2015 State & Federal Legislative Action Plan

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2015 State & Federal Legislative Action Plan Presented to the 84th Texas State Legislature in Austin, Texas & 114th Congress in Washington D.C. by the Grapevine Chamber of Commerce in Grapevine, Texas

Grapevine, Texas

Quick Facts Grapevine is the oldest settlement in Tarrant County, originating under the Lone Star Flag in 1844, which was a year before Texas became a part of the United States. The city has a committment to its history with emphasis placed on historical preservation in and around its downtown area. Grapevine, which sits in the middle of the Dallas / Fort Worth Metroplex, is home to the Dallas / Fort Worth International Airport, the third busiest airport in the world. Boasting one of the largest Convention & Visitors Bureau in the State of Texas, Grapevine has a robust tourism industry thanks to its wide array of hotels and convention spaces, along with the city’s successful mix of historical preservation, modern attractions and festivals. In 2013, the $1 billion DFW Connector transportation project was completed, easing traffic through the heart of the Grapevine and North Texas. The population of Grapevine more than doubles each day due to the city’s dense business and industry, including restaurants, hotels and resorts, shopping, transportation and office space.

Legislative Action Plan

Table of Contents Quick Facts State Legislative Action Plan Federal Legislative Action Plan Contacts

Inside Cover Page 3 Page 11 Inside Back Cover

From the Grapevine Chamber of Commerce

The mission of the Grapevine Chamber of Commerce is to promote business that adds value to the community. Through its many programs, the Chamber enhances the ability of companies in the community to grow and prosper. However, one of the most important roles for the Chamber to take is a proactive approach to ensure that representatives nationally in Washington D.C., state-wide in Austin and locally in Grapevine hear about the business interests of the community, for it is the businesses who provide the jobs for our citizens so they can support their families, who are our neighbors. The purpose of this State Legislative Action Plan is to summarize the important legislative goals in areas of concern to the Grapevine community. The Chamber respectfully requests your support on the issues outlined in this plan. Please contact the Grapevine Chamber of Commerce if you need clarification or additional information.

Paul Slechta

RaDonna Hessel

Chairman of the Board


Paul Slechta Page 3

RaDonna Hessel

State of Texas

Legislative Action Plan The Grapevine Chamber of Commerce advocates for business at the local, state and federal levels. The Chamber uses guiding principles in considering positions on issues. At the heart of these principles is the certainty that the strength of a nation, a state and a community is a reflection of the strength of their economies. Wealth and jobs are created through economic development in a free society by means of free enterprise. Businesses, especially small businesses, are the engines that drive economic growth and rely on an atmosphere conducive to that growth. The top priorities of the Grapevine Chamber are: Health care Natural resources Public education Transportation Economic development Tourism

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Health Care The Grapevine Chamber of Commerce believes affordable access to health care is an essential component in developing and sustaining economic viability in Grapevine. As key members of the business community, health care providers offer services that ensure the community maintains a healthy and productive workforce needed to attract businesses. The Grapevine Chamber of Commerce supports: Designating funding to address critical shortages of health care professionals including registered nurses and nurse practitioners. There is also a need for more residency positions. This would address the state’s health care workforce needs and unemployment. Accessing available federal funds to care for the uninsured. Texas has the highest rate of uninsured in the nation – one in every four Texans lacks health insurance coverage. Page 5

Restricting increases in costs for Texas employers, their employees and families. The high cost of health services and insurance is a primary contributor to the number of uninsured and to the rising percentage of budgets that households, businesses and government spend on health care.

Natural Resources From 1950 to 2010, the population in Texas more than tripled from 8 million to 25 million, and according to 2012 Texas Water Development Board projections, the population will nearly double to more than 45 million by 2060. The Grapevine Chamber of Commerce believes the rapid growth of the state combined with susceptibility to drought makes the water supply a critical issue. The Grapevine Chamber of Commerce supports: Funding Texas’ State Water Plan because without funding, the plan will increase in cost each year and inhibit the State of Texas to attract new businesses and jobs. Preserving local regulatory authority. Provisions within the state statutes relating to municipallyowned electric utilities must be maintained in order to continue to allow local decision-making authority on all utility matters, including the local option to participate in retail competition. Allowing more use of treated wastewater. TCEQ regulations restrict utilities in the usage of their own treated wastewater, but not on groundwater, even groundwater in which treated wastewater has been discharged. These restrictions are inefficient and result in increased utility charges to our population. Page 6

