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• 80% Veg Ratio


• Reduce

The Lean Clean

Inflammatory Foods

Eating Plan 5


• Eat Until 80% Full



• Treat Yourself

• Top 5 Self-Limiting


Attitudes Stopping You

• Stress & Weight Loss

From Achieving A Slim,

• So What Can We Do To Restore?

Healthy Body!

• Ensure You Understand

• Top 5 Attitudes



That Healthy, Slim

The Restorative Power

Women Have. . .

Of Good Food

Nourish • 5 Key Guidelines


Learn From Others & Do What Works

• 3 Meals A Day




INTRODUCTION If you’re like a lot of women you’re reading this for a number of reasons; you’re worried you’re never going to lose weight (worse, petrified you’ll keep putting more on), your clothes don’t seem to fit, or you hate what that nasty little voice in your head whispers to you whenever you look in a mirror. Too often than you’d like you’re feeling run down, low on energy, bloated and tired. And to top it all off you’re sick of feeling confused over what the heck you should be eating… and then feeling guilty over whatever it is you just ate! Most of all you look at other women that have what you want, the body, the energy, the fun & enjoyable lifestyle, and you just want to know how the hell they do it! So are you ready to find out? Honestly, I’m so excited that you’ve downloaded this program because I know the content within these pages will help you finally achieve that breakthrough you’ve been looking for, and help you get that slim, healthy body you want & truly deserve! At long last you’re going to find out the truth why you keep struggling to lose weight or get into shape, and learn what those missing pieces are that you need to know & do for you to get to where you want to be. The answers might just surprise you a little.

WHO AM I AND WHY ON EARTH YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO ME? My name is Adriana Solorzano and over the last decade through my career as a Personal Trainer, Pilates Instructor, Nutrition & Wellness Coach, I’ve had the pleasure of helping literally hundreds of women like you to lose weight & tone up. Working with women of all different ages and backgrounds, I’ve been able to see why some women succeeded & got phenomenal results, and why others just fizzled & failed. Taking that knowledge I created the Lean Clean Eating program, to help as many women like you as possible end your food frustrations, to get slim and healthy, boost your energy levels, and most importantly become happy & comfortable with your bodies. I really want you to walk away after having read this with a crystal clear plan on how you can develop healthy & sustainable, long term habits & behaviours so that you never again have to worry about not being in control of the way you look and feel about your body. Never again feel confusion and guilt over what you should or shouldn’t be eating. At the heart of it Lean Clean Eating isn’t about food or nutrition, it’s about women like you regaining confidence in yourself. The confidence to know that you DO have the ability to achieve a slim and healthy body, without guilt or deprivation. Yes, it is possible!




Yes you can be fit, healthy, slim and full of energy... and still have a life! Most women fail in their health journey because they have never truly believed that it is possible to have a pleasurable life and still look & feel amazing. They quit because it’s too hard… and with most diets programs IT IS too hard. I say TO HELL WITH THAT. I’m going to show you how you can enjoy great tasting, quick, natural & healthy food on your journey to a slim, toned body. It’s easy when you know how. But believe it or not, what you eat or how much you exercise is only a small part of what you need to know and what I’m about to share with you. My simple 3 step Lean Clean Eating Plan is unlike any other “diet” program out there. Not because it provides you with a bunch of gimmicky diet secrets, but because I place a great importance on changing your limiting mental attitudes & beliefs that are at this very moment holding you back from ever having the body you want. This has come from years of working with tons of women (myself included) and seeing a continual pattern of mental self sabotage. It doesn’t matter if I give you the best exercise program and meal plan in the world, if you’re head isn’t in the right place then the results will never come or they’ll be short lived. I want you to get results... and be able to maintain them for life!

My nourishment plan is all about healthy, delicious and simple food

...you can start taking action & get the body you want...

