Grapeshot Magazine | 'Fetch'

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Grapeshot Issue 2 (Pop Culture) released








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‘The Australia We Love’ event by MQU sustainability (Atrium, 2-4pm)



Last date to add external unit(s) Submission Deadline Issue 2




Pop to Popism @ NSW Art Gallery ends

Last date to add internal unit(s) to your program (MQU)

Sydney Mardi Gras International Parade Women’s Day














Final show @ the Tate Gallery

Vance Joy @ Enmore Theatre




Earth Hour (8.30pm)


World Water Day


Do you have an upcoming event? Let us know and we’ll do our best to include it in our calendar. Email

















IN 2015































Okay, let’s be honest with ourselves ... Most New Years resolutions are lame and seldom materialise. To be fair, however, our New Years resolution definitely followed in that vein. Our quest was to become the hottest student magazine in North Ryde (because, let’s face it, there are a lot of hot student magazines in the suburb) and we encountered plenty of obstacles, such as how does one write an article that is hot (or at least, lukewarm), and what colours and visuals actually count as ‘hot’? We knew something had to change, but what would it be? In the end, we opted to change everything. Our old logo went out the door and we even changed the damn size of the magazine, just because we could. We hope you will think ‘noice work’, rather than ‘what on earth have you done to our beloved student rag?! Think of the children!’ Our figurative blood, sweat and tears have gone into making this happen, and after mishaps and misfires, we have finally produced it. So, Fetch, huh? What’s that all about? It seems like an odd title for a fresh new look but actually, it makes a whole lot of sense to us. Macquarie University has gone through a lot of changes in the past few years with 2015 showcasing a big visual change. Fetch signified for us the concept of bringing the old back with the


new. We are still the same old magazine but with a new look and a new team. Fetch is also a synonym for ‘hot’, according to Urban Dictionary, so we hit two birds with the one stone right there. Resolution completed! It was a task convincing some that we were finally going to make Fetch happen (where Gretchen Wieners could not), but if you are reading this, then I guess we won. None for you, Gretchen Wieners. In terms of the actual content in the magazine, it’s more of the same but with a little more sass and a pinch of irony. We have included the more serious articles for those that want to read the issues that plague humankind, but at the end of the day, we are all just students who want a little bit of fun, so we included a bunch of lighthearted articles that carry little meaning as well. If you are looking for some games then skip about forty or so pages and head straight to the back, we won’t judge. If you’re looking for some serious feature articles on pressing international matters, pick up a copy of the NY Times, I hear they’re good at doing that (or alternatively, head to our Features starting on page 20). However, if you are down for some news stories (from page 4), or regular columns written by some of your peers (from page 14), then please take the time to flick a few pages to the right and appreciate the immense effort and time that our editors, designers and contributors put in. Without them, this issue would not be too hot to handle. It’s pretty damn fetch.

EDITORIAL & CREATIVE PRODUCTION EDITOR IN CHIEF Sarah Basford DEPUTY EDITOR Regina Featherstone FEATURES EDITOR Jack Cameron-Stanton NEWS EDITOR Anna Glen REGULARS EDITOR Vanessa Capito COPY EDITOR Amelia van der Rijt WEB EDITOR Raelee-Jordan Lancaster EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS Nicholas Wasiliev Aswathi Neelakandan CREATIVE DIRECTOR Natasha Michels GRAPHIC DESIGNER Samuel Ip MARKETING TEAM ADVERTISING MANAGER Michael Rosser MARKETING MANAGER Joanna Marciniak OUR AWESOME CONTRIBUTORS Alia Alidenes, Neha Babu, Ellen Kirkpatrick, Michael Maglis, Joshua McInnes, Nicholas Rider, Alicia Scott, Sharmaine Spencer, Charlie Smith, Tony Zhang. EDITORIAL REVIEW BOARD STUDENT MEMBERS Emma Grimly, Jack Morgan, Jacob Rock, Kris Gilmour, Natalie Morton, Patrick Barkachi, Sarah Cameron, Yi Wong COORDINATOR Melroy Rodriques PUBLISHER Craig Oliver The publication team acknowledges the Darug Aboriginal people as the traditional custodians of the land on which Macquarie University is situated.





Plastic bottles have now overtaken cigarette butts as the most littered item in Sydney. To address this problem the City of Sydney introduced reverse vending machines in 2014, where an empty drink container could give you the chance to win rewards such as tickets to Moonlight Cinema, food vouchers or a bridge climb. The machines can be found at bus stand C on Alfred Street, Circular Quay and in the Dixon Street mall, Haymarket. This incentive foreshadowed Mike Baird’s announcement in January of this year that a ‘cash for containers’ scheme would be introduced in NSW, with the rebate likely to be 10 cents per article. A similar scheme was implemented in South Australia and rapidly increased the amount of recycling in that state – South Australia now has double the rate of recycling compared to the rest of the country.

However there are some useful new added features; lectures can now be downloaded as podcasts and there is a calendar that can be used to keep your crazy academic life organised. The new logo for Macquarie – which is actually goes back to the old lighthouse – can be seen in the top right hand corner.


Netflix is arriving in Australia at the end of March, and is expected to cost $9.99. But don’t get too excited. The choice of shows will not be nearly as exhaustive as the American and British versions because Murdoch’s Foxtel still has rights to many popular TV programs, including Orange is the New Black and House of Cards.


You may have noticed that iLearn looks a little different. Don’t panic, because functionally, it’s practically the same as it was before.


March 8 is International Women’s Day. Introduced in 1977 by the United Nations, the day is designed to celebrate the achievement of women economically, socially and politically as well as push for greater equality. The theme for 2015 is ‘Make it happen’ and the Opera House will be holding an #allaboutwomen event with popular feminist speakers such as Anita Sarkeesian, Clementine Ford and Jane Caro.



We can expect an increasing presence of technology in our classrooms, a trend that has been rapidly growing in recent decades. Education is adopting a myriad of technological and web-based applications to change the experience and dynamic of learning for both current and future students across primary, seondary and teritary levels. Almost a decade ago, the NMC Horizon project, run by an organisation which ‘charts the landscape of emerging technologies for teaching, learning, and creative inquiry’ across the world, predicted the widespread incorporation of Web 2.0 and similar technologies as a tool to stimulate a new sort of learning experience for the classroom. And this is exactly what happened. Take, for instance, how the use of iLearn has changed the way we as students engage in a social and collaborative context. Students interact with their peers and lecturers largely through iLearn rather than in the classroom. Programs such as Echo360 – which can now be downloaded as podcasts – have greatly reduced student numbers in lecture theatres, a space that was traditionally utilised for social interaction. For 2015, the Horizon Report predicts that mobile learning, ‘BYOD’ (Bring your own device), cloud computing, virtual reality, and wearable technology

will be introduced in the next few years. Just as the implications of Web 2.0 were perceived a decade ago, these innovations may seem ahead of their time, however they are already starting to be realised in some jurisdictions. Some units at Macquarie University already prescribe that laptops need to be brought to class, which is in line with the rise of ‘bring your own device’ requirements. In 2014 there was a ‘#glassmeetup’ in Canberra to discuss how Google Glass – a ‘wearable technology’ – could be used in an educational context. The Google Glass event was also live streamed to 500 viewers from Australia, New Zealand and the USA, demonstrating the wide interest in the area. The implication and use of these technologies is contentious, and academics have responded to the introduction of shared, collaborative-based learning and teaching with mixed responses. Some are wary of the impact this may have on the relations between students and lecturers on the ground level, with studies in the UK finding that technology may act as a ‘barrier’ and damage the traditional bond between students and teachers. Others, such as Catherine McLoughlin from the Australian Catholic University and Mark Lee from Charles Sturt University, are more positive, suggesting new technologies will deter students from being ‘passive consumers of content” and allow them to “engage with knowledge’ instead. Whatever the future of technology in the classroom or lecture theatre may be, it is important that as students, we consider how technology affects our university experience, and not accept it merely because it is convenient to do so.


student, Liam Hawke, believes that Tony Abbott’s complete lack of action towards climate change is unfortunate. “The only silver lining in the political landscape right now is that climate policy is very much a part of national conversation … this can only be good for future action,” Liam says.

TEMPERATURES RISE AS GOVERNMENT TURNS COLD ON GLOBAL WARMING WORDS || ALICIA SCOTT While it is often absent from Australia’s mainstream media, the seriousness of climate change is a tremendous issue that is increasingly difficult to ignore. Earlier this year, NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration revealed 2014 was the hottest year globally since records began. Meanwhile, Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology announced 2014 was our country’s third hottest year, with 2013 recorded as the hottest. This news was delivered a week after bushfires ravaged through parts of South Australia and Victoria. Thousands of firefighters battled extreme blazes over three days, which ultimately burned over 14,500 hectares in both states combined. Whilst specific events cannot be attributed to climate change, bushfires and heatwaves are occurring more frequently as a result of a steadily warming climate. Many Australians, particularly the elderly, farmers, and outdoor workers, are struggling to deal with haphazard weather patterns and soaring temperatures. All the while our Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, continues to downplay what has been described as the biggest challenge the world has ever faced. Member of the Australian Youth Climate Coalition (AYCC) and Macquarie University


In order for Australia to take significant, long term action to mitigate the irreversible effects of climate change, the government needs to end its love affair with coal. The UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources recently found that eighty per cent of coal must remain unused by 2050 to prevent global temperatures rising by more than 2 degrees. This staggering research ultimately leaves Tony Abbott’s “coal is good for humanity” remark null and void. This discovery coincided with the Queensland Government accelerating the construction of nine new mega mines in the Galilee Basin, funded by taxpayers’ money. The AYCC’s ‘Don’t Risk The Reef’ Campaign aims to prevent coal from the Galilee Basin being exported through the Great Barrier Reef, potentially causing environmental destruction.