Public Education The Grapevine Chamber of Commerce believes the Texas public school systems and institutions of higher education need to be adequately and equitably funded. The Grapevine Chamber of Commerce supports: Creating multiple pathways to a recommended high school diploma like a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) program that maintains a minimum requirement of four high school courses in math and science. Also, look at options that focus on the workforce needs of local communities. Improving testing and accountability systems to not be overly reliant on high-stakes testing. A system with flexibility in the assessments used to meet graduation requirements should be developed. Restore all educational funding and financially support student enrollment growth. Ensure all students have access to an education that prepares them for postsecondary success, including funding to support full-day prekindergarten. Page 7

Transportation The Grapevine Chamber of Commerce supports initiatives that increase the state’s investment in transportation infrastructure. A flexible, reliable transportation system is essential to economic development and sustained growth. The Grapevine Chamber of Commerce supports: Prioritizing transportation funding for top priority projects like critical bridges, pollution reduction from rail and vehicle congestion and providing for a constant fixed funding amount for aviation. Creating a statewide multimodal policy, and support High Speed Rail (Texas T-Bone) on private rail right-of-way, not on existing freight rail track. Also, develop a statewide freight policy in light of changes in the global supply chain. Improving public transportation funding as a viable alternative means of transportation to ease vehicle congestion, slow deterioration of current transportation infrastructure and reduce air pollution.

Photo credit: TxDOT

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Economic Development The Grapevine Chamber of Commerce recognizes that competitively positioning Texas for business relocations and expansions is essential to Grapevine’s economic growth. The Chamber supports maintaining tax treatments that spur investment, stimulate economic development, create jobs and contribute to local tax bases. The Grapevine Chamber of Commerce supports: Continuing funding for programs that bring business to Texas, push Texas to the forefront of technology and create skilled individuals for the workforce, including the Texas Enterprise Fund, Emerging Technology Fund and Skills Development Fund. Streamlining environmental approvals to create a reduction in timelines and coordination of state and federal requirements. Creating marketplace equality between brick and mortar businesses and online retailers.

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Tourism The Grapevine Chamber of Commerce supports initiatives making Texas the premier tourist destination in the United States. The Grapevine Chamber of Commerce supports: Funding landmark and historical preservation Funding state parks Promoting the State of Texas as the No. 1 tourist destination in the country Creating economic incentives for nationwide attractions to call Texas home

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From the Grapevine Chamber of Commerce

The mission of the Grapevine Chamber of Commerce is to promote business that adds value to the community, and, through its many programs, the Chamber enhances the ability of companies in the community to grow and prosper. However, one of the most important roles for the Chamber to take is a proactive approach to ensure that representatives nationally in Washington D.C., state-wide in Austin and locally in Grapevine hear about the business interests of the community. The purpose of this Federal Legislative Action Plan is to summarize the important legislative goals in areas of concern to the Grapevine community. The Chamber respectfully requests your support on the issues outlined in this plan. Please contact the Grapevine Chamber of Commerce if you need clarification or additional information.

Paul Slechta

RaDonna Hessel

Chairman of the Board


Paul Slechta Page 11

RaDonna Hessel

United States Federal

Legislative Action Plan The Grapevine Chamber of Commerce advocates for businesses at the local, state and federal levels. The Chamber uses guiding principles in considering positions on issues. At the heart of these principles is the certainty that the strength of a nation, a state and a community is a reflection of the strength of their economies. Wealth and jobs are created through economic development in a free society by means of free enterprise. Businesses, especially small businesses, are the engines that drive economic growth and rely on an atmosphere conducive to that growth. It is therefore essential that we: Promote fiscal responsibility Reduce the tax and regulatory burden on business Encourage economic development Create accessible health care Continue to improve transportation Page 12

