How To Create an Engaging Pitch Deck

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HOW TO CREATE AN ENGAGING PITCH-DECK? The future depends on what you do today. - Gandhi

Airbnb is a great success story today, at market valuation of $30 billion. But in 2008, when Airbnb was getting started, the founders struggled for fund and they even thought of investors ridiculed their idea. When Later on the founders pinched their idea to an MBA student, back when they wanted it to be an air mattress rental company. Creating an effective pitch deck or raising capital form an investor is really time consuming and difficult job. And when it comes to the importance of pitch-deck, it is crucially important for startups to get off the ground. And you will find yourself struggling especially if you are low on funds or lack design skills. When it comes to an engaging pitch-desk, it’s not just about your slideshow skills, considering a compelling design, visually engaging slides , crisp updated content, and overall market research can be a good start. Pitch deck narrates about your business.

1. CREATE CONTENT AND OUTLINE STRUCTURE. Structure and content are the pillars of a successful presentations and pitch deck is a presentation. In order to create a successful pitch deck, internet can suggest you what elements should be included. Good amount of time and research is needed to study the art of fund raising for those who wants to succeed. First, outline the structure of the pitch deck and write content for each element.   

Header Core message Explanation

Try to write the content in bullet points as it looks more structured and engaging. And once it’s complete, do a proof reading before taking it to another level. Try to cut down the uninformative content off the slide, it will help you bold out your message.

2. DESIGN PRESENTATION LAYOUT AND TEMPLATES The overall design layout will change the content into tempting and engaging presentation and that’s the key to the nice and clean pitch deck. The design elements should be kept in mind while creating the templates.

COLOR On the 1st slide, put the logo of the company with company name and use main colors of your brand. The brand colors will reflect the message more powerfully than using those traditional old colures.

FONTS Simple and sober fonts are more appealing and look clean on the presentation. Those fancy fonts will surely look good but you are here for capital rising. Remember!

SLIDE LAYOUTS The design and placement of elements on the slide is what makes it a captivating pitch deck. The title, core message, further elaboration and footer are important. Company logo, copyright seal and page number generally comes under footer section.


ICONS AND PICTURES Pictures and icons are the 2 important design elements when it comes to pitch deck. Icons cover-up every aspect of life from web design to your personal navigation. While pictures could be little bit complicated when you won’t able to find the one that looks engaging on your pitch-deck. It’s better to use instead of stock images and other natural ones that won’t go on the slides.

There are plenty of websites on the web which offers large free downloadable icons and they can be customizing also according to user need.

Don’t forget to include the contribution link if you are using it for free. 

CHARTS Charts are the ideal way to play with numbers and they are more compelling and give a broad idea about figures and why it’s important.

PRODUCT VISUALISATIONS AND SCREE SHOTS Screenshots and mockups give the best message about the product with minimal description.

TIMELINE The best way to visualize what and when the specific event happened or scheduled is through timeline.

4. SHARPEN YOUR SLIDES And here are some of tips that can help your pitch deck stand out professionally. 

HIGHLIGHT TEXT And on some slides you definitely have some important text, make sure you emphasize that. Give enough space between the important texts after all it’s a phrase, not a sentence and use font’s size that are bigger and bold. Use accent colors to highlight the text.

INAPPROPRIATE WHITESPACE Take a look to the slides and identify and resolve the uneven spaces between the contexts. Rearrange the text according to the need or how its goanna look engaging. Put whitespace between the footer and the slider on slides ignoring the frame where core message is not present.

USE FILLED BOXES AND IMAGES FOR BACKGROUND So now, you are o the final stage in the tuning process. Years of experience of experts has shown that the proper mix of the different background (filled, image-based and plain) is for highly effective presentation. Use 1 image per slide and filled background for every 2-3 plain slide. Don’t go for the too plain and simple design, rather use filled/image background.

So yes, it’s done. How it’s looking? Interesting and engaging? huh! So now I believe that this article will help you stand out the crowd with your interesting pitch-deck. Feel free to share your ideas. Leave your comments and thoughts about this guide SOURCE:

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