Quick look

I’ll help you discover and change the selflimiting attitudes and beliefs that have been holding you back from getting slimmer & fitter, so that you can start taking action & get the body you want (while enjoying the food that you love)… now and for the long term. This way you don’t just end up with this plan up on the shelf collecting dust along with every other diet/exercise book you’ve ever bought. You’ll be amazed at just how easier things become once you get your mental game right.

Once we’ve looked at the “head space stuff”, the rest is pretty damn easy. It’s based around great nourishing food that is easy on your digestive system (hands up if you’re sick of feeling bloated) and that will help boost your energy levels. You’ll also learn why effective restorative training is so critically important. Most importantly I hope you’ll also learn to love your life and your body, even if you aren’t quite where you want to be yet physique wise. So… Do you want to exercise to be fit not skinny? Do you want to start eating great tasting, nourishing healthy food? And do you want to stop feeling guilty about wanting a healthier, happier life? If you’re reading this I’m guessing you do, so let’s get started! -Adriana Solorzano




clean eating plan OVERVIEW The Lean Clean Eating Plan is based around these 3 key areas: BELIEVE Is about becoming aware of

your current thoughts & attitudes, and the incredible impact they have on the results you achieve. They’re the #1 reason why you’ve failed or struggled so much in the past, and you will continue to struggle until you change them. In this section you’ll identify the thoughts & attitudes (that lead to your habits & behaviours, that lead to your results) that are no longer serving you, and how to replace these. The aim of the Believe section is to set you up for success with new empowering thoughts & attitudes that will support & lead you to a healthier and hotter body & mind. Don’t worry I’ll teach how this all works.

NOURISH A change in the mind is

really difficult when you’re feeding your body rubbish. My nourishment plan is all about healthy, delicious and simple food. No deprivation, no fad diets, no pills or powders, no obsessive behaviour... and most importantly no more guilt! Learn why

the quality of your nourishment is in direct relation to your happiness, levels of energy, and overall effectiveness in daily life. Eating well doesn’t have to be hard or painful, It’s actually super easy and enjoyable to eat right, you’ve just probably never been taught how.

RESTORE This was really the last piece of

the puzzle when I was putting my program together. Over the years I’ve been in the fitness industry and from my own personal experience I’ve concluded that long term success in anything (but particularly health) is highly dictated by how well you can manage stress. As women (and as a society in general) we are demanding more & more from ourselves. Unless you know how to handle stress with things other than caffeine, alcohol and processed foods, you will not only become frustrated with your expanding waist line, you will also become sick and feel increasingly run down. I’ll teach you other simple, fun & nourishing ways to cope with stress.




BELIEVE To change your body, you first have to change your mind. How you think will absolutely decide whether you keep making poor health choices all day long, or if you’ll actually take action to make better choices.



Before you can achieve any progress towards a slim, healthy body, you need to first try and understand:

1. What thoughts or attitudes have led you to where you currently are? (i.e. what’s been holding you back?), and; 2. What thoughts or attitudes do slim, healthy women have? (i.e. how do they do it?) My job has given me an awesome position to observe the habits and thoughts of women who are healthy and those that aren’t, and time & time again I keep seeing the same thought patterns holding women back from achieving the success they are capable of. When you are more self-aware and understand your limiting thoughts, then and only then can you begin to choose a different pattern of thinking that will lead you to where you ACTUALLY want to be. The easiest way to embark on getting slimmer & healthier, is to model what other healthy women in similar situations do; but not just mechanically what they do (e.g. what they eat or how they exercise) but what is going

