Symbols for Flash manual

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SYMBOLS for Adobe 速 Flash 速 By Andrew Buckle (

Introduction This manual describes the installation and use of symbols in Flash. All the symbols designs displayed in this document are from Screenshots are with kind permission of Adobe Systems Incorporated There are many different symbols packs as well as a 5000 symbols collection and a bundle set available on the site. The symbols are all for commercial as well as hobby use. Andrew

fig. Symbol from embellish 2 pack

fig. Symbol from embellish 2 pack

Installation of Symbols Zip: please extract the FLA files from the zip file and place in the required install folder (see other pages for details about the folder for the symbols installation). To unzip the zip file, please use an application such as PKUnzip or winzip or Stuffit Expander. Most recent OSes should have no problem with the zip files and should be able to open them without an additional explanation. CD: Please select the FLA files on the CD and copy/drag to the required install folder

fig. Embellishment symbol from symbols pack 5

fig. Install folder for Flash 8

Symbols install folder Flash CS4 PC Please place in the program files\Adobe\Adobe Flash CS4\configuration\libraries (or in the en\configuration\libraries) Flash CS4 MAC OS X Please place in the applications:Adobe Flash CS4:en:configuration:libraries folder Flash ® 8 / CS3 Flash ® CS3 / 8 PC: Please place in c:\program files\Macromedia\Macromedia Flash 8 \Configuration\Libraries, likewise, please add the FLA files into the configuration libraries folder for CS3

fig. Flash install folder for MX

Flash ® CS3/ 8 MAC OS X: Please place in HD: applications : Macromedia Flash 8 : Flash 8 : Libraries (same CS3) MX 2004 PC MX 2004: Please place the symbols in the \en\configuration\libraries and access via the windows 'other panels' + libraries command to access the FLA files.. or use the open as library. MacOSX MX 2004: Please place the FLA library files in the <user name> : library : application support : Macromedia : Flash MX 2004 : en : Configuration : libraries MX PC MX: Please place the symbols in the \first run\libraries and access via the windows and common libraries command to access the FLA files.. or use the open as library. MacOSX MX: Please place the FLA library files in the applications : Macromedia Flash MX : First Run : Libraries

fig. MX install on MAC

Flash ® 5 PC Flash 5 C:\Program Files\Macromedia\Flash 5\Libraries Flash 5 Mac OS9: No longer supported Flash ® 4 PC Flash 4 C:\Program Files\Macromedia\Flash 4\Libraries Flash 4 Mac OS9: No longer supported

fig. CS4 MAC OS X install folder

Opening Flash 速 libraries Use the 'open as library' (not available in later versions of Flash) or the libraries menu (in later versions, window > common libraries) to open the .FLA format files. The approach to loading the symbols has basically remained even if with each version there seems to be subtle differences in the menu structure and configuration. Please load the libraries via the 'libraries' or the 'other panels' section or as it seems now, common libraries menu item After that, the approach such as selecting the symbols is the same as previous versions, select and drag to the document.

fig. Open as library command

File > Open With the recent versions of Flash, open the symbols libraries via the standard file > open command

Libraries files - too many If you have too many libraries files in the libraries folder, it is possible that some libraries will not appear in the libraries menu (this varies from version to version). You will have to either remove some of the libraries or use the open as library command. In this case, it might be better to store all the flash FLA files in a different folder and access the files either via the open as library command or copy the FLA files to the libraries folder only when required.

fig. Common libraries

Note: As mentioned above, the flash files will not work without conversion to mac format (in earlier versions of Flash 速). The mac menu will just not see the files as FLA format files and refuse to display them. Please use the mac FLA versions instead if you are using earlier versions of Flash 速

fig. MAC OS X CS4 common libraries

Modification of library symbols If you want to tweak the symbol libraries, open them in Flash (not as a common library but just as a normal file) and then select the symbol, edit and / or set various properties.

