3 minute read
Vet Talk
with Martin Leith BVetMed MRCVS
Weight Management & Dental Care Travelling in Europe with your pet
Alot of people now like to take their pets on holiday with them (understandably – they are part of the family after all!) but there are a number of things to take into consideration before taking your pet to Europe.
Prior to travelling your dog/cat will require a Pet Passport – in order to get this they require a microchip and a rabies vaccine, they can then travel to Europe twenty-one days after their rabies vaccine. This may well change after the post-Brexit transition period but animals that currently have a pet passport can travel as normal until the end of this year. Pets without a passport can be issue one as normal until this time.
There are a number of diseases that are endemic in Europe that we do not commonl y see in the UK. You should bear this in mind when taking your pets abroad:
Rabies: The UK is free from Rabies but many parts of Europe are not. Rabies can obviously be spread to humans and this is why it is mandatory for dogs to be vaccinated against Rabies.
Leishmania: Leishmania is common in many parts ofEurope. It is spread by sandflies and is a single celled organism that lives in the hosts body. It can be challenging to diagnose Leishmania but sadly active untreated infections can be fatal. It commonly causes skin lesions but can also affect the liver, kidneys and bone marrow. You can help to prevent your dogs being infected by using appropriate treatments that reduce the chance of your dog being bitten and keeping your animals inside at dawn and dusk as this is when the sandflies are most active. There is a vacc ine that can be given if you are travelling to severely affected areas.
Heartworm: This is transmitted by mosquitoes that are infected with the heartworm larvae and can affect both cats and dogs. Symptoms of heartworm include difficulty breathing, coughing and weight loss and can take months to years to manifest. This will always be a problem in very warm climates.
Tapeworm: Dogs must be treated with an appropriate tapeworm treatment 24-120 hours prior to returning to the UK. This is to prevent Echinococcus multilocularis from entering the UK. This is a very serious disease and humans can accidentally become infected from dog faeces.
Tick borne diseases: there are multiple diseases in Europe that are caused by tick bites, these include Babesia and Ehrlichia so it is essential to keep your dog up to date on routine tick prevention treatment whilst abroad and on return home.
Please contact us for any advice about travel abroad and disease prevention.

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