Liam shares this concern: “The reason [why] the Galilee Basin is so important is that, if developed, it could potentially export 60 million tonnes of coal per year (for perspective, Australia exported just over 300 million tonnes in the 2012-2013 financial year)”. To say that 2015 will be a critical year in the fight against climate change is an understatement. All government efforts will be leading up to the United Nations Conference at Paris in November, where world leaders will attempt to design a global binding agreement. Australians, in particular, will have to hold their government to account and demand lasting change.

THE SYDNEY SIEGE THREE MONTHS ON It has been almost three months since the Sydney hostage crisis took place in Martin Place on December 15 and 16. What, if anything, can be taken from such abhorrent events in our city? Ellen Kirkpatrick critiques media coverage of the event and Tony Zhang reports on the potential impact the siege may have on NSW bail laws.



further supported by Murdoch’s insensitive tweet congratulating his journalists for capturing the ‘bloody outcome’ of events.

WORDS || ELLEN KIRKPATRICK The recent events in Sydney’s Martin Place in December 2014 brought the nation to a standstill. 13 hostages taken by lone gunman, Man Haron Monis, was a shocking disruption to the daily routine of Sydney-siders. Images of terrified hostages holding a black flag with Arabic text against the Lindt Café window sent chills across the nation, and the world. The media was quick to report on this breaking incident, and such reporting is, rightfully, a democratic privilege. However, some of the media attention negatively and inaccurately reported on the Sydney Siege, which has the potential to trigger increased Islamaphobia against the Muslim community of Australia. Rupert Murdoch’s Daily Telegraph ran a front page wraparound headlined ‘Death Cult CBD Attack’ and claimed that IS (Islamic State) had taken hostages. This is one of the more obvious cases of sensationalist reporting on the Siege,


While Monis claimed association with Islam, he had never received support from the Australian Muslim community and had not been a political or religious activist in Iran. In fact, he was an internationally published poet and only became politically motivated upon arrival in Australia. At the time of the siege, Monis was on bail after being charged as an accessory to the murder of his exwife, and for forty charges of sexual assault. He was also still engaged in legal battles over a hatemail campaign. Still, the media was quick to blame the actions of an unstable criminal on the Muslim community and Islam itself. The media captured images of the black flag in order to manipulate the reality of events in Martin

Place to their advantage. The text on the flag was the Shahada, a common statement of faith among Muslims, which translates to, ‘There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is the messenger of God’. However, the ‘Black Standard’ design of the flag has been used by fundamentalists and extremists to represent a rejection of the West, and Muslims living in a non-Islamic state. The media took advantage of Monis’ use of this flag, using it to lay blame on a specific group of people. But in so doing, they failed to consider the affect that such information could have on Australia’s Muslim community.

The extreme interpretation of Islam, which unfortunately receives so much media attention, is detrimental to fostering a spirit of multiculturalism and acceptance in Australia. The Muslim community is a substantial and valuable part of the nation. Ali Mamouri wrote in The Conversation that, “Muslims must not be blamed for a group of criminals and

psychopaths”. They need more support and cooperation from both the Government and society as they are not organised to deal with criminals or extremists, such as Monis, who associate themselves with Islam. The Sydney Siege should not provoke fears of terrorism throughout the nation, despite the attempts of the media to do so. Negative, sensationalised and initially risky reporting by the media has the potential to cause great damage to the cohesiveness of Australian society. The headline used by The Courier Mail, ‘Jihadi terrorist strikes Australia’s heart’, has no grounding in reasonable fact and directs the blame to an already victimised group of people. The response of the Australian population to the Sydney Siege has been positive. The success of the #illridewithyou campaign has demonstrated the characterising features of Australian society through solidarity, support and mateship. However, it remains both unprofessional and unacceptable for media outlets to inaccurately report on events. The outcome can be incredibly detrimental and has the potential to damage the multicultural spirit of Australia.


“SYDNEY SIEGE” PROMPTS CALLS FOR TOUGHER BAIL LAWS WORDS || TONY ZHANG In the aftermath of what the media has dubbed the ‘Sydney Siege’, public debate concerning NSW bail laws has reignited, and politicians are putting forward the case for the tightening of such laws. Questions are being asked as to how the perpetrator, Man Haron Monis, a violent individual who has faced court on numerous charges, including charges for violent offences, was able to walk the streets. A coronial inquest into the circumstances surrounding the event and Monis’ criminal history is now underway. Calls for tougher bail laws come at a time of heightened public sensitivity over the release of several notorious criminals convicted for violent offences. On 20 May 2014, the NSW state government introduced sweeping changes to

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bail laws which, crucially, included the removal of the presumption against bail for a string of violent offences. These changes paved the way for the granting of bail to alleged wife killer, Steven Frank Fesus, and the release of Mahmoud Hawi, the man responsible for the Sydney Airport murder, prompting a media-fuelled public backlash that subsequently saw the government reverse course on its bail law amendments after just one month. In September 2014 a second round of reforms, aimed at making it more difficult for people charged with serious offences to be given bail, was passed by NSW parliament. These reforms were originally due to take effect on 28 January 2015. Since the Siege, it has emerged that Monis was last granted bail on 26 May 2014, a mere six days after the earlier reforms came into effect. NSW Attorney-General Brad Hazzard believes that Monis would have been remanded in custody had the stricter bail laws taken effect earlier, and is frustrated at the amount of time it has taken for the changes to come into force. “This government changed the Bail Act to ensure greater safety for our community,” he said. “It

was changed to ensure that offenders involved in serious crime will not get bail. That’s our intent. This offender was granted bail under a previous legislation, in fact under two previous bail acts”.

However, former NSW Director of Public Prosecutions, Nicholas Cowdrey, argues that even if the amendments to the Bail Act passed in September were implemented earlier, it wouldn’t necessarily have prevented Monis from walking free on bail. Rather, he believes that had the NSW criminal justice system been better resourced, Monis would not have been granted 12 months bail pending court hearings of his matters, and that it would have been “highly unlikely” for Monis to have perpetrated the Siege.

The NSW Bail Act, as it currently stands, features some of the toughest bail measures ever adopted in the state’s history. These include, among other things, the reversal of the time-honoured presumption of innocence for accused individuals as they await a court hearing, as well as the imposition of a new onus of proof on people accused of serious offences - such as murder and child sexual assault - to establish evidence in favour of bail. Opposition to any further tightening of the bail provisions stems from members of the legal community, who are concerned that the bail laws already undermine fundamental legal rights and freedoms and that any additional changes to the laws will only further erode civil liberties. Yet the state government is facing pressure to enact even stronger bail laws in the wake of the Siege, and to expedite tougher measures in the wake of the Martin Place incident. A petition on managed to accumulate more than 42,000 signatures within a single day, evidencing strong public interest in the issue.








A man who has flown around the world, teaching children to read and building schools for the disenfranchised, and a woman who has found the cure for cancer. Two kindhearted, loving people. But what does society focus on? The fact they have partners who are significantly younger themselves. News articles which include ‘interviews’ on health and relationships, such as ‘The bigger the age gap, the shorter the marriage’, from the New York Post, do not help society move toward a more discrimination-free world. Loving a person, regardless of their age, does not make someone a ‘cradle-snatcher’ or a ‘gold-digger’. As people mature, they don’t look at someone’s age as a measure of compatibility—they look for shared interests, for understanding, and for someone with whom they can share their life. “They are at different stages in their lives,” people say. But what does a person’s year of birth have to do with their maturity, their desires, or love? Sure, maybe one partner has more ‘life experience’, such as children, a steady career or copious amounts of frequent flyer points. However, just as it is with any other relationship, the so-called-obstacles can be overcome if both parties communicate and see each other as partners, not as sexual playthings, like society seems to assume.


One example of such a partnership can be found in the newly-married Stephen Fry. The media announced the relationship with distaste, calling Fry’s partner, Elliot Spencer, a ‘toyboy’ and making a mockery out of a loving, consensual relationship. Soon Twitter users, always there to add their own two cents worth into a conversation, began turning the media’s mockery into a bloody circus. Almost every Tweet was included in news articles—yes, news articles. Whatever happened to fact before gossip? All the media was able to see and do was pick apart Spencer and Fry’s relationship by noting how Spencer “looks like his son”. The question now is: when and how is society going to stop sticking their nose into other peoples’ business? When are they going to stop saying, “He’s old enough to be his son” and start saying, “He’s old enough to be his husband”? When are they going to stop looking at younger women as ‘trophy wives’, objects for another persons pleasure, and starting acknowledging them simply as someone’s loving wife? Unfortunately, I do not believe that time will come in the near future. However, with increasing social acceptance, and antidiscrimination rallies that are slowly rising and making society rethink their blatant disregard for a person’s right to love who they want, I can only hope that that day will arrive soon rather than later.


I can’t speak for everyone, but I can certainly vouch for a few good friends and myself when we say that breakfast is easily the best meal of the day. From poached eggs and corn fritters, to pancakes and cafes with all day breakfast, it’s like the constant answer to my prayers. So with ringing in the New Year, I thought why not celebrate 2015 with some of my favourite brekkies in Sydney? After all, it is the most important meal of the day.