Symbols libraries The symbols are displayed in a symbols libraries palette. The symbols palette is fairly limited. You can only see the symbol by selecting the symbol by name, there is no browse or keyword search feature available. The symbols include with Flash as well as third party symbols are displayed in exactly the same way. The symbols library panel / palette can be extended by dragging the bottom edge to re-size. You extend the size of the preview by dragging the centre bar down to decrease the number of symbols in the symbols list, the symbol preview screen will re-size correspondingly. If an animation, the animation can be displayed by clicking the preview button in the preview panel.

fig. Symbols palette

The symbols library panel displays the kind / type (button, animation etc) as well as date modified and the name of the symbol. The symbols cannot be moved to a different position. A number of options are available via the panel’s option dropdown (such as play or keep count updated)

fig. Library palette / panel on OS X CS4. The panel to display the symbol can be re-sized to display a much bigger representation of the symbol. Still, only one symbol at a time can be shown

Drag symbols To use the symbols, simply drag (from the symbols panel) onto the document / movie. Once there, you have an instance of the symbol

Modify properties You can modify the properties (right click on the symbol), break apart the symbols, color, tweak, and even export to other applications. The symbol’s brightness, tint and alpha can be changed (you can also change it via the special section in the properties panel) Actions can also be set

fig. Drag symbols

The actual use of the symbols is probably best described in the documentation or in the vast array of books devoted to Flash or via various magazines such as the Computer Arts Projects series.

fig. Break apart symbols

fig. Symbols pack 6 - People

Installation issues If you have problems installing or using this product, please e-mail our tech support at

Applications supported Adobe ® Flash ® CS4 CS3 Macromedia ® Flash ® 8 MX2004 MX Macromedia ® Flash ® 5 4 (PC support only, not for mac) Windows 98, win XP, NT, ME, 2000 Vista Windows 7; MAC OS X OSX

Other applications None, though the symbols can be exported to other applications (they are in FLA format) but they can be exported as AI format or SWF format or EPS or BMP to other applications

fig. Festive symbols pack

Minimum requirements At least 64MB of memory, though some operations might require a lot more.

Trademarks The symbols were designed by Andrew Buckle, and copyright 2000-2009 Andrew Buckle and Abneil Software Ltd. Flash is trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated (previously Macromedia) We have no connection whatsoever with Macromedia or Adobe. Screenshots are with kind permission of Adobe Systems Incorporated

Company Address Telephone UK 01622 688 375 mail:

fig. Festive symbols from symbols pack 9

Properties You have a red symbol and would prefer it to be blue: you will need to use the properties option (right click) to access the color and tint options. or change the brightness or tint The instance properties dialog offers a selection of different modifications such as opacity or tint In later versions, the color properties section is now ‘color effect’ fig. Properties

fig. Instance properties dialog

fig. Color effects

Break apart symbols You might wish to modify the symbol, you will need to break the link with the symbol library to do this. You will need to apply a combination of break apart and edit to access the symbol, this seems to vary from symbol to symbol. Once you have access to the individual components you can also fill the symbol with perhaps a gradient or tweak the path points use the paint fill and ink bottle to re-color the 'released' symbol The path can be further manipulated or combined etc by using some of the other menu options in curves

fig. Break apart symbol

or soften the edges (via the modify > curves > soften command) Or use the arrow pointer tool to modify the path or remove chunks etc from the path The flash symbols should be thought of as a starting point for a creative design. Symbols can be combined (and tweaked) and new symbols created.

fig. Ink bottle

Scaling etc the symbol The symbol can be scaled and rotated via the toolbox. The rotate option also offers a skew feature. To rotate the design, select the rotate tool from the toolbox. Click on the middle side transformation points to shear the designs. You can also scale / rotate / flip a path via the modify > transform menu

fig. Scaling symbols

fig. Transform command offers flip, rotate, etc

fig. Rotate symbol

Create new symbol If you wish to keep a new symbol (a modified symbol), you will have to save the symbol to a library. Remove all the unnecessary symbols from the document symbols palette and then save the current FLA file to the symbols libraries folder. Re-start Flash and the symbols will then be usable in other projects as required. Please consult the documentation for the steps to save new symbols.

fig. Festive symbol

fig. Festive symbol modified. The symbol can now be saved as a new symbol and then saved to a FLA file for use in future projects

