGE desk is normally open as follows: MONDAY





8:30AM – 6.30PM

8:30AM – 9.15PM

8:30AM – 9.15PM

8:30AM – 9.15PM

8:30AM – 6.30PM

Paying for your Course Students on HE courses are responsible for their own fees. Some students will be sponsored by their employers and if this is the case you should bring a letter from your employer with you to enrolment. Most students HE will be financing their courses through Student Loans. If you have applied for the loan and received the ‘University or College Payment Advice’ form from the Student Loan Company please bring this with you when you enrol. We understand that sometimes, due to pressure of work, the SLC is not able to process your application in time for you to receive this form in advance of starting the course. If you have not yet received this form then you will need to pay a ‘holding fee’ of £50 at enrolment and also sign a direct debit form which will set up an installment plan through which you will make payments for the course until you give the Payment Advice form to the College. For details of the instalment plans please see the Fee Instalment Policy (within Student Policies in the Student Services section of the College Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)). If you have any concerns about student loans or need help or advice about loans please contact Jo Bowman, our Student Finance Officer, on 01476 400281 or email jbowman@grantham.ac.uk, who will be happy to help you.


Higher Education Loans Higher Education student loans are available to anyone who wants to study on an HE level course. These loans are primarily designed to cover tuition fees, but students who are studying on full-time courses may also be able to apply for maintenance loans. You do not have to pay your loan back while you are studying, and once you have completed the course you will not have to repay any money until you earn over £21,000 pa. If you are earning over £21,000 at that point then you only have to make repayments of 9% on any earnings over £21,000. If you need more information about student loans or want to apply for a loan please have a look at their website: http://www.slc.co.uk/ or contact Jo Bowman, our Student Finance Officer, on 01476 400281 or email jbowman@grantham.ac.uk

Your Attendance

Identity Cards

The college is committed to helping all students achieve their full potential. All students are expected to attend 100% of their timetabled lessons, and to keep the College informed about any absences If, therefore, you cannot attend your classes it is important that the Tutor or Course Leader attempts to find out the reason for non-attendance and if appropriate take steps to ensure there is not a reoccurrence. All students will have their attendance monitored via a class register, however, if you cannot attend for a genuine reason, guidance and advice will be offered.

To help with on-site security, identity cards are used. This card also acts as a learning resources membership card and is required each time you wish to borrow a book or use an open-access computer. If you weren’t issued with a card at enrolment you can obtain one from the Information, Advice Guidance & Enrolment Team.

If you are absent and you have not contacted your tutor or the college, we will attempt to get in touch with you. If you have not attended classes for more than four consecutive weeks and have not responded to our attempts to contact you, it will be assumed that you have withdrawn from the course unless there is evidence of an intention to return. Even if there is a valid reason for the absence the college may need to consider whether it is possible for you to continue with your studies

You should carry your identity card with you whilst on college premises and produce it if asked by a member of staff or security. The identity card will be required for certain Student Union activities, including discounts in local shops. Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL) APL is a way of obtaining qualifications by using existing knowledge, skills and experience. If you can provide evidence of your experience you may be able to gain credit through assessment of your previous work or experience. Please discuss this with your Course Tutor who will be able to advise you



SUPPORT AVAILABLE Learning & Study Support

Problems with IT

As an HE student you may be entitled to the Disabled Student Allowance (DSA). This payment – which is made to the College to support you by making arrangements which are tailored to your needs to help you succeed in your studies – can provide you with laptops, specific software/hardware etc. once your need has been established by the College. It is not something that is designed only to support those with a physical disability but also the those with ‘hidden’ needs such as dyslexia which may not have been picked up while you were at school and which may be stopping you meeting your full potential in life. If you would like to talk to someone about DSA please contact Paul Cartwright either by phone on 01476 400412 or by e-mail pcartwright@grantham.ac.uk who will be happy to talk to discuss your nee ds further.