92 Abercrombie Street, Chippendale Mon-Fri 6:30am-3:30pm, Sat-Sun 8am-2:30pm Baby Giulia is like an institution. The place itself is on the small side, with a quaint little outdoor area at the back, but it certainly delivers on the food. It also boasts some decent fresh juices and smoothies, but don’t worry, there’s not a single sighting of kale on the menu. You can’t go past the Brekkie Special; corn fritters, bacon, poached eggs and spinach smothered in hollandaise sauce. I don’t think there is much more you could want in a breakfast. But if that doesn’t tickle your fancy, the mushroom bruschetta is delicious, too. Basically, Cafe Giula = morning delight. And they knock up one of the best iced long blacks your hangover could ask for. 4/5




457 Miller Street, Cammeray Mon-Sat 6:30am-3:30pm, Sun 7:30am – 3:30pm Sitting in-between Miller Street and the Cammeray car park might not sound as visually enticing as you’d want your breakfast plans to be, but I can assure you that Laneway Cafe brings all the goods. The menu is pretty wellrounded but I normally opt for the Breakfast Bruschetta; mushrooms, pesto, goats cheese, crispy bacon and a poached egg on top of some toasty sourdough. If that’s not your flavour, the Avocado Smash and the Laneway Baked Eggs are also pretty popular. Oh, and the Bounty Milkshake is delectable, too. Reasonably priced, and remembering that they happily split the bill, Laneway is a great joint to hit up if you live around the area. 3.5/5

6-8 O’Connell Street, Newtown Mon-Sun 8am-4pm This place is a true gem. Tucked away from busy King Street, Brewtown Newtown has one of the best breakfast menus I’ve seen in a long time. There’s not a single thing on their menu that I’d say no to, and the same goes for their lunch menu, too. The wood smoked salmon with Israeli couscous and poached egg is my go to choice, although the mini egg benedict brioche roll is pretty damn good too. Oh, and more importantly, the coffee here is good. Really good. Plus the high ceilings and warehouse-y vibe get you in the mood for a long meal so you’ve got time for multiple caffeine hits, leaving you totally buzzed for the day ahead. 4.5/5

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TAKING THE PISS WORDS || ANNA GLEN Students are doing it tough. Frantically juggling work, study, internships, as well as some semblance of a social life in between. They also suffer from empty pockets in a country that’s home to one of the most expensive liquor markets in the world. Of 190 countries surveyed in a recent report, Australia claimed the title of second most expensive beer, while our spirits were named seventh most expensive. But there is hope. Wine remains an economical choice for students, especially for those palates that know little more than the difference between white and red. If you consider yourself too fancy for cheap wine, know this; it appears the science of wine tasting may be bogus anyway. Professor Richard Wiseman from Hertfordshire University presented wines ranging from $7 and $60 for a blind taste test and found roughly 50 per cent of people couldn’t tell the difference between the cheap and expensive wines. What follows is a non-judgmental guide to drinking on a budget, with all wines under $10.



Price: $8.89 Where to buy: Aldi Type: Red (also available in white) Score: 4.5 grapes Aldi offers struggling students one of the cheapest goon sacks on the market. In the last month it slashed its price on Albertson’s from $8.99 to $8.89, in line with inflation of student train ticket prices. Goon is also an inexpensive and effective way to entertain a large group of guests. Combine goon with lemonade or your favourite fruit juice to create a simple party punch. Add pieces of fruit for extra nutritional value and to show you are a little gourmet. During the wintertime red goon also makes a mean mulled wine; the sugar and cinnamon will wash away any nasty flavours. Alternatively, goon can be kept for emergencies. If youve spent your final dollars on a travel ten, midnight kebab or an expensive cab ride home, goon is the perfect ‘last resort’ alcohol. Finally, when drinking this versatile wine, don’t forget that the goon sack is an Australian invention so instead of feeling un-classy, feel proud.

PRECIOUS EARTH Price: $2.79 Where to buy: Aldi Type: White Score: 3.5 grapes At roughly $2.79 a bottle, Precious Earth is marginally more expensive per glass than Albertson’s goon. It doesn’t taste great, which means its usage is limited to functions which can also be played by the goon sack. However because Precious Earth comes in a very posh glass receptacle known as a bottle, it is more socially versatile. For instance, it can be taken to a restaurant and you will still appear somewhat dignified. The name ‘Precious Earth’ is extremely important, because it refers to our environment. Claim that your wine is eco friendly, vegan, or organic; nobody will question it and you will appear to be a very ethical global citizen. Today’s youth are particularly environmentally conscious, so your efforts will not go unappreciated with them. If you actually want to be eco friendly, refill the bottle with goon. Not only will you be recycling, you will save an extra $1 per refill. This technique is also handy in giving off a slightly classier vibe, while on a strict budget.

COTES DU RHONE GRENACHE SYRAH MOURVEDRE Price: $8.99 Where to buy: Aldi Type: Red Score: 4 grapes

Cotes Du Rhone is the real deal. Cotes Du Rhone wines require an Appellation d’Origine Contrôlée (AOC), which translates to ‘controlled designation of origin’, from the French authorities to certify that its produce comes from the Rhone wine region of France. For this reason, buy Cotes Du Rhone to impress. Take it to a dinner date or gift it to a friend. The AOC brings with it a sense of exclusivity and sophistication. It also provides an effective guise to your actual state of poverty; the cheapest Cotes Du Rhone after Aldi’s variety is $19.99 – more than double the price. Next, show your knowledge. Mention the Rhone wine region of France like you know what you’re talking about. Confidence is key. The lavish bottle design will make it believable. Lastly, it actually tastes good. Chris Shanahan, Australian wine writer and show judge wrote, “The Cotes du Rhone offers a clean, fresh expression of the region’s earthy, presumably grenache led blend”. Repeat this expression and you will look like a true connoisseur.

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It’s been a while since we’ve sat in a tutorial or lecture theatre, taking on board new information at an incredible rate. After finishing the HSC in 2013 and sitting in my first lecture ever some four months later, it was a struggle to refocus and process information. About a month before I was due to start my first year at Macquarie, I was extremely excited to begin my degree, a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Media, Culture and Communication. Many students say it’s a breeze but believe me when I say, it’s no walk in the park. Though, however keen I was to start uni, I too felt some degree of anxiety. I remember making my way up from the station to arrive in the middle of the hustle and bustle of O-Week when I asked myself, “where’s an invisibility cloak?” If I went through the entire first year with this sort of mentality I wouldn’t have made any positive memories. Feeling somewhat nervous about starting your academic journey is nothing to feel guilty about, whether you are unsure you’ll meet the demands of your studies or feel a little lonesome. Everyone should make the most of their time at university and anxieties can easily get in the way of that, so here’s some advice for a smoother integration into uni, or just easing back in to the swing of things: · Keep your head held high: Positivity is absolutely essential to enjoying anything, so before you come back to uni, think about the pros of being there; whether you’re in subjects you enjoy or you’re meeting new people as you go along.

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Dwelling on the drawbacks can be a dangerous mistake and will make you unhappy. · Confidence: I’m not saying walk in there with the confidence of a Hollywood film star, but don’t shy away from social situations. Initiate conversations yourself; I’d suggest avoiding overly personal topics and steer clear of narcissism or bragging, that’s how you lose friends quickly. · Student Groups: At Macquarie University, there are so many different types of student groups. Find one of interest to you, become a member and attend their events. This is one way to make new friends and is also one of the many ways you can get as much as you can out of your time at uni. · Be prepared: I want to emphasise this to first year students, especially if you’re straight from school. University is in almost every way, different. It offers a world of opportunities in many diverse areas and most of the time it’s up to you to chase them and stay in the know. Check out opportunities like exchange programs and internships. The student life is a good life, and that isn’t to say it isn’t fast paced; time is critical every day you’re at uni. Mario Andretti once said, “If everything seems under control, you’re just not moving fast enough”. I cannot think of a more appropriate quote than this one for life as a university student.





airfax media journalist Kate McClymont has reported the mischief of Australian Labour Party politician Eddie Obeid for over 15 years. As a result of her investigative journalism, Obeid and his family have been under scruitiny by the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) since 2012. In July 2014, Kate and fellow Sydney Morning Herald journalist Linton Besser published a book titled He Who Must Be Obeid, which traces the life and dealings of Australia’s most corrupt politician. I sat down with Kate to uncover the


reasons motivating her to pursue the Obeid family despite death threats , defamation suits, and the mayhem of political greed. ICAC is investigating the possibility of corruption in the Obeid’s involvement in Circular Quay cafés and a coal-mining license that guaranteed his family an immense wealth of over $30 million. Kate has uncovered crucial information leading toward official corruption inquiries, and also proved the reality that independent press does monitor White Collared crime and can quell the rifeness of dishonesty in politics. For Obeid, the professional and personal were always connected. Friendships were a means to furthering his career; bribes, or ‘gifts’, were tightly veiled deals; and everything – even family, reputation, and dignity – were sacrificed for the pursuit of avarice.

When I asked Kate how she was able to separate the aspects of her personal and professional life, she claimed that, “things do become personal. Especially when you’re sued and held up as a bad journalist – it’s absolutely devastating. After that, I thought I couldn’t write about Obeid, because if I did it would look like a vendetta”. Too often are journalists blamed for wrongdoings entirely not their own. In a world where professional responsibility is easily misinterpreted as personal revenge, Kate was always in the firing line of Obeid’s wrath. Obeid successfully sued Fairfax Media for defamation in October 2006, where he was awarded $150,000 for an article written by Kate advising that Obeid had been encouraging bribery for the Labour party. Kate reminisced on encounters with Mrs Obeid, who

always felt Fairfax Media.



