Mt. Vernon Baptist Church Souvenir Journal 2023

Page 24

Mount Vernon Baptist Church

May 28, 2023 3:00 P.M.


The Effective Shift

“Bridging the Gap and Impacting ALL Generations

Mark 2:21 22

Guest Speaker

Dr. George C. Miller, III BA, M.Div., MBA, D.Min.

Compassionate Life Church

Evans, Georgia

Reverend Javon Jackson, Pastor

Deacon Antonio Lewis, Sr., Chairman Board of Deacons

Sister Beverly Mitchell, Chairperson Board of Trustees

Our Guest Speaker

Compassionate Life Church

Reverend Dr. George C. Miller, III isthehusbandofReverendCheriVivetteMillerandthe proud father of five young sons, George C. Miller, IV, Charles Preston Miller, Robert James Miller, Carter Ashton Miller, and Jefferson Reid Miller. Born the oldest of four children in WashingtonD.C.toDeaconGeorgeC.Miller,Jr.,andReverendNawannaL.Miller,heaccepted Christattheearlyageofseven.Dr.MillerwasspirituallyrearedintheMetropolitanBaptist Church in Washington, D.C., under the pastorate of the renowned Reverend Dr. H. Beecher Hicks, Jr. He grew up exposed on a very personal level to some of the greatest theological minds and preachers in the country. It was in this environment that the calling of his life wasnurturedandcultivated.Asaboy,hegainedfirsthandexperienceintherigorsof"urban ministry"ashe observedhismother,apreacher,andpastor,ministeringtothoseinneed.

On March 3, 2002, Dr. Miller publicly confessed his call to the Gospel ministry. On May 19, 2002, he earned the Bachelor of Arts Degree in Business Administration from Morehouse CollegeinAtlanta,Georgia.Hemountedthepulpitlessthananhourlatertopreachhisfirst sermon. Hewas officially licensed that day to the Gospel ministry by the Messiah's Temple Christian Ministries, founded by his mother. In May 2005, he was awarded the Master of Divinity Degree from the prestigious Candler School of Theology at Emory University in Atlanta, GA. Additionally, Dr. Miller has obtained a Master of Business Administration Degree from Augusta University in Augusta, Georgia. He has also completed his Doctor of Ministry Degree at the Interdenominational Theological Center in Atlanta, Georgia. His dissertation was entitled "Anointed and Autistic: A Ministry Guide for Children Diagnosed withAutismSpectrumDisorder."

In August of 2005, Reverend Miller was ordained by the Mount Carmel Baptist Church in Charlotte, North Carolina, where Reverend Casey R. Kimbrough is the Senior Pastor. UponreturningtoAtlanta,Georgia,heassumedtheroleofSeniorPastorofMessiah's Temple. His gifts made room for him, and God used his ministerial experience and keenbusinessknowledgetremendously. Duringhisthree-yearpastorateatMessiah's Temple,Godblessedasmanysoulsweresavedandmanyliveswerechanged.

InSeptember2007,heacceptedapositionastheExecutivePastoroftheHistoricTabernacle Baptist Church of Augusta, Georgia. There he served that body of believers faithfully for eightyears.InAugust2015,Dr.MillerwascalledbytheElimBaptistChurchtoserveastheir SeniorPastor.DuringhistimeatElim,manysoulswereaddedtotheBodyofChrist,andthe congregationgrewinmultipleways.Heservedthatcongregationfaithfullyforalmostseven years.

In April 2022, Pastor Miller and his wife organized and launched the Compassionate Life Church in Columbia County, Georgia. In a very short time, this community of faith has growntremendouslyandcontinuestothriveandevolve.

Dr. Miller is also a public-school teacher, college professor, licensed real estate agent, high schoolfootballcoachandprovidesleadershiponnumerousboardsandorganizations.Even withallhedoesandhasaccomplished,Dr.Millerandhiswifelivewiththephilosophythat whatever they do and wherever they go, they go as servants sent by God "to serve their generation"(Acts13:36).