through their head, what is their thought & decision making process that leads them to go for a run in the morning instead of sleeping in like everyone else? Let’s get one thing straight first though being skinny does not equal healthy and it definitely doesn’t equal fit! This program isn’t for you to become a skinny chick who can’t lift a 1kg weight or run 200 metres to save herself. This program is about changing your mental game when it comes to health, so you can have the body you are meant to have slim, healthy & fit! I also want you to understand that “slim” comes in all shapes and sizes. Slim in the context of my program means a body that has a healthy amount of body fat with natural muscle tone. Please understand that I am not one these trainers that expects all my clients to look like they live at the gym and are chiselled to within an inch of their life. I’m what I call a lifestyle trainer. My aim with all my clients is to teach them how to change their attitudes so they can move towards a lifestyle where loving and respecting their body is highly prioritised. When you learn how to do this, a slim and healthy physique is so much easier to attain. From working with hundreds of women like yourself, I have identified the Top 5 selflimiting beliefs/attitudes that unhealthy and/ or overweight women have, as well as the Top 5 attitudes/beliefs of slim, healthy and happy women. Do any of the following sound familiar?




It’s the sum of all those continual poor choices (controlled by your attitudes & beliefs) that have you where you are today, despite what you’ve tried in the past and despite what you actually want.


Top 5 Self-Limiting Attitudes Stopping You From Achieving a Slim, Healthy Body! BORING You believe that anything relating

to being slim and healthy is and has to be boring. Exercise and healthy eating…. Yuk! You believe exercise is about going to the gym and running on a treadmill for hours. You believe that eating healthy is bland, tasteless, and un-fulfilling. You might even believe that women who are slim and healthy are boring people, who only ever care about eating tiny tasteless meals and exercising and so they miss out on all the fun stuff in life!


Alternatively you might see a women with a great physique and think “Skinny mole”, or “she’s probably stupid”, or “I bet she doesn’t have a life and starves herself”. When you say things like this what you’re essentially saying to yourself is that looking that way is a bad thing. Why would you ever want to work towards having a slim body if deep down you think other people are going to say things like that about you when you reach your goal?

they don’t want to


BLAME You believe that being slim is

beyond your control, that outside influences determine your daily choices around eating and exercising. This could be a MASSIVE list but the most common things to blame are: time, money, children, PMS, work, holidays, etc, etc. The blame game will hold you back so much, because you don’t think it’s within your control you don’t look for ways on how you might improve/change your situation. Whenever my clients have given me an excuse for not having the time to eat healthy, I ask them “Are there any other women in your same situation who do manage to eat well & exercise?” Of course there are, therefore your excuses don’t hold up.


others. Examples of this would be you saying things to yourself like: “I hate my thighs”, “I’m so fat” or “I’m no good at exercise”… or “I’ll never be slim”. If you say this to yourself on a regular basis with emotion, you will eventually believe this to be true. These statements aren’t facts, they are judgments, opinions only… negative, destructive ones at that. They need to STOP!

I’ve heard lots of women say to me that the reason they aren’t slim is because they don’t want to “GIVE UP” all the things they enjoy. Most women never question this belief; therefore never try to find activities or healthy foods they might actually love.

HOSTILITY To yourself and sometimes to

SOCIAL ISOLATION You believe that

being slim and healthy is socially really difficult, that it means not being able to have as much fun with your girlfriends. Or you think that people will think you’re boring, they won’t like the change you’ve made and you might lose friendships. Despite what you think, healthy people do have friends too.

IMPATIENT We are all guilty of wanting results fast and with minimal effort - this is so common in our society, in so many areas of life these days. You’ve put on 10kg over 6 months and want to lose it all in 2 weeks? Realistic? Of course not. Healthy and sustainable? Unlikely.


of a little hard work. They totally accept that anything worth having is worth working for. We have this attitude with most things in life, but so many don’t apply it to their own health… and at the end of the day what could be more important than that, since everything you do relies on you being well. Slim women work hard but more importantly they work consistently. They don’t whinge about it, they just do it! This doesn’t mean torturing yourself with things you hate doing - I like running, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t hard work.

my personal favourite - French pastries! We know its fun to have these foods from time to time and it’s important to incorporate them.

FIGHT Slim women know they have to have a little bit of fight in them to stay looking and feeling the way they like. Everyone faces obstacles in life that challenge your ability to stay slim and healthy.

