St Wilfrids Newsletter May 2010

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St Wilfrids Newsletter May 10:Layout 1



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St Wilfrid’s Hospice


May 2010

Jackie Loses Pounds To Raise Pounds For Hospice With a wedding on the horizon, St Wilfrid’s Hospice nursing auxiliary, Jackie Robinson who, by her own admission, doesn’t have a good relationship with food, is determined to lose weight and get fit for her big day. However, faced with a choice of surgery or dieting, Jackie has chosen to do it the harder way and is cutting the calories and upping the exercise with the view to losing her first two stone in time to take part in the Hospice’s second MOONLIGHT WALK. Spurred on by her colleagues and determined to take part, Jackie sees her place in this year’s MOONLIGHT WALK as her first step to becoming lighter and healthier for her big day and an ideal opportunity to raise funds for St Wilfrid’s Hospice. Why not join Jackie in this year’s 10 mile sponsored MOONLIGHT WALK which starts at midnight on FRIDAY 18TH JUNE from The Westgate Leisure Centre in Chichester and costs just £15 to enter. For more information e-mail, call 01243 755827 or visit our website to download a registration form.

Jackie's Weekly Weigh-In

Bunny Hop

There's a Pot of Gold at the End of the Rainbow...

The first St Wilfrid’s Bunny Hop took place on Sunday 28th March. Against all odds it turned out to be a fine morning and over 70 little bunnies aged two to seven years joined us for a sponsored walk around Hotham Park in Bognor Regis. Starting off with a fun warm-up, the children hopped, skipped or walked around the park with their families. Last to finish was Nizar Sehili aged two, but he does only have little legs! Along with the other bunnies, Nizar enjoyed taking part in the Easter egg hunt whilst the grown ups tucked into delicious home-made Easter cakes and cookies. So far the event has raised just under £1,000 with more sponsorship to follow and everyone enjoyed a morning of family fun. Watch this space for details of when next year’s Bunny Hop will take place.

and it could be yours if you take part in St Wilfrid's Grand Summer Draw 2010. In this newsletter you will find a book of five tickets giving you the chance to win one of four wonderful prizes which includes a top cash prize of £2,000! The winner of the second prize will walk away with £500, third prize is a delicious Monet Menu for two at Comme Ca restaurant whilst the fourth lucky winner can enjoy a gliding lesson at Parham Airfield. All the prizes were kindly donated. The winning tickets will be drawn at 3.00 pm on SATURDAY 17TH JULY in Priory Park, Chichester where many of you will be gathered to remember loved ones at our annual Rainbow Day event. However, to be in with a chance of winning one of these great prizes, raffle stubs and payment must reach the Hospice by Friday 9th July. Good luck!

Pictured: Nizar Sahili


DISCOVER CHINA. A five day Hospice Trek on The Great Wall, 15th – 23rd October 2011. More details to follow

St Wilfrid’s Hospice welcomes your support. Telephone to find out how you can help us:

01243 775302


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Please donate today for tomorrow’s care

Welcome... to our newsletter and hopefully by the time you are reading this the weather will have started to warm up a bit for us all! Here at St Wilfrid's during last year we formed a group to make plans for the flu pandemic that we were all expecting. As an independent charity it was necessary for us to make plans in case we were affected by large numbers of staff becoming unwell and unable to work. This group worked hard to make sure we would be able to cope if the worst case scenario happened and in the event thankfully there was no

significant impact. Nonetheless in early January we experienced another problem that we did not plan for – snow and ice! The sudden arrival of the wintry weather caused lots of problems and some staff found it difficult or impossible to get into work. As expected the team pulled together and we were supported by a number of people who helped us to get staff into work safely and clear pavements – indeed whatever was required to keep essential services going. Nurses stayed overnight to make sure that

Laura’s Trip “With so much fundraising needed each year, there are so many different and unusual ways that people find to raise money for St Wilfrid's Hospice. I chose to combine my love of cycling with a growing desire to explore and learn more about Southern, Eastern and Central Europe. The challenge I've set myself is to cycle 5,000km in 110 days. My decision to support St Wilfrid's Hospice through this trip was a simple one for me. When I was nine my Grandfather was diagnosed with a brain tumour. As the first close family member to develop a life-threatening disease my family didn't know who to turn to at first. Thankfully he was able to stay in his own home, in a specially equipped room, right up to his death. Now I have moved away from Chichester but continue to appreciate the support that St Wilfrid's Hospice has given us through the illness and death of two of my other grandparents. I remember being amazed each time I visited home by the news from my parents of how this fantastic charity had made the illness, and loss, of family members more bearable in so many ways.” Laura Birchenough

the patients remained well cared for and volunteers who lived nearby came in to help. I know we were all relieved when the snow and ice melted and although it does seem a while ago now I would like to thank everyone who helped during that tricky period. We have now reached the

end of the financial year and we have enjoyed excellent support from our local community so thank you all for everything that you do to ensure that St Wilfrid’s can continue to flourish and develop each year. Alison Moorey Chief Executive

