Gradients Manual for Photoshop (R) CC 2017 2015 2014 CS6 CS5 CS4 CS3 etc and Elements

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GRADIENTS MANUAL for Photoshop 速 and Photoshop 速 Elements

Andrew Buckle

Introduction This is the manual / documentation notes for the use of the gradients packs from The manual also describes the general use of gradients in Photoshop and Photoshop Elements as well. If you have purchased one of the gradients packs from graphicxtras, thanks. If you are just consulting this documentation for some ideas on how to use gradients or how to install them, I hope the notes prove of some use. All the gradients displayed in this manual are from

fig. Gradient from gradients pack 3 applied twice in exclusion mode


fig. Gradient from gradients pack 3 applied in exclusion mode and then overlay

fig. Gradient from gradients pack 3 applied in darken blending mode

Installation of gradients Download: Please extract the gradient files from the zip and place in the gradients for Photoshop 速 and Photoshop 速 Elements folder CD: If you receive the gradients on CD (as part of a special deal bundle), please just drag / copy the GRD files from the CD to the install location of the gradients.


fig. One possible location for the install is the gradients folder (default location)

Gradients are stored in GRD files.

Presets folder You may wish to place the gradients in the default location for the gradients presets (listed below) but you might prefer to place them in a separate folder (if you have Photoshop) and use the load / replace and browse for the files. You may prefer this option if you have lots and lots of gradients files and the gradient drop down list becomes too long (off the screen). If you place them in the applications (mac) or program files (PC) folders then you might have to enter your admin username and password, this is normal

fig. The gradients above are the default gradients that come with CS4, other gradients can be added there

file > open With more recent versions of Photoshop and Elements, you can also just use the file > open command to load the GRD gradient file. OR just double click the GRD file

Or just load the GRD files via file > open or double click the GRD file

Install default location for gradients Photoshop 速 CS4 PC Photoshop CS 4: c:\program files\adobe\adobe photoshop CS 4\presets\gradients MAC OS X Photoshop CS 4 HD:applications:adobe photoshop CS 4:presets:gradients Photoshop 速 CS3 PC Photoshop CS 3: c:\program files\adobe\adobe photoshop CS 3\presets\gradients MAC OS X Photoshop CS 3 HD:applications:adobe photoshop CS 3:presets:gradients

fig. Access the gradients via the dropdown (if in the presets section) or via load / replace on the gradients palette

Photoshop 速 CS2 PC Photoshop CS 2: c:\program files\adobe\adobe photoshop CS 2\presets\gradients MAC OS X Photoshop CS 2 HD:applications:adobe photoshop CS 2:presets:gradients Photoshop 速 CS PC Photoshop CS: c:\program files\adobe\photoshop CS\presets\gradients MAC OS X Photoshop CS HD:applications:adobe photoshop CS:presets:gradients

fig. Or access the gradients via the preset manager

Elements PC Photoshop Elements c:\program files\adobe\Photoshop Elements 5.0\presets\gradients and the equivalents for 8 7 6, 4, 3, 2, 1 as well as Photoshop 7 and 6

fig. Select the gradients via the preset manager dropdown

Photoshop Elements specific The GRD file can be loaded in gradients folder of presets Select the gradients tool However, the gradients can be loaded and replaced from any folder using the dropdown menu in the gradients palette (unlike some of the presets) If the gradients file is located in the presets gradients folder then it will also appear directly in the palette dropdown menu

fig. Place the GRD gradients here for Photoshop Elements

Or use the file > open command in more recent versions (or double click the GRD file) Another approach to loading the gradients: presets manager. Access via the edit menu > preset manager Once loaded, access the gradients via the gradients tool and palette. Note, there maybe a limit on the number of gradients you can add to the palette at any one time (this varies from version to version) As with Photoshop, you can use various features of the gradients such as the transparency to create unusual and interesting effects (that might be tricky to create by plug-ins or using the normal features of Photoshop). The gradients are a powerhouse of creative possibilities

fig. Or use file > open

fig. Or access via the presets manager (gradients) fig. Or access via the gradients palette

Gradients serial number Please store the serial for safe keeping and future reference (if you have purchased a set). The folder is normally Serial number please store, the folder hold the serial number text file.