“I remember, after I wrote a story [about the Obeids], that Mrs Obeid came out of her Hunters Hill house and said, “what have we ever done to her [Kate]? Why is she pursuing us?” And I thought, it’s not anything they’ve done to me, it’s just what they are doing.”

“things do become personal. Especially when you’re sued and held up as a bad journalist – it’s absolutely devastating” This is a small example of the victimisation Kate has endured in the course of her profession. In 2002, after writing an article that forced the Bulldogs to confess they had exceeded their players’ salary cap by over $1 million, Kate received death threats from enraged footy zealots. Similarly, when reporting on the suspicious murder of Sydney businessman Michael McGurk in 2009, Kate and her family were forced to move out of their home by an anonymous letter referencing a .303 rifle. The Kiwi jockey Jim Cassidy once spat on Kate’s back and called her a ‘fucking bitch’ because one of her stories banned him from racing. Unfortunately, many rabbitholes exist and are used by high-income earners to hide their illegal networking. Often, the smoke of semantics makes corruption untraceable. With financial density as the status quo – and the consistently high

sums of money flowing from person to person – journalists rely upon breadcrumb trails left behind by the culprits. But, these trails are usually pecked and eaten to near imperceptibility by a flock of sycophantic ravens. Most political crooks, at least the successful ones, are diligently clandestine. “There is always a way to get around [the law],” Kate said. “Here’s one of my favourites: I’m a politician and you want to bribe me. You say, ‘Kate, I’m going to buy your house’. Let’s say the price is three million. So you pay me the ten percent deposit. Then guess what? You don’t complete the deal, and I keep the money. Everything is completely legitimate. And who’s gonna dispute that?” “This is one of the most dispiriting things you experience as a journalist,” Kate said. “It’s the fact that many of these bodies do nothing ... Police can’t act off one formal complaint. And sometimes they don’t have the resources. You write a story and think now something will be done”. The point is that a process of negotiation, even if it appears corrupt, requires creditable proof of criminality for any legal process to take effect, which is hard to accomplish. I asked Kate whether the persecution of Obeid has established precedent, a lasting impact on the dishonesty of Australian politics. She believes

these things have a momentary impact. The time span could be months, even decades. But inevitably, the tension is relieved and people slip into old vices. “I covered the Police Royal Commission ... and that had a profound effect on police corruption ... and I do think shining a light onto these practices makes people feel like they might be caught. But it also makes the general public keep an eye out for things.” Eddie Obeid has become a publicly vilified and demonised figure in contemporary Australia. Not only does he manifest the presence of White Collared crime in Australian politics that we all fear, but his exhausting history of manipulation and corruption depicts the extent of blindness we, as the public, really experience. As Kate suggested, cases like Obeid’s express the value of independent press and bring to light the fact that many evils are hidden in plain sight. I am watching the progress of Obeid’s ICAC trials with a keen eye, fully aware that even though the man may never find himself behind prison bars, he will live out his days trapped inside invisible ones. His legacy will be forever haunted by a stretch of ineffable slime. We must recognise the fine endeavours of people like Kate McClymont for these kinds of social triumphs.

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ust imagine. Instead of travelling by car or train in Sydney, you can jump from building to building like Spiderman. Far-fetched as it may seem, this is exactly what its like for the growing parkour community in Australia. Parkour has risen in popularity in recent years, turning concrete jungles into urban playgrounds. The rise of the sport has showcased the innovative ways the sport uses its surroundings, and the ideology behind it. Freerunning began on the outskirts of Paris during the 1980s, as the childhood games of David Belle and Sebastian Foucan, among many others. In their games, they would chase each other and clear obstacles. The activity became their main pastime during adolescence, and this period was pivotal in the development of freerunning. But how does parkour actually work? I interviewed J.P. Gauntlett, co-owner of AAPES (Australian Academy of Parkour, Exercise and Self-Defence), the largest parkour sports facility in Australia, about the current status of parkour in Australia. “I met my closest friends through parkour,” Gauntlett said. “Parkour has a level of camaraderie I’ve never experienced before”. Born from military training exercises, the aim of parkour is to move from A to B as quickly and efficiently as possible. The purpose is not to look impressive or perform tricks, however. Formulated around movement and co-ordination, it focuses primarily on physical efficiency. Freerunning varies from parkour because it pursues beauty and style over efficiency, Sebastian Foucan, in an interview for the documentary Jump London, said that “Freerunning is always there. In older times, to hunt, to chase,

you had to practise freerunning. The obstacles are always there. You just have to look, and think like a child”. Foucan believes cities can be very constraining. “People don’t look. They go to work, go home, sleep. City life is too stressful. We see cities as a playground. When I do parkour, I feel like a dancer”. Similarly, Gauntlett feels that parkour has changed his perception of Sydney. “Parkour makes the ugly beautiful. Parkour makes every construction site, every ruined building, every crappy sculpture a playground with endless possibilities. It opens your eyes.” Beyond urban landscapes, parkour has taken on more philosophical meanings. Foucan likens the fears that exist in everyday life with the challenges of parkour. Rules, like only moving forward, can be applied to everyday life. Gauntlett also suggests parkour helps to improve self-confidence. “It’s about understanding exactly what you are capable of. People who train in parkour know their exact capabilities and how to improve. There’s no guess work – with self-confidence comes the ability to have fun with movement”. Parkour’s rise began in the 1990s, following its representation in commercial campaigns, endorsed by corporate goliaths like Nike and Toyota, as well as the 2004 documentary Jump London, which saw Foucan and fellow freerunners perform Parkour on various London landmarks. Following its appearance in the James Bond film, Casino Royale, and use in games like Assassin’s Creed and Mirrors Edge, it developed a strong cult following.

Casino Royale played a role in influencing Gauntlett to start Sydney’s parkour movement, and he has seen its expansion. “A few

years ago, the word ‘parkour’ was met with confusion. Now we all know what it encapsulates”. Today, he views parkour as an accepted activity open to any culture, sexuality, gender, and religion. “It’s gone from a small boy’s club to a massive community. Previously, if you wanted to learn you had to teach yourself or go to small classes scattered across Sydney”. So what about the future? The incorporation of parkour into contemporary films like Brick Mansions and video games such as Dying Light signifies that its cultural impact is global and profound. Even Iranian women in impoverished regions of the Middle East have organised parkour communities. Many practitioners of parkour are pushing for its recognition as an urban sport. Gauntlett’s aspirations, however, are slightly different: “All I want to do is make new friends and train. There are two sides to parkour currently; commercialised big business and the roots movement that embodies training and inclusiveness. The latter is definitely winning out. At its core, parkour is about natural movement. If it’s natural, anyone can do it.” Parkour has come a long way from small beginnings. The views of ‘urban dancers’, like Gauntlett, confirm that in Sydney, parkour’s desire to become a major sport is subsidiary to the enjoyment and community gained from it. With today’s nine-to-five lifestyle, parkour can change perceptions of cities. And isn’t viewing cities as a playground a wonderfully refreshing prospect. For more information, contact AAPES via their Facebook page:

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are a hell of a thing. Clichés That time we wrote a four page, epic ballad to our crush (double sided), or decreed that love was dead at the end of a two-month relationship. That one heated debate on Facebook we got sucked into, only to realise we never really cared that much at the beginning. The night we got drunk and let a professional VFX artist give us a makeover and photograph the process. We’ve all done that, or something similarly regrettable. Right? These moments haunt us because, up close, they seem artificial. They appear shallow, and in a century that values things like authenticity and originality, we often dread becoming caricatures. Nowhere will you find this fear more prevalent than at university, where several decades of American television and film, portraying the quintessential college experience, have given our generation a long list of tertiary clichés to avoid. There’s a stigma attached to clichés and it’s understandable; they cheapen their associated meaning, whatever it may be. The general rule is to steer clear. of them. That said, we’ve all done things we consider cliché, the kind of things we dwell on in the shower or cringe about in bed, late at night. This list includes, but is not limited to: − Moving out of home into a share house full of people you only ever catch glimpses of, so that years later you question whether they really existed after all − Constantly changing degrees or majors–because, god forbid you explore options before making an informed decision on your future career path − Putting off assignments and avoiding study, eventually pulling an all-nighter to get the job done − Beginning a long and complex dance of passive-aggressive

notes with your house-mates regarding inconsequential things, like unwashed dishes or whose turn it is to take the garbage out − Falling completely, madly in love and as a result neglecting your friendships − Inevitably having your heart broken and drowning your sorrows in Taylor Swift on repeat − Never getting paid for that retail job you worked for a week and absolutely hated − Letting your friends convince you to hit the town, only to become intimately familiar with the city clubbing scene and all its associated stress and discomforts

The list goes on. These are just a handful of the classic university clichés people try the hardest to avoid. You’re going to do a lot of them. I know this because I have. Most of us do, often spending a lot of regret and time afterwards berating ourselves for it. But the reality is that the vast majority of life is made up of these clichés. Most of our time consists of forgettable, banal, insignificant details experienced countless times before. And these experiences will be repeated by countless more after we’re gone. What I’ve realised is that this isn’t a bad thing. Clichés are the building blocks of life, the foundation elevating sincere moments we consider meaningful. You can’t avoid the forgettable moments – you can only change their significance. Generally, most people try to avoid clichés in day-to-day life instead of thinking about what they really want. The experiences that hold significance to us, the ones that stand out in peoples’ memories, feel genuine. What we want from life’s experiences, the antithesis of cliché and banality, is sincerity. We often dismiss experiences we feel can’t offer us sincerity because they’re trite or overplayed. A by-product of our generation’s break away from anything that feels ingrained or institutionalised.