All Hands on Deck

Dragon Boat Challenge Did you know that the British are renowned for forming a queue, even if they are on their own! We wonder if the same would apply if we asked you to form a ‘crew’ and enter a unique water sporting event The Dragon Boat Challenge - which takes place on Chichester Canal on SATURDAY 4TH SEPTEMBER 2010. Dragon boat racing is one of the fastest growing and most exciting water sports. Imagine sitting with your friends in a very long narrow canoe-style boat with a drummer at the front beating time and a helm at the tail steering a straight course all paddling towards a common goal – winning! No previous experience is required, just plenty of team spirit! For more information about the challenge, please call Jill on 01243 755827.

Relax Yourself is a series of four one-hourly sessions led by hypnotherapist Linda Partridge with the aim of improving awareness of the benefits of relaxation. Open to patients and carers who are under the care of the Hospice the course aims to introduce some basic ideas and techniques that can be used in daily life. The series of sessions will run during 2010, please call Anne Bennett on 01243 755833 for more details.

St Wilfrid’s Hospice welcomes your support. Telephone to find out how you can help us:


01243 775302

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Please donate today for tomorrow’s care

Six down and one to go!

Tom and Debbie

A Day to Remember A special licence granted by the Archbishop of Canterbury meant that Debbie Jolly and Ras Turner could be married in our chapel by John Williams, the Vicar of the Church of St James, Birdham. The couple met in Antigua in 2006, whilst both competing in a Sailing Regatta. They got on well together and Debbie mentioned to Ras that she was going to sail around the world. Ras had always raced around the world but together they decided to just take their time. Returning to Antigua in 2007 at the start of their adventure Debbie was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and their boat was brought back to England. Earlier this year Ras broke his collar bone and with his arm in a sling was finding it increasingly difficult to care for Debbie at home. The Hospice at Home team recommended Debbie be admitted to the Hospice. Both she and Ras were relieved she was here. She said “The Hospice was what I thought it was going to be, relaxed, happy and nothing was too much trouble for anyone.” Debbie and Ras had intended to get married a short while ago but had postponed the event, however once Debbie was admitted to the Hospice they decided they really needed to make plans. Close family and friends were invited to the service, the Hospice catering team made the wedding cake and Staff Nurse Jo Graham’s grandson Tom aged eight played the piano. Tom had been given Debbie’s piano two years ago. Sadly, having been looked after by the Hospice for the last few weeks of her life, Debbie died on the 25th March.

Challenge five in Tony Gilmour’s ‘Seven Continents Challenge’ took him to Nepal for the Everest Marathon – the highest marathon in the world. The start line is at Gorak Shep, 17,000 feet close to Everest Base Camp. To acclimatise naturally Tony trekked for 16 days to the start before running all the way down again! Tony divided the £650 he raised between the Everest Marathon Fund, Yorkshire Cancer Research and St Wilfrid’s Hospice. Since then Tony has taken part in the 6633 Arctic Ultra, a 120 mile race across the Arctic wilderness. His final Continents Challenge will hopefully be in New Zealand in December.

Welcome on Board The Board of Trustees of St Wilfrid's Hospice carries out the important work of ensuring the Hospice continues to deliver a high standard of care whilst ensuring the long term security and strategy of the Hospice. The Board recently recognised the need to recruit new Trustees with specific skills and experience to reflect all the areas of the Hospice and thus started a hectic round of recruitment! For the first time we recruited through advertising and this was extremely successful, resulting in nearly 50 enquiries and 26 applications. A panel then drew up a shortlist of 11 candidates to interview after which panels of Trustees and Management Team members interviewed the candidates, exploring their experience and why they wanted to volunteer to become a Trustee. We are delighted that we have recruited the following four new Trustees who were elected to the Board at their meeting last month: Alan Copsey – Alan was a General Practitioner in Chichester until he retired in 2007. Jo Kroes Randell – Jo is Head of Development for the Climate Group and used to work in Fundraising for Dreams Come True, a charity based in Midhurst. Lis Spence – Lis was Chair of the Royal West Sussex NHS Trust until 2005 and is now an Associate Caseworker for the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman. Angela Wormald – Angela was Human Resources Director of John Wiley and Sons until she retired in May 2008. We welcome our new Trustees who we know will make a significant contribution to the Board.