Students who need help in using computers to complete assignments should contact Library or e-Learning staff. Alternatively you may benefit from taking a short course at the College - many of which are free.

If you feel that you just need a little bit of help with your study skills, perhaps in terms of organising your time, planning and writing assignments or proofreading your work then again we can help you in the drop in sessions which are open to all students. For more details of the study support available to you contact Claire Saxby either by phone on 01476 400246 or by e-mail csaxby@grantham.ac.uk


If you find that you need a computer to help with your coursework then you can borrow a College laptop. These are available in the e-Learning Centre; the loans are on a weekly basis and subject to availability. If you find that you need some additional or more up-to-date software then you could have a look at a site called www. software4students.co.uk who have special deals for students on Microsoft Office. If you don’t have access to the Internet at home you can use this in the e-Learning Centre. Please ask for help if you need it.

Careers & Higher Education Advice The College Careers Service is available to offer careers guidance to students. Copies of the College’s Careers Education & Guidance Policy are available in Student Policies in the VLE.

Counselling, Mental Health & Wellbeing Service Students can access a confidential service to discuss personal problems, difficulties or concerns relating to college or home. •

Information, advice and support can be provided UCAS applications to universities, career choices and job hunting • As part of our service you are entitled to: • 1:1 guidance with the College Careers Adviser (based in the Advice & Guidance area) • Careers education & guidance and activities • Access to the college careers resources and the careers area on the VLE • Support in producing career plans & planning for the future. Appointments can be made with the College Careers Advisor, Carol Dyer, or Advice & Guidance Officer, Deborah Long, via the Information, Advice, Guidance & Enrolment Team or by telephoning 01476 400200. Student Health Advice College Health Services are available at a variety of times during term time, exact times will be published once the Autumn term commences. Practitioners can give advice on contraception, weight, STIs, smoking and drug use. If you want to stop smoking, PHOENIX Lincolnshire NHS Stop Smoking Service can offer help and advice, telephone 01522 550681.

Appointments can be made via the IAGE desk, by contacting Lorna Hollands on 01476 414413 or by email at counselling@grantham. ac.uk Drop-in sessions are also available – see posters for times A range of self- help resources are available in the Be Healthy – Stay Safe sections on VLE and in the College library If you have mental health difficulties the Mental Health Advisor can meet with you prior to commencing your course, or at any point while you are studying at College, to discuss the wide range of support available to help you with your studies

Faiths and Beliefs The College welcomes students from all faiths and none. The College will support you, both as an individual and in groups, to enable you to think through the links between your life, beliefs and study. You may want to start or join one of the faith groups meeting on campus. The College can also put you in contact with faith groups, such as churches, meeting in Grantham and the surrounding area. Contact one of our three voluntary chaplains, either by email chaplains@ grantham.ac.uk or by leaving a message at the Advice and Guidance desk.


GRANTHAM COLLEGE HIGHER EDUCATION HANDBOOK Pastoral Support Tutors have responsibility for your welfare whilst you are at the college. They are available to discuss any academic or other problems you may have. They will also monitor progress and help you to make decisions about the future. In addition, they will write your references for employment or Higher Education. Functional Skills & ESOL Provision If you find that you have a problem with written work or maths you should discuss this with your course tutor who will contact Tracy Scarborough, the Functional Skills Manager. The College may be able to arrange regular lessons with a specialist tutor or attend some of the College’s English & Maths drop-in classes. Please ask for more information if you are interested in attending. If English is not your first language and you feel that you need some additional help with your language skills you may be able to attend a course of ESOL (English as a Second or Other Language) classes or attending EFL (English as a Foreign Language) classes, both of which are organised by the College. Contact Tracy Scarborough by telephone 01476 404393 or email tscarborough@grantham.ac.uk for information regarding this.