IntroductionofWorshipLeaders ......................................................................................SisterTonyaGeter


Pastor&Mrs.DonaldLong,Sr FellowshipBaptistChurch

CongregationalHymn ...........................................................................................................................Hymn#30 “WeHaveComeIntoThisHouse”


Prayer .....................................................................................................................................DeaconYuleMitchell

Selection ...................................................................................................... CompassionateLifeChurchChoir

HistoricalHighlights .........................................................................................................................ReadSilently


MemorialHymn "TheDayIsPastandGone" LinedbyDeaconJamesBrantley Choir&Congregation

SpecialRecognition....................................................................................................... DeaconAntonioLewis

Offering Mt.VernonTrustees OfferingSelection-GuestChoir


IntroductionofMessenger ReverendJavonJackson Pastor

Selection .......................................................................................................CompassionateLifeChurchChoir

Message..........................................................................................................ReverendDr.GeorgeC.Miller,III CompassionateLifeChurch

InvitationtoDiscipleship ReverendDr.Miller

Remarks.......................................................................................................................................SisterTonyaGeter Chair,93rdAnniversaryCommittee


Benediction ReverendDr.GeorgeC.Miller,III

~ Dinner Will Be Served ~

93rd Church Anniversary Committee


The93rd ChurchAnniversaryCommitteeandtheMountVernonBaptistChurch familyextendourmostheartfeltappreciationforyourpresenceandyoursupport today. We are blessed to have you worship with us as visitors on such a special occasion. We thank God for Reverend Dr. George C. Miller, IIIand the CompassionateLifeChurchfamilyforjoiningusontoday. Toourworshipleaders, Reverend & Mrs. Donald Long, Sr., thank you for taking on the task. With you all asourguests,thisanniversaryservicehasbeenasuccess. Mt.Vernon, thankyouforyourdedicationandsupportforallrolesplayedinassistingwith thisyear’sChurch Anniversary. AspecialnoteofthankstoReverendMillicent West for your helping us put this program together. We could not have done withoutyou. Continuetoprayforusandwewillcontinuetoprayforyou. We ask and encourage you to patronize the businesses who have supported this servicebysubmittingadsforouranniversarybooklet.


“Commit to the Lord whatever you do, ”

In 1927, the late Rev. G. H. Wingfield started a community church school in a one-room house locatedonThirdAvenue.ChildrenbegancomingtoChristinsuchnumbersthatwehadtomoveto a three-room house on First Avenue. We had high-spirited services and there were times the housebegantorockandshake.Thecongregationcontinuedtogrowuntilwedidn'thaveenough room to worship. The request was made to Rev. G.H. Wingfield that we wanted a church. Rev. Wingfield respondedtoourrequestandwenttoRev.CharlesWilliamstoobtainpermissionfrom himtoorganizeone.

The church was organized on Wednesday, April 2, 1930. Those present were Reverends G. H. Wingfield, P.A. Green, O. C. Parker, and Eddie Williams; Deacons Willie Bogan and Henry Grier; Brothers Johnny Bostic and Earl Fryer; Sisters Delia Derricott, Lizzie Bynes, Georgia Williams, FrancesWilliams,MargaretBogan,MamieThomas,IreneGrier,IdaBogan,MamieLouWingfield, Ida Bostic, and Ellen Peterson. Children present were Henry Wingfield, William Bostic, Thelma Wingfield, Johnnie Mae Bostic, and Richard (Jack) Bynes. The Rev. O.C. Parker presided. Deacon Henry Grier named the church - Mount Vernon Baptist Church. There was not a church nearby withthatname.Rev.EddieWilliamsprayed,andRev.P.A.Greendeliveredthesermon.