St Wilfrid’s Hospice welcomes your support. Telephone to find out how you can help us:

01243 775302


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Dates For Your Diary

Please donate today for tomorrow’s care

Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th June Middleton Art Group Exhibition St Nicholas Hall, Mill Lane, Arundel Saturday 3rd July Chichester Street Collection Thursday 8th July Dinner and Canal Trip Chichester Canal Saturday 10th July Arun District Street Collection Sunday 25th July Middleton-on-Sea Fete, Jubilee Field, Elmer Monday 23rd August – Monday 30th August Middleton Art Group Exhibition St Nicholas Hall, Mill Lane, Arundel Contact Jill on 01243 755827 for more details.


The Two Pauls ‘We are our own bosses,” well that’s what it feels like for Paul Gray and Paul Vincent as they plan their day’s activities at the Donations Centre at Summersdale. It’s their job to collect and distribute furniture from our many supporters, service all the Hospice shops and deliver and collect electric recliner chairs and show patients how to use them in their own homes. Some days they could be working locally and at other times they could be driving as far afield as Haslemere. Both need to be very fit, or as they call themselves, ‘Supermen’ as they are lifting furniture in and out of the van most days, both are diplomatic, personable and sensitive to the needs of others. Collections and deliveries take place every day apart from Sunday and the good news is that there is NO CHARGE for collection and a nominal charge for delivery which covers the cost of petrol. The boys also carry information on the van about Gift Aid. Customers are asked if they are still current tax payers and if they would like to gift aid their donated items which will increase the value of their donation to the Hospice by 25%. And both try to find out as much as they can about the history of donated goods which helps them and their colleagues to price the furniture when they get back to the shop. The boys like to keep busy so if you would like them to pick up your once loved furniture please do give them a call on 01243 776712 or take a trip to the Summersdale shop, which is now open every Sunday between 10.00 am - 4.00 pm and take a look at what's on offer.

Barnham, Eastergate, Aldingbourne & District with Yapton Supporters have had a successful fundraising year amassing just over £12,000 for St Wilfrids. Our Book Shed has been particularly profitable raising over £4,500. We are always grateful for donations of good quality books, magazines, DVDs, CDs, puzzles, old vinyl records, postcards, greetings cards etc. and are always willing to collect. A reminder that we are holding a Craft Fair in Eastergate Parish Hall on Saturday, 23rd October. Last year we were oversubscribed, so please book early! Thank you to everyone who supports BEADYS. Gill Kelly 01243 552230

Calling all Birthday Boys and Girls! Do you have a special birthday or anniversary coming up? Would you like to celebrate with your family and friends and support St Wilfrid’s Hospice too? One of our long term supporters, who prefers to remain anonymous, chose to do exactly that for his 80th birthday last summer. He held his special birthday party at Chichester Yacht Club’s stylish new Upper Deck, which offers magnificent views over the harbour. Party guests were invited, if so inclined, to make donations to St Wilfrid’s instead of bringing presents. The host enjoyed a truly memorable 80th birthday celebration and was especially delighted that, thanks to his guests’ wonderful generosity, the Hospice received donations totalling an amazing £770! As we were able to reclaim a further £168 through Gift Aid, St Wilfrid’s benefited from a substantial gift, and we would like to extend our most grateful thanks to the Birthday Boy and his party guests. If you are considering inviting donations to St Wilfrid’s in lieu of presents for your special occasion, please feel free to contact Fundraising on 01243 755827 and we can provide you with Gift Aid forms if you wish.

St Wilfrid’s Hospice welcomes your support. Telephone to find out how you can help us:


01243 775302

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Please donate today for tomorrow’s care

Born in Kent and officially known as a ‘Man of Kent, our favourite quiz master Simon Tooley sees himself as the next Bamber Gascoigne! It was back in 1992, whilst working at Barclays Bank in Southampton, that Simon and members of the sports and social club talked about holding a Quiz Night and raising money for charity. And the rest as they say is history as, since then, Simon has continued to compile thousands of questions which include general

knowledge, anagrams and picture puzzles to use at Pub Quizzes and Celebrity Question of Sport events. Up until now Simon has written over 4,500 questions and each has to be themed, researched and double checked as people are getting far more competitive. Over the years Simon has helped raise over £150,000 for different charities and more recently has teamed up with the ‘Reynolds Boys’ from Bognor Regis who regularly hold Quiz Nights in aid of