Grantham College Student Union (GCSU) The GCSU is an organisation within Grantham College that is run for students by students. The Union aims to represent the views of the student body at the college both locally, in college, and nationally by attending meetings and events organised for the purpose of strengthening the student movement. Each elected officer has a different role. The President is also a College Governor. Our roles – • President • Vice President: Welfare • Vice President: Learner Involvement • Campaigns Officer • Entertainment Officer • Web & Marketing Officer • Mature Students Officer. GCSU can be contacted through Lucy Foster, Student Services Manager on 01476 404334 or lfoster@grantham.ac.uk The GCSU is affiliated with the National Union of Students (NUS) and through this affiliation, students are able to purchase an NUS Extra card for the price of £12. By doing this, students are not only getting great discounts in many shops, websites and events, but also are helping to fund the student union to which they are part of. To buy one online, simply visit www. nus.org.uk The StAR Forum Chaired by students for students • A subject Representative from each subject area • A notice board in each curriculum area. The StAR Forum aims to be an approachable feedback forum, in which students from across the college are able to feed back their suggestions about different aspects of the college environment. Meetings take place every two months, and representatives are obliged to attend all meetings. A Student Union Executive member chairs the StAR Forum, allowing it to operate as a fully-functioning Student forum. The College Leadership Team (CLT) is encouraged to attend meetings. Forum members receive appropriate training from the Student Services Manager – as a Forum member it is important to attend all meetings and to be pro-active when attending them, as the Forum acts as a direct link between students, staff, and the CLT.




2. The VLE

2. Telephone

1. College Email All students on Higher Education Courses will have a college email account; this will be set up after enrolment. The first time you use a computer on-site you will log in using your student number as your user name and your date of birth as your password (the format is DDMMYYYY example 12051970, the first time you login you will be prompted to change your password. If you do not attend the main college site you will be able to access your college email by following the email link on the Grantham College homepage, then login to the Microsoft student email system using the following: Your user account number@student. grantham.ac.uk – Example 10777@student. grantham.ac.uk , use your birthday as your password and again you will be prompted to change your password on the first screen. Please note if you then change your password using a computer on-site this password will override your password on the email system, changing your password from within the email system will not over ride your college site computer account. If you change your password on-site it will always change the password to match on the email system, if you have forgotten your email password or need to change your password on-site using Alt+Control and Delete at the same time to bring up the option page to change the password, after a few minutes your email password will be the same. If you are unable to access your College email please inform someone from Learning Resources at the Library desk or e-Learning Centre help area or, in the evening, the IAGE desk. You can use your email account to contact your tutor or other people on your course. It is important to check your college email regularly; if you fail to do this you may miss important communications. You also need to delete unwanted or obsolete mail items to prevent your mailbox becoming full, which will prevent receiving new mail.


2. The Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) Once you have logged in and changed your password you will also be able to access to the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). The VLE is a website where you may be able to access information about your course. Some tutors put worksheets, notes or summaries of weekly course content on the VLE. There is also an Adult Student Feedback link on the VLE - this is a place where you can post comments about your experiences as a student and make us aware of any problems you encounter. Some HE courses however, which are run at the College on behalf of a university may use the VLE’s at the university site. If this is the case your tutor will show you how to access their VLE. nvironment (VLE) 3. By Telephone The College switchboard can be obtained by dialling 01476 400200. However, students usually find it better to call the individual tutor or department they are trying to contact. Ask your course tutor for these numbers.




e-Learning Centre Opening Hours

Learning Resources offer a wide range of materials and equipment that can be used to support you in your learning experience.

Term Time

The Library also provides material for leisure, relaxation and to support wellbeing. The resources range from books & journals, in both print and nonprint format, through to electronic information databases, many of which are available from anywhere you have internet access. These resources are mainly found in two Centres: e-Learning Centre (ELC) & Library Both Centres are located on the ground floor, one each side of the main entrance. Computer access and printing is available within both centres. In order to borrow items from the Library or use either Centre you will need to produce your College Student ID card, which is issued at enrolment. Information on centre procedures will be given to you during induction, or subsequently on enquiry at information desks in either the ELC or Library. Please remember that these are study centres and ensure that you refer to the Learning Resources Code of Conduct, which is displayed in both centres.