After the sermon, the doors of the church were opened. The following people joined: Sis. Lizzie Bynes, Sis.MargaretBogan, SisGeorgia Williams, andSis. FrancesWilliams. Rev.G. H. Wingfield wascalledasPastorandtheRev.P.A.GreenledhimtothepulpitandpresentedhimwithaBible. TheserviceclosedwithasonganddismissalprayerbyRev.O.C.Parker.Followingthedismissal,a repast was served. Sis Ellen Peterson, Sis. Ida Bostic, and Sis. Ida Bogan provided and served coffee, condiments, and food. We continued to worship in the old three-room house until we purchasedahousefromDeaconMalTubman.Thishousewastorndownandanewchurchbuilt to serve Almighty God. Mr. Willie Parks framed the first church while staying at the home of Deacon and Sister Willie (Ida) Bogan until he completed his work. Shortly after completion, we moved into the church. The church had no windows or doors and we had boards nailed against thewallsforseats, kerosenelamps hungonthewallsforlight, anda pot-belliedcoalheater was usedtokeepuswarm.Manysoulsweresaved,andmemberswereaddedtothefold.

In 1979, Rev. Cook presented to the church the consideration of possibly purchasing Calvary BaptistChurch.Negotiationsandprogrammaticinterventionsbeganwiththefollowingpeoplein pursuit: Rev. F. Francis Cook, E. L. Thomas, Bernice Bogan, John Swint, Henry Howard, Henry Brooks, Charles Walker, and Dr. Raymond Bard.

The amount of$175,000.00wasagreeduponbetweentheofficersofCalvaryBaptistChurchand Mt.VernonBaptistChurch. WesharedoccupancywithCalvaryBaptistChurchuntilEasterSunday 1980, when we permanently relocated to this building (1930 Olive Road). When we made this journey,wehadatotalof18consistentpayingmembers.Rev.CookcontinuedtoserveasPastor untilhisresignationin1981.

From the beautiful beginnings to where we are today…there is a lot of rich history in

• SisElizabethChapmanbecametheSundaySchoolSuperintendentin1943. Sis.Chapman servedinthiscapacityforfifty-fouryears.

• In 1949, Sister Bernice Bogan, Minister of Music, began playing piano for the church at theageofnine.ShecontinuestoplayforMt.VernonBaptistChurchtoday.

• The Southside Tutorial Program, Inc., which is housed at the Mt. Vernon Baptist Church was establishedin1995. Thetutorialprogramencompassesgradelevelssecondthrough twelfthandallacademicareasaresupported.

• ThelateMotherIdaBoganwho wasthelastfoundingmemberpassedaway October21, 2007,onemonthfromtheageof102yearsold.

• The late Deacon Harvey Fields was a lifelong member of the church and served as SuperintendentofSundaySchoolsince1997. HecoordinatedanddirectedVacationBible SchoolandwasMiddayBibleStudyTeacherfortwenty-three(23)years.

• Asan annualchurch accomplishmentMt. Vernonprovidesscholarshipstostudentswho attendliberalandacademiccolleges,and/ortechnicalcolleges.

• In2005,undertheinspirationoftheHolySpirit,Mrs.JanieGreen,withthesupportofour dearlatePastorMarvinL.McRae,Sr.theVoicesofMt.Vernonwasstarted. OnNovember 16,2008,theYouthChoirofMt.VernonwasrenamedtheMarvinL.McRae,Sr.Memorial Choir.ThechoirwasdedicatedonMay22,2009.

• November15,2009,Sis.MarilynG.Heathwaslicensedasaministerunderthepastorate ofReverendChavousBoyd.

• MountVernonnowhasapresenceontheWorldWideWebwiththelaunchingofthenew church website: The website went “live” on the firstSundayinMay2012.

• In2013,thechurchrenamedthefinancecommitteeroomastheDeaconTheodoreMiller TrusteeRoom.

• ThechurchvotedMrs.LizzieNeelytobecometheChurchMotherin2013.

• InNovember2015,Mrs.MinnieLewiswasnamedChurchMother.