Gradients samplers / demos If you are using the samplers, the samplers are royalty-free and can be used based on the license in commercial and non-commercial work. The samplers are a very very small selection of the material available in the gradients collection to be found on the site

fig. Gradients re-applied using overlay mode (gradients pack 3)

fig. Difference mode (radial) using gradient from gradients pack 3 fig. Exclusion mode and gradient pack 3 gradient

fig. Exclusion mode / gradient 3 pack

fig. Difference mode (diamond) using gradient 3 pack gradient

Accessing the gradients in Photoshop Access them via the gradients tool (gradients dropdown / palette appears at the top of the screen) as well as via the layer effects (a number of the options such as stroke) and also via the fill new layer.

fig. Fills can be applied here to the layer or selected region

fig. Gradient from gradients pack 3 applied to a circular selection

fig. Fill a selected region with the fill new layer > gradient

fig. Same gradient as above applied to a square selection (inverted)

fig. Complementary color gradient from gradients pack 3

Additional items from The site also includes brushes for Photoshop, custom shapes, patterns, plug-ins, displacement maps, and other add-ons for Photoshop 速 and Photoshop elements. Different sets of gradients are also available. For more information, please check out the site Also, you can find many items from on and Mega Doodle Inspired and Your Digital Designers and also If you like plug-ins, you might like to check out our plug-ins section

fig. Reflected gradient setting for gradient from pack 1

Installation issues with the gradients If you have problems installing or using this product, please e-mail our tech support at Or or send some comments to our forum (via the front page of the graphicxtras site)

Comments about the gradients If you have any suggestions to how we can improve our products or manual, or if there is something that is hard to understand or badly stated, please contact us and we will try to correct any errors or misunderstandings in the next release of the manual. It is always great to hear your feedback.

fig. Reflected gradient from pack 1

fig. Reflected gradient from pack 1

System requirements Applications supported - Adobe 速 Photoshop 速 CS1 CS2 CS3 CS4 6 7 Photoshop 速 Elements 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 - Microsoft 速 Windows 98, XP, 2000, Vista and NT, ME, Windows 7 + MAC OS X (10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6) The gradients will not work in other applications (unless you know of some?)

Minimum requirements At least 128 MB of memory, though some operations might require a lot more.


fig. Gradient from pack 4: radial design

The gradients were created by Andrew Buckle, and copyright 2000-2009 Andrew Buckle and Abneil Software Ltd. All products mentioned in this manual are trademarked or probably trademarked by their respective owners. Illustrator and Photoshop and Adobe and After Effects are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Adobe product screen shot(s) reprinted with permission from Adobe Systems Incorporated. We have no connection whatsoever with Adobe Systems Incorporated

fig. Gradient from pack 4, repeat applies of circles

Company Address Telephone: UK 01622 688 375

fig. Gradient diamond applied quadrant style (pack 4)

Gradient books For the use of the gradients, please consult your Photoshop 速 manual or various articles on the subject of gradients or reference books on the subject such as the Scott Kelby Photoshop books. There are also many new magazine out such as Photoshop Creative and Arts Projects and Layers, these regularly run articles on how to use the gradients

fig. Subtle gradients from the gradients pack 2

fig. Another subtle color gradient from gradients pack 2.