However, any moment can hold sincerity, all it requires is the conscious decision by those participating to be earnest. What this means is that sincerity doesn’t come from the experience itself, but is something we reflect onto it. By being earnest and fully present in each moment, however cliché or played out it might appear, we create the spontaneity and sincerity we value. Like so many of life’s emotional revolutions, all it requires is a small cognitive shift; a conscious act to remind yourself that it’s ok to take part in life’s little, seemingly cliché moments. After a recent breakup, my grandfather offered me some advice. He said, “there is nothing I can say to you that will not seem arbitrary or incredibly cliché now, but will not prove to be exceedingly wise later on”. I think this is relevant today, for a shift in perspective is the enabler of sincerity. All it requires is the same earnestness from you. Cliché is an important device for recognising creativity and validity when it comes to art and narrative, but less so where real life experiences are concerned. Our current social obsession with authenticity threatens to limit us in appreciating what are essentially the staples of life. Do yourself a solid and try leaving your hang-ups about what others are thinking, and what kind of stereotype you might be personifying, at home. Life is far too short to be worrying about whether or not you should be allowed to enjoy a moment because it might be too similar to a film trope or cliché. I’m not arguing that you should force yourself to experience anything you genuinely find no worth in, but rather warning you not to sacrifice the very spontaneity and sincerity we crave, by over-concerning yourself with what might be cliché – because, take my word for it, it’s been done to death.

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HOW AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER IS SMARTER THAN YOU THINK WORDS || NEHA BABU any people obsess over M finding the deeper and darker meanings hidden beneath their favourite television shows. Whether these trends reflect the neurosis of conspiracy theorists or the genius of the television producers hardly seems relevant. What matters is that truth can be extracted, meanings will be found, and sometimes our minds will be expanded. Avatar: The Last Airbender is no exception to this concept. Most people are acquainted with the phrases, ‘history repeats itself’, and ‘you are your own worst enemy’. Since the dawn of time, we’ve mastered the art of exploitation, corruption, and the selected distribution of freedom. Totalitarian governments have stood tall as shining symbols within nations, and it seems as though we’ve followed in the footsteps of Davy Jones, hunting for individuals to enslave on our ships of ethical shallowness.

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Despite these disgraces, the magnificent accomplishments achieved during our time on Earth cannot be denied. Our successes, however, are often disappointingly overshadowed by our misdeeds. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that artistic compositions regularly depict the complex nature of oppression, freedom, injustice and compassion, which all link together to define what it means to be human. Creators Bryan Koneitzko and Michael Dante DiMartino have snuck some poignant social commentaries into their animated television series Avatar: The Last Airbender. For the unaware, many of these reflections will be lost in the whirlwind of entertainment. But they are there, just under the skin, ready for the enlightened. The Last Airbender is set in an alternate universe dominated by imperialism and fascist values, where humans have the ability

to telekinetically manipulate or ‘bend’ the elements water, earth, fire and air. A unique individual, known as the Avatar, can control all the elements and is thus appointed to maintain peace in the world. Aang, the current Avatar, travels the world to dethrone the tyrannical leader of the Fire Nation in order to end a century-long war. The cartoon aired on Nickelodeon from 2005 to 2008 and blasted fireworks into the air with its eccentric characters, witty ramblings and intricate archetypes. The acclaimed series created a cult phenomenon with its aesthetic design and slapstick humour. With Avatar napkins lining shop aisles, its clear that there’s no part of society which remains free of the Avatar craze. While it’s entertaining to watch Aang flapping around like a demented chicken in an attempt to learn earth bending, the cartoon is also filled with darker subtexts.

The socio-political undertones of The Last Airbender focus particularly on the repercussions when individuals or communities are denied justice. This idea is viewed through the band of rebels known as the ‘Freedom Fighters’. These revolutionaries are contemporary forms of Robin Hood, spouting ideals of liberty while fightting against the draconian rule of the Fire Nation. The more sinister side of the Freedom Fighters is revealed as their leader claims sacrifices are necessary in eliminating the Fire Nation, and then endangers the lives of innocent villagers. This duality embodies the moral uncertainty of utilitarianism. For example, some of our world leaders have made callous decisions for the ‘greater good’, and in the pursuit of an elusive utopia, dictatorships thrive, and horrific events occur. The idea that some evils are acceptable

for the betterment of society seems to be preying upon us more and more. How, then, do we define the greater good? Do politicians have secret scales with magical properties that enable them to determine its value? Did the leader of the Freedom Fighters succumb to the philosophy because he made a pros and cons list, and the pros outweighed the cons? Or is it simply arbitrary? Decided through something like a lottery system? With the momentary happiness attained through this approach, it’s difficult to remember there isn’t much to be gained from the suffering of others. The irony is that a misguided attempt at forming a utopia has, time and time again, created a climate of dystopia. The series also satirises the efficiency of the judiciary. When Aang is placed on trial, Mayor Tong styles his own brand of

justice called “just us”, in which no third party can be involved, no formal investigation is carried out and he acts the sole judge. Irrespective of the pure absurdity of ‘just us’, the villagers don’t utter a word in protest. Disillusioned with the supremacy and complexity of courts, we, along with the villagers, turn a blind eye to the faults of legal systems and unknowingly believe that might is right. Avatar: The Last Airbender is not the first production to weave human fallacies into its structures, nor will it be the last; but it does reveal a mirror where we can see every pimple, blackhead, and injustice humanity has committed.

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igher education was a major political battleground in 2014. The attempt by the Abbott Government to deregulate the sector was met with wide opposition from students, with the notion of ‘$100,000 degrees’ and an American-style, two-tiered education system proving to be politically unpalatable. What is rarely discussed, however, is how the current system functions. Why, for instance, does a mathematics degree cost significantly more than a history one? The answer lies largely in reforms brought by the Howard Government in 1997, which set course costs according to the expense of the degree, expected earnings, and ‘social worth’. During this time, student contribution increased between 35 and 125 per cent. This was the first time students paid different rates. When HECS (Higher

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WORDS || ANNA GLEN Education Contribution Scheme) was first introduced by the Hawke Government in 1989, all students paid an equal rate of $1,800 dollars per year. The rest was to be subsidised by the Government. Under the new differential system, three bands were created, and disciplines were priced according to their categorisation into the respective band. Band 1 is the least expensive and includes the Arts, Humanities, Visual and Performing Arts, and Social Studies. In 2015, these courses cost an average $6,152 per year. The Department of Education, Employment, and Workplace Relations stated that the humanities ‘have narrower employment opportunities and less security and income expectation’ and should thus have lower fees. They are also seen to have strong ‘social merit’ and are the cheapest to convene, meaning the Government contribution is lower.

Band 2 consists of Mathematics, Statistics, Computing, Built Environment, Health Sciences (excluding medicine, medical science, and dentistry), Science, Engineering, Surveying, and Agriculture. Each of these subjects will cost about $8,768 per year. In the past, Science and Mathematics – typically perceived as subjects of high social worth by the Australian Government – were placed in Band 1 by the Rudd Government to remedy failing enrolments in those areas. This adjustment is perhaps unsurprising given that Kevin Rudd described climate change as the great ‘moral dilemma’ of our times and saw science as an integral part to any solution. In 2013, however, Science fees were raised and placed back in Band 2 by the Abbott Government. In the same year, the Science Minister was removed – a portfolio that had existed since 1931.

It can be seen that the shift in science fees was ideological, with the Rudd Government perceiving science as more socially worthy than the Abbott Government. “Social worth”, therefore, is laden with value judgments, making it a poor pricing methodology that will change with the Government of the day. That said, the differential fee system has had the greatest impact on those courses that fall in Band 3. At a grand total of $10,266 per year, Band 3 includes those degrees estimated to yield the highest expected earnings, including Law, Medicine, Dentistry, and Vetinary science. The current 2015 fee for these courses represents a 470 per cent increase from 1989 prices. This rise occurred despite the fact that, when thinking in purely cost terms, some courses, like Law, for example, are the least expensive to run, meaning Law students contribute 83 percent to their degree. On the other end of the spectrum, Nursing courses in Band 1 are costly to run but fees remain low, with nurses paying just 31 per cent of their degree because they are seen – justifiably – to be of high social worth. At first glance, this system appears equitable. It seems reasonable that nursing students pay less, given their important role in society and their relatively low expected incomes. But there are significant problems with pricing degrees on projected

income rather than actual wealth. Take a law student employed in the area of social justice. Their work surely signifies high ‘social worth’ and their salary is well below the expected income, yet they are still subject to the highest fees. An upshot of this situation is that many students will be deterred from seeking out such roles. Margaret Thornton, who is a Professor of Law at the Australian National University, has argued that “if law students are faced with substantial debts, they will set out to maximise the return on their education investment by aiming to secure the best paying jobs, which are invariably found in private practice”. Additionally, studies conducted in the UK have found that those from low socioeconomic backgrounds are less likely to view their course as an investment, and will be deterred by high cost degrees, perceiving them to be a way to accrue large debts. This means that Band 3 degrees will often represent and appeal to students from middle and upper class backgrounds. Greens Senator, Dee Margetts, echoed these concerns back in 1996 when the reforms were first being introduced, saying she believed “students of lower socio-economic status should not have to choose their course on the basis of cost”.