• In 2015, the old original cornerstone located at our previous house of worship on First Avenue was removed and relocated to our current address and was installed as an activityforthechurch’s85th Anniversary.

• In 2019, it was noted that the late Sister Willie Mae Chandler was our oldest church memberwhopassedawayat theageof one-hundredand six(106)yearsold. While she wasable,shewasafaithfulanddedicatedmemberoftheBoardofUshers.

• 2019Duringthe89thChurchAnniversary,thelateTrusteeSlaughterwashonoredforhis initiativeofprovidingthefirst$1,000.00towardtheacquisitionofanelevator.ADedicationPlaquewasplacedoverthedooroftheelevatorinhonorofTrusteeSlaughter.Even before his death, Trustee Slaughter continued to have Mt Vernon on his mind. He made the church beneficiary of a substantialmonetary contribution that was presented tothe churchbyhiswifefollowinghisdeath.

• ThelateSisterMargaretChapman,sofondlyknownas“Dot”,heldthepositionofChurch Clerk,keepingimpeccablerecordsandservinginthatcapacityforthirty-three(33)years until2020. SisterGerriBoganwasnewlyelectedasChurchClerkandSisterValerie McGaheewaselectedAssistantChurchClerk.

• ThelateSisterMargaretChapman,sofondlyknownas“Dot”,wastheChurchClerkandhad servedinthatcapacityforthirty-three(33)yearsandkeptimpeccablerecords. SisterGerri BoganwasnewlyelectedasChurchClerkandSisterValerieMcGaheewaselectedAssistant ChurchClerk.


PraiseGodfromwhomallblessingsflowforthechurchtocelebrateanotheryearforatotalof ninety-three(93)years. OurPastor,ReverendJavonJacksonhasgivenhisvisionofRefresh andS.H.I.F.T(Seeking Him Intentionally For Transformation).


• Theinternetservicehasbeenupgraded

• SundaymorningworshipserviceandWisdomWednesdayeveningbiblestudycan beheardviaconferencecallandseenonFacebookandYouTube.

• FacemaskshavebeenprovidedbytheHealthcareMinistry

• Thevestibulehasbeenpainted

• ThePastor’sofficehasbeencompletelyrefurbished

• Theaudiosystemhasmadesomeimprovementswithadditionalmicrophones

• Effortsareinprogresstoinstallvideosystemandupgradedaudiosystem.

• Thewroughtironhandrailstothestepsleadingtothechoirstandandsanctuaryon bothsideshavebeenextendedtoincreasesafetyfactors

• Anunsafehandrailonthefrontstepsleadingtotheentryofthesanctuaryhasbeen removed

• TheAEDhasbeenreturnedtooperationalstatusbyreplacingtheexpiredpads

• Thesanctuarycarpet,pews,coveredchairsandthecarpetinthevestibulehave beencleanedandscotchguardappliedasappropriate

• Asanitizingequipmenthasbeenpurchased

• ThesanctuaryhasbeensanitizedeachweekpriortoSundaymorningworship service

• Anewkeyboardhasbeenpurchased

• Anewfaxmachinehasbeenpurchased

• Adamagedroofhasbeenreplaced

• Effortsarebeingmadewithaplumbingcompanytoclearastopped-updrainthat preventswaterontheparkinglottodrain.

WethankGodfortheadditionofthree(3)memberstothechurch’scongregation:two(2)by ChristianExperienceandone(1)renewedmembership.

WealsothankGodforthesoulswhohavedepartedthislifeandgoneontoreceivetheirjust reward:




WepraythatwewillcontinuetobeledbyourPastorashereceivesdivineguidanceand inspirationfromGodaswemeetthevisionofTheEffectiveShift.