Gradient tool Gradients can be used in a number of ways, the gradient tool is probably the best tool to tryout the gradients. Select a gradient, select a start position on the document and drag the cursor to a new position, and release the mouse to apply the gradient. This can be repeated with different gradients, different blending modes, different re-applies with the same blending mode (depending on the gradient's transparency) and more. The gradient can be applied to either to the expanse of the document or you can localize the application of color or effect of the gradient.

fig. Gradient tool in Photoshop

The gradient can be applied in reverse, the reverse order of the gradient colors: check the reverse box For a smooth (smoother) gradient, check the dither To use transparency mask, check the transparency box. Also, hold the SHIFT key down to constrain the the angle to 45 degree increments.

fig. Gradient tool in Photoshop Elements

fig. Options available

Gradient tool / blending modes mixing Or using many different blending modes and slightly offset the tool (lighten, multiply and overlay were used) below Exclusion blending mode is always useful for creating some surreal blurry designs with nearly any gradient Combining gradients can lead to many different discoveries. The gradients can be combined 100s and 100s of ways and if you reach a messy design, you can always just re-apply the normal gradient replacing any of your artistic adventures. Subtle changes can result in very unusual designs.

fig. Gradient source (from gradients pack 3)

The gradient blending modes can also be applied to a basic picture such as an instant red nose from a cold

fig. Gradient applied at different angle in blending mode ‘difference’

fig. Gradients applied using exclusion mode.

Gradients / opacity The gradients can be applied with different opacities. The gradient can be applied using 100% opacity but subtle color additions can be applied using 5% opacity (you can also just use the fade command after the event) Repeat gradients can be applied with a low setting, different blending modes used and more.

fig. Change the opacity of the gradient via the opacity setting at the top of the screen

fig. Opacity set to 50% and a red gradient re-applied.

fig. Set to 16%, the gradient can be applied over and over adding a subtle gradient effect (though I must admit, it is hard to determine at times the effect - very dependent on the transparency stops in the gradient)

fig. Golden gradient re-applied over and over

Different styles of gradient can be applied Different gradient applies are available, select via the top bar

Linear gradient The standard / default gradient is the linear gradient. The gradient can be applied at any angle and started at any point as well as being applied (via the gradient tool) to a certain length (small or large)

fig. Linear gradient applied horizontally

fig. Diagonal gradient applied

fig. Linear gradient selected via the top menu bar

fig. Linear gradient applied vertically

fig. Linear gradient applied to a selection diagonally and then applied in the reverse direction to the inverse selected area

Radial gradient The next gradient setting on from the linear gradient is the ‘Radial Gradient’ setting. Great for circular designs (though sadly doesn’t have an aspect features as in Illustrator). The gradient can be modified by its length as well as start position, not by its angle.

fig. Radial gradient applied from the center bottom

fig. Radial gradient applied from the center

fig. Radial gradient applied from top center and bottom center but in difference mode

fig. Radial gradient applied from top right

fig. Radial gradient applied, short length

Reflected gradient Shades based on symmetry (from starting point). Useful for the creation of patterns (if you can judge the exact center of the document so the symmetry matches on both sides), though in many cases if the color is a match then it is not an issue to be an exact center.

fig, Reflected gradient (gradients pack 3)

fig. Reflected gradient

fig. Reflected gradient

fig. Reflected gradient

Angle gradient Counterclockwise shading around center / start point. Personally my least used of the gradients but it has uses. Using the gradients from corner works better than from the center and also combinations of the angle gradients can be used to create unusual design such as applying the angle gradient from all the corners (useful for pattern designs as well), though does require transparency / blending modes fig. Basic angle gradient

fig. More dramatic is to use the angle from the edge or the corners

fig. Center gradient

fig. Even more dramatic is to use the gradients in combination, perhaps from all the corners (works if transparency included)

fig. Gradient from the center again

Diamond gradient Each style has its own unique feature. Diamond is very useful for squares as well as diamonds depending on the application angle. The end point defines the corner of the diamond (or square)

fig. Constrain using the shift and draw diagonally.

fig. Draw a diamond gradient from four corners (requires transparency stops OR blending modes etc)

fig. Constrain using the shift and then draw horizontally or vertically

fig. Diamond gradients applied using difference blending mode fig. Draw diamond gradient from a corner