Monday – Thursday 8:30AM – 5.00PM Friday 8:30AM – 4.30PM Holidays CLOSED Library Opening Hours Term Time Monday 8:30AM – 6.00PM Tuesday – Thursday 8:30AM – 7.15PM Friday 8:30AM – 4.30PM Holidays Monday – Thursday 8:30AM – 5.00PM Friday 8:30AM – 4.30PM

Learning Resources The College Library is there to provide the books you need for your course. When a tutor gives a book list to students most of the books on the list will be available in the Library, and students should be informed of any exceptions (such as essential course texts) which need to be purchased. If a student finds that a book recommended for their course is not available in the Library, or the number of copies is not sufficient, they should discuss this with their course tutor who may be able to have further copies ordered for future use. In order to make sure you have the books you need to complete an assignment, you should plan early and try to get books from the Library as soon as possible. As an HE student you can borrow up to 12 books at any one time. Most books are on loan to borrowers for 3 weeks although there are some books, where the demand for their use is heavy, that can only be borrowed for 7 days. If a book is not available you can then reserve it. The reservation system also helps to indicate which books are in demand so extra copies can be ordered if they are needed, so it is important that students make use of it. Please remember that there is a fine system in place for overdue books - 10p per book per week for 3 week loans and 25p per week for 7 day loans. These may not look like large fines but they can quickly add up if you have a number of books that are overdue. You are advised to contact the library if you have any difficulties in returning books on time. All students will be given a full Library induction at the start of their course. There is also a comments box on the Library counter where students can recommend books for purchase, subject to Library budget. If you are studying a course which is accredited by a university you will also have access to the university library. Borrowing rights and access to the e-library facilities will be explained to you by your tutor.


GRANTHAM COLLEGE HIGHER EDUCATION HANDBOOK Art Shop A variety of art materials is available from our College Art Shop which can be found on the 1st floor of the Arts Centre. The current opening times are displayed on the Art Shop door. Cycle Store A covered secure cycle store is available for your use. Access is by electronic key, which can be obtained from finance. A deposit of £10 is required per academic year. Posting Letters You may leave small quantities of ready-stamped mail at reception that will be sent out with the external mail. Mail that has not been stamped or has insufficient postage will not be processed. Postage stamps are available for purchase from Nixx Shop. Hair & Beauty R&R Hair & Beauty Salon is located across the road on St Catherine’s Road and is open to all students and the general public. It offers a full range of very reasonably priced services to suit everyone. To complement the professional and quality services, a full range of high quality hair & beauty products are available through our retail service. The Salon is open Monday to Friday - morning, afternoon and evenings, please call for exact opening times. Services available include: • Hairdressing • Beauty Therapy • Pamper Days For further information call in or telephone the Salon Reception on 01476 400237. Powersport Gym The PowerSport Health and Fitness Centre is available for use by students as a group by arrangement. If you would like to use the gym facilities or interested in participating in sport and physical activity available within college contact Lynsey Coy by phone on 01476 404336 or by e-mail at lcoy@grantham.ac.uk


REFECTORY & RETAIL SERVICES Refectory at Grantham College The Refectory counter is open from 8.30am - 3.30pm for breakfast, lunch, drinks and snacks with a wide variety of meals and snacks cooked to order at competitive prices. Vending machines are in operation throughout the day for drinks and snacks.


Nixx Nixx is the perfect location to meet up for snacks and confectionery. You can also buy stationery, cards, postage stamps and many personal items you may need. Nixx sells a range of salads, panini and jacket potatoes with hot and cold fillings. Hot meals are available from 4.30pm on the evenings when the college is open. The Apple Tree Restaurant Students, staff and the general public are invited to use the Apple Tree Restaurant on the top floor of the Main Building. The Restaurant is open for lunch on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and for dinner on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings. Booking is essential and can be made by visiting the Restaurant in person or by telephoning 01476 400227. Little Gems Little Gems can be found in the reception in the main building and sells reasonably-priced goods such as jewellery, handbags, scarves, cards and seasonal gifts. Little Gems is a First Level Learning initiative, giving students the opportunity to gain invaluable skills and experience.


