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Cookery & Cake Decorating / Music
cookery and cake decorating
Our Cookery and Cake Decorating courses are designed to give you the skills to be confi dent when reproducing the meals and techniques from your course at home. These courses will support you in learning new techniques, understanding fl avour and texture combinations – and planning a healthy balanced diet.
Have you ever wanted to play the saxophone or guitar? Is singing a mood booster? It’s never too late to learn a new skill and we offer an exciting range of music courses, giving you the opportunity to explore and improve your musical skills with guidance from our experienced and inspirational tutors.
Languages and Communication
We offer courses in 10 different languages at Aspire Sussex, the widest choice in West Sussex! Whether you would like to attend a daytime or an evening class, our highly popular language courses range from French, German and Spanish to Latin, Japanese, Modern Greek and Russian. Most language courses are taught at five different levels and you can start anywhere from beginner to advanced. We offer short courses and fast-track if you need to learn in a hurry, as well as one day workshops and conversation classes. We also offer communication courses in Lip Reading and British Sign Language. We now also offer online courses that you can attend in the comfort of your own home. For more information, please visit www.aspiresussex.org.uk/course-topics/
Thinking of joining a language course? Hear what our students and tutors think!
“The staff at Aspire Sussex are great and always very kind and helpful.” “I enjoy the class – it is stimulating and interesting. I believe it is important in my retirement to keep my brain active, and my Italian course fulfils my needs.w
“I keep coming back because I would like to improve my German skills for such reasons as travel, singing, and being able to read German.”
If you are not sure about your level, please take our self-assessment questionnaire. This is an aid to make sure you enrol onto the right level course. Please contact us at 0345 601 0161 or enquiries@aspiresussex.org.uk to receive your questionnaire.
Entry For absolute beginners. Entry+ Where you can understand and use familiar words and phrases. Level 1 Ideal if your knowledge is rusty and you would like to build up confi dence. Level 1+ A continuation of a Level 1 course. Skills on completion, equivalent to a GCSE grade D-G. Level 2 Where you can deal with everyday situations likely to arise when travelling in an area where the language is spoken. Level 2+ A continuation of a Level 2 course. Skills on completion equivalent to a GCSE grade A*-C. Level 3 Where you can take part in discussions on a wide range of subjects and can read and write reports and articles. Skills on completion equivalent to AS level. Level 3+ A continuation of a Level 3 course. Skills on completion equivalent to A level. Level 4 Where you can express yourself fl uently and spontaneously without too much diffi culty and can read and write about complex subjects. Skills on completion equivalent to degree level. Level 5 For those who can read, write and speak the language with total fl uency. Skills equivalent to post-degree level.
You are welcome to join a CONTINUATION COURSE but you may wish to seek advice before enrolling. Please contact us.