Gradients / fill Layer Gradients can also be applied as a new fill layer which brings additional options such as scaling of the gradient as well as angling the gradient and applying a style such as [ linear ] [ radial ] [ angle ] [ reflected ] and [ diamond ] The gradient can also be moved from the initial position to a new position, useful for all styles but in particular for diamond, angle and radial. Again, multiple new fill layers can be added, different angles and scaling and blending can be applied to each.

fig. Create new fill layer

To apply an effect to the layer, you will first need to rasterize the fill layer content and then apply the effect. The layer can be modified by applying / adding an adjustment layer above the fill layer content and then modifying the hue, saturation, etc of the gradient. To transform the gradient, such as apply a perspective or distortion to the gradient, you will first have to rasterize the fill content. Layer effects cannot be applied to the fill gradient layer until the content is rasterized. Rasterize the fill content and then apply a bevel, glow, drop shadow etc as required. Gradients with transparency work best, such as the one below, creating a bevel / web button

fig. Gradient fill has scale setting (useful) as well as style and you can change the gradient

fig. The layer can be applied using different blending modes such as difference or darken fig. The gradient is a layer, the layer can be position below or above layers as required

Gradient overlay / layer effects Gradients can also be used throughout the layer effects in the gradient overlay (again remembering that the gradient can be used in conjunction with the other effects or different modes set. Gradients can also be used in the inner or outer glow layer effects settings to create some really oddball ‘fills’ for layer shapes, again taking different modes into effect as well Or gradient can be used as a stroke to create colorful rims around any shape. Select a shape and apply layer effect, select the stroke option and set the stroke to gradient. Set the gradient to the required gradient. Change the size of the stroke and set the style to shape burst

fig. Gradients can be used in gradient overlay, outer glow etc

fig. Select layer effect via the layer effects menu

fig. Styles palette (third party ones can only be accessed while the custom shapes etc tool is active - displays the styles palette on the top bar and you can select from the right side menu the styles added to the presets folder, the styles can include gradients (not displayed in the style settings opposite)

fig. Style settings in Elements are limited.

Layers / gradients Multiple layers and different modes or different gradients can be used to create fascinating color effects. Create a gradient on one layer, create a different (or the same gradient) on a different layer and then combine the two (or more) using different blending modes via the palette. Or set the opacity of the layers to allow more or less of the gradient through Or modify the blending of the layers via layer style dialog, setting the advanced blending and blend if etc.

fig. Opacity and repeat applies of gradient from gradients pack 3

fig. Re-applying gradients from gradients pack 3 using difference mode

fig. Gradients can be used via a style in Photoshop Elements though not via the standard effects menu - only via the custom shapes tool and the dropdown / palette

fig. Difference mode and a blur (gradients pack 3)

Gradients / Overlay You can also add a basic color overlay to any image using the gradients. Select a gradient with transparency or set the opacity to say 10 % or 20% and apply the gradient to an image. This approach applies a subtle color overlay to the image. An overlay can also be created by applying a gradient using the blending mode overlay

fig. Overlay of 40% gradient

fig. Darken gradient

fig. Overlay of 40% gradient

fig. Lighten mode for gradient from gradients pack 3

fig. Overlay darken mode

Gradients / styles / brush Strokes: gradient overlay Create a new layer, apply brush stroke and then set the layer effects to gradient overlay to apply a gradient to a localized area of an image

fig. Create a new layer

fig. Set the layer effect to gradient overlay and apply a gradient from one of the gradient pack 1

fig. Apply brush stroke using black to layer effect gradient layer

Gradients / gradient map Use gradients in the gradient map function found in the image > adjustment menu. Useful for creating truly wow color effects. Different color effects using different gradients. Gradient map sadly only uses a part of the gradient information. The input gradients displayed had a lot more complexity but most of the stop information has been removed.