In response to these claims, the Education Minister for the Liberal Government at the time, Amanda Vanstone, said, “We see ourselves as introducing more equity by recognising the private benefit that students get”. The current Education Minister, Christopher Pyne, has made almost identical statements. In May 2014, Pyne argued that deregulation “is fair and reasonable, because students gain enormous private benefit from their education, and it is reasonable that they pay a fair share of the cost”. These statements perceive tertiary education as a form of personal advantage rather than a benefit to the community as a whole. A community which needs doctors, teachers, nurses, vets, and so on. Such individualistic worldviews make it easier to justify privatising the sector, which will inevitably drive up costs for students. The initial move by the Howard Government to set up a differential fee system in 1997 gave this worldview more traction. With the removal of the egalitarian $1,800 flat rate, education was no longer equal. Governments were able to pass value judgments on courses and set fees according to “social worth” and hypothetical incomes that claim that law students will be wealthy and arts students will not. While these reforms were introduced in the name of equity and fairness, they did no more than create a hierarchical degree system that is anything but egalitarian.





THE DAY FRANKIE HAD A FIT AFTER REALISING YOU CAN’T SHOOT A GUN WITH A HEAD SWIMMING IN hen Frankie found himself W in the alley, rifle slumped over his shoulder, Jay and ACID Roach cheering eagerly behind WORDS || JACK CAMERON-STANTON

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his back, only then, when the rifle jammed and spat out three tumescent bullets, did he, Frankie, start to digest the absurdity of his situation. Being totally unqualified to handle a firearm of such magnitude was one of the few certainties that his life currently maintained. He hadn’t slept or eaten for two days. He and the boys had ingested some bad LSD three nights ago – some imported Mexican ‘Kesey Tears’, which should’ve alerted the warning bells; not to mention the fact that the dealer, a bearded twenty year old that goes by the alias ‘Art’, guaranteed, with eyes ablaze, that a quarter tab will send you soaring. Anyway, they, being the boys, endeavoured to ‘reach the fringes of consciousness’ – or so Jay said before sticking four unassuming cardboard squares along his gums. Roach and Frankie followed suit by swallowing the others, and so it’s no surprise, really, that the acid has kept them awake for so long. This morning, he, Frankie,

smoked a joint and drank some beers before feeling lightheaded, and after escaping the company of his friends by climbing a flight of stairs to his remote bedroom, collapsed on the floor and had an epileptic seizure. Now, as a recovered benign epileptic, the seizure itself wasn’t horrifying: in fact, it enhanced the surreality of his nostalgic trip, in which each doorway in the house seemed to be a portal reversing in time, inverting it towards memories of the shared bedroom with his sister where he first experienced a neurologically caused fit; or, even worse, the paintings, which looked like his bastardised soul, invoking himself as a clown balling his eyes out and a vulture’s sneer. But despite all these momentary horrors, Frankie was, as it were, more worried that he had hit the wall, finally discovered the peripheries of his drug limits. What a terrible confession to share with his friends. Shameful. Emasculating. So he didn’t admit anything. Instead, he groped for his half-drunk Three Gents in the darkness, vision a scintillate mess, until he found the beer completely spilt underneath the bed.

So as you can imagine the fear was already running in his veins on the way to the firing range. Jay tried to reverse park between a brand new Toyota Prius and a fire hydrant. He fucked it up. After mounting the curb, he ignored the increasingly panicked beeps of his car’s sensor (which reached a doomsday flatline beeeeeeepppp) until his car gave the Prius behind him a little love tap. No one checked to see if any damage was done. They just sped two blocks down the road and parked there. When Frankie arrived at the firing range, clinically unwell from the drugs sweating out of his system, he wondered if these institutions were equipped with any sort of intoxication detection systems. There must be, right? Every junky/ wino can’t stumble in to shoot a few guns, right? But there wasn’t anything to stop them coming inside, apart from a brief security check that involved a man with tattoo sleeves speaking to them through a bulletproof glass partition. When they confirmed that, No, Sir, we don’t have any guns with us, they were beckoned through the armoured door and into the shop inside. It was around this time, when Frankie had signed a waiver (without reading anything) and been equipped with a M & P Rifle (whatever that meant) and given a quick demonstration by the tall and slender tattoo sleeved attendant, that he realised the gravity of what he was holding. Gunshots cracked and bounced audibly inside the next room. Oh, and not to mention the cornucopia of ammunition, earmuffs, a Glock pistol just to try, the pistol’s ammunition, a pen lid to snap out the clip, seven

enormous paper targets – four depicting a sexy temptress with handguns akimbo, the others basically offensively portraying the idealised terrorist aesthetic – and two sets of safety goggles. At first, the attendant put three safety goggles into the tray, but soon noticed that Jay, who was distractedly chewing an old and weathered piece of beef jerky, was wearing glasses, and that he, Jay, “would be fine’’ with those. Inside the range, the boys argued meaninglessly over how to operate the rifle. Jay seemed to be whispering to himself in the corner. He swallowed the beef jerky (it looked like a gnarled branch) before reaching into his pocket and pulling out another, sticking it into his mouth, fluff and all. Roach, being plagued by obesity and chronic insomnia, was sneaking comatose bumps of ketamine every hour or so, and all afternoon until now was paralysed and enfeebled. To Frankie’s surprise, Roach was excited, alive, ready to shoot something dead. He was adamant that you grasp the rifle’s handle and extend out the scope and peer down it with one eye closed. Maybe that was right, but Frankie assured the others that shooting was hardly as picturesque as that. To shoot properly, you had to keep both eyes open, every sense available, smell the gunpowder, hear the patriots yell “Fuck off” or call their gun a “useless piece of shit”, hear and smell and see every incredible unreality and decide to embrace them. Become another bobbing horse on the spinning carousel. Four Americans strolled in with impressive steel briefcases. They set up beside the boys and pulled out

massive weapons: a sawedoff shotgun, an Uzi, a Desert Eagle, and a sniper rifle. The Americans took one alley each, and trundled down paper terrorists, each to varying lengths. Roach massaged Frankie’s shoulders. “Come on man, shoot the fucking gun’,” he said. Frankie breathed in air ruined by gun smoke. He raised the rifle to shoulder height. The paper temptress seemed to throb and breathe with the wind. But since there was no breeze inside, the swaying woman signified his torment. He desperately wanted to shoot. It seemed cathartic, the solution to his miseries, something real at last. He aimed down the sight (closed an eye without realising) and squeezed the trigger. A few timid clicks. Three stray and unused bullets clinkered on the ground beneath his feet. They bounced on the floor mockingly. The rifle had jammed up. Roach kept shouting “I fuckin told you, I fuckin knew it”, and Jay bit his tongue, and the patriots around seemed to snigger inwardly as the illusion that he, Frankie, could-everreally-shoot-this-fuckinggun dissolved. The blazing sound of gunshots rang in his ears. His body trembled. Blackness dominated, his legs weakened, tongue numbed. After Jay and Roach managed to unjam the rifle, using the pen lid to wedge out the bullet in the chamber, they turned and saw Frankie on the ground, uttering creatural noises and foaming at the mouth, his body uncontrollable. They could tell he was conscious because his fiercely emerald eyes stared at them longingly, like an abandoned lover.


BY NICHOLAS RIDER The Tai O fishing village, situated on the Western coast of Lantau Island, is Hong Kong’s oldest fishing village. It stands in great contrast to the jungle of cement and skyscrapers that covers Hong Kong Island and Kowloon. In place of towering buildings are traditional stilt houses; home to fisher folk, the Tanka people. Small boats weave through waterways, providing tourists with a glimpse into this unique community. The village’s markets sell dried seafood delicacies that spill from wicker baskets. In the heart of the village are two temples that stand side by side – the Kwain Tai Temple, built during the Ming Dynasty, honouring the God of War and Righteousness, while the Tin Hau Temple, built during the Qing Dynasty, honours Tin Hau. Tai O fishing village offers a peaceful and traditional experience of Hong Kong, away from the throngs of Hong Kong urban streets.




INHERITED L O S S WORDS || JOSHUA MCINNES “The robot is eating bugs again”. Emma finished adjusting her shawl in the mirror. She had never appreciated the aesthetics of black. Marceline was leaning against the window, overlooking the manor garden. “He isn’t eating bugs. He simply likes to put them in his mouth, Emma explained. “He’s fond of the sensation”. “It shouldn’t come. It shouldn’t even care”. Marceline spoke softly, any sense of tone left unused. “Maybe it’s broken”. “He’s not broken – he’s grieving”. Marceline’s expression barely changed, nor did her gaze turn from the window, but Emma recognised the shift in stillness; blankness, where there was once mere juvenile absence. Could it be resentment? “I’ll wait in the car”. Emma listened for the heavy footsteps and sullen slam of the door; the once telltale signs of teenage hormonal indulgence. Now there was only the quiet snick of the front door. A long time ago she may have sighed. She may have followed Marceline and maybe they would’ve argued. But she vowed never to do it again. These moments had been scarified. Such untempered emotion belonged to the past. When Marceline was born, she underwent the neural rewrite along with everybody else. She never regretted the decision. Remorse never seemed rational. She found Argo outside sitting in the dirt beside the strawberry patch, watching the beetles crawl across a leaf. There was a sparse drizzle and mist was rolling in across the grounds. She thought the grey, cloud-filtered light made everything seem young; drops of rain, like morning dew. She knew, though, that the day was late and the rain merely water that had been too long in the sky. “Hello Argo”. The robot looked over his shoulder. His eyes pulsed a diffused blue. “Hello Emma”. He smiled, “I have found some beetles”. The expressions signified by the robot’s