Be the leading lady in your own life!

WORK Healthy slim women are not afraid

Other people might put you down or make fun of your “obsessive” healthy behaviour, or good old peer pressure to have another drink or another slice of pizza. Remember you’re a big girl now, as an adult it’s your right to make decisions that are best for your long-term wellbeing. Become someone who stands up for themselves or says too bad this is what I want, and this is what I’m going to do! Be the leading lady in your own life!

LOVE Ok I know it sounds a bit airy fairy, or

PLAY Slim women who’ve been that way for most of their life know that if they’re going to work hard, they’re going to balance that out with play. What I mean by that is that not every workout they do is about the most calories they can burn, they make sure that some activities are purely for fun. Examples might be doing a dance class, a hike or a game of tennis. They also know that having fun around food is really important. Slim women love good quality, pleasurable food like dark chocolate, nice quality wine… and

some might even think a bit arrogant to love yourself. But think about it this way, loving someone generally develops respect and gratefulness towards that person. Do you treat someone like trash when you appreciate and respect them? Slim, healthy women have a great respect and appreciation for both their health & their bodies; they love their bodies and through their actions they take to care of it. That is: great nourishment, habitual exercise, rest & relaxation.

BELIEF This above all else is absolutely

necessary to achieve a slim, healthy body. You must believe that treating your body well is one of the most important gifts that you can give yourself and others. If you don’t deeply believe that being healthy is the best thing since sliced bread, then I’m here to tell you that you will never find pleasure in the journey towards it, and therefore you will always give up & quit.




Top 5 Attitudes That Healthy, Slim Women Have. . .


Think of all the things you have. You wouldn’t have those things unless you deeply believed you needed them for life. • • • • • •

A job, a partner, a dog, girlfriends, car, travel - the list goes on.

When you truly want something that you think is going to enhance your life, you will chase it no matter what and you will consistently do what you can to keep it.

The big problem is that many women believe that being healthy & fit (and therefore slim) is overrated, it’s something that would be nice to have but how much better can life really be if you have it?? Let me tell you it’s a shit load better! Think about when you were learning to drive. You knew deep down that having a car was going to be awesome, and so you were willing to put yourself out of your comfort zone (mentally, physically and sometimes financially) to get that license, so you would have the freedom to “do what you wanted”. You decided that despite the discomfort of learning to drive you’d do it anyway; you may have even failed your driving test a few times, yet you still went back for more until you got that license. Now think about your first trip on your own or with your girlfriends, away from parent supervision, music playing loud. How good did it feel? At that instant you probably wondered how you ever lived with out it. Life was a shit load better! This is exactly what being healthy, slim & fit feels like. Once you achieve it, you honestly won’t understand why you ever treated your body so badly. This is why sometimes healthy, 10 ADRIANA SOLORZANO

slim women can’t understand why anyone would eat rubbish and never exercise, or go on punishing diets and endure gruelling workouts. They believe long term health and vitality is so valuable, that they just don’t participate in activities that would ever compromise it. They love looking and feeling good… who wouldn’t?! Bottom line is if you want results, if you want to change the way you look and feel, then you absolutely have to get your headspace in order first. I cover a heap more about the mental game side of things in my 21 Day Kick Start Program + Detox, with checklists & weekly exercises to help you to nut out what beliefs have been holding you back and more importantly “reprogram” your thinking – check it out if you need more help. As to what you need to do right this instant? Review the Top 5 lists above again and take special note of what thoughts/beliefs might be holding you back, as well as the positive ones you’d like to replace them with. Think of some women you know or have met that exhibit those positive attitudes, and whom you can use as a role model to aspire to.