Who needs friends? We do! Our Friends are a vital part of financial support for the Hospice and their regular donations make an important contribution to income each month. Knowing there is a regular income helps us plan effectively and manage our resources. We always appreciate the generosity people show the Hospice, people like Brigid Meredith who says, “My first contact with the Hospice was when my Mother expressed a strong wish to be cared for at St Wilfrid’s during the last weeks of her battle against cancer. This luckily was possible, and I witnessed with immense gratitude how much it calmed and helped her to be cared for here. I became a Friend of St Wilfrid’s as a long term expression of my support and respect. Being a regular volunteer with fundraising has highlighted for me how valued this aspect of regular income is for the Hospice, especially during these challenging financial times. I can’t think of a more worthy cause I would wish to support.”

St Wilfrid’s Hospice. Simon says, “Although the questions are getting harder and harder to write, I still get a real buzz on the night. My dream is to publish my own Quiz Book with a percentage of the sales going to the Hospice.” Any offers?

Arundel Jill Dennison Tel: 01243 755827 Barnham, Eastergate, Aldingbourne, Yapton Gill Kelly Tel: 01243 552230 Bognor Regis Chris Jackson Tel: 01243 861991 Bosham Brian Currell Tel: 01243 573596 Boxgrove Mia Tod Tel: 01243 773606

Loads ‘a Money How many bands do you know that give all their money away? Well, not quite all their money, but every penny City Connection has raised over the years, which is well over £100,000, has all been handed over to charity. The band, whose members all have connections with City Ceramics in Chichester, has just celebrated its fifteenth anniversary with a gig at Eastergate Parish Hall and the good news is they donated all the proceeds, £2,115 to St Wilfrid’s Hospice. A great big thank you to all.

Fundraising Support Group Contacts

He’s ‘my favourite’

Chichester Helen Schofield Tel: 01243 787325 Donnington Margaret Foyle Tel: 01243 785305 Roy Miller Tel: 01243 783472 Felpham, Middleton-on-Sea Peggy Gumbrell Tel: 01243 827667 Fishbourne Susan Brown Tel: 01243 787428 Funtington and Compton Esther Ross Tel: 01243 575420 Hunston and District Maggie Devenish Tel: 01243 779042 Lavant Valley Nina Johns Tel: 01243 538750 Selsey Bob Hope Tel: 01243 604802

This year we would love you to help us increase our number of Friends. If you or someone you know would like to join us please call Nicola Gardner on 01243 755837. Members of the Band

Southbourne Support Group “Southbourne Support Group held their second Quiz Night in February. It was very wellattended and quizzers enjoyed a Fish and Chip Supper supplied by Whistlers of Westbourne. We raised nearly £700 on the night. Our thanks to Gill Kelly for organising the Quiz and to all who attended for making it such a fun evening” Hilary Gilson

Sidlesham Louise Harwood Tel: 01243 641047 Jane Phillips Tel: 01243 641091 Southbourne Hilary Gilson Tel: 01243 372187 Witterings and District Marion Juggins Tel: 01243 673544

St Wilfrid’s Hospice welcomes your support. Telephone to find out how you can help us:

01243 775302


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Please donate today for tomorrow’s care

30,000 Words Under the Belt I became Clinical Development Nurse nearly four years ago which involves maintaining standards on the ward, developing practice through bringing about change and helping individual nurses to develop their own roles. For this job I needed to develop my own skills so it seemed sensible to convert previously acquired level 3 credits to a degree programme and complete a BSC in Nursing Practice. Since then in my spare time I have studied two modules and during the last year I have completed the degree with a dissertation. I was not fazed by the prospect of writing 10,000 words for the dissertation; I thought if I worked a little everyday I would achieve my aim. What I did not reckon with was the sheer mental effort of reading, gathering information, understanding it and applying it into a critically sound format. I also underestimated my clinical supervisor’s rigorous standards. Consequently I have probably written in excess of 30,000 words trying to achieve something reasonable and I have had to commit a day each week for six months to do it. However as the memories of gruelling study recede I can appreciate my achievement. While nursing is essentially practical there are many academic aspects required to maintain and improve standards. Most of the time the ward may seem calm and peaceful, but all of us involved in achieving that know how difficult and personally challenging it can be. Studying to degree level has certainly helped me feel more confident and capable in my current role. I certainly value my free time more! Sue Chapman