Smoking & Eating Policy Due to the College’s commitment to healthy living- students, staff and visitors are only able to smoke in the designated smoking area. Eating and drinking is also limited to the restaurants and cafÊs in the college. No food is to be eaten in teaching and learning areas.





After 4.30pm students may park in the college grounds - before this time this is not permitted. Additional parking can be found at the public car park situated in Welham Street, close to the main campus. Students who are disabled and have a blue badge should bring their badge with evidence of their enrolment to the IAGE desk so that permission to park can be arranged. There may be instances where internal disabled permits to park could be issued to students with health problems. Applications for such dispensation should be made directly to the Assistant Principal- Services for Students.

Whilst Grantham College respects the need for student confidentiality it must be understood that absolute confidentiality cannot always be guaranteed. Please see the Confidentiality Guidelines for staff and Confidentiality Statement on the VLE under Student Policies.

Health & Safety Each area of the college has its own regulations with regard to safe practice, and necessary safety instructions are given at the beginning and during a course. Please observe safety advice at all times. The College Health & Safety Policy is available on the VLE under Student Policies. Accidents must be reported to a member of staff or to the Health & Safety Officer immediately as they occur. Accident forms are available from Registry or Reception.

Mobile Phones Students must turn these off when they are in classes, the Library and any other open access study areas.


Smoking & Eating Policy Due to the College’s commitment to healthy living, students, staff and visitors are only able to smoke in the designated smoking area. Eating and drinking is also limited to the restaurants and cafÊs in the College. No food is to be eaten in teaching and learning areas. Accommodation Self-catering accommodation is available on campus in Sedgwick Hall and Sedgwick Mews. The College has over 70 study bedroom places available. All rooms are furnished, with Sedgwick Hall rooms having their own en-suite facilities. These rooms are open to all students who wish to live on campus. Application forms and further details of charges for college accommodation are available from the Accommodation Manager, Lucy Foster on 01476 565476.


Mental Health Services

0845 634 7650 fyp@b-eat.co.uk A UK charity for people with eating disorders and their families.

0303 123 4000 NHS psychological therapies and drug and alcohol services in Lincolnshire that can be accessed by ringing one single number.

Child Protection Helpline 0800 0560 566 A free national helpline run by the NSPCC, open to calls from adults and children concerned about actual or threatened abuse.

National Drugs Helpline

Department of Work & Pensions/Job Centre Plus

Samaritans (Grantham Branch)

0800 776 600 Nottingham Rape Crisis Centre 01159 410 440

01476 513 100 Crown House, Castlegate, Grantham NG31 6SY

08457 909 090 jo@samaritans.org 6 St Catherine’s Road, Grantham NG31 6TS

Grantham Citizens Advice Bureau

South Kesteven District Council

08701 224 422 (Advice Line) bureau@granthamcab.cabnet.org.uk 1a Castlegate, Grantham NG31 6SE

01476 406 080 frontdesk@southkesteven.gov.uk St Peter’s Hill, Grantham NG31 6PZ

Grantham Taxi Cabs

Student Loans Company Limited

01476 594 594

0845 3005 090 www.direct.gov.uk/StudentFinance

Lincolnshire Education Authority 01522 552 222 County Offices, Newland, Lincoln LN1 1YL

