Brush Strokes for Microsoft 速 Expression 速
Brush strokes (for Microsoft 速 / Creature House Expression 速) Installation of brushes
Zip: Please extract the files from the zip file and place on the hard disk The key files are SKS files (brush strokes files) Notice the files have been placed in the 'strokes' folder The file structure here is for the earlier versions of Expression.
If you are using Expression 3, please place the files in the Program Data folder
Brushes folder for Expression
Either, depending on the version, place the files (*.SKS files) in a sub folder of Expression marked as strokes or in the c:\documents and settings\...\my application data\expression\strokes. It is not recommended that you place all the stroke files (SKS) in the strokes folder at one go, please place in the strokes folder as required (this depends on system resource and preference). I would suggest loading them into the strokes folder in small selections, perhaps building up your own favourites as well as themed sections for the brushes You may also like to spread the strokes files out across multiple sub folders, if so desired such as 'strokes 1' 'strokes 2' .. or themed strokes sets For Expression 3: C:\program data\Microsoft\Expression\Design\Strokes
Serial number
Please store any serial numbers for future reference, updates, bonus brush strokes, and replacement CDs. Regularly adding new items on the site, there is also a new set of brush strokes planned for the upcoming release of Expression ™
Use brushes in Expression
For Expression Design 3, go to the Paintbrush tool
Now go to the properties dialog and select the brush dropdown. Change the width, opacity of the brush etc
For earlier versions of Expression, re-fireup Expression and go to the strokes palette and select the required brush folder or select ‘all’ and select the required brush.
Access via strokes palette
Access the strokes files via the strokes palette. You will see a drop down at the bottom of the palette listing various folder. If you placed the strokes files into a folder marked 'graphicxtras' then you will see an entry in the dropdown marked 'graphicxtras'. Select that and then select the brush stroke
Default width for brushes
All the brushes have their default width etc. this can be re-defined using the edit brush stroke if so desired.
Re-define brushes
The brush strokes can be re-coloured or redefined in the edit brush stroke to perhaps be a repeating brush stroke or twisted and transformed and then saved as a new brush stroke. Use the brush as is or simply select the brush and then select a color for the brush stroke. Change the brush strokes from red to green to blue and more
In Expression design 3, go to the bottom of the properties dialog and select the edit stroke command
Apply brushes to text / paths
The brushes can be applied to many different paths such as a square, circle, created paths and text.
Opacity / combination / new brush stroke
Or perhaps add other brush strokes and combo and save or apply transparency settings to an existing brush stroke and then save as a new brush stroke. Apply the brush strokes with varying opacity using the opacity slide on the paint style palette. The brush strokes are just the starting point for 1000s of possible creative brush effects
Export brush strokes
Brush strokes can also be exported to other applications such as Flash by a simple copy and paste. You can also export them to Illustrator and Photoshop as well
Twists and brush strokes
Brush strokes can also be tweaked and twisted (use the set twists to create variant brush effects on any of the brushes)
Simply drag the brush stroke from the strokes palette or unstructure a brush stroke - instant path library of the 1000s and 1000s of royalty-free designs.
Trace bitmaps
Apply the brush strokes to traced bitmaps for stunning skeletal stroke designs.
Effects lines
Use the brush strokes in effects line feature of Expression ™
Modify the width and application of the brush stroke using a pressure / artpad and pen
Frames / edges
Use the brush strokes as an edge or frame for a selected path, simply select the path and then apply the brush stroke
Blending modes
Apply the brush strokes using different blending modes via the paint style palette, such as darken or color dodge
Apply the brush strokes with different textures via the paint style palette. Simply click the paper texture on / off button and add a texture to the brush stroke
Quick start
1) Place the SKS brush files in the expression strokes folder. 2) Start Expression. 3) Access the brush strokes via the expression brush strokes palette. 4) Select the brush stroke tool 5) Paint (modify stroke width in most cases.. as this setting might be too low or too high)
Installation issues
If you have problems installing or using this product, please e-mail our support section at
Please note: Adding too many brushes
One issue may be overloading the brushes palette with 100s and 100s of brushes. It might be easier simply to leave the SKS files in a separate folder and just copy the files over as required.
If you have any suggestions to how we can improve our products or manual, or if there is something that is hard to understand or badly stated, please contact us and we will try to correct any errors or misunderstandings in the next release of the manual. It is always great to hear your feedback.
System requirements
Depends on the pack. If the set is the collection set then Applications supported - Microsoft Expression Design 3 2 + Creature House Expression ™ 2 and 3 and 3.3 + Acrylic + 2 LE Expression ™ Graphic Designer; with later packs, please check the individual product pages for the versions of Expression supported. Later packs were created using Graphic Designer or Design 3 and therefore might not work with earlier versions of the applications Windows 98, NT, XP, Windows Vista ™ Windows 7 Windows ME, MAC OSX
Minimum requirements
At least 128 MB of memory, though some operations might require a lot more.
The brushes were designed by Andrew Buckle, and copyright 2001-2010 Andrew Buckle and Abneil Software Ltd. All products mentioned in this manual are trademarked or probably trademarked by their respective owners. Creature House Expression is registered trademark of Microsoft. We have no connection whatsoever with Microsoft. Screenshots are shown with kind permission of Microsoft Corporation.
Please find the most up to date license for the use of the brush strokes on the graphicxtras TOU
Company address / contact details Telephone/FAX: UK 01622 688 375