fig. Access the gradient map function via the adjustments menu

Adjustment layer ‘gradient map’ is also available via the layer palette (bottom -> adjustment layers)

fig. Gradient map applied to image

fig. Apply the gradient using the gradient map function, find the gradient map in the image > adjustments menu

fig. Apply gradient map adjustment layer also

Gradients / frames The gradients can be used as a frame. There are a number of ways to add a frame gradient to an image. A simple way is just to create the gradient as a background and add the image on top of the gradient layer. Another way is to use the gradient in the quick mask mode. Another way is to draw a gradient and then select the inner part of the gradient design, invert the selection and copy the selection and paste as a new layer on top of the image. Another possible approach is to use the gradient stops itself. If the right side of the gradient has an opacity of 0% (you can always add this to any gradient), the radial gradient can be applied as a frame to an image, the central part will show the underlying image. Diamond gradients also work well as a frame.

fig. Create a radial gradient, use the selection tool to create a centre area, invert selection and copy Paste copied region over image

fig. Just add the image to a circular gradient (background)

fig. Some of the frames (especially if using transparency) can be used to create a quick frame. If the right side of the gradient is transparent then you can use it to create a frame (you can always just add a transparency stop and set the opacity to 0%)

Gradients/ tweaking stops The gradients can be modified easily via the gradient palette. Click on the gradient to display the color stops and transparency information. Either add or remove stops etc or move the existing stops or change the color of individual stops. The gradient can be radically changed just by dragging a single stop (opacity or color).

fig. Click the gradient to edit the gradient.You can then edit the stops, delete stops, move them etc (transparency and positions of the color stops)

The midpoint is also useful, it sharpens or blurs the gradient (definitely useful for line and frame designs)

fig. Click on the top of the gradient bar to add, shift the transparency stops (change the value via the opacity setting). Set to 100%, opaque Set to 0%, transparent

fig. The top of the gradient bar is the transparency opacity, the bottom half for the color. Select them and move (select the red and move right, select the black to move left or right). You can change the color, delete etc. The opacity / transparency stops can also be moved. The midpoint or sharpness / blur of the stops can also be altered. You have to have 2 or more stops in a gradient.

Gradients / selections Or gradients can be applied depending on different areas selected, especially useful and colorful when used with the custom shapes (also from graphicxtras) / paths and selection to create truly awesome gradient based imagery. Use the gradient with a selection, simply use the fill command to different areas of the selection. Or fill a text selection with a gradient (invert to fill the rest of the document with the same or different gradient at the same or different angle and length and perhaps gradient option Select the horizontal type mask tool to create the text as a selection

fig. Invert selection and then fill with gradient

fig. Select regions of an image and then fill with the gradient, same or different or different blending modes etc

fig. Select text and fill

fig. Apply different gradients to different selected regions

Gradients / scripts Gradient information can also be captured using the scripting listener plug-in, the script can be VB (visual basic) or JS (Javascript) . You can then modify the script file and play back the script to create a near infinite range of color designs. Scripts can also be used to create new gradients (as with this set!)

fig. Example of a script for creating a gradient using various functions of javascript

Gradients / brush stroke Use a gradient as a source for a brush stroke. Set an image to white, apply the gradient (a gradient with transparency is more useful here) and then use the define brush command to capture the gradient brush stroke and then apply the brush stroke A wide variety of different brush strokes can be created using gradients.

fig. Source gradient from the gradients pack 1 Use this for the define brush command fig. Define brush from the gradient

fig. Brush applied using hue jitter and scattering

fig. Gradient applied as a brush without any change of settings (black foreground color)

Gradients / channels Use the gradients in different color channels. Select the blue channel and apply and then change gradient and apply to the green channel and so on. The gradients can also be applied to different color channels in different color modes such as LAB and CMYK as well as RGB. Multiple channels (excluding 1) can be selected as well

fig. Gradient applied in diamond mode

fig. Gradient via channels

fig. Gradient via different applied gradient to channels

fig. Gradient applied in different ways (and start positions) in each channel.