ebbing lights and crescent mouth always affected her with great surprise. “Yes, so I see”, she said. She crouched beside him. “Would you like to watch them with me for a while?” “Not particularly, Argo”. His eyes seemed to dim. He looked away, across the grounds to where the rain poured stronger. To Emma, it fell like strands of oak brown hair parted by the breeze. “I’m sorry Argo. It’s . . .” The robot fidgeted with his fingers. “Of course we can watch them. But only for a bit. We’ll have to go soon”. The robot winced, struggling to his feet. Emma remained crouched beside him. At full height, he was level with her eyes. Clumps of wet soil and leaves stuck to his egg shaped body where he had sat. “I don’t know what kind of beetles they are”. His voice trembled. “Why would you need to, Argo?” “H.E.A.R.T.H is able to recite whole dissertations on robotics and empathetic entropy. S-IRT told me the weather forecast and calculated the route to the funeral. I cannot even tell you what beetles these are. They could. Why can I not, and why are they not sad?” The static in his voice rose sharply. “Why are you not sad?” “You are different, Argo. You know that”. She gently raised her hand. “Russ didn’t want you to be like us, like the other machines. He wanted you – ” She struggled to locate the appropriate words. “ – to experience the world as we once did”. The robot held his palm out to the rain. “To feel it?” Emma nodded. “Russ was a brilliant man. I know that I miss him but it’s difficult to not feel it. You’re lucky to grieve, Argo. It’s important. Feelings were something we once cherished. We’ve forgotten though. Russ knew such detachment would be our death. I think now he was right”. She shook her head. “I wish my daughter could mourn her father”. A very small part of her almost felt guilty. How lonely must be the only being on the planet who is able to feel? And to be designed for that very purpose by people who no longer could. Argo took her hand and softly squeezed it. “It’s time to go, Argo. Let’s clean the mud off you”. “Can we keep the beetles?” She almost smiled. “Let’s leave them outside”. The robot nodded. He waddled towards the manor. “I’m ready to say goodbye now”. She stood as well and let Argo lead her by the hand..






WORDS || VANESSA CAPITO It’s a New Year, which usually means a fresh start, but some us might still be a little groggy from the holidays. Thankfully, these fresh eats will have you wanting to fulfil all your not-solong-lasting New Year’s resolutions, like attempting to eat healthy and go to that yoga class you said you’d go to eight months ago. Here’s my list of Sydney’s freshest eats that’ll have you wanting to run marathons (and yes, I still approve of the Law & Order: SVU kind).


115 Enmore Road, Enmore Mon-Thur & Sun 10am-3pm, Fri-Sat 10am-5pm This Vietnamese joint is a great place for a quick and cheap lunch, and the fact that it’s tasty as hell doesn’t hurt either. The pork rolls here are popular, and the slow cooked pork in coconut teamed with a coconut and lime shake is always a winner. Offering vegetarian and vegan options too, the pho is hands down a good choice as well as the fresh rice paper rolls. Just try to snag a seat indoors or you’ll be left with mini chairs outside, which, while cute, are not very comfortable. 4/5

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239 Glenmore Road, Paddington Wed-Sun 7am-10pm

314 Illawarra Road, Marrickville Mon-Fri 6:30am-3:30pm, Sat-Sun 7:30am3:30pm

Originally the Veggie Patch Van, the Diner became the spin-off, and we’re pretty darn grateful. Opening only a few months ago in Five Ways, Paddington, the Diner boasts an extensive menu of vegetarian and vegan goodness; from pumpkin pie porridge for breakfast, to flavour-stacked haloumi, olive and almond burgers. Plus there’s a huge range of constantly changing salads that accompany edamame falafel. (Personally I like to be a bit cheeky and always get the onion rings with chipotle mayo on the side!)


Cornersmith is wonderful, and its product is the true definition of “fresh”. They locally source all produce, and only use ethically produced meats, plus they make all their own pickles! Since they use local produce, the menu changes quite frequently and is seasonal according to what’s available. On the rooftop is an Urban Beehive, where they produce their own honey! Who new the inner west could be so sweet? You can definitely come in for a decent feed without even breaking the $20 mark. Props to Cornersmith! 3.5/5






REVIEW BY CHARLIE SMITH If you’re sick and tired of forking out $20 to see Michael Bay try to make another Transformers movie, there is finally a solution. Alejandro González Iñárritu, the genius director behind films like Babel and 21 Grams, is back this year with the incredibly inventive, and a bit out-of-left-field masterpiece, Birdman. This 119-minute film is a breath of fresh air, and will hopefully come away with an Oscar or five. The casting is brilliant, the score quirky and catchy, and the cinematography is nothing short of mind-blowing. Michael Keaton, from Tim Burton’s Batman, plays Riggan Thompson, a Hollywood has-been action star who is desperately trying to repair his life which appears to be crumbling before him. In order to do so, he writes, directs and then stars in an upcoming show on Broadway that will hopefully give him what he desires more than anything; admiration. Keaton is supported by a stellar cast, including Edward Norton in his best performance since American History X, Emma Stone as Riggan’s fresh out of rehab daughter, and the comic relief of Zach Galifianakis in a role unlike anything he’s ever done. Though hysterical at times, this is a dark and gritty film. It explores how grubby the film and acting industry can be, but also, the insincerity of actors that the public have grown to love. This film will make you incredibly uncomfortable at times, however, with that being said, go to enjoy it. Immerse yourself in it completely. Take away all other distractions, and just take time to think for two hours. You won’t regret it. 4.5/5


Nominated for six Academy Awards, including best picture and actor, Clint Eastwood’s American Sniper is based on the true tale of US Navy SEAL Chris Kyle, the most deadly sniper in United States history, with 160 confirmed kills to his name. This 132-minute film will almost definitely have everyone on the edge of their seat, and while it is very action-orientated, it is also an interesting character study. The audience first learns about Kyle’s history when he’s at a young age, and we follow how he progresses not as a character, but as a man. The film depicts his four tours in Iraq, however it also shows how he develops love for his soon-to-be wife, Taya, and the struggles of balancing his life as a soldier overseas, and as husband at home. Some scenes can be extremely uncomfortable to watch, but it truly is a fascinating film nonetheless. 3.5/5



Unbroken is the true story of American Olympian turned war veteran, Louie Zamperini, whose tale is nothing short of jaw-dropping and inspiring. Jack O’Connell’s performance as the films antagonist is, for me, the highlight of the film. Zamperini spent some time on the set, and according to director Jolie, he himself was astounded at how convincing O’Connell was. Without spoiling too much, there is a thirtyminute sequence set on open water that deserves an Oscar nomination of its own. Beautifully shot, the score is intense when it needs to be, but also backs off when appropriate, and the audience really does get a feel for how much these poor men had to endure. Though O’Connell and Jolie were snubbed by the Academy, that is in no way a deterrent. Unbroken is a fantastic, harrowingly realistic biopic that will truly have you spellbound the entire time. 4/5


REVIEW BY CHARLIE SMITH Jean-Marc Vallée, the director who brought audiences to tears with Dallas Buyers Club, is back with the screen adaptation of the best selling book, Wild. This emotional story depicts the journey of Cheryl Strayed, portrayed beautifully by Reese Witherspoon, who attempts to hike the Pacific Crest Trail, a 100-mile track that runs up the west coast of America. Reminiscent of The Perks of Being a Wallflower, it uses flashbacks to evoke tension to such an extremity that it will inevitably lead to the protagonist’s mental breakdown. The editing in this film is beyond compare, as the flawless cuts interchanging between the past and present add so much to the story, but this is also thanks to Laura Dern’s terrific performance. The cinematography is beautiful; whether it’s the woods, or the Mojave Desert, it almost feels like you’re on the journey alongside Strayed. 3/5



REVIEW BY JACK CAMERON STANTON Author of Fight Club and cult-writing legend Chuck Palahniuk delivers another shocking story in Beautiful You, which has polarised his readers. Those who praise it consider it avant-garde and contrarian, while its critics only see crassness and misogyny. Having read a few Palahniuk novels, I would say that Beautiful You is for die-hard Palahniuk fans – basically, it’s one of those styleover-substance books released by an author who has ‘made it’. The normality of Penny Harrigan, an average looking office worker, capsizes after she catches the interest of billionaire C. Linus Maxwell, who selects Penny as subject for his sexual experimentations. Quite frankly, the whole impending-doom-by-irresistible-sex-toys premise didn’t do it for me. 2/5







Jake Whyte is a young woman trying to escape the scarring of her past. Born in Australia, she now farms sheep on a remote British island with only her dog for company. But every few nights, something picks off one of her sheep. As the present moves forwards and Jake fights to protect herself and her sheep, her past moves backwards, breaking through the story and revealing her secrets. All the Birds, Singing is beautifully written, and will likely leave you with more questions than answers. Its slow-reveal technique will both frustrate you while drawing you in, and it is this technique that makes the story so engaging. 5/5

In our technologically-driven society, Amnesia forces us to question whether we can appreciate the full extent of our cyber actions. Gaby Bailleux’s Angel Worm has infiltrated the computer system controlling over a thousand Australian prisons. It’s released the locks. The US prison systems are also affected, and now there are concerns that Gaby will be spirited away by US authorities. Amnesia opens a discussion about cyber responsibilities and international relationships in an Australian context. The premise is engaging, but the novel so intensely Australian that it is difficult to read without a strong background in Australian history and politics. If you read Amnesia, bring your thinking cap. 3/5