Headquarters 100 Bothwell Street, Glasgow G2 7JD

Lincolnshire Drug & Alcohol Action Team

Young Addaction Lincolnshire

0808 131 1113 Lincolnshiredaat@lincolnshire.gov.uk

(helping those aged under 21) 01522 301307



THINGS TO REMEMBER 1. Private Property: The college cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to personal property of students while attending college. Students are advised not to leave personal possessions in the cloakrooms, the sports changing rooms, classrooms, the Refectory, Nixx or any other public place. 2. Insurance: Students are advised to take out insurance to cover theft and damage to personal possessions, as the college insurance arrangements do not cover such items. 3. College Property: Students will be held responsible for any wilful damage done by them to college property and may have to meet the full cost of repair or replacement. 4. Alcohol/Illegal drugs: Bringing alcoholic drinks or illegal drugs onto the college premises is not allowed. Students must not consume alcoholic drinks or illegal drugs prior to attending class and risk exclusion from their course if they do. 5. Entry to Examinations: Students are responsible for ensuring that they enter for their examinations before the advertised closing date. In some cases late entries cannot be accepted. Closing dates and other details/ timetables will be placed on notice boards and it is the students’ responsibility to check them to make sure that they are entered for the correct examination. Students who withdraw from a course early may be invoiced for their examination entry fees/ registration. Students are responsible for ensuring they know times and locations of examinations and will be required to produce photo I.D. at the time of sitting examinations.


6. Health & Safety: Each area of the college has its own regulations with regard to safe practice and necessary safety instructions are given at the beginning and during a course. Please observe safety advice at all times. The College Safety Policy is available for consultation in the Library and relevant sections are issued to students. Accidents must be reported to a member of staff or to the Health & Safety Officer immediately as they occur. Accident forms are available from the Registry or Reception. 7. Attendance: The college is committed to helping all students achieve their full potential. Therefore if a student does not attend their classes it is important that the Course Leader/ Personal Tutor attempts to find out the reason for non-attendance and if appropriate take steps to ensure there is not a re-occurrence. All students will have their attendance monitored via a class register, however, if a student cannot attend for a genuine reason, guidance and advice will be offered to that student. 8. Gambling: This is strictly forbidden. Students found gambling will be subject to disciplinary action. 9. Litter: Please keep the college tidy and make sure that all litter is placed in the bins provided. Recycling bins for glass, cans, paper, cardboard and plastic are located on the campus. Please use them wherever possible. 10. Mobile Phones: Students must turn these off when they are in classes, the Library and any other open access study areas. 11. Fax Facility: You can fax the UK and abroad from Reception. There is a charge for this service.



RIGHTS & RESPONSIBILITIES Substance Misuse Guidelines


The aim of these guidelines is to provide clear information and practical guidance for students and staff who may find themselves involved in drug related situations. These guidelines will concentrate on substances taken for nonmedical reasons including solvents.

(i) Premises/Site Includes all buildings, grounds and motor vehicles parked upon Grantham College grounds including The Construction Skills Centres and Motor Vehicle Centres

Introduction Grantham College will cooperate fully with the Police Authorities in upholding the law on substance abuse, as is the legal responsibility under the Misuse of Drugs Act (1971). However, where no breach of the law is involved, the confidentiality of the students will be maintained unless there is an immediate and significant risk to the person(s) concerned, or to other users of the premises. Grantham College will endeavour, through staff training and student health education programmes to raise the awareness of drug abuse/use and its consequences. Grantham College will offer support and advice to those who use drugs but will not tolerate the supply of drugs.


(ii) Supply (or trafficking) shall mean not only the exchange of drugs for money or goods but also includes giving drugs away without charging for them (iii) Drug/Substance Refers to all controlled drugs listed under The Misuse of Drugs Act (1971) and includes all categories (A, B and C) (iv) Drug User Refers to any person taking, administering or possessing an illegal substance whilst on the premises. 1 Solvents Solvent-based products are allowed on the college premises when they are used for their intended purpose. Any student suspected or identified as misusing solvents will be dealt with accordingly (see Student Disciplinary Code). 2 Illegal Drugs • The possession and supply of illegal drugs are criminal offences • Students must not have illegal or nonmedically approved drugs on site • Students must not come on to the site under the influence of illegal drugs.

Actions 1.