Let’s Talk About It Rufus Stone at St Wilfrid’s was proud to hold an open afternoon during Dying Matters week in March. Dying Matters is a national coalition set up by the National Council for Palliative Care which aims to get us all talking more about end of life issues – whether we are well or facing serious illness. The coalition recently published a survey which showed that only a quarter of men and just over one in three women across England have told anyone about the funeral arrangements they would like to have after they die. This survey also found that nearly two thirds of people have not written a will. During the open afternoon we welcomed representatives from other organisations, including the West Sussex South Branch of the Motor Neurone Disease Association, Cruse Bereavement Care and the Benefits Agency. We were also joined by Kristiina Parkinson, Assistant Programme Director End of Life Care NHS West Sussex, who joined other panel members to answer questions from the floor and discuss issues around end of life care and planning. The following week the Day Hospice hosted a much appreciated session for carers and patients which helped them to discuss end of life planning and how to have these tricky conversations. Dying Matters aims to encourage everyone to talk more openly about these issues as doing so helps our loved ones to cope if we do have to face serious illness. We feel it is important to promote this work to the general public as well as the patients and families the Hospice supports. This can also help us improve public awareness of the work that the Hospice does. This work will continue so look out for more information and you can visit the website for more details.

The Riverside Well, they came, they saw and they conquered! Rufus Stone - Hampshire’s Premier Soul Band, wowed the crowds at The Riverside Caravan Centre, Bognor Regis. Thanks to organisers Norma Hemmings and Simone Froud the charity event in memory of Jan Golding (previously of Topper’s nightclub) and in aid of St Wilfrid’s and The Rowans Hospices raised in excess of £3,300. As flagging party goers said when they were winding their weary way home... “Best night I’ve had in years”... when’s the next one...?” Pictured L-R Norma Hemmings, Lesley Woodcock from The Rowans. Jill Dennison from St Wilfrid's Hospice and Simone Froud

St Wilfrid’s Hospice welcomes your support. Telephone to find out how you can help us:


01243 775302

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Please donate today for tomorrow’s care

Three of our team recently learned that they had been nominated for an Extra Mile Award by one of our patients, Peter Green, who has Motor Neurone Disease (MND) and was referred to the Hospice last April. The award recognises the exceptional support from Health and Social Care Professionals - people who are pulling out all the stops for families living with MND - people who have gone that extra mile by doing everything they can and more for people affected with MND. Occupational Therapist Jenny Thomas, Physiotherapist Chris Satturley and their Therapy Assistant Helen Brockway didn’t know that they had been nominated until a

letter from the MND Association arrived on the door mat. Jenny says, “We feel really honoured that we have been recognised for what we do. Peter is a very gentle person who never complains and we feel very touched that he has thought of us and nominated us for an award.” And it certainly is a team effort. Each week Chris treats Peter’s neck and shoulders for pain relief, helping with his posture, mobility and breathing management whilst Helen talks him though his exercises and applies physio techniques on his neck to relieve pain and stiffness. His wife has also been shown how to use the TENS machine for pain relief. Jenny has helped Peter

maintain his independence by looking at practical every day tasks like washing and dressing, conserving energy and maintaining safety moving around the home. This included setting up a variety of equipment, such as a hospital bed and wheelchair, advising about the stair lift, equipment and rails in the bathroom, riser recliner chair and hoist. This is helping Peter to continue to enjoy being at home surrounded by his very close family and friends. Peter feels a real bond with the team and says, “The team see me when I come into Day Care and regularly at home, and always have suggestions and ideas to make me safer and more comfortable.”

Pictured L-R Chris, Helen and Jenny

Leaving a Gift in your Will Thinking and planning for the future is an important part of life and the opportunity to continue to make a difference. Leaving a gift in your will to St Wilfrid’s Hospice is more than just a simple financial gift; it is about leaving something of our values and beliefs to support the longevity of the service in the future care of others. Planning a gift in your will is also a wonderful opportunity to make a positive contribution to all those people who rely upon and benefit from the services St Wilfrid’s is able to provide through such support. These gifts – known as legacies – are a vital source of income for St Wilfrid’s. If you would like to find out how to leave a gift in your will please call our Fundraising Team on 01243 755837.

