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StoneBow House Wordsearch Competition
Stonebow House is proud to provide care to elderly people within our community: Long term care Respite care Daycare To learn more about what we do please visit our website or pop in for a visit.


Tel: 01905 840245 www.stonebowhouse.co.uk WE JUST CARE

WIN A £25 LoveToShop voucher

HOW TO ENTER Find the words associated with Stonebow House in our wordsearch below and send your answer, which is a 3 word related phrase, together with your full name and postal address to : Stonebow House, Worcester Road, Peopleton, Pershore, WR10 2DY or email sbhadmin@amber-group.co.uk
The first correct answer out of the hat aer the closing date of 30th April 2020 will win. Manager’s decision is final. Terms and condions apply.

Find the words in the grid and the remaining leers will spell out a related phrase

Commitment Compassionate Competence Courage Daycare Empathy Family Friendship Happy Haven Health Home Kindness Laughter Listen Listening Love Patience Personal Respect Respite