Otsego County 4-H Calf Sale - Sat., March 26, 2022

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2nd Dam of Lot 38


Ovaltop Braxton Nirel

436 Chyle Rd.

Born 5/18/2012 Reg. 142123656 100%RHA






8th Dam: VG-87


Kueffner Holstein & Jersey Sale 2016 K u e fKf nueerf f H n eorl sHt eoilns t& e i nJ e&r s Je ey rSs ea yl e S2a0l e1 62 0 1 6

Maternal Sister to Lots J18 & J19 Marynole Excite Rosey (EX-93) Maternal Sister Maternal Lots Sister J18to & Lots J19 J183.8 & 829 J19 4-09 2to305 21550 5.8 1254 Marynole Excite Marynole Rosey ExciteNY Rosey 1st 5Y, Sr. & Res. Grand Spring ‘15 (EX-93) (EX-93) 1st, Res. Sr. & HM Grand Mid Atlantic ‘15 4-09 2 305 4-09 21550 2 305 5.8 1254 21550 3.8 5.8 829 1254 3.8 829 1st, Res. Sr. & Res. Grand 1st 5Y, Sr. & 1stRes. 5Y, Grand Sr.MD & Res. NY Spring Grand NY ‘15 Spring ‘15 State Fair ‘15 Woodmohr Indiana Rosebud (EX-94) 1st, Res. Sr. 1st, &Res. HM Res. Grand Sr. &Mid HMAtlantic Grand Mid ‘15 Atlantic All-American 4-Year-Old 2014‘15 Sr.1st, & Res. Res. Grand Sr.Sr.&&Res. Dam of Lots J18, J19, J20 & J22 - 2nd Dam of Lot J21 1st, Res. 2nd 4Y, Res. Res.Grand Grand MD StateInternational Fair MD‘15 State Show Fair ‘15 ‘14 Woodmohr Woodmohr Indiana Indiana Rosebud Rosebud (EX-94)(EX-94) Res. All-American Res. All-American 4-Year-OldMD 4-Year-Old 2014 2014 Supreme Champion State Fair ‘14 Dam ofDam Lots J18, of Lots J19, J18, J20 J19, & J22 J20 & 2nd J22 Dam 2nd of Dam Lot J21 of Lot J21 2nd 4Y, Res. 2nd Sr. 4Y, & Res. Res. Grand Sr. & Res. ROSEBUDS PREMIER RHYME-ET Res. All American Sr. 3YGrand 2013 International International Show ‘14 Show ‘14 2nd Sr. 3Y & HM Intermediate 3125141628 Supreme Champion Supreme MD Champion State Fair MD ‘14 State Kathleen OKeefe, International Show ‘13 Fair ‘14 Born: October 8, 2015 American ID: 378 / 378 Res. All American ROSEBUDS ROSEBUDS PREMIER PREMIER RHYME-ET RHYME-ET Res.All AllSr. American 3Y 2013 Sr.3Y 3Y2013 2013 Ernest Kueffner & Terri Packard Res. Canadian Sr. 2nd Sr. 3Y 2nd Sr.& Intermediate 3YIntermediate & HM Intermediate Boonsboro, MD 1st & Sr.HM 2Y Champion 3125141628 3125141628 Kathleen OKeefe, Kathleen OKeefe, International International Show ‘13 Show Show‘12 ‘13 International 301/639-2924 Born: October Born: October 8, 2015 American 8, 2015 American ID: 378 / ID: 378378 / 378 Res. All Canadian Ernest Kueffner Ernest & Kueffner Terri Packard & Terri Packard Res.All-American AllSr. Canadian 3Y 2013Sr. Sr. 2Y 3Y 2012 2013 Res. Boonsboro, Boonsboro, MD MD 2Y &1stIntermediate Sr. 2Y & Intermediate Champion Res. All-Canadian Sr. 2YChampion 2012 ROSEBUDS PREMIER REASON-ET 1st Sr. International International Show ‘12 Show ‘12 301/639-2924 301/639-2924 3125141627 Res. All-American Res. All-American Sr. 2Y 2012Rosebud Sr. 2Y 2012 3rd Dam: SHF Brook Kathleen OKeefe, Res. All-Canadian Sr. 2Y 2012Sr. 2Y 2012 Born: October 10,PREMIER 2015 American ID 379 / 379 Res. All-Canadian ROSEBUDS ROSEBUDS PREMIER REASON-ET REASON-ET (VG-88) Ernest Kueffner & 5-10 2 280 16930 5.4 914 3.7 626 Terri Packard 3125141627 3125141627 3rd Dam: SHF 3rd Dam: Brook SHF Rosebud Brook Rosebud Kathleen OKeefe, Kathleen OKeefe, Maternal Sisters: Boonsboro, MD Born: October Born: October 10, 2015 10, American 2015 American ID 379 / 379 ID 379 / 379 (VG-88) (VG-88) Ernest Kueffner Ernest & Kueffner & SHF Duncan Roses (EX-93) 301/639-2924 5-10 2 280 5-10 16930 5.4 914 16930 3.75.4 626 3.73.5 626722 8-022 2280 305 20920 4.9914 1034 Terri Packard Terri Packard Maternal Sisters: Maternal Sisters: Sire: ISDK Skae Ide Dam of SHF Renaissance