NOURISH The Nourish part of the program is really quite simple, it’s based around pleasurable and nourishing meals that are quick & easy to prepare. This is a lifestyle program not a diet. I know this concept gets thrown around a lot these days even by programs that still ask you to eat every 3 hours, prepare 6 meals a day, drink shakes, eat 3 small chickens a day, and only eat carbs when the moon & stars align a certain way (ok slight exaggeration). I don’t know about you, but that isn’t a lifestyle that I wish to adopt! www.leancleaneating.com



I don’t want to be stressing out about eating every 3 hours, I don’t want to go to work with 6 small containers every day (god knows I’ve got enough shit in my bag!). I certainly don’t want to be forcing food down my throat when I’m not hungry, and I don’t want to feel sluggish and bloated. I also don’t want to be drinking diet shakes or taking pills. If you don’t want these things either, then read on... Forget for a moment all the conflicting and confusing information you’ve ever read or heard about eating healthy. If all you ever do going forward is focus on doing these 5 key things well, you’ve well and truly got all of the important stuff covered:

running to burn more fat, etc, etc. That may be well and true for some, but remember I’m a lifestyle trainer, and from a lifestyle perspective this is really hard for most women. I’ve tried doing this and all I found was that it caused me to obsess about food all the time, I felt I was always too full (like I was just eating way to much) and my digestive system simply felt like it never got a break. I found that this way of eating only really worked if I completely stuck to the right portions, and only if I ate very simple, bland food (e.g. boiled broccoli and grilled chicken) for pretty much every meal. I can’t do that for life, and I’m guessing you don’t want to either. What’s worked exceptionally well for me and the women I’ve coached is to ensure that 3 meals per day are incredibly nourishing and tasty. Your biggest meal should be either breakfast or lunch, this just depends on what you prefer. I love a good breakfast, but I know a lot of women can’t handle a larger meal early in the day. Don’t stress too much about this, just make sure your larger meal isn’t dinner whenever possible.

5 Key Guidelines 3 MEALS A DAY

I don’t like to snack. Each of your set meals should fill you up enough so that you can last until your next meal. If this isn’t happening, you need to up your veggie intake within your set meals. Of course occasionally I will get beyond a little hungry in between meals, but that doesn’t mean I starve my self - I’ll just snack on something I know will fill me up, but is also good for me (i.e. piece of fruit, etc). If you’re used to constantly eating just because food is there, then this can take a little bit of getting used to. Most of us have completely confused our hunger signals, eating whenever we feel like it even if there is no actual hunger whatsoever. We’ve been brainwashed into thinking that experiencing a little bit of hunger is the worst thing that can happen to you - it’s not, being fat & unhealthy is far worse. Feeling a little hunger between meals is a perfectly normal feeling that you’re supposed to have… feeling stuffed is not. My experience with working with busy women is that it’s much easier to perfect 3 meals in your day than it is to perfect 6… a no brainer really. I know there’s a lot of hype about eating 6 small meals per day to keep your metabolism 12 ADRIANA SOLORZANO

To completely get rid of all your snacks at once might be tricky, so perhaps start with getting rid of just one snack for the first week and then two snacks in the second week. By the third week you should be done with pretty much all of them (especially if you snack after dinner).


It’s not hard ladies. For example:


Vegetable omelette with LOTS of capsicum, mushroom, spinach, zucchini.


Big bowl of vegetable soup with a slice of rye bread spread with a 1/4 of an avocado.


A small serving of salmon with salad, made up of kale, spinach, cucumber, asparagus with a yummy Asian homemade dressing.


1 carrot cut up with hummus.

