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Editor In Chief

New Years Resolution? Stop stalking my boyfriend’s exes on Instagram. Have you succeeded? Surprisingly, yes. Give it another month though. Worst part about the past decade? I mean climate change has really done a number on us, hasn’t it? Deputy Editor
New Years Resolution? Learn to say more in Spanish than just “porque no los dos.” Have you succeeded? No hablo español. Worst part about the past decade? 2016. The whole year. All of it.

Creative Director

New Years Resolution? Become a more organised person Have you succeeded? If I had kept track of this in an organised or meaningful way I would be able to tell you Worst part about the past decade? At the start of the decade I was a ten-year-old whose only worry was not getting home in time to watch Yu-Gi-Oh after swimming practice. Now I’m a twenty-year-old whose biggest worry of many is straight up climate apocalypse. That. Deputy Creative Director
New Years Resolution? To go to bed earlier and be less sleep deprived Have you succeeded? As it is currently 3am while I write this … no. Worst part about the past decade? Succumbing to the galaxy leggings trend of 2012, which is unfortunately fully documented on my friend’s ipod touch

News Editor

New Years Resolution? Tell people around me that I love them more often. Have you succeeded? My housemate keeps running into his room screaming, “I’m uncomfortable!” everytime I tell him I love him. I’ve finally found a way to keep him enclosed so he doesn’t leave dirty dishes everywhere. Worst part about the past decade? Antibiotic resistance, because we’re all going to die this decade. Features/Creatives Editor
New Years Resolution? Make a decision. Any decision. JUST. MAKE. IT. Have you succeeded? Relatively yes, but crossed fingers for more! Worst part about the past decade? A humidified fringe during Year 12 photo day. Fin.
Regulars Editor

New Years Resolution? Stop comparing myself to others Have you succeeded? I’ve embraced my inner narcissist and decided to focus solely on myself. Every time I look at myself and pick apart my image I think about whether I would say that to someone else. To which the answer is yes because when it comes down to it, I’m judgey as hell. Worst part about the past decade? I was going to say the election of Donald Trump but then I remembered when Manila Luzon was robbed on Drag Race All Stars 4. I still think about this when I wander to the fridge at night.

New Years Resolution? For me, the imminent new decade made me wanna stray from the norm... This year I’m making the usual, unusual. Have you succeeded? I’m working on it... Setting goals! Taking something constant and doing it differently. No more going through the motions, I’m really LIVING this decade. Worst part about the past decade? The Vampire Diaries getting cancelled. NO, I’M NOT OVER IT.

Regulars Editor for Issue 1
New Years Resolution? Try doing yoga Have you succeeded? Does watching a ten minute youtube tutorial on 2x speed because you’re too impatient count? Worst part about the past decade? Keeping up to date with US politics in 2017 while trying to do the HSC was a big yikes... Online Editor