Gradients / color modes Use the gradients in different color modes such as LAB mode or CMYK and apply the gradient using the entire color channels or individually

fig. Gradient in RGB (gradient from gradient pack 1)

fig. Change color mode via image menu

fig. Same gradient but using channels in CMYK mode

fig. Color channels in LAB mode

fig. Same gradient but in grayscale

Gradients / plug-in effects Gradients can be combined with plug-in effects. Select the gradient tool, apply the gradient, and then apply the plug-in effect, this sequence can be repeated creating unusual layered gradient designs. Favorite of mine is combinations of noise, blur and gradients.

fig. Gradient from gradient pack 1 before effects applied

fig. Gradient with watercolor plugin applied

fig. Twirl plugin applied

fig. Tiles plugin applied

fig. Crystallize plugin effect applied

Gradients / match color Use the gradients as a source file for the match color plug-in, add color to an image based on the color of the gradient. Match color is in the adjustments section (image menu)

fig. Gradient from gradient pack 1

fig. Match color (image menu) Set the source to the gradient and set the luminance and intensity etc

fig. Image with match color applied using gradient (via match color)

Gradients / patterns You can use the gradient also as a source for patterns or displacements. Apply the gradient or multiple gradients combined, use a tile tool such as Terrazzo or Tilemaker (native ImageReady plug-in) and then define a pattern using the tiled gradient. Apply as a pattern in layer effects or pattern fill content Another way to create a tile for a pattern, select a quarter of the design and then copy and paste the three corners (reflected) to create a seamless design fig. Gradient applied (pack 1 gradient)

fig. Define pattern via edit menu

fig. Create a tile via copying a quarter of the design

fig. Use layer > new fill layer > pattern or apply using layer effects pattern overlay

fig. Pattern set to 25% fill

Gradients and masks Click the edit in quick mask mode and apply a gradient or two and then return to normal edit mode. Instant selection. Apply an effect or even apply a gradient to the masked or inverted masked region.

fig. Gradient source (from pack 2)

fig. Click quick mask mode and then apply gradient to the mask

fig. Exit the quick mask mode, you have a selection

fig. Apply effect (watercolor) to the selected area

Gradient / new channel (alpha) Go to the channel palette and create a new channel. Fill the channel with a gradient. Load selection using the alpha channel. Apply a gradient or effects to the selected or inverted selection region

fig. Original source gradient from gradients pack 2

fig. Create new channel

fig. Select channel (alpha) and apply gradient

fig. Load selection via selection menu (alpha channel)

fig. Effects and gradients applied to the selected region of an image (based on the gradient)

Gradient and displacement maps You can also apply a displacement map or glass effect to a gradient via the distort menu. The gradient can also be used to create a new displacement map. Apply a gradient using methods mentioned earlier. Use the tile maker plug-in to create a tile (or a third party pattern tool) and then save that as a PSD file and apply to any image Apply the displacement map in the displace filter, glass filter, filter gallery, texturizer etc

fig. Gradient from pack 1 before glass effect

fig. Frosted glass applied to gradient

fig. The gradients can be used as a source for glass or displace filter. Use the reflected gradient (or any of the others) to create tiles and then saved to PSD and then use displace / glass filters to load the map files Many different designs can be created even from a basic gradient

Gradients and actions Gradients can be applied via an action palette. Record a gradient (and repeat gradients) combined with effects etc and then re-apply using the action palette

fig. Gradients are recordable, information concerning gradient as well as position and length , midpoints, stops etc are stored

fig. Gradient action re-applied three times

fig. Gradient action repeated mixed with blurs etc

fig. Gradient action applied once

fig. Gradient action repeated and color manipulation applied

Gradients and Pixel Bender A very useful plug-in for Photoshop is the Pixel Bender. The tool is not included in Photoshop but the plugin can be downloaded from the Adobe site. The gradient source files can be manipulated in 100s of ways using the Pixel bender presets such as smudge, convergence etc. The filter effects can be combined in zillions of ways

fig. A gradient from pack 1 turned into a 70s TV graphic

fig. Spherize filter applied

fig. Pixelate pixel bender filter applied to gradient blend fig. Powerful (though still relatively unknown) plugin tool from Adobe: Pixel Bender. Plug-in manipulating the pixels of a gradient from pack 1