80% VEG RATIO There are tons of eating plans out there, some with really conflicting information. But there is one constant guideline or rule that basically all diet plans or programs have, no matter if you’re into “paleo” or “veganism” - that is to eat lots of vegetables! My plan is NO different, except I believe doing this is the MOST important thing you can do for your health. When I’ve looked at people’s food diaries all they ever worry about is getting enough protein or eating too many carbs, they’re never worry about how little vegies they’re eating. If there’s one thing I advise you to “obsess” about, it’s making sure you eat vegetables EVERY. SINGLE. DAY! You need to eat vegetables everyday because you simply cannot find another food group that is as perfectly matched to our everyday human needs as vegetables are! Vegetables fit us like a glove. From so many different perspectives, the nature of vegetables and the nature of human health are matched up in a way that simply cannot be duplicated by other food groups, including: fruits, legumes, nuts and seeds, grains, seafoods, or poultry and meats. You need to eat vegetables everyday because you need a daily supply of vitamins

*If needed

If you hate cooking, what could be easier than to eat your veggies? There are no excuses for not eating your daily greens. You must believe this.




for your body to properly function. Some vitamins can be stored for future use and others cannot. Some of the vitamins that can be stored in the body are called fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins A, D and E. For the body to run at its best we also need watersoluble vitamins. Found within this group are all of the “B-Complex” vitamins, including vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, biotin, choline, folic acid, and vitamin C. We need these water-soluble vitamins every single day because they can’t be stored in the body or can only be stored in small amounts. And since the body cannot make these vitamins, we have to get them from the food we eat. Ok forget the science - Wanna hot bod? Eat your vegies!!


It’s easy to find recipes & meals that either don’t use the above, or only require small amounts. But if you do need some help, check out my facebook page as I regularly post great tasting recipes up there for free. Otherwise if you’re after a more structured meal plan (at least to get you started) then my 21 Day Kick Start Program + Detox might be what you’re looking for – just check out www.leancleaneating.com if you’re interested.

REDUCE INFLAMMATORY FOODS The food we eat each day creates the environment in our digestive tract. When we are consuming foods that our body does not tolerate well our digestion will become “sluggish” leading to any number of health challenges (constipation, arthritis, weakened immune system, bloating, etc)… and not to mention you feel like crap. Worse yet is when we are eating substances that the body does not recognize as “food”. The body does not know what to do with this these substances, thereby putting a stress on all of the body’s organs. The goal of reducing inflammatory foods is to reduce exposure to allergens, improve our digestion, reduce inflammation throughout the body, and thereby improve our overall wellness. If you want to look slim, radiant and younger, then cutting back on these foods is the way to go. Again we need to consider lifestyle whenever we are going to take on a dietary change. That is, we need to question whether the change is sustainable for life. Unless you have an existing condition which you know causes major problems with the following foods (and therefore you should get rid of it completely from your diet) then simply reducing these foods will help greatly. Basically the foods you need to gently steer towards reducing are: Sugar Dairy Alcohol Caffeine Red meat Wheat


EAT UNTIL 80% FULL Such a simple concept yet one that I see a lot my clients struggle with. Probably because we are always in a rush to eat, or we’re simply just used to having larger portions. As far as I know, there’s no law or rule that says you must eat everything on your plate. Getting this right takes a real conscience effort of slowing down and taking your time to chew your food. Enjoy your meal of course, but there’ no need to eat like it’s your last meal. You should not feel uncomfortable after eating or feel like you need a nap - if you do you’ve eaten to much. After each meal you should feel like you’ve got enough energy to go for a walk. No undoing the top button of your jeans!


NOURISH A practical application of this is when ordering out, think of one thing you can go without, such as bread or a huge main. If you really want dessert then order the healthiest entree as your main and have whatever you like for dessert without any guilt. Personally I can go without the dessert, but I usually don’t like to go without the little dinner bread roll with a bit of butter on it. That’s my compromise and I’m more than happy with that.

TREAT YOURSELF You know I’ve never gotten any fitter, healthier or slimmer faster by being a bitch to myself. Sure you need to be committed and disciplined, but this doesn’t have to be torture and you don’t have to bathe yourself in guilt. I really hate seeing women put themselves down because they enjoy certain foods there is nothing wrong with liking chocolate (of good quality) or the odd glass of vino with your girlfriends or partner. You don’t have to miss out on all the things you like… you just don’t have to have them ALL the time, or all at the same time!