Pastors That Have Served













Reverend Javon Jackson servesasthecurrentPastoroftheMountVernonBaptistChurch. Heaccepted“TheCall”. OnJanuary1,2022,Rev.Jacksonofficiallybecame“ThePastorElect” andonApril24,2022,Rev.JacksonwasinstalledasPastorofTheMt.VernonBaptistChurch.

Deacons that have Served/Serving

Deacons Willie Bogan, Shepherd Wright, Ed Screven, Leon Hurst, AllenPryor,RichardBynes, AbrahamDunn,MessiahConley,AndrewBogan, BennieHolmes, Garnett Johnson,GeneJones, Johnnie Bokknight, Roy Mutch, Leroy Glover, Mackie Sinkler, Joe Francis, Flenoise Torrence, Tommie Sampson, Jr. RaleighWaltower, Kenneth Davis, WilliamJordan, Harvey Fields, Lindsey Fielding, Rodney Geter, Bobby McDaniel, James E. Blocker, Shaun Thomas, and Karl Moody,Sr. Currently serving:DeaconsAntonioLewis(Chairman),YuleMitchell(ViceChair), RubenChapman,III,JamesBrantley,DarrylPatterson,DavidWilliams,Sr.,andDonDavis.

Trustees That Have Served/Serving

Trustees TheodoreMiller,JohnnieMaePatterson,CharlesWalker, ThomasGreen,Shaunda Bender,HaroldWright,ValerieMcGahee,BerniceBogan,CarrieWillingham,andBeverly Mitchell, whocurrentlyservesastheChair.

Rev. Fred F. Cook Rev. F. Francis Cook Rev. Dr. Marvin L. McRae




*Deceased members since the last Church Anniversary - May 22, 2020*

David Bailey

Phillip Barnes

Shaquetta Barnes

Ella Barnes

Lottie Bell

James Blocker

Andrew Bogan*

Ida Bogan

Margaret Bogan

Willie Bogan

Ola M. Bokknight

Johnny Bokknight, Sr.

Edna Bostic

Johnnie Brown

Barbara Brown

Dororthy Butler

Elizabeth Chapman

Margaret Chapman

Willie Mae Chandler

Ruth Clanton

Sue Coleman

Messiah Conley

Millie Conley

Mary Alice Cook

Jency Crumble

Estella Crumbley

Duboise Curry

James Daggett

Calvin Daniels

Bernard Daughtery

Elnora Davis

Rebecca Davis

Helen Dent

Delia Derricott

Roberta Dixon

Abraham Dunn

Effie Lou Dunn

Harvey Fields

Elizabeth Foreman

Eddie Green

Roosevelt Foreman

Earnestine Francis

Elijah Freeman

Eva Freeman

Isaiah Freeman

Earl Fryer

Vinnie Mae Gibson

Willie Mae Gleason

Camilla Goolsby

Lue Green

Mary Green

Thomas Green

Thomas Green, Jr.

Willie Green, Jr.

Henry Grier

Tommie Gulley

Gloria Harris

Gwendolyn Hatney

Leroy Heath

Annie Hendrix

Walter Hendrix

Curtis Herrington

Cathy Hicks

Lillie Walker-Higgins

Hattie Hudson*

Virgil Hudson

Leon Hurst

Amanda Jackson

Christine Jacobs

Sheila Jacobs

Fannie Johnson

Lizzie Johnson

Mary E. Johnson

Nora Johnson

Katherine Jones

Robert Jones

Paul Kelly

Irene King

Hazel Kyler

Melvin Lattimore

Georgene Lawson

Anna Lowe

Ella Lowe

Thomas Lowe

Mary Mack

Bobby McDaniel

Johnnie Mae McFadden

Dorothy McGahee

Florie Mears

Frank Mears

Theodore Miller

Johnny Mills

Willie Mims

Sylvester Moody

Calvin Mutch

Mattie Mutch

Abbey Myles

Lizzie Neely

Willie Mae Odom

Robert “Chop” Oliver

Johnnie Mae Patterson

Eddie Roberts

Michael Rodgers

Isabella Royal

Mack Royal

Eartha Sampson

Tommie Sampson, Jr.