Gradients and brushes and stroke layer effect The gradient can be added to a layer effect stroke setting, any brush strokes applied to the layer (depending on the color of the brush stroke) will take on the gradient stroke. The gradient brush stroke does require a little trial and error depending on the gradient and the effect to be achieved. The gradient can be applied outer / inside (my favorite) or center as well as a shape burst or radial etc setting.

fig. The layer effect is set with a stroke setting and shape burst and inside - gradient from gradients pack 1

fig. Brush applied with layer effect (stroke) and color set to black.

Gradients and layers and frames Another way to create a quick frame is to use a layer effect. Create a new layer and fill with black. Go to the layer styles dialog (layers menu) and then stroke setting, set to inside position and set size. Then go to the blending options and set the fill opacity to 0% to allow for the layer below to be seen.

fig. Create new layer for the frame. Set the whole frame to black

fig. Stroke settings: set the gradient and set the style to shapeburst or linear or radial etc and the scale and size

Set the fill opacity to 0 to allow for the underlying image to be seen - frame

fig. Instead of using linear, the shapeburst is used.

fig. End result frame using linear gradient (gradient from gradient pack)

Gradients and text Use the gradients to create colorful text. Either add a gradient to text as a layer OR via a selection OR via layer styles (there are probably a few other ways, as with most things in Photoshop)

fig. Text with a gradient applied using the layers effect dialog (layers menu) and gradient overlay fig. Gradient applied to the selected area (the T design)

fig. The color of the text is unchanged but a layer > new fill is applied. In this case the fill layer is set to difference blending mode

fig. Text with a gradient applied via the stroke layer effects dialog - using the shapeburst setting and center style

Gradients and 3D (Extended) Use a layer with a gradient and then modify the layer in 3D (extended only) Go to the 3D menu and select new 3D postcard from layer then go to the 3D tools such as 3D rotate

fig. Original gradient fill layer

fig. Layer is rotated using the 3D rotate tool (sadly the gradient doesn’t extend forever as a 3D gradient)

Gradient and 3D (Extended) Create a layer with a gradient (layers menu or use the gradient tool - you could also combine different gradients etc) Then go to the 3D menu and select new shape from layer (cylinder etc)

fig. Layer before being turned into a new shape

fig. Layer turned into a spherical panorama (quite an interest shape as you can use it to create some truly interesting and weird color effects from a gradient) - using the 3D rotate etc tools

fig. As a ring. fig. Layer has been converted into a 3D shape via the new shape from layer menu (cylinder was selected but there are other types)

Gradients and 3D (Extended) The new shape from layer also can be used in combination with other layers (same or different gradient filled or perhaps with a shape etc) and then combining using different blending modes to the gradient layers. You can then use the 3D rotate and pan etc tools to transform and blending the layers to create many different weird and wonderful shape designs from basic gradients.

fig. Using the gradient from the previous page but now two gradients converted to 3D spherical panoramas and blending modes of difference - explore many different color effects in seconds (could be exclusion, darken as well) and also you could also combine even more gradients or single color or patterns into the design.

fig. Subtle changes result in different gradient combinations

fig. Same gradients, subtle rotate in 3D

fig. Exclusion 3D layers

Gradients and 3D (Extended) Create a gradient on a new layer (either via the fill layer or gradient tool) 3D menu > New mesh from grayscale (select sphere etc) Save the design as a 3D model for use in 3D applications etc

fig. Original source gradient on layer

fig. Effects can be applied to the mesh such as noise filter

fig. 3D menu > new mesh from grayscale. Use this design to export as OBJ etc

fig. 3D rotate the mesh

Animations The gradients can be used in animations. Add the gradients to layers and then go to the animation palette and use the make frames from layers to create gradient frames.

fig. Animation palette and make frames function

fig. Animation from the gradient

Examples of the gradients from the gradients packs The following pages show the gradients from the various gradients packs from

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