Promote Fiscal Responsibility The Grapevine Chamber of Commerce continues to be concerned about the high rate of spending, which forces the government to borrow money. This is detrimental to a thriving business climate. The Grapevine Chamberof Commerce supports: Promoting a balanced budget policy which limits annual spending to 17% of GDP Utilizing generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) in the practice of baseline budgeting, thus promoting transparency in government accounting Reforming the non-discretionary budget programs in such a way that will put them on a sustainable path Creating policies which ensure that federal agencies and programs operate efficiently and within their budget Imposing harsher punishments and penalties for those who become involved in defrauding the American taxpayer Page 13

Reduce the Tax & Regulatory Burden on Business Each year, federal agencies issue thousands of new regulations at an annual cost of more than $1 trillion. For small businesses, more regulations mean higher costs, less profit and fewer jobs. The Grapevine Chamber of Commerce supports: Lowering the corporate tax rate to a level enabling U.S. businesses to compete successful in the global economy and drive job creation Modifying the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Streamlining regulations and permitting processes of the EPA and other federal agencies in order to prevent economic disruptions to industry, business, oil/gas exploration/production, transportation projects and the production and sale of electric energy

Modifying the Dodd-Frank Wall Street and Consumer Protection Act of 2010

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Encourage Economic Development The Grapevine Chamber of Commerce would like to see the federal government encourage economic development and prosperity for businesses, communities, states and the nation through innovation, talent, access and regulatory reform. The Chamber encourages diligence on the part of lawmakers to facilitate economic success and quality of life as typically enjoyed by the State of Texas through its more localized decision-making processes. The Grapevine Chamber of Commerce supports: Encouraging the creation of a competitive workforce Protecting and leveraging federal funding for research and development Supporting tax structures that drive innovation and global competitiveness Opposing unfunded mandates on state and local governments Page 15

Continuing Community Development Block Grant funding, with responsible oversight, for communities with significant population percentages of low income residents Continuing tax exempt status on municipal bonds to allow states and local governments to continue to expand and repair critical infrastructure like roads, bridges, water/ sewer facilities, schools, fire stations, etc., which all contribute to a healthy economy and job creation

Create Accessible Health Care The Grapevine Chamber of Commerce supports amending the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) to reduce the cost, regulatory burden and penalties on businesses and individuals. More than 170 million Americans receive health insurance through voluntary, employer-sponsored plans. The health care reform law will, without a doubt, have a huge economic impact on all businesses. The Grapevine Chamber of Commerce supports: Reducing the complexity of compliance for employers Increasing transparency in health care costs Expanding existing tort reform efforts Expanding incentives for healthy life style choices

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Continue to Improve Transportation Transportation infrastructure is crucial to economic development opportunities and quality of life. As the Dallas / Fort Worth Metroplex continues to grow and expand, transportation is key to accessing all the North Texas region has to offer citizens and tourists. The Grapevine Chamber of Commerce supports: Developing sustainable and predictable funding for transportation Creating a multimodal and intermodal vision to reduce congestion and improve efficient, safe transportation of goods Improving air quality with greater emphasis on public transportation and emission standards Creating public transportation that meets the needs of growing cities

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Grapevine Chamber of Commerce Contacts Paul Slechta

Bruno Rumbelow

Chairman of the Board Panda Embroidery (817) 488-4151 paul@pandasportswear.com

City Manager City of Grapevine (817) 410-3105 brumbelow@grapevinetexas.gov

Michael Miori

RaDonna Hessel

Director of Program Development Grapevine Chamber of Commerce (817) 481-1522 michael@grapevinechamber.org

CEO Grapevine Chamber of Commerce (817) 481-1522 radonna@grapevinechamber.org

Steve Newton

Legislative Council Co-Chair Baylor Regional Medical Center at Grapevine (817) 481-1588 steven.newton@baylorhealth.edu

Steve Brown

Legislative Council Co-Chair Esparza’s Restaurante Mexicano (817) 481-4668 steve@esparzastexas.com

For more details or to download an electronic copy of this State & Federal Legislative Action Plan, visit www.GrapevineChamber.org > Government or contact the Grapevine Chamber of Commerce at (817) 481-1522

The mission of the Grapevine Chamber of Commerce is to promote business that adds value to our community!

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