Susie Schofield

Douglas Scott*

Ed Screven

Betty Sheets

Roosevelt Slaughter

Joe Smiley

Annie B. Smith

Jackie Smith

Leroy Steed

Cleo J. Stone

Ages Streeter*

Anna Suber

Elizabeth Swint

John Swint

Rev. Dr. Sam Tanksley

Allen Thomas, Jr.

Annie Thomas

Charles Thomas

Ethel Thomas

E. L. Thomas, Jr.

E. L. Thomas, Sr.

Lindsey Thomas

Lorenzo Thomas

Maggie Thomas

Ruth Thomas

Rev. R. F. Thompson

Flenoise Torrence

Lillie Walker

Mary Walker

Raleigh Waltower

Alberta Washington

Norean Wheat

David White

Ida Ruth White

Frances Williams

Georgia Williams

Josephine Williams*

Julian Williams

Mable Williams

Mary Williams

Mary Lou Williams

Rev. Roosevelt Williams

Tina Y. Williams

Eugene Willingham

Nona Wingfield

Rubye Wooden

Shepherd Wright

Leroy Young

Happy 93rd Church Anniversary Mount Vernon Baptist Church Zions Barber & Shoeshine 116 James Brown Blvd. Augusta GA 30901 (706) 421-2134


“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. ~ Jeremiah 29:11


B.S. Criminal Justice

May 11, 2023 @ 10:00am

Stevi(Sissy) B.S. Kinesiology

May 13, 2023 @ 3:00pm

They Understood the Assignment!

Happy 93rd Church Anniversary Mt. Vernon Baptist Church

Dad, Nana Khaos
We love you! Mom,

Happy 93rdAnniversary from the Burke County Sheriff’s Department


JustastheSonofMandidnotcometobeserved,butto serve,andtogivehislifeasaransomformany.”
Alfonzo Williams, Sheriff

You will forever be embedded in my heart. You are dearly missed. Gone but never forgotten.

Elephant in the Room Counseling Services, LLC Whatwespecializein: AngerManagement MarriageandPremarital CouplesCounseling Individuals Adolescents Families EMDR PTSD 2101Central Avenue Augusta,GA30904 (M)706.750.2809 (F)706.496.7860 (O)706.814.5217 Website: Facebook: ElephantInTheRoomCounseling In Loving Memory of My Beloved Parents Willie and
Bertha Green
Congratulations Mount Vernon Baptist Church on Celebrating 93 Years of Church Service Tyjuan Williams, DMD 4045 Jimmie Dyess Pkwy #103 Augusta, GA 30909 (706) 868 – 4200


To the Bogan Family and the Mt. Vernon Baptist Church

On your 93rd Anniversary

“For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” ~ Romans 8: 38, 39

May God Bless You!

Mr. and Mrs. Willie J. Harris and Family

Ms. Mamie L. Garnett

Ms. Venita D. Garnett

- Lincolnton, GA -

In Loving Memory of

Thank you to our cousin, Tonya Geter, for inviting us to worship with the Mount Vernon Church Family.

Through the grace of God, you are celebrating 93 years of spiritual service and we wish you many more.

In Memory of my Mother, Father, Sister &


The Hairston Family

I love and miss you all, Vera H. Davis

Mr. & Mrs. Wille & Bertha Green

Mr. & Mrs. Willie & Bertha Green

Papa & Granny

Papa & Granny

“Gone but Not Forgotten.”

Gone but Not Forgotten.

We Love You!

We Love You!

Stevie, Terri, Davis & Sissy

Stevie, Terri, Davis & Sissy

Happy 93rd Anniversary Mount Vernon Baptist Church Marion E. Barnes Career Center 1701 15 Augusta, GA 30901 ~ Barry, Nanette, Meka, JerMicheal,

In Loving Memory of My Family

Rev. AC. Williams

Frances Youmans

Lula Lovell Rouse

Marian Marie Edwards


By the BEST For 93 Years

Thou you had to leave, you are always in my heart.