So how often should I treat myself you ask? Here’s the thing, when you learn to eat healthy delicious food every day feels like you’re treating yourself. But if we’re talking French pastries or burgers then absolutely no more than 2 times per week and it must be of high quality. The only time I feel guilty for eating is when I’ve bought some crappy quality chocolate bar as my treat… say at the gas station when buying fuel. Whenever I’ve done this (and it’s never been often) I think “who the hell buys & eats food from where you can also get your car fixed? Seriously, couldn’t I have though of something better?!?”




RESTORE This was really the last piece of the puzzle when I was putting my program together. Over the many years I’ve been in the fitness industry and from my own personal experience I’ve concluded that long term success in anything (but particularly health) is highly dictated by how well you can manage stress. As women (and as a society in general) we are demanding more & more from ourselves, and unless we know how to handle stress with things other than caffeine, alcohol and processed foods we will not only become frustrated with our expanding waist lines, we will also become sick, tired and unhappy. I’ll teach you other ways, other nourishing ways to cope with stress. 16 ADRIANA SOLORZANO


As most of us know all too well, our lives are a non-stop dance from one task to another. But work is just one stressor. Others include the demands of social life, family obligations, and most significantly the increasing amount of toxic, highly processed “food like products” we’re eating. All this is resulting in a society that is chronically stressed. How significant is our diet as a source of stress? It is estimated that as much as 40% of overall stress can be classified as nutritional. For a woman when we think about stress we can usually identify with tons of psychological stressors in our day, but a lot of this psychological stress could be dramatically reduced if we nourished ourselves better. The correlation between success (in business or personal life) & nourishment is massively UNDERRATED!

Eating nourishing food can do the following: • Reduce your biological age • Give you a longer life expectancy • Help you reduce body fat, and increase your lean muscle • Give you more energy, strength and endurance • Improve your productivity and mental clarity • Allow you higher quality, deeper sleep • Improve your resistance to illness • Provide you quicker recovery from exercise • Reduce your cravings and feel less hunger • Elevate your mood & desire to excel Yes, food can do all that! This is why the Lean Clean eating model is so much more than just being a certain dress size or weight. You want to kick some serious ass in your career or business life? Then stop ignoring the need to up your game when it comes to your health. You want to be a brilliant role model for your children? Then stop making excuses and learn how YOU CAN eat better and feel better for them.




Commonly accepted as one of the leading causes of illness, stress has been shown to bring on many forms of diseases. It’s easy to say, “Reduce the amount of stress in your life and you’ll be healthier”, but I think most us don’t really appreciate (1) how to do this, and (2) really how much it affects us if we don’t. A full, productive life will undoubtedly bring about elevated stress levels, yet success at anything (including getting that slim body) starts with the ability to effectively cope with stress.


STRESS & WEIGHT LOSS I find the human body pretty amazing, and when you understand how it works when stress is applied to it, you really start to appreciate it on a whole new level. At any given moment your body is choosing which energy source to use so it can do what it needs to do. It chooses this energy source based on the information you are giving it through your senses. The only 2 sources of energy your body can use for fuel are glucose (sugar) and fat. In its simplest explanation, when you are stressed (for whatever reason – it doesn’t matter to the body) you have adrenalin going through your system. When there is adrenalin in your body, sugar is used as fuel. Why? Cause it’s easily accessible and fast working.

No danger = calm/safe = grounded and relaxed. This is where your body uses fat as a fuel source. Fat is a slow and steady way to keep the body going, but not a great fuel source when you need to move quickly.

Hence the calmer you can be throughout the day; the easier it is for your body to burn fat all day long. Being calmer also increases your chances of choosing more nourishing foods exponentially. If you think back on times when you’ve eaten rubbish you are usually rushing and frantic and you feel like you just need to eat something, it doesn’t matter what, and “yes I need that chocolate or muffin or energy drink to keep me going”. There are many effective and nourishing methods to stay calm; food is of course a major tool.