2009 competition entries

Going the Extra Mile

“Open Art” 2010

The second St Wilfrid’s Open Art Competition in association with Pallant House Gallery has been a great success with over 200 works being submitted for consideration. From these entries an exhibition of 40 works will be curated and can be seen in the Studio at Pallant House Gallery from Friday 4th June to Friday 4th July. The competition was started in 2009 by artist and Patron of the Hospice, Annie Timothy. Annie, along with an esteemed panel including Stefan van Raay, Director of Pallant House Gallery, Lady Nicholas Gordon Lennox, Chairman of the Friends of Pallant House Gallery and Patron of St Wilfrid’s Hospice and renowned artist Antony Gormley, will award five prizes for first, second and third place and two highly commended awards. Over £2,000 has already been raised from entry fees and all works will be for sale during the exhibition with 35% of all sales benefiting the Hospice and 15% benefiting Pallant House’s Outside In project which works with marginalised artists.

St Wilfrid’s Hospice welcomes your support. Telephone to find out how you can help us:

01243 775302


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Forthcoming Events

Please donate today for tomorrow’s care

Saturday 17th July Rainbow Day Priory Park, Chichester

A Talking Therapy

Sunday 25th July Sussex Festival Choir with Sir Willard White Arundel Cathderal

Hypnotherapist Linda Partridge is hoping that more people will take advantage of a new service which is on offer to patients, carers and the bereaved. A former physics and maths teacher, Linda’s life changed when she realised she wanted to do something more with people and, whilst playing golf, spoke to a hypnotherapist and decided this was what she wanted to do. She subsequently gained a diploma in Brief Solution Focused Hypnotherapy from Brighton in 2005, started working from home and joined the Hospice on a voluntary basis last year. Linda offers free treatments in the in-patient unit or at a Clinic held in the Day Hospice and each session is tailor made to an individual’s needs. She says “I see hypnotherapy as a way to help people cope better, improve the quality of their life and to put them in a more positive place in their mind.”

Sunday 1st August Charity Paddle Race West Wittering Sunday 15th August Santa ‘Fun’ Run Fontwell Park Racecourse Saturday 11th September Feel Good Fiesta Day Hospice Saturday 18th September Coastal Challenge Yacht Race The Witterings

All details about our events will be regularly updated on our website. Visit to ensure you’re not left out of any of our exciting activities. For further details please call fundraising on 01243 755827.

The MND Association The Motor Neurone Disease Association (MNDA) has supported patients here in the south of the region for twenty-five years. The support includes not only volunteer visitors who provide emotional help and guide patients and their families through the challenges of MND but also considerable amounts of cash for equipment and many other patient expenses. After receiving a large legacy from a grateful family the MNDA were able to financially support the post of a specialist respiratory nurse for three years. To celebrate the silver anniversary the MNDA and four local hospices held a special study for carers, volunteers and health professinals inviting nationally recognised speakers who all gave their time free of charge. Over one hundred people attended this special event.

How to contact us Address: St Wilfrid’s Hospice, Grosvenor Road, Chichester, PO19 8FP Telephone: 01243 775302 E-mail: Website: Registered Charity No: 281963 Newsletter Editor: Jill Dennison If you have any comments about the newsletter please contact Jill on 01243 755827, e-mail

Hypnotherapy has been found to be helpful for the following:• Side effects from chemotherapy • Distress before a procedure • Anxiety • Pain If you would like to find out more about hypnotherapy treatments, please contact Anne Bennett, Complementary Therapies Co-ordinator on 01243 755833.

One of Cycling’s Greatest Climbs Miles Mather, aged 33 and son of Sandra Sedgwick Vice President and former member of the board, is taking on an epic cycle race challenge on Sunday 18th July in aid of St Wilfrid’s who cared for his Granny four years ago. The organisers of the Tour de France annually select one of the most challenging stages as a one day race for non-pros. The 2010 route is from Pau to the summit of the Col du Tourmalet, to mark the 100th anniversary of the Pyrénées inclusion in the Tour. The final ascent of the fearsome Tourmalet will be the real test. A 19km climb with an average gradient of 8%. The total ascent throughout the race is 4100m which is the equivalent to climbing twenty times from sea level to the top of the Trundle! Please show your support for this challenge by visiting Miles’ page at justgiving.

A Great Big Thank You to Roy Haines and his colleagues who organised a reunion of local bands from the 60s and raised £5,120 for the Hospice. DVDs of this fantastic event are

available from Berns Drums in Chichester and Graham Press in Bognor Regis. Net proceeds will go to the Hospice. And to all of you who support us, you never cease to amaze us with your kindness and generosity.

St Wilfrid’s Hospice welcomes your support. Telephone to find out how you can help us:


01243 775302

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