Rosie (EXBoonsboro, Boonsboro, MD MD SHF Duncan SHF Roses Duncan (EX-93) Roses (EX-93) 91) Dam: DNK 25490 01966 301/639-2924 301/639-2924 8-02 2 305 8-02 20920 2 305 4.9 1034 20920 3.5 4.9Jug 722 1034 3.5 722 CDCB GPTA 99%R -798M 23F 5P 4/2016 Res. Champion Jersey Futurity ‘00 Sire:62ISDK Sire: Skae ISDK Ide Skae Ide Dam of SHF Dam Renaissance of SHF Renaissance Rosie (EX-Rosie (EXSHF Renaissance Roe-ET (EX-92) AJCA GPTAT 99%R 0.9 GJUI 10.9 GJPI 97%R 91)5.2 850 3.7 611 Dam: DNKEX-95 Dam: 25490DNK 01966 25490 01966 7-01 2-11 91) 2 305 16470 CDCB GPTA CDCB 99%R GPTA -798M 99%R 23F -798M 5P 4/2016 23F 5P 4/2016 Res. Champion Res.SHF Jersey Champion Jug Futurity Jersey Rosette-ET Jug ‘00Futurity ‘00 4-10 2 305 21410 4.8 1026 3.8 823 Renaissance SHF Renaissance SHF Renaissance Roe-ET (EX-92) Roe-ET (EX-92) AJCA GPTAT AJCA 99%R GPTAT 0.9 GJUI 99%R10.9 0.9 GJPI GJUI97%R 10.9 GJPI 62 97%R 62 (EX-90) EX-95 7-01EX-95 7-01 2-11 2 3053-10 2-11 16470 305 5.2 17010 850 16470 3.75.4 5.2 611 8503.9 3.7661 611 EX-94 6-09 22287 913 4-10 2 3054-10 21410 2 305 4.8 1026 214103.84.8 823 1026 3.8 823 SHF Renaissance SHF Renaissance Rosette-ET 3-05 2 294 10460 4.5 475 3.6 380 4th Dam: Rosalea ImpsRosette-ET S J Beauty Sire: Hollylane Renaissance (CAN EX) (EX-90) (EX-90) 4-04 2 305 16166 4.2 675 3.5 569 (EX-91) Dam: C Tops Impressive (EX-95) EX-94 6-095-08 EX-942 6-09 3-10 2 287 17010 2 287 5.4 913 17010 3.95.4 661913 661 305 20043 4.4 891 3.4 689 4-063-10 2 305 20100 5.0 1006 3.93.9 781 3-05 2 2942nd 3-05 10460 2 294 4.5 10460 475 3.6 4.5 380 475 3.6 380 National Jersey Jug Winner ‘96 Rosalea 4th4-Year-Old Dam: Imps Rosalea SNY J Beauty Imps SShow J Beauty 5-Year-Old PA All-American ‘13 Sire: Hollylane Sire:Renaissance Hollylane Renaissance (CAN EX) (CAN EX) 4th Dam: 1st Spring ‘94 4-04 2 3054-04 16166 2 305 4.2 16166 675 3.54.2 569 675 3.5 569 (EX-91) 1st (EX-91) Member 1st Daughter/ Dam PA All-American Dam: ‘13 C Tops 5-Year-Old NY State Fair ‘95 Dam: Impressive C Tops (EX-95) Impressive (EX-95) 5-08 2 3055-08 20043 2 305 4.4 20043 891 3.44.4 689 891 3.4 689 4-06 2 3055th 4-06 20100 2 305 5.0Roselea 1006 201003.9 5.0 781 1006 3.9 781 Dam: Imps Beauty 2nd 5-Year-Old Maryland State Fair ‘13 National Jersey National Jug Winner Jersey Jug ‘96 Winner ‘96 VG-88 4-00 2nd 5-Year-Old 2nd 5-Year-Old PA All-American PA All-American ‘13 ‘13 1st 4-Year-Old 1st 4-Year-Old NY Spring NY Show Spring ‘94 Show ‘94 (CAN GP-83) 8th 5-Year-Old International Jersey Show ‘13 3-11 2 267 11190 4.8 536 3.8 430 Member 1stMember Daughter/ 1stDam Daughter/ PA All-American Dam PA All-American ‘13 ‘13 1st 5-Year-Old 1st 5-Year-Old NY State Fair NY ‘95 State Fair ‘95 Dam: Roselea General’s Beauty Maternal Sister: WMF S C Tequilla Rose (EX-90) 2 Classified Daughters, EX-90 & EX-94 5th Dam: 6th Roselea 5th Dam: Imps Roselea Beauty Imps Beauty 2nd 5-Year-Old 2nd 5-Year-Old Maryland State Maryland Fair ‘13 State Fair ‘13 (CAN VG-87) VG-88 4-00VG-88 4-00 3-01 2 256 14680 5.1 744 3.7 544 (CAN GP-83) (CAN GP-83) 8th 5-Year-Old 8th 5-Year-Old International International Jersey ShowJersey ‘13 Show ‘133-11 2 2673-1111190 2 267 4.8 11190 536593.84.8 430 536 3.8 430 6th Dam: Roselea 6th Dam: General’s Roselea Beauty General’s Beauty Maternal Sister: Maternal WMF Sister: S C Tequilla WMF S C Rose Tequilla (EX-90) Rose (EX-90) 2 Classified2Daughters, Classified Daughters, EX-90 & EX-94 EX-90 & EX-94 (CAN VG-87) (CAN VG-87) 3-01 2 2563-01 14680 2 256 5.1 14680 744 3.75.1 544 744 3.7 544




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