Sara Vera Taylor

Wishing the Lewis Family and the Mt. Vernon Church Family a Happy 93rd Church Anniversary





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You have been a great light in our community for a long time, continue as the Bible commands in Matthew 5:16, "Let Your Light So Shine Before Men That They May See Your Good Works and Glorify Your Father Which is in Heaven". We pray God continue to bless and strengthen you.

The Deaconess of Mt. Vernon Baptist Church

And I heard a voice from heaven Saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead Which die in the Lord From henceforth: yea, saith the Spirit, that they May rest from their labors; And their works do follow them”

Revelation 14:13

In loving memory of our loved ones:

Parents and Grandparents

Reverend George H. Wingfield (1885 – 1968)

Sister Nona B. Wingfield (1900 – 1985)

Brother and Uncle John Wingfield (1942 – 2022)

Submitted by Georgene W. Crawford, Daughter and Sister

Edward Crawford, Grandson and Nephew

Congratulations to the Mt. Vernon Baptist Church Family on your 93rd Church Anniversary.
Sunrise Sunset July 31, 1928 September 22, 2018


Mt. Vernon Baptist Church



In Loving Memory of Our



Juanita Reeves

Clarence Dunbar Ayers

Catherine B. Dunbar

George W. Dunbar Jr.

Johnson, Dunbar, Vanessa Dunbar and Horace Dunbar



'TheLordPromisesInJeremiah33:6ThatHeWill ProvideHealthAndHealing,HeIsOurSourceof HealthAndWeAreAbleToDependOnHisWord ForStrengthAndRestoration. WhatIsThis?'

'Proverbs4:20-22AlsoEncouragesUs ToPayAttentionToTheWordofGod.'

'3John1:2~BelovedIWishAboveAllThings ThouMayestProsperAndBeInGoodHealth AsThySoulProspereth.'

Healthcare Ministry Members






New Members Are Welcome.

Deacon Andrew Thomas Bogan, Sr.

July 16, 1938 -

June 23, 2021

In Memory of Our Dearly Beloved Brother. We Miss You So Very Much. You Are Gone But Will Never Be Forgotten. Your Sisters


Mary “Margaret”


Ninety-Three Years Ago, Mt. Vernon Began With A Community Sunday School.

Sunday School Is The Best Structured Program In The Church For Effectively Carrying Out The Teaching Ministry of Christ. Instead of Being An Agency That Separate From The Church, It Is A Vital Arm.

The Four Distinct Areas of The Sunday School Ministry:

 The Reaching Arm of The Church

 The Teaching Arm of The Church

 The Winning Arm of The Church

 The Caring Arm of The Church

Begin Your Sunday Service With Sunday School.

In Loving Memory of

Thomas Lowe, Jr. and Robert Oliver, Jr.

You Are Gone But Will Never Be Forgotten. We Love You and You Are Sorely Missed.

Parents: Mr. Thomas Lowe, Sr.

Mrs. Ola Lowe

Ms. Gwendolyn Oliver

Aunts: Bernice Bogan

Mary “Margaret” Bogan

Cousin: Ms. Gerri Bogan

Young People's Ministry: Christian training, education, development and spiritual growth of young people ages Ministers' Wives and Ministers' Widow Ministry.

(Mission in Action) Ministry ~ 26-46 Age Group

Senior Mission 47+ ~ Age Group

Home Mission Ministry

Women of Excellence Ministry

Singles Ministry

Business and Professional Women Ministry


In Memory of Our Loving Father

Shall Give Them at That Day."

Mt. Vernon Baptist Church We

Congratulations to our friend Bernice Bogan and to the Mount Vernon Baptist Church Family as they celebrate 93 years of

’ve Come This Far by Faith

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