Export symbols The flash symbols can also be exported very easily to other applications in different format. Also by saving them to native Flash formats you will also be able to access them in other Flash-related applications. The export command can be accessed via file > export image command You can save to EPS, WMF, DXF, BMP etc

fig. Export command

fig. Festive symbol from symbols pack 8

fig. Greek ornament symbol - symbols pack 7

Symbols as buttons / animations The symbols are symbols but they can be converted to animations and buttons if required. They will require some setups such as adding the frames for the up / down etc for the button as well as the required animation frames (key frames). Also requires to setup an action for the clicked button Or setup an animation (or movie clip)

fig. Use as animation

fig. The symbols can be an animation / movie clip

fig. Use as button

Filters If you are using CS4 CS3 and 8 (as well as supporting the Flash Player 8 and 9 and 10), you can apply filters such as blur to the symbols

fig. Symbol from Embellish 1 symbols pack

Erasing part of a symbol You might wish to remove part of a symbol, to do this you will generally need to break the symbol apart. The break apart command found in the modify command menu might have to be applied a number of times to ‘truly’ break apart the design. Once broken, the symbol (though now a path) can be deleted in various places using the eraser tool (found in the toolbox) Apply the erase to certain parts of the design. You can then just select the new path and convert to a symbol via the insert > convert command

fig. Erase tool to erase parts of the path (ex-symbol instance)

fig. Break apart, use this to break apart or expand the symbol into a path

fig. The path has had some parts of the design removed. Perhaps not a stunning use of the eraser though

Soften edges The edge of the symbol can be softened. You will first need to break apart the symbol (perhaps repeated times depending on the grouping and complexity of the symbol). Once broken, go to the modify command > curves > soften edges Enter steps, expand or inset etc

fig. The soften edges dialog with the number of steps, distance and direction

fig. The path is expanded (blurred), the path can also be inset (which still ends in a blurring or softening of the path but creates interior blurred paths, shrinking the size of the design)

Expand shape The broken path (ex symbol) can be expanded (increased in size) or inset (decreased in size) via the expand shape command. Modify > curves > expand shape.

fig. Expand shape

fig. Expand a shape by 50

fig. Expanded shape

Admin username and password / install If you are placing the Flash symbols FLA files into the applications area (OS X) or in the program files folders on the PC, you might have to enter your administrator username and password. This will only happen if you are not running an admin account, and only accessing and installing the files using a basic unprivileged account. This is normal. Please just enter the details, if known (or contact your administrator). There are alternative locations for the install that may avoid this issue, such as in the user account. You will have to search the web for further details on these locations. fig. Admin name etc to add FLA files to the secure area on the computer

fig. Symbol from the ripples symbols pack

Button / Blending modes Symbol as a button, you can also set a blending mode. Examples of blending modes include multiply, screen, overlay and others

fig. Button and the properties dialog for: displays blending modes

fig. Symbol from the ripples symbol pack

Deco Tool 1) Go to the toolbox of Flash (CS4) and select the deco tool. 2) Select the window > properties to see the drawing effect / leaf / flower / advanced options etc 3) Click the edit button for the leaf (and / or flower) to select a symbol (the symbol must be in the document’s library and not just part of an external library) 4) Click document to apply the deco tool Three different types of deco tool are available: vine, grid and symmetry brush (select reflect, rotate etc) fig. Deco tool. Select type (vine etc) and also the leaf and flower symbols via the edit buttons. Set advanced options such as angle etc

fig. Heart symbol from the hearts symbols pack

fig. Another hearts symbol

Envelope The symbol can be warped / distorted using the envelope tool. To do this, the symbol needs to be broken apart

fig. 3D symbol from the mixed symbols pack 2

fig. Mixed symbols 3D design

Curved designs / quality of 1) Open a new Flash document 2) window > common libraries > select file 3) Select a symbol and then drag from the symbols palette to the document The quality of the curved symbols (some) in CS4 is poor (it is fine in other versions of Flash) A workaround is to open the symbol library via the file > open command at the same time and either select the design (if available in the document / FLA file) or select from the symbols palette (this time via the window > library command) and drag to the document and then copy and paste, returning to the original document and then paste the design Another alternative approach would be to use the EPS files (again, an issue here as Flash CS4 has a problem with the EPS files even though earlier versions can open the EPS designs - other parts of the CS4 have no issue with the EPS designs and can open them fine) AI files are also included in some of the packs.

fig. Circular design from mixed symbols pack 2

fig. Embellishment symbol from symbols pack 11

Bone Tool You can also join symbols by bones (please check the documentation for more details about how to use bones) Set properties of the armature layer such as simple (slow), stop and start etc

fig. Mixed symbol from symbols pack 11

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