SO WHAT CAN WE DO TO RESTORE? 1. Rest We make sure we rest & we rest well. That is, it’s restorative & revitalising.

2. Laughter Obviously when you are

laughing you aren’t in danger Spend time with people that help lift your spirits, that make you laugh, who are a little silly. Personally, I love doing anything dance related, it’s food for the soul… even if you aren’t good at it.

3. Exercise Practice restorative exercise like yoga or Pilates 2-3 times per week. As well as your higher intensity workouts.

4. Practice Gratitude Spend five Stress = danger = haul ass. Hence your

body uses glucose as the fuel. So thinking hats on now. If you are constantly stressed, by the foods you eat or simply the lifestyle you lead what fuel is your body going to mostly use? Yup sugar. And do you think this may have something to do with why (woman in particular) you crave sugar? Uh huh. So then how important do you think it is to restore our minds and body so we stop using sugar as the main fuel source and start using fat? Yeah it’s kind of important, hence why ‘Restore’ is an entire section in itself. Any diet or weight loss plan that doesn’t address stress is kidding itself as far as I’m concerned. 18 ADRIANA SOLORZANO

minutes each morning when you wake focusing on being thankful for all the wonderful things in your life – even amongst challenges there is always something to be grateful for.

ENSURE YOU UNDERSTAND THE RESTORATIVE POWER OF GOOD FOOD No supplement, yoga class or funny movie will impact your ability to reduce stress and therefore use fat as fuel as much as eating delicious nourishing foods will. Toxic foods can contribute as much 40% to your physical stress.


Nourishment that is healthy, well-balanced with a focus on long-term sustainability is the NUMBER #1 way to stay close to your ideal weight, have more energy, more motivation and quite simply get more out of life. Eating restorative, nourishing foods will: • Improve your ability to burn body fat as energy. Hence reduce body fat • Improve your sleep quality • Eliminate your junk-food craving • Less joint inflammation • Improved your mental clarity • Reduce your need for stimulants and depressants like caffeine, sugar & alcohol • Improve your ability to build lean muscle tissue – since you’ll rest better • Improve your recovery from exercise • Improve the strength of your bones • Improve the quality of your skin • MAKE YOU LOOK & FEEL HOT


years though I can honestly say I’ve finally learnt what truly works. Not just from my own experience, but also from that of a lot of other truly inspiring women. Don’t get me wrong, I still have moments of insecurity from time to time, but I know how to smack those thoughts out of my head super fast. So now you have it, everything you need to know and focus on in order to make a truly lasting and transformational change in your health & wellbeing, to create a fun and enjoyable lifestyle, and to feel good both inside and out! Put my plan into action today and watch your body shine for you the way it’s always wanted to!

ACTION PLAN COMMIT Commit NOW to implementing the practices I’ve shared with you in the Lean Clean Eating Plan for the next 2 weeks, and see for yourself how good you feel just after that short period of time.


I’ve been passionate

Enlist 1-2 of your more supportive girlfriends to either help keep you accountable, or even better yet join you in the next 2 weeks.

about health and


fitness since my

If you need more ideas (recipes, headspace, etc) then make sure you get my weekly E-news as I make sure it’s always full of really valuable stuff, as is the Lean Clean Eating facebook page. If you feel you need even more help and guidance, at least to get you started, then check out my 21 Day Kick Start Program + Detox which I created specifically to take out all the hard work for you in those first few weeks which are always the hardest.

very first aerobics class at my local gym back when I was a 15 year old school girl. I was hooked from my very first side step. Since that time I’ve gone from out of control (and unhealthy) obsessive exercise behaviour, to trying some stupid fad diets to try and quickly lose those pesky kilos that creep up out of nowhere after turning 25. In the last 4

Loads of Love, Adriana Solorzano






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