REVIEW BY JACK CAMERON STANTON The legacy of David Foster Wallace’s postmodern tour de force outshines any of his other writings. Basically, Wallace’s masterpiece operates as a literary puzzle, in which every anecdote, philosophical digression, or narrative


twist involves you in profound and meaningful ways. In this novel, we come to understand Wallace as a tortured yet hopeful genius, far beyond his time in regards to intellect and style. Ostensibly, the story follows multiple storylines, including Hal Incandenza, a young and aspiring tennis star, a halfway house for drug addicts, and enigmatic videotape supposedly so entertaining that anybody who views it instantly dies from infinite jest. 5/5



Enmore Theatre, Friday 23 January REVIEW BY VANESSA CAPITO

Nasir Jones, AKA Nas, performed at the Enmore for the 20th anniversary of his famed album, Illmatic (1994). Considered one of the greatest hip-hop albums of all time, the rapper from Queens, New York, sang his debut album in its entirety to a sold-out show. Nas’ support act was Australian actress-turned-rapper, Abbie Cornish, under the pseudonym MC Dusk, who unfortunately seemed less than qualified to warm up the audience. Having been to numerous gigs at Enmore Theatre, this was unlike most others. The general admission area, normally sectioned off into two parts, was opened up into one large dance floor that was absolutely packed. The fact that the night was celebrating Illmatic, rather than new material, meant the crowd knew the album quite well, and everyone was reciting each and every word. It was an incredibly intimate vibe that you don’t always get from gigs where the artist hasn’t quite established the same legacy. Aside from Illmatic, the legendary king of hip-hop gave us a few other treats to keep us more than happy including ‘Made You Look’, ‘I Can’ and the mighty ‘One Mic’. After an hour and a half on stage, even before his first encore, Nas didn’t even seem tired so it’s fair to say the New York legend returned


and reminded us all of how a real rapper does it. 5/5


REVIEW BY NICHOLAS WASILIEV Whatever happened to ‘Dark Side of the Moon’ and ‘Another Brick in the Wall’? Judging by The Endless River, Pink Floyd’s first release in 20 years, this band has passed its prime. This 18-track, 55-minute epic, was an unexpected disappointment. 17 tracks are instrumentals, and even though Pink Floyd have previously delivered great instrumental tracks, these songs seem lifeless; they sound like lift music you can’t escape. Granted, the Floyd sound is definitely there, and sometimes songs work. ‘Things Left Unsaid’, ‘Sum’, ‘Allons-y’, ‘Surfacing’ and ‘Louder than Words’ - the last, the only song with lyrics - are wonderfully vintage Floyd, but the remaining tracks sound too similar and eventually, the album becomes straight boring. True to its title, The Endless River seemed never-ending. If you buy this, buy it for the nostalgia. For everyone else, go back to the past, and let The Endless River pass you by. 2/5


Melbourne-born musician James Keogh, better known as Vance Joy, dropped his debut album last September and showed that local musicians were getting in on the folk-rock revival. While everyone knows Vance Joy for the ridiculously huge hit ‘Riptide’, this debut album shows he’s no one- trick pony. What ‘Riptide’ didn’t show us was Keogh’s amazing vocal range, and you’d be hard bent to find a song that won’t be appealing, folkrock fan or otherwise. While it has some amazing songs, notably ‘Mess of Mine’, ‘Riptide’, ‘Georgia’ and the closer, ‘My Kind of Man’, sometimes the album does drag on, especially with the quieter songs that seem totally forgettable by album’s end. Overall, while not ground-breaking, it has amazing repeat-listening value. If you’re looking

for something heart-warming, you should start with this album that’s about as honest and gorgeous as it gets. 3.5/5


REVIEW BY NICHOLAS WASILIEV AC/DC have been accused of unimaginative, ‘cookie-cut’ rock’n’roll, repetitive drumbeats and oversimplified song structures. 2008’s Black Ice, despite some good moments, suffered from these problems. Rock or Bust is a return to form, building on positives of its predecessor while jettisoning some of its weaknesses. A shorter, more compact album, it gives a great dose of shameless AC/DC rock’n’roll, and doesn’t outstay its welcome. ‘Play Ball’, ‘Miss Adventure’ and ‘Baptism by Fire’ show how hard-hitting and enjoyable AC/DC’s style can be, while “Rock or Bust” is the best song they’ve written in years. While some songs hit harder than others, this is an unashamed balls-out rock-fest from a band that’s still going after five decades. Brian Johnson says “we’re just a rock’n’roll band”, so know what you’re getting into with this one. As an AC/DC fan, this was a damn rock’n’roll delight! In rock we trust… 4/5

game. Although a little knowledge from past games of the Borderland series would shed light on a previously unresolved plot, playing this game alone would produce fewer spoilers for the player, as this game is a prequel. Overall, the memorable non-playable characters, almost offensive portrayal of stereotypes and hilarious plot make the game well worth every dime. 4/5


REVIEW BY ALIA ALIDENES PC, PS3, PS4, XBOX 360, XBOX ONE The seminal modern horror game Resident Evil gets the successful HD facelift it deserves. Powered by today’s hardware capabilities, Resident Evil HD Remaster offers all the exploration, puzzling, and spooks of its predecessor, enhanced by new textures, skins, lighting and audio. Despite the dazzling overhaul of graphics, Resident Evil HD Remaster doesn’t offer much in the way of new gameplay content and essentially retains the controls (and some of the awkward camera angles!) of the original title. However, Resident Evil HD Remaster still hits all the marks for veterans and newcomers alike as it preserves all the narrative and gameplay integrity that made the original title so successful. With the convenience of five platforms and a thrifty price, this horror hit is a must play! 3.5/5



This fast paced game contains similar aspects to the general first-person shooter, but with the addition of frequent japes between the characters and a multitude of jokes spread throughout; hours of game-play go by quickly. The ridiculous plot and the unexplained reason for the abilities from the skill tree that the various characters possess adds more silliness to the

REVIEW BY NIXON CHUA FOR WII U This franchise will indubitably bring fun to the masses, and all you have to do is simply press the start button. The collection of colourful, retro and modern characters from the plethora of series by Nintendo means that both young and old will enjoy it. The disparity between the party game demographic and competitive players would be wildly large, and might prove to be unforgiving. The background music from this game contains childhood memories so endearing that once heard, might bring a tear or two to the eye. The fun game play and favourite characters from the past add nostalgia, but since the demographic has been split into two factions, the game itself has been catered to address both new and veteran players. 5/5



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2. If you’re a member of the Plastics, how many times per week can you wear your hair in a ponytail? a. Once b. Twice c. Never 3. In what year did the back building burn down? a. 1987 b. 1977 c. 1997 4. Kevin G. hands Cady his card. What does it say? a. Bad-Ass M.C./Math Enthusiast b. Math Enthusiast/Bad-Ass M.C. c. Math Champion/Rap God

“You go, Glen Coco!” Congrats on a great score!


5. According to Coach Carr, why shouldn’t you have sex? a. Because you will get an STD. And die. b. Because you will injure yourself. And die. c. Because you will get pregnant. And die. 6. How many candy canes does Gretchen receive? a. 0 b. 4 c. 6 7. To which song do Cady and the Plastics dance at the talent show? a. Baby, It’s Cold Outside b. Jingle Bell Rock c. All I Want For Christmas Is You

“Damn, Africa. What happened?” Not bad, but there’s definitely room for improvement!

8. Fill in the blank: “There’s a … chance it’s already raining” a. 30% b. 50% c. 70% 9. Why doesn’t Mr Duvall cancel the Spring Fling? a. Because the decorations have already been made b. Because the King and Queen crowns have already been paid for c. Because the DJ has already been paid 10. How many times does Gretchen try to make ‘fetch’ happen? a. Twice b. Three times c. Five times

You clearly need to watch Mean Girls a couple more times. Until then, “You can’t sit with us!”

Answers: 1c, 2a, 3a, 4b, 5c, 6a, 7b, 8a, 9c, 10b.

1. Mr Duvall’s nephew’s name is … a. Anthony b. Antony c. Anfernee

49 49



That other night was not so good was it? This riddle might resolve your problems: bibbiti bobbiti boo, don’t let anyone tell you what to do! Sincerely, Sylvia Plath.


You’re witty, wild and whimsical. Get this balance right and you, my lovely, have a perfect triad for a promising adventure ahead.


Run faster and harder, bulls. A little chaos is in order.


Eating lychees and reading a conversational book, all while playing fetch with your pup will keep your boredom at bay.


Didn’t get a present from T.Swift Santa for Christmas? Don’t fret. A delicious, meringue-like, marvelous gem is coming your way. Get excited because I smell pears, spice and all things nice.


Tina Fey told me this, so you must read this, Leo - do your thing and don’t flipping care if other humans don’t enjoy it. Also, read Bossypants, it’s better than Dr Phil’s Life Code.



Your keen eye for sheer fabulousness tells me that congratulations are in order. Well done. Slip, slop, slap, sit back and perhaps sunbake for a bit.


Whether its work, the dishes or the hermit crab you haven’t fed in two days, remember that The Tortoise and the Hare fable is really just an old wives tale. So hop to it, Librans!


Stop brooding. You’ve got plenty to smile about; the sun for a start.


If you know you’re allergic to fur, do not touch cats, dogs or any other hairy beings. It’s really that simple.


Have you attended a tea party yet? Don’t miss the sweet company of the Hatter (and the Dormouse of course!) on your quest to slay the Jabberwocky. You’ll regret your absence.


You are completely fed up with irresponsible, mindless zombies who litter, wear Che Guevara tees as a trend and vote for the Greens cos’ they’re ‘alternative’. I assure you that with Mother Nature on your side as the high, hellish tide, changes you desire are nearly here.





Image : R ic

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