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The Market Theatre

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The Vagus Nerve

March at The Theatre



Tickets £6.00 Students & Film Club Members £3.00 (unless stated otherwise)

Bait ^ƵŶĚĂLJϭƐƚDĂƌĐŚϳƉŵ 2019/15ͬϴϵŵŝŶƐ

Once Upon A Time in Hollywood Friday 6tŚDĂƌĐŚϴƉŵ 2019/1ϴͬϭϱϵŵŝŶƐ

Sorry We Missed You ^ƵŶĚĂLJϴƚŚDĂƌĐŚϳƉŵ 2019/15ͬϭϬϬŵŝŶƐ

Mrs Lowry & Son tĞĚŶĞƐĚĂLJϭϭƚŚDĂƌĐŚϭϬ͘ϯϬĂŵ 2ϬϭϵͬW'ͬϵϭŵŝŶƐ

The Farewell FridayϭϯƚŚDĂƌĐŚϴƉŵ 20ϭϵͬW'ͬϭϬϬŵŝŶƐ



The Gaz Hughes Sextet WůĂLJƐdƌŝďƵƚĞdŽƌƚůĂŬĞLJ Saturday 7th March 8pm Tickets £15 / students £9

Bleak House ƉƌĞƐĞŶƚĞĚďLJdŚĞWĂŶƚĂůŽŽŶƐ Saturday 14th March 7.30pm Tickets £14/ students £8

Fidelio >ŝǀĞ^ĐƌĞĞŶŝŶŐĨƌŽŵƚŚĞZŽLJĂůKƉĞƌĂ Tuesday 17th March 7.15pm Tickets £15/ students & over 60 £13

Hereford County Drama Festival Thursday 19th-Saturday 21st March 7pm Tickets £10 per session – Discounts for prebooking two or more sessions

Under My Skin ƉƌĞƐĞŶƚĞĚďLJ^ĂĚŚĂŶĂĂŶĐĞ Friday 27th March 7.30 pm Tickets £13 / students £8

The Roving Crows Saturday 28th March 8pm Tickets £14 / students £8

Some of the UK’s most influential Jazz musicians on the scene today, feature in ‘The Gaz Hughes Sextet’ as they play in this tribute to Art Blakey.

‘BleakHouse’is hilarious, tragic and romantic, retold by The Pantaloons in their very own style with a company of five actor- musicians they bring to life this thrilling tale of love and skulduggery.

‘Fidelio’ is a Live Screening from the Royal Opera it is Beethoven’s masterpiece and only Opera. It is the uplifting story of risk and triumph

‘The Hereford Drama Festival’ returns to Ledbury presenting up to ten One Act Plays, performed by local AmDram groups, over three sessions, competing for the privilege of progressing to the Quarter Final Round of The All England Festival.

‘Under My Skin’Sadhana Dance Company specialises in the exploration of science through dance. This is going to be rather special do not miss it!

‘The Roving Crows’have a special sound that pushes the boundaries of the Celtic Folk genre. Their multi-award wining act has wowed Festival Audiences all over the Country with their vibrant showcase of four-part harmonies, intelligent lyrics and solid thumping rhythms.

FILMS: ‘Bait’ chronicles a Cornish coastal town under threat from modernity; simmering tensions reach boiling point with tragic consequences.

‘Once upon a time in Hollywood’ Quentin Tarantino’s new black comedy stars Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio.

‘SorryWe Missed You’Ken Loach returns to 2016. Ricky lost his job and mortgage in the 2008 financial crash but when he finds a new job the pressure mounts on him and Abbie, a contract nurse, as they struggle with family life.

‘Mrs Lowry & Son’Beloved artist L S Lowry lived with his overbearing mother until her death. She always tried to dissuade him from pursuing his artistic ambitions and never failed to express her disappointment in him.

‘The Farewell’is based on a true story. New Yorker Billi returns to China where her beloved Grandmother is terminally ill. The Family are not planning to tell her and Billi is asked to take part in the ruse.

‘Joker’ Arthur Fleck works as a clown but he has mental health issues. Times are tough and over time these issues bear down on him, making him take on the persona and become known as ‘Joker’

Tickets for all events can be booked on line at www.themarkettheatre.com Live Show Tickets: The Master’s House, St Katherine’s car park Mon/Thu/Fri 9.30 - 4.30 Tuesday 9.30 - 6 (closed Wednesday) Saturday 9.30 -12.30 Or phone 07967 517125 for all shows and films

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