In the case of visitors involved in supplying or caught in possession of drugs, details of their activity will be reported to the Principal who will take appropriate action involving the Police. 2. Any student involved in supplying drugs on the premises will be reported to the Principal and details of their activity will be passed on to the Police. The student will run the risk of facing expulsion from Grantham College. 3. For any student suspected or identified as being in possession of a drug for his/her personal use the following action will be taken: • The substance will be removed from the student • The student will be referred to either his/her Course Tutor, Assistant Principal –Services and Students or a member of staff with whom the student has a trusting relationship • The student will be offered information about support available locally, e.g. Lincolnshire Health, South Lincolnshire Counselling Service Substance Misuse (the college counselling service is available to any student wanting help with any drug-related problem) • Students will be encouraged to talk to their parents but will not be forced to do so • Students will be treated with understanding and will be supported throughout by a nominated member of staff.



STUDENT HARRASSMENT/ ANTI-BULLYING GUIDELINES The aim of these guidelines is to provide clear information and practical guidance for staff who may find themselves involved with students reporting incidents of harassment/bullying.

Definitions The College will not tolerate harassment and will act appropriately. We have identified guidelines for helping resolve any problems that may be encountered. 1.

Definition Harassment or bullying is behaviour which is objectionable and offensive, physical, verbal or non-verbal and which might threaten an individual’s security or create an intimidating or hostile environment which may hinder their performance. Introduction In accordance with its Equal Opportunities Policy and Codes of Practice, Grantham College fully supports the right of all staff and students to enjoy their time at college without fear of discrimination. It is therefore the college’s aim to provide a productive work and study environment free of harassment, intimidation and victimisation on the basis of gender, age, sexual orientation, race, faith or disability and to ensure that all its staff and students are treated with dignity and respect.


Every effort should be made to resolve the issue informally in the first instance.

2. Students may opt to: • Approach a member of staff • Approach the Students Union committee • Approach the Student Counsellor/ Personal Tutor • Approach the Assistant PrincipalServices for Students. 3. The student will be given support to approach the alleged harasser themselves, or have a student or member of staff to approach the alleged harasser on their behalf. Details of incidents and a note of any action taken will be recorded. 4. Any student or member of staff aware or involved in any incident or harassment and bullying should notify the Assistant Principal – Services for Students. 5. If the matter remains unsolved, more formal procedures will be implemented. A formal investigation will be undertaken by a committee, consisting of student representatives, a staff representative and a member of the senior management. Any upheld complaints of harassment or bullying will result in the Student Disciplinary Code being implemented.

Student Involvement

Grantham College Charter

Grantham College is committed to seeking and acting upon the views of all of its students, full and part-time.

The Grantham College Charter is about an effective partnership between staff and students based on shared understanding and commitment. We will ensure that the college is a clean, safe place for you to be and we promise to provide you with the staff and facilities to be able to study effectively and relax. In return we ask that you attend all your lessons, complete your work as requested by staff and follow the Student Code of Conduct.

We believe that by listening to you, our students, we will be more able to provide the College where you can learn and be successful. Students are able to comment on their experiences in a number of different ways: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

By completing independently organised satisfaction questionnaires Seeking election to the StAR forum or Student Union (see details on page 9) Attending the annual Student Conference Becoming a course representative and attending curriculum meetings By speaking to or emailing a member of staff.

In addition comments can be collected in a variety of less formal ways during the year. All student views are considered by college managers and feedback given to students. We will let you know what we have done in response to your requests and, where we can’t meet them, give you a reason why. If you would like to be involved in shaping the future of Grantham College please speak to your personal tutor or course leader. We would love you to be involved!

If you would like a copy of the full Charter, please ask at the Information, Advice, Guidance & Enrolment desk. Equality & Diversity The College is committed to equality of opportunity for all students irrespective of ability, race, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, religion or belief. The College is fortunate to have facilities that enable a substantial number of students with learning difficulties to attend a complete range of college courses. A copy of the College’s Equal Opportunities Policy is available in the College Library and our Equality Objectives can be found on our website.



Customer Views

Grantham College collects information about its students for administrative, academic and health & safety reasons. The College shares that information only with funding and academic bodies and releases to them only such information as is necessary for them to carry out their work. The College Data Protection Officer is the College Registrar. Enquiries on the information held and how it is used should be directed through them.

As part of our continuing commitment to provide high quality education and training, Grantham College has developed a College Charter for use in the future. Part of this development is making students aware of opportunities they have for informing the College of any issues that cause particular pleasure or concern. The views of students regarding the quality of courses are best dealt with by Course Leaders, this could be through informal discussion, course evaluations or course review meetings. If however an issue arises where a client, student or potential student, employer or parent feels that the college management needs to be made aware in order that appropriate action can be taken, then the following guidelines should be observed:

Student Disciplinary Code Summary The central principle of the disciplinary procedure is swift identification of a problem and prompt action. The Disciplinary Policy is available on the VLE under Student Policies. Student Academic Appeals Procedure Matters relating to disputes concerning marks or grades awarded on courses are dealt with separately under the Assessment Appeals Policy which can be found under Student Policies on the VLE. Entry to Examinations Students are responsible for ensuring that they enter for their examinations before the advertised closing date. Please see the Examinations (Entry & Registration) Policy on the VLE under Student Policies.


(a) It is courtesy to inform the relevant member of the college staff before a comment is made formally (b) Any comments or complaints should be made, preferably in writing, to the Principal. In the case of letters of thanks or praise to individual staff, these should be addressed to the Principal and marked for the attention of the relevant member of the college staff: this enables due recognition to be made by Senior Managers of the College (c) A complaint will be acknowledged and an investigation made, following which any action taken will be notified to the person making the complaint (d) In the event of any remaining dissatisfaction the complaint may be referred to the Chairman of the College Corporation (e) Complaint forms are available from the College Reception if required. Opportunity to comment is also available to students through the Learner Survey.

STUDENT ACADEMIC APPEALS PROCEDURE Matters relating to disputes concerning marks or grades awarded on courses, are dealt with separately under the Student Appeals Procedure (a copy of this Procedure is available in the Library and with the Information Advice & Guidance Team). A main principle of the College Appeals process is that disputes should be resolved through discussion and explanation of grades awarded, between the lecturer and the student. Academic Counselling forms are an important part of this process since appeals should only be made in circumstances where a student feels aggrieved after having gained a full understanding of the reasons for work having been awarded a particular grade. If a student wishes to make an appeal they must inform the relevant Course Leader/ Adviser or tutor/internal verifier that s/he intends to appeal against the award of a mark/ grade, within 20 days of the assessment decision. The grounds for appeal must be made, in writing, within 72 hours of the original notification. Appeals from students on courses franchised from the University of Bedfordshire and Bishop Grosseteste University are dealt with under a separate procedure, which is contained in the University and Course Handbooks.







Our Awards At the end of each academic year Grantham College celebrates the success of its students at the Annual Awards Ceremony. Each curriculum area chooses their own winners based upon students attendance, progression, achievements and extracurricular activities. The ceremony is attended by award winners, their families, college corporation members, special guests and guest speakers. It truly is a fantastic night to share your success and be proud of your time at Grantham College!


Marketing Helpers Throughout the year the college holds several open evenings and attends events in the community (e.g. Grantham Carnival) which require the help of our students. The marketing team are looking for current students who are willing to give up a few hours to help promote the college, talk to potential students about college life and give tours of the facilities during our open evenings.

Open Events

■■ September 21 2015 ■■ November 9 2015 ■■ February 1 2016 5.00–8.00pm ■■ June 25 2016 9.30–12.30pm

If you would like to help at events throughout the year (or even just one!) please contact the Marketing Team by emailing marketing@grantham.ac.uk or you can find us